Friday, August 13, 2010

Llena de Amor #4 Thu 8/12/10 Life is like a box of chocolates.

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Emanuel and Marianela are out in the garden at Viper Villa, having a pleasant conversation until Kristel and Mauricio ooze on in and ruin everything like BP is managing them. Mauricio scoffs at the idea of Mari being related to all the pretty ladies of the household. No puede ser! He-manuel comes to her defense, bristling like a mama bear, but Mari pulls him back and says she doesn’t need anyone to defend her. “Ooooh, what an attitude on the fatty! A real fighter…well, a sumo wrestler!” mocks Mauricio. Kristel thinks this is hilarious. Marianela starts to leave, and Kristel runs over and turns on the sprinklers so that she gets drenched, then leads Mari to believe that this was Emanuel’s idea of a fun trick. Mari yells at him to go ahead and laugh; he’s just as cruel as the others! She walks away, and Emanuel goes over and chastises the gruesome twosome for their bratty behavior. “It was just a joke!” says Mauricio. POW! Emanuel punches him in the face. “Qué the heck?!” they say. “It was just a joke!” says He-manuel. He tells them to lay off Marianela or he won’t be Mr. Nice Guy anymore.
The doctor has given Gretel a sedative. Fedra hopes aloud that she will sleep for three months. Emiliano glares at her. After Fedra leaves to escort the doctor out, Emiliano holds Gretel’s hand and says she was such a happy child; what happened? Maybe Netty is right; what they lack in the house is love.
Marianela is in the kitchen, sobbing to Delicia that she doesn’t know why they are so mean to her. Delicia tells her not to take it personally; they are just bored bullies who don’t respect anyone. They are mean to everyone. For example, they found out that Delicia is terrified of toads, so for her birthday they gave her a box of toads. And Fedra is even worse. Delicia advises Mari not to let them see her cry. Mari remembers her mother telling her that she is beautiful and precious and not to let anyone ever make her feel bad about herself. She agrees that she will not give the bullies the pleasure of seeing her suffer.
Ilitia, Muñeca (her mother, aka Camila), and their chauffeur are heading out of the airport when Comisario Tejeda stops them. Ilitia naturally thinks he is a fan wanting a photo or autograph, but he says she needs to give her statement to the police. They are all ridiculously put out by this.
Oscar is driving Brandon, and they are reveling in Brandon’s heroism. Oscar can’t believe he didn’t even get that girl’s phone number. Brandon says he doesn’t like girls like that; they’re only good for hanging clothes on.
Benigno catches Emanuel on his way out of the house. Em says he’s worried about his sister and his cousin. He doesn’t want Mari to think no one cares about her, so he’s going to buy her a present to cheer her up. He drives away in his BMW convertible, which has the logo covered up so you totally cannot tell what sort of car it is.
Mari is in her bathrobe, yelling at Fedra for throwing out all her clothes. Fedra says they were horrible, so she’ll just have to keep wearing her school uniforms for now. Mari only has two, and one of them is soaked and the other in the laundry. After Fedra leaves, Delicia offers to try to rescue some of the clothes from the trash. Mari says no thanks; the uniforms will be fine. Mari wants the two of them to be friends. Delicia says okay, but Fedra can’t find out, and Mari has to stop crying and sharpen her claws.
Fedra lounges and Bernardo rubs her feet. Ugh. Fed whines about all the money they’ve spent on medical care for Gretel. Bernie says mental illnesses are tricky. Something must have happened to her; something they don’t know about. She changed right after Luis Felipe died; maybe that has something to do with it. Fedra thinks it’s unlikely; he wasn’t her father or anything. “Don’t forget what happened after we returned from the burial,” Bernardo says.
We see it in flashback: Crying little Gretel burned all her uncle’s clothes in the garden, and wouldn’t leave the fire until the clothes were all gone. Fedra thinks this is a coincidence. Bernardo says there’s no such thing.
At the office of Ruiz y de Teresa Publicidad, Lorenzo and another guy discuss that none of the models they looked at are right. They need a really special chubby girl. The other guy leaves and Emiliano comes in and gets the same report. Emiliano is in no mood for work meetings, though. Other guy tells him he needs a drink.
Fedra laments that her daughter is crazy, while the actual daughter of the deceased guy is perfectly sane. “For the moment,” creeps Bernardo. The phone rings. It’s Netty, wanting to talk to Marianela. Fedra uses a stupid fake voice that makes her sound even more than usual like she’s been drinking gin in a bubble bath all afternoon like her alter ego Miss Hannigan and pretends it’s the wrong number. Consuelo tells Netty to try again.
Emanuel goes to a fancy candy shop and picks out a big box of chocolates. The sales lady tells him his novia will love this gift. He freezes with a smile on his face and raises his eyebrows.
Fedra makes rude fat jokes about Mari, which fail to amuse Bernardo. Netty calls again. Fedra pretends to be an answering machine, so Netty leaves a message saying she wants to talk to her niece and she’s very worried. “HAhahaha, you stupid ridiculous wannabe actress, I laugh in your face!” cackles Fedra, but she must have already hung up because Netty doesn’t seem to have heard this.
Mauricio and Kristel are doing the only other thing they know how to do. Kristel worries that they’ll be killed if they are caught in her bed, but Mauricio finds the danger stimulating. They carry on.
Ilitia is at the police station, abusing Oscar and Brandon and accusing Brandon of kidnapping her in the airport. He says he had to shut her up because she was screeching like a bipolar hysteric. Oscar watches their exchange like it’s a ping pong match, then tries to intervene and convince Ilitia that this is routine procedure. Brandon tells her if she doesn’t cooperate, he’ll put her in jail. Ilitia says she’ll use all her influence to make sure he can never get a job.
Delicia goes into Kristel’s room with an armful of laundry and gets an eyeful of something else. The puerile pair do not see her. She quickly backs out and Fedra sees her standing there all saucer-eyed. Fedra is really perfecting her Miss Hannigan impersonation as she asks what’s going on. Del says she knows nothing so Fed threatens to yank her eyes out. Fedra knocks on the door and Kristel freaks out.
Emanuel finds Nereida in the foyer and tells her he needs her to do something for him. She smiles.
Marianela, still in her bathrobe waiting for dry clothes, tells a picture of her mother that she is not going to give up. She is going to stay in this house and make the best of it. There is a knock at the door. She opens it and sees the chocolate box sitting on the floor. The note from Emanuel says (addressed to “mi gordita hermosa,” which as we’ve discussed is not as rude in Spanish as the translation would be in English) this gift is to apologize for the bad times she’s had in this house, and he’s under her window hoping she’ll accept it. Mari remembers Delicia telling her about the gift box of toads and says she may or may not be a gordita hermosa, but she is definitely not a fool. She goes out to the balcony and yells at Emanuel and chucks the box at him, knocking him out cold. Oh no!
Fedra is still knocking on Kristel’s door. Nereida asks Delicia what’s going on. Inside, Kristel and Mauricio fight over the green sheets to cover themselves with. Kristel wins. It must be noted here that Mauricio is wearing leopard-print briefs, and only leopard-print briefs. Hey, if I have to have that visual in my head, so do you, even if you were lucky enough not to see it. Kristel makes Mauricio go out onto the balcony. He thinks that’s overexposure, but she thinks he’d be in worse shape caught nekkid in bed. Over the rail he goes.
Marianela thinks Emanuel is faking, but it becomes apparent he’s not. She remembers finding her father lying on the pavers bleeding to death in that same courtyard when she was a little girl. All he said was “the silver lily.” Mari thinks she’s killed Emanuel.
Mauricio runs around the pool in his skivvies. He goes around the corner of the house and sees Emanuel lying there with his head bleeding. He decides to save his life. No, not Emanuel’s, duh. His own.
Fedra is upstairs screeching for Bernardo when Mari comes through hollering for help. Fedra says, “I’m not interested in your problems! Get lost!” Mari leaves.
Mauricio has dragged Emanuel over to the pool, stolen his pants, and put them on. He’s busy unbuttoning the shirt when Mari comes out. Mauricio tells her she never saw him there, got it? He runs away. Mari tries to wake Emanuel.
Bernardo calmly and coolly finally responds to Fedra’s fit. He kicks in Kristel’s door with little effort. Fedra searches the room and yells come out, come out, wherever you are hiding in the altogether with Mauricio. No response. She hears the shower running.
Mauricio is still clutching his side where he hurt it jumping from the balcony. He gets to his car and realizes he doesn’t have his keys. Emiliano drives up in his Mercedes convertible that you cannot tell is a Mercedes because the logo is covered. He demands to know what Mauricio is doing in front of his house half nekkid.
Mari realizes Emanuel isn’t wearing pants, and wonders why he and Mauricio are each wearing only half an outfit. No time to think about that, though; he’s still unconscious. She thinks he’s dead and begs him for forgiveness, then decides he’s still alive, then thinks he needs mouth-to-mouth resuscitation (if he hasn’t been breathing all this time, it may be too late), then worries that it’s too intimate and forbidden, then decides it’s better than letting him die, then she goes for it. He instantly wakes up with her lips on his, and they both scream. “Were you kissing me?” he asks.
Kristel comes out of the bathroom in the same pear-print robe Romina used to wear on ENDA, I think. Fedra demands to know where Mauricio is.
Marianela tells Emanuel she was just trying to revive him, the same way he saved her after she fell in the pool. “Sure, sure,” he says. Now she accuses him of faking to mock her. She starts to get up and leave, but he grabs her and pins her down while straddling her, asking why she will never listen to him. Then he notices he is bleeding.
Mauricio claims he was assaulted by four big brutish guys, right there in the driveway, and they stole his shirt! “Que barbaridad!” says Emiliano. Where are the guys? Mauricio says they escaped. “Lucky they left your pants,” says Emiliano. Mauricio says they took his wallet, keys, and footwear. Emiliano thinks it’s strange they didn’t take the car. Mauricio pants that they were about to, then they fled. Emiliano invites him into the house to borrow some clothes, but Mauricio claims that would be too much trouble, and besides, the gorillas could still be in there! Emiliano needs to go protect his family! But first, a little favor: he needs some money for a taxi. Emiliano gives it to him.
Marianela yells at Emanuel that he promised not to make fun of her, and now he has given her a chocolate box, full of toads or bugs or some strange thing! “Qué?” he asks. “What are you talking about?” He says he only wanted to apologize and welcome her to the house. He opens the box and shows her the chocolates. She’s touched.
Fedra doesn’t believe that Kristel was just showering and looks for Mauricio in the bathroom. Kristel sobs that her own mother doesn’t trust her.
Marianela apologizes to Emanuel. He feeds her a chocolate and says not everyone in the world wants to hurt her. She asks for another one, with cherries. He tells her to eat like there is no tomorrow and is happy to see her smile.
Fedra is still yelling; Kristel is still crying. Delicia gets dragged in to testify that she thought she saw Mauricio. Kristel yells that she hates her, then sobs to her mother that Mauricio stopped by but nothing happened. Delicia agrees that this is true. Fedra yells at Kristel to worry more about appearances.
Marianela has chocolate on her face. Ick. Emanuel tells her he will never let her lack chocolates. She says he isn’t a bad person after all. “What am I, then?” he asks. She says he’s her cousin who gave her chocolates, and offers him one. He lets her feed it to him. They agree that someday they will be friends. He invites her to go for a walk. “Like that?” she asks, and he suddenly realizes he hasn’t been wearing pants all this time and is embarrassed. Then he recovers and thinks this is a joke she is playing on him.
Benigno reports to the General about Mauricio being in Kristel’s room. The General says Fedra is going to kiss the floor for the way she’s treating Marianela.
The secretary, Carmen, at the publicity business escorts a new model into Lorenzo’s office. She is slim. I thought they were looking for a large lady. Lorenzo’s wife Muñeca calls and Carmen tells her Lorenzo is not in. Muñeca tells her to find Lorenzo immediately and tell him she and Ilitia are at the police station.
The “model” is apparently an old “friend” of Lorenzo. He gives her a drink and says she’s more beautiful than ever. She says he hasn’t changed at all. The sexophone plays in an unbusinesslike fashion. Their lips are millimeters away when the phone rings. Carmen gives him the message.
Marianela denies having stolen Emanuel’s pants. He doesn’t believe her and insists that she wanted revenge for the supposed box of toads and wanted him to be embarrassed when he woke up without clothes, but joke’s on her! He is not at all ashamed to be seen naked, ha ha! He takes off his shirt, too. She is not quite sure what to make of this and hides her face behind the chocolate box.
Avances: Continued striptease, pie in face, Fedra plots, Netty is going to find out what’s going on with her niece.


Julia I loved your recap!! Great detail and love your "creeps Bernardo". You are dead on with that description. He reminds me of Lurch in the Addams Family. Even when he smiles it's creepy. (But I think Lurch was more lovable).

The whole chocolates misunderstanding/episode with Mari and Man-o-Man was funny and cute. That must have been one heavy box of chocolates to knock him out like that. My only frustration was that I kept wanting him to wipe off that corner of candy she had later in the scene - it kept driving me crazy seeing it there. And it made her look like she was just stuffing them in her mouth...didn't have to do that. but great chemistry between the two leads.

I know this is only the first week of episodes, but I want Fedra whacked already. complaining about the costs of helping your child???? She's toast.

So Brandon says that he would NEVER go for a chick like Ilitia - ok TN law...they will now wind up together once M-O-Man is done with her. mark my words.

I'm enjoying this TN.

Julia- Thanks so much for doing this recap. You were filling in, right? Double thanks then. :)

I missed the Wed. episode (thanks again for your summary) and missed the first 15 minutes of last night, so I was wondering why the heck Mari was in a robe as she had gotten dressed after the pool incident. Please get this poor girl some clothes.

This episode actually gave me quite a few chuckles. Glad I missed the first few minutes with the teasing and taunting. But the near death by chocolates, the half dressed men running around the house, the tall tale of being mugged for clothes, but not for jewelry or a car, and the Mari/Em interaction was funny.

I thought it was really cute the way Em fed Mari chocalates. Terribly enabling of a bad habit- but the girl just lost her only parent and had to move into a pit of vipers. Comfort food now, behavior change later, I say. Perhaps he can get her involved in some of all those sports he loves.

Kristel plopped down weeping next to the bed because she spotted Orange Boy's clothes and shoes and had to think fast to cover them up with her rear end before Fedra saw them.

Daisynjay- Em got a special wooden box for the chocalate so that Mari could use the box afterwards to hold keepsakes. Hence the reason why it became the perfect weapon for getting rid of pesky men under your balcony. :)

Thanks for the recap Julia. Enjoyed as always.

Man that bathrobe does get around. I didn't remember it in ENDA but I am pretty sure it is the same one that Ali was wearing in HQEDNS. Guess wardrobe has a tight budget.

I would like to know how the maid was able to just open the door and see Kristal in bed with whats his name and then like 1 second later the door seems to be locked and someone has to knock it down. Somebody loan me a beanie. I thought the scene was very funny though.

Also thought the scene where Mari knocks out Emanuel was very funny and very sweet when he came to and thought she was kissing him and then he gave her the chocolates.

Don't know how I am going to stand Fedra until the end, but there is always one of them in every novela.

Lynda- Yes indeed. Ale was wearing that robe the other night while crying in bed. Hey, why not re-use wardrobe. That's probably one piece that's never going to wander off into someone's personal wardrobe at home.

I thought I saw the maid lock the door from the inside as she made her quiet exit. She was actually trying to help Kristel out or at least not cause her an embarrasment.

Julia, thanks for doing this recap. I'm enjoying this show and its wacky characters and of course I'm especially fond of you recappers. Your recap is peppered will witty remarks, my favorite:

"The sexophone plays in an unbusinesslike fashion"

Very droll.

Let me add my voice to many others here, enough with the fat jokes! They began to become tedious with the first episode. I'm sure they're meant to emphasize the shallow callousness of the denizens of the funhouse but they're really grating and cringe-inducing. I enjoy irreverent humor, but these are just mean and worst of all.. not funny.


Thanks Vivi - hadn't caught all the scene when he actually bought the chocolates. That was when the cat decided she needed to sit on my lap and she had to go in circles for about five minutes in my face!

Julia thanks for your recaps and dedication to the TN. Your wit always shines through your work.

ITA w/Carlos enough w/the fat jokes. We get it she's big but TNs do have that bad habit of overkill (the shrieking mother from STuD for one).

This is speculation: I think Gretel saw Mari's father death (which I think was murder). And Fedra may have had something to do with it as well.

If Man-o-man (great nickname, daisynjay) really wants to buy something for Mari to cheer her up, he should take her shopping for some clothes. She probably has barely any money, just whatever was left from her allowances, and I'm sure Fedra won't give her any money. The General and Emiliano would probably be willing, but may be unlikely to think of it. How long will it take for someone who cares to notice that she doesn't have any clothes?

Julia, thank you so much for filling in! You did your usual great job.

Yes, Vivi, I also saw the maid lock the door after she caught the 2 lovebirds in bed. I agree that she was trying to save them from further embarrassment.

Fedra is reminding me more and more of the wicked step-mother in Cinderella. The close-ups of her face twisted in rage are too much!

Ilitia's father is a womanizing sleaze. I thought he said all the models were too fat (instead of him looking for a fat model), but with the cc's a page behind, I could be wrong.


You might be right, Sondie. I admit that everything that has been said in that publicity office regarding work so far has confused me, even when I understand the words individually. Maybe I thought they were looking for a larger model because on Wednesday they talked about needing before and after pictures for something.

Thanks Vivi and Sondie for clearing up the locked door thing. I didn't notice that and it really had me baffled.

Julia – this is the “summary” you were going to do for us? It’s a rollicking complete recap, full of killer lines! You were really on a roll. Great title, Viper Villa, He-Manuel, etc etc etc. Fabulous.

Okay, who is Miss Hannigan?

I think Lorenzo was looking for a fat model for “before” photos, but he was done for the day and all ready to have some private time with a slender one.

Funny about the Mercedes logo – I remember in La Bella Mas Fella that Pati Navidad’s character was always wailing about “mi Mercedes!” which had some other logo on it.

I love the two leads in this show. They’re both very charming and endearing, which really helps the story. And there are tons of wonderful supporting actors and actresses. I have the feeling we may have hit the jackpot with this show if it keeps being this good.

Maggie, Miss Hannigan was the bad-to-the-bone orphanage director in the musical Annie. A very good comparison, Julia.


Whoa – talk about dyslexia. Make that La Fea Mas Bella in my comment. Sheesh.

Thanks, Sondie! I didn’t see Annie..

In the 1982 movie version of Annie, which I watched approximately 7,394 times as a childm Carol Burnett played Miss Hannigan.

Here's a clip.

There's also a great scene where Miss Hannigan is making the orphan girls do the cleaning and mocking them, which is what Fedra really reminds me of, but I can't find a clip of it.

Maggie, I didn't want to commit to a full recap in case I didn't have time, but once I got into the show I decided I couldn't leave anything out. It was just so much fun!

I’m going to put Annie on my Netflix list!

Julia, your recap reads like you were having a blast. What a romp!

Karen, I agree with you about Gretel. I think she saw Mari's father die and how it took place. The silver lilly is the key. I think it may have had poison on the tip that pricked Luis and made him fall. Who knows. But I will add my two cents worth in on sexy men in these TN's. I vote to add Valentino Lanus to the list of EY and FC. His adorable hairy chest is gorgeous and I enjoyed his little striptease last night. Can't wait to see tonight where he takes all of this. It is obviously that he cares for Marianela and is a kind person. That makes him even more sexy in my book!

Agreed! Plus, he wears black boxer briefs rather than those skimpy leopard-print horrors Mauricio had on. Few things are less sexy than animal-print underwear, especially on men.

Thanks for the recap Julia, I didn't have time to watch but you took care of everything, including (thank you NOT) Mauricio's speedo underwear. Ugh. You have set a high bar for recaps on this show, which is quite silly. I'm glad that Marianela has decided that Emanuel is ok after all, endless mad/not mad would drive me nuts. Now I'll only be driven nuts by 100 other things, starting with La Senora de la casa. I hate her already.

is anyone going to post a recap for Friday's show???

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