Monday, June 14, 2010

El Clon Monday June 14: Discussion

Just to catch everyone up on today’s plot developments –

Marisa manages to make her accusation stick and Alejandro spends the night in jail. Leo and Lucas are no longer so sure of his innocence and refuse to help with his legal expenses. Lucia looks like she may be suspicious of Marisa, but doesn’t say anything. Gloria is furious and goes to the Ferrer house to confront la vieja bruja de Marisa. And the despairing Nati is finally receptive to Fernando’s invitation that she try smoking dope. He tells her that in dealing with his family problems:
Ha sido lo único que me ha podido ayudar
It's the only thing that has been able to help me.

Jade and Lucas elude discovery at Said’s house. She does the sword dance for him and they spend the night together; he escapes in the morning, once again disguised as the burka-clad Jamile.

Daniel is “remembering” things that happened in Lucas’s life, the veiled dance of a beautiful Arab woman.
La miro y la deseo.
I watch her and I desire her, he says.
He is oddly attracted to the culture of the desert. He still believes Albi is his father and would like him back with his mother, Dora.

An elegantly depressed Cristina, stunning in her black leotard, accepts that her break with Leo is definitive. Leo seems ready to work things out with Amelia.

We learn that the Arab who owns the new bar on Brickell is none other than Said. So we’ll soon see Malicia and Said crossing paths.

Karla and Hilda are gunning for Roberto at the Club.

Okay, now discuss among yourselves!


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Thanks Novela Maven for the summary.

FYI - There was an interesting article
in the NYT Magazine about American Muslim women who choose to wear the full veil thingy. It's not what Lucas had on yesterday but the over-the-nose veil like Lucas wore when he crashed Jade's wedding.

Really, not that much happened - Jade did the sword dance for Lucas - yawn.

We're expected to believe that not only is Lucas' love for Jade part of his genetic makeup but that so are the circumstances of how he met her.

What the %#@$ is the matter with Leo and Lucas that they can't support Nati? Have they never heard of innocent until proven guilty? They can't get Alej out on bail and get him a good lawyer?

And since when does the person who was robbed get to take the stolen property home before the trial of the robber? The necklace is evidence. I was right that Marisa just substituted the necklace she put in the car for the one she reported stolen. Andrea has figured this out.

I'm guessing that the whole case against Alej will fall apart but not before Nati turns to drugs and we all know that Alej can never be with anyone who takes drugs.

Lucia's in a bit of a pickle. She is sure Marisa did something fishy. She can't prove it. Even if she could, she risks her husband's position at Ferrer, Inc. Tough to be caught and squeezed emotionally/morally like that. I've never thought Lucia did more than hang on to Marisa to feel important and to help her hubby's career. She's an insecure person and of course, Marisa is headstrong and wreckless because for decades now she's had nobody to really tell her "No" about anything she feels or thinks or wants --except Lucas and that's been wishy-washy at best.

Ok. Andrea and MamaRosa know it was a diamond necklace; somewhere along the line one of them has to tell Lucas or Leo and then the detective and Alej's public defender. Until then, we may see Nati slide into the clutches of demon weed.....

As for Jade and Lucas' stolen night, that makes twice now that she's been with him, so could pregnancy be far behind or has she been taking her herbal birth control? No thoughts about explaining that possible pregnancy and the fact it could ruin her chances for the divorce to be finalized? ....Anyway, I felt absolute mortification for Zoraida to have been dragged into this childish stunt of Jade and Lucas's that I couldn't enjoy their finally getting together again. It was really something I'd expect of teenagers, or young 20-somethings, but not of people nearing 40-something.

I felt the same way about what Jade was doing to Zoraida. There's no way that Rania isn't going to tell Said about the mysterious grieving widow who came to visit. Said is a lot smarter than Abdul and if this widow can be proved not to exist, Zoraida was clearly complicit in what Jade did. She does all this when she would be free in 3 months. If she gets pregnant, she has no one to blame but herself.

NovelaMaven, thanks so much for the summary, which even included some helpful Spanish. It would be great if Jean and PaulaH are also willing to supply this sort of summary, which I assume took somewhat less time than a full-blown recap (but, I suspect, still a considerable amount of time and effort). At any rate, I really appreciate it!

Once the decision was made to stop the recaps, I was thinking of giving up on "El Clon." I've somehow found myself trying to follow three TNs at once, and I was looking for any reason to pare that down to no more than two. "El Clon" helped things along by becoming even more repetitious and tedious. But I am curious to see how things play out, and the new possible twist with Malicia working for Said at a bar (haram!) is intriguing. But watching Nati go down the druggie path is a turn-off. I dunno.

I guess for a while I can skip watching "Soy Tu Dueña," which is so far a piece of [expletive deleted] and just read the recaps, at least until TBLMOE appears. Also, "¿Dónde Está Elisa?" gives signs of being close to a conclusion, though nothing has been said about últimos capítulos, so perhaps they'll drag that TN out far too long. Sigh. But that's the one I've been finding most interesting, though I'm really sorry that there are no CarayCaray recaps for DEE.

Jean, thanks very much for the link to the NYTimes Magazine article about veiled American muslim women. I found it really fascinating. And I agree with just about everything you said in your comment on last night's episode, including the yawn over Jade's again doing the sword dance for Lucas. And I too am both puzzled and angry that both Leo and Lucas have decided not to help Nati and Alej. That seemed like an improbable turn of events, given their support just a day or so ago. But, of course, improbability is the life's blood of TNs! And only that can explain how Marisa gets to take home her "stolen" necklace before the trial.

Jardinera, I was thinking the same thing about the danger (no, this is a telenovela, so make that the likelihood) that Jade will become pregnant. She obviously never learns. She and Lucas are very well matched in that respect.

I frankly think this TN has been needlessly bloated with uninteresting subplots (e.g., Karla) and repetition. I know that many people object to the drastically abridged versions of TNs that are available for purchase, but I suspect that in this case such a version would be an improvement.

OK, enough whining for one day, or at least for one message!

N-Maven, thanks for the summary. I totally missed that Said is the "Arab" owner of the bar where Malicia was given a job. Would Luisa really have that much clout with Said to recommend an employee to him? Oh well. Thanks very much, all who summarize and discuss--it's very helpful!

That Times article was interesing, Jean. The right and/or obligation to wear the veil is a polemical topic -- just look at the proposed legislation to ban it in France on the grounds that it foments religious discord.

As for the necklace --
When challenged by Andrea, Marisa asknowledges that it's a different one and then claims that it was also stolen. The Key Biscayne PD are looking pretty inept for all the reasons everyone has already mentioned and yet it's not so far-fetched that a rich, nasty person with a perceived link to power could cause a lot of legal problems for someone without money or power. Let's hope it's just a temporary wrinkle.

Lucas, with his failure to support Alej and Nati, is a huge disappointment. I'm disappointed in Leo, too, although I never fully trusted him.
Dora wants Cristina to talk some sense into Daniel. If this meeting happens, then Cristina would be the first person to meet the grown-up Daniel who also knows Lucas (and is a friend of Jade, to boot)
Jardinera: I agree that Lucia is an insecure person but I feel, besides her mishigos about Roberto, that she is a kind-hearted person. I hope she does the right thing.

As compelling as that sword dance may be, I couldn't watch it without worrying about Zoraida either and I couldn't stop fretting about a pregnancy, a child that would be taken away by Said, regardless of who the father was, unless Lucas and Jade are planning to run away before the three months are up.

NovelaMaven, thank you once again for the summary, I appreciate it.

Jean, thanks for the article. I live in Houston and I see women frequently in their Muslim garb. It is beyond me why they choose to dress the way they do. Sometimes I think they like the attention. Your religious beliefs are just that, no something you wear like a neon sign. Enough said.

If Marisa and Lucas are getting a divorce why are they letting that viper live in the same house?

Jade and Lucas never cease to amaze me with their adolescent behavior. They both need to grow up. Zoraida needs to go back to Fez before Jade gets her into real trouble.


We'll try to do exactly that -- write a little summary of each show so we can all keep up with our favorite not so guilty pleasure! Thanks so much for being so supportive all along!

I do read El Clon recaps/comments everyday, but don't say much, cuz ya'll pretty much cover what's on my mind.

Muchos gracias!!

NovelaMaven, Jean, and PaulaH,
¡Muchísimas gracias! I'm delighted to hear that you'll be offering these brief but very helpful summaries.

Rosemary, I often agree with what you say, but I see the issue of Muslim garb quite differently than you do. I don't think that Muslim women choose to cover themselves to attract attention; they do so out of religious belief. The fact that their dress attracts attention is a result, not a cause, of their choice. If they lived somewhere where most women dressed this way, they'd undoubtedly still make the same choice, even though it didn't attract attention.

Aha. I knew Said was involved in some kind of haraam due to the fact that he's pretty rich but is rarely at work.

The summaries found through Google say that El Clon deals with issues regarding Islam, human cloning, and drug trafficking. Does anyone else think Said is also making lots of $ through drugs? (Or else, I wonder where the drug trafficking will pop up?)

RE: The Cessation of Recaps
I also read daily, although I don't comment as often. Ever since Jade's dance for Said and Marisa, I've wanted to type "Olé!" She killed it, and I cheered loudly.

*~Erin - I'm not suggesting that Said isn't involved in something criminal but people on novelas (and soap operas) never seem to go to work or do anything work-like when they are there. The exception on El Clon seems to be Gloria who is always serving food to someone.

NovelaMaven, you wrote:

it's not so far-fetched that a rich, nasty person with a perceived link to power could cause a lot of legal problems for someone without money or power.

That is true. What would probably happen in real life is that Alej would be pressured to plead down to a lesser charge by threats - if not, you'll go to prison for 30 years, or reality - do you want to bankrupt your family for this? Then he would have a criminal record even though he didn't do anything. It happens all the time.

Your summary, NM, helped alleviate my severe withdrawal from full blown recaps. Thanks. Appreciate the mini Spanish lesson, too.

For the first time since the novela started, I became bored with Jade and Lucas. Not too bright, those two.

And what's with Lucas believing for one second that Malicia is telling the truth about Alej? Leo maybe, but Lucas??? Now it's time for household gossip Mama Rosa to speak up quickly and loudly.

The way this novela and another I'm watching (Donde Esta Elisa) depict US policemen as genetically stupid. It's kind of insulting.

The discussion is fun. Still miss those recaps, however. But thanks again for the summary, which helped a lot. Lois Anonymous

Hi, all. I haven't posted for a couple of days because I'm completely in the thrall of the World Cup and spend all my time watching DVR'd episodes of the games. I got bitten by this bug in 1986 when I was in a relationship with a Brazilian. I don't watch much futbol except during the World Cup or when Mexico or the US play in between. I work with tons of Mexicans and there's lots of good natured teasing when the two teams play.

I want to sincerely thank Jean, Paula, and NovelaMaven for your outstanding efforts recapping thus far. I've done some substitute re-capping and know how time consuming it is. I can understand that lack of comments must be discouraging. Thanks a million for what you've done.

I agree with whoever said that Telemundo's offerings are much more interesting than the predictable, overwrought stuff they show on Univision.

I completely agree that Lucas and Leo really failed Nati. I hope that this is a red herring about the joint, and that this is a one-time thing for Natalia. That little creep Fernando needs a swift kick for pushing her so much. But that's what addicts do; they want company.

Someone has to call Marisa on the planted necklace. I don't have much hope for Gloria's confronting her having any result. She's just going to confirm Marisa's opinion of Alej's family. I was glad to see Alej shout to Nati that he loves her. Looks like this isn't going to drive him away from her.

NovelaMaven: BTW, yes, thankyou for the summary this A.M. Guess I was disappointed in Lucas's attitude as well, though I believe his ....head was somewhere else because he left very quickly after his little talk with Leo and Nati. Maybe once he's back home and has a chance to think it through, he'll come up with something better, but I don't see that it's his responsibility or Leo's to help with Alej's bail in any case. Mama Gloria will probably have to use her restaurant as collateral to help with her son's bail. I don't understand why Pablo, knowing it would only lead to a fracas, would take Gloria to the Ferrer's before going to the police station with her. He's the most sensible of the bunch and the most mature. I'd think he could/should put his foot down and make her see reason somewhere along the line.

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