Thursday, August 26, 2010

Llena de Amor #13 Wed 8/25/10

This is a gap week, so the recap is DIY.

The basics:

Fedra is a harpy shrew. She blames Marianela for Emanuel's accident. Also, she insists on getting Emanuel out of that filthy gross poor people hospital and takes him home, against medical advice. Marianela goes home with Emiliano.

Pretty much the whole gang has showed up either inside the hospital waiting room or out on the sidewalk. We get a clear view of Ilitia's asymmetrical haircut. Doris tries to get friendly with André but is disappointed when he doesn't really remember her and then leaves with his latest fling.

Oliver gives the fight club a hard time and puts them all in jail, but lets them out before long. He flirts a lot with Gretel but she hits him and drenches him.

Bernardo seems to have been having an affair with Nereida, but she doesn't like being his second choice. Fedra catches them kissing in the laundry room.

Emanuel rests in bed at home, with Ilitia snuggling all over him. Axel and Gretel show up and roll their eyes at Ilitia's ramblings about the marriage and children she and Emanuel will have. Emanuel doesn't seem at all into the idea himself.

Marianela makes chicken soup for Emanuel. It is, of course, muy muy rico (but did she use KNORR?!???!) She takes it to him and Ilitia "accidentally" dumps it all over Marianela instead. Emanuel sees through this ruse and gets really mad at Ilitia.

I think some other stuff happened but I don't remember what.


OH!!! I had blocked this out! Fedra and Bernardo put a big snake in Marianela's bed! And then she sat on her bed and the snake slithered onto her and she SCREAMED and Emanuel came running.

Thanks Julia!

Ok, this show is getting on my nerves. Mari STILL DOES NOT HAVE ANY CLOTHES! Didn't she get paid for the job she did the other day, and still is in the uniform. Netty didn't even say anything about her not having regular clothes. And what was with her getting the chicken soup spilled on her and then getting into bed with dirty clothes???

Fedra is fugly and makes me sick, I think that Bernardo is going to get sick of her before the end and maybe turn on her, lets hope.

What is with Gretel, one minute she is comitose and the next she is fine, going out of the house and everything. I have to admit there is something very pretty about her, and I love her hair.

I don't understand why no one wants Mari to go to her aunts house, they are all good people, is it because they are poor?

Mari signed a contract for the advertisement gig and was pleased at the amount of money, but maybe she has to wait to collect the payment? Typically you don't get paid for work right away.

I think at the point when she got in bed with soup all over her school uniform, she had just given up. She's been attacked by one thing after another, the only other thing she has to put on is her robe, if that's been washed, unless the dress Emanuel bought is available and clean (is that what she was wearing when the brown powder was dumped all over her?), but WHY BOTHER? She'll just get something ELSE dumped on her.

I think Gretel is mostly okay. She occasionally has spells where she is overwhelmed by the trauma, but she's functional in general.

Thanks Julia. You pretty well hit the highlights. My lack of language skills misses some of the dialog, but honestly, in some of these episodes, just watch the action and you can pretty well figure things out.

The one way too long scene was with Lorenzo and the chick in the restaurant. (And wouldn't you have loved to have been the couple stuck next to those two?) Wasn't paying attention too well 'cause I hate Lorenzo, and then she whipped out the baby pic? Can someone fill me in...was she telling him he had a kid? figures if he does....

Hope we don't get too many more kissy face scenes with The Joker and Nereida. Not a good thing to watch right after dinner.

But I have to agree with Maggie's comment yesterday. sure there are some aggravating aspects to this TN (what TN doesn't drive us crazy at some point), but I'm enjoying it and look forward to it each night. Especially because it isn't such a serious TN, makes a nice break. And one of the important things I like, there are really fun or interesting secondary characters that are enjoyable to watch and follow their story lines, this one has many. Looking forward to see how things progress...just get this girl some CLOTHES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Julia, thank you for doing this.

Fedra was a natural snake handler. Like seeks like. She was very comfortable with it!

I also thought about what Maggie posted yesterday and I tried to have a fun time viewing this. I'm usually not terribly observant, but did notice the huge book titled "FLORES" in Netty's house. I also smiled at the embroidered pillowcase Emanuel had at the hospital. Fun little touches.

Daisy, "the Joker". LOL!


Diana, I also noticed the FLORES book. Clever. I've also noticed that little statue on the shelf in Emanuel's bedroom. It's a rather rotund lady.

I spent the whole Lorenzo scene trying to figure out whether that girl was the actress who played Katia in Gancho. I don't think she is, but she looks very similar. I didn't hear anything they said.

Julia – You are a champ to put this up and do a little recap to get us started.

About Lorenzo and his squeeze: You’d think if you’re going to have an affair, you wouldn’t have dinner at a prominent table where everyone could see you. Also, I didn’t quite get the baby thing either – if his lover had been pregnant, wouldn’t he have noticed? I’m guessing the baby has already arrived, because she had a photo. It sure was sick-making to watch the two of them, or I guess just sleezy him, nuzzling.

Talking about liking this show: Another thing I like is that it’s not so claustrophobic as the last shows I’ve watched. Obviously they had a big budget for this one (so many characters, and so many big-name actors and actresses!) and so we get to go lots of places, we’re not just stuck in one or two houses all the time.

I’m also really enjoying the Ilitia actress (Altair Jarabo) in this one. Yeah, it’s a type she’s known for, but she’s really going at it full-bore. This character doesn’t have the sorrowful undertone that was so effective in ENDA, but it’s fun to see her go nuts with the part.

Another thing – the weeping isn’t excessive. Marianela got a little teary last night, but we didn’t have to watch her sob away with somber music in the background for a longggg take. That’s a relief.

I noticed the FLORES book, but didn't get the joke until you guys brought it up today. I just wondered if she liked flower arranging. Duh.

Did anybody else have captions? We didn't here in L.A.

Altair Jarabo is absolutely perfecting her snotty flirty brat routine. She and Valentino Lanús have great chemistry. Their little spats are very saucy.

Well, now I'm wondering what's going on with Lorenzo's playmate. He has so many, he could very well not have noticed she was pregnant if she was just "unavailable" or "out of town" for awhile...but why would she wait to tell him about the baby? Curious. She looked so young, and I thought I heard her say something about her parents.

Ok, I missed something, what is up with the flores book?

I think the lady that Lorenzo was with was and old flame and she just recently came back into his life with one big suprise.

Thanks everyone on trying to clear up the Lorenzo scene. Lord help us, this probably won't be the last of her, or him. My apologies to Armando for stealing my moniker for him in MP, but in this TN, Lorenzo takes the Smarmy crown.

I loved the scene with Lorenzo and the blond. He missed her terribly while she was away. "How long has it been?" "7 mos." He called her mamacita and wants to spend more time together. She does too. Then she whipped out the baby photo, "Felicidades papá, te presento tu hijo. (congratulations daddy, I present your son)." His enthusiasm waned. Oh, that is not Katia.

I think that Axel may have met his soulmate... the sad-eyed guy he was jailed with for fighting.

I'm starting to enjoy this a bit more.


Flores is the actress's real name. Not much of a joke, but the book is so prominent.

I love the little looks the good siblings exchange when Ilitia is talking (or any of the other crazy people). They have whole conversations with just eye movements and the merest hint of gestures and expressions, just like real people who are very close can do.

Carlos, thanks for explaining what happened with Lorenzo and the chica.

I was also wondering whether Alfredo might deep down be much more like Axel than he wants to admit...but soul mate? Why would Axel want someone who has treated him so horribly? Anything can happen over the next few months, I guess.

Julia, I thought I saw some rather significant glances exchanged and neither seemed quite so ready to fight while sharing a cell. I may be jumping the gun, but I predict a close friendship between the two. In a similar vein, I think that Ilitia and Brandon will end up together (as several others have already predicted).

Fedra does seem to share a kinship with the snake.


Carlos, I think you may be right. Knock-down-drag-out fights as the grown-up boys' version of dipping a little girl's braids in the inkwell. Axel is having such a hard time himself, I bet he'd eventually be understanding of Alfredo's lashing out.

Thanks Julia for putting up a brief recap although it seemed to cover everything important that happened.

Totally can't stand watching another episode with Mari in that same uniform.

The scene with Bernardo and the maid made me gag.

Now that there is a snake in Mari's bed is somebody going to wise up a do something. Anything.
Can't wait til the old man (forgot his name) in the basement gets wind of this.

Thanks Carlos. Just what Lorenzo needs.. being another baby daddy. He's done such a stellar job with Ilitia. And if this gets out...can you imagine how ticked off she'll be.

Also, think you may be on to something with Axel and the guy fought with (forgot the characters name). how many TN couples start by hating or arguing with each other?

The cast is so good, except, in my humble opinion, the "Fedra" actress. I've seen her very often before and she's just got the same gig all the time. Smarmy. Stinky. Even though the cast is super, I'm going on "Standby" on this one. Really see no further point in the incessant fat-lady mocking. I don't know if that plays so wll in the states, although given all the U.S. reality shows obcessed with drastic weight-loss, I may be quite wrong on that one. Anyway, this is to mean for me right now and the fat joke has run its course. I'll check in from time to time, looking for the day when they at least drop that fat suit down a few sizes.

Dona Felipa

Is Bernardo maybe Fed's brother? They don't seem to be sexually involved, and I can't imagine Em not being jealous having some man with his wife 24/7.

"Fedra is fugly and makes me sick"

Kat I hope you don't mind if I borrow that some day, that is so perfectly put I could never improve upon it.

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