Friday, June 11, 2010

El Clon Thursday June 10: A Comedy in which Jade channels Lucy but Abdul prefers gallows humor – with real gallows.

We open where we left off, in the park of Daniel’s childhood. Albi tells Daniel that he can’t come live with him just yet. Luisa doesn’t know he’s back, her health is delicate… Ok, agrees Daniel cheerfully, let’s wait ‘til she recovers and then we’ll tell her. The Manipulator and the Manipulated walk off companionably, arms around each other.

In the Gilded Cage, Zoraida warns Jade to watch out for Amina and Rania because they are just waiting for her to make a mistake. Jade laughs off the warning and calls Lucas on the cell phone Latifa has reluctantly loaned her. She confides that she’s worried about her daughter. The lovers reassure each other.

Jade tells Zoraida that Said is going on a trip and insists that she’ll find a way to get Lucas in the house while Said is gone. Then Jade phones Lucas again and says:
Si tienes el valor de hacer lo que te voy a decir, tal vez podamos volver a vernos antes de lo que pensamos.
If you have the courage to do what I’m going to tell you, maybe we’ll be able to see each other sooner than we thought.

And in Mohamed’s house, Said is asking his brother to look after his household while he’s away. Make sure Jade doesn’t even get close to the front door, he says. Then the Naz breezes in, announces she’s going to the drugstore. But where’s our tea? grumps Said to her fleeing back. Hey, Said, don’t you think we should find the Naz a husband? wonders Mohamed.

Having made her escape, the Naz corners Ramoncito and asks him to arrange a date for her with Pablo; her house is full of people and she can’t get to the gym. That will be one pair of gold earrings says the amiable Ramón. You’ll have two pairs once you come through with the goods, promises the Naz.

Malicia meets up with Luisa who forks over the promised hush money.
Si sigues así, tu secreto siempre va a estar a salvo conmigo.
If you continue like this, your secret will always be safe with me, smirks Malicia.

At Empresa Ferrer, Nati and Andrea breeze past Clara, enter Lucas’s office unannounced and tell him that Marisa has accused Alejo of robbing her diamond necklace. He agrees to go to the police station to try to straighten things out.

Meanwhile, Alejo and Pablo have returned to Gloria’s and Alej is trying to convince his mother that it is just a misunderstanding (malentendido) but Pablo says bluntly that Nati’s mother has accused Alej of robbery. Gloria is furious, and has to be talked out of confronting Marisa; she insists on going to the police station with Pablo to file her own complaint (denuncia) against Marisa for slander (calumnia). Alej is upset with Pablo for getting Gloria involved but Pablo declares:
Esa fiera no va a salir con la suya. Es una injusticia.
That beast isn’t going to have her own way/get away with it. It’s an injustice.
Alej tries to stretch the tension out of his neck. Mohamed is watching closely from across the street.

A giggling girlish Lucy, er…I mean Jade enters, takes Rania’s hands and dances her around. I didn’t think you were so cheerful, observes Amina sourly. I’d be sad if I were getting divorced, says Rania. Well, yes, I am sad, so sad…temporizes Jade…I’m just trying to distract myself. Oh and by the way, you’re going to meet an old friend of mine later… a distant niece of Zoraida’s, very religious, wears a black burka covering all but her eyes. Such a sad story! Her novio died on her wedding day and since that day she hasn’t spoken.

At Mohamed’s they are talking about Gloria’s son being accused of robbery. Pobre doña Gloria, commiserates Ali. Abdul waxes nostalgic about the days when they punished thieves by cutting off a hand.

The hawk-eyed Naz enters Samira’s room to see if she and Jadiya want to go to the mall and spies a blood stain on her bed. ¡Qué alegría! she cries. (what joy!) and she rushes out to share the news with the gang that:
¡Samira fue bendecida! Su sangre ya bajó!
Samira has been blessed! She got her first period!

And at the police station, Gloria greets Nati:
Así tu eres la mocosa del cuento de horror!
So you’re the snot-nosed brat in this horror story!
Lucas enters and approaches the detective, telling him he’s there to find out (averiguar) what happened with Alejandro Cortés.

In Samira’s room, Jadiya is thrilled. She reminds her cousin that now she can have a husband chosen for her and he will cover her with gold and give her many children. Samira is devastated at the thought of being forced to wear the veil in public; she imagines the kids at school laughing at her. She pictures herself with a troop of little Prince Amins and is understandably horrified. Then the gang comes in to celebrate – Abdul, Ali, Mohamed, Latifa and the Naz, the latter waving a special, beautiful veil from Cairo which she’s been saving for just such an occasion.

The girl can think on her feet. Whoa… hold on… who says I got my period? I cut my hand and stained my sheet is all… The assembled faces fall.

Gloria is hollering at a policeman while Lucas is trying to convince the detective to leave Alejo alone. The detective says he has to investigate the complaint. Well, says Lucas, there’s no proof against Alej so the complaint will be withdrawn very soon.

Abdul catches Amin ogling Karla and warns him:
Casi todos los hombres pierden el alma por culpa de sus ojos.
Almost all men lose their souls because of their eyes.
He hustles him into the house with the cheery admonition to avoid roads leading to hell. Speaking of which, Karla with a K smiles and waves at Tío.

As Alejandro gets back to Gloria’s, Ramón is finishing up a phone conversation with Nati. He tells Alej that Nati’s father went to the police and spoke on his behalf.

At the Casa Ferrer, Lucas confronts Marisa angrily, tells her she’s behaving unscrupulously (sin escrúpulos). Don’t you give me morality lessons, she retorts. This necklace business stops here, says Lucas. I’m not letting you do harm to my daughter’s life!

When Lucas returns to the office, Clara hands him a mysterious brown box delivered by messenger. Lucas opens it and finds within a .. black burka! He recalls Jade’s voice:
Si tienes el valor de hacer lo que te voy a decir…
If you have the courage to do what I’m going to tell you...

Enrique comes in to Lucas’s office and tells him that Leo has approved all of Marisa’s financial demands for a divorce. Go ahead and finalize it, urges Lucas, so I can marry Jade. I’m finally going to leave my parents’ house for a new life with the woman I love!

Jade crows to Zoraida about how easy it has been to carry out her plan so far. This is the worst thing you’ve ever done, says Zoraida. And don’t forget that you have two enemies in this house just looking for your downfall. (caida)

Leo is telling Albieri that Lucas wants a new life but instead of looking to the future, he’s trying to return to the past, like an adolescent. Albieri asks him what he’d do if he had an adolescent Lucas sitting in front of him. How would you feel if I had cloned Lucas twenty years ago and you had that clone here? Leo tells him he would take the opportunity to correct his errors, that he short-changed Lucas and he would love to be able to go back and change that.

Daniel has returned to Dora’s house. Albieri is expected for dinner. Osvaldo comes home, hears that Albi is coming, and announces he’s going to Miguel’s, where he’ll spend the night. He and Dora argue, she tells him that if he leaves, he shouldn’t bother coming back.
Tus deseos son ordenes.
Your desires are orders/ your wish is my command, says Osvaldo.

Nati is with Fernando and Andrea. She calls Alejo, tells him her father believes in him and convinces him to come over to talk with Lucas. Fernando is now on his fourth beer, and Nati has joined him. Give me another, she says. Seriously, says Nati, if I’m the daughter she never wanted to have, then she’s the mother I never wanted to have.

Ramón tells Pablo that doña Nazira wants to see him – en privado!

Latifa and the Naz argue about Pablo. When the Naz leaves, Latifa is thrilled to hear Mohamed say that he is going to find a husband for the Naz. She is less than thrilled when he tells her he has made a doctor’s appointment for Samira so they can find out why she hasn’t yet gotten her period!

Jolly tío Abdul is telling the children stories. If you get up from your bed in the night, be sure to shake your sheets out before you get back in. You never know who might have been in your bed while you were gone. But Tío, who would lie down in your bed? Un genio de malo! he answers. An evil genie! But then unfortunately Abdul has to leave to go to Said’s house. His woman are alone and:
…él me pidió que no las descuidara. He asked me not to neglect them.

What was the name of the woman who’s coming to dinner tonight? the sisters ask Jade. Jamile, she replies. The bell rings and the smiling ladies approach the door. The Very Religious Sisters are delighted to see it is Tío Abdul. Jade and Zoraida, not so much…

The credits roll.


Great recap, as usual, NovelaMaven and I love, love, love the title.

Pardon me for the crankiness but haven't we already seen:

Lucas in a burqua;
Dora giving Osvaldo 'a don't come back' ultimatum (many times);
Zamira being discovered to have gotten her first period;
Lucas being sure that he and Jade will soon be happy in their own place; and
Amin ogling Karla (at least she was dressed (as dressed as she gets).
The only thing we didn't get a repeat of last night was Cristina making a scene at Leo's office and I'm afraid that's going to happen tonight!!!

Why is Albieri doing 'what if's' with Leo? Does he really think that having cloned Lucas, Leo will get another chance to be a good father? Notwithstanding the fact that unless Albieri invents a time machine, you don't get to go back and fix your past mistakes, Daniel isn't Lucas at 20.

I'm sure Lucas telling Marisa to end the necklace business is really going to stop her. Lucas needs to get Alej a good criminal defense lawyer (not Enrique).

Thanks, Jean! And don't worry about being a gruñona -- apparently most people here agree with you and they seem to be voting with their keyboards! (Not me though, I continue to think that repetition is inherent in a daily, lengthy TN and as long as the larger plot inches forward and I continue to enjoy the actors -- and I do -- I'm happy.)

But since we're alone here, I have a language question for you. After Gloria insults Nati at the police station, Pablo apologizes for her, explaining that she's just really upset. He says:

"Le cortan las venas y no bota sangre." (They cut her veins and she's not bleeding.)

I assume this means something like she's so upset, her blood has stopped running, it has curdled, ie it was a blood-curdling experience for her. So the question is: is this a fixed phrase? am I getting it right?

Thanks so much, NovelaMaven. Excellent work.

Could Gloria overact any more? She's a very pretty woman, but I wince every time she appears. I blame Alej for her treatment of Nati. He should have lectured his mother in a less emotionally charged time and insisted that the two meet long ago. She might have been able to be polite if her son's reputation weren't being impugned by the witch.

Jade, Jade. You've waited 20 years, and you can't wait three more months to have your dreams come true? Of course it would be too much to ask to have one of those Univision specialties - the time jump: tres meses después and show Jade walking out of the Gilded Cage, maybe even with Jadiya. No, she's got to risk it all.

God, Malicia doesn't stop, does she? And, if Luisa had any sense, she'd tell Albieri about her blackmail and the two of them together might be able to figure out a strategy.

The likely upcoming scene between a tall, mute, burqa-clad tragic widow and our Antediluvian Abdul is going to be funny, I expect.

Hmm, the English titles translated that as, "She loves her son and would die for him." I searched around the internet and didn't find any examples of that phrase.

I think we have to look at the whole sentence:
Ella ve por los ojos de su hijo y en ese momento le cortan las venas y no bota sangre.

She sees through the eyes of her son and at this moment her veins are cut (I think this is the passive use of the impersonal 'they') and blood doesn't flow.
Her blood doesn't flow because she is so protective of her son? Don't know. It's interesting, though.

Thanks, Novelera. You're right about Gloria's overacting. I find it hard to watch her, too. But I assume this interpretation was the decision of the director, not the actress, and the intention is to contrast her hot-blooded earth mother with Marisa's cold, reptilian unnatural mother.

By the way, I love your description of:

"The likely upcoming scene between a tall, mute, burqa-clad tragic widow and our Antediluvian Abdul..."
Thanks for thinking that phrase through, Jean. The idea of protecting her son makes sense, but it's a stretch for me... it IS interesting.

I'll ask my study partner, Paulino, about the mystery sentence. So check back.

Well, here's what Paulino said about the FIRST part of the mystery phrase. I don't yet have an answer for the second part.

Existe una expresion que dice, cierta persona son los ojos de otra persona. Eso significa que, cierta persona es muy querida por la otra. Por ejemplo si tu quieres mucho mucho a tu sobrino se dice tu sobrino es tus ojos.

Paulino didn't know the meaning of the second part of the mystery sentence. I suggested that it might be a phrase from Cuba or elsewhere in the Carribean, and he agreed that was probable, since he had never heard it.

One more thing: If Jade manages to smuggle Lucas into her bedroom, I hope she has some condoms or mystery herbs from Morocco. If she winds up preggers, she'll have to go back to Said no matter whose baby it is.

Thanks for doing all that legwork, Paula. Pues, ¡quedamos con la duda!

Man the whole burka thing with lucas is old, I mean, it was ridiculous the first time. And now, like someone above says, she could get pg and HAVE to stay with Said, it;s like she wants to sabotage herself. I always thought it was strange she didn;t get pg all the OTHER times she slept with Lucas, I mean, rolling around in the dirt at the Ruins? Please.
As for Samira and the period thing, let's move on. She needs to put on the veil and get over it. Lying to her father month after month, and involving her mom...? Poor Gazella. She has never disobeyed mos wishes before. Bad daughter!! And Marisa? Alej needs to put HER in the ring and put her out of our misery. Or at least run her over with his car.

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