Thursday, August 05, 2010

Dinero #169- 8-5-10: Susana Slaps, Screams, Sulks, And Is Generally NOT Herself

Dandy lets Carmela know that he’s been driving the ladies wild since the tender age of 15. She understands why and starts trying to suck off his face to show her understanding. Unfortunately, Susana sees this lip lock/face lock and is not so understanding. She approaches an unsuspecting Dandy, and grabs him by the hair, releasing him from Carmela’s jaws. After a few choice words, Susana winds up to deliver a monumental slap to Dandy’s cheek. Unfortunately, our resident skinny drunk guy gets in the way and receives the message intended for Dandy. Carmela wants to know who this woman is. Dandy says she is his girlfriend. Susana corrects him and says she WAS his girlfriend. She then delivers a few more choice words (it’s all too painful to detail), and storms out in tears. Carmela tries to cheer Dandy up by asking why he wants that little girl when he can have a whole lot of woman like Carmela. Dandy collapses into his chair and over a table in despair, and Carmela collapses into her chair in defeat. No Nelson nooky for Carmela.

A weeping Susana rushes by Rafa and into Ale’s office. Rafa knows something bad went down and calls Dandy to get the 411. Unfortunately, Dandy still has his phone shut off, and is probably contemplating suicide at this point. Rafa is joined by Pepeto and Ramirez, who saw Susana and also want to know what’s up. Their answer soon arrives in the form of the walking dead Dandy. They drag his lifeless body into the meeting room.

Dandy explains all and calls Carmela a demon. The boys lament that they have accomplished nothing from all their efforts. In fact, things are worse than they were before. Rafa is even further away from getting Ale back, and Dandy and Susana are over. Rafa begs for Dandy’s forgiveness, but Dandy has gone to an inner place far, far away. Poor Dandy! Rafa then gets excited and says that all is not lost. This gets Dandy’s attention. “I can get back my Nonicita!” Rafa has to dial back the enthusiasm. “Nope. Sorry Dandy. I meant getting the bank loan.” Dandy returns to the safe place in his mind.

Susana, who had been bawling in Ale’s office and getting a massage and hugs from her BFF, has now returned to her desk for a bit of much needed meditation (ohmmm…). It doesn’t work as well when you’re crying though. Rafa interrupts and gives his lame non-excuse about everything being cleared up eventually, and then she’ll see she was wrong about Dandy. Susana doesn’t want to hear half excuses. Well, then Rafa has a favor to ask her. Is Rafa looking to get slapped? He wants her to call up the bank and check on the status of his loan application. Susana gives him a firm NO. I say he’s very lucky he escaped with his life.

Rafa heads back to his not so merry band of men and calls the bank. The answer is (drumroll please)…NO. Well, then there’s no choice in the matter. Rafa has to marry Vicky. Ramirez accepts that it’s their fate to be in unhappy marriages- He to his wife; Rafa to Vicky; Ale to Marco; and Dandy to…well, to someone who is NOT Susana. Dandy collapses into a puddle of tears. They then wonder if they should send Dandy back on the Carmela mission since he has nothing to lose now (just rub it in guys). Clearly the soulless shell that was once Dandy will not be able to adequately protect himself against Carmela the Ardent. How about Zetina? Rafa proclaims that he hasn’t been doing much other than running up taxi fares. How about putting Dandy on Marco’s trail instead? He can’t sell many cars in this state anyway. They all think it’s not too bad of an idea. Dandy does not react.

On the sales floor, Marino tries to dump a potential client on the General when his girlfriend (or his next victim as the General calls her) strolls in. The General will only do it if she gets credit for the sale. His girlfriend's trucks aren’t ready yet, but Marino wants them to celebrate nonetheless. They decide to celebrate at her place so that he can meet her sons. She thinks her sons will be like the sons Marino has never had. Claudia nearly chokes on her coffee when she hears this. Once Marino’s next victim leaves, Rosuara asks him if she know about all the kids he does have. Marino tells her to keep her big gossipy mouth shut.

After the not so merry band disbands, Dandy attempts one more time to talk to Susana. She does not want to hear anything from him or see him. She is hysterical, and very un-Susana-like, yelling at him to beat it (vete!). She winds up for another slap, and this time she connects with her intended target, Dandy’s cheek. Ramirez drags a shell shocked Dandy away and they nearly run into Marco who is just entering the sales floor.

Marco is on the phone with Chavez, arranging the fake exorcism of the hacienda by the Great Mololongo. He then surprises Ale who is just heading back into her office. They both don’t hear Susana’s warning that Rafa is in his adjoining office. Marco has purchased two tickets for himself and Ale to Brazil! Not only does he want them to go there for their honeymoon, he wants them to live there. Yep, that’s right. Permanently. Rafa is just as shocked as we are as he overhears this from his office. Marco has it all planned out, and Ale can barely come up with reasons not to go along with this plan. Urdiales is starting a new business in Brazil and wants Marco to manage it. No, he’s not mad about the wedding invitation gaffe anymore. Marco will have a huge salary. They can sell the hacienda and buy a huge house there. Between the new job and the sale of the hacienda they can pay off all their debts. It will be easy for Ale to learn Portuguese. Of course they will send for her aunt and dad to come live with them. After all, Marco couldn’t possibly imagine living without them. He tops it all off with a little samba hum and dance.

Marco’s Brazil sales pitch is interrupted by a call. He has to go, but before he does, he does another happy little samba hum and dance, which Ale mimics. Once he leaves, her false smile fades and her face looks just as grim as Rafa’s, who is standing in the doorway between their offices. Ale is startled by his presence. Rafa looks defeated. He assures her he’ll have the truck business wrapped up and pay her back. He leaves to gather the not so merry band and tell them about the latest Brazil developments. The guys wonder how Marco can afford to take Ale off to Brazil if he’s got nothing to his name. In Ale’s office, Susana is wondering the same thing. Susana wonders what Rafa said. Ale says he said nothing. Susana then informs her Rafa huddled with his buddies when he left the office. Ale is sure this group included that lout Dandy, but Susana tells her that actually Dandy is sulking at his desk. Ale thinks he deserves it.

Meanwhile, Marco has stepped outside to inform Chavez that Carmela called him. He is sure she wants her money. When he arrives at Carmela’s office, it is obvious that her sexual frustration with Dandy has put her in a foul mood. Her assistants are bearing her unhappy shouts and insults. Marco wraps up a call with Claudia, who wants to give him a bachelor party send-off for one. More importantly, she tells him about Rafa’s upcoming marriage. Marco is very happy. And Carmela’s very happy to see her bon bon when he enters her office. One of her assistants comments that Carmela is going to eat richly today as she exits and soaks up the view of Marco. But Carmela’s been down the Marco road before. She appreciates the majestic view from the window, but she knows as soon as she steps outside of the car to try to take it all in, she’ll step right into a pile of moose poop. All she wants from Marco this time is her money. Marco informs her that he will have the money once he sells the hacienda. He has been given power of attorney to do whatever he wants with the hacienda, and what he wants to do is sell it. But first he needs the certificate stating that the hacienda is free from embargo. Carmela is impressed by his devious plan, and impressed he’s managed to con Ale and her family after all this time. She’ll give him a copy of the certificate, but not the original. But she doesn’t think it will be so easy to sell a hacienda quickly. She has a plan however, which we’ll have to wait to hear in another episode. Zetina is watching this whole exchange and calls to report to Rafa when Carmela goes to make the copy.

Back at Siglo, things are going from bad to worse. Susana is now refusing to answer the phone. Rafa answers a wrong number call from someone looking for a psychiatric hospital. Rafa tells them it’s not a psychiatric hospital, but close. (lol!) Susana has retreated to Ale’s office again. She can’t keep working in this same place as Dandy. She has to leave. Ale tries to console her, but they’re interrupted by Beltran. He and Doña Arcadia want to see Ale and Rafa in Arcadia’s office, right away. When they arrive, Beltran and Arcadia want to know what the management plan for the sales team is going to be while Ale and Rafa are off getting married and honeymooning at the same time. Rafa assures them he’s leaving Siglo at the end of the month. Beltran wants to know what up with those Celeste trucks. He hasn’t seen any down payment money come in. Rafa and Ale try to explain about the buyer with trust issues, but they are sure he will come through. Rafa personally takes responsibility for it, and Beltran and Arcadia calm down. Next they want to know what the plan is for Ale while she’s away. Ale also says she’s not returning, and Rafa blurts out that she’s moving to Brazil. Arcadia and Beltran wax poetic about Brazil as a perfect honeymoon spot, and wonder if Rafa is going on a honeymoon. When he says not and talks about the expense, they wonder what he’s doing with those huge commissions he’s been getting. He and Ale pass guilty looks. Beltran and Arcadia end the meeting rather pleasantly by stating that the doors of Siglo will always be open to both of them if they want to come back. Once they leave, Arcadia comments on love making people do stupid things (Amen Arcadia), and urges her puppies not to fall in love.

Outside of Arcadia’s office, Rafa and Ale breathe a sigh of relief that Beltran didn’t push them about the down payment. Ale then mentions that this may be the last time they see each other as they both have packed schedules from now until their fast approaching weddings. Yikes!

Tomorrow: There is no show tomorrow because of the Pecado finale, which I will be watching.


Vivi, thanks for such an amusing and thorough recap. Loved the title and it was so true.  I chuckled over your travelogue of the "Marco road" -- all the way from majestic view to moose poop.

I thought Carmela looked pretty in pink tonight. Too bad Carmela doesn't have a girlfriend who could give her some sage advice-- enthusiasm is great, but I think most guys prefer to retain their face after a kiss.
Carmela's possible plan for the hacienda--sounds intriguing. 

Dandy was so pathetically sad. I especially felt bad after he thought Rafa was giving him some hope.  Rafa had to correct that impression: No, it's about my loan, won't help you with your nonicita, your relationship is still in the crapper.

I noticed several times last week that Dona Arcadia talks of her perritas, but the littler dog's name is Chester (the Great Dane is Camila).    

Excellent work, Vivi! And thanks to everyone else this week too. I'm way behind and just caught up tonight.

Pobre Dandy. Rafa better get on top of the Carmela/Marco investigation quickly or else Dandy might jump off the roof of the Siglo before the truth comes out.

Susana is definitely out of sorts. First she plays a dirty trick on Rafa for revenge and now she's slapping Dandy around. Hopefully she'll be back on track soon. I like the mellow, thoughtful Susana far more than the jealous, vengeful one.

I didn't know Pecado was ending on Friday night! I guess that means last week really was my last recap! Oh, well. My swan song will have to be in comment form. I loved recapping and getting to know everyone through watching the show. This opportunity came at a time when I really needed a distraction from my hectic schedule. I'm happy to have been a part of it all. =)

Flores, we loved your wonderful recaps and were lucky to have you share your talents with us. Stick with us till the end, we enjoy your comments too!

Vivi, Nice job. This was a tough episode especially the first part. I liked your walking dead Dandy description. It fit him perfectly.

I wasn't paying too much attention last night as I was reading the manual to my new digital camera (Finally laid my nikon 2020 to rest.) And you cleared up a lot of things for me. Especially when Rafa and Ale were in Dona Arcadias office.

I am glad there was lots of slapstick with Dandy as it diffused some of his sadness, but oh Susana, don't you cry. That was so sad seeing her like that.

The office scene with Rafa listening in to Marco and Ale was well acted. Brazil? I loved Ale's remark when she said she didn't speak portegues and Marco told her she would learn it.

I don't know how I will last till Monday without Dinero.

Flores I echo Barbaras comment. Your recaps will be missed. It has been a treat to be part of this with you.

Thanks so much for the recap!
It wasn't the best episode last night. I know I just recapped this week, but I am not looking forward to recapping next time. Seems either Ale or Rafa will be regretful of their decisions pretty soon.
Susana will probably stay at Siglo even though she wants to leave. Things can't get much worse for Rafa. Hopefully things can look up if some things clear up a little.
Flores, sorry last week was your last. Hope to see you around. And thanks for all your recaps!
Signing off... Private 057

Good morning Miss Vivi. I was busy with roofers and gutter cleaning this morning so I'm just now getting to your recap.

Only saw snippets of this. It's just TOO PAINFUL TO WATCH at the moment. But love your turns of phrase..."releasing him from Carmela's jaws" (yikes! what a description) and "no Nelson nookie".

Like you, I will be watching the Mi Pecado finale. And Flores, in spite of your busy school and work schedule, hope we'll continue to hear from you on a regular basis. Good luck with both and hope you love your new college.

Thanks Vivi. I missed some of this and you filled it in nicely. Also thanks to Flores for recapping. Best wishes in the future. Hope to still see you commenting.

I have so had it with this Dandy/Susana thing. Clear this up NOW. They are my favorite couple. I can't stand to watch them cry and mope. Dandy did look like the walking dead. Fix this writers.

Nice timing on Univision's part. The big goodbye comes just before our long weekend away from DInero thanks to Mi Pecado's ginale.

I guess that we will be in some kind of new mode when we come back on Monday.

It was so sad to see both couples seem to break up definitively, especially the comatose Dandy and the weeping Susanna. But 60 more episodes or so -- so we can't have too much happiness, I guess.

We'll miss your recaps floresdeazul. Good luck. And thanks Vivi for a wonderful rendition of this slap sticky episode.


Vivi, excellent. Even as things are going badly for the good guys, you've got me smiling.

I'm really unhappy that Marco has pulled Carmela into his scheme. When things come crashing down for him (and they certainly will) she's going to take a tumble as well. I wonder if Jiménez will take a run at her (I'll bet that she'll think he's cute), though I shudder to think of the effect that she will have on him. He already has a bad case of the yips... she could take him over the edge. I'm pretty sure that Rafa is going go have to take her on himself.

Drat! No Vicki last night... and no show tonight.

Floresdeazul, thanks for your wonderful recaps. They will be missed. You clearly enjoy and understand the characters in this show. Your spot is going to be tough to fill. Good luck at the new college.


Thanks for another excellent recap, Vivi. Your recap is much more entertaining than the show, which is really stuck in a rut. Since Ale and Rafa think this is the last time they'll ever see each other, the wedding must be just a day or two away. I'll bet that day or two lasts weeks for us.

If only Zetina could get a copy of what Marco got a copy of. Could Carmela have made 2 copies and accidentally left one in the machine? That would help.

Flores, thanks again for all of your wonderful recaps.

Flores- Oh no! I forgot that this was to be your last week. :( We will miss your recaps, but really hope you can keep commenting. Best of luck in the new college!

Thanks for the fun recap Vivi! Poor Dandy and Susana, I feel so bad for both of them. I couldn't help laughing at Dandy though - his facial expressions are priceless. And poor Rafa, Ale thinks they won't see each other again. Sad episode! I'm bummed that there's not one on until Monday.

Flores, thank you for all of your wonderful recaps!

Thanks, Vivi, for your excellent recap and Flores, thanks and have a great time at your new college.

Boy, Rafa and Ale, have managed to drag down poor Susana and Dandy's loving relationship. Hey, Rafa and Ale, other people have lives as well. Anyway, I am so curious as to how the bodas will be stopped as I can't imagine the writers letting Ale or Rafa go through with them.

Chester remains my favorite character in this novela...such a cute pooch.


Chato or Chester?


GinCA, Chato is Dona Arcadia's assistant. Chester is absolutely one of the best characters. I really am not very fond of any of the Arcadia scenes--Chester and Camila make them bearable. 

Lynda, I hope the writers take note of your orders. Dandy and Susana united could accomplish more and be fun to watch besides. 

Pata, I also thought the scene where Rafa overhears that Ale was moving to Brazil was quite affecting. I could feel his shock and heightening desperation. 

Carlos, it didn't seem as if Carmela was being pulled into Marco's schemes at all this time. I thought she seemed pretty interested in jumping on the hacienda gravy train.    

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