Wednesday, September 22, 2010
La Verdad Oculta EP14 09/22/2010 - Farewell to Don Goyo
Yolanda and Adolfo anxiously wait for the news about the girls and they become very relieved when they learn that their valuable package (and the Guillén girls) arrived safe and sound.
* prison
A guard tells Juan José that Gregorio's in a very bad shape and he wants to see him.
* Guilléns' flat
Papa Faustiago is very happy to have his precious daughters at home again. Julieta enthusiastically tells him how great Los Angeles is and that they had meal in the best restaurants! This is the moment when Gabriela starts to knock the morse code "Shut up!" on her shoulder and they quickly lie that the lady they met in LA who brought them to those restaurants. Gaby thanks to daddy for letting them travel to LA, this is an experience she'll never forget. They hug.

Genovés villa
David marches into the hall. He's young, he's in love, he is full of confidence. Bertha greets him.
* prison hospital
Our favourite crazy old murderer lies on the bed, he's pale and he's in pain. *the hearts in Viewerville break* JJ tries to comfort his friend but he's obviously dying. Gregorio tells JJ he likes him since the first day they met, that's why will he give him the opportunity to take revenge. For both of them Goyo asks JJ to come closer and he whispers to him his great secret: the treasure is in the kitchen of his house. He wills his house, his treasure to JJ and thanks to him for being so good with him... Then he dies. JJ makes the sign of the cross on him.

* Genovés villa
In the study Mario asks Blondie why he traveled to LA and what's the matter with those waitresses. Well, the prize they won was the idea of the Ávila family, and btw, he and the girls are friends, nothing else. Is that so bad? Mario smiles: no, not until you do something stupid.
* Leonardo's flat
Leo invited the Guillén family to dinner. They talk about Los Angeles, he mentions he's been there a few years ago, but Gabriela doesn't hear a word they say, she daydreams about David. Juli says they didn't like the lady they met there. Mario jokes at her judgmental nature but Juli innocently states that she likes a lot of people... For example Leo. They smile. The doorbell rings, Ramón brought more food to Leo. He introduces and he calls his boss comandante (commander). Fausto gets frightened at learning that his new BFF is a detective.

* Genovés villa
Bertha hears that David asks his secretary on phone to send flowers to Gabriela Guillén.
* prison
In the visiting room Elsa and JJ talk about her brother. JJ tells her he tries to help Marcos but this time it'll be very hard because Gregorio died.
* Genovés villa
The cousins have breakfast in the garden. Alejandra tells David that she won't be able to redesign his office for a while. David teases her and praises the household skills and the beauty of Bertha, which makes Ale very annoyed.
* Guilléns' flat
While Gaby's washing up the floor she's daydreaming again and doesn't her Julieta's greeting. Juli smiles, she knows that Gaby's thinking about David! Gabriela is uncertain about their relationship and afraid that David only wants to have fun with her. The girls are whining about that they're from different social classes when the doorbell rings and a courier gives a big bouquet of flowers to Gabriela. Gaby melts.
* Genovés villa
Bertha asks Ale if David has a girlfriend because he sent flowers to a woman called Gabriella Guillén. Ale has an epiphany: she must be the waitress from Club Sagitario! Bertha wants to know what is Gaby like, and Ale laughs at her: oh no, don't tell me that you're jealous. Bertha objects, it just that she doesn't want to have another alpha female in their house. Ale doesn't understand why Bertha thinks that David wants to have a serious relationship with that waitress. Bertha answers they're from the same social class, don't forget that he's the son of a servant! Ale gets tired of her and leaves to work.

* prison
The guard briefly tells JJ that next day he will be released conditionally. Wow. That's JJ's opinion, too: he's shocked, surprised and content.

* Alejandra's office
Ale asks Mina is she knows an architect who is specialized in tunnels. Yes, she knows one and she'll look for his phone number.
* Club Sagitario
Gaby brings coffee to David who kisses her immediately. She objects: they're not equal, people will deprecate their relationship and she doesn't want to be his love toy. Blondie he tries to convince her that his intentions are serious and they continue kissing.
In the bar Yolanda greets Julieta and Gaby who just returned from David's arms. Yolanda comes up with a tale that she saw the pretty suit and shoes Gaby received from the Ávila family and she'd like to buy those awesome shoes. Gabriela admits she doesn't have them anymore, they were uncomfortable and she throw them into a trash bin. What. What? WHAT? Yolanda almost gets a heart attack. She sits down and starts again: please, my girl, don't lie to me, where are those shoes? Gaby repeats shamefacedly that she did get rid of them. Yolanda starts to panic. Carlos shows up and asks what the fuss is about and they continue their uncomfortable discussion about the shoes in his office. Yolanda quickly says that she doesn't really care about those shoes, no, really, it's not important, and she has to leave right now. Bye, kids. Carlos tries to chat with Gaby but she's confused about the situation and leaves the room, too. Outside she meets David who's jealous and ask what she did in Carlos's office. She repeats the story of the damned shoes but David thinks that Carlos just wants excuses to be with her. He caresses her arm which Carlos notices.

* Ávila residence
Yolanda arrives home and immediately drinks a glass of her favourite green absinthe. She excitedly tells Adolfo the story of the shoes aka the disaster that happened in LA. Adolfo doesn't believe Gabriela's tale. He's sure that the girl lies, she robbed the diamonds from them! He'll look for her in her home. Yolanda smells another disaster and tries to stop him but her endeavor is pointless.

* Genovés villa
In the study Alejandra shows Mario and Abe the 3D model of the house, the secret door and the tunnel. The guys are impressed. She tells them she'll need an engineer to complete the job but don't worry, they can trust him. After she leaves Abelardo starts to worry about Ale and thinks they should be careful with her but Mario trusts her. Abe tells his boss that he bought all the high tech gadgets they need in LA.

* Guilléns' flat
Leo visits Fausto because he thinks Sr. Guillén is bothered by the fact that he is a policeman. Bingo. But Fausto denies it and Leo is relieved because he values their friendship much. What about having a coffee together? Fausto agrees. After they leave the entryphone starts to ring, it's Yolanda who desperately tries to talk to Fausto.But she's late.
* Leonardo's flat
Leo mentions that Gaby was strange last night. Well, it's his job to observe people. Fausto gets uncomfortable again.

* prison
JJ visits Carlos and tells him that he'll leave next day. Marcos is surprised and displeased with the situation.
* Guilléns' flat
The girls arrive home. Gaby is nervous about the shoes, it was a stupid idea to throw them away. It was David's fault who doesn't know the value of money! Doorbell. Dracula... I mean, Dolphie stands on the doorstep. Are you Gabriela?

Labels: verdad
Here are the You Tube links for Episode 14.
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Well, that was the last we saw of Don Goyo. It was a sad scene. I actually nearly cried.
Thinking more about the shoes that Gabi let David throw in the trash, she shouldn't have let him do it. She should have just carried the shoes in the plastic bag with her and taken them home. Now Adolfo will be after her because he doesn't believe that she threw them away.
Yes, Eric del Catsillo died in Duena last week in the arms of his son, and here he is again dying in the presence of his son figure. JJ has now been set up to start a life on the outside and join our cast of characters. Should be interesting. Marcos is just an idiot. So little time left to go on his sentence, and he orders a hit on a fellow prisoner. Estupido! But as someone pointed out, smarts don't run in that family.
I bet Gabi is going to be ticked off at David for convincing her to throw the shoes in the trash. A lot of drama is about to come down on her about those damn shoes. Which I'm sure will also confuse the heck out of everyone as to why these shoes are so important. As Juli pointed out, they're not exactly the classy style Yolanda usually wears. It makes no sense. And now Adolfo has shown up. Gabi's going to wish she never set eyes on those darn shoes.
Adolfo clearly is in panic mode. I know of no CEO who would take the time to track down anything as mundane as a pair of shoes. Cooler heads should have prevailed. Yolanda could have concocted some story and asked point blank where they discarded them. His showing up at the girls' residence serves no purpose other than to raise a red flag.
I didn't understand that Yolanda was asking Gabi to buy the shoes from her. That's why these recaps are so important to people with limited language skils such as myself. Having you and the other recappers relate these conversations ensures we are perceiving the events correctly. This is greatly appreciated.
Vivi, I did think that Adolfo thought Gabi stole the diamonds but I was just surprised that he would be so careless as to investigate himself. I couldn't figure out why he didn't send someone else to intimidate them and/or ransack the place or interrogate them. I would suspect anonymity is essential for a smuggler. Once David (who is suspicious already) hears he was there, he will know something is up. :)
Julieta was so happy and effusive describing the LA trip during dinner, she literally lit up the room. But, all Leo could spare for her was a quick glance, Once again, Gabi managed to command his full attention and affection despite her dreamy, catatonic state. Sigh.
Poor Don Goyo...
At last, Juan is set to see the light of day.
I like the Yolanda character, even with her weird eyes, because ofher mysterious ties to Adolfo, Carlos, Fausto/Santiago and Marta. Is she really helping the Guillens because Mata was her friend, why is she living with Adolfo, is Carlos her son. And she knows too much about Adolfo and his business which puts her in jeopardy but may be a reason why she is still with Adolfo.
Anyway, the tension is mounting.
I'm a little confused. why is JJ being released? Is it because of Elsa's efforts or does it have something to do with Gregorio? And I take it Gregorio somehow made JJ his legal heir, otherwise how will JJ prove he now has ownership of Greg's house? Or is it beanie time?
David better be careful of Bertha. She is constantly reminding people of his "social class" and birth status. We all know she's got her eyes on Mario's money but I think she has every intention of cutting David out of it completely. Little does she know Gabi's the real heir.
Wow! Leonardo looked handsome at the dinner. He cleans up reaall nice. ;)
Juan José is being paroled early on good behavior; the lawyer had nothing to do with it, unfortunately for Elsa's bank account. And Gregorio did fix everything up legal.
My favourite line, "Dracula... I mean, Dolphie". Hahaha. Actually, that was so spot on about Adlofo. The actor reminds me of Vincent Price in those old horror movies.
So, let me get this straight, the plan was for Yolanda to buy the shoes from Gabi because she really loved them. Bad plan Adolfo, maybe as already has been mentioned, Felix is the brains in this outfit.
Yolanda's worry about not using innocent people for their dirty work ("look what happened to Marta), was prophetic. There go the diamonds.
Poor Leo. He had stars in his eyes for Gabi and Gabi had stars in her eyes for David.
David was so funny, how happy with the world he was. Hugging and teasing his "primitas". Bertha both wants him, and resents him because he's not really their blood and is from a lowly servant. Listen honey, once a kid is adopted, they're legit. Get over it. Ale seems to have gotten over her crush on David and moved on. She's really excited about this project for her tio, which is nice to see.
It does seem that David's jealousy (over Carlos) and Gabi's fears about their class differences will be the issues that keep popping up to keep them apart.
Where is Roberto. Haven't seen him in a while?
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