Thursday, August 26, 2010
CS 2010-08-25 WED: Cat o' nine tails -- or cat with nine lives

On the quay, Noel sits alone, endless blue sea and sky behind him, grieving over his son lost off Devil's Rock. He clutches a remnant of Renato's clothing to his heart and remembers the sweet moments he shared of his son's life: as a boy, as a man. "My son...Renato, Renato..." Noel repeats.
Lulu packs her valise at Raúl's, counting it a shame she's leaving things up in the air with Remigio, when Angela rushes in breathless with the news of Juan and Renato's loss at sea. Lulu realizes she can't abandon Remigio, and Angela hopefully wonders if perhaps Lulu will miss her boat?
Leonarda accosts Noel on the quay, crying "No!" He offers her the clothing, explaining it's all they found of their son. She grasps it like a life line, shaking it and declaring that Renato cannot be dead! Suddenly Leonarda looks up at Noel and accuses him of Renato's death, smacking him across the face.
She beats on his chest and screams that he's a murderer; and Noel can only catch her flailing arms, exclaiming "For God's sake!" Leonarda presses the clothing to her face and whimpers that he killed his own son, while Noel looks distant and miserable. A bell tolls, and Noel looks heavenward, speaking his son's name.
Remigio sits on the rocks at the beach, contemplating the loss of his "brother" Juan when suddenly Lulu appears. Rising, he speaks her name and gulps before mentioning he thought she'd already gone. But no; and she says if Remigio asks, she'll remain. She'll stay with him forever, Lulu says.
When he wonders if it could be true, Lulu pulls out her passage ticket and while Remigio watches tears it into small pieces. Lulu opens her hand to let the sea breeze flutter the pieces away, and Remigio clasps it, murmuring "My love." He places a tender kiss on her lips and nuzzling her face wishes she'd stay with him forever.
Gabriel and the boyz visit Regina, recuperating at Dr. Pablo's, where they give her the tragic news. Regina erupts into tearful denial, quoting María del Rosario and the sea's returning power and assuring them her heart knows Juan is alive. Juan is not dead! she insists. But the boyz remain doubtful.
At Fulgencio's, he pays the dressmaker her due; but when he mentions he's grateful despite the fact his wife and her lover escaped, she nevertheless guesses privately that Fulgencio has murdered them both -- and Servando, too. Canny Fulgencio retrieves the coin purse and advises her to keep quiet about any doubts.
He has nothing against her, but she could suffer a terrible accident, Fulgencio warns. The dressmaker shivers imagining it and assures him she doesn't care and with that money he'll never see her again. He returns the purse, she exits and Fulgencio brandishes his cane sword, contemplating the blade.
Captain Breton visits Phillip at the notary office about the coast guard efforts to recover Juan and Renato at Devil's Rock; but Phillip has important news, too: he reports having seen Arcadio back in town being chased by Juan. Breton wants badly to find Arcadio, he says, who knows the whole truth about the Montes de Oca.
Meanwhile at the finca, Arcadio smokes up Renato's cigars and quaffs his cognac, pacing and convincing himself he is going to wind up with everything. At the beach shack, Dr. Pablo has given Jacinta a tranquilizer, and she sleeps while Santos curses Arcadio and tearfully blesses the doctor for saving her from rape in time.
Pablo insists someone must denounce Arcadio so that he be locked up. By now Breton and his troops have reached the finca, and they enter the catacombs, which are dangerously dilapidated. They decide to search upstairs instead; but the noise of falling timbers tipped Arcadio off, and he has escaped when they arrive.
Noel visits Regina at Dr. Pablo's to commiserate over the tragedy; but Regina repeats that Juan is not dead -- neither Juan nor Renato, she says. Noel fiercely encourages Regina to retain her own hope and own faith; but they only found a piece of Renato's clothing -- so for himself, he can't manage it.
Alone in her bedroom, Leonarda clutches Renato's clothing to her heart and agonizes that he's dead; nothing keeps her there, she says. She has her jewels and plans to leave with Arcadio; but first, Leonarda swears bitterly, she's going to even the score with Rodrigo.
Mariela joins Noel at Dr. Pablo's to embrace Regina and express her sympathy. She's there for both of them and understands their sorrow, she says. Mariela suggests that Regina should rest; and before they exit, Noel reminds Regina that she can always count on him, even as she would a father.
That evening everyone gathers at the church, with Regina kneeling at the altar, when Leonarda bursts in and bitterly accuses Regina of sharing in murdering Renato. She doesn't know what weapons Regina mustered to make her son lose his reason, Leonarda begins furiously; she just prays to God that Regina loses her child, too!
With the astounded crowd collectively on its feet, Regina objects, horrified. Noel censures Leonarda for blasphemy and points out roughly that her hatred has brought her nothing but loneliness! When Leonarda tells him to shut up, he demands she explain where would be Rodrigo, her greatest and unconditional ally! Where!
Everyone is riveted on the violent exchange when suddenly a shadow appears in the aisle; then a pair of bare feet. Regina looks as though she has seen a ghost as Noel turns and does, too. Soon everyone's mouths have dropped open as an exhausted figure shuffles inexorably forward. And it's Renato.
When Regina rushes to him and pleads to know where Juan is, he announces loudly that Juan is dead! Regina screams and faints in his arms, dropping to the floor. Juan's friends are frozen in shock. And at that moment out on the beach a fleeing Arcadio has come across a prostrate body that he calls "the bastard."
Before Dr. Pablo carries Regina away, Remigio demands Renato leave her alone, ruefully pronouncing that he used to believe in Renato's goodness and honor and once would have given his life for him. But now may God forgive Renato for the harm he's done to Juan and Regina! Remigio shouts.
Leonarda blubbers endlessly into her son's shoulder and hyperventilates her relief at his safe return while long-suffering Noel must stand back and wait, finally begging for a chance to embrace his son. Renato and Noel joyfully embrace, and Noel expresses gratitude and relief to God and their friends at his son's safe return.
Outside in the plaza all the engaged couples wonder if they should postpone their weddings, but Pedro angrily insists that as sad as Juan's death is, he is with his parents. They should all continue on and think about Juan's baby and Regina, whether she can even make it through this shock.
Later in the notary office, Regina expresses her thoughts in a letter to Juan. Resignedly she realizes everyone thinks he's dead; but her heart says he's alive, that soon he'll return to her. She's writing to tell him how much she loves him and that he's made her the happiest woman in the world, especially now she's having his child.
She wants him to know so there will be no doubt that she never asked for the annulment; that she never stopped loving him. She belongs to him and always will, and she prays that the sea will return him to her so she can go on loving him and being happy -- the three of them, forever.
Arcadio has brought Rodrigo to the catacombs, and Rodrigo is just enthusing over Juan lying dead at the bottom of the sea, when Arcadio points out that's just the reason he's brought him here. Rodrigo doesn't like visiting María del Rosario's old cell again, until he sees who Arcadio has swinging from the rafters.
It's an unconscious Juan. Arcadio explains how he found Juan and that he brought him here so Rodrigo could do as he likes with him. For Rodrigo, it's the best surprise he's had in years, he says. And in his bedroom in town, Renato dreams fitfully that in spite of everything, Juan tried to save his life.
There's a knock at the door, and Leonarda enters to express once again how happy she is he's alive. Renato's the most valuable thing she has, she says; the only thing that makes her happy. She begs him to consider again going far away from there, but Renato can still only think of Regina.
He can't live without her and must have her, he says. He needs her like the air he breathes; without her nothing makes any sense. Leonarda seems to understand, finally relents and agrees if that's his decision, she will respect it and exits.
Back at the catacombs, Rodrigo uses the time while Juan is unconscious to finalize his plans. He heads for the crumbling, dilapidated ruins that nearly fell in on Captain Breton earlier while searching for Arcadio; and the ruins will serve his vengeance plans perfectly, he says.
While Rodrigo is away, Leonarda visits the townhouse on pretense of bringing him a gift. She ingratiates herself with the servant and slips upstairs. Remembering her ire at Rodrigo's unfaithfulness and the death of Brigitte, Leonarda cracks his bedroom safe and empties it of treasure, which she carries off without being seen.
At the finca, Arcadio paces and is so sick of that place! he says. But soon he's going to be rich; immensely rich, he consoles himself. He has to be careful; those two rats, Leonarda and Rodrigo, might betray him any moment. But first, he picks up a pen and paper; after this letter is read, Rodrigo will be locked away forever, he says.
Next morning, Rodrigo splashes a bucket of water on Juan to awaken him. He hopes he's comfortable in his new home, Rodrigo sneers menacingly. When Juan asks why he's been brought there and how Renato is, Rodrigo jeers that Renato wouldn't be the least bit interested in him, so why bother.
What should interest Juan is that he's in the exact same jail cell as his mother all those years, Rodrigo adds. What a small world, eh? So many coincidences life brings. Destiny always works out and so Juan is now in Rodrigo's hands, at his mercy! he says. Nobody will stop him wreaking vengeance for all the humiliation Juan caused!
When Juan points out Rodrigo's such a coward he wouldn't dare try it without Juan chained up, Rodrigo gives him a smack and grabs him by the hair. Juan's going to be begging him on bended knee! he grits out. Never! Juan vows. Well, they'll just see, Rodrigo says, turning to pick up a cat o' nine tails.
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Also, I've been happy to function as Melinama's CS team leader, to try to assure each episode was covered with a recap or discussion; to quote her comment here, she is very proud of the recappers and fans for sticking with the show after the time change.
I'd like to thank the recappers and fans, too; CS has been a fine show that deserves that respect. Many thanks for sharing it together.
Thanks so much for the recap. I will be back to comment. I will miss your gift of romance and insight.
At last Lulu and Remigio are united. Where are Marlene and Rosenda? Arcadio is going to get it! And will Breton save Juan? Maybe Renato will return to some sanity - or not. Rodrigo and Leonarda have to go...
Thank you and all the other recappers who have put so much time into these. I so enjoy the explanations as well as all the humor in the recaps. This TN has been very engaging.
Does anyone one know if Eduardo or Rene are in anything upcoming? I intend to watch the next TN in this time slot but it's several years old. Will the cast of CS be on Cristina?
I found this wonderful, vintage article from a 1904 trade journal about the port and quay of Veracruz.
It has pictures and a map, and history buffs would love it. Jarocha would probably find it especially interesting:
Your pictures were indeed worth a thousand words and are indelibly etched in my mind.
"Arcadio smokes up Renato's cigars and quaffs his cognac" and "Soon everyone's mouths have dropped open as an exhausted figure shuffles inexorably forward" were my favorite lines.
Renato ruminating that Juan did save his life may provide the only glimmer of hope for him although his continued obsession with Regina may doom him in the end.
I did enjoy Leonarda swiping the safe clean!
Thre is no one to tie Fulgencio to the murders except the dressmaker. He has never left any "loose ends" and doubt he will now. While it would have been wise to use her intuition and leave town immmediately after departing his house, I suspect she will see his sword brandished before the end.
I could not believe Arcadio was able to drag and imprison Juan. Could Arcadio possibly get any more vile or disgusting??? I cringed when Rod picked up the cat 'o nine tail. That image and the look on Juan's face stayed with me long after the show ended. Ack.
What a vile, evil creature Leo is. It was bad enough when she told the priest previously that she had nothing to atone for; but to say the things she said to Regina in front of God and everyone in the church sanctuary... I was truly surprised the Lord didn't strike her into a pile of smoldering embers. Now that would be a pie cart!
While I feel relieved for Noel's sake, I can't say I'm happy Renato has returned with all his obsessions intact. I think he knows Juan is alive.
The resolution of Remi and Lulu's storyline was a bit too easy. I think the writers were in a hurry to get that resolved. Still I'm glad to see them together.
I loved Leo carting off Rod's money. Hope she hid it good. That way if Rod and Orca kill her, neither will get the dinero. When Rod was staring at the unconscious Juan, didn't he say something about "the bastard's fortune"?
On to the show. I'm glad we now know that both Juan and Renato did survive the fall from the cliffs into the currents. I guess Juan did save Renato's life after all. Unfortunately, Juan is now at Rod's mercy and we all know cowardly Rod wouldn't try what he's about to do with Juan if he wasn't chained and bound.
LOL Leo robbed Rod blind. It couldn't have happened to a nicer person while Arcadio has written a damning letter that if found will seal Rod's fate to a life in prison.
I hate that once again Juan and Regina are separated but ala MdR and JDD Sr, she is hopeful that the sea will return her true love to her. Hopefully, it won't take until Monday for that to happen LOL.
For all the inconsistencies and slow start, I have really enjoyed CS and will miss this show when it's over. It is too bad that Uni didn't give it a chance. I'm glad I stuck with it. It was been a fun experience commenting on it and snarking along with the CS family. Many thanks again Jeri for another excellent recap.
xlnt, I don't remember Rodrigo saying anything about Juan's fortune while he was unconscious. I checked the video, and there was no line as far as I know.
The question that bugs me: how could Orca carry Juan to the Finca, and how could he hang him? Juan weights at least 220 pounds and he was totally unconscious.
Btw, CS is the forth telenovela together of EY and Salvador Pineda. 1. Marielena (Telemundo), 2. Guadalupe (Telemundo), 3. Te amaré en silencio (Univision), 4. CS (Televisa).
A big hooray for Remi and Lulu!
Does anyone one know if Eduardo or Rene are in anything upcoming?
René is in the newest adaptation of La mentira (Cuando me enamoro). Eduardo returned to Los Angeles to his son and I guess right now he's "resting his image".
Pirate Babe:
In addition, I want to thank you for taking over the recap duties from CherylNewMex when Uni made the disrespectful decision to move CS to midnight. It is truly appreciated knowing you didn't have to do it at all. So I thank you Jeri from the bottom of my heart.
Amen to that. :)
---But if Juan was killed off, his fortune (Sr. Aldama's, MdR's and the finca) would go to Regina (or since Regina and Juan are not married) to Regina's son.
Rod could easily think he could manipulate Regina into turning over all that money. He already did it once with her inheritance from Constanza.
Rod wouldn't think twice about taking all of Regina's money and leaving her destitute. I hope the money Leona stole somehow finds it's way back to Regina, since it would have been Regina's anyway had Rod not taken it from her.
Juan will fight Rod to get free to get to Regina. Renato is just a fool. Even a brush with death hasn't righted his mind. He knows Regina is pregnant with Juan's child and still is stalking her. How utterly unbalanced can you get? Rod did same something about the bastard's fortune and the look on his face towards Juan was pure evil. I'm sure there are big enough pie carts for Rod, Leo, Renato, and Arcadio. Their characters are just the epitome of self-centeredness and evil. Bring on the good stuff, Univision. We're more than ready for it!
I'm staying up this week just to watch the last episodes live.
Aribeth, Iam with you in the Arca/Juan dilemma. How in the world did Arca transported and unconcious Juan from the beach to la finca and then tied and lift him up? that was a head scratcher and a major bennie adjustment as people in this blog might say. I couldn't believe Leo could get worse. But I was wrong what she said to Reggi was just mean. I hope Rod doesn't flog Juan. I don't think I'll be able to stand it.
once again Jeri, muchas gracias.
Also thanks to Kat for all your work also. I really enjoyed the vocab you gave us yesterday.
While I'm going to miss this TN and the great comments, these past two days have not been as fulfilling as I would like. I'm hoping for more resolution tonight.
Susanlynn - put me in for a tie between pecan and sweet potato pie.
I still think that Renato will wise up and maybe be the one to save Juan. I didn't think he knew that Regina was pregnant yet.
Can't wait to see what happens to Leo, Rod and Arcadio. There isn't anything bad enough for them. Hope at least one of them gets theirs tonight.
Maybe Rod will take Leo to the hole in the rickety shaft and while there they will be buried alive when the shaft collapses and not able to get free. Hee. hee. Shades of Gaby buried alive in the grave in FELS.
Renato is still crazy.
Gotta go.
Now we can contemplate a trio of truly evil men--Fulgencio, Rodrigo, and Arcadio. So a weak and helpless Juan is the best surprise Rod's had in years?? Guess we know where Leo's surrender and MdR's appearance ranked with him, huh? It's always about wielding power for those bad guys, trying to compensate.
Leo was certainly evil in her wishes for Regi. Nasty, just nasty. For me, Leo on her bed, clutching Renato's vest and crooning to it was a doppleganger of Maria del Rosario holding her baby in the dungeon.
La Paloma
I am in denial that this TN is 3 episodes from ending. I have soooo enjoyed watching and reading all the comments and recaps. Many of your thorough insights into the TN world has been fascinating.
Gabe does grief and anger intensely. Loved him in the church!
What is Regina going to do with the letter?
Completely did not see the torture storyline coming. The bad guys are sooooo bad here! Keeps surprising me , how disturbing it is.
I have been wondering what the "handcuffs" hanging on the wall in Arcadio's room significance were. I guess I should have seen this coming.
Really hope we don't have to endure torture. A little happiness please! or a lot!! :)
I saw an old rerun of CSI Miami a whileback and EY played a Columbian interrogator, apparently a synonym for torturer. EY does very scary and threatening as-well-as he does his amor scenes. Very creepy, very disturbing creepy.
Boy, Renato is really a piece of work himself. At the church, I figured out it was him even before he came fully into view, just from the pants - Juan was wearing black. Even so, I railed a little at the cut to commercial! (On mine, anyway; I assume it was the same for you Univisioners?) Seeing him tormented by the memory of Juan's attempt to save him has me thinking also now that the last vestiges of whatever goodness he inherited from Noel are going to end up playing a part.
Catch that hateful bump Gabe gave him on the way out? Good on Gabe, I say.
Arcadio's as slippery as a street cat himself, ain't he? Juan's going to have a good time ridding him of all nine lives. And you'd think he'd know better by now than to trust a letter to do its work.
I'm kind of surprised that with all that searching they're supposed to have done, no one else came across any stray bodies. Like, say, a whole pile of them at the bottom of one particular cliff.
And Leonardo... Holy Virgencita, what a horrible thing to do. And in the church, no less! For some reason, I never imagined her stooping to thievery. I don't know why; she's committed just about every other crime there is.
Seeing what Rod had in store for Juan had me contemplating, if only for an instant, the delightful image of Regina killing him herself. I know she'd never go through with it, but methinks the fury of a woman scorned is going to be nothing compared to Regina's. There are positively going to be lines forming for the rights to off the unholy trinity. They may have to sell tickets and have a raffle! (All proceeds to go to the Needy Fishermen's Fund.)
How can we be this close to the end? Every day, I get a little sadder. I think Pasion will always be my favourite (so...many...pirates... @.@), but CS is a very close second now. It seems like the comment parties have been even more fun this time around. I'm going to miss it! I just can't get into the non-period novelas - so I'll be keeping an eye on Caray on the hopeful chance that we get another one, but probably won't have much cause to comment anywhere.
Arcadio did not carry Juan. He dragged him to the finca. He is not going to care about scraping Juan's boots or Juan getting ground burn. lol. If he did carry him it was a fireman's carry. You don't need a lot of strength to do that. Just technique. Girls can do it.
How did he put Juan up there? By using a pulley made up of rope then tranferred to the handcuffs. I don't feel like goin into too much more detail but that is the gist of it.
I do have a feeling that Renato may indeed save Juan. And in the process end up killing both himself and Rodrigo in the process. Leonarda then shoot Arcadio killing him while in the catacombs at the same time the second shot hits the cieling causing the roof to trap her beneath. Moments later, that part of the finca falls into the sea. Just my guess. No spoiler.
How long does a notario loike Noel secure his own divorce so that he can properly court Mariela and then get married to her? Divorce may be frowned upon in those days but that is the only way.....
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