Saturday, September 11, 2010

La Verdad Oculta #007 FRI 2010-09-10: Mario has a cunning plan

At the garment factory, Roberto takes an anxious phone call, where he can't pay a vendor and gets a three-month grace period.

On visitors' day at the reclusorio, Elsa scolds her brother for his bad behavior that makes it impossible for the lawyer to work a deal. Marcos ribs Juan Jose to tell Elsa about Gregorio and the treasure.

Roberto visits David at the hotel office to beg some work, because he needs money; but David angrily throws him out, advising him to stick with Adolfo and Carlos who do his kind of "business."

At Alejandra's architectural firm, it turns out Bertha doesn't expect much from men and thinks both David and Roberto are pretty good, even if Roberto's a scoundrel.

Just when Gabriela is trying to sneak out of the house to meet David, unfortunately Yolanda visits then and ruins Gabriela's salon-appointment pretext, instead whisking both sisters off to Yolanda's own salon.

To a sad, wistful theme, David waits fruitlessly in the park for Gabriela, who has stood him up.

In Adolfo's luxury condo, he receives a tense business call. A moment later he turns Carlos down flat again about getting Roberto some work. Privately Adolfo instructs Felix to take charge of a new illegal shipment of high-tech instruments coming in off Veracruz. Take care; they're delicate and worth a lot -- and they've already lost a fortune, he warns.

When Roberto enters later, Adolfo looks him over thoughtfully; but then exits. When they're alone, Roberto asks Carlos for a loan of $25K pesos; and Roberto writes him a check in exasperation. Roberto already owes him big. Roberto digs at Carlos again for David spending all his evenings around Gabriela at the club.

At the prison, Marcos arranges for a local low-life to plant some marijuana under Gregorio's mattress.

Yolanda invites Gabriela and Julieta for lunch after the salon visit; and she urges them to let her procure them better jobs -- for example, selling cosmetics for an acquaintance. She insists, in fact: they should not continue where they are, she says.

In his office at the mansion, Mario frets desperately over dying before the contract is up -- and leaving Gabriela in the lurch; working as a waitress, when such a wonderful girl deserves and could have had everything. Then he suddenly comes up with an even more desperate -- and crazy -- plan, which he does not yet reveal.

At Gabriela's, Santiago relents again about moving -- but not about the girls changing jobs. He wants the girls to get day jobs.

In his cell, Juan Jose regales Gregorio with the similar tale of their situation to the Count of Monte Cristo when the guards roust them out. They search and find the kilo of pot under Gregorio's mattress, where the low-life had stowed it under pretense of delivering reading material. They take Gregorio away.

At Mario's mansion, Dora greets David with her fears of Mario's illness and sadness lately. David reassures her all is well and thanks Dora for caring. David hugs her and reveals his affection for Dora over many years as a nana and even as a mother.

Inside, Mario informs David of a hotel convention he wants him to attend in Manzanillo -- and to also take over the rest of the family business. David is happy to agree but is worried about Mario's health. Mario reveals how happy and lucky he feels to have such a son, and in return David feels he is the lucky one.

In the prison warden's office, the warden threatens Juan Jose that his release on good behavior may be jeopardized for covering up for Gregorio's crime. But Juan Jose refuses to accuse Gregorio and defends Gregorio's innocence, as far as he knows; plus he has no proof to implicate anyone else, such as Marcos, he says.

Gabriela informs Carlos in the club office of their plans to stay in town and find day jobs, which he offers to help her secure. Carlos cooks up an excuse to get alone with Gabriela, asking her to accompany him the next day to choose new staff uniforms. He must agree to Gabriela's request to bring Julieta along.

Dora brings Mario tea in his office; and he asks companionably about her past, which becomes an uncomfortable topic. She explains she's from Santa Clara del Cobre, Michoacan, and left home for the D.F. following a man -- who then deserted her. She never married him.

That evening at the club, David and Carlos are both happily gazing at Gabriela working -- until they spy each other and stare jealous daggers. David exits as Roberto enters, and Carlos decides to make Roberto take Julieta off with him tomorrow when she shows up with Gabriela to choose uniforms.

At Mario's mansion at dinner, Bertha teases him about going off to meet a secret love at the club; and in fact he is doing just that -- to get a glimpse of Gabriela at work. After he exits, Bertha rips him to Alejandra for being ridiculous and sick.

Her mother was sick; and she's past tired of sick people, she says. Why doesn't he just die and leave them his money? Bertha doesn't plan to work, but rather have a good time sponging off someone; which makes Alejandra disgusted with her.

In the hotel penthouse office, David orders juice -- to be delivered by Gabriela. When she arrives, she gets the chance to explain about Yolanda ruining her salon pretext, standing him up, and that she can't just do what she wants. He asks her to invent another excuse for the next day, but then is unpleasantly surprised to learn Carlos has already nabbed her for choosing uniforms then.

Mario enters and is pleased to find Gabriela there. She exits, and at first David is happy to see his dad out and about -- until Mario almost faints in front of him. And we hear Mario repeating in his head how little time to live he has; how little time to live...


Watch Ep. 007 on You Tube at:

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Part 4

Part 5

So...Mario hatches his cunning plan!

I wonder if Mario's cunning plan has anything to do with the fact that this show has one actor playing two roles...?

Thanks for the recaps, everyone. :)


Thanks heaps for the recap, the links and the photos. Great job.

That shot of JJ reading his book with his feet on the wall was so funny in a strange way. His calves look like toothpicks yet his upper body is so big.

Also, I can't stand looking at that mustache on Carlos, it is very distracting, lol.

Hi, Corwin -- could be, could be. ;-) We were just discussing that yesterday, talking about details divulged in the Synopsis I posted in the first post of the LVO blog.

Anon 10:29, I noticed that, too. In fact, I noticed it some time before in a video EY made with a personal trainer.

His ankles and wrists are slender, giving a delicacy to his otherwise huge, handsome hands.

I'm thinking he has the arms of a body builder, but the legs of a runner.

I've seen in magazines that he likes to play quarterback in American football, which he picked up in a high school club team in Mexico.

Thank you for the recap, dear!

The funny thing is that if I had written this recap I would've used the same title. Blackadder para siempre! :)

His calves look like toothpicks yet his upper body is so big.

Just like my dad who has slender, fragile supermodell legs under his huge belly.

I'll return later, have a nice day to all of you.

Thanks for the recap Jeri! Hi Corwin! (waves) Welcome to the blog! You'll like it here!

I agree about Carlos' mustache. It's kind of a "weenie" version of a Hulk Hogan. It occurs to me that there are a lot of sheep-in-wolves-clothing in this TN; guys who aren't as tough as they think they are. Carlos is one, as is his dad Adolfo (pulling his gun on David and having it taken away easily), Roberto, and I think Marcos is another.

Speaking of Roberto, he and Bertha would make a good couple. No one can trust either one of them!

Yet more mystery... who was the man who deserted Dora and why?

If David isn't Mario's son, then I'll bet he was adopted and isn't related to either of the rival families.

@Jeri: Yeah, I didn't notice that in the prev. entries. Should've known something so obvious would've been caught already. Count of Monte Cristo meets The Prince and the Pauper, eh?

Hi, xlntperuvian. I've been reading the recaps since I found this place about halfway through Diablo-Guapos (CS dragged me back after that one), I just mostly lurk. ;)

xlnt, I'm thinking it might be Adolfo who is the man jilted Dora. And I'm thinking Dora is David's mother. So that would make Adolfo David's father.

They don't look alike, but they are both aggressive. Adolfo may be a paper tiger, but with Dora as David's mother, he could be brave enough to be the real deal.

Just speculation; wild speculation.

Corwin, nice to see you delurk then. The Count of Monte Cristo actually has a disguise plot line, so it's got the whole package.

Unjust imprisonment, revenge for said unjust imprisonment, disguise, treasure, etc.

Wiki Count of Monte Cristo Plot Summary

Thanks Jeri for posting the summary as well as screencaps. Yes. It seems Mario has a plan in mind. He has to outsmart Adolfo.

I wonder when will JJ get out of jail so he and Alex can meet? I love that JJ wouldn't speak against Greg. Why did Marcos had weed planted in his cell anyway?

LOL I thought EY had the build of a linebacker. Thanks Jeri for the info on his playing American football in school.

So many mysteries that need resolving. I'm looking forward to Monday's show. Hopefully, there won't be any more pre-emptions.

I have to say this is the only show I'm watching at the moment. I tried to watch the others and can't get into them. I love the mystery and intrigue in this show. It's like trying to solve a puzzle or riddle even. I love that kind of stuff.

Pirate Babe, I just saw that he likes NFL-style ball since club days in high school and saw him in pictures passing.

He looked like he would make a good quarterback; I don't think he's big enough for a linebacker. I don't think he's taller or heavier than these guys. NFL quarterbacks are pretty big. What do you think.

I think I remember reading that before he went into acting, he was thinking about trying to have a career in American football, though.

Peyton Manning
Height: 6 ft 5 in (1.96 m) Weight: 230 lb (104 kg)

Brett Favre
Height: 6 ft 2 in (1.88 m) Weight: 222 lb (101 kg)

John Elway
Height: 6 ft 3 in (1.91 m) Weight: 215 lb (98 kg)

Terry Bradshaw
Height: 6 ft 3 in (1.91 m) Weight: 218 lb (99 kg)

Troy Aikman
Height: 6 ft 4 in (1.93 m) Weight: 220 lb (100 kg)

Tom Brady
Height: 6 ft 4 in (1.93 m) Weight: 225 lb (102 kg)

Ben Roethlisberger
Height: 6 ft 5 in (1.96 m) Weight: 241 lb (109 kg)

This was a great and very helpful recap, Jeri. Thanks for the links which I may have to rely on if I can't stay up late in the future.

Gabi certainly is in demand with three men salivating after her. I think her sis is beautiful as well but not as voluptuous for the men.

Juan Jose seems like he has a good heart and we know he's innocent anyway. I guess he will be our innocent Edmund Dantes from the Count of Monte Cristo who will find the vast treasure and hopefully seek justice against those who wrongfully imprisoned him. I am already thinking a pie cart is already overdue for the selfish brat Bertha.

The Carlos actor has beautiful puppy dog eyes but, yes, that Fu Manchu moustache has to go.


Now that you've mentioned it Jeri, I think EY does have a build of a quarterback instead of a linebacker. That's interesting that he considered a NFL career. I think he made the right choice in being an actor though.

Thank you for the recap Jeri. Welcome Corwin. I wonder if David will somehow step in and save the day when Roberto and Carlos try to take off with the girls.

We all know what Mario has in mind but how will he talk Faustino (I think is his name) into doing it.

I love the Count of Monte Cristo. It is one of my all time favorite books.

Jeri & Aribeth, thank both of you for taking on this TN. I just cannot stay up late to watch every night so I have to depend on You Tube. Last weekend Hermine took out our cable and internet service for a couple of days so this weekend it the first chance I have had to catch up with all the episodes.

Does anyone know if there was a recap for #3?

So far, I am very much enjoying this TN. Of course, I am a huge Big Ed fan. All of the actors are doing a terrific job and the plot is very good so far. I hope the writers keep up the good work.

I agree with an earlier post about Uni not know what is a good TN and what is not.

Thanks again for all of your great work to feed my novela obession.


Rosemary, if you go to the front page of Caray and look in the pink sidebar, scroll down to where it says Verdad Discussion and click the link.

All the recaps are there, and so far we have recapped every episode.

#003 is here.

So glad you are finding time to watch the show; it's a good one! They are all on You Tube.

BTW, I think we are pre-empted again this coming Wednesday for a Mexico Bicentennial special.

I hesitate to make yet another revised episode calendar, LOL. But there are a number watching on You Tube, so I will probably do that later.

Jeri- Thanks so much for the summary recap. It covered everything. I just watched my recording, so sorry I am late commenting.

Gabi and Julieta are really bad liars, but I guess that's a good thing. Bertha, on the other hand, is so good at being two faced. Pretending to be concerned for her uncle's death one minute, and wishing for his death the next! What's wrong with her? It's not like he wouldn't provide her with whatever she wants while he's alive. She doesn't have to wait till he dies to live the good life.

I thought it was funny the way David arranged himself on the couch before Gabi arrived to look relaxed and in charge, when he was really just upset and nervous that she backed out on their date because she doesn't like him. Also lol when David and Carlos did their staring contest over Gabi's head.

What is Roberto up to? He keeps egging on both Carlos and David about the Gabi situation. Like he's trying to provoke a confrontation between the two.

Dora is for sure David's real mom. The significant looks, plus the significant music during their scene together, and then the story of her running away from her small town with a man who then dumped her (likely pregnant or with small child). Since she has been in the house during Adolfo's visits, I really don't think Adolfo is the daddy.

Vivi, it was funny, the way David arranged himself! He's got it bad.

I think Roberto is just covering all his bases, sucking up to everybody.

So you think Dora is David's mom, too; well, if the father is not Adolfo, then another current possibility could be Roberto's dad. He's a scum bag, too.

But I think it's Adolfo. He's the top villain, and you'd want the top villain for the protagonist, if the dad is a scoundrel, such as in this case.

Ok, here is the revised yet again episode calendar for those not choosing insomnia and preferring You Tube:

Date and Episode

FRI 90/10 007

MON 09/13 008
TUE 09/14 009
WED 09/15 Bicentennialus interruptus
THU 09/16 010
FRI 09/17 011

MON 09/20 012
TUE 09/21 013
WED 09/22 014
THU 09/23 015
FRI 09/24 016

MON 09/27 017
TUE 09/28 018
WED 09/29 019
THU 09/30 020

Jeri, thanks for the link for #3. I don't want to miss one word of the recaps of La Verdad.


Jeri, you are too funny....another interruptus of our novela to go along with the interruptus of my sleeping schedule for the past few months. Thanks for the new schedule and the links.


Jeri, this was absolutely superb. You are a master storyteller as you prove over and over again. Your words convey a heartfelt, sweet feeling: "David hugs her and reveals his affection for Dora over many years as a nana and even as a mother". Well said.

Pictures were stellar. Of course my favorite was EY "lounging" against the wall, propping his feet up.

I kind of like the restaurant/bar atmosphere, especially as Carlos and David can sneer and seethe at one another! Hope the girls don't move to a better job with a boring setting.

Great comment about Carlos' mustache!

Welcome Corwin! This is a small but loyal group. Jeri and Aribeth's recaps are definitive and addicting.


For future readers of this archive:

LVO You Tube links:

Here's links for parts 1 of the first 10 eps to get started.

If you start with Part 1 on You Tube, a link to Part 2 will pop up in the side bar to the right, part 3, part 4, etc.

So far, this uploader has always used five parts.

Episode 1 Part 1

Episode 2 Part 1









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