Saturday, September 04, 2010

Hasta el Dinero nos Separe Fri. 9/3/10 Introducing: Milagros Saldaña de Escandón

What better place to begin today's wacky excursion than the office of Valenzuela and Chavez, the Oasis, where we find them seated at their usual table deliberating. They are unobtrusively observed by Secret Agent Zetina,

attempting to take a successful candid snapshot of the two. His photography skills are legendary. Chavez is observing how nifty it would be if Marco's little soldier were able to stand up and salute as nature intended. Not only would he be able to fully enjoy the attributes of his beautiful new bride, he would have the treacherous Carlota eating from his hand. Not surprisingly, Marco doesn't want to discuss it. He's working on that with a capable therapist and a cure is imminent. Changing the subject, Chavez point out that when Quintana weds Rosaura and acquires a similar control over the hacienda, matters will become more difficult. Marco is not worried, "Quintana will be quiet as long as he is receiving his monthly hush money." "What will happen when he learns that you are selling the source of those funds?" Hmm, food for thought.

Over at Autos Siglos, serious girl talk. Has Nelson given Suzy a clue about what Rafa and his Merry Band are up to? No, she's back with Nelson because she loves him. Ale notes that Rafa was happy as a little rattlesnake (cascabelito) during the morning sales meeting. Ale whines that now she can never be happy with the "man I love." Susana says, " I warned you, but you married Marco like a capricious child." Ale will just have to talk to him and ask for a divorce. "At least it was only a civil ceremony," Suzy observes. "And uninspiring," Ale adds, "Daddy and you weren't even there." Borrrring. Well at least we learned a useful new word, desangelado (uninspiring, dull, borrrring)... next!

Saved by a happy little rattlesnake, "Hola, hola, hermosas señoras, or should I say beautiful señoritas?" Rafa is bubbling and babbling which is baffling Susana who finds his exuberance odd (raro). "Odd is too close to ugly (feo), strange (extraño) is more like it," the manic Rafa burbles. Ale thinks that Marian must have agreed to be his novia. Nopis, la licenciada Celeste has nothing to do with his bright mood. Rafa leans close and shares a secret, "It concerns the woman I love." He exits singing. Ale gapes, then smiles an encouraged yet uncertain smile.

More serious girl talk at Groupo Celeste. Marian's leggy pal Monserat can't understand why her friend (whose attributes affords her the pick of the best Mexico has to offer) would prefer the naco (not her word, but the intent) over her more desirable and cultured brother who has asked her to marry him. Marian notes that was troubling for Rafa. "Then why hasn't he asked you to marry him? You could then choose fairly between them."

Marian doesn't know. "And you don't want to know." Bitch. (Albeit a very comely bitch.)

We've heard all that before. Let's see what the simple folk of Groupo Celeste are up to. Julieta arrives to find her cubicle infested by a proud pretty preppy, who has made himself at home. He sits in her chair. He has his feet on her desk. He is holding forth on her phone. She claims her territory. He flirts.

She is polite. He is Cesar. We're not impressed nor do we care... next!

General and Claudia offer Rosaura romantic advice. Girl bonding. They spy Ramírez mom. Oops, so do Jiménez and Marino. Marino recognizes her and turns Ramírez to face her. He greets his sacrosanta mom with a flourish of pomposity. She is fulfilling a promise. She has brought a virtuous señorita to meet him and save him from perdition. Presenting... O. D. M. (OMG)... Milagros Saldaña Escandón.

Yikes! Is there a dentista en la casa? We have an emergency over here! Ramírez suddenly realizes the impropriety of such socializing in the workplace. On the other hand, Marino seems charmed. He invades her space, smiles the Marino smile, offers his card, and introduces himself, " They call me the master of pleasure." She responds by making the Sign of the Cross.

Meintras tanto, Dandy is working on shoring up his recently rescued rocky relationship with his noñita. She takes advantage of the situation by seeking the reason for Rafa's current manic state. To tell her would betray a pact of friendship. "Well which is it buster, friendship pact or our relationship?" He waffles and waivers for the sake of appearance, but she knows, he knows, and we know, he will cave.

Vicki's shrink has his work cut out. She'll quit wearing her veil once wed to her Pajarito. He explains obsession to her.

She briefly ponders, "People like that are ugly..." Nope, doesn't apply to her. " I WILL MARRY MY PAJARITO! UNDERSTAND? UNDERSTAND? UNDERSTAND?"

Doña Quieta admits her social faux pas by bringing Milagros to Germán's workplace. She and the lovely Milagros will await him at home. Dodging Marino whom Milagros thinks is ugly (perceptive lass) the two make their way for the exit, but not before a brief pause for the sainted mom to flirt with Bebe.

As they leave Bebe gently observes to Ramírez that he does not think she is well suited. The others join in with doubts, with the exception of a smiling Marino who contemplates the future mother of German's children... nude.

Once more we find ourselves back in The Oasis, this time Jaime is sitting alone at the best table sipping a frosty beer. Trumpets herald the entrance of our second fresh character of the night. Clearly an athlete, sort of a Lobo (Gancho) Lite, it's Jaime's cousin who ecstatic to see his primoso whom he hoists in a warm manly bear hug of greeting. They catch up on old times.

Jaime knows that his cuz is pursuing a sports career (gamasos, boxing? karate?) and confesses that he almost abandoned his pursuit of becoming a lawyer. The cousin is a positive thinker and offers encouragement and inquires about Julieta. Once again, Jaime must admit that things aren't going so well. The waiter asks what Jaime's guest will have. Water. Jaime seems a bit disappointed and even more so when he hands the waiter Jaime's beer. Life is a matter of good choices. Water... OK, with ice.

A beaten appearing Jiménez stands head bowed, hands folded , before the imperial doña Arcadia. He admits to being a mediocre. She is firm with him. She wants him to handle the building project in Vera Cruz. Is he up to it? He whines that la licenciada Alvarez del Castillo has warned him about his poor sales record. She gives him a firm pep talk, then asks, "Do you want the job in Vera Cruz?" Of course he does. Then he must work hard to be a success at both. "Now get out there and sell! Money! Money! Money! He sprints to the door, stopping briefly to thank her profusely. She calls for Chatoooo! to bring her doggies water as she lavishes them with affection. If only the whole world were like them, she chortles.

In the empty sala de juntos (conference room) Nelson is ready to tell Susana why Rafa is so happy, but insists that she promise to keep the secret. Ummm...sure. She agrees, having no intention to do so. He tells her that it's because Rafa has learned that Ale has had no real physical contact with Marco ( nada de nada con su peor es nada... ummm... OK... that makes sense to me). "How did he find out?'

After commercials he tells her about Jiménez running into Marco at the sex therapist's office. She asks if Jiménez has the same problem. Dandy tell her that for Jiménez to have sex with his wife, he doesn't need a therapist..." he needs to put a rag in her mouth..." Susana understands, knowing said wife, but nonetheless accuses him of being grosero (crude). She doesn't understand why what Rafa knows must be a secret. Nelson explains, leaving Susana and us as well... confused. "¿Ah?"

As she exits the shrinks consultation room, Vicki emits a long sigh, then inquires of the receptionist about Marco. He moved his appointment until later. Vicki is not pleased but maintains composure... almost. Just a quiet (for Vicki), short shriek. As she excuses herself to leave, the receptionist asks about her next appointment. "Ask the Dr. and let me know."

Back in the conference room, Susana wants Dandy to tell her what they have learned about Carmela and Marco. He tells her about the run each of them, Jaime, then Pepeto, and finally he himself each took a run at her with similar luck. "She is a giant octopus..." and offers to demonstrate. No need, she saw it with her own eyes. When he tells about the enlistment of Zetina, she pronounces them all crazy. Comparing notes, they both know about the embargo of the hacienda, and not much more. Susana doesn't think it strange for Marco to be meeting with her. Dandy thinks that the kissing and such need not be part of the negotiations. He manages to recruit Suzy to Team Rafa... Yea! "But only in the interest of Ale's happiness. I don't trust you guys, para nada." They seal the deal with a sweet kiss...Awww.

In The Oasis, Jaime has been pouring out his woes to his primo. The failed marriage attempts of Rafa and Vicki, his own Vicki problems. The cousin can't believe that Jaime would be helping Vicki after all this. Jaime tells him about the Brothers Grimm, orangutans. "That's why I'm here." The cousin, Rizos (Curls) is training for his next fight. He'll be on call for Jaime. As they exchange cell phone information, who is walking through the door? None other than aforementioned orangutans, looking to make Jaime miserable.

Well boys, there's a new sheriff in town and his name is Curls. As Rizos fiddles and fusses with his phone, the boys molest and rough Jaime up a bit. Rizos is annoyed and complains. From his choke hold, Jaime manages to indicate that these are Vicki's murderous brothers. Rizos warns them, as they hurl taunts, then he begins a little clock-cleaning. As we go to commercial, the boys are cowering behind a bar patron as they continue taunting Rizos.

The bartender Pascual intervenes and calls for calm. Rizos protectively embraces his cousin. He's peace-loving, not looking for trouble. The brothers are not used to this type of treatment. They try to menace, tossing out more feeble threats as they back out, "¿Qué? ¿Qué? ¿Qué?" They leave to regroup and lick their wounds.

At the therapist's office, Marco is seeking fast results. She insists that it's up to him. Since he hasn't actually seen Ale intimately involved with Ale, he needs to get her to confirm that nothing has happened between the two. Hmmm, that is a problem that Marco doesn't want to confront. He's actually pretty certain that they have been together... in that way. " Well, then we are dealing with the problem of excessive jealousy." Wounded, he asks her what she would do if her novio had slept with someone else? "I'm not the patient with the problem," but then she goes on to tell him that her novio slept with many women before her and they function just fine, thank you very much. "Maybe you can, but I can't." So, he's going to have to confront his problem with tact, tenderness, and patience. "Well, patience is not possible because I don't have a lot of time." As he's leaving she reminds him to be careful, this is a very delicate matter. As the door slams behind him, she doesn't look hopeful.

Marian has taken her cares and woes to the loyal Chepis, who offers sage advice, "Want to get close to Rafa? Get close to his family. Thanks Chepis, I knew we could count on you. Marian sees this as both wise and doable. "Buena idea. Muy buena idea." Heck, she's already in solid with Julieta.

In Marco's apartment, Rosauro is helping Jorge with his homework to improve his memory. He is memorizing a page of the phone book and doing quite well, I might add. He hands her the book and asks her to check his accuracy,

"Garcia, Garcia, Garcia, Garcia..." She is exasperated. Fortunately Marco arrives and Jorge explains their method. He asks about Alejandra just as she arrives. Greetings all around, then Rosauro broaches a delicate subject,. She and Jorge think that Ale and Marco should have the privacy of a bedroom shared by the two of them. Awkward responses from the newlyweds who finally agree on the propriety of waiting until after the Church wedding. "How decent," Rosaura weakly observes.

We're in the homestretch here and fittingly, Rafael is home. Leonor is setting the table. An ebullient Rafa is ravenous and ready join his family for dinner. Noting his extreme happiness she inquires. He tries to dodge by telling her of the successful truck sale but she knows better. "Guess." "The licenciada is divorcing." Very close. He tells her that since her wedding , la licenciada has had nada de nada with her husband. With Pasión playing on the TV behind them, they rejoice together.

At Marco's place, the four of them are enjoying dinner."No Mexican food in Croatia, just hasscakes," Jorge grouses. "Switzerland," Rosauro corrects. "Same difference." Tia then coaxes and coerces Jorge from the table, "Time for bed." With a little pinch from her Jorge gets the cue. They leave Ale and Marco alone. She inquires about the therapy. "Fine. Well same old thing... worrying about you having relations with Medina. " Then he drops a little bomb, "Mi amor, have you had anything to do with that man?"



gracias, worth waiting for. You nailed it all and with pictures

I'll take a guess. Rafa leaves selling cars and becomes a famous singer , which he is anyway. I'm not sure who he will end up with tho, Ale is so good as screwing her life up


Thanks, Carlos. You really nailed it. I enjoyed watching this and I enjoyed it all over again reading your recap. The photos are wonderful.

Three new characters in one episode -- new plots to fill in the extension, I guess. Don't like Cesar but Milagros and Rizos were hilarious and show promise. Milagros will, of course, turn out to be a knockout when she gets some dental work & loses her attitude and that wardrobe. Whose arms do you suppose she is destined for????

The scene with Rizos and Vickie's brothers was very funny and well played.The actor has great timing. Seeing the brothers get their comeuppance was satisfying.

I know how you enjoy watching Vickie and she was in fine form tonight. The psychiatrist looked so exasperated and his receptionist's expression was priceless.

All in all this was a very funny episode with lots of new possibilities. Thanks for your enjoyable retelling.


Good morning Kalum and Güera,

Kalum, Thanks. I'm glad that you are watching this with us. It hadn't even occurred to me to wonder what Rafa might end up doing other than finally getting together permanently with Ale. I was hoping for some singing or a travelogue or even a few extended flashbacks to ease the recapping a bit, but instead, this time we got an episode packed with intense dialogue and almost certainly significance for the future.

Güera, It'll be a shame if Milagros doesn't become a significant character. I'm sure they were trying to evoke memories of Frida Kahlo with her unique look. I searched for a photo showing FK smiling with teeth showing, but couldn't find one. Clearly there is a very pretty woman hidden within Milagros. Do you think that they will have a makeover (including dental work) or will she be just a striking temporary character.

Cesar... I already don't like.

Rizos... he completely changes the dynamics of the de la Parra brothers. I love the character already. He's just quirky enough to be the one to tame and end up with...yes... Vicki Vicki Vicki.


Carlos, like Kalum already said this certainly was worth waiting for. You gave us a fun read with lots of cool photos. Someday you are going to have to tell me how you get the photos in.

I checked the site out on Frida Kahlo. Can't say if I know who she is. But the site was interesting, I love both Hank Williams and John Couger. Didn't know about the spina bifida. Makes me admire them both all the more.

All these new characters. Have to agree with Gúera, I like Rizo and Milagros. Not certain about Cesar. He looks like he might be a bit of trouble for young Jaimie.

Did enjoy the "fight" at the bar. Those brothers are getting funnier and funnier as this show goes on.

Again Carlos thank you for such a fun recap. Hope you get to enjoy the rest of our long holiday weekend.

Don't know who Frida is!!Tsk, Tsk. How about Diego Rivera?

Yes I noticed the eyebrows and thought of Frida as well. I have many Josephine Aguilera little clay Fridas throughout mi casa.


It only takes a listing of all of Freda K's lovers (and seeing the gorgeous Salma Hayek play her) to know that the mono-brow does not mean one is not passionate or appealing. There might be a tigress lurking uder that unibrowed, bucktoothed exterior. :) I visited Fred's house the last time I was Mexico City. Such vibrant colors and a vibrant life that masked much sadness.

I love the choice of actor for Jaime's cousin. We last saw him as German in ENDA, and he's currently in the daytime novela Cameleones. I believe he is a favorite of Jilia's (along with Lobo...I see a pattern with her type). Nice to see him in a fun role, and also nice to see someone intimidate the brothers (and not just Vicky). Now Jaime won't be bullied into Vicky's next scheme. I was bummed that there was not a meeting of Vicky and Marco at the doctors' office. I want to see what she's up to.

As for Cesar...I don't like him either.

Thanks so much Carlos fun and funny recap with the wonderful pics. Enjoy the long weekend!

In Friday's episode of La Verdad Oculta, our not so beloved Marino makes his first appearance as a good guy cop. And just behind him on screen, almost invisible, and with no lines is....Zetina. I laughed out loud as soon as I saw his face there. Ever the invisible man. Poor guy. Check out second 55:

Carlos, thanks for another super recap. I just love your sly sense of humor. The pictures were perfect.

BTW, Pata, as for getting pictures in the recap, it's not too hard in theory, but it does take a bit of work. It boils down to two steps: 1) getting the pictures onto your computer, and 2) inserting them into the recap. Number 2 is easy, because the blogger software has an icon for "add image". But the first part is harder.

What I do (Carlos has a Mac, so it's probably a bit different for him) is I record the episode onto a dvd (I have a dvd recorder). I play the dvd in my computer, pause the screen where it looks good, and do a screen capture (most dvd playing programs will let you do this). I then import the image into Paint, save it as a jpeg, and I'm ready to add it to the recap.

The other way of getting the show into your computer is if you can download the episode from somewhere on the internet. Then you could play the file, pause, capture, etc., as above. So all in all, not simple, but possible.

We can see that Cesar will go for Julieta. She should be able to see that he's no competition for our kind-hearted Jaime. But what if Rizos also turns out to be not so good (as did Lobo), and also goes after Julieta. That would be more of a problem.

As for Milagros, I want her to end up with Zetina!


Poor Zetina! So invisible and forgettable. In casting about for future romantic pairings I didn't consider Zetina. I totally forgot him. Yes! He deserves someone in his life besides his dog.


Thanks Carlos and thanks to all of the recappers for the entire week. I moved last weekend and went a few days without internet access but I'm back now!

So much has happened on the show the past week. The pool party was fun to watch. I love that Susana and Dandy got back together and that Ale wants a divorce. I'm sure Marco won't give up that easily though.

I also like Jaime's cousin and the scene at the bar when Vicky's brothers showed up. They are so funny!

Excellent recaps all week!

Great recap, Carlos...the polar opposite of "desangelado". Love your phraseology (or as Hombre would say, your "sly sense of humor")

"flourish of pomposity"

your recall of the little soldier and his failure to salue

"Lobo lite"

"Well boys, there's a new sheriff in town"

Just scrumptious. Now WHY does Ale need a divorce...can't she just get an annulment given the little soldier problems? Works for me.

And Pata, for Pete's sake, don't even start with the photos. I love it that Hombre and Carlos do it, but I don't have a DVD recorder and the process would require some heavy duty relearning. And time. Paula taught me once how to do it from Youtube sections but I can seldom find those and have since forgotten all her instructions. "Use it or lose it" is all too true with me.

Thanks to all for taking time from your Labor Day weekend to take the time to read the recap and comment.

Pata, I enjoyed the bar fight,too, but must admit disappointment that the Butcher Brothers put up such a lame effort. They are clearly much better at intimidation than at actual fighting.

Vivi, I also though of Julia when Rizos appeared. I've seen him before, but only in very small parts and always as a bad guy. I really like the way they've drawn this character. Right away I wanted to know more about him. It's curious that on him the white belt and almost white shoes don't shout out DORK as they do for Flippy (STuD).

Hombre, I can almost guarantee that Rizos will turn out to be good. The first thing he asked Jaime was about their abuela. I like the idea of Milagros with Zetina.

Hombre, everything I know about inserting pictures in the recap, I learned from you. To capture pictures from DVD on the Mac, I had to download a program called Snapz Pro X which wasn't very expensive and it works like a charm. Adding the pictures is quite fun for me after pecking out the recap and I can proofread and edit as I add them.

Tracie, glad that you were able to catch up with us after your move. Thanks for taking the time to join us. The pool party was fun and a feast for the eyes. I almost felt sorry for Vicki's brothers. They have to be embarrassed by their ignoble retreat.

Judy, I thought that you might be in Charlotte this weekend. What is your take on the three new characters? I'll bet that Rizos would add spice to your exercise class and I'll bet he has views on nutrition that are similar to yours.

In her effort to turn me into a scholar of things Spanish, mi querida profa Adriana spent 4 entire lessons acquainting me with Frida Kahlo and Diego Rivera. I'm not sure which is more fascinating, their art or their personal lives.

I hope each of you are enjoying your holiday. The weather here is almost fall like. Low humidity and it's only going to reach 95˚ today. Like heaven.



Carlos...we try to avoid that long drive to Charlotte over the holidays (except at Christmas). Scary enough scooting through the mountains with all those big rigs without adding holiday density. We'll go back in a couple of weeks though. Can't stay away too long.

With Milagros, I automatically subtracted those false teeth and erased the unibrow. Obviously she's quite a toothsome lass in her natural state. And Zetina isn't bad if he'd just quit cowering.

As for Jaime's primo, it IS refreshing to see a guy in these telenovelas actually ordering water instead of hosing down with tequila or copious amounts of beer. Have we ever seen Fernando Colunga get soused in a role or swill down a lot of booze? Interesting.

Let's just say I've been pretty cautious since a bad experience with green beer St. Patrick's Day 1959. Aaaarrrrgggghhhh.

Y'all, I do not have a type. I am able to appreciate a wide spectrum of manliness. However, I will definitely have to tune in Monday to check out our fit new nondrinker, as I missed this episode. He's not been terribly appealing as a snotty punk high school kid in Camaleones.

Your retelling was probably better than the episode itself, though, Carlos. I love the wordcrafting.

"Julieta arrives to find her cubicle infested by a proud pretty preppy...She is polite. He is Cesar. We're not impressed nor do we care... next!"

"Well boys, there's a new sheriff in town and his name is Curls."

Those were some of my favorites., it's nice that Larry and Moe finally have a Curly. It would be nice for Julieta to have another option. What drama if she went for Jaime's cousin.

Thanks Julia, I'm glad you joined us today. Have you been watching this? I couldn't help it, when Curls walked in (to music like Theme from Rocky), managed to do triceps dips at the entrance, and confidently strode in, I immediately thought of Lobo and then of course...

Judy, I'll be very disappointed if don't get a makeover for Milagros (shades of LFMB). She looks very familiar. Does anyone recognize her?

I had 2 favorite scenes last night:

Jorge reciting the phonebook... "Garcia, Garcia, Garcia..."
Marina trying to work his charm on Milagros. Could he be smitten?


Hombre, I think I might be halfway there in getting the pictures. I have a DVD writer but my computer would never play them. I figured out how to do that.YAY! I even figured out to capture. Yay! Now all I have to do is figure out how to add when I do my recap. Not so yay. Thanks for your advice.

Carlos, I've been watching bits of this here and there. I don't have time to watch it every day but many days I'll have it on while I'm working on something else. I'm sorry I missed the entrance of Curls, though. He managed to strut in to a theme song and do triceps dips at the entrance? That is some skill.

Carlos, "Rizos may just be the one to tame and end up with Vicki"???

No, No y NO!!!! I would much rather see VVV and Marco together. They are two nasty characters who deserve one another for eternity!

Julia, I went back and added another picture of Rizos that I had captured but didn't us because I already had displayed more pictures than usual. This episode was very visual as well as packed with great lines. He's a striking figure and like Cassius, yon Rizos "hath a lean and hungry look".

Anon, thanks for your input. Though Vicki is high maintenance and, oh yeah... crazy, she is not evil per se. I think Rizos, himself rather... ummm... unique, might be just the one to rein her in and rehabilitate her.


Pata, you're doing great, having figured out most of the picture adding process. When you go to post the recap at the blogger dashboard, there are a number of icons across the top of the screen. The third from the right is "add image". If you click on that, you can browse for an image on your computer. For some reason, they all seem to get added at the very top of the recap. But you can then cut and paste them into the correct location. Good luck!

Great pictures, Carlos. That is quite situation.

Thank you Carlos for the recap and the pictures. Late posting but wanted to say thank you.

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