Friday, September 17, 2010

El Clon Thursday September 16: Summary for Discussion

Capítulo 151: In which Said proposes and Malicia disposes; and Rania hasn’t read the fine print on the contract.

Everyone in Casa Ferrer – Lucas, Leo, Rosa, Alejandro and Andrea – stares as Marisa appears alone at the door. Alej and Andrea exchange a helpless look. The prodigal daughter has not returned.

Instead, she is out walking. Alone.

Marisa goes over and over what happened with Natalia. She tells Lucas: No entiendo…me pidió perdón y yo le creí. ..Jamás pensé que tenía que cuidar mi cartera de mi propia hija... (I don’t understand... she asked for forgiveness and I believed her... I never thought I’d have to be careful with my purse around my own daughter.) Lucas says he’d like to go back in time. And what would we change? asks Marisa desperately. What did we do wrong? [These two are in separate worlds of misery, I think. How can he answer that he would have spent his life next to Jade?]

Lucas confronts Albieri at his clinic. As Padre Andres looks on, he rails against him and his grand experiment. ¿Por qué me escogiste, Albieri? (Why did you pick me, Albieri?) Normally a person ages gradually and grows used to changes over time, he says. But he was forced to look at himself as a 20-year-old and “I could see in an instant how old and tired I look now and I realized what a failure my life has been.” (un fracaso).
Yo no conseguí hacer nada de lo que quise. (I didn’t manage to accomplish anything I wanted to do). I spend my life behind a desk, my daughter is lost to addiction, I had to give up the only thing that mattered in my life – Jade. But the final torture I owe to you:
… un Lucas de 20 años en frente de mí, un Lucas para quién todo...todo es posible!
... a twenty-year-old Lucas before my eyes, a Lucas for whom everything, everything is possible!

In Fez, Daniel maintains his vigil outside Alí’s house. Inside the house, Jade and Said exchange coy looks. Jade tells Zoraida she will wait for Said to take the initiative. But she will help things along by dancing for him tonight. [And as Jadiya told Rania, our girl Jade can dance!]

Night falls and Jade, clad in gold and bathed in gold light, dances. The room is filled with people but Said and Jade seem aware only of one another.

Outside, Daniel gets a burkah in one of the stalls in the medina and approaches the house.

Jade catches a glimpse of dirty white sneakers beneath a black burkah (big fashion no-no, especially after Labor Day) -- ¡Lucas! -- and she falls in a dead faint. Said gathers her in his arms, places her gently on a couch. She wakes up and asks for his promise that he will never leave her. Never, he assures her, and tells her that everything he did was out of love.

When Said steps away for a moment, Jade whispers to Zoraida that Lucas is in the house. Tell him to go away and leave me in peace, she says (Dile que se vaya, que me deje en paz!)

Said returns with a gift he was going to give her at the party: a ring. ¿Quieres ser mi esposa otra vez? (Do you want to be my wife again?) They kiss.

Zoraida looks all over the house for Daniel, but he has already slipped outside. Like a ... uh... shadow. Ella también me tiene miedo (She’s afraid of me too) he reflects sadly.

Said heads off to give Alí the good news of the reconciliation. And Zoraida reports to Jade tht there is no sign of Lucas; she must have imagined it.

And the good news has found its way to Miami! However when Latifa passes along the tidings to Mohamed and the Naz, they are less than delighted. The Naz begins railing against Said’s decision. Latifa cuts her mid-rant by reminding her how she herself criticized Said when he refused to take Jade back. Mohamed backs her up, for a change. The Naz retaliates with dark insinuations to Mohamed about how Latifa is ‘estropeando sobre usted y sus hijos también’ (doing harm to/ruining you and your children too). This gets Mohamed wondering about whether something is going on with his kids behind his back…

At Gloria’s place, Alejandro phones Rosa looking for news about Nati, but she hasn’t heard anything. Gloria tells Ramón that it’s time for her son to find himself una muchacha que valga la pena (a girl who’s worth it). Ramón passes along some chisme about Miss Karla getting a lawyer and suing her baby’s father.

The sKank Parade is passing under Amin's watchful eye. Hilda is upset that Consuelo quit working for Lucia; now there’s no spy in the house. But Consuelo has such an impressive criminal record that she had to get out of there before the family started looking for someone to blame. Karla doesn’t mind – all the evidence she needs is the little miracle (milagrito) she is carrying.

Rania shows up on Alí’s doorstep, Munir in her arms. In her pale blue robe and veil, she looks vaguely like a 15th century madonna and child until you see that angry expression on her face. No one is happy to see her. Jade and Said are all cozy, sitting side by side and both spring to their feet at her entrance. Said is furious. ¿Qué está haciendo aquí? (What are you doing here?) he demands. ¿Dejaste a mi hija sola? (You left my daughter alone?) You left her for the maids to look after? Said dismisses her disgustedly, sending her to her room upstairs.

To Zoraida’s ‘How could you do such a thing?’ the unrepentant and determined Rania answers that Jade has done much worse. She, Rania, isn’t going to leave Said alone with Jade. She’s not going to let Jade take her husband away from her. [Note to self: Polygamy and sexual jealousy are not mutually exclusive.]

Jade and Said continue pitching woo. Jade tells him she was immature when she married him. She thought she was in love with Lucas, and that was always an obstacle between them. Now she thinks she was in love with the idea of love. And what do you feel for me now? asks Said. She tells him she wants to live out the love they never had a chance to experience. And she wants to have another child with him.

The shadow still lurks – and not far away! Jade! sighs Daniel, heavy pack on his shoulder.

The very air at Casa Ferrer is oppressive. Leo is pushing Lucas to get on with his responsibilities at the office. He wants him to meet with an important Canadian banker, but Lucas refuses. He is too heart-sick to stir. And Marisa can’t stop thinking about Natalia. Nobody has heard from her – she could be hurt or even dead. And there is nothing anyone can do about it. [Well they could get a detective to find her. And then they could threaten to press charges for theft unless she agreed to rehab… just sayin’]

Leo tells them they have to be strong. Lucas asks him how he can be so cold. Does Natalia’s absence mean so little to him? Of course not, he says. I feel the same pain you do, but you have to force yourself to keep going (seguir adelante). And then he makes an announcement: He decidido ser feliz con lo que me quede de vida. (I’ve decided to be happy with what life I have left.) He is going to marry Cristina!

When Leo leaves the room, Lucas remarks to Marisa: Algo que debemos admitir – tenemos que seguir viviendo. ( We have to admit it – we do have to go on living.)

Natalia -- in her snazzy red blouse with gold buttons and her sharp black pants, she could be in a Michael Jackson tribute band -- is stumbling along the street with Fernando and Paula. Fernando is laughing at her because she is trying to get rid of ‘the shadow’. ¡Quítamela! (Get it off me!) she says.
They decide they need – guess what? -- una linea. Fernando tells them his house is empty so they can go there and find some stuff to sell.

The Hilarious Adventures of Malicia and the Chump: In the final episode, the poor Chump finds out his little mouse is really a snaggle-toothed rat! When he orders her to leave his apartment, she tells him he’s the one who will have to leave. But it’s MY apartment, he protests. ¡Pruebalo! (Prove it!) she challenges playfully. Hijinks ensue.

Natalia and Fernando are looting Clara’s house. They ignore the third member of their unholy trio, Paula, who seems to be in crisis. She says she doesn’t want to die, she can’t do this. She was clean for three months .. She wants them to help her, she needs to go into rehab... The other two just go about their grim business.

Clara and Andrea are at Empresas Ferrer. Clara is upset because Fernando has disappeared. Andrea can’t help – she never sees Fernando anymore. Enrique and Carolina come by, smiling broadly. They are having a get-together to celebrate Enrique’s putting a deposit (cuota) on his new apartment. They offer to give Clara a lift but she wants to stop at home first with Rogelio.

Vicki is surprised to see Cristina with a suitcase all packed. What’s going on? Cris tells her: Me voy. Ya nada me ata a este país. (I’m leaving. There’s nothing tying me to this country anymore) But what about Leonardo and the wedding? asks Vicki. I lied, says Cristina. He hasn’t proposed to me. And he’s never going to marry me because he’s ashamed of me. No puedo seguir rebajándome (I can’t keep humiliating myself). I have my dignity. [So Cris and Leo both like to make life-changing decisions without talking to each other. You’d think they were already married]

Good news, Malicia tells Pablo at the gym. My uncle left. But I have to warn you, my old boyfriend has been calling me. The guy won’t leave me alone. Pablo is all ready to defend her honor, but she tells him: No te preocúpes, perro que ladra no muerde. (Don’t worry, his bark is worse than his bite. Literally: a dog that barks doesn’t bite.) He’s just this fat guy who wouldn’t hurt a fly – I just wanted you to know in case he makes a scene or something.

In the final scene, Clara and Rogelio open the door to the wreckage that used to be Clara’s home.

Credits roll


Sharp as always NovelaMaven. Thanks. Good point about Lucas not being able to tell Marisa what he would have done differently. He also couldn't easily have told her the many things she did wrong with Nati, but maybe it would help if someone told her (besides Nati).

By the way, Nati's Sgt. Pepper-looking blouse isn't new. She used to wear it when she was doing well.

Jade put on quite a show this time. I'm sure it beats anything they have in Cairo. Does she make her own fancy costumes? She may be a blockhead, but she has skills.

At this point some of the plot lines have gotten to the point of crying "wolf." So many times we've seen Cristina and Leo reconcile, the drug fiends almost break out of it, Escobarde almost realize what an imbécil he's been, etc. It's hard to pretend to go along with the same tricks for the nth time, even though I expect in some cases there really will be a wolf. Alicia seems to be finalizing her plan, for instance.

On the good side, I liked Lucas laying into Albieri. At first it sounded a bit like he was complaining from vanity (that Daniel made him look old), but overall he made a nice dramatic point: his life is crashing down around him, so the last thing he wants to see right now is more evidence that it all could have been different. But Albieri is so cracked, he wouldn't understand.

On the spot NovelaMaven. Thank you. Questions for those who understand customs. If a women must be covered why could Jade dance in front of all the guests and staff? How did Rania get from the airport to Ali's house without an escort? Is this just story line or could this happen? What is "the room" Said sends Rania to? This was a full and move along episode. Looking forward to tonight.

NovelaMaven, thank you once again!

Everytime I see Jade dance for guests, I also wonder about the custom. I thought it was only for one's husband.

I wonder if Raina little trip is grounds for divorce?

I also wonder about Clara, will she now wake up the Roberto's help, of course. Maybe she will marry Roberto and move away from all of the insanity.

I do believe that Malicia chose Pablo as her next victim so he could act the part of a body guard to protect her from the Chump when he tries to kick her to the curb.


Super recap, NovelaMaven.

my favorites: 'dirty white sneakers beneath a black burkah (big fashion no-no, especially after Labor Day)'

'The Hilarious Adventures of Malicia and the Chump: In the final episode, the poor Chump finds out his little mouse is really a snaggle-toothed rat!'

'So Cris and Leo both like to make life-changing decisions without talking to each other. You’d think they were already married]'

It's pretty rare for this novela to engage me emotionally but I really liked the scene between Lucas and Albieri. I thought what Lucas said about people who have met Daniel looking at him strangely and the anguish of seeing 'a young him' have the opportunities in life that he wasted rang true.

Aeronovela got Rania and baby to Fez in record time. If she wants to stop Said from getting back together with Jade, that's not the way to do it.

A small correction, Rania might have said that the maids were taking care of Jadiya but she also mentioned that Amina was there.

Does Jade keep a wardrobe of dancing outfits in Miami and Fez or do we have the bottomless suitcase again? We've never seen this gold one with the bat wings.

We were told before that a woman only dances for her husband in private. So why was Jade dancing at a big party? Best not to ask. Consistency is the hobgoblin of small minds. It certainly isn't the hobgoblin of novela writers.

What a terrific, snarkísimo recap. I burst out laughing at "big fashion no-no, especially after Labor Day" and also chuckled at "So Cris and Leo both like to make life-changing decisions without talking to each other. You’d think they were already married."

Like Luke, I'm extremely tired of the plot that cries wolf over and over and over again. ¡Ya basta!

I'll be away for the next four episodes, so I'll be more dependent than ever on these marvellous recaps.

My friends, do you really have to ask? Jade was dancing in front of all those people because she is an odalisca and an exhibicionista!!! :-)

Jean, I was struck by the three snarkilicious excerpts you chose: they were exactly the same ones I liked best. I guess I was writing my comment when you posted yours.

Speaking of snark, I enjoyed your comment about consistency not being the hobgoblin of novela writers.

I'm afraid you and NovelaMaven have spoiled us readers with your wonderful recaps--and comments.

Rania is acting very untradional. She could almost be a western woman. Didn't she marry as the #2 wife. Love doesn't seem to be her concern about getting Jade out of Said's life. The comic relief in this episode was needed.

I am starting to feel sorry for Said again. He needs to let go of Jade, it will just end in disappointment and heartbreak all over again.The people in this novela needs to learn relationships 101. I am confused, is Roberto the father of Karla's baby?

Roberto never had sex with Karla. When Consuelo was working at Roberto's house, she stole 'genetic material' (we think probably used condoms - eeewwww!!). Karla did a do-it-yourself artificial insemination (we think). We'll find out who the baby's biological father is after it's born, I suppose.

Anon 10:26, Rania was a young, respectable, attractive woman who considered herself fortunate to be the second wife of a wealthy, good-looking, relatively young man like Said who could offer her a life in the US. When Jade left her the opening, Rania was thrilled to step into the more prestigious role of first wife. Then when she gave birth to Said's first son, she felt she had secured her position even more.

She has always been jealous of Jade, but used to feel that over time, she'd be the first one in Said's affections. That never happened. And now, with Said ready to bring Jade back into their lives, her jealousy has reached telenovela proportions. Does she love Said? Who knows? But she certainly wants to hold on to him and wants him to love her.

NovelaMaven: I agree you were in top form on this one. Thanks as always; whenever a grim episode needs some comic relief, we can always find it in the recap!
How did Rania arrange travel papers and immunizations for a one-week old baby overnight? Sigh... Telenovela travel is like getting around Disneyland. Is Rania going to slip over the edge and make good her threat that she won't let Said and Jade be together?

After that inexcusable trashing of Clara's house those three drug-addicted brats should go into the lock-up, pronto. If Clara doesn't have the nerve to call in the law, maybe Rogelio will do it.


What an episode/recap! My mind was left racing with questions and concerns. Mi paciencia me está dejando, waiting for how Albieri and Daniel will fare in these culminating chapters.

I also remembered la camisa roja from Nati's better days; alas, our Luke was quicker on the draw.

In addition to my heart breaking for Daniel's fate and feelings, I still feel bad for Rania. Her lot in life is just so misfortunate.

(on my way to threaten the conductor of the Ya Basta Train to take off, already...)

Muchas gracias por las correcciones, Luke y Jean! Ya hice los cambios!

I also thought the Lucas/Albieri scene was excellent. Did Albieri get what Lucas was telling him? Perhaps not.

Chris, yes!! They should go to jail! It's about time the criminal justice system is used appropriately -- to protect the good guys from the bad guys (and face it, those three are definitely bad guys right now) instead of as an instrument of personal vengeance against innocent people (like Alejandro) and not so innocent, although not criminal people (like Osvaldo).

Erin, I think the 'Ya Basta Train' is going to be Standing Room Only :)

Wow, NovelaMaven. You and Jean should start doing Recap Workshops for aspiring writers on this blog. You have spoiled us.

As usual, the early commenters have mentioned my favorite lines. I also liked Michael Jackson tribute band!

The scene with Lucas and Albieri WAS excellent. Ochmann is doing a great job on this novela. I find myself forgetting that he's not the same person when he appears as Daniel. It's not just the hair being different; it's his speech and the way he moves his body that give the impression of decades difference in age.

Some parts of this novela are SO good and others so repetitive I could scream. The Naz's rants are boring me to death right now.

I thought the scenes with Jade and Said were well done as well. And I agree: poor Said. He's kind of like Charlie Brown, constantly running up so Lucy can jerk away the football.

Well, now I'm wondering if there will be recovery and a happy relationship with Alej for Nati. What a switch! Paula is the one ready to change, while Nati has NO qualms about robbing Clara.

I can't figure out how they'll get the goods on Malicia and get the apartment back. He paid for it and put it in her name.

I'll also be hanging onto a strap inside the Ya Basta train.

Nice comments, all. I have mixed feelings about Said and Rania. Neither deserves all the mistreatment they get, but neither of them are saints. It's good that the show has complex characters like that, although Rania is not as well-rounded as Said. That makes it harder to understand what kind of person she is and sympathize with her in her less appealing moments.

Anon 8:12: It did seem a little strange to me that Rani arrives someplace that was never her home, and immediately Said tells her to go to her room. But I think it's the room she stayed in last time she visited. They may have guest rooms.

Rosemary: Just a quick clarification: Roberto is Lucía's husband, Leonardo's lawyer, and Rogelio is Clara's boyfriend, Sein's employee.

NovelaMaven: "because she is an odalisca and an exhibicionista!!!" Haha, exactly! But the odalisca police don't seem to care! Oh well. I also wonder if it was OK for Jade to show Said her hair while they're not married. Oh well, as they say on Mystery Science Theater 3000, "just repeat to yourself: it's just a show, I should really just relax."

Thank you everyone for all the nice words and all the great comments today. (I don't know what I'm going to do with myself when this show is over. I may be reduced to snarking to random strangers on the street...)

Novelera, I loved your Charlie Brown and Lucy remark!

Luke, watch out -- you sounded a little like Fernando: ¡Relájate!

About the 'go to your room' thing. I dimly recall that there was some kerfuffle before Rania's wedding when she wanted to have a certain room in Ali's house and Latifa, I think it was, told her that had always been Jade's room and Said backed up Latifa. So I guess she has a room at Ali's house. Why nobody ever stays in Said's house in Fez anymore is a mystery.

I loved your Charlie Brown/Lucy analogy for Said/Jade. I have always had a softer spot for Said than many of the commenters here, maybe because I dislike Jade so much. I think is understandable that he became bitter and vindictive after what Jade did to him. It certainly seems probable that he is going to lose Jade again and all he'll have is Rania.

The Lucas-Albieri scene was not only wonderfully acted, but it explains Ochmann's interpretation of Lucas' first meeting with Daniel. In both instances, Lucas is mad at Albieri for cloning him, he is mad at himself for letting life slip by, and he is jealous of Daniel for being 20 and perhaps making a better life than Lucas himself did in the second 20 years of his life. To me, a tender meeting with Daniel (like the original?) would have been inapproriate. Lois

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