Thursday, August 05, 2010

Corazon Salvaje 8/5/10 Please Stop Crying. I Can't Take it Any more!

Ep 119

We begin our episode with one of the saddest episodes I’ve ever seen in a TN. And since Jeri covered it so eloquently yesterday I would not dishonor it by trying to recap it again.

Juan, so worn out, finally falls asleep as he continues to tenderly hold his mother in his strong arms. He remembers all the good times they had in their short time together. Regina and the boyz approach him and he wakes with a start. He holds up the rosary and the shark’s tooth and asks them where is God. Where is the light to save my mother. Just one more minute, one more minute. Everyone looks so sad. Remi says we have to take your mother to prepare her for burial. Juan is still babbling. Pedro tells him his mother is no longer with us. Juan continues to babble. Remi says that they are the same. They have both felt the loss of a mother. And here is your family. Everyone is crying. Regina, Colibri, Jimena, Gabe, me. Remi continues, it’s time to let her go. You have to let her go. It is time for her to rest in peace. Juan says you are my brother. You understand my pain. He won’t let him take her. Nobody will take her. He starts to get off the rocks. Then there’s a break and it looks like maybe the scene was cut.

Rodrigo is wandering around the house. He goes into a bedroom.

They’ve managed to get Juan off the rocks and he’s carrying his mother. Gabe gives it a try and says something about stars but I can’t hear over the waves. Juan says no and continues walking. Jimena tries next. She says she understands. His pain is her pain also. He needs to let them take her. He says no. You can’t take her. They all gang up on him but he still won’t let her go. He’s swinging her around and if this wasn’t so sad it would be funny. Because if it was me, I’d be laughing my ass off.

Rodrigo is apparently in MdR’s bedroom. He remembers the night he discovered JDD there in her room. How he wanted to kill JDD but MdR wouldn’t let him. He remembers how he would rather kill her than let her be with JDD. He says to himself that she is dying. The love of his life is dying. He cries. Good. You hateful bastard. He touches the pillow. Why didn’t you love me? Do you really want me to go there? Why, why? He rolls around on her bed. Seriously, are we supposed to feel sorry for him?

Back on the beach it looks like Regina is up to bat. Remember all the good times you had. She’s with your father. No matter what she says he still won’t let MdR go. Think of your parents to together. She’s making some progress it seems. We’ll take her to Penon del Diablo. The boyz start moving in from behind. She begs him some more. He agrees to take her Penon del Diablo. Just when I thought they were going to grab MdR from him, he gets up and starts walking with her. They prepare the Juan De Dios boat for her with flowers and torches. They play music and sing and she’s dressed all in white. Remi tells him everything is ready whenever he decides to go. All the guys are wearing black bows on their sleeves. They get her situated on the boat.

Rodrigo has stopped crying on the bed and gets up to wander down to the dungeon. He follows the hallways until he gets to the cell where MdR was kept. He looks around and swears that he will do something with his own hands. He finds her veil and picks it up and sniffs it. I’m not even going to go there. He finds the doll. He picks it up and throws it on the floor in disgust. He sits in the chair and starts talking to the veil. He repeats her name.

Juan slowly rows his mother’s body to the island. Colibri blows a horn. Juan conducts his own private ceremony. He looks to the sky and says that now his parents are together. He’s made a giant flower heart and his mother is in the center. He says that in memory of his mother his name is now and forever Juan de Dios San Roman Montes de Oca. He asks El Senor to let her rest in peace. He starts to recite the Lord’s prayer as a white dove flies into the middle of the grave and away. I’m not sure if that is supposed to symbolize his mother’s soul passing or whether it is JDD coming for her. You decide. I hear this song in my head as I watch this scene:

Lay down your sweet and weary head,
Night is falling, you have come to journey’s end.
Sleep now, and dream of the ones who came before,
They are calling from across a distant shore.
Why do you weep? What are these tears upon your face?
Soon you will see, all of your fears will pass away.
Sail for miles, you're only sleeping.


What can you see on the horizon?
Why do the white gulls call?
Across the sea a pale moon rises,
The ships have come to carry you home.
And all will turn to silver glass,
A light on the water, all souls pass.

Hope fades into the world of night,
Through shadows falling out of memory and time.
Don’t say, We have come now to the end?
White shores are calling, you and I will meet again
And you’ll be here in my arms, just sleeping.


What can you see on the horizon?
Why do the white gulls call?
Across the sea a pale moon rises,
The ships have come to carry you home.
And all will turn to silver glass
A light on the water, Grey Ships pass into the west.

Back on the beach Pedro is thanking Remi for taking care of that situation. He says of course.
He is my brother. Santos says he is a brother to all of us. Gabe says he is his patron as well as his friend and also a father. Jacinta says something and Jimena says they are all feeling the pain but not as much as Juan. He went all these years thinking she was dead and then he found her. And then he had to lose her all over again. But finally his parents are together. Jacinta notices the ring and Jimena says it is her engagement ring. Gabe has asked her to marry him. Santos and Jacinta are getting married too. Gabe goes over to Remi and tells him that he needs to be happy too. Don’t let your pride get in your way. He watches Gabe and Jimena together and looks very sad.

Lulu lights a candle and thinks about Remi and thought bubbles that she thanks Remi for changing her life. For his love, his innocence. And for believing in her. For this she needs to show him that she loves him. She cries and wishes he would forgive her.

Meanwhile Rod is still babbling incoherently to the black veil. FF>> We don’t really care.

And now for something completely different:

Renato is in the parlor drinking. I wouldn’t drink that stuff if I were you. Didn’t you learn your lesson last time? Amy barges in looking for her dad. She can’t find him anywhere. Tomorrow she’ll go look again. Renato says she only wants to find her dad so she can go live with him in his house. Aimee says don’t you remember--He interrupts her and says don’t you remember when I told you to get lost? She tries to argue with him and he grabs her arm. When I call you you will come right away. She chastises him for being so rough and says how can you treat me that way when I’m your wife and I’m expecting your child. I can’t wait for him to find out that she’s not really pregnant. He says well then it is better that this future mother get her rest. She gets all snotty about it. If you don’t want to talk then I’ll leave. You only want to drink anyway. You don’t want to confront reality that is why you drink. Hmmm… that sounds suspiciously like my ex-husband. Bad day at work--better have a beer. Messed up on the video game--better have another beer (or two, or three, or 10). Stubbed my toe--better make that a shot of Southern Comfort. I think you get the drift. Is anyone else getting really sick of Renato and Aimee besides me? Renato says you got that right. I drink to forget what a lying ho you are. She tries to bring up Regina but he’s like just shut up and let me drink in peace. I can’t say I blame him there. He says well if you won’t leave then I will. She tells him not to go. He tells her the only thing she is interested in is his position, his name, his fortune. I married you and now you are the boss of everything. He picks up the decanter to pour another drink. I have a bad feeling about this particular decanter.

Back on the beach Clem and Regina are discussing the sad death of Juan’s mother. The death of a mother is a terrible thing. But finally she is happy. They agree. Regina tells Clem that Renato lost his half of the finca in a card game. Everything is Juan’s now. Clem looks surprised. What’s going to happen? Regina doesn’t know. Clem tells her not to worry about it. She tells Clem that Aimee was here. She shakes her head as she tells Clem that Aimee confessed that she’s not expecting a child. I see this as a golden opportunity to get even with her. But that’s just me. Clem is astounded and says Aimee is playing with fire. Yep. Clem is very afraid what Renato will do when he finds out.

Renato is to the point that he doesn’t really care what happens. Blah blah blah. Aimee’s lines, Renato’s lines. He grabs the decanter and heads for the stairs. This time she tells him to get lost and don’t come back. He gets in her face and must smell bad because she keeps putting the fan in front of her nose. He says he could kill her. Oh good. Renato’s pretty snockered by now. I don’t know if it is from the alcohol or the sleepy time potion that was put in the brandy. He starts to go up the staircase of death. We haven’t had a good death by staircase in quite a while so maybe we are in luck. Aimee thinks to herself what a dumbass he is for drinking the wrong alcohol with the potion in it. Maybe he will die.

Raul is at Noel’s office. He wanted to see Noel immediately. He wasn’t sure he had heard the news. News? What news? You don’t know? Raul is a little surprised. Tonight Renato lost his half of the finca in a card game. Noel comes out of his chair on that one. Oh Renato my son! Who did he lose it to? To Juan de Dios San Roman. Noel has to think about that one. So now Juan has more than half of his inheritance! Man, that Noel. You can’t put one past him can you?

Juan finally shows up at the beach house. Everyone is glad to see him. Jimena says now you can be at peace. You have completed your promise to your mother. Santos says we are all here. We are not just your friends we are your family. Amen brother. Thanks to God that I have you all as my friends. My mother said that my friends would give me support and strength. He calls Regina to him. He thanks her for everything. You will illuminate my way the rest of my days. She says yes. They hug. Colibri gives a cute smile. Dr. Pablo shows up late to the party and tells Juan how sorry he is about his mother. Regina says she and Clem would have come for him but they knew there wasn’t much time. He understands and goes to stand awkwardly against the wall. Regina tells Juan that now his mother is not alone. He says yes, she is not alone. My mother accompanied my father and now they are together.

Rod somehow has made it back upstairs and overhears Noel shouting at Leo to see his son. He starts yelling for Renato. Leo tells him to He says he just found out that Renato lost the finca. Rod is surprised to hear this tidbit of news. He continues to listen and thought bubble to himself that it can’t be possible. Leo and Noel continue arguing and Noel says she ‘d better make preparations to leave. She’s not having any of that. She’s not going anywhere. That bastard Juan is not going to get this finca. Rod didn’t like the sound of that either. It can’t be possible.

Renato is lying in bed fully clothed and doesn’t look like he’s feeling all that great. He’s having some serious nightmares. Raul is telling him that Juan is more intelligent than he is. Well, yeah. Everyone is laughing at him. Juan is holding a bag of money and a piece of paper and waiving it at him. He tells him what an idiot he is and now he has everything. Bwaaah, Bwaaah! Renato wakes up and tries to get out of bed. He falls back down. Freaky music plays in the background. Then we get scary music as Renato falls back one last time on the bed.


Thanks, Connie, for another most excellent recap. Enjoyed your snarky comments.
Juan had a little moment where he was channeling Rhett Butler in GWTW, when he didn't want to bury his daughter. At least Juan's loved ones were able to persuade him. That was a sweet funeral service.
I did enjoy Renato telling off Regina, and Rod suffering as he toured the basement scenes of MdR's suffering.
La Paloma

Sorry, late night lapse. It was Aimee who heard Renato's home truths and didn't like them so much.
La Paloma

Aii, Connie, Into the West? As if I wasn't crying hard enough already! That song is one that always does it for me. (And now Juan and MdR are forever going to be tangled up with Gandalf and Pip for me. It's a strange place inside my head.)

That funeral was a lot more moving than most modern ceremonies I've seen. The contrast of having everyone in white was interesting, and the boat was heartbreakingly gorgeous. For a minute, I was wondering if they were going to set it on fire and send her off Viking-style, and I kept thinking, "But she wanted to be buried next to JDD Sr!"

(I say it needed two doves, though. -cough-)

How can Aimee blame Renato for drinking the wrong bottle when he doesn't know there's a wrong bottle to drink from? (I know, I know, it's Aimee and that's all that needs to be said. Shh.) When you said we hadn't had a good stairwell death in a while, I couldn't help but picture him falling right on Aimee. Two loons with one stone!

So now we've got Rod talking to inanimate objects. Well, he'll have something to keep him company once he's lost everything, then. Maybe he'll be the one to take out Leonardo, once he knows the truth.

Morning everyone. That was a hard episode for me. I was totally drained after watching it. When Rod was in the dungeon I thought he said something about if he finds out who did this to her he would kill them with his own hands but I didn't want to put that in if it wasn't what he said. I was having trouble with the sound last night. The ocean sceans are hard because of the waves.

Mad Marley, that song literally popped in my head as I was posting the recap and I had to go back and add it. It just seemed to fit the mood. I was wondering if anyone would know where it was from. It was the white gulls part that got to me because of the white doves.

Connie: Once again, simply stellar. Thank you for the beautiful song, forever intertwining this with the Lord of the Rings. As Mad Marley noted, neither will be soon forgotten. An exceptionally detailed summary.

After the emotionally draining events these past two nights, your wry humor and observations were the perfect antidote: "We haven’t had a good death by staircase in quite a while so maybe we are in luck" and "Blah blah blah. Aimee’s lines, Renato’s lines".

"Meanwhile Rod is still babbling incoherently to the black veil. FF>> We don’t really care". Excellent! I felt no sympathy for Rod and every time he appeared on the screen, I thought what a waste! He's irredeemable - where's Juan?? The only thing he did that caught my attention was when he appeared to lovingly caress Regina's picture.

It would be nice to counterbalance MdR's sad and untimely death with some romance and reunions (Jimena and Mariela in particular).

Pedro was a good friend of Juan's father. People seem to be pairing up and I'd love to see him with someone. Any chance it could be Clemencia?


Diana, I don't feel sorry for Rod either. What goes around comes around.

What else do we need to tie up?
1. Will Remi forgive Lulu and end up marrying her?
2. Will Noel hook up with Mariella?
3. Will somebody please rat out Fake Angela.
4. Will Eloisa and Fed come to an untimely end?
5. When will the piecarts run smack over Leo, Rod, Renato, and Aimee?
6. Will doctorcito find out who killed his uncle?
7. Will Orca make another appearance?

Whew, what else?

Thank you so very much Connie for the wonderfully written recap. I think you covered everything. Unfortunately I'm so disgusted by Ren and Aimee that I would rather go to sleep than stay up late and watch them be donkeys yet again.

Just as a reminder: the ornaments are done. Would the following people please email me at with their mailing address (contact information) this weekend so I can mail one to you: Karen, xintperuvian, Rosemary, terrylee from Ashtabula, La Paloma, Lynda, Mad Marley Grey, and Diana.

La Paloma I received your email and sent you a reply this morning.

Jody :)

Connie, this looks great!! I'm looking forward to it. Thanks so much. I need to watch the episode on TiVo today and get back.

Connie: All I can think of to add to your list is when Regina will know she's pregnant (I say when as I'm thinking her pregnancy's inevitable and will serve as another nail in Aimee's coffin, so to speak).


Great Connie thanks a lot. I think Rod was still blaming Arcadio and said he would kill him with his bare hands. He needs to know it was Leo behind it all.

Ahh there are so many loose ends to tie up. I think Remigio will forgive Lulu, Noel will hook up with Mariela, I think fake Angela may rat out herself, Fed definitely will have an untimely end not sure about Eloisa, think doc will find out about his uncle and Orci will come back to haunt Leo. Thats how I see it. And where are those pie carts when you need them?

Jody I am sending you an email in just a few minutes as soon as I leave this site.

Connie, loved recap and song! Sad that MDR no longer on, but glad she's with the man she loves, Rod is pathetic, what he felt was not love but obsession. If you really love someone and they don't return the feelings you don't destroy the people that they do love. Renato is in that category with his obsession to win back Regina and destroy her true love Juan. I think Renato has more in common with Rod then his own father(Noel). I wish braid maid would steal and hide Aimee's fans. I'll be sending you a email Jody for an ornament. Thanks again to all you recappers for the great storytelling that is hilarious and emotional. You really make a person feel like they are actually watching the show, not reading lines that were written. I am so gonna miss EY, hope he returns soon to primetime.

Connie, Connie, Connie. I always love your recaps. I especially like your side comments. I don't know the song you mentionned, but the lyrics are beautiful and very fitting for this sad occasion. I loved seeing Juan's good friends and Reggie rally around him. Isn't that exactly how we manage to get through times of sorrow..with loved ones supporting and protecting us. When my dad died, I remember going back to teach my classes a few days after the funeral , and my students [from many different countries] all kind of hovering around me...some hugging, some saying words of comfort, some just standing there looking sad. In class, we sometimes talk about funeral customs and beliefs concerning death. Some cultures do wear white instead of black. In this country, it seems that we are getting away from the tradition of wearing black to funerals. Big Ed is very strong. I wonder how many takes it took to shoot the scenes of him carrying poor MdR all over the place. As for The Bickersons...Basta. And , there seem to be several possible candidates to kill Leo...Arcadio, Old Rod. Maybe Rod will kill Leo followed by a neartbroken Arcadio killing Rod. I wonder if we'll ever see Rosenda and Lil Rod again . The actress is starring in another novela on Telefuturo or Telemundo right now. Paloma~~I, too, thought about GWTW and Rhett not allowing anyone to retrieve Bonnie's body until Mammy asked Melanie to try to reason with him. Juan, at least, did not try to drown his sorrow in a bottle...that was Rennie's choice of coping with loss.... loss of Reggie, the finca, his pride...

Just finished watching the ep -- it was a good one! Very nice to see almost all of the cast in one place and see Juan's friends supporting him.

I howled during Renato's nightmare; it was great seeing the actors having a blast making fun of Renato!

Now I'm going to listen to the recap...

Connie, Thank you. For the looks of it the last two episodes have been very emotional. I have to get ready for this weekend when I watch.
I am so glad this TN is almost over. My limit is one and I am watching two. This one an STUD and doing recaps once a week for both.

One can only hope that was Ren's las breath. I'm sure that is not the end of his miserable life.

Maybe the writers want to show us the Rod's human side. Maybe showing that he can redeem himself? I doubt it, he is beyond redemption.

Diana, I have also thought about pairing Clem and Pedro. they are the only two "lose ends."

Jody, I don't post or read everyday, two jobs and a disable child. I have seen couple of times you mention some ornaments. Would you please elaborate for me?


"The only thing he did that caught my attention was when he appeared to lovingly caress Regina's picture."

I caught that, too. Over the past week or so, Rod has been making the connection that Regina=MdR (pure, good, loving, sweet) and Aimee=Leonarda (trashy, untrustworthy, self-centered, nasty attitude).

I think Rod is realizing he favored the wrong daughter. When he came to Aimee for help and assistance she basically told him to kick rocks, sit his happy ass down and have a coke and a smile. I think Rod knows Regina never would have dismissed him like Aimee did, even though he's treated her shabbily.

Thank you, Connie!

I love Into the West. Bess/Susanlynn, here's the song:
And again, Annie Lennox performing it at the Oscars:

CS summary:

Aribeth, I knew you would have the hook-up for that song. It's a good one. I cry my eyes out every time I hear it.

Thanks again for the great recap, Connie! Thank goodness for Remigio. Juan's friends really came to bat for him. Gabriel was touching. And I hope he got through to Remigio to not waste his life on stupid pride. If there's any message in this for Remigio, it's got to be to spend all the time you can with your loved ones.

Well, I think it's a done deal that Arcadio will be back, what with Rodrigo cursing him and threatening him. I look for Arcadio to reveal to Rodrigo what Leonarda did. I do wonder whether Arcadio and Leonarda will finally go out together; they belong together.

I really didn't get the boat and body ceremony; it looked like a burial at sea, but I knew Juan's dad was buried on the beach. And then there was clearly a fresh grave on the beach. So I don't get the boat scene. Also, it's not smart to put graves on the beach. At the very least get to some height up on the bluffs.

Thank you for the beautiful song, Connie. It was also good to see Pablo at the beach shack. Noel looked his strikingly handsome self in a black suit and white shirt. His argument with Leonarda was epic; I am looking forward to hearing what he has to say to Renato, if his son ever sobers up.

That witch's potion is worthless so far; Renato's not showing any sign of being Aimee's slave. And surely he's already drunk enough of the decanter to kill him. I don't suppose we'd be lucky enough for either Regina or Clemencia to tell him Aimee's not pregnant. How will he find that out, I wonder.

("Escaleracide" - death by staircase.)

(And now Juan and MdR are forever going to be tangled up with Gandalf and Pip for me. It's a strange place inside my head.)

Btw, here's the scene that Mad Marley Grey was talking about:
My dearest Pippin.

*yep, lifelong member of the "LOTR Is The Best Movie On Earth" club :)*

Connie, you're fantastic for linking that scene from CS to this song. :)

Just wanted to send a shoutout to all the recappers! I'm so glad for your'e insightful and funny reviews of CS. Even on the nights that I manage to watch CS you bring out moments of the show that I sometimes miss because I don't fully understand the language. Does anyone know if the finale of CS will change because of the pre-emption on August 10 for futbol(estados unidos vs Brasil)? I noticed that Soy to duena will air 10-11 p.m., aqui y ahora 11-12, primer impacto and noticiero 12-1 a.m., amar sin limites 1-2 a.m. Maybe different timezones will still be able to pick it up. Once again univision gets to mess up CS air date. P.S. Jody, I sent you a email about ornaments, if you received it could you email me back? Thanks!

Thanks Connie for your wonderful recap!

My Caray family, as much as I have enjoyed the drama of MdR's death scenes over the last few days, last night was it for me. I did laugh out loud when Juan was holding MdR and going back and forth saying "no, don't take her away"- when Regina's turn to speak came Juan turned toward her and MdR's head moved in a funny way, Regina looked down at MdR's head wiht a teeny smile before she looked at Juan to speak. But overall the storyline was beautiful and ended on a lovely note. When I saw the lyrics to Into the West I played it as I continued to read the recap and I did get teary eyed. That was a perfect matchup Connie!

I thought the scenes between Ren and Aimee were excellent- I give Cristián all the credit in the world- I much preferred the way he reacted to Aimee last night than when he slapped her the other night. He played drunk and emotionally hurt very well. His little nightmare was funny too. I'm sure this is not the last we've seen of him.

And Rodrigo, I am SICK of the writers trying to make him sympathetic now- forget it!! He and Leo should be trapped in that horrible room for the rest of their lives.

Mi Noel, that exchange with Leonarda was great! I loved when he told her that she'd have to prepare herself to leave the finca :) She had some nerve telling Noel he should help save the finca for her- why doesn't she go beg her lover boy Rod to help her instead? I can't wait to see them finally get tossed out of there and Clemencia get the keys :)

I can't believe we have only three weeks left- NOOOOOO!!


Thanks Connie for the recap, another heart wrenching episode.

I agree, I am completely done tolerating Rod. Go take a flying leap, I think Remigio's shark is still hungry, in fact bring Leo with you, shark buffet.

I thought Juan required the boat because JDD Sr is buried at Pinon del diablo ( not sure I got the name correct) and that it was an island that Juan bought, because his padre was buried there. I thought he had Gabe buy it for him. And isn't it where he took Aimless and showed her the little hut? When Juan took MDR to his padre's grave they went in a boat. I could be making this all up, sorry if my facts are incorrect.

Thanks again Connie!


Thanks Connie for another awesome recap. I was thinking of the song, Into The West from Lord of The Rings while Juan buried his mother. It was a touching scene. I loved that now he will call himself by his given name and not Juan del Diablo anymore. I wonder what will Rod do once he finds out that MdR has now passed? He especially wasn't happy overhearing the news that Juan is now the new owner of the finca. What was with him stroking the painting of Regina too? Juan is at such a fragile state right now. I'm worried what will happen if Renato tries to put through the annulment on those forged papers. Speaking of Renato, I wondered if Aimee succeeded in poisoning him with the tainted liquor. He must of reeked of alcohol because Aimee looked at though she wanted to hurl everytime he got in her face. Looking forward to tonight's show.

Thanks for another great recap Connie!

La Paloma, I also thought of Rhett Butler when Juan didn't want to let his mother go. Both very sad scenes.

How creepy was it when Rod was rolling around on MdR's bed? What's he going to do when he finds out she's dead? I don't even want to imagine...

Just once I'd like to see Noel whack Leo with his cane... just. once. Please, please, please...

Regarding Aimless and Renato, I think this is going to come down to who kills who. Both of them are over the edge and I don't think either has a chance at redemption. It's all about getting even now. I don't really care about them, it's the people who get in their way that I worry about. Hopefully they'll be so wrapped up in their own war that they'll leave Juan and Regina alone. I know... I'm dreaming.

Jody, I sent you an e-mail a few moments ago.

Connie and all the recappers, I rely on you so much to understand the details and you also provide such touching and humorous summaries.

I think JDD Sr. and MdR are buried on the island so that is why Juan has been rowing MdR on the boats. It looked like hard rowing as Juan wasn't making much progress with those oars. I was freaking out, as well, thinking MdR was going to have a Viking funeral bur finally realized MdR was going to JDD's resting place when I saw the side by side graves.

Poor Ren had been feeling inadequate compared to Juan and now that he lost the finca and house he realizes the world knows he is a stupid idiot. I, too, enjoyed the nightmare he was having with everyone laughing at him. If that cognac was tampered, that probably helped him along a bit.

I, as well, saw Regina smiling at one point and who can blame her as Juan was moving MdR, up and down. back and forth as mentioned.. The actress playing MdR deserves a medal for not cracking up. But, in all, it was a touching goodbye for MdR.

Can't wait to see the smackdowns for Leo, Rod, Ren, Aimee. Arcadio and Salma and just who will be redeemed. Of course, Rod, Leo and Arcadio aren't close to redemption as they haven't repented any of their evil acts.

Connie, thank you once again for a stellar recap. You did an excellent job with a very difficult episode.

I think everyone has said it all today, the comments have been great.

I was very satisfying to see Noel telling Leo she better start packing.


Anon at 05:25:00 PM EDT, that's a good idea about the graves on an island. I never picked up on that; thanks!

is that osvaldo rios singing the song when they put MDR in the boat?

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