Friday, July 23, 2010

El Clon Thursday July 22: Summary for Discussion

[My local station lost Telemundo completely tonight – I still don’t know why, so I’m working from Youtube, that is to say, without a net. Corrections are welcome!]

Daniel is walking through the Medina smiling, touching everything, drinking it all in hungrily.

In Miami, Clara continues her painful conversation with Fernando about his drug use. As in previous episodes this is interspersed with Enrique’s monologues about his history of addiction. Clara confronts him with the changes in his behavior that are now jeopardizing his job and his education. He turns a deaf ear to her. Marijuana is not as harmless (inofensivo) as people think, she says. It leads to many things…(es la entrada para muchas cosas)… His response is a smart alecky:
Claro, la entrada al cielo. ¿Qué daño hace la marijuana?
Sure, the entry to heaven. What harm does marijuana do?
Clara slaps hims and says she won’t tolerate drug use in her house. She’s stopping his allowance: maybe if he has to spend his own money, he’ll think twice before wasting it on drugs. After he leaves, she thinks: I can’t do this alone. She calls his father. Unfortunately, Malicia answers. Clara asks her to let Escobar know that there are serious problems with Fernando. It’s urgent, she says, tell him to come to the house so we can talk about it.

Escobarde comes into the room where Malicia still has the phone in hand. Who was it? he wants to know. Tia Luisa, she says.

Pablo surprises Alejandro with the news that the date of his fight has been changed to accomodate bigshot Michael Gonzáles’s schedule. It’s now the day after tomorrow, not next weekend. Alej is unsure at first, but with a little encouragement from Pablo, decides that yes, he’s ready. He spreads the word, calling Gloria who says:
¿Quién me iba a decir que me iba a sentir tan orgullosa de verte luchar? Bless you baby!
Who would have said that I’d feel so proud to see you fight?
Nati is also proud of him. He tells her he wants her in the front row cheering him on.

In Fez, Zoraida tells Jade that Jadiya will be coming to Morocco with Latifa.
Just then Rania pays an unexpected call on Jade. She has decided she likes Jade’s room better than her own and she demands that they change rooms immediately. Listen honey, says Jade, this is my family’s house and my room and I’m staying put. But I’m pregnant, whines Rania. You can just take your pregnant tush out of here, says Jade. Well I’m telling Said what you said, harrumphs Rania and flounces out.

Enter little Zumaya. She has overheard Amina and Rania say they are deliberately baiting Jade so she will get in trouble with Said.

And indeed, Rania is downstairs bending Said’s ear about the mistreatment she received from Jade. Okay, okay, I’ll talk to Jade, promises Said.

Said asks Jade to humor Rania’s whims. You know how sensitive pregnant women are. Jade’s not buying it. If she’s not comfortable here, she responds, why don’t you take her to a hotel. Why do you always make everything so difficult? sputters an exasperated Said.

Sneaky Amina has been lurking and listening and now runs to Rania with the glad tidings that Said is scolding Jade. It turns out Rania has the same question some of us have entertained here: When Said remarries Jade, will she still be the first wife? I hadn’t thought about it, answers Amina.

Albieri is out with Ali and some of his men searching for Daniel in the ruins. You shouldn’t have let yourselves get separated, says Ali. I shouldn’t have done a lot of things, says Albieri

He needn’t worry, or at least about Daniel’s whereabouts. Daniel enters the hotel lobby. Lucas is there too…

Back in Miami, a happy Natalia shows up at Casa Ferrer. Rosa wants to know if Nati has talked to her parents. Doña Gloria cares about me more than my own mother does, says Nati. I wouldn’t be so sure of that, says Rosa. That woman had the nerve to tell me you were using drugs. Natalia wipes her nose, listens silently. You can’t trust that woman, concludes Rosa.

At the clinic, Luisa muses to Anita that maybe she didn’t know Albieri as well as she thought she did.

And in Fez, Ali and Albieri are walking through the Medina when Albieri gets a call: Daniel is in the hotel. Now I can breathe again, says Albieri.

At the hotel, Albieri is shocked to meet up with Lucas, even more shocked to hear that Cristina is in the same hotel, but relieved that Luisa isn’t with her.

Albieri finds Daniel waiting for him in the room. He scolds him for wandering away and then tells him to pack up. They are moving to another hotel.

¡Han traido luz y alegría a esta casa!
You have brought light and joy to this house! says the beaming Ali to the merry band just arrived from Miami. Mohamed announces his plans to arrange marriages for his children while they are there. Samira whispers to her mother that she won’t accept the idea of someone else choosing a husband for her.

Jadiya runs upstairs to find her mother.

Said is upstairs with Jade telling her she won’t be permitted to see Jadiya until after Zein has returned her to him. El libro sagrado dice… (The holy book says…) The holy book says nothing, retorts Jade. I know my rights and I know your rights and there’s no way you can keep me from seeing my daughter!

And right on cue, Jadiya runs in and throws her arms around her mommy. Then she turns to Said and asks: Is it true you’re going to have another child? Yes, he says, you’ll have a little brother or sister. I don’t want you to have a baby with Rania, says Jadiya. I asked you to return Rania and you didn’t do it. Jadiya tells Jade to be sure to marry her father again after she marries his friend. Lo que tú quieras, mi amor, lo que tú quieras (whatever you want, my love, whatever you want.) Said stares at the floor.

Lucas catches up with Cristina at the hotel and tells her he saw Albieri. And Cristina calls Luisa with the news: he was alone. Luisa is so relieved!
¡Voy a comprar un pasaje a Marruecos hoy mismo!
I’m going to buy a ticket to Morocco this very day!

Back in Miami, Estela is concerned that Dora didn’t keep her appointment with the doctor. She promises to reschedule it as soon as she’s taken care of a few things. And when is Osvaldo coming back from his trip? asks Estela. I don’t know, answers Dora, his mother is even sicker. Before Dora has to make up any more lies, the phone rings: she smiles as she listens and then says: Cristina ha encontrado a Daniel. (Cristina has found Daniel)

Daniel is in fact seated at a table in the Medina with Albieri trying to disentangle the lies Albieri has told him:
Papá, si yo nací de mi madre Dora, por qué no soy hijo suyo? No entiendo por que me dijiste que mi mamá verdadera se murió.
Papa, if my mother Dora gave birth to me, why aren’t I her son? I don’t understand why you said that my real mother died.
When we see my friend Ali, I’ll explain everything, says Albi, and then you’ll understand.

Ali’s house is filled with the joyful business of preparing for a wedding. The women are gathered together and a relaxed and happy Jade is attended to by a servant. (I think she is waxing her legs). Jadiya explains hair removal customs to Samira. Rania, looking vaguely Hare Krishna in her orange robe, observes grumpily: I don’t understand why she’s so happy. Even Latifa is puzzled by Jade’s radiant smile.

Abdul once again tells Said he’s making a big mistake. It’s too late for regrets, says Said.

Jade, gorgeous in her white bridal gown trimmed in gold, gold crown on her head, asks Zoraida: Did you get what I asked for? Allah, forgive me, says Zoraida, and hands Jade a small brown bottle.

Ali tells Jade that she is being given one last chance to hold on to Said’s heart and that she shouldn’t throw it to the winds.

Said reminisces about the day Jade was dressed that way for him and Mohamed replies that he prays for Allah to tear that odalisca out of his heart.

Ali asks Amin about his ideal bride and he describes Miss K and imagines her dressed in white.

And Ali’s parting shot to Said:
Si no te hubieras obstinado en tener negocios con los occidentales, no hubieras llevado a Jade cerca de Lucas. Y yo te lo dije. La soberbia es una trampa muy peligrosa igual que el orgullo.
If you hadn’t insisted on doing business with the westerners, you wouldn’t have brought Jade close to Lucas. And I told you so. Arrogance is a very dangerous trap and so is pride.

Rania complains to Amina that Said is jealous of Jade’s marriage to Zein. Said has even gone to the trouble of renting the room adjacent to the bridal chamber so Zein can slip out and avoid spending a night with Jade.

Jade looks radiant. Said looks miserable. And Lucas paces in the hotel dining room.

Zein explains to Cristina that she can’t witness the actual wedding because it is just for men. In fact, symbolically, he is marrying the bride’s uncle. What a waste, says Cris. I think I prefer the weddings on telenovelas!

And at the men’s ceremony, Zein looks appropriately solemn, Said looks even more miserable and Abdul shakes his head.

In the women’s room, wedding poetry is read for Jade as Latifa smiles, Rania looks surly and the Naz turns away in disgust. Then the witnesses from the men’s ceremony approach: Jade, do you accept Zein? I accept.

In the men’s ceremony, Zein asks the question of Ali who also accepts.

Jade enters and the bridal couple see each other for the first time. They do not appear to be disappointed. A dazzled Zein places a ring on Jade’s finger. Said – let’s say it together – Said glowers. And Rania watches him watching Jade.

Just outside the festivities, Lucas tells Cristina that the bride is Jade. She is impactada.

Abdul calls over Jasmin and introduces her to Mohamed. Fortunately Samira sees what is happening, alerts her mother, who marches up and says:
Ya le dijiste que soy la primera esposa y la única? él no puede tener más esposas, es en nuestro contracto.
Did you tell her that I’m the first and only wife? He can’t have more wives, it’s in our contract.

Back in Miami, Nati is rifling frantically through her bag. Her phone rings. It’s Alejandro wondering why she hasn’t arrived yet. I’m on my way, she says.

Another cut to Enrique and his story…

Nati calls Fernando and they arrange to go to meet their dealer.

In Fez, Lucas confides to Cris that he and Jade are planning to run away together. If they catch us, they’ll kill us. Please let Jade know I’m here and I’m ready.

Cris enters the party and sees the radiant Jade held aloft in the bridal chair.

Daniel and Albi are walking through the Medina when Daniel stops and bends over, as if in pain. It is a sense of distress (angustia)
…como si algo me fuera a pasar…como si tuviera que cuidarme de algún peligro. if something were about to happen to me... as if I had to protect myself from some danger.
Albieri is upset. He wonders if what Daniel feels is a genetic memory of the severe injuries Lucas suffered in this very place where he fell off a roof (as he was trying to escape Said's men); or a premonition that Lucas is in trouble right now. When he comes out of his musings, he realizes that Daniel is gone and runs after him.

Lucas sits outside the party and waits.

Inside, Jade descends from the bridal chair and Zein introduces his friend Cristina. Cristina passes on Lucas’s message.

credits roll.


Wow! You did that recap from You Tube? I can never hear the dialog on YT. I'm impressed. Great job.

It was fun to see everyone, including Jade, having a good time at a party while Said glowers and Rania sulks. In fact, I realize that I have never seen Jade so relaxed and happy at a public event.

I thought Albieri was thinking that Daniel was picking up 'genetic memory' from where Lucas fell off the roof. He had his horse accident in the middle of the open desert. I noticed that neither Lucas nor Daniel felt anything when they were in the same hotel lobby.

Thanks, Novelmaven. So, how does Zein's interest in Jade fir into the mix ? I don't understand this whole business of Jade marrying Zein so that she can then marry Said. Que ????

NovelaMaven, I feel like simply saying "Ditto" to Jean's admiring comments. Your account helped me a lot with passages I didn't understand, even though I watched Telemundo with headphones and Spanish captions (más o menos). I can't imagine being able to understand so much from YouTube.

I too was delighted to watch Said squirm and sulk. I'd love to see Jade and Zein fall for each other, but I think it's unlikely, even though Lucas is likely to disappoint her yet again: the preview for Monday shows Nati apparently being busted for drug possession and Marisa calling Lucas to let him know. My assumption is that Lucas will immediately fly home without Jade (and perhaps without even an explanation to her).

Fortunately I had to tape El Clon last night, which enabled me to fast forward through Enrique's exceedingly tedious PSA about drug use. I wonder whether Mauricio Ochmann insisted on including all this as a condition of his participation in the TN (since apparently Enrique's account bears a striking resemblance to Ochmann's real-life history). Whatever the reason, I find it aburridísimo.

Susanlynn: The Zein-Jade-Said thing comes from the fact that under Islamic law a man can divorce his wife 3 times. The first two times he does this, he can change his mind and take her back. However, the third time he can't change his mind.

Said has now divorced Jade three times but he changed his mind again. The only way he can keep Jade is to have her marry someone else, have that person divorce her and then they can remarry.

The writers are playing this as if Said could force Jade to marry someone else, which I don't think is true, but they have to keep this sort-of plot going somehow. Said arranged for his buddy Zein to marry and divorce Jade but of course, there are going to be problems. Clear? ;-)

Jean, of course you're right about Lucas's fall off the roof in the Medina. That makes perfect sense. I went ahead and changed it. Gracias, amiga!

Juanita, thanks so much! Yes, the previews suggest that Lucas will have to choose between returning for Natalia's crisis and staying and fulfilling his promise to Jade, and he probably chooses to go to his daughter. The previews also suggest that the condition of the agreement between Zein and Said is challenged, as is their friendship. I guess we'll see some kind of relationship between Jade and Zein, but not of the happily ever after kind, I fear.

Exceedingly tiresome isn't strong enough! They could have done a much better job at showing how Nati, who has low self esteem, could get involved in drugs. But this endless lecture on the evils of drugs by Enrique is boring and so heavy handed, especially the way it portrays smoking pot as leading inexorably to hard drugs like cocaine, that it's like we were in the 1950's.

BTW- I saw over on TW that the last episode, #160, of Clon has been filmed. Last night's episode was #112 so that leaves 48 episodes, which would put the Gran Final of the novela at the end of September. ¡Ojalá!

Very delicious capitulo :-) Loved Jade looking so happy and Said looking so TORN.

Didn't Said have his own home in Fez, not far from Ali's? (If he still has it, wouldn't that alleviate some problems regarding Rania's space?) And Latifa shouldn't be so paranoid about Mohammed and other potential wives if their contract is rock solid...

I missed the next episode's previews, but initially fretted that something would occur between Jade and Zein/Sain to prevent her from running away with Lucas. Wishful thinking, I suppose.

Erin: It was delicious, wasn't it?

Latifa and Mohamed have nothing in writing in their marriage contract prohibiting more wives, but Mo made her a promise, verbally. When she told Jasmin "It's in our contract", that was a bit of bravado on her part (and I for one was glad to see it!)

The previews show Nati getting in trouble for drugs. Lucas gets a call from Marisa and most likely goes back leaving Jade. Again.

There is a suggestion of a friendship tested over a failure to honor an agreement, ie Zein doesn't want to play by Said's rules. But it was a little vague.

NovelaMaven, thank you once again and I am impressed that you could do it from YouTube.

Jean, you were right, Leo is not going to Fez.

Do Mo and Latifa have a contract with the only one wife clause or was Latifia just saying that to run off the handpicked prospective #2 wife.

I loved the looks on Said's and Raina's faces, priceless.


Yeah, what ever happened to Said's house? Why is everybody at Ali's house?

We saw Zoraida give Jade a pill bottle. I'm guessing Jade is going to try and drug Zein on the wedding night to escape. But Said is next door... She'd better bolt that connecting door. I wonder if we are going to have the foot washing again?

Maybe said arranged for raina stay at tio ali's house so he could have a "second pair of eyes" to secretly monitor jade.
I also enjoyed those miserable & jealous looks on said, raina, & amina faces. Said also appeared furious & regretful because jade & zein were glowing with joy. Said didn't expect to see happy faces.
I'm so glad this happened, said deserved it.
Excellent recaps/summaries.


This novela should develop & give more air time to nazira's character. She's saucy, hot tempered and entertaining.
A marriage with conflicts would be ideal.

Sorry anonymous, but I removed your post because it was a bit of a spoiler.

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