Saturday, August 14, 2010

Corazón Salvaje 8/13/10 Lots and lots of crying, Rod is a coward, It seems Fully meets his maker

Capitulo #124

Leo is telling Ren she knew everything about Aimee and Juan and that Aimee married Ren just for his money. Ren asks Leo why she never said anything while Aimee was alive. Leo doesn't know how to answer. Rod chimes in and syas it was because Aimee was going to give you a child, and we had to endure and keep our mouths shut. Leo says that was just another one of her lies. Rod asks, what are you talking about? Leo, I always had my suspicions that she wasn't pregnant I spoke with Celia and Selia told me Aimee was never pregnant. Rod, Is not true. Leo if don't believe me asks Dr Pablo, he knows and he'll confirm that Aimee was lying (if memory serves me right Celia was the one with the brilliant idea, wasn't she? and when did Leo talk to Celia?). Ren is devastated, Noel comes in to be with his son and give him moral support. Noel tells his son that he loves him just the ways he is. Ren is mumbling about how Aimee betrayed and lied to him. All Ren can mutter is "me engano, me engano" She decieved me, she deceived me...

Reggie is crying by Aime's body. Clem walks in and calls her mi nina. She is dead, she is dead. more crying...

Juan is talking to Remi telling him the news. Juan tells Remi that he doesn't know how Aimee died and he didn't deemed tactful to ask. Remi asks him how is he felling. juan answers that he doesn't know, but he says it hurts a lot. But that is the way Aimee was, she love danger. She live at the edge of dead looking to do dangerous stuff, that's why her life had to end this way. Remi, I don't know what to say. Juan, me neither, with Aimee I knew unbridled passion but everything in life has its limits. You understand? limits, like the ones I put on myself to conquer Reggie. I a wallis built to stop the ocean. Reggie would be mine. Of course it hurts me that Aimee dies but no for my cause it is because of Reggie because she is the suffering the most.

Clem crying over Aimee's body, you never stopped a anything, you insisted to live your life agains the whole world and looke what happened, the world defeated you. I blame all of us for not understanding your rebellions and to save you. Please forgive us, please. More crying... Reggie please Nana lets clean her up and leave her the way she always wanted to be. Lets live as beautiful as she was. Aimee was one of the beauty of the port. I want everyone to remember her the way she was. more crying... They got up pour and pour some water to clean Aimee up.

Noel to Ren, My son please take it easy. Ren, screaming, how do you want to take it easy when all I find on my way is lies and more lies and betrayal. This house is full of lies. Leo, we only did it protect you. Ren, the only thing it did was lead to Aimee's dead. You know what was her lie and betrayal? Aimee wasn't expecting a child, everything was false. Noel, what are you talking about? Ren, just that. Noel, it can't be, such infamy and betrayal. My God this was what they wanted to tell me, Clem and Reggie, they knew about it. Ren, and as always I am the last to find out. Noel tells him, not my son I didn't know either. Leo tries to get close to Ren, crying telling him how much he has suffered and all because of that bad woman. Ren steps back and yells at her to not get closer. Leo tries to hug him and he tells her in disgust not to touch him, you betrayed me also. Ren walks away while Leo can't believe her son is treating her this way. Well Leo I guess that finally you are starting to pay up your debts to humanity.

Reggie is praying in Latin does the sign of the cross with a white rose and then lays it on Aimee. I don't know you, but I don't like to see dead people that way. It is just too creepy for me. Reggie continues crying and is blaming herself for not being a good sister to Aimee. Clem says no you were the best sister, if someone is to blame is me. I fail Dona Constanza. Yep, blaming yourselves is going to bring her back, that always works. Reggie and Clem lean on each other. Clem continues with her guilty charade, I didn't fulfill my promise of caring for you two, specially Aimee. What is Clem talking about? Didn't Rod took the two girls to Europe when they were little and brought them back when they were all grown up? Please Clem get a grip! Clem continues to talk to Aimee's body. you could have had everything and be so happy. You had everything, but you always wanted what was forbidden, the impossible and that was your downfall. It is Reggie's turn to talk to the body, you had a rebellious soul, Aimee I ask for your forgiveness, for not being able to understand you. Clem, says I too ask for your forgiveness for not knowing how to guide you, know I only hope you can rest in peace. more crying...

Rod, Ren is now acting as the victim, but my daughter is the one who died. Noel, tells Rod to shut his pie hole, do not mess with my son. Unfortunately, Aimee is the only one to blame for her own dead. Rod tells Noel that he is tired of Noel's insolence. Noel replies you won't have to put up with them for much longer. You and I are going to settle our accounts, our duel is still on. Rod responds, I'll be there at first light before my daughter is buried. Noel answers, then just one of us would be a the burial, the other one would be dead. Rod echoes Noel, would be dead. Noel to Rod, to death Rod, to death. Rod repeats, to death. Leo, tells Rod that everything is going down hill and that soon all their crimes are going to be uncovered.

It is finally morning at finca del mar. Clem is still talking to Aime's corpse, She is as beautiful as she always was. Reggie grabs Aimee's left hand and places it on Aimee's stomach, then grabs the right hand and kisses it. I'm not dr, but how long does it take for rigor to set. Aimee has been dead for some hours now and Reggie is holding and moving her hands as if Aimee was sleeping. Just saying. Anyway, Reggie places a rosary in Aimee's hands, then we get a close up of Aime's face and Reggie saying how beautiful Aimee looks. Reggie tells Clem that she is going to go out and tell Ren that he can come in. Reggie leaves the room as Clem kneels by the bed side. Ren is sitting outside the room holding his face in his hands. Reggie tells him that he can go in to see Aimee. What is there to see? She is dead and he knows it. He brought her in for crying out loud. Ren is still sporting the blood stained shirt, he takes his time deciding to go in or not. Finally he makes up his mind and slowly gets up. He walks into the room, him and Clem hug, then he just stands there looking at Aimee's corpse.

Aerial view of the port of Veracruz, I think. It is duel time. Noel and Gabe are already there, Rod is no where to be seen. Gabe is holding the box with the two guns. Gabe says Rod is not going to show up. it's just as we thought, that man is a coward. For some reason unknown to me Gabe opens the box in front of Noel and says Don Noel, we get a to see of the what is inside the box. Noel picks up one of the guns, raises his arm and then aims at the distance. Maybe they had to take a shot even if the other person didn't show up. I don't know, I am not a duel expert.

Aerial view of finca del mar Ren is still standing in front of Aimee's body talking to her about how much he loved her and how little she loved him. No one talked to Aimee this much in her lifetime. they have chosen this moment when she can't hear them to talk to her. Ren is telling her how happy they would've been if she had love him the same way he loved her. He goes on about how Aimee was a liar and I'm tired of this already. He is telling her that he loved her with all his soul and how unhappy she made him. But he forgives her and wishes her with all his hart that she finds peace at last and God forgives her. What a kind soul Ren is, he forgives her now that she is dead. and after he tried to kill her.

Fully's house. Elo comes in his office carrying a try and asks him if he is going out today. Fully says not I'm waiting for my good body Fed to do some business. Fed will be here shortly. Fully asks why do you need anything, she says no I just came to bring you this infusion it was brought directly from the city, they say is miraculous and has healing properties. I'm sure it does, if Fully drinks that he won't suffer from anything else ever. Fully pretends he is going to sip from the cup, then he start thinking about Elo and Fed at the dressmaker's house. Fully doesn't drink the tea and asks his lovely wife to leave him alone to work and he'll drink it while working. Elo, agrees but no before insisting he drinks the tea. Fully gets a gun out of one of the drawers and tells the gun, " this is going to be a day with a lot of surprises." Fully stands and walks towards a window? Elo is impatient, she walks in the office again and start nagging Fully about not drinking the tea while is hot. She said that if it gets cold it'll lose all its healing and relaxing qualities. I bet it would. probably it'll take longer for him to die. Fully gun in hand turns around straighten his back and repeats "it's healing and relaxing qualities." Elo is pretty scared because she had never seen Fully with his back straight. Fully aims his gun at her. Elo is saying Fully, no, no Fully, noooo! She drops the cup and not a drop was spilled. huh.

Rod is still in bed. Elo walks in and said she thought he was at the duel. Rod says he is not feeling well, he is too sad and tired that he couldn't assist to the duel. Yeah, Rod we hear you. Rod says he won't be able to go to Aimee's burial. Leo tells him he better put his act togehter because he is going to Aimee's burial if he doesn't people are going to talk.

Reggie is at home crying, still. Clem is lighting a candle to the virgencita and thinking about Aimee. Noel is also thinking about Aimee. Rod is all dressed up and ready to leave, De Marin, el Dr, Gabe, well everyone is going to the cemetery or they are just praying for Aimee. Celia leaves the letter on top a table. Reggie is telling Juan that Aimee died the same way she lived. Reggie is in a lot pain for the loss of her sister. She and Juan hug.

Branco and Salma are by the harbor. Branco is asking her to go with him somewhere. Salma is not too convinced she wants to do it. Branco tells Salma she has stained enough his race already. Branco gives the choice of either go with him or continue to be a liar her whole life. Me thinks Branco wants her to tell Mari the truth about Jime.

Fed has arrive at Fully's. He enters without knocking. It seems Fully is waiting for him. He enters Fully's office and see's Elo sitting on a chair. Fed tells her at last you killed him, we have accomplished what we set out for., here I have the safe's combination on a piece of paper. Fed hasn't noticed the Elo is tied to the chair. Fed goes on asking Elo how she did, the he realizes Elo is gagged and tied to the chair. Fed walks towards her and Fully enters the room. Fully hits him with his walking cane and tells him they were waiting for him. Fed fells on the desk, Fully hits him again and Fed is on the ground. Fully tells Fed that him Fully is where he is now is not because he is an idiot. He reminds Fed what he once told him that betrayal is paid with more betrayal. Fed tells him, did you really think Elo married you for your looks, did you really believed she was the devoted wife she pretended to be? Elo is looking at him like shut the f up. Fed gives Fully the news that Elo married him for his money. Fully tells him you think you know everything, don't you. But you forget that I am older ans wiser than you. Fully tells fed that if he knows what is good for him to shut and don't say any more stupidities. Fed, tells Fully that he is not stupid and that he's sick and tired of Fully humiliating him. Fed call Fully a cursed old retch. Fully says to him I used to like you I helped you when you needed it. But you betrayed me, now you are going to pay with your life like your father. Fully gets the sword out of his walking cane and Fed is very surprised at this revelation. Fully killed his father. Fed is ready to defend himself. Fed and Fully are fighting and Fully gets the short end of the stick. Fed takes the sword out his hands and stabs Fully with it. Elo is screaming, Fed asks her what does she want. Fed tells her that he never loved her. He just used her to get to Fully's money and Fully himself gave him the combination. Fed walks to the safe. Fed tells Elo first I am going to get the money from this box and then you have to open the others or I'll kill you myself. Fed start to open the box. Elo can;t believe what she is hearing and seeing. Fed is having a thought time opening the safe. Serv is walking about town. He leans against a house wall and thinks about that night when Fully was about to kill him and he promised Fully he'll help him find out who was betraying him. Serv thinks that now more than ever he should convince Fully about his allegiance to him

Serv sees Branco and Salma walking on the streets together. he hides from them.

Celia is in her room thinking about the letter and that she should give it to Juan to fulfill Aimee's kind of last wish. Celia takes the letter and leaves.

Everyone is back from the cemetery. Noel asks Clem to go back with him to the notaria. Reggie wants to leave with them. Ren takes that opportunity to ask Reggie for a word with him. Reggie says there's nothing to talk about between them. He begs her ans she agrees to talk to him. They walk into his office. Noel and Clem are not too happy about it. Juan is playing with a coin I think is a wager with a woman about something she is carrying. whatever. Celia comes letter in hand. Juan doesn't want to accept it, but Celia begs him to. Celia says it was Aimee's last wish. Juan takes the letter and leaves.

Reggie asks Ren what's up? Ren says I know this is not the most appropriate moment (ya think Ren?) but I just want you to know that I'm still in love with you. Ren grabs Reggie by her shoulders, hopefully Coli is not around this time, Reggie has a WTF look on her face. I don't blame her I would too. Ren gives Reggie a kiss by force. Reggie pushes him away and slaps him,. Good for you Reggie, it was a very good one. Reggie asks him how could you? We just buried my sister.

And you are talking to me about love. I am ashamed of you. I am leaving because the only link we had is dead. I implore you not to seek me out anymore. Reggie leaves and Ren kicks something. the nerve of that guy.

Juan is walking on the beach with "the letter" on his hand he makes a ball and throws it away. He has a second thought and runs after it picks it up and opens it up. It is the annulment of his matrimony with Reggie. Juan talking to himself says Reggie asks for you matrimony to be annulled, I need to clarify this with her.



Sue, thanks so much for the recap! Looking forward to watching the ep and will be back. :-)

Did Remigio get a blow out because his last hair style was real curly and now, not so much.

Aimee hasn't even been cold for 12 hours before Renato hit on Reggie. Did he really think she'd be like "Well, your wife has been dead for 12 hours, sure let's get together!"

Juan, Juan, Juan. Put on your thinking cap. If Regina really had signed annulment papers, why was she with you last night? THINK.

Rod didn't show up because he knew Noel would have blasted that azz. lol

Eloisa got some of her pie cart last night when she learned Fed doesn't give a hot hoot about her, he just wants the money. Well, Fully deserved to get stabbed since he went around stabbing other people. But what's up with Fully getting Servando to get some potion and all this talk about revenge being served up cold?

Speaking of Servando, when is his pie cart coming?

I do not think fully is dead. I also think assuming things makes an a** of you and me lol.Juan always assuming things why does he not just ask ugh. Renato me cae mal cause he killed Aimee and now he wants Reggie.If Aimee was dead why was she breathing?Even though Aimee was a whore and bad she was not as bas a Leo and Rod,their murderers.She was just horny cause Renato not stick it to her good hahaaha

Sue,great recap! Hopefully the ELO, Fully and Fed storyline is ending, I didn't really like any of the characters. I can't beleve the behavior of Renato especially after standing over her dead body he professed his love and stated how happy they could of been if only she loved him. To then go to Regina and kiss her, how pathetic was that. I hate that Celia gave Juan that note from Aimee. Seems like even in death Aimee is still trying to screw up her sister's chance of happiness.

Thanks so much Sue. Well I was surprised by the turn of events at Fully/Elo house. It looks like the surprise was on Fully. Guess he didn't plan that out too well. And what was the sleeping potion for that he had Servando get for him? Well this hasn't played out yet so we will see.

And Renato Renato have you completely lost your mind. Great slap Regina.

Please big guy don't believe that annulment is real. I think he is going to ask first this time. Knowing how Aimee is though I don't see how he can believe it at all.

I suppose they will have to deal with it. Even though it was forged, was it legally filed?

Can't wait for Monday. Hope all of you have a nice weekend.

What an episode! Renato showed what a scumbucket he is by kissing Regina. She stood her ground, though; more power to her. Juan's conversation with Aimee was interesting. He talked about how he had such passion with Aimee and how it hurts that she is dead. Is he saying he doesn't have passion with Regina? They do the horizontal tango more than Aimee and Juan did. Seems pretty passionate to me. But Juan hurting because of Aimee's death just doesn't seem right to me. It tells me he still had lingering feelings for Aimee even though he professes to love Regina. No wonder Regina is not very sure of herself with Juan's love. Somewhere along the line, he's got to realize that Regina is the love of his life and Aimee was just lust. Had he married Aimee, Juan would have been miserable. And if he finds out that Renato kissed Regina after the burial, wow to Renato. Juan is very possessive of what he considers to be his. And he definitely considers Regina to be his and his alone.

My apologies, Juan's conversation with Remigio about Aimee. Typing too fast, I guess.

I have enjoyed this telenovela so much: the costumes, the clear Spanish dialogue, the plot, and, most of all, the wonderful recaps.
I fear that when Juan opens the letter ( the annulment document?)he will see another opportunity to indulge in self pitying soliloquies and castigate the long suffering Regina, never considering her grief over the death of her evil twin sister.
The last episode is August 30, but I can envision a future in which Regina and the pescadores must soothe Juan's ruffled feathers forever after.

Sue thanks so much! This was very funny!

What a man that Rod is! The whole scene with Leo waking him up reminded me of a mommy waking a little kid for school. "Rod, aren't you going to the duel?" "No, I don't wanna. It's too early. My tummy hurts. That Noel is mean. He's gonna hurt me. And I don't wanna to go to Aimee's funeral either. Funerals are sad. You can't make me."

I get the feeling that Fully's not dead...

I just knew the annulment paper was what Aimless was sending to Juan! I wonder how she got hold of it? I would have thought Renato would have guarded that like gold. Maybe she snooped when she was in his office poisoning his cognac.

Barbara, I think Juan said Aimlee's death affected him only because it hurt Regina so much.

Muchas gracias por the recap Sue, it was a pleasure. :)

hopefully Coli is not around this time

Noel picks up one of the guns, raises his arm and then aims at the distance.
That moment was priceless for me. René Casados and his this theatralical moves... luv him.

The hissy about the annulment is irritating since it isn't a divorce paper but the claim for annulling a marriage that has never been consumated. In the book Mónica did sign the paper (because she thought that Juan loved Aimee) but they hadn't slept together and after the honeymoon on Luzbel they were separated from each other.
But okay, let's treat the annulment like it was a divorce paper. Then what, Juan? Regina said and showed 10000 times how much she loved and juanted you. I know that trust issues are the core and essence of this character, but Abud could've made up better excuses to cause the couple troubles.*

The whole scene with Leo waking him up reminded me of a mommy waking a little kid for school


*Yo compro esa mujer SPOILERS - don't worry, they have nothing to do with CS

In Yo compro esa mujer the protagonists decided to marry but when Ana Cristina suddenly disappeared the protagonist thought that she had fled with Federico. But the poor girl was locked up in the catacombs of the seaside family estate, yes, right next to the cell of Blanca Flor (=Maria del Rosario) and she was mishandled by the lovely, sadistic Sagon (=Arcadio) mishandled for a while. When she tried to escape she was so exhausted and shocked that the fishermen thought she was the mute maid (=Mirta) who lived in the estate. Sometimes life sucks, even for the high society senoritas.
After the dark days in the cells she was allowed to return home but the Montes de Locas made her believe that her onetruelove was also unfaithful and he's a jerk anyway, and when the love birds finally met again they were very pissed at each other, and they were stubborn enough to not tell the truth.
Episodes went by, many argues, professions of love, other argues, then in the last episodes the protagonist practically bought the unwilling girl from her financially broken daddy (Rod, you're a loser in every version). They got married (the wedding was even sadder than the one in CS) and the guy found out only at their first night (afternoon :)) that AC has never been with Federico.
Many viewers of CS thought for a while that the same would happen in this telenovela and Ren would tell the imprisoned Juan that he had been with Reggie. That would've been very low. But as we know after the trial Regina jumped on Juan in their cottage, therefore this YCEM storyline has never been used. :)

Thanks for the recap Sue. It's much appreciated. The nerve of Renato. Aimee hasn't been dead for 24 hours and he's already trying to hit on Regina. I'm glad she slapped him. That was low of Renato to do that. Rod is a big old scaredy cat. Noel was ready for the duel and methinks he would've won. For all of Fully's planning for revenge, it seems Fed got the upper hand. Did you all see Fully head butt Fed? Whoa. I love how you noted the ironies of everyone talking to Aimee i.e. asking for forgiveness and forgiving her for her wild child ways when she can no longer hear them. Speaking of Aimee, her parting gift to Juan was that blasted annulment paper with Regina's forged signature. I hope Juan doesn't fly off the handle and go into his "You're a Montes de Oca; you're my enemy" rant. Regina needs his support and for him to trust in her love and devotion to him. I hope Juan really thinks this through before he confronts her.

Sue, thanks for the recap and for taking us through the endless crying.
Juan has been through so much lately. I don't think he regretted losing Aimee exactly, more loss of a dream and all else he's suffered. He's probably in a vulnerable state as far as the annulment document goes. We can only hope he'll think before he acts.
Renato isn't thinking very clearly, trying to put the moves on Regina with his wife's body barely cold upstairs. (I didn't see Aimee breathing, but if y'all did, I believe it.)
Xlntperuvian, lol at your description of cowardly Rod as the boy who wants to stay home. Very true. Yet, he was always one to brag about the honor of the Montes de Oca. All hat, no cattle.
I was surprised that Fed was able to stab Fully, but Fully could still be alive. If he had a potion like the priest in Romeo and Juliet gave Juliet, he could be passed out and ready to spring back into action (if he survived the sword wound.) Maybe all three of them will end up dead.
La Paloma

Sue, thank you for the terrific recap, I appreciate it.

They finally got Aimee buried, how many days did it take? Whatever it was, it was too long.

I was surprised that Fully stood up straight. I guess his bent posture is an act.

I do believe that all of the booze has pickled Renato's brain. Does he really think that Regina would even want him? It was very satisfying to see her slap him.

Woody is a truly a coward. I hope he gets a very large anvil.

Leo is pathetic, she only thinks about her self. Woody was not worth the time or the effort she put into grabbing him for herself, but of course she will never see it that way.


Sue, thank you for the terrific recap, I appreciate it.

They finally got Aimee buried, how many days did it take? Whatever it was, it was too long.

I was surprised that Fully stood up straight. I guess his bent posture is an act.

I do believe that all of the booze has pickled Renato's brain. Does he really think that Regina would even want him? It was very satisfying to see her slap him.

Woody is a truly a coward. I hope he gets a very large anvil.

Leo is pathetic, she only thinks about her self. Woody was not worth the time or the effort she put into grabbing him for herself, but of course she will never see it that way.


Thanks, Sue. I only saw the beginning of this episode. Then, I fell asleep. Well, if this show isn't over until August 30, we know that something will happen to separate Juan and Reggie....something stupid. I just hope that we don't have two weeks of stupid followed by one final episode of extreme happiness. It took long enough for Juan and Reggie to get together and then long enough for Congress to be in session. I don't want two weeks of celibacy, crying, and misunderstandings. Basta. P.S. I hope that Leo's poisoning of Constanza is announced. However, I guess that the only one left who knows about Constanza's letter is Arcadio, so he HAS TO return to hammer that final nail into Leo's coffin. I think that a fitting punishment would be him abducting Leo and taking her to the finca cellar where they live out the rest of their wretched lives together . Bleeeccchhh.

Thanks for your recap Sue. I loved your description of Rod (what a weenie). Xlntperuvian - your assessment of Rod as whiny school boy was great.

Terry - ITA w/you regarding Fully/Eloise/Fed. I just wanted this story line over.

Regina slapping Ren was quite satisfying. Unfortunately Ren is obsessed like Leo and Rod.

Sue, thanks for the great recap and sorry you had to recap the Reggie and Clem sobfest. But I can understand how they feel remorse even though they both advised Aimee many times and tried to change her destructive behavior. People feel guilty even though there is really nothing they can do to stop events from happening.

Wow, what a buildup to Fully's revenge and it fizzles. But at least Eloisa now knows what a con artist scumbag Fed is but, then, so is she. Maybe Fully was prepared for the attack and somehow is alive and ready to do them in later. He is just toying with them. Not a spoiler but I can't believe Fully went out so easily because I think he's smarter than that. Oh, and he looks like the early motion picture moustached villain who ties the gal (El) to the train track (chair.)

Renato is delusional like his mom when it comes to recognizing rejection. No comprehension there. Ren, it's too late.

Juan, please, use your thinking cap. Reggie has given herself to you totally. But then, we have two weeks to go, as mentioned, so they may have a filler misunderstanding.

Xlnt, I was LOL reading your description of Rod's lame excuses for staying in bed. What a big coward full of hot air since he initiated the duel.

Oh, and in the promos, is that Doc Miranda or Juan in the black suit running with sword in hand? Can't stop my t v to see well enough...just curious.


Thanks for the recap Sue.

Juan's conversation with Remigio...Passion with out limits with Aimee, was not sustainable. Is that what we took away from that converstaion? That it takes limits to achieve what he has with Regina? Did he say to conquer Regina? That gives it a new light.

Do TN's have "happily-ever-after" or just "dysfunctional-ever-after"?

Thanks again Sue.


Thanks for the recap Sue! I'm late to the party this time.

Mad Bess - Clemencia also knows that Leo poisoned Constanza, MdR told her.

I couldn't believe Renato hitting on Regina, OMG, the man is sick!

And Rod as the whiny boy - xlnt great description. Not surprising he would wimp out.

I don't think Fully is dead, either, it didn't look like Fed really stabbed him. I expect him to pop up like bad guys so often do in movies when you think they are dead!

I want to know what Juan meant when he said he had to limit himself in order to conquer Regina whereas with Aimee he had unbridled passion but everything has a limit. Does he mean he and Aimee would have eventually burned themselves out? What else did they have besides all consuming passion for each other. And with Regina maybe Juan had to learn to court her like a gentlemen? I'm confused. Any takers on this?

My take on what Juan said was that he had unbridled lust with Aimee, but that was all their relationship was built on, so it couldn't last. However, with Regina, Juan had to keep himself physically in check to not scare her off and court her. So, he got a chance to fall in love with the real person, not just the body.

Anon 7:14, thank you. I think you hit the nail with the hammer with that explanation.

Pirate Babe and Anon @7:14

Your comments made me think of the first meeting of Juan and the girls in episode 7. The text below is from the recap done by Jody:

"* Juan walks down the stairs to the lower deck. Aimee glances at him and is quite enchanted at first sight. She elbows Regina and whispers about the handsome gent she just saw. Regina tells her to stop with the ‘salvaje’ flirtations. Aimee doesn’t like that advice and thinks about getting him to fall for her. Regina gives up on her sister and wishes her good luck. Aimee loves to have fun - she turns and bumps right into Juan. Aimee scolds Juan for bumping into her and not apologizing. Juan is startled and defends himself against Aimee. Regina tells Aimee to back off. Juan thanks Regina and says that she is the only lady he sees in front of him. Aimee corrects him and says Regina is her sister, and they are both educated ladies. Juan doesn’t care for Aimee’s attitude. He takes Regina’s hand and kisses it. He leaves. Aimee is very curious about the mysterious gentlemen."

In that scene Juan grabs Aimee and holds her close to him, this their first meeting.

Juan has always seem to rein himself in and act gentlemanly around Regina, but the opposite with Aimee.

There, however, was one time on the ship La Promesa that he did attempt to act ungentlemanly with Regina and she took control of that situation. I can't find the recap text right now, but it seems he tried to kiss her and she did not allow it.

He was often in suits on the La Promesa, muy guapo and I miss the long locks.


Here is the text from episode 9 recapped by Connie.

"Juan on the ship. Regina is out pacing and thinking about Aimee and her mess. What should I do to help my sister. She thinks about Renato--my love. Juan sneaks up on her. You are identical yet different. Please sit down. She doesn’t want to have anything to do with him. She smacks him. He grabs her by the hair and acts like he is going to kiss her.

Juan teases Regina and laughs at her. I’m not a gentlemen. He calls her St. Regina. You are not a gentleman. You will never be. She drops her necklace. He picks it up--for Regina

Regina is back in her cabin. She looks in the mirror and remembers Juan trying to kiss her. She wipes her mouth disgustedly."

Sorry for the re-runs. Just interesting to think about how this relationship started.


Thinking back, I think Juan, although physically attracted to Aimee, was always intrigued with Regina because she wasn't anything like her sister. I think it bothered him when she acted repulsed by him that he wanted to win her respect. I don't know. I may be completely off base. I miss the long locks too Bernadette.

Those were good analyses of the difference in the relationship between Juan and Aimee and Juan and Reggie. Since Reggie is a lady with standards and values, Juan had to act like a gentleman to win her corazon. In comparison, Juan recognized right off the bat that Aimee was not a lady , so his corazon salvaje could be turned loose. I, too, miss the long, darks locks. I like a little salvaje in the corazon...just a little.

I agree with your take on it Pirate Babe. "Intrigued" absolutely captures what was going on.

Hair...sigh... :)


thank you all for all your comments and thank you Jeri for posting this for me. I was away for the weekend and got back late last night. That's why I couldn't thank you before.

Hope you had a fun weekend, Sue! :-)

Once again, OMG!!

Thank you Sue and all who have written the recaps of the last few days :) !

So much has happened- Rod chickened out of the duel, which I was surprised at. I thought at least he would show up! He is just a coward and the pie cart can't get him soon enough :)

I wanted to go through my tv and slap Ren myself after he tried to kiss Reggie upon their return from burying Aimee. What a #%$@&)!!!!! I have absolutely no sympathy for him whatsoever!

And Fully! I couldn't believe after that head butt he gave that Fed would best him. I hope you are all right that Fully isn't really dead and he's going to get Fed and Elo :)

Only two weeks left! Boohoo :)


Thank you Jeri, Connie and Sue! Wonderful recaps - thank you all so much.

I cannot believe that I missed the episode where Aimee dies. It sounded as though she were literally pursued by the hounds of hell. I agree with everyone who commented that Renato is certainly culpable for Aimee's death. She wasn't a good or kind character but she certainly didn't deserve to die so horribly. And of course, Renato attempting to kiss Regina afterword was cringeworthy. Blech.

I think Fully may have met his maker and may now be cavorting in a place other than heaven. Fed may try and pin Fully's murder on Eloisa perhaps? I don't know what will happen but am curious to see how this ends.

Will Salma confess all before Mariela and Jimena figure it out?

I will be really upset if Juan still doubts Regina after all this time. I'm with Mad Bess and: "...just hope that we don't have two weeks of stupid followed by one final episode of extreme happiness". Amen.

Jody, I love, love, love the ornament. You are amazing!


Jody, I received the ornament and I love it. Thank you again for doing this for us. I will always cherish it. I feel like we have become a close knit CS family as we have faithfully continued with the show in spite of the time change and of course slow start. This show has turned out to be really enjoyable for me and I'm thankful for the recappers who have continued to recap it for us. It's much appreciated.

Pirate Babe:
I feel like we have become a close knit CS family as we have faithfully continued with the show in spite of the time change and of course slow start. This show has turned out to be really enjoyable for me and I'm thankful for the recappers who have continued to recap it for us. It's much appreciated.

*pushes "like" button*

Yay, I have mine as well displayed on my bulletin board near my computer. I like Jody's humor in adding medianoche 2009-2010 at the bottom of the ornament since Uni pushed C S into the hinterlands.


Okay, I'm weighing in on the whole Juan, Regina, Aimee thing. There was the scene on the first boat when Juan was picking on Regina and she went scurrying down to her cabin. He said then to himself that he wanted to find out why she was so afraid of him and do whatever he needed to do so she wouldn't be. I agree with you that Juan recognized Regina as a lady and Aimee as something quite different. Most men think with lower anatomy and consider that is love. Juan found out that true love is what he has with Regina, which he earned by being very patient with her. He truly understands that what he had with Aimee was lust. As to the passion part, oh I believe he has that with Regina, just in an entirely different way than with Aimee. The passion with Regina is more long-term satisfying while with Aimee it was for the moment.

Hello everyone, I can't believe I have missed so much.Sue, a million thanks for this awesome recap. Aimee is dead? Wow! what a difference a few weeks make. Renato is still trying to destroy Regina's life in the name of love? What a jerk!!Eloisa and Fed have finally been caught? good.Fully is not my favorite person but I believe a marriage is to be honored.He should get his punishment for all those murders some other way. Where on earth have I been? I also missed the finale of Mi Pecado.It's a sad shame.I can't wait for tonight's episode.


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