Saturday, August 14, 2010

Llena de Amor #5 Fri 8/13/10 I'm back

I hope this is like riding a bike, it has been a while since I've done this -

Unfortunately my night begins with Emanuel doing a Chippendale show for Marianela. Are we supposed to forget that they are cousins, or did we decide that the cousin lovin’ isn’t frowned upon in Mexico? I forget. Anyway, Emanuel finally leaves Marianela to gasp for air, bringing on the one billionth time on TV they have shown someone with asthma and gotten it all wrong. I suffered from asthma when I was younger and the problem is breathing OUT, not breathing in. On TV they always show someone gasping to suck in air, all of a sudden, it comes on a bit more slowly. They also never show someone using their inhaler right, in reality it looks like someone doing a bong hit. Suck the spray down deeeeeeep and hold it as long as you can. And Marianela this time even had the inhaler upside down! Wow we kicked right off with one of my pet peeves. Moving on –

Emiliano calls the cops to report the four guys that attacked Mauricio. Fedra overhears and mumbles threats against Mauricio, she knows what really happened. Emanuel walks in with no pants and blood on his head, Emiliano gets back on the phone, he must have been assaulted too!

Emanuel laughs about having blood on his head like he’s drunk or something and remembers Marianela throwing the chocolates at him. He is acting really weird. Then he realizes it wasn’t her taking his pants, who was it?

Fedra calls Bernardo and the two security guards on the carpet for not seeing the four assaulters. Emanuel and Fedra argue, Marianela comes in with chocolate all over her face. Fedra tells her to lay off the chocolate or she won’t fit through the door.

Ilitia continues complaining about Brandon at the police station. WE GET IT. As Maggie (I think it was her) pointed out, these two getting together later on is a guarantee. Her mom Camila defends him as a hero, Ilitia just complains some more about not talking to her novio, etc. Dad Lorenzo shows up and wants to hear the whole story. Ilitia says later, just get us out of here.

Emanuel says there was no assault, he just had an accident. Fedra says “I knew it!” She is on to Mauricio and his greasy self, and now Emanuel knows Mauricio is the pants thief.

Emiliano apologizes to Marianela about Fedra. They say nice things about Eva, leaving out any mention of her plastic face. He promises to talk to the lawyers about her inheritance. She mentions moving to Netty’s house, he says no way, this is her house, the house of her father! She can go see Netty whenever she wants, or even bring Netty over whenever. I’m sure he is all for that wink wink nudge nudge know what I’m saying? Speaking of Netty, I think the skill she could teach best is how to fan your face with your hand, she’s an expert.

Netty and the other ladies at her house ask if Eva left anything for anyone, Netty says she didn’t have any money to leave. The others don’t believe that, with all her singing success and rich husband. For sure when he died he left it all to Eva, and now it belongs to Marianela, right? Netty thinks, hmmm, that makes sense.

Marianela, still in her bath robe, talks to the General in the basement about how horrible Fedra is. He says she’ll try to get rid of Marianela, dead or alive. She frets. He tells her Fedra hate her because she is the heir to all the fortune of her father. What about the debts, she says? He says that’s all lies. She then FINALLY realizes that she lost the gold lily.

Bernardo brings Fedra all the fake papers making all of Eva’s fortune belong to her now.

Emanuel has the gold lily, wonder how many weeks/months before Marianela finds out and gets it back? Axel is borrowing some books, Emanuel stops him and asks, what if someone told you a crazy story, and then later you found something from it? Axel asks like what? Emanuel says like after hearing the story of Alladin and the lamp, what if you were walking along and you FOUND a lamp just like that? Axel says well, then, that means the story is true! So – this gold lily appeared in some story being told within this family and Emanuel didn’t think it was all true, but here is the lily, for real.

Fedra exults. Then asks Bernardo, where are the debts I asked you to make? He goes into some long explanation that sums up to “taken care of”. She says she’ll pay him handsomely for everything, he says he isn’t interested in money. She says that’s weird and they talk about forgetting the past, apparently her past is shady but now she has been converted into a queen and she’ll never forget that she owes it all to Bernardo. So I ask, what does Bernardo want? Is he in love with Fedra (ugh threw up in my mouth a little)? We don’t get an answer at this time.

The General says he can’t believe the gold lily was still around. It was given to his father from a business associate (what a girly gift between businessmen, but whatever), then it passed to her father, who gave it to Eva on their wedding day. After that it was never seen again. Marianela is upset that she lost it.

Manuelo goes to the kitchen for something for his headache. Then he plays with frosting on a pie, saying something about his sister. One of the maids says something nasty to him on her way out of the room. Is it me, or are the maids the most attractive women on this show? One of them might be too young for me to say that, but still. I have no idea what the deal was with that scene.

Marianela is telling the maid about her lost gold lily, asking for her hep to find it.

Bernardo, aka The Mask, keep congratulating themselves. She wants to go out and celebrate, it sounded to me like she wanted Bernardo to give her some drugs (extasy?) and then she was going to out and slut it up with some random dude. He says that would be the third time this month already, she should be careful. My wife didn’t understand that all any better than I did, I think that’s what is going on here.

Kristel goes into Gretels room as Gretel is asleep. She talks to her about why she has to be so weird instead of ‘normal’ like her. She plays with a hypodermic needle, but before she uses it a maid comes in saying Emanuel wants her in the kitchen. She heads down.

Emanuel is waiting by the kitchen door with a pie loaded with whipped cream (ok now I get it). He whips it up to hit Kristel as she enters….. but it was Marianela. Ooops.

Ilitia’s dad tries to calm her down, it doesn’t work very well. The cops call her in to sign her statement. Instead of just going, she rants first. Then she goes.

Emanuel is having to apologize to Marianela AGAIN. She starts crying. I’m getting very tired of seeing this bit twice per episode. I look forward to no more fat suit and getting the thin hot version of this actress back. Kristel comes in and says that Emanuel is officially her hero (the captions here were WAY off, something about being detenido), which upsets Marianela even more. Sigh.

Ilitia signs the form. Then she yells at Brandon some more. He teases her and asks if she wants his phone number. She vows to get even with him. She throws her money and fame in his face, showing how shallow she is. This continues until she leaves.

The Mask goes into Emanuel’s room (I’m guessing because of the trophies) and some how immediately finds the one where he has hidden the gold lily. He has what sounds like an orgasm as he steals it. Creepy.

Kristel asks Marianela if she was born dumb or if something happened. Emanuel tries to defend her, AGAIN she gets mad at him, etc etc etc. She trips and falls on the pie on the way out, refusing his help to get up. Kristel can’t stop laughing. He says maybe this will also be funny and dumps a bunch of soup on her head. He decides that this IS funny, adding rice, and some more whipped cream on top of her head. He laughs. I agree, it is funny.

Netty and the others continue to talk about the inheritance. They vow to make sure it goes to Marianela. Brandon comes home and everyone is so happy.

Some old lady from Spain, Aunt Carlota, reminds Emiliano by phone that it is Marianela’s house, etc etc. He says of course, when she is old enough it will all pass to her. Fedra flops her arm on a bunch of piano keys in the background. Aunt Carlota makes him promise to protect Marianela. He agrees, with Fedra sulking in the background.

Marianela sits in her dark room and whines to God, out loud to herself. I can’t get her time as Aurora out of my head, it’s the same thing all over again.

Fedra complains about Aunt Carlota putting the responsibility of taking care of Marianela on them. Whine whine whine. She insults Netty, Emiliano quickly comes to her defense. More arguing. Axel shows up and adds to the defense of Netty. Fedra then wants Marianela to leave the house, but Axel says she should decide herself, and Emiliano says she’ll stay here, and everyone will show her some respect, dammit! Good Night!

This is out of order and I don’t know if anyone threw this out there yet – but I think Axel is gay. The whole thing the other night where he wouldn’t give the girls attention, then telling his friend that he ‘was about to tell my parents everything’ but then didn’t, it all adds up.

Ooops – turns out Marianela was listening. She is still covered with cream, Fedra yells at her.

Ilitia comes home, her parents ask if she is going to see Emanuel, she says she can’t looking like this! She sniffs her hair and says she has ‘odor of naco’ stuck on her so she has to clean up first, then go see her novio.

Fedra goes on, Emiliano stops her. Marianela says there was an accident, it wasn’t from eating. She tells what happened. Fedra doesn’t believe her. Emiliano says hey hey whatever, it’s ok if you ate the pie. On and on. Nobody believes what happened. Fedra calls the maids to get Marianela’s unifoms so she can dress for dinner. Whichever maid shows up says it isn’t possible but Fedra sends her off anyway. Wonder why it isn’t possible, sounded like more than it just not being out of the wash yet.

The old lady maid is yelling at Emanuel for the mess he made in the kitchen. Of course they have to clean it up, not him. After enough complaining, he actually does decide to do it himself. The maids keep on him, accusing him of making problems with Marianela. He tries to explain but they don’t believe him.

Haa – Marianela’s uniform shrank to the size of doll clothes. Ooops. The other one is still in the wash, the maid promises to not put that one in the dryer. Kristel shows up to tease her some more. Axel gets mad and leaves. Kristel offers to give Marianela a costume to wear.

Axel is talking to sleeping Gretel, I guess because she can’t talk back to him. He says something about being something that he isn’t. He has a big secret, it is obvious. I really think he’s gay.

Emanuel takes out his anger on a punching bag. The gardener comes to talk to him. He suggests giving Marianela a rose. I’m sure she’ll prick her finger and accuse him of doing it on purpose.

In her room Marianela holds El Cofre (every novela has one) holding her mother’s ashes. A knock at the door. A hand comes in with a rose, Emanuel is here apologizing AGAIN.

Mercifully this episode ends.

Monday – Marianela is in some huge pumpkin costume, about to talk to Emanuel (who is wearing a pirate outfit, though nobody else is in costume) at some party, when Ilitia shows up wearing a most excellent short tight red dress runs up, breaking Marianela’s heart.


Ferro, good recap except that it is a silver lily and not gold. Emanuel keeps putting his foot in it - not sure he'll be able to get out of the dog house for a long time to come. Will be interested to see what shapes up when the girlfriend returns. By the way, this show has plenty of recycled Sorteligio actors in it. Early in the game, but can't wait to see Fedra and Kristel get their comeuppances.

Señor Ferro! Welome back! Your perspective is always so entertaining. I'm sorry you had to suffer through that striptease, but not very sorry, because I thoroughly enjoyed it.

When Marianela promised both Emanuel and Delicia that she wouldn't cry anymore, I was hoping against all hope that it was true and she'd buck up, but I guess I can't blame her too much for a few tears. The poor girl cannot get a break. Won't someone please buy her some clothes? One of these days she's going to have to make a toga from the sheets to wear down to the church and sift through the donations bin, and won't Fedra be embarrassed then?

I agree; Axel is gay. I really like this actor. He was great in Mi Pecado.

Watching Emanuel dump the dinner over Kristel's head was most enjoyable. Can he please torment her every episode?

welcome back, chris. oh, so this was that dippy Aurora? hmm.

Hey Ferro (Chris)! So nice to see you recapping again. It's great to have your point of view and snark to our mix.

Yes Marianela's abuse and crying can get tiresome. I'm hoping she will toughen up and/or leave that den of vipers. And yes ITA that Alex is gay.

Ferro94: Good job! Although I am not familiar with your previous work, it is obvious you haven't lost your touch. I thoroughly enjoyed your recap.

And, yes, I agree, Axel is gay. There have been so many clues.

This is not a good sign: I am already tiring of the same ol-same ol from our protagonistas. My advice: Marianela, clean yourself up after eating chocolates or getting a pie in the face! And ixnay on the crying. Emanuel, grow up, go to work, enough with the practical jokes.

Fedra and her partner in crime, Bernardo, make a diabolically cute couple, don't they?


Great recap Ferro. I agree with everyone that Axle is gay. I thought so from the beginning.

I think it is about time for Netty to make a visit to the mansion. I wish she would just move in there.

Sondie -Fedra and her partner in crime, Bernardo, make a diabolically cute couple, don't they? They do make a great villain team but Bernardo is just weird looking. I hope we don't have to see him in any bedroom scenes. I might be sick. I think he is in love with Fedra. She might wish he didn't have so much stuff on her down the road but he would implicate himself also so maybe it won't matter.

Ferro, I missed the part about her wanting to go out and party around and was told she had already done that 3 times this week. Maybe she will be all into old (as you put it Mask face).

Lynda, I agree. A love scene between Fedra and Bernardo would be just too icky! And I also missed that part about her partying already 3 times this week. I'll have to pay more attention!


Thanks for the sharp recap, Ferro.

Yeah, in some ways Adriadne Diaz is playing a similar role to what she did in MEPS, but whereas I found Aurora wimpy and insipid, I see glimmers of strength, spirit and humor in Marianela. Plus, she has great chemistry with Valentino Lanus. I'm giving the character a pass for now since she just lost her mother and has found herself in a den of vipers with only a few supporters. I find Alatair Jaroba's character much more annoying as it's the same entitled, spoiled, petulant brat she always plays. She's a pretty girl but come on, where's the acting range? Al contrario,the young actor playing Axle is really making a mark with his roles and I foresee a good future for him as he matures, playing either villains, heros or sympathetic characters.

Normally I don't like madcap comedy novelas but so far I'm impressed with this one, maybe because it has underlying serious themes. By the way, I agree that the maids are the most attractive people in the household. I might want to apply for a job there just so I could wear one of those snazzy uniforms.

Ferro, how neat it is to have you back. I've always enjoyed your previous recaps and I see that you still display that unique Ferro style and mordant wit.

I rewatched the scene with Fedra and Bernardo and still don't have a clue what it is that she has already done 3 times this month that is dangerous. I do like seeing these two paired up. Both are so good at being bad. He has a creepy countenance and a sly sinister smile that are endearing. His malevolence is silky-smooth and she has an over-ripe slutty, sexy elegance that inspires adolescent and senior fantasies alike.

I'm really liking old dude with a pistol. I'm not really sure how he fits in, but he doesn't seem out of place in this wacky family.


Who would have thought that in this fancy household, they would use whipped cream from a can? Lazy Paula.

And why would a person walk through the whole house with gunk on her face when there's a sink right there in the kitchen? I'll just tighten my beanie a little, because obviously we need to set up the conversations... but, does Emiliano really think that anyone would stick her whole face into a pie if she were just eating it?

Boy, I’m glad nobody’s home right now because I’ve been laughing out loud. Chris, your recap had so many hilarious bits. It was fun start to finish.

And the comments today are terrific and funny too.

If everyone in the house is weird or tortured except a couple of the maids and Emiliano, why is Emanuel such a sunny fellow? All those endorphins from working out?

I love the teasers – Fedra’s past! Bernardo not being interested in money! Axel’s secret! The lily’s secret! Greta's (as yet) unknown trauma! This should be good…

Anyone else think Bernardo has lipstick on? I had guessed that the “three times already” might be trysts with the two. Yes, blech, but interesting.

Speaking of the lily, what’s the big deal? It looks like it could be reproduced easily by any silversmith.

p.s. what's up with the tagging page? I tried to tag this and it said "no tags"

DUH how did I go that entire recap calling it gold instead of silver? Jeez. Thank you everyone for your comments and it's good to be back. This show isn't knocking my socks off but it isn't killing me either. Hopefully after the initial weeks we'll move beyond everyone just yelling at each other all the time.

Ferro, thanks for the very funny recap, overflowing with your trademark snark. Your recaps were a great inspiration to me when I started recapping (I think I actually subbed for you, a few years ago). I like how you don't shy away from letting the writers and characters have it, when they're being dumb. Excellent work!

Chris: Welcome back! You were gone way too long but the good news is you haven't missed a beat. You had me in stitches about "cousin lovin'" and other great lines including "Axel is talking to sleeping Gretel, I guess because she can’t talk back to him". Excellent!

I'm enjoying the cast, especially Brandon (in a role that couldn't be further from his Mi Pecado one).


I like how Ilitia has spent the entire show so far desperate to see or talk to Emanuel, and he doesn't seem to have even thought of her once. It will be interesting to see their dynamic when they actually meet up. Are they supposed to be definitely planning to marry, or just dating? The word "novio" is confusing...I know traditionally dating meant that you planned to marry, but that doesn't seem to necessarily be the case anymore, especially amongst the trendy urban types. But the word remains the same, so it's hard to tell how serious they are.

I don't remember Axel having a conversation with a friend about planning to tell his family...something. Who was he talking to? Do we think he has an actual current romantic interest?

Chris, thank you for your recap. I haven't seen your work before but you are really good!

I didn't get to see this episode but you spelled it out for me. Felt like I did see it.

Ok, I have a question. Why is it that Fedra and Benny are alway so chummy, he was massaging her feet last time I watched. Are they having an affair or is she just using him?

Julia – I don’t remember Axel having a conversation with a friend about telling his family something, but that doesn’t mean it didn’t happen. What I do recall is Axel telling conked-out Greta that he was pretending to be somebody he really wasn’t.

Poor Axel just seems so sad and alone. He had to curl up next to his unconscious sister to have anyone to talk to! Even at the club, he was just sitting there, like he goes along with the herd because he doesn't know what else to do, but he isn't part of the group at all. I hope he doesn't have to wait until the end to find some happiness.

Chris, this was great. I finally was smart enough to PUT THE COFFEE DOWN and then keep reading.

Personally, I'm starting to have my suspicions about The Mask and Fedra. basically, who is using who. I think Fedra believes she's the boss and in control, but I'm just wondering if Bernardo isn't using HER. There's just something so underhanded about him, and I think he's actually the cleverer of the two.

We need Netty to get into the house and get Mari out of there for some decent folk interaction. And ger this poor girl some clothes!

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