Wednesday, September 15, 2010

El Clon, Wed., September 15 - Summary for Discussion

Gloria asks Alej why the owner of the apartment sent the list of things to be replaced. Alej stammers out some lame response and Gloria tells him that she wasn't born yesterday (cuándo tu vas, tu madre ha ido regresado cinco veces,' literally, 'when you go, your mother has been there and back five times') and he'd better tell her the truth rather than such a pathetic lie. She tells him to have the owner of the apartment come see her if he wants to be paid.

The Naz is back in form - training on the beach in high heels and gold lame pants but she won't let Pedro touch her. She also tells him that her family would be shocked if they saw her on the beach with a naked man (hombre desnudo). Pedro protests that he isn't naked.

Pablo and Malicia are also on The Only Beach in Miami. Pablo told Pedro he was sick so he is trying not to let Pedro see him. Pablo asks whether Malicia's 'uncle' is ever going to leave. Malicia tells him that her uncle wants to buy her furniture and won't leave until the apartment is furnished. She says that it would be rude to ask him to leave. Malicia says that soon he will be back in the apartment with her.

Everyone is telling whoppers today. Fernando tells Andrea that he was mugged and that his wallet and credit cards were stolen. She gives him $40 and tells him that he is a mess. He asks her if she thinks that she is his mother. The unlovely Paula comes up and Fer introduces her as his girlfriend. She tells Fer that they should leave, 'me molestan las niñitas con deliro de superoridad,' little girls with delusions of superiority bother me.

Clara tells Carolina that she might not go to Europe with Rogelio because of Fernando's situation. The Chump shows up.

Lucas goes to see Cristina. He tells her that she is the only person he can talk to about what has happened to him. He tells her that he saw Daniel and 'quedé pasmado,' he was blown away. He asks her about what his personality was like 20 years ago. What impression did she have of him when she met him?

She replies that he was a hopeless romantic like he is now, sensitive, easily distracted. He was completely unlike Diego, especially with women. She says that sometimes it seemed like he wasn't really there. His real self was there but it was hidden. She says that he was more of an artist than a businessman, playing the guitar and dressing casually.

But then Lucas' father came along and made him work. She says that he changed his 'forma de ser,' way of being, to please his father and earn his acceptance. Otherwise, Lucas would be wearing grungy clothes, playing in bars and sleeping wherever. Lucas agrees that he has changed. Cristina says that of course, Leo had to be Tarzan, 'como buen rey del la selva,' like a good king of the jungle' and have complete control over Lucas. She says it was funny the way Leo would tell Lucas that he would study law and Diego would study business administration regardless of what they wanted or thought. Lucas thinks that Diego suffered less because he was more like Leo.

He says that if Cristina had married Leo, everything would have been different. Cristina tells him that she is going to marry Leo even though he hasn't asked her yet. Lucas again says how different their lives would have been if she had married Leo 20 years ago. She would have rebelled against all the rules in the house and they all would have been happier.

Karla wonders if Roberto should see her with her big belly (barrigón, 'barriga' (belly) with the augmentative suffix -on). She imagines marrying him and having a lot of beautiful children. Hilda tells her to dream on if she thinks Roberto will leave his family for her. Then Hilda wants to take a picture of Karla with Roberto as evidence for the judge.

Roberto is with two women in bikinis. Lucía calls and asks where he is. He tells her the truth but of course, she thinks that he is joking. Consuelo interrupts their saccharine exchange to say that she has to quit. More stories - she says that her mother is sick.

Karla comes up to Roberto and fools around with him while Hilda takes pictures.

Said arrives at Ali's house. Jade comes down. She asks about Jadiya. Said says that she is fine. More small talk. Ali tells Said that Jade will arrange a party to celebrate his arrival.

Latifa and Amina both advise Rania not to go to Fez because it might make Said angry and lead to a separation. Rania replies that she refuses to leave Said alone with Jade. She tells Latifa that Said is still obsessed with Jade, goes to her room to smell her clothes and she has even found him crying about her.

Jade wonders if Said still loves her. She is eager to arrange a wonderful party for him (I'm betting it will be the same party we've had over and over with the same music and dancers.) Ali tells Zoraida that he is worried that all the enthusiasm Jade is showing for Said is only an impulse to separate herself from Lucas. He says that we set so many traps for ourselves.

The tour leader has lost Daniel.

Daniel is lurking outside of Ali's house. He tells himself that Jade has to come out sometime and he swears that he won't leave Morocco without marrying her.

Back in Miami, Jadiya tells Zamira that as soon as Carlos gets back in town, he has to go see the Sheik about converting to Islam so that when Mohamed finds out about their relationship, he won't be able to say anything.

Amina scolds Rania for telling Latifa about Said's continuing love for Jade. When Latifa comes into the room, Rania begs her not to tell Mohamed that she is going to Morocco. Latifa agrees.

Clara tells the Chump about Fernando's drug problem and how he stole her watch and other things from the house. At first, the Chump doesn't believe it and says that Fer must have been joking. He tells Clara that he hasn't seen or spoken to Fernando in 3 months. Fer won't take his calls. Clara tells the Chump that he has to talk to Fernando and he agrees. But he can't resist saying, 'Claro que eso es culpa tuya, ¿no?' Of course, this is all your fault. She doesn't exert adult authority over Fernando because all she wants is to take revenge on the Chump for leaving her. Little Clara physically intimidates the Chump, calls him a coward and points out that Fernando is his son, too. He backs down and says that he will talk to Fernando.

Andrea comes to see Clara and tells her about her meeting with Fernando and Paula on the beach.

Alejandro comes to see Lucas. He tells Lucas that he went to see Nati and she was crazy to get out of the clinic and thinks that her family has turned their backs on her. He asks Lucas to let him take her to his house. [I thought that the doctor said that Nati's family was coming to take her home?] Lucas tells Alej that Nati has to check herself into rehab voluntarily or she can't be saved. Alej replies that after her experience in the clinic, he is sure Nati won't look at drugs again. Lucas is doubtful and rightly so. Alej says that he will stay with Nati full time and make sure that she doesn't fall off the wagon again. [Bad idea. What about his training? Where are they going to live? In the empty apartment?] Lucas thanks him but says that he has made up his mind. They will bring Nati to their house and Alej is free to live there if he wants. Alej says that he just wants what is best for Nati and if living there with her is what she needs, he will do it.

Enrique comes in and Lucas introduces Alej to him. When Alej leaves, Lucas says that he was moved by Alej's devotion to taking care of Nati. Lucas tells Enrique about Nati's situation.

Back at the house, Lucía shows up to take Marisa to a fashion show. Marisa makes up a story about having to do something for Leo.

Marisa comes to see Nati at the clinic. She hugs her mother, begs her forgiveness and asks to return to the house.

Leo has invited Cristina to her favorite restaurant. She is sure that he is going to propose to her. Leo is on his way out to meet Cristina when Rosa calls to say that Nati is coming back to the house and they are going to have a special dinner for her. Leo hesitates but says that he will cancel his appointment. Clara tells Carolina that Leo has had good news about Nati. Clara thinks that it is ironic that a lowly employee and the head of the company both have children with drug problems.

Marisa and Nati are at the mall.

Rosa invites Alej to dinner. He agrees to come.

At the mall, Marisa is not picking up that retail therapy is not what Nati wants.

In the tried and true novela fashion, all means of communication have failed and Leo hasn't been able to tell Cristina that he is canceling their dinner. She is furious and assumes, as she has done so many times before, that he is with some tramp .

Dora is at the bar telling Miguel her worries about whether Daniel is ok in Morocco. She says that Lucas offered to help her against Leo's lawsuit but he hasn't done anything and she can't afford a lawyer. Miguel offers his savings but Dora refuses. Miguel tells her that she is his best friend and would do the same for him. He will loan her the money without interest.

Faces fall in the welcoming committee when Marisa comes home alone and we can guess what happened.


Thanks, Jean, for the excellent recap. I wish the episode interested me more. Perhaps I'm just tired of this TN, but I'm losing patience with all the same old same old. Fortunately, the recaps by you and NovelaMaven are same wonderful same wonderful!

One same old same old that nonetheless surprised me was the scene with Marisa and Nati shopping for clothes at the mall. In recent weeks, Marisa seemed to be becoming more caring and human, but in this scene she reverts back to the shopaholic who is so into choosing clothes that she's oblivious to what her daughter wants or needs or likes. And though she was rightly so skeptical earlier about, say, Leo's plan to offer Nati a job in his company, and though Nati has stolen money from her not that long ago, Marisa leaves Nati alone and her purse on the bench while she tries on clothes. Duh. I guess shopaholism is as hard an addiction to break as drug addiction or alcoholism, at least on this TN. At least this one presumably won't trigger a PSA from Enrique.

Question: I've started to watch the show after taping it, partly because lately I'm often not at home at 8 pm, partly because I can zip through the commercials (yes, I know I should watch them to improve my Spanish, but....), and partly to be able to go back over a few lines if I really don't understand what's been said and I sense it's important (the "importance" provision cuts down enormously on the number of lines I have to go over more than once). Anyway, I found when I read your recap this morning that I had missed a couple of opening scenes. My tape started toward the end of the conversation between Malicia and Pablo. Has the TN begun to start on time? For months, I found it started several minutes after 8:00, and so when I set the recorder, I set it to start and end late. But has it suddenly mended its ways and started on time?

Lately, I've several times typed a response and submitted it, only to get an error message that says "Request-URI Too Large
The requested URL /comment.g... is too large to process." The first time this happened, I broke the message into two parts and posted them separately, only to find that the original message had indeed been posted. From then on, I've checked when I've gotten this message, and each time the message was indeed accepted and posted. I mention this just in case other people get this error message. If you do, be sure to check first before resubmitting the message.

Jean, thanks once again for the recap, photos and Spanish lesson for the day.

Now that we are in reruns, AGAIN, there is not much to comment on that has not been said in the last 150 episodes. So double thanks today for making the recap better than the episode.


For whatever reason, I didn't find last night's episode as tiresome as Tuesday's.

Juanita, Telemundo did something different last night. They mentioned this over on TW. All their novelas started and ended on time instead of 3 minutes after the hour. The speculation was that it had something to do with a special program on the Mexican indenpendance day celebration. It seemed like the whole episode was shorter, too. I'm not complaining!!

If Said went to Fez to get Jade back, why is he pussyfooting around? Why not just ask her? It looks like tomorrow we get Daniel in a burqa crashing a party - same old same old.

Thanks for another wonderful recap, Jean. Nice point about 'failed communication' being the good old novela plot device, even though here, in the case of Leo and Cris, it's more 'failure to communicate' on Leo's part.

Juanita, I don't blame Marisa for indulging in a fantasy of normalcy with her ill-advised mother-daughter shopping trip. In fact (Psychobabble Alert!), it struck me with this episode, that Marisa is undergoing a sort of emotional rehab, a recovery of self, that is the mirror image of her daughter's unraveling. Maybe -- and this isn't a spoiler, just idle speculation -- the culmination of her recovery will be when she gives Lucas her blessing to be happy with Jade. And we'll all be left with our anvils and no one to drop them on (except maybe Malicia, who will, by that time, have slithered safely underground back to whatever hole she came out of.)

Oh and Juanita, I didn't notice what time the show started, but did see that it ended before the hour, which is unusual. Were there news shows before or after? Something about the bicentennial? Because it seems that schedules get respected for news-type programming.

Thanks to whoever removed my mistaken comment. And thanks Jean for such a great job on the recap.

Of course, we knew Nati was going to get away. The sneaky look she cast over her shoulder as her mother hugged her gave it away.

I understand Marisa. I don't think it was being a shopaholic. Parents do this all the time. I know I've been guilty. We think of something that would give us a great deal of pleasure and want to share it with our child. But sometimes the child has very different interests and it falls flat.

Marisa has never understood Nati, who's more like her father. She never wanted to wear dresses and makeup. Before the drugs she was interested in her studies.

I'd like to strangle Escobar. If only HE were the only one hurt by Malicia's moves. But Clara's euros went as well. How DARE he tell Clara that Fernando's addiction is her fault.

I thought Leo just forgot to call Cris in his excitement about Nati's expected return. Was there a technological failure?

I'm also having lots of problems posting comments. What I get is "Server unavailable". I've learned to copy and then paste when I go back in the second time.

I think Said not speaking up is meant to ramp up the suspense. He surely would not have told Jadiya he was bringing her mother back if he didn't intend to do so.

Finally caught up enough to comment next day. And it's your and NovelaMaven's wonderful recaps that have kept me on track no matter how far behind I got. Thank you both so much.

In today's recap, dearly loved the remark about shopaholism not triggering a PSA from Enrique. Just for that reason, I'm ready to stick with it as the adiction of the month. Nati's story weights too heavy on me. In real life at this point I'd never believe she would be able to get and stay clean. And even if, she's undermined the health of her entire system forever. Had a beautiful niece once . . . .

Also, re Daniel in a burka being same-o same-o. Naturally. He not only looks like Lucas, his thought processes are the same. Their differences lie only in their separate upbringings. Otherwise, Danel is only a clone; he is Lucas, so he'll do many of the same stupid things. Lois

Thanks Jean for making something worth reading out of the most unpleasant episode I can remember. It was so full of lying and yelling I almost gave up.

I continue to enjoy the Cristina/Lucas relationship. They would make part of a loving family if Leo ever married her. On the other hand, if I were Lucas I would hate Leo and have doubts about Cris for loving him. Leo is sometimes exactly what she wants to be, but she seems not to care enough about his atrocious behavior with other people.

Consuelo made a big show of being sorry, pretending she was only sorry for leaving rather than using good people. I suppose that's foreshadowing something or other.

Someone needs to explain to Roberto the concept of a photograph. It's strange Lucía doesn't call anybody else to ask where he is. Not everybody would cover for him.

Thankfully, Lucas has wised up to what's going on with Nati, even if Alejo and Marisa haven't.

Like the rest of you, I thought it was interesting that Marisa took Nati shopping. She meant well, but she failed on several levels. She never understood Nati, and she immediately fell back into trying to dress her up like Mama. I doubt even if they were both healthy they would have much in common. Nati was once a bit intellectual (though we never knew much about her interests) and Marisa was very shallow, only interested in fashion and decadent living. She should get to know her daughter, but that's the least of her problems right now.

Last night's capitulo was a tough one; I got nothin'. I don't know how you and Novela Maven do it, Jean! You all are just too perfect.

Let's see if tonight's episode inspires my muse.

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