Monday, August 09, 2010

Dinero Monday August 9, 2010 Is It A Wedding March Or A Dirge? You Decide.

Short version: Nothing happens

Long version: Several things almost happen

Really long version: We start with a brief rehash of last Thursday. Beltran and the Queen are wishing Ale and Rafa well in their respective marriages and professional lives. Rafa and Ale are clearly miserable and after the Queen dismisses them with a "Herein endeth the lesson, go in peace" (to which Rafa mumbles "Amen") ,our two gloomy lovers trudge out. The Queen knows their love life is messed up and warns her little doggies about making a similar mistake.

Out in the hallway, Ale continues her gloomy rant about the debt.

A- Rafa, as soon as you get the money from the used truck sale, pay me. I'm depending on you. I need that money to clear up all my family's debts.
R-Trust me.
A- I have no choice but to trust you. In spite of all the hidden and repugnant things you've been doing lately.
R- You mean Dandy?
A- No, Everything!

Tears run down her cheeks as she promises that after the payment, she'll give him a document exonerating him. (Big whoop Ale!) They wish each other luck in their marriages. They both start to say something. They interrupt each other. They sigh. They give up. He looks grim. She looks sad. Aaaarrrgh. The rest of us are just screaming and throwing stuff.

The scene shifts to Marian's office. She's looking quite lovely and pinkalicious. And still puzzled as to why Rafa is marrying this Vicky person. She knows he's deeply in love with Ale. But she also knows that she and Rafa have some chemistry together (a woman knows these things, she assures Chepis) and something might well have happened if Daniel hadn't shown up at the party. Chepis notes that a messenger brought an invitation to the wedding, but wonders why Rafa didn't give it personally if he wanted Maria at the ceremony. Hmmm...Marian decides to get to the bottom of this mystery. Could there be a pregnancy involved? (Hey, that's our question!) She'll go visit Julieta. And no, she won't call before. Better for it to be a surprise. But yes, she'll fix herself up to be really gorgeous (Good grief! she already is.) before arriving.

And now one of these dreaded financial real estate discussions. They might as well be talking Chinese. Anyway, it's Carmela the Ardent and Marco the Impotent Rat. They're trying to work out how they can both keep draining the hacienda's finances while convincing Ale there's a buyer for the place. After all, it's a really productive , profitable hacienda. Marco has been living like a king off it for two years. Somehow, as I understood it, they were going to use the profits as the down payment for it (as a phony buyer) but Carmela makes it clear she wants in on the "good life" as well. Either they both get rich or they both go down, is her final warning.

Mientras tanto (Hi Carlos!) Jaime is drowning his sorrowful conscience in tequilas and fielding a gloomy call from Rafa. No loan from the bank and Marco is going to take Ale off to Brazil....forever!...after the wedding. Could things get any worse? (Yeah, Rafa, you could actually be married to VickyVickyVicky.) Jaime mumbles and stutters and tells Rafa not to lose hope. Sorry. No hope possible. I told Aleandra the truth and she didn't believe me. Now it's good-bye. I DON'T WANT TO MARRY VICKY!!!! But I owe her dad money and there's no way I can get out of it. Arrrgggh. Shall we throw some more missiles at the TV? Mercifully, an ad interrupts our tantrum.

Susanita and Ale have left work and when Susana refused to go to a bar, Ale drags her to Marco's apartment. Susanita isn't happy there either. She vamooses as soon as the clan arrives, but not without first assuring Ale that she will NOT be at the wedding. Rosario is impactada. As usual. Now some dithering about the papers and passports, giving them over to Manrique, fussing about Jorge who is not dressed warmly enough for Switzerland and then lo and behold, the doorbell rings and it's that rascal Rubi, come to hug and kiss Jorge and accompany him on his trip. Rosario is now looking double impactada and mucho sick.

A random dreary scene. The hapless Ay Dios mio! Jimenez arrives home to find a snoring suegro on his couch, an equally snoring suegra in bed with his wife, no supper left for him in the kitchen and only the prospect of putting down a colchoneta (mat or air mattress) on the floor if he's to sleep at all tonight. Reason? Suegra has fumigated their apartment and it's unlivable at the moment. "Sin cena, sin cama, sin justicia". Jimenez has some serious questions for God.

Rubi is hopping around, excited at the prospect of going to Sweden. Marco corrects her. Switzerland. Whatever. Snow, ski slopes. What's not to love? Ale wants to know how she's going without a ticket. Got it on the computer today. And where did you get the money? A rich "abuelito" gave it to me. (Things that make you go 'hmmmmm') More billing and cooing by Rubi and Jorge, noting how they just can't bear to be apart from each other for even a few days. Ale and Rosario are both looking like they need an emetic.

Speaking of...we now see Marino telling Ramirez he can't come home early tonight. Marino's planning to seduce Sandra and for that he'll need privacy. So much for Ramirez' romantic plans. But why make another woman miserable? he bleats, when you have so many wives already. "No seas mojigato!" (don't be a prude) snaps Marino. End of discussion.

A hunched, soberly dressed woman enters the showroom (after struggling to get past a rotund Trapito). It's Ramirez' mama and they're both overcome with emotion. "Hijito de mis entrañas (my dear child)!" "Sangre de mi sangre!" (Blood of my blood!) Well, you get the picture. They're overcome with emotion. We catch our breath and break for more ads.

Well, tender emotion aside, Mom still has a few scoldings left in her.
M- Germancito Ramirez, you were at the very gates of Hell!
R- For those magazines? Mom, don't go overboard. I'm almost 50 years old.
M- Only 47! And don't make me more aged that I am. Furthermore, one is never too old to have "buenas modales" (good manners)

Upshot. She'll take him back.

R- (Oh mama, if you only knew I was dating a married woman!)

O.K. Back to the infernal apartment. Rosaurio is giving Jorge a blessing before he leaves and warning him to cover up ("Tapate bien"). He assures her that with Rubi at his side, he'll be just fine. And no need for Ale to come to the apartment. He and Meñique (Manrique) and Marcario (Marco) and Rubi (he never gets HER name wrong) will just head out to the airport now. And don't cancel the wedding, daughter, because I'm not there. Go right ahead. Tearful kisses and lots of "I love you's" from Ale. Marco kisses Ale good-bye (an ewwwwww look on her face) and off they go, leaving Rosario, Ale and Azucena all looking a bit gloomy. Azucena's the only one who feels well enough to eat and she tromps off, leaving Ale and Rosaurio mourning Jorge's departure.

And now the invasion. Vicky, in full screech mode, has stormed Rafa's home base, informing Leonor, Julietta and Jaime that they're going to have a wedding rehearsal RIGHT NOW, whether Rafa's there or not. She's dragged her papa and hulking brothers along and the bigger hulk asks for "una chela bien fria" (a nice cold beer) and hey, maybe some "galletitas" (cookies) and empanadas (sandwiches) which promptly sets off a rant by Jaime about what kind of banquet this guy would really like. The answer is a big knife at his throat and a "I don' like your jokes buddy" from the hulk.

Back at the office, Ramirez is still getting whatfor from Mamita. On your knees when you get home. Recite ten Our Father's and fifteen Ave Maria's. And no more girlie magazines. Just then a hapless Dandy steps up, asks to meet mom and starts to kiss her hand. She lurches back like she's seen a demon. Lord, she senses that this man is a womanizer. Yikes, is your mom a "bruja or "adivina"? (witch or soothsayer) queries Dandy, rolling his eyes in circles. I forbid you to be friends with this infidel, shrieks mama, and drags her" hijito de sus entrañas" off with her.

Things are going from bad to worse back at Leonor's. Since Rafa hasn't arrived, Vicky wants to draft hulking brother into playing the groom. He declines. Then it's Jaime. He declines, goes into hysterics and faints. And has a nightmarish vision. He's at the altar, waiting for a lovely Julieta who's walking down the aisle with Rafa. Mom Leonor is alone in the pew, dressed in fur. The priest begins the ceremony with the Act of Contrition: "I have sinned against you in thought, word and deed. By what I have done and by what I have left undone...." That's it, even in his vision, Jaime is hysterically guilty. And now Vicky comes down the aisle, trailed by her horrendous family.

R- What's this?
V- I'm pregnant. By your Best Friend.
J- It's true! I was drunk! When one is in that state, right and wrong get muddled!

Julieta whacks him with a bouquet. Mom joins in. Rafa renounces him as a friend. And Vicky, cool as a cucumber, coos...Now where were we? Oh yes, at "yo pecador (I a sinner). With two brotherly knives pressed across his neck, Jaime starts to shriek out the rest of the confession.

And wakes up. Crashes back into the china cabinet, excuses his weird behavior as being due to lack of sleep, eliciting a scornful, sceptical look from Vicky. Julieta's defending her beau, snapping that if he doesn't want to help out, to leave him alone. Leonor sighs, let's just do it so we can get it over with.

The rehearsal begins. Vicky, imaginary bells ringing in the background ,prances down the equally imaginary aisle, dragging her hefty papa behind her. Now say "Le entrego a mi hija" (I give you my daughter) she barks. Dad drifts off to the side and now she lays hands on Jaime. The doorbell rings. It's her pajarito! Rafa doesn't ring the doorbell in his own house, snaps Julieta.

And indeed. It's not Rafa but a resplendent Marian. Vicky looks her up and down. So does hulking big bro. "Que vieja bien buenota!" (what a gorgeous hunk of woman) Papa agrees. So does little bro'. Marian gets all shy amidst this enthusiastic male worship.

We switch now to Ale who is not looking gorgeous at all. She all teary-eyed and wearing a spectacularly ugly robe. It seems to be covered with large black and green pears. (Symbolic or did she just cheese off the wardrobe department?) She's having a doleful chat with her mother's portrait and tops that off by strolling down romantic Memory Lane and ripping up a photo of her and Rafa. She then proceeds to tear up his soccer shirt, ending by wiping her eyes with it. (well at least she didn't blow her nose). And there we end.

Ale appears at her last sales meeting.
She cries.
Vicky finds out who Marian is and shrieks "Qué!?"

un enganche = down payment (we've had this before but "review and learn new")
colchoneta = mat, air mattress
estoy con el Jesus en la boca = I'm really upset, worried (Rosaurio)
no hay por que hacer tantas dramas = there's no need to carry on like that (Marco to Rubi and Jorge)
No seas mojigato = don't be a prude (Marino to Ramirez)
no te hinques = don't kneel down (Mama to her repentant son)
como se fuera mi = like it was me (Rubi promising to take care of Jorge)
tapate bien = cover up, keep warm
tabaja como un burro = he works like a donkey (Jaime explaining why Rafa is not home)
una chela bien fria = a nice cold beer
hijito de mis entrañas = lit. son of my entrails, bowels but fig. means "my dear child"

Dicho of the Day

Antes de que te cases, mira lo que haces. (lit. before you get married, look what you do. or Look before you leap.)
Yes, I've used this dicho before. But it was another story and besides you've probably forgotten it. And furthermore it really fits! So enjoy.


Judy, that was amazing. "Could there be a pregnacy Invovled?" Yes indeed that is our question.
Jaimies dream was pretty funny. It looked like the brothers brought out machettes.

Marian really is quite lovely. The whole grimm family, minus Vicky were quite taken with her.

Poor Ale that really was a tearjerky scene, but you are right that robe was ugly. I like her cute striped pajamas much better.

So even though it feels like we have been stalling, tonight was fun espically after not having an episode Friday and no episode on Tuesday. So thank you for such a fun and detailed recap. Loved your dicho.


I loved this recap -- especially your tantrums. Very funny.

Marian looked especially lovely when she showed up at the house didn't she?

How does Dandy DO that thing with his eyes?

The nightmare wedding scene was very funny and Ale's goodbye to the futbol shirt (in that ugly robe & pjs) was very touching.

I loved your intro (short version, long version, really long version.)

favorite lines: "big whoop Ale!" "things that make you go Hmmmm." "he never gets HER name wrong." "did she just cheese off the wardrobe department?"

Loved it.


And Judy .... How do you get these up so FAST?? -- and in such detail & wit???

Thanks Judy for such a good blow by blow retelling of tonight's episode. I definitely vote for dirge (clever title).

It is hard to believe so little happened when there is SO MUCH hanging out there!  The weddings are now!!  Rafa certainly can't get married. Is Marian going to save him?  Will Jaime come clean?  Will Ale & Rafa get the money for the trucks? Why the heck are the writers sending Jorge (and Rubi) to Switzerland?

Marian echoing our question, Could she be pregnant?  Too funny! 

Though not unexpected, I laughed at Vicky's QUE! when Marian was introduced as a friend of Rafa. Marian has yet to have the pleasure of Vicky's acquaintance. 

Julieta looked very pretty instead of just cute in Jaime's dream (passed out) sequence. There was a split second where I thought she was going to fall out of the top of her wedding dress. I guess wardrobe isn't used to having "things" as tightly under control for Julieta as they would for Claudia.

I was a little irritated with Don Gaston for not telling the boys to put their knives away in Leonor's house. 

I was trying go figure out what was on Ale's robe. So pears, is that what they were?

Ale and Rafa's shirt............ "well at least she didn't blow her nose". LOL!     

Barbar, Babar, Barbara, whatever

Good morning everybody. Yep, that was another Crankypants recap. I hate this treading water when there are so many big issues to be resolved (rather like real life and who needs that?)

Thanks for all those nice comments. And now the big question: NOT "is Vicky actually pregnant? but HOW HOW HOW does the actor playing Dandy do that eye thing? I suspect Ramirez' mama may try to sign him up for an exorcism. It does have a certain demonic quality.

@Pata. Machete indeed. Hope those blades are dull.

@Gúera I don't really get these things up fast (at least not like Melinama). But I do start writing right after the show ends because I know I'm getting up at 5:45 am the next morning. That's highly motivating!

@Barbar (that's MY favorite version of your name). Julieta was truly lovely in her wedding dress. Didn't notice the almost-wardrobe-malfunction but that's because I was madly scribbling notes.

I imagine the Televisa wardrobe department has scads of wedding regalia. Maybe they just didn't nip that one in enough. She is a very slender, tiny gal. And cute as the dickens.

Judy- You were so great at pulling out and highlighting last night's funny moments. There was actually quite a few, despite how grim the episode was. I could not believe Ale ripped the photo and the shirt. She really has given up on Rafa, and it seems that Rafa is close to giving up too. This can't be. Our couple needs an intervention by an angel. Could Marian fit the bill? At least to put a stop to Rafa's wedding? They've got like two days to get everything straightened out. How in the heck are they going to do it? I will be very impressed if the writers are able to resolve the loan, 2 weddings, jobs, and truck sale issues in a matter of 2 tn days.

I cannot imagine why the writers are sending Jorge, Rubi and Manrique (what a combination) off to Switzerland. But the result should be fun/funny.

I have no idea how Dandy does that with his eyes, but it amuses me and scares me at the same time. :)

Dandy's eyes--a natural wonder!

Judy: After laughing at the title, I read and savored every word of your recap. It was well written, detailed and so much fun (i.e. the short, long and really long versions). As always, the vocabulary and dicho were perfectly tailored to this episode and greatly appreciated.

You also had some stellar English word gems scattered throughout: "pinkalicious", "dithering", "hulking" and my favorite "bleats". Also, thanks to you, I've learned another new word -"emetic". Gracias!

Best asked and answered question was: "Could things get any worse? (Yeah, Rafa, you could actually be married to VickyVickyVicky.)" Excellent!

Obvious sex appeal aside, there is something soft and touchingly vulnerable about Marian. It's easy to see why men are pure putty in her hands.


Thanks for the recap, Judy.
I loved the Rubi going to Switzerland scene. I guess Quintana really wants to keep up with that and doesn't trust Marco will tell him everything.
So it seems more and more likely that Rafa isn't getting married. Once Marian said she will do anything to stop the wedding Rafa's wedding was officially off.
Ale's wedding doesn't have any roadblocks. I'm afraid t that she will get married to Marco. Although, since Marco has a little difficulty performing they may be unable to consumate their marriage.
Signing off... Private 057

Way to go Judy, your recaps are always great!

Why is there no Dinero tonight???

I really want this thing to move on already!!!

Hi there Vivi, Diana and Private 057.

@Vivi I doubt that we'll actually get to see Jorge and Rubi in Switzerland but I wish we could. That is absolutely my favorite country in the world, although I'm sure it's changed a lot since '59/60 when I was there.

@Diana, I love "pinkalicious". It's used in a series of books for girls that I read to Kate when I'm down in Charlotte.

@Private I right in thinking you're a guy? Just your immediate observation on consummation is leading me to think that. Just sayin'

@Barbar...Dandy's eyes are definitely a "natural wonder"...or "freak of nature". Quite unusual. Just hope he doesn't hurt himself doing that. Remember when you used to cross your eyes and your mother would warn, "Keep doing that and they'll stay that way!!!!"

Gosh Dinero tonight? I didn't know that. There was no Dinero Friday night because of the Mi Pecado finale. They must be giving either the 7 pm show or the 9 pm show some extra time. I'm clueless.

Good morning all and thanks for the excellent recap Judy!

Ramirez's mom doesn't want him to be friends with Dandy. lol! I agree with other comments - that thing Dandy does with his eyes is funny and freaky at the same time.

Jaime's wedding nightmare was hilarious. The brother's knives just keep getting bigger and bigger! Barbara, I also thought Julieta was going to fall out of that dress. She looked gorgeous in it though.

Itati is a fantastic actress! I could feel Ale's pain when she was crying and wanted to give her a hug. Now Ale, finish wiping your tears on Rafa's shirt and do something to stop his wedding!

Hi Tracie. I suspect Ramirez' mamita doesn't want him to be friends with ANYBODY. She's the classic righteous smother mother, but she hasn't been able to totally dampen his spark. He's clearly a happy pinch-hitter with Marino's leftover women.

There's a big futbal match tonight so o Dinero and no StuD either. I am bummed. I need my Dinero fix. I can't believe how annoyed I was originally with many of the characters. I thought that they had gone out of their way to find unattractive buffoons --Beltran, Ramirez, Don Gaston, the Brothers Grimm, Chavez. But they have all grown on me and now I really enjoy them and the show.

Yes, Julieta looked terrific in the imaginary wedding. I'm hoping that she does go to work for Marian and that they give her a more grown up workplace look. Of course what passes for office clothes in telenovelas is wa-a-a-ay more sexy than what would be acceptable here. remember the Liciencada's office outfits in Juan Querendon?!? At least the women at Autos Siglo dress well and appropriately except for Claudia.


Good morning Miss Crankypants. Excellent and hilarious. Love the three versions. Special thanks for the really long version.

Looks to me like Jaime is just about ready to crack. I don't believe that his conscience will let the Rafa/Vicki nuptials to proceed.

I wonder if they'll take us along to Switzerland? I'm guessing not.

I cracked up over Vicki's reaction after getting a look at Marian.


Güera, you're right, futbol tonight, but STuD will be on after the game. (10:00 pm EST).


Ay yi yi..."futbol"...well, look at it as a way to learn some sports vocabulary. Always good. Frankly we can't go around all the time saying "Suelteme!" and "¿Que haces aqui?".

@Carlos...did anyone sing you the Mañanitas for your birthday? Your description of the various celebration foods was mouth-watering. And what are you doing now, munching rice crackers? Gawd I hate those!

@Gü can stay up to watch STuD, right? Although it's been creeping along at a snail's pace also. Only Ivana seems to be having a good time.

Thanks Judy. I checked the online TV shedule & didn't go past 10. I'll set the VCR.

Thanks, Judy, for another steller recap, full of vocab, observations and clever phrases. I laughed out loud several times.

I also liked Julieta in her wedding dress. BTW, the actress who plays her admitted to getting "enhanced" two sizes, so they do have to be careful about wardrobe malfunctions :)

I think it's terrible that Jorge won't be at his only child's wedding. Just so he can check out a bank account in Switzerland? That seems wrong to me.

Thank you Judy - your recaps are always so cleverly done and so funny! I loved the different versions. I ended up watching last night after being too frustrated with it lately. At least it was a pretty amusing episode even if nothing really happened.

Jaime is so over the top with his nervousness, no wonder he collapsed. He seems on the verge of a nervous breakdown. I, too, hope he confesses so he can start acting at least somewhat like a normal person.

Strange group going to Switzerland. I wonder about Manrique, since he's not a bad guy will he intervene somehow to protect Jorge's money? And Rubi, it seems like Quintana, her and Marco may not be working together so well anymore. With the crowd at Marco's I was waiting for Claudia to show up.

I guess Carmela is still friendly to Marco because he has some power over the hacienda, otherwise with his non-performance you think she would want nothing to do with him. But he is still her Bomboncito!

Hi Hombre and Ivy. Well, who knew? are you reading TV y Novelas ,Hombre? How did you come by that interesting information about our little pixie's "enhancements"? Inquiring minds want to knoe. (good thing I proofread this. I originally typed "inquiring minds want to do"....Freudian slip?

@Ivy, I've been a bit of a Crankypants about Dinero lately. Doing a bit of sulking about the stalled plot line and dearth of romance. Guess you're feeling the same way. But they did gift us with a few funny moments.

Frankly, I'm ready for Jaime to have a COMPLETE personality transplant. Not sure that will happen, even if the truth about the supposed pregnancy comes out. I found his Saturday Night Live dream persona, a few months ago, attractive, but the usual everyday Jaime is like fingernails on a chalkboard to me. God bless cute little Julieta for loving him 'cause I sure couldn't!

Well, goshdarnit...then I misspelled "know" anyway. Bear with me, it's 90 sultry degrees here in the back library.

Thank you Judy. I missed this last night and I just bet your recap was better than the actual show. Very enjoyable. I hope we get to go to Switzerland. I just know that would be hilarious. I don't think Jaime would let Rafa go through with the wedding if it comes to that.

Judy - yes I was trying to figure out if knoe was some kind of freudian slip too! I totally understand, I can't function in the heat at all, I lose pretty much the ability to focus or think! I'm lucky to live in Portland OR, where it is mostly not too hot. We get a couple of weeks in the summer sometimes with 90 plus temps but that's about it. We're due for a stretch this week in the 90's, darn!

ITA on a personality transplant for Jaime!

Crankypants, that is funny. I have low pain tolerance, so I don't actually mind if it is slow, but I do mind if the misunderstandings and unhappiness keep going on and on with no relief.

Yes, Judy, I was reading TV y Novelas. I know we're not supposed to comment on the personal lives of the actors, but I thought this titbit (is that how you spell it?:) was too good to ignore.

Hombre, I think it is tidbit! LOL.

I am laughing here Hombre. A couple of years ago, my daughter gave me a subscription to TV y Novelas and honestly, I was so embarrassed by the covers of some of the magazines (not to mention the pics inside) that I didn't renew it. But baby, I read those articles! Lots of juicy stuff (90 per cent untrue I suppose) and many colorful expressions I dutifully wrote down.

These days the only magazine I read in Spanish is Peoplenespañol but I am really disappointed that they cancelled Selecciones (Reader's Digest) in this country. Those articles I enjoyed... and learned a lot, language-wise and otherwise. A real shame that magazine is no longer available.

@Hi there Lynda. I kind of doubt we'll actually go to Switzerland. Don't think that the Dinero film budget would include that. Fea Mas Bella did some filming in New York City but that's the only telenovela I can remember that actually went well off-site.

@Ivy...well if it's a Freudian slip, it's a mysterious one. More likely to just be heat prostration. This has been a hellacious summer. Glad things are cool and green, for the most part, out your way in Oregon.

It is Tuesday. Que paso? No Dinero, solo futbol


No Dinero tonight Kalum. :(

I was surprised too Kalum. And the worst part about "futbol" is that the US is losing. But that was to be expected, alas.

STuD will be on at 10 pm if you watch that. Me, I'm about ready for bed!

Judy loved your recap and vocabulary. I'm slacking on watching the show lately (and commenting), didn't even know they didn't have it yesterday.

I was actually thinking about the filming on location. I thought Rosario and Ale actually went to Huston, no?

I meant to write Houston

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