Thursday, September 16, 2010
La Verdad Oculta EP10 09/16/2010 - Job offers everywhere
From previous episode: Roberto realizes that Adolfo and Félix have shady businesses.
* Guilléns'
The sisters talk about Gaby's date with David and her feelings for him.
* Ávila residence
Roberto helps Adolfo to put Patchy into the bed then Dolphie sends Rob out. Patchy tells Adolfo how the smuggling operation went wrong. He doesn't know what happened to the goods and unfortunately a few companions of him have been arrested. In the hall Roberto's brain cells fume. Carlos arrives and Rob tries to act like nothing happened and quickly suggests that they should leave.

* Elsa's flat
Elsa has a conversation with her friend Lulu about her great new client. Lulu asks about her private life, she should look for a good boy, and so on. Elsa blushes and remembers back to Juan José.

* Genovés villa
Abelardo and Mario are organizing The Plan. Fausto won't live in the house since he has to continue his own life. A great idea comes to Mario's mind and he orders Abelardo to find out about the owner of the neighbouring house.
* Ávila residence
Yolanda visits Patchy to find out what happened, and she's quite worried about the screwed up operation. Ay, Dios mío, ay, Dios mío. When she learns that this wasn't the first time when they had to confront the police she freaks out: why didn't they tell her about it, she doesn't want to spend her last days in a cell.

* prison
Gregorio bores Juan José with his plans. JJ is out of humor and admits that he has no future outside the prison, but Goyo tries to cheer him up: he'll get him out of the jail, and he'll provide him a great future! Sure.
* Zárate factory
Salomón is very pleased with the business Elsa made and asks her to have dinner with him. Yuck. She lamely invents a boyfriend with whom she has a program, but Salomón doesn't give up and tries to kiss her aggresively... Just when Roberto enters the room. Elsa quickly escapes, leaving a very upset father behind. Salomón scolds Roberto for misappropriating a large amount of money that he was meant to give to a business partner a month ago. He'll give them the money today!

* David's office
Alejandra explains David the plans of the reconstruction. She's pretty, she's seductive and completely confuses Blondie's head. When David says that they're cousins she says that it doesn't matter for her and softly kisses him, then she smiles and quickly leaves. David blushes... it got so hot in the room.

* prison
The warden and Elsa's lawyer talk about the freeing of Marcos and JJ. Well, it became very difficult since lately the boyz caused too much trouble. But both men are cunning foxes and they practically agree that the warden could overlook those troubles... for some money. Gosh, Elsita darling, you should rob a bank.
* Genovés house
Abelardo tells Mario that he checked the neighbouring house but unfortunately it's owner is in jail and his name is Gregorio Pineda. (Viewerville: OMGWTFPOLARBEAR Don Gregorio is Mario's neighbour and the secret treasure lies within an arm's length from Bertha! *skfdxzzbswwehwg*) Mario orders him to buy the house for whatever price. And why does he need it so much? Because Mario wants to construct a secret passage between the two houses. (Viewerville: *melting brains*)
* prison
Goyo spent 30 years in prison without worrying about the treasure, but now he freaks out. What if someone else knows about the whereabouts of the gold? What if the state confiscates his house? After getting on JJ's nerves he starts to circulate in his cell and like Sméagol he repeats: This treasure is mine and nobody will take it away from me! (Myyyyyyy preciouuuuusssssssss.)

* Club Sagitario
Carlos's lower half is in action again, he offers Gabriela a promotion: she'll be the captain of the waitresses. He conveniently forgets the fact that she's been working there for about a week and doesn't accepts her objection. Outside Rob and Julieta are having a friendly chat when Yolanda arrives. She notices how close they are. She greets Gaby and agree to meet next day. Adolfo also shows up. He gives Roberto a sharp look and mentions that to his knowledge Rob is looking for a job. Dolphie asks him if he has antecedent penal to which Rob answers no then leaves enigmatically.
Mario asks his favourite child if she wants to work somewhere else. But Gaby kindly answers that she and her sister like this restaurant.
* police station
Leo and another detective discuss the case they're working on. They're facing a well organized group, that's sure. Let's interrogate the guys they arrested.

* Club Sagitario
Adolfo announces to Carlos that he wants to reward the best employee with a journey to Los Angeles.
* Genovés house
While having dinner, Bertha continues to whine about the relationship of David and Alejandra. Ale is fed up with her suggests her to go get a life. You don't care about our uncle, why don't you look for a job? Because I already have one, I take care of the household. Ale nervously leaves.
* Ávila residence
Dolphie visits his favourite pet. Félix worries about the jewels that he was meant to deliver to Los Angeles, but Adolfo tells him that someone else will do the job, someone who's above all suspicions. A waitress.
* Club Sagitario
Carlos's lower half tells Gaby that she'll be the one who'll go to Los Angeles. And when the surprised girl worries about her dad he says that Julieta may accompany her. Juli is enthusiastic, while Gaby seems to be worried.
* Genovés villa
The cameras are activated in the study. They try one of them that is connected to a fake book and it works perfectly.

* Ávila residence
Yolanda tells to Carlos that she doesn't like the way Roberto treats Julieta, he's too friendly with her. She also makes Carlos to confess about his feelings for Gaby. Yes, he likes the girl much.

* prison
JJ and Goyo finally left the solitary and they're having a chat on the prison yard. Marcos and his new friends are watching them from the other end of the yard and continue their "who's the coolest badass" game.

Ávila residence
Adolfo and Carlos discuss the future journey of Gabriela. Oh, and btw, they'll buy her a pretty dress because she's meant to represent them. Carlos can hardly wait for getting closer to Gaby.
* Genovés villa
Mario asks an engineer to construct a subterranean passage between the two houses. It's possible, but when the engineer starts to talk about the licences they have to get for the project to Mario gets agitated: this passage is top secret! No licences!
* Guilléns'
The sisters try to ask Fausto's permission for the journey while he's reading the newspaper. Daddy, the owner of the restaurant will give a prize to the best employee. Hmmm-hmmm, really? Yes, a free trip to LA. Great, great. And you know what? We got the prize. Hmmm-hmmm... WHAT?! You are not going to anywhere!
Labels: verdad
I notice we did not meet Adolfo's very personal physician; just saw his handiwork wrapped around Félix's chest.
Here are the You Tube links, in case your insomnia didn't hold up or only lasted through the first half:
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Good morning. I mean, have a good night! :)
Is it a pleasure trip? I'm from out west, currently in exile in Chicagoland. I'm always Arizona dreamin'.
hanna, Mario revealed that David is not his biological son -- and then a couple episodes later, Bertha came in and told Mario that her mother (his sister) told both cousins that David is not their biological cousin.
David doesn't know it yet, and he obviously thinks it's uncomfortable, but last night I was not really surprised that Alejandra kissed David. I'd have a really hard time not kissing him myself!
Aribeth, thanks so much for the screen shots. They are fabulous!
I read the comments before going to the shots. When I saw the picture of Carlos you referred to Jeri, I almost spit out my coffee! That would be way too much "man clevage" for me at any time, let alone at breakfast. LOL...
There was also a photo of Adolfo which must be extremely rare as he was smiling. I'm surmising it was Felix just out of camera range as he is the lone person who seems to elicit any sort of compassion or kindness from Adolfo.
David looked impactada upon hearing the gals were going on a trip with Carlos. (Was that at the end of the show or in the previews?).
Lynda, safe and happy travels!
Hanna, "These are the kind of friends you always pray your children don't get". Yes. If I had children, I certainly would not want them associating with quite a few of the characters here. :)
Terrylee, I totally agree. Jeri and Aribeth are wonderful and the comments are informative and fun.
I notice you got a screen cap of Carlos with his shirt open at the breakfast table.
It was so hard to resist. He's lame, he's a jerk but he is cute. :)
Yes, he is adorable. Carlos is growing on me. So, it didn't seem like Yolanda minded so much last night that David was interested in Gabriela.
Gregorio seems to have a psychic connection with his treasure -- or maybe the souls of his victims.
Yolanda is not all good, nor bad. She doesn't hurt people, and she cares for people like Carlos, the girls, Marta and Faustiago, but she's not above living the good life from the proceeds of Adolfo's shady deals. The first time we met her and Felix said she was pushing her demands on Adolfo, she said something that made me think she would blackmail Adolfo/reveal his secrets if he ever tried to cut her off.
I was surprised that Ale kissed David too (as was he), but she knows they aren't blood. And I'm with you Jeri, if I was spending so much time with such a sweet, handsome guy that I wasn't related to, and we were both single, I might give it a shot too. She seemed to quickly realize that he does not share the same attaction. Plus, is she planning on explaining to him that they are not blood relatives? Otherwise, he's not going to easily get over that taboo. Anyway, Gabi now has his heart. And there was some definite melting of Gabi's resolve. She tried to hide it, but she couldn't surpress a dopey smile and a far away look when thinking of David as she spoke to Julieta. Finally, some points for David.
Of course he goes away just when evil Adolfo decides to use her as a smuggling mule, and stupid Carlos decides this is the perfect opportunity to make some headway with her. A trip to the States!
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I also couldn't keep my eyes of Carlos' chest. What a nice bronzed chest, yummy. Very nice visual. But Carlos please get rid of the mo it distracts from your cuteness.
Cannot believe that Carlos is totally unaware of what his father is into, and now he has unwittingly involved his fave girl Gabi, and her sister. Maybe if or when David finds out he will talk her out of it.
Roberto is a real buffoon, he was so petrified of his dad that he was cringing. Even Yolanda doesn't like him and wants him away from the Gabi and her sis.
I didn't see that one coming, Mario's next door neighbour is Gregorio. When they dig the tunnel will they find the treasure. From now on Gregorio will probably be having nightmares concerning his treasure.
Poor Gregorio, wait until he hears someone is interested in his house. He'll be having some real nightmares. I wonder if a free J J moves into Greg's house as a caretaker and meets neighbor, Ale that way, rather than through a connection to the bus accident which killed his mom. Wait until Ale sees a cleaned up J J and then we'll see who she really wants to kiss. I go with J J though I have come to appreciate Gabriel Soto due his performance in this novela.
Roberto and his dad are pure sleaze but Dad is sleazier. I learned a new word, antecedente penal or criminal record which I hope doesn't come up in my everyday usage. My guess is that Adolfo isn't going to be offering Roberto honest work. Yes, Adolfo seems to value Felix more than anyone since he's useful to him, though, he did seem to show some honest concern for him.
The girls have been a tad sheltered by Fausto/Santiago. That free trip to L A sounds too good for being the best employee. But Gaby does seems a bit leery but Julieta is all ready for adventure.
More J J please.
She will be along at some point to post it; but in the meantime, here are the You Tube links for last night's episode.
I actually stayed up late enough to watch it on the big screen for once.
The girlz are getting really excited about their trip. I hope they actually do a location shot in L.A. That's always festive.
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
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