Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Llena de Amor #32-33 Tue 9/21-Wed 9/22/10 Menacing men, damaged damas, dolor over Dolores.

Episode 32.
Emanuel sits at the table at the fashion show with André, still swilling wine and moping over Marianela. André tells him it’s obvious he’s in love with his prima. “Ha ha ha ha, no way,” says Emanuel. André advises him to spend less time obsessing over Marianela and more time on his fiancée and their wedding planning. Emanuel chugs more wine.
Over at Netty’s, the group sits around crying. Comisario Tejeda thinks something doesn’t seem right about the intrusion. The guy didn’t even steal anything. Netty remembers that the killer clearly said the only thing he was looking for was her. He must have been a paid assassin! Someone is out to get her! And poor Mamá Dolores got in the way!
Fedra lurks in the basement outside the General’s room, muttering that she needs to get rid of that old coot. Bernardo skulks down the stairs and chokes out that there’s a bit of a problem. He shot, but some old lady had the gall to interfere. “How do you always screw this up, Bernardo?!” Out of sight, the General is shouting at the murderers, aka the nice young men in the clean white coats, to leave, and Benigno and Paula come downstairs to see what’s wrong. Fedra tries to wave them off, but they won’t leave. Gretel comes clattering down the stairs, too. They rush into the General’s headquarters and see Emiliano looking on while the manicomio men force Don Máximo into the camisa de fuerza (straitjacket). They all freak out. Paula and Benigno say Don Máximo is not going anywhere and they start to free him. Gretel, who knows a thing or two about unfair accusations of insanity, tells her father that he was wrong to throw Axel out, and if he sends Tio Máximo away as well, she will follow behind him, and he will never hear from her again. Paula says she won’t allow this injustice, and Benigno devotedly proclaims he will protect his General with his own life, if necessary.
Brandon, Marianela, Doris, and Oliver drive home. They get out of the jeep and Brandon tells Marianela she seems a bit down, and he knows why. Oliver, a tad intoxicated, rambles about those babelicious models and says he knows what he wants for Christmas, heh heh. Doris is fed up with this line of chatter from him and lets him know it. He flirtily tells her to use her hotness or lose it.
They all go inside, where Netty, Consuelo, and Gladiola are all crying. “Hey, why the funeral faces?” Brandon asks. Silent hand grabbing and hugging while the new arrivals become increasingly worried, and finally Netty tells them that an intruder killed Mamá Dolores.
The next morning, Benigno and Gretel are asleep in chairs in Don Máximo’s room, and Máximo is asleep on top of his covers, fully dressed. Delicia comes in with the breakfast tray and wakes them up asking what’s with all the mess; was there an earthquake down here? Don Máximo accuses her of being a traitor and Fedra’s spy, which Delicia finds most insulting. He insists that she act as his food taster, and if the food is poisoned, then she’ll die for her betrayal!
Fedra whizzes down the stairs on her broomstick, shrieking at Emiliano for letting that old thing remain in her house. “I had to let him stay! You should have seen how upset Gretel was!” he defends himself. “They should have taken her away, too! Two birds with one stone!” Fedra cackles. “She is your daughter!” Emiliano replies, somehow still shocked by her cold, uncaring ways. Fedra whines that she’s just trying to protect herself. Emiliano forbids her to even go near the basement anymore. She poutily agrees. Then she asks him what he’s going to do about Axel. “I have no son by that name,” says the jerk.
Gretel goes up to the kitchen, and Paula thanks her for defending the General. “You really care about him, don’t you?” Gretel asks. Paula diplomatically says she cares about the whole family…but admits she does have her favorites (consentidos…the ones she pampers and indulges). Gretel grins and hugs her.
Hugging but not grinning…Netty and Marianela, all dressed in black, Marianela trying to offer comfort. Netty sobs that Mamá Dolores is the one who took care of her and Eva after their mother died. She never married or had children of her own, she just worried about their well-being. Doris comes in, also sobbing, and says she doesn’t think she can hold up. Netty says she has to, because there’s no one better than her to fix Dolores up pretty for the funeral. Doris agrees. Netty says there must be a party in heaven today, because Dolores has arrived.
Bernardo gloatingly delivers to Fedra the newspaper, with the front-page headline declaring Eva’s death an accident. Fedra is so delighted she is almost willing to forgive him for failing to kill that actriz yet again. Bernardo has more good news: he’s found a doctor who’s willing to take that viejo (aka Don Máximo) out of circulation. Fedra chortles that once he’s declared insane, she’ll have no trouble getting her greedy little paws on his money! Bernardo the suckup busy bee has also contacted the judge who’s in charge of verifying the documents they faked regarding Eva’s money, and there is a little something he might like in return for a favorable judgement, heh heh. Fedra tries to act sexy and tells him to invite the judge to La Mala Noche this evening. {It will be a bad night indeed for the viewers if we have to visit that wretched club and watch Fedra strut her stuff.} Gretel has crept up around the corner and heard this, and she is most interested when she hears Fedra instruct Bernardo that she wants a hefty dose of knockout drops so the whole clan, especially that meddler Gretel, will be out cold.
Marianela is on her way out of the house to turn in her papers to the university, so she can take the admissions exam the next day. Netty advises her not to talk to strangers, with all the stuff that’s happening in the house. She also says that in the midst of all this sadness, one thing she’s happy about is that Marianela and Brandon are novios. Netty heads into the kitchen as Marianela agrees not to talk to strangers. Emanuel has walked into the patio (if they’re worried about security, maybe they should lock the gate) and said maybe she won’t talk to strangers, but she has to talk to her friend.
Princesa Ilitia breakfasts in bed, her daddy-in-waiting next to her. She tells her mother, who is sitting across the room, that if she throws Lorenzo out again, Ilitia is going, too. Muñeca says it won’t happen again. Lowrenzo pulls out the gossip paper Espectáculos, whose front-page headline story says that Ilitia and Emanuel are going to marry. Muñeca says she didn’t realize they had set a date, and Lorenzo wonders how it can be official when that young man has not come to formally ask him for his daughter. Ilitia admits that she is maybe pressuring him just a bit, because she is determined to be Mrs. He-Manuel. Muñeca’s expression of disbelieving disgust does not impress Ilitia in the least, even when it dissolves into a dead fish look.
Marianela asks Emanuel what he is doing there. They had agreed to not see each other anymore! That is impossible, he says. She insists that she wants to just forget about the whole Ruiz y de Teresa family and live her own life. He says but they are friends and cousins! She can’t just throw him aside like a ratty street mutt! He puts his arms around her shoulders and looks deeeeeep into her eyes and says, “Tell me the truth. Are you really in love with Brandon?” Mari gets all shifty-eyed.
Benigno is digging in the flower bed, planning to put in some new plants, when he uncovers a strange object. He jumps back, thinking it may be Satanic (not an unreasonable conclusion in that household). Just in case, he says some little incantation (Vade, vade, retro Satanas) and mimes pulling something out and tossing it aside. Now that it’s safe, he picks up the handkerchief and unwraps the brooch. A lirio, made of real silver! He can’t imagine who buried it there, but decides the General must know of this development immediately.
Tia Carlota calls the Viper Pit, and fortunately Gretel answers. The two of them seem fond of each other. Gretel tells her that Fedra took Marianela’s inheritance and wants to take the house as well.
The General accuses Benigno of being a traitor. Benigno protests that he stopped the manicominions from taking Don Máximo away to the funny farm. “But you also stole my ammunition! You left me defenseless!” growls the General. He tells Benigno that Fedra came down and they fought, but he couldn’t shoot her. Benigno thinks he did well in saving the General from going to jail, but the General says he would have done the family and all of humanity a big favor by getting rid of that witch. The General decides that Benigno needs a punishment for his disobedience. One hundred laps around the house! Benigno meekly whines that a hundred is a lot. “One hundred and twenty, then!” snaps the General.
Marianela tells Emanuel she doesn’t have to explain anything to him. She doesn’t ask about his personal life, and he has no right to interrogate her about hers. He says he’s not asking, he’s questioning. Totally different. He’s just worried about her. She says he needn’t worry. She’s fine and happy with her novio Brandon. Emanuel says he doesn’t believe that, and demands to know what’s really going on. “Two can play this game,” Marianela says. “I demand to know, what is this news that you are going to marry Ilitia?”
Ilitia is now out of bed and telling her parents they have to help her railroad Emanuel into a wedding. Muñeca wonders why she’s so determined. Lowrenzo makes a showy display of support, saying they may marry tomorrow if she’d like, because Ilitia’s happiness is the only thing he cares about. Ilitia appreciates that, but says it won’t be tomorrow because she wants them all to plan a spectacular wedding, like a happy family. Muñeca and Lorenzo roll their eyes at each other. Lorenzo agrees that his precious princess’s wedding must be the event of the year. Ilitia nags her mother to avoid spoiling it with scandals. No drama, no divorces, and no suicide attempts, por favor.
After Ilitia heads to the club, Muñeca thanks Lowrenzo for returning to the house. He says he’s there for Ilitia, not for Muñeca, who threw him out like a dog. {I’m not sure why these writers equate dogs with things you chuck out and ignore. Second reference this episode.} Muñeca cries that she wants to start over, but he cries even more that she hurt him by not trusting him, and he has his pride! She says she’s already gone to the bank, and now he doesn’t need her signature to get more money! He sobs all tragic-faced that he just can’t get past this betrayal, and how would he explain things to his princess daughter, who is affected by all this? Muñeca continues begging him not to leave as he walks away with a smug grin. {I’m also not sure why they call her Muñeca. More like títere, and he works her like a master puppeteer.} Flora tries to reassure Muñeca that he will return. Muñeca says she may be a fool (no, she is definitely a fool), but she loves him.
Emanuel says what Marianela heard about his engagement isn’t true. She says she heard Ilitia announce it directly, and he was right there and didn’t deny it. He claims it was just a publicity thing, to distract from the scandals Ilitia has had. Marianela still thinks he’s lying, but she doesn’t want to talk about this anymore, because she’s already feeling terrible. She tells him about Dolores’s murder. He is stunned. Marianela wants to get going to the university, and Emanuel insists on driving her, even though she is totally mean to him.
Bernardo/Spiderus tries to eat his breakfast, and Delicia throws the black ski mask down on the table and asks what he was doing the night before.
Brandon and Oliver are in Comisario Tejeda’s office, tearfully insisting on heading up the investigation of Dolores’s murder. Tejeda isn’t sure that’s the best idea given the state they’re in, but Brandon says he can’t rest until the guy is caught. Oliver worries that maybe the intruder was after the two of them. Comisario Tejeda says he suspects it has more to do with Netty, and they need to talk to her.
Bernardo tells Delicia to stay out of his business. “In addition to abusing women, are you also a thief?” she asks. She says she’s going to show the mask to Emiliano. Bernardo pins her down to the table and threatens her. “Are you going to kill me? Is that what you are, a murderer?” {NO! Not our adorable Delicia!} Bernardo hisses in her ear that if she says one word about this, he will cut off her tongue.
Fedra has already broken her promise to Emiliano, and is in the General’s room with her hired headshrinker doc. Don Máximo tries to throw her out and get her to take this monigote (stuffed suit) with her. The doctor introduces himself as Claudio Peralta, mucho gusto. “Mucho gusto is what I will have when you go back where you came from! I do not receive lacayos (lackeys) of this hyena!” shouts Don Máximo. Doc Peralta says he’s only there to help. Máximo brandishes a dagger and says he doesn’t need help, so they should get out! Fedra does her pouty sweet-talk thing some more, putting on a big display of concern for poor old crazy uncle. Máximo keeps trying to get her to stop calling him “tio.” Doc Peralta and the General finally succeed in getting the harpy witch out of the room. Then the doc tries to gain Don Máximo’s trust, also calling him “tio.” “I am not your tio!”
Lowrenzo gets the results of the paternity test. He looks upset and asks the lab guy how accurate the tests are. 99.99 percent, says the guy. “Then there must be a clone,” Lowrenzo jokes. “He’s my son. Cristian is my son,” he mutters to himself, looking none too happy about it.
Netty worries about the cost of Dolores’s funeral. Gladiola says they’ll all split the cost, but Netty fusses that it’s still too much. She asks Consuelo if she can have a month’s rent in advance, but Consuelo says she had to pay some expenses for Javier and doesn’t have a centavo left. A mysterious shades-wearing man walks into the living room (again, great security for a household that just had a murder the night before) and says he needs to rent a room.
Emanuel waits on a bench and plays with a limp stick. Uh-huh. Marianela returns and cheerfully reports that everything is taken care of and she can take the entrance exam tomorrow. He’s glad to see her so enthusiastic and asks what she’s going to study. Publicity, she says, the same thing her dad did. Emanuel says then she can join the family agency. No way, says Mari. She wants nothing to do with them. He thinks it’s Brandon putting these ideas in her head, and tells Mari that guy does not suit her. What she needs is… Carolina runs up and Mari introduces her to her cousin. Caro is so excited she leaps on Emanuel and wraps her arms and legs around him in greeting, shrieking. He is rather startled. She climbs down and tells Emanuel she knows all about him, from all the articles and whatnot. Marianela was an avid follower of his athletic career when they were at the boarding school. “Oh, reeeeeeeally?” asks Emanuel, delighted. They are interrupted by a crowd of people running past, saying that someone is shooting. They run, too.
Over at the police station, Tejeda and our favorite cops are perusing the Wanted poster. They’re worried about some criminal, Jerónimo Martínez, known as “El Dandy.” He is a very tired-looking middle-aged guy with serious eye bags. They get a call about the trouble at the university. Brandon wants to head right over, because Marianela is there. Oliver has to inform the comisario that Marianela is Brandon’s novia. The polis are on the move.
The ladies in black whisper to each other that this new guy wanting to rent seems suspicious. Besides, don’t criminals always return to the scene of the crime? Netty has a bad feeling about him, but Gladiola says if he pays three months in advance, Dolores’s funeral expenses will be covered. Netty grudgingly agrees, and they all cross themselves and Netty asks San Antonio for protection. The guy tells them he likes the place. When he finally steps into the light with his shades off, we can see the same saggy eyes previously seen labeled as “El Dandy,” but on a younger-looking guy.
Ilitia and Kristel are in the middle of a low-impact dance aerobics class. This is too challenging for them, so they step out of line to gossip instead. Kristel says that Axel was always a little strange, but his being gay? Too much! The whole household went loco when he came out of the closet! Ilitia tells her to look on the bright side: with a gay brother, she could save a fortune on makeup and salons! {Oh, I would LOVE to see Axel give her a makeover. “Payback” would be an excellent look for her.} Mauricio drops by the class to join the gossipfest.
Begoña admires her new necklace. It goes perfectly with her necklace-length dress, I guess. Lowrenzo comes to visit and says he has the results of the paternity test. She’s glad it’s settled. Yes, he says. “You are a lying opportunist! This is not my son!” Begoña is sad and mighty confused.
The new renter pulls a huge wad of cash out of his pocket and hands some over to Netty. She says that’s too much; she only asked for three months’ rent as a deposit. He says he paid double so they’ll respect his privacy. Netty claims with a straight face that in the pensión they respect everyone’s privacy and never meddle in each other’s lives. The guy tells her to keep the money. Also, he’s expecting a visitor, Gerónimo Martínez, and asks them to send him up to his room when he arrives. The ladies nervously agree.
Begoña tells Lowrenzo that she’s never been with another man in the five years they’ve been together. The laboratory must have made a mistake! He laughs and tells her he’s not a fool. She knows very well this isn’t his son, so why continue with this farce? The test results are super-accurate, so that’s that. He’s outta here. Begoña begs him not to abandon his son. All she asks is a little bit of his time, and she won’t complain that he’s still with his wife and daughter! She swears on her life that this is his son. Lowrenzo says her life is worth nothing to him, and the little brat’s is worth even less. He takes the necklace and says it will look even better on his wife, because she isn’t a slut. He leaves; Begoña cries.
Doctor Peralta tells Fedra the old man seems severely psychotic. She wants that report in writing. Licenciado Rivas is escorted into the house for his meeting with the General, and Fedra tells him not to waste his time. General Máximo is completely loco, the doc sez so. “If that is true, all Don Máximo’s money will go to Emiliano,” remarks the lawyer. Fedra nods sadly.
Emiliano is hard at work. His secretary buzzes him and he yells at her and says he doesn’t want to be disturbed. Axel bursts into the office anyway.
The police gather in the university parking lot, in full riot gear. Brandon goes to find Marianela, so Oliver takes charge. The police line up and march forward, beating their batons on their shields with every step. They advance toward a rather small crowd of running students.
Emanuel and Marianela huddle with a squirmy crowd against a wall. Emanuel swears he will protect Marianela and nothing will happen to her. She doesn’t think he will make an effective barrier should a bullet come their way. They hug tightly, and Marianela says she has something very important to tell him. He doesn’t think this is the time to talk, but she insists. “Okay, what?” “Emanuel, ever since we were children, well, from the very moment I met you, I…I…”
End of episode. My recording didn’t catch any promos, so I have no idea how to entice you to watch tomorrow. It will be intense, though! I am sure!
Camisa de fuerza – straitjacket
Consentido/a – pampered, indulged
Vade, vade, retro Satanas – get back, Satan
Monigote – stuffed form, botched painting or statue, sap
Lacayo - lackey


Great breakfast treat Julia. More talking than action last night, but after the previous episode, I was good with that. Again, need to park the beanie now and then.

"again, great security for a household that just had a murder the night before" Lord, I couldn't agree more. Eman bugged me a bit just walking in, but gees, "I need a room guy" didn't even ring a doorbell.Funny I missed the sign outside that said "No locks, no knocks - just walk right in."

I enjoyed the argument between Mari and Eman. That "spine" of Mari's is getting stronger and she really gave it to him. Interesting how he explained away his impending nuptials (while I-lie is planning the big affair already.)

Delicia - why why why show your hand already with the Joker? That was so frustrating.

Yeah Gretel. Hope this brings Carlota running to town.

So if Emi gets all Max's money, bet he becomes Fedra's next target. Will this be his moment to realize he's not the love of her life - that would be something made of paper that fits in a wallet. (And frankly her comment on Gretel would have deserved a slap and throwing her out - but that's me. His radar should have gone up with the "protecting herself". From her daughter????? I still think he's salvageable, but boy has a long way to go.)

Tonight - more beanie time with the "student riot".

Good morning Julia and Daisynjay. Just saw the last few minutes of this but am always amazed at how clumsy and fake the riot scenes are: whether "angry villagers" or "angry students" people are just standing around awkwardly waving sticks and shouting equally awkwardly. Must be hard to stage these things.

You did a great job of conveying all the slimey goings-on of Fedra and Lowrenzo, and I particularly loved Emanuel looking deeeeeeply into Marianela's eyes. He does do that well.

Poor dogs. They're not viewed as fondly nor treated as lovingly as they are in most American and British homes. I remember decades ago, an exchange student from China told me how he burst out in incredulous laughter when he saw the long rows of dog food in the supermarkets....good grief, Americans buy special food for dogs! holy Moley!...and I don't think animal rescue is a big deal in Mexico. Different cultures.

Thanks for a fun recap. Really cute title as well.

Brilliant title Julia! I'm trying to think which of your comments made me laugh the hardest. Perhaps it was "Payback would be an excellent look for her".

Oh dear, I can't believe Delicia told Spiderus she found his hood. What an airhead! As far as I can tell she'll be the only one who can possibly connect him to the crime if/when she hears about it.

Speaking of dumb, Spiderus sure didn't bury the Lirio very deep is Benigno managed to dig it up while gardening. But hey, that's a good thing! I'm glad the lirio has surfaced again.

Excellent recap Julia. I feel like this episode moved things along.

Many thanks for the entertaining recap and for including Spanish words/translations - a great help as I learn Espanol! (I'd miss 80% of the storyline if not for these terrific recaps!)

I wasn't sure whether that was supposed to be a big riot, or if there was just one guy shooting and everyone else was trying to get away. Why were they huddled against the wall? Did they get trapped some place where they couldn't run any further? I guess we'll find out tonight.

I think we've got lots of fuses lit now and plenty of action coming. Axel has gone to have words with Emiliano, Carlota knows about Fedra's treatment of Marianela, the lirio has resurfaced, Fedra is trying to get the General committed, creepy new guy has moved into the pension and has a visitor coming who the polis saw on the Wanted poster, Begoña will probably have to move in as well.

I like how they are developing so many side plots and character stories, so we don't have to rely on the glacial progression of the main romance plot for action.

Julia, this is great. Once again you are more entertaining than the show itself.

Sorry I don't have time this afternoon to comment more.



Ahhh yay! Thanks for the recap : ) AHHH I hope Axel is in the next episode more, he's my novela crush for this one!

The previews show that right before Mari say's the big I'VE ALWAYS BEEN IN LOVE WITH YOU bit, Brandon shows up and starts fighting with Emanuel.

Of course she gets interrupted. Good grief it takes these crazy characters forever and a day to say the simplest things.

I'm about to watch tonight's episode. I don't think we have a recap tonight so unless anyone has any other plans maybe we can just comment on it here. Sound OK?

Karla was right, Mari gets interrupted. So they are still ambiguous.

The big news: Emanuel recalls that Spiderus/Bernardo was in the garden burying something, puts two and two together (amazing!) and shows Spider the lirio. Then Fedra walks in and they both react. Eman demands to know the truth and Fedra says that Jose Maria Sevilla (who is he?) killed her parents in cold blood and almost killed her but the ship caught on fire. Eman apologizes for upsetting her, she rolls her eyes behind his back.

Axel tries to talk to Emiliano and pa tells son that he's dead to him. I now feel that Emiliano deserves Fedra. Later he tells Eman that Axel is a pervert and an aberration. Eman tells pa that he will one day regret those words. Good lord what a family.

It looks like tomorrow Fedra drugs the family but Gretel follows her to the strip club. Oh hell, that means I'm recapping Fedra's striptease?

Good luck and Godspeed with that Fedra striptease Thursday night, Sylvia. Maybe stock up on antinausea drugs beforehand.

So, now I'm thinking that Axel's big secret may not be that he's gay. Three things...una, he is repelled at the idea of intimacy with a woman. Dos, he told Emiliano "she killed me on the inside." Tres, there was a definite creepy vibe a few weeks ago when he was sitting on his bed and Fedra sat next to him and got all up in his face. Is it possible that Fedra has abused him sexually as well as emotionally? It's a horrible thought, but Fedra is a horrible person and a perv.

Why did Brandon and Oliver go up to the new guy's room and pull their guns on him rather than chasing after the known criminal?

Jose Maria Sevilla was the captain of the Lirio, and Fedra was in love with him, right? So he is possibly Emanuel's biological father?

How is it that the pension crowd went to a funeral with a casket, and came home from it with the ashes in a case? How long do you have to wait around for that? Is that typical? Amongst my social circle the ashes are generally not brought home, so I have no idea about these things.

Julia, this was absolutely sensational. One of your best - ever. The title? perfect.

"Princesa Ilitia breakfasts in bed, her daddy-in-waiting next to her" and "{I’m also not sure why they call her Muñeca. More like títere, and he works her like a master puppeteer.}" were wonderful.

I had my doubts that Axel is gay but if so, why didn't he fight harder when Emiliano kicked him out of the house? Although your therory of possible abuse by Fedra would certainly explain a lot. I hope that wasn't the case but she is certainly capable of anything. She was definintely spawned from hell.


Julia, good point about Mama D being in the casket and then mere hours later her ashes are in the urn. Netty made an odd little comment about Mama D ending up in a cookie box (caja de galletas) and it reminded me of Un Gancho Al Corazon when that woman died (was murdered actually by the viper mom) and her ashes actually WERE in a cookie tin. We were all aghast, but I wonder if that's a fairly normal thing, especially if one is low on funds?

Diana, I've wondered about Axel too but of course WHY would he not say anything? Except of course that these character hardly ever express themselves normally which drives us all crazy.

Julia, thanks for the reminder of JMS's identity.

So I wonder who the bad guys are who are/were in Netty's house? We don't know yet, right?

I think it's pretty common for abuse victims to not say anything, especially if the abuse started when they were young and they've been conditioned and terrified into submission over time. Often they're afraid of being punished, or that no one will believe them, or that people will think it is their fault. I wish we would have a scene of Axel at least talking to himself and giving the viewers a clear idea of his issues.

I'm not sure why the bad members of the family think they'll be done for socially if they have a gay family member. Are gay men not fairly commonplace amongst their advertising/modeling/fashiony/rich-people-club crowd? Why do they think anyone would care?

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