Tuesday, June 15, 2010

El Clon Tuesday June 15: Summary and Discussion

Okay folks, here’s tonight’s update:

Gloria and Pablo’s visit to Marisa gains nothing but a threatened restraining order. Gloria isn’t even allowed to see Alej in jail. Finally Natalia saves the day by confessing that she stole the necklace – so she could wear it to the prom.
Yo te lo iba a devolver
I was going to give it back to you, says Nati innocently.
Alej is freed and Marisa is left to swallow her own venom.
The accusation has done its damage, though, and Leo is no longer offering Alej a job in the company. Alej himself says they need to let things cool down a bit. Nati is feeling very alone.

Said again mentions the dinner for Leo Ferrer, tells Jade that she and Rania have to go, and that of course Lucas will be there.

Rania tells Said about the visit from Zoraida’s friend who spent the night in Jade’s room. When she sees how angry he is at Jade, she tries to make it worse:
Yo jamás hubiera hecho una cosa así
I would never have done a thing like that, says Miss Goody-Two-Shoes Rania.
It backfires though and Said gets mad at all the women. Then he goes to question Abdul and he, remarkably, supports Jade’s version of the story although he remarks sourly that if Said had taught Jade from the beginning who was the camel and who the bedouin, none of this would be happening.

Nati, Fernando and Andrea are completely stoned and can’t stop laughing when Lucia comes home. She thinks they are mocking her or that they are hiding something about Roberto from her. She goes to the office and bursts into a meeting, to everyone’s embarrassment, hers and Roberto’s most of all.

Cristina (back in a red dress) is out with Vicki and meets up with an old friend, Rogelio, who is going to be opening a tony bar in Brickell with – you guessed it – an Arab. Cristina, he says, would be perfect as his relacionista pública. She’s about to turn him down, but when Leo and Amalia happen by she changes her mind.
¿Cuándo empiezo entonces?
So when do I start?
[Remember that Malicia wanted this job and was disappointed to be offered a lesser post of ‘assistant.’ !!!]

The Naz runs across the street and makes a declaration of sorts to the bare-chested Pablo who doesn’t quite know what hit him.

In the final scene, a lonely Natalia calls Fernando and asks him to get her some pot.

Okay, amigos, discuss among yourselves!


Thank you, Lady Recappers.
I read your recaps and now summaries everyday. It is one of the brightest spots in my daily agenda. You are so very much appreciated.

Thanks NovelaMaven for the summary. You got all the important points.

Maybe smoking weed improves one's thinking abilities. Nati put an excellent plan into operation that got Alej out of jail and forced Marisa's hand.

Hard to believe:

-that Lucia could be so naive as not to realize what was going on with the kids. I guess she doesn't have a sense of smell either;

-that Said bought Jade's story;

- Daniel and Albieri are playing with toys again. I thought that was over with now that Daniel has grown up.

Rogelio is played by an actor who played the henchman to a bad guy on Doña Bárbara.

Thanks so much, NovelaMaven, for the excellent summary and the helpful Spanish. I loved the scene where Nati "confessed" to the robbery. Brilliant idea, and very well acted. The person playing Marisa did an exceptionally good job, I thought, of conveying a host of emotions without the usual TN overacting.

Jean, I too wondered about all the playing with toys. Daniel, Albieri, and even Lucas. And just to show that Daniel is a mix of Lucas and Diego, Daniel was playing with a helicopter and suddenly said "Mayday! Mayday!" and sent the helicopter into freefall, a la the crash that killed Diego. I was a little surprised that Albieri didn't faint. He merely grabbed Daniel's hands and moved away from that scenario. I guess there must have been a substitute director for part of last night's episode, a director who doesn't subscribe to the TN theory of acting. Alas, he's probably not long for the TN world.

Said's bar looks as if it may be an intriguing plot line, what with both Malicia and Cristina getting involved.

NovelaMaven, thank you for the summary, it was great.

All of the angst in this TN is getting to me. The only light moments last night were the Naz and Nati getting her way with the Queen of Mean. This need to move this thing along.

Question: What did Zoraida say to Raina that made her make that awful face?


Rosemary, here's the conversation as far as I could make it out (Remember that Said has just said that he was punishing both wives):

Rania: Ella está apartando a mi marido de mí. (She is separating my husband from me).

Zoraida: Quien está apartando a tu marido de ti es tú! (Who is separating your husband from you is you!)

Zoraida: Hablas demasiado, muchacha. Cuando una persona no tiene nada que decir, es sabio que calle. (You talk too much, girl. When a person has nothing to say, it's wise to keep silent.)

Rania: Lo único que quería era que Said no pensara que yo había la que había portado mal. (The only thing I wanted was that Said not think that I was the one who behaved badly.)

Zoraida: Y no lo pensaba. Quien hizo que lo pensaba fuiste tú.(And he didn't think that. Who made him think that was you.)

Zoraida: Si nacimos con dos ojos y una boca, debe ser porque es mejor escuchar que hablar lo que no se debe. (If we were born with two eyes and one mouth, it must be because it's better to listen than to say things we shouldn't.)

Thanks N-Maven for the summary! I was confused about who Rogelio was until reading your post. So he is co-owner of the new bar with Said...that should be interesting.
Lots of opportunities for "haram"...

NovelaMaven, thank you so much for the translation. It is something to remember as good advise for anyone.


Thanks Rosemary, but let me correct a mistake I made:

Si nacimos con dos OIDOS (not ojos) y una boca, debe ser porque es mejor escuchar que hablar lo que no se debe. (If we were born with two EARS and one mouth, it must be because it's better to listen than to say things we shouldn't.)

Makes a bit more sense that way, doesn't it. :)

And yes, very good advice!

Jean and Juanita,
I'm glad you are talking about Albieri, Daniel and Lucas all playing with toys. I decided not to include it in my summary in the interests of brevity since it didn't seem to advance the plot. But it was interesting, wasn't it? And it definitely advanced the Spookiness Quotient of the story

That's kind of rich, Zoraida giving Rania advice to keep her mouth shut when Ali is always scolding Zoraida for being a blabber mouth.

Where is Ali anyway? Has he gone back to Morocco?

Thanks, NovelaMaven.

Yes, that plan of Natalia's was perfection. The evil redhead was completely defeated. And I doubt Alej is going to put a foot inside that house ever again, so she won't be able to do it again (at least not in the same way).

I was sure Rania was going to comment on how tall the burqa-clad visitor who spent the night in Jade's room was. Whew!

Said is not making much sense lately. He's agreed to the divorce and assumes Jade is going to go straight to Lucas. He plans to keep Jadiya, however. But having the Ferrer's over to dinner doesn't seem to hurt Jade now. Or maybe he plans the white powder in the tea trick again?

I sure hated to see Nati resort to the marijuana again. I was glad to see how she lit into Leo. Of course, it looks like Alej is cooling off a bit, which would make her falling into drug use even more likely.

Jean, I also recognized Rogelio as having been in Doña Bárbara. And I also remembered that Malicia mentioned she'd be dealing with a Westerner in the bar operation. I suppose we are to assume that direct involvement in a bar would be haraam. And that's certainly an interesting take on Islamic moral values. OK to sell the liquor and gain the profits if you don't pour it yourself! Bet he doesn't tell Tio Abdul about this venture.

I'm about ready to fast forward through every scene with Albieri and the clone. And I could slap Albieri for putting poor Luisa through so much, cancelling all his appointments and, if I heard correctly, eating dinner every night with Dora, Daniel, and the grandmother. Speaking of that, Dora needs to put a stop to some of that for Osvaldo's sake. She's about to lose him.

Muchas gracias por todo lo que haces!!!!

Jean wrote: 'Maybe smoking weed improves one's thinking abilities.'

I've been thinking about that these last couple of weeks, as I am currently reading Anthony Kiedis' (of Red Hot Chili Peppers) bio, and it seems to me that some peoples' genius do come out as a result of their drug use. i.e. Kurt Cobain, Rolling Stones, etc.
I wonder.....

Haven't gotten around to watching this episode. I'm usually several days behind, catching up on Saturday through Monday mornings.

Your summaries and help with Spanish are great. The comments of others help fill in the summaries. I run them off as part of my daily computer work and keep them safely with the proper tape.

Thanks to the recappers. And thanks to all joining the discussions.

Thanks to all for your nice words. I'm so glad you are finding this summary format helpful.

You know, in a way, it encourages more interaction and that makes it more fun and more interesting, I think!

¡Viva el clon!

Hi NovelaMaven. Thanks for the recap. I'm not watching the show but want to encourage you and your fellow recappers with this show. All the best!!

Thanks, Karen! We appreciate the vote of support. And thanks to all who have written in the past few days including Vivi, SEA, Juanita, Rosemary, Joan, novelera, mrslmgallego, Erin, Lynne, Lois, SusanLynn, Jardinera -- forgive me if I've overlooked anyone.

I personally feel Telemundo is doing interesting things with the telenovela format and I am particularly smitten with this particular novela; so in one form or another, I plan to be around talking about it. Hope to be hearing from you again.

Thanks NovelaMaven - and for the clarification about the conversation between Rania and Zoraida. I cannot comment during the day and usually get home late at night. Weekends are the best time for me to participate in the discussions.

Is anyone watching A Corazon Abierto? It's starting to get into the usual repititous triangles but for the moment I'm finding it quite interesting.


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