Thursday, July 22, 2010
Corazón Salvaje WED 2010-07-21: 'Justice League: Juan del Diablo Special Edition (Blu-blood ray) ($30 pieces of silver, 2-day shipping in Caribbean)'

Episode 108
In the plaza, Salma bitterly accuses Mariela of returning to Veracruz just so she could meet Jimena behind Salma's back. Shouting she has no doubt now that Mariela doesn't love her or accept her as her daughter, Salma charges away, with the desperate grandparents calling her back.
The grandmother turns to a protesting Mariela and exclaims they thought she didn't want to see this gypsy girl any more -- who so mistreated "Angela!" Clinging to Mariela's side, Jimena explains it wasn't she who mistreated her, but the other way around.
Because she trusted Salma, she continues, Jimena was sold to the tavern by Griselda. The grandfather steps up and points out even were that true, Jimena doesn't belong to them in any way. He doesn't know why Jimena insists on causing them problems and bothering "Angela" -- who is their granddaughter.
Earnestly Jimena levels with them that Salma is a bad person who she thinks is lying and deceiving them. When the grandmother asks for proof, though, Jimena unfortunately has none; and who knows, she begins, maybe her aunt Griselda... But the grandfather interrupts and surprises Jimena, informing her that Griselda left with the other gypsies.
With court in recess, Regina remains sitting in the empty chamber with tears on her cheeks after reading Aimee's note to Juan, when Renato approaches her. How long is she going to let this go on! he demands with outstretched arms. She launches herself at him, declaring the only thing she wants is to save Juan; and yes, even at the cost of herself and everything.
Renato regroups and approaches her, holding her arms and lowering his voice. The only thing he's interested in, he says, is saving her from the hands of this barbarian. He tries to touch her face, but she flinches away. When Renato says it's enough for him just to know she and Juan were never intimate, Regina's head comes up, and she impatiently reminds him that she's not in love with Renato any more.
Renato doesn't believe her; the heart of a woman like her doesn't change so easily, he says, shaking his head no. He admits he was stupid not to recognize her love; she's not going to convince him that her rejection is anything but a mask in a moment of anger. He admits he deserves it. But afterward, he begins...
Afterward, nothing, Regina finishes. Afterward will continue just like it is now, she corrects him. When Renato insists in confusion that how could she be sure -- she told him herself she married Juan feeling repulsed, Regina tries to explain that Juan's love and jealousy made her change.
But this only confuses Renato more; and like a sudden cold draft blew in, he steps back, asking "his love? jealousy? love for whom? jealousy of whom?" Regina knows she misspoke and looks nervous, as Renato dogs her, asking if she didn't tell him the whole truth. He grabs Regina and shakes her, demanding that she answer him. Answer him! he insists.
Isn't it in fact, Regina gestures to herself, that I don't matter to you? That you're only thinking about Aimee? You never change, with your anger and jealousy; you're confused about your feelings. Renato has the good grace to look abashed but pleads that she doesn't understand him.
A man would understand him; he's not confused. Aimee is his wife and the mother of his child, even though he doesn't love her, because he can't stand any more betrayal or lies -- but it's a matter of honor! Oh, yeah, Regina responds, rolling her eyes; everything is a matter of honor with the Montes de Oca!
Never mind feelings or anything, she says exasperated, as she rounds by him, walking past. You're a Montes de Oca, he reminds her, turning with her; but Regina denies it. You're wrong, she says; I'm Juan's wife. And for the time being, I wear his name. For God's sake, Renato, she begs in desperation; why doesn't he give up this hopeless battle to hurt Juan?
It's too late, Renato claims; a Montes de Oca never retreats, even if the road leads into the abyss. Between himself and Juan there will never exist mere indifference; the erstwhile affection they had has turned into mortal enemies. Destiny has brought them together; and there can be only one, so that the other survives. Regina can only stare at him in dismay.
Back in the plaza, Jimena tries to explain to the grandparents that Griselda couldn't have gone with the gypsies, because the band rejected both her and Servando. But the grandfather has had enough of the whole situation and bids Mariela run after "Angela" and stop her before it's too late, which she does.
Then he tells Jimena that he has nothing against her, but they don't want to lose their granddaughter because of her. The grandmother details how Jimena first lied to Gabriel, then to them and now she's lying to Mariela! Jimena's truth-challenged past returns to haunt her. The grandfather pleads that if she cares for them at all to please leave Mariela alone.
At Dr. Pablo's, Remigio lies recuperating from his amputation, torturing himself with the images of Lulu at the casino that broke his heart. Colibri enters and, seeing tears running down Remigio's cheeks, asks if he's in pain. When Remigio gulps and answers that he is, Colibri offers some pain medication; but Remigio tells him there's nothing that can help his pain.
Jimena stands alone in the plaza after the grandparents leave, but she is not sad. A dawning sense of joy passes over her face as she recalls the happy accident of running into Mariela a few minutes earlier. She thinks happily to herself that Mariela has forgiven her and still cares about her, despite Salma's jealousy and envy.
Nearby, a mother buys a candy apple from a vendor and gives it to her toddler daughter, and suddenly Jimena is transported back to a memory of another mother giving another daughter a candy apple. Present-day Jimena in color circles around the sepia-toned image of an earlier time, staring intently at the girl and the woman, who looks like Mariela.
The mother whispers sweet nothings to the little girl, how she loves her, how nice; and together they repeat the phrase, "little eyes of heaven," patting their fingers together on the cadence of the syllables -- just as Jimena did by herself only a little while ago. And they laugh and giggle as grown-up Jimena looks on, mesmerized and moved, a tear sliding down her cheek.
Our brave and valiant Phillip now tries the baking profession; but after clipping the edge of a huge bowl of flour and sending a white cloud floating over the entire room and occupants (among other transgressions), the master baker decides to clock Phillip out early with a rolling pin. Outside Phillip strikes baker off his list, but spies the livery trade next.
Back at the empty courtroom, Regina wonders at Renato feeling so much hate for Juan. When Renato insists Juan humiliated him, Regina points out it wasn't his fault. Whose then? Renato asks. Cue Aimee, who enters the court room at the head of the rest of the gallery, reassembling in anticipation of the trial resumption.
When Renato asks what she's doing there, Aimee claims she was going crazy at home wondering what was happening. Renato sounds displeased; but Regina wants her to stay for some reason, so when Aimee makes to leave again claiming second thoughts about seeing Juan, Renato grasps her arm. She came for something, so she stays, he insists.
She resists, and Renato is just shouting YOU STAY!, when Leonarda, Rodrigo and Noel enter the courtroom together. None of them seem to enjoy seeing Aimee there. After a moment the bailiff announces all rise, and the judge enters and orders Juan brought to the dock again. When he appears, a sweet look passes between Juan and Regina -- and then a challenging one between him and Aimee.
Regina and Clemencia both rise and join each other outside the courtroom doors, having not met since Regina returned. They agree that the Virgen del Carmen protected them all during the trip, including right up till where Renato captured Juan, unfortunately.
When Regina regretfully explains that Renato pursued them supposedly for Regina's own good but only succeeded in destroying their lives, Clemencia is confused. Regina delights Clemencia by relating that instead of making her life miserable, Juan treated her well, conquered her heart and showed her the true face of love.
Regina tells her that love for Renato was just an illusion, and Juan made her forget about him. Unfortunately, though, she's also disillusioned with Juan: she's gone from the highest heights to a bottomless pit after seeing him and Aimee together kissing in his cell, Regina says. Clemencia's disgusted with Aimee seeking out Juan while pregnant by Renato; and Regina weeps to think they still love each other.
Jimena remains basking in a haze of happiness over Mariela, when suddenly Servando happens upon her in the plaza and tries to abduct her. He's still in Fulgencio's bad graces over the identity of an unknown betrayer, which Jimena predicted from reading his palm. Jimena decks Servando with a bouquet of flowers, and a chase ensues.
Meanwhile, Mariela catches up at home with a furious Salma who gives her the ultimatum of leaving for Puebla immediately or never seeing her again. During a screaming argument while Salma is packing, Mariela is overcome and faints. The grandparents arrive and send the maid for Dr. Pablo at the trial. Salma gives the grandparents the same ultimatum as Mariela, and a moment later a look passes between them when a semi-conscious Mariela moans for Jimena.
Servando chases Jimena over hill and dale, cliff and river; and Jimena sees her chance when an apparently empty carriage stands in the middle of the road. She ducks inside and gives the driver the signal, and they're off. Servando pulls up short, not able to figure where he lost Jimena.
The couple who hired the driver argue about who's at fault, and the lady says that the fellow seemed so nice and pleaded that he needed the work. Down the road, when Jimena wonders who the driver is, of course we see it's hapless Phillip. She signals to stop and jumps out quickly, before either she or Phillip see each other. I hope Phillip doesn't wind up charged with theft of the carriage!
Back outside the courtroom, Clemencia tries to convince Regina that Juan surely does love her; but Regina's sure the only one around there who's loved is Aimee. Inside the trial resumes, and it's Juan's turn to speak. He wants to address the Montes de Oca family first. They may be one of the finest families, he says, but Rodrigo Montes de Oca hates him, because Rodrigo was in love with Juan's mother, and she rejected him!
She rejected him for a common fisherman, and for that he determined to see them destroyed! The courtroom is abuzz from factions right and left as Juan and Rodrigo lock eyes. Juan saw his father destroyed by the power of a man, he says -- by Rodrigo Montes de Oca! And he used that power to buy the sheriff, who was to chase down and make sure his father was dead! The sheriff sits in the gallery, stone faced.
Juan turns to the judge and demands whether it's justice when a powerful man buys off the authorities to kill a common fisherman -- or any human being! Sobbing, he asks if it's justice when a boy holds his own father in his arms as he lay dying! Turning to Rodrigo, Juan grits out, just for power and pride of a human being who can't bear rejection or that someone wouldn't love him!
Rodrigo jumps to his feet, shouting This is an outrage! But the judge reprimands him, insisting that Juan has the floor. The judge bangs his gavel against the din erupting in the court, calling for order. Rodrigo will sit down and be quiet or be removed, he says.
Juan next comes to Leonarda, whom he emphasizes, is his aunt! His aunt by virtue of being the sister of his mother. She's accused him of threats and asked the maximum sentence, that he be condemned to life. But let me ask again, he says, isn't it a crime to wrench a sister's newborn baby from her arms and order it be thrown into the jungle to be devoured by wild beasts! Leonarda's mouth drops open.
Would that be a crime? he shouts. Wouldn't that make her a murderer? Leonarda shoots out of her seat, screaming LIAR! LIAR! Meanwhile, not far away, Aimee seems to be enjoying herself at this spectacle by the look on her face. Noel not so much. Everybody is yelling, especially the fisher folk.
Leonarda is still calling Juan a liar; the judge bangs his gavel and shouts at her for silence, and then bids Juan continue. Juan sobs and pleads that he may be accused of being a bandit or thief; but he accuses the family of MURDER! Because they killed his parents -- and tried to kill him! he shouts, gesturing to himself as best he can in shackles.
And so WHO deserves the worse punishment? They or I! Juan looks to the jury, and Aimee looks strangely curious. All the fisher folk are on their feet, yelling; poor Noel is a complete rock, hardly moving a muscle; and Leonarda is slowly passing out. Renato calls for Pablo, and they lift Leonarda out of her seat.
Jimena arrives breathless at Jacinta's beach shack and explains that Servando was chasing her, that Griselda supposedly left with the gypsies and that she's happy Mariela forgave her and still cares about her; but that Salma is working against her, and not only she but also Inéz and Alberto, the grandparents. Alberto doesn't want her to come back, even though Jimena cares a lot for Mariela and wants to go on seeing her.
Outside the courtroom, Clemencia says she thinks Regina's imagination has carried her away; but Regina insists she carried herself away, to an impossible dream that was all an illusion. Juan will always be that; whereas she is nothing, Regina says, sobbing; I'm nothing, nana! Regina embraces Clemencia and repeats that it was all a dream. A dream she just awakened from.
The family men help Leonarda into the judge's chambers so the doctor can look at her, and the judge calls a recess. Meanwhile, with Renato absent, Aimee sees the perfect moment to sneak a word with Juan, left standing in the dock. They whisper with their heads together, Juan crouched down peaking through the ballustrade, chains clanking.
She loses no time once again implicating Regina in his capture, but Juan just brushes that off. Does she mean that Regina is the same as she herself? Juan asks. Well, she's wrong; he insists that Regina does love him. Aimee reminds him that it's to both their advantages if he doesn't say anything about their past together. They have to prevent Renato leaving her, she says, and him losing Regina forever.
Regina continues explaining to Clemencia her change of heart; what surprised her most was how quickly she forgot about Renato. He's just a shadow in her heart. She doesn't love him any more, and it even surprises her to think that she ever did! His face just disappeared from her thoughts, whereas Juan's grows stronger every day, as though branded in fire, she says, with a kiss on her wedding band. But she's not blind, and she saw the truth herself.
In the dock, Juan asks again whether Aimee wants him to believe Regina is the liar and hypocrit she herself is? Aimee demurs and just answers that the Montes de Ocas will do anything for those they love. Regina is loyal to her love for Renato, she says, like she is to Juan. Juan tells her to beat it; and she doesn't want Renato to see her together with Juan anyway, she says. Why don't you leave me in PEACE, he pleads.
Oh, how ungrateful he is, Aimee says. Don't forget: the one who can save you can also bring you down, she threatens. If he implicates her, she's going to be a nasty enemy; and he doesn't want that, she insists. Juan grabs her wrist through the bars and jerks her against them. You don't frighten me one bit, he whispers. What I want most is your sister; you already lost, he says, loosing her wrist with a jerk. Aimee blows Juan a kiss, saying she doesn't believe him.
Finally, Regina continues wallowing in self pity, moaning to Clemencia that Juan goes on loving Aimee. With a heavy sigh, she says it's a forever love, his only love. Through tears she can't stop saying forever, forever, forever...
Labels: salvaje
I have the time, and I'm usually around; so I want to give out my email in case anyone needs a discussion posted and/or a substitute recapper; in case anyone would like to fill in recapping; or other posting, like Aribeth's video links while she's on vacation, etc. Or questions or whatever.
My email is:
Episode 108
cs 001
cs 002
I hope Juan brings Aimee down. She so deserves it. I hope Regina gives the note to somebody, anybody.
I've been meaning to ask this for days now, but does anyone else think that Leonarda looks just like Mrs. Harriett Olsen from Little House on the Prairie? I can't help but see the resemblance whenever Leo is on screen.
What's killing me is how many times can Regina say to Renato that she is not in love with him, and he continues to ignore her! No is no is no! All that "you're just saying that to get back at me," I want to kill him myself! I sure cannot WAIT until he gets his just desserts, as will Salma!
Hopefully now that Regina has spoken with Clemencia and told her the truth about Aimee visiting Juan in prison, Clemencia and Noel can work to get Regina and Juan together? Also, Mariela looked like she was starting to believe Jimena, so maybe things will start turning for the better soon?
Terrylee - Loved Someone should just throw a bucket of water on her(although maybe she would melt like the wicked witch in WIZARD OF OZ did). One could wish it were that simple.
I want Jimena to hurry up and remember more so she can get rid of Salma and claim her rightful place. What a shock for the grandparents.
Please we need some Juan/Regina time. Don't keep them apart until the last week.
I know the main story is Juan/Regina/Aimee/Renato, but I am all caught up in the Jimena/Angela/Salma/Mariela story as well and cannot wait for for Mariela and her parents to find out the truth! I'm guessing Jimena is going to need Gabe and Noel's help to fix this situation, and they will not be able to do so until Juan's trial is over, so Salma/Fake Angela's whining will continue until then :( But I can't wait until she gets hers!!
Judy B - Juan does look like Elvis in that screen capture! But can you imagine Juan del Diablo with a slicked back pompadour? heeheehee
Someone should just throw a bucket of water on her
I'd pay to see that.
Mad Bess, I'm glad that you join again to the midnight viewers! :) The next two weeks will be great again.
Juanreminded me of Mighty Joe Young as he crouched in that defendant's box.
LOL, yes, he did look like the good old MJY, too. And last week, when he was hugging Noel in the prison at his 200000th breakdown he reminded me of a needy, weeping baby gorilla jumping on Dian Fossey.
A little bit of OT:
An hour after leaving Budapest our car broke down and we spent two hours on the highway waiting for the car service. We returned home (I for one went back to my workplace to finish some paperwork) and hopefully ese maldito coche will be repaired by tomorrow. If not, then we'll stay at home.
I originally wanted to study some English and Spanish and read tons of Agatha Christies but after this messy day I said "dammit" and installed Dragon Age Origins. Now I'm surrounded by elves and warriors, I slaughter demons and other bad guys, and it's quite soothing. :)
Regina is struggling with her own insecurities and I blame Rod and Leo. They always favored Aimee and catered to her whims. Renato was the only one who thought Regina was special and so she developed this fantasy love for him. Now reality has entered her world and she realizes that she wants the dream with Juan, But... because her sister has already been favored above her so much, Regina cannot comprehend that Juan's love for her is stronger than the lust he felt for Aimee. She'll find out soon enough, but I forsee continued trouble along this line until the end of the show when everything is resolved.
I was traveling all day yesterday so thanks for your recap Kat.o
Marisol, oh, Helena Rojo is making a good baddie in this one alright!
I just hope those who have never seen her in earlier years get to at some point.
Rummaging around, I found this 5-minute, eye popping video:
You Tube: "Helena Rojo - Damn sexy woman"
Mad Bess, what do you teach? Probably everybody but me knows, but I don't recall...
Well, Regina's insecurity will just make it than much more of a relief when she finds out Juan does love her. It will be a happy time.
Aribeth, I am so sorry to hear about your car troubles! Definitely have been there, and hope you get to go -- or kill lots of demons.
The title: I was at Amazon yesterday looking at blu-ray bestsellers, and some of the themes of this episode occurred to me.
Juan's public justice, influential blue-blood families, betrayals and how they seem to be able to arrive anywhere by ship the next day!
I can't stand thinking of Eduardo in the earlier jail scenes; I have blotted the disgusting director out.
So luckily I make no connection between baby gorillas, Diane Fossey and him, although it is hilarious.
And Aimee can't believe that Juan would choose Regina over her, so Renato and Aimee are truly a love match.
Poor pitiful Leo, feeling faint over Juan's accusations... what's she going to do when the actual hard truth comes out? She reminds me of a possum. When trouble comes, play dead. To me all a possum really is is a giant rat. I think it fits her.
I thought the music when Servando was chasing Jimena was really good. It really added to the suspense. I hope Salma gets busted soon. I have a feeling Branco is going to have to come back to help out by collaborating Jimena's story.
I was thinking about all the loose ends that still need to be tied up. Juan and Regina finally together, Jimena and Mariela as mom and daughter, Fulgencio and his conniving wife & Fed, Servando for kidnapping Jimena, Lulu & Remigio, Brigette's murder, Constanza's murder (Arcadio comes back??), MdR's imprisonment, Juan and MdR's reunion, Aimless's fake pregnancy, the sheriff and his bribe money, Dr. Miranda's murder (ordered by Rod), Aimless & Renato...whew.... did I forget anything. That's a lot of stuff and only a few weeks to go!
You know who'd make terrific friends? Salma and Aimee. They're both spoiled, snotty, manipulative pieces of trash that can't stand not having their way. (That, or they'd tear each other apart. I vote we toss them into a pit and see which way it goes.)
Crossing my fingers that Jimena will be able to use those returning memories to prove she's Mariela's daughter - and soon. I got a little worried about Philippe getting accused of theft myself, but the way his day's been going, we should probably just be glad he didn't drive the horses off a cliff and kill everyone involved!
Marisol, now that you've mentioned it, I'll never be able to seperate Leo from Mrs Olson again! Even if it's not the looks, it's the attitude. Very entitled, better-than-thou, and all that stuff.
It's occurred to me that if Renato somehow succeeding in getting Juan and Regina's marriage anulled, that could pave the way for them to have a second wedding later - one that actually means something, with a reception full of fisherfolk and no Montes de Loca to be found. Noel can give the toast!
Pirate Babe, I think the only person that saw scarved!Aimee in the courthouse was the Coast Guard Captain - she pushed the note on him to pass to Juan. He doesn't seem like a stupid man, though, so maybe he'll pin her.
Aribeth, that sounds like the way one of our vacations would have gone! >_< But surrounded by elves sounds to me like a good place to be, too. ;D
The little snippets of Philipe's job searches are equally annoying and funny. I think they're included to break the tension of Juan's endless trial. The last one was a great help to Jimena, so maybe that's another purpose for them.
Aribeth, sorry for your car trouble. Mine had to go in the shop yesterday, so I recognize the frustration. Hope things work out.
I'm liking the way Juan is flinging truth right and left. It's good for the townfolk to hear this stuff. Now, if Regina can only hang on and believe in Juan (an Renato keep his cotton'-pickin' hands off her) until all is resolved.
Mad Marley, once again cleaning the keyboard for:
(Can we end up at the beach where Team Juan is sipping rum with their shirts off?)
Count me in, Cheers!!
This my first post, I hope it works.
Let me invite you to my previous photo albums, starting with:
Destilando Topless
There are quite a few EY albums on that page, including more topless at the Manzanillo Beach ep album. I did them as therapy when I first discovered EY in Destilando Amor.
Jeri: the video you posted - it was made by an acquaitance of mine. There's a very loyal Helena Rojo/César Évora/El privilegio de amar fanbase in Hungary. Sometimes I have a feeling that these girls, women love Léna more than her own relatives do. :)
Renato can only be counted on whining about what he wants and never stepping beyond himself to help another person.
I mostly agree, but he used to be a lovelier guy. He was a very good landlord, he took care of his workers (who adored him), he didn't let Arcadio hurt Colibrí, he saved Juan's life, et cetera, et cetera. He became a dumbass after realizing that the world doesn't revolve around him, that his wife is a shrew, that his beloved family and friends lied to him. Instead of adapting the situation by becoming wiser he rather chose to transform into an unbalanced, cynical, obsessed Terminator. Imho he desperately needs someone to a love and deify him.
Mad Marley Grey:
Can we end up at the beach where Team Juan is sipping rum with their shirts off?)
YESSS!!! :)
That, or they'd tear each other apart. I vote we toss them into a pit and see which way it goes.
I second the motion. :)
Welcome, Bernadette!
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