Monday, October 11, 2010

Dinero 10/11/10 It's Another Night Of All Talk And No Action, Dios Mio!

Alternate title:MARINO TRIUMPHS

Lots of teasers tonight. So many things could have happened but didn't. I thought I was sitting down to a banquet , but didn't get so much as an appetizer. Very frustrating! But here's what DID happen, or DIDN'T while we were treading water tonight.

First, Rafa and Ale have a poignant little conversation where she reiterates that they have to sacrifice their love for the sake of their families...especially his mom and her dad. Clinging to their love is selfish. It hurts too many people. She won't even let him say " I love you" although they do exchange one of those tight lipped sexless kisses that are so depressing.

From thence to the usual bickering and insulting amongst the Auto Siglo sales force. Ay Dios mio Jimenez is exultant because he's gotten permission to attend the hacienda party without his wife. Lots of unkind speculation on what he had to do and how much he had to grovel in order to get that permission. As usual, the poor guy gets no respect. Neither at work nor at home.

Nor does Marco evidently. When he phones Carmela and finds out she's spent all the money he gave her on a new car, he's furious. So's she. And that's why she's never married, mister, so no man can tell her how to spend her dinero. And he's still got more to fork over, so shaddup.

Someone who's not likely to pipe down is Marino. He's locked down salesman of the month again with his impressive sale to the medieval trucking maniac and informs his hostile companions, a comatose Ale and a pissy-faced Rafa that he's about to take over the whole managerial position and show 'em how it's done. Breaking for ads is almost a relief.

When we come back, it's to a resplendent Chavez, in full hacienda mode, decked out in a red, black and floral shirt, blue white and floral swim trunks, and flanked by two nubile bikinied babes who splash in the pool, towel off seductively and then wrap themselves around our skank like two slithering bookends. Okay, that sentences was about three miles long. Suffice it to say that he's in hog heaven, ordering around the hacienda caretakers (who are still worried about the headless horseman) and demanding affectionate massages from the bikini babes.

Our Trapito isn't having quite the same luck. Carmela sweeps in, ignores him as usual, but ever solicitous, he does a full belly slide underneath Marino's legs to land at Claudia's desk and inform her of Carmela's arrival. Yes, the Queen Bee/Maneater is here to pick up her car. Carmela notes that he's in good condition for a fattie, but that's all the sugar he gets. Meanwhile, Dandy and Pepeto hightail it out, partly in terror, and partly to alert Rafa that Carmela is here and now's his chance to find out what's up with the hacienda. He marches forth to the sound of cavalry music but falls flat. Carmela's interested in his body but not in discussing business. If he wants to do that, come to the office.

Chavez' massage is interrupted by a call from Marco. He's in a lather because Chavez' phone has been turned off. We must talk now! And what's up with Shrimp Man and this Daniel Cepeda? Chavez is surprised that Marco has sussed out Daniel's involvement so fast. He's mulling this over while he swats the shapely behinds of his two compañeras. Tough life for our old rogue, isn't it?

Okay. One thing DOES happen. Marian drags in some limp-wristed little puppy dog named Señor Puentes who does buy all Rafa's remaining trucks. He appears happy with their condition and also anxious to get back to work. Something is definitely off with this guy. He looks like an errand boy at best. But whatever. Marian's now insisting on a celebration drink for the deal even though Rafa is hardly in an exultant mood.

Mientras tanto, Ale is back sniveling at her desk, explaining to Susana why she's giving up the love of her life. Susana complains that she's selling herself for "tres migajas de pan" (three little breadcrumbs) but Ale replies that "no tengo salida" (there's no way out). Oh my.

Back at the hacienda, Daniel and Enrique have arrived. The girls are flirting madly with our galan and he loves it....but not enough to invite them to the party. It's a family thing, you understand. But I'll throw another one just for you, how about that? Trato hecho.

Now back to the Marian/Rafa front. She's got an uphill battle here but she's determined. And looking quite fine in a Chanel type pants suit, tousled curls and bee-stung lips. Rafa appears deaf dumb and blind though as she weaves her argument for paying off debts to both Ale and Vicky and being free free free to enjoy life and be a success. And here's where I come in, adds Marian seductively.

And what ties him to Ale after all? Was it the debt or was it love? Rafa's so confused and downhearted, he doesn't even seem to know.

Daniel is one of the types who can bi-locate evidently. A few moments after being way out in the country at the hacienda, he's now blowing into Auto Siglo to see his "second mother" and invite her and Beltran to the party. Beltran tries to weasel out of it but Doña Arcadia won't let him. Daniel promises to draw them up a map on how to get to the hacienda. After he blows out, Arcadia asks Beltran what he thinks of her little girls. Er...I haven't seen them, he stammers. MY DOGS! la profesora clarifies. Ah you crazy kids. Stop already.

Okay, Daniel takes his fine self down to Ale's office and does his best to charm her. He's having a lot less success than with Doña Arcadia. But he's willing to spend 24 hours a day, 365 days a year....or more...trying to get her to smile. She's still got the glumlies and doubts that they can be anything but friends, but he'd determined to convince her. As for Marian. Yes, he once asked her to marry him. But it was a mistake. Now let's give ourselves a chance. Major sticking point. He won't tell her why he bought the hacienda. Major selling point. He's got no problem with money....just loneliness. (Insert big doe-eyed look at Ale here) Will she fall? Oh, of course not! But we've got a couple of more weeks to fill up till the gran finale so work with us, alright?

Down in our other rabbit hole, Marian's trying to find out what Rafa's deal with Vicky was. And how did Vicky convince Marco to let Lorena out of jail? Ahah. Yes, Vicky promised that she'd keep Rafa away from Ale, if Leonor was sprung. Fine. Marian understands. But she's a practical woman and is looking for real solutions. 1) Hire an investigator to find out who Marco paid to set up Leonor. 2) Pay off all the debts and get free of both Ale and Vicky and her family. 3) Though not explicitly stated, give the charming and oh-so-available Marian a chance.

While Rafa is glumly mulling this possibility, who enters the bar but Ale and Daniel. Ale looks stricken. Marian looks alarmed. Rafa and Daniel face off in full antler-bashing mode. And there we end.

A collage of rapid-fire scenes. A flash of Vicky looking upset. And Marian vowing to never give up. Sure hope we find some galans for both these ladies. Trapito, anyone?


No seas lama botas = Don't be a boot licker. Sales force to Ramirez when he's well...licking Marino's boots at the junta.
de frente a frente = face to face (Marino, talking about confronting Ale and Rafa)
bola de apretados = bunch of people short on cash, in other words, losers.
tomar, chupar, que el mundo se va a acabar = eat, drink and be merry for tomorrow we may die (Chavez to his babes)
yo prendo el boiler para que otro se bañe! I stoke the boiler so someone else can bathe! (Chavez complaining about the babes leaving him to swarm over Daniel)
que aguado eres = what a wet blanket you are! (Doña Aracadia remonstrating with Beltran)

Dicho of the Day
Just an expression really, in honor of Leonor's great dancing in Friday's episode
menear el bote =lit. wiggle your bucket
mover el bote = lit. move your can
But both mean "to dance". And she sure did. Hope we'll see more at the hacienda party. If there ever is a hacienda party.


Judy, this recap was a wonderful diversion all by itself. I have yet to see the show but despite the lack of plot advancement, you made me eager to see some of the fun.  Jimenez and Marino I may be able to pass by if pressed for time--but not our lovlorn couple, Carmela and Trapito, Marian and dare I admit it? Daniel.  

I loved Ale's glumlies and the 3 mile long sentence (though the 1 and 2 mile sentences are pretty great too). As usual your vocabulary is excellent. You are so good at picking out some interesting and useful idioms.

Judy, did you see the scene a show or two back where Vicky is trying to convince Rafael to go to a hotel with her?  Vicky's kisses were much more uh, effusive than Ale's and Rafa's are--and without the devouring aspect of Carmela the Maneater.  So I'm not sure why the Ale-Rafa kisses are the way they are.  

Poor Marian. It sounds as if she is working so hard for something we know cannot be. 

@Barbara........yessssssss, I did notice that Vicky's kisses were a lot more passionate and Rafa wasn't able to clench his lips quite so much. With Ale, he's so verklempt it's like he's afraid she's going to slip a goldfish in his mouth or something. Clearly Marian's bee-stung luscious pucker would be totally wasted on him if he's going to kiss like that.

The Trapito scenes ARE a hoot. Even when Carmela's signing papers at Claudia's desk, Trapito is massaging the back of her chair like he's ready to jump her bones at a moment's notice. Really, she's passing up a good man here. She should take a second look.

Thanks amiga. Good to talk to another kiss sleuth first thing in the morning. Take care of those pooches and kitties. I'm off to dance.

Hi Judy. I laughed really hard at your "Sexless tight lippped Kisses" description. They really aren't the same quality as they were earlier. Your Chavez description at the hacienda was a hoot as well.

Trapito's little dive under Marino was halarious as well. It's quite like we are stuck in self pity mode. Except for Daniel. Okay he is kind of growing on me. I love how he always seems to be walking a bit sideways. Leading with his shoulders. He sure doesn't have any self esteem issues.

Judy your recap was so much fun to read. It always blows me away that you can get such complete and fun recaps up so early and include vocabulary.

I think I saw there was not going to be Dinero tonight. SoyTuD is on at 7pm followed by soccer.

Thanks Judy for the great recap, it was fun reading this while I was drinking my morning coffee. I also enjoyed the "kiss slueth discussion". Too funny.

Judy, a fun, frothy, delicious concoction. You blend all the elements together, add delectable vocabuarly and voila, a delightful treat. What a wonderful way to start the day. Gracias, amiga.

Barbara and Pata already noted some of my favorite lines "tight lipped sexless" kisses and "the glumlies", but my favorite was in your comment "bee-stung luscious pucker". What a perfect description of Marian!

I'm sorry Rafa and Ale are still apart and hope that their reconciliation doesn't wait until the last episode.

Barbara, I only watch this once in a while, but I have thought Marian and Daniel might end up together as well.


It's funny the way Daniel prepares to leave the set (or enter it) by standing somewhat on a diagonal and then setting his arrogant tics into motion. He's overplaying so much it's a riot. His only seemingly sincere moment was when he said he was so lonely. TODO YO no wonder, you are SUCH a jerk! How can they ever rehabilitate him in time for the end of the show?

I think Rafa's kisses are pristine pecks because they are all taking place in the office! He did far better when they were in the hotel long ago.

Jorge is the best dancer I hope we see him in action again.

Great recap, Judy. As I watched I was thinking that this might be a difficult episode to recap. Lots of talk and terrible timing of the CCs (looks like another pleading Email to Señora Oliveres is indicated). Nonetheless you once again made it seem effortless and so smooth.

You captured my favorite lines perfectly:

"...Arcadia asks Beltran what he thinks of her little girls. Er...I haven't seen them, he stammers. MY DOGS! la profesora clarifies. Ah you crazy kids. Stop already."

This show is moving along at a languid pace even as there is an urgent undercurrent struggling to propel it forward. Frustrating and fascinating at the same time. What with the preemption today, I wonder if we'll even get to the BBQ at the hacienda this week. At least we're getting to see lots of Carmela.

Señorito Puentes' underwhelming persona makes it appear even more likely that Marian herself is the buyer as some have suggested. If so, it demonstrates her persistence in pursuing Rafa, buying back her own refurbished trucks at a premium.


Always a treat to come back from class and read the interesting comments.

@Pata and Mellinama....thanks for highlighting Daniel's interesting body language. Body Language seems to be big in this one: Rafa's spastic dancing, Jaime's hyperactivity, Daniel's slant, Trapito's belly slides, Claudia's Olympic style bosom hoist, Rosaura's hand flutters, Dandy's hyperthyroid eyes. A lot conveyed with now words whatsover.

Melinama...I hope the reason for those non-kiss kisses is the office, but honestly Pedro Fernandez could do better in my opinion. It's almost like he promised his wife not to enjoy anything!

Hmmm. Diana. Wrote a comment but the blog ate it. Still, welcome back! I knew from the first line that it was you. And like you and Barbara, I'm hoping for some major redemption for our charming jerkwad since at the moment, our wealthy Daniel deserves to be lonely. And certainly is not worthy of loving Maid Marian. that was your favorite line, eh? Doña Arcadia certainly seems to have some saucy ones. I like her more and more even if her spy cams are politically incorrect. She doesn't really seem to use them in a punitive fashion though. Probably just bored blue up there in the throne room with Chatoooo and the pups.

And yes, the closed captions were way off. In addition, my brain doesn't work as fast as these characters think. Not even if they were speaking in English. But so it goes, the challenge of recapping. Ultimately, it's a good thing. Keeps us on our toes...or near them, anyway.

Thanks for the recap and vocabulary Judy, it was so much fun to read! There wasn't much plot advancement, but I was laughing quite a bit throughout the episode. I love all the comedy in this show! Trapito's belly slide was great. And I used to cringe every time Daniel was on screen, but now I think he's hilarious. The way he walks and his incredibly cocky attitude are so funny. Too bad there's no episode tonight. I'm looking forward to seeing what happens in the bar with Rafa, Daniel, Marian and Ale.

Judy, I loved your recap, and the alternate title was fun, too (cute rhyme). Your vocab is always much appreciated, because you give us phrases, not just words. I especially liked all your descriptions of Chavez and his activities, which had me laughing out loud.

I think Marian's three step program for Rafa was just about the best advice he's gotten. She is very smart, very pretty, and if it weren't for Ale, I'd be rooting for Rafa to go for Marian. But if it comes out that she used Fuentes as a front, Rafa might be upset by this mild dishonesty, even though she was trying to help him.


I loved your ending "Trapito anyone?" Yes I hope he finds love -- and maybe he has if Carmela would only open her eyes to his charms.

This was an enjoyable episode. There were many fun scenes and plenty of poignant ones.

The party at the hacienda is going to be a hoot -- when it finally comes. One aspect that is going to be fun to watch is the dance between all of the hacienda "owners" -- Daniel the real owner, Shrimpman the frontman and proprietor only in his head Marco. As well as Quintana, of course, trying to keep Rosario's attentions while allowing el Camaron to play his part. That is going to be worthy of a French farce -- or Groucho Marx.


If you like Sergio Corona, our Jorge-Georgie, check out these you tube sites--3 of many. The third one not only has one of his favorite partners, Chabela, but our old friend Ramirez!

Hi folks. Wrote you a long note which the computer ate again. Keep getting service error and it's getting my goat!

Tracie, I agree. Belly slide. Outstanding. (and ouch!) Daniel. Getting funnier.

Güera...French farce or Marx Bros. for the hacienda party. Great call! Should be funny.

Hombre: Marian is so wise. She's a great counselor for Rafa, and a great friend. And alas, that's all she'll ever be. Daniel will need a super redemption experience to be worthy of her.

Anon. Thanks for those links. Will go look for them now.

Interesting, Anon. Would not have recognized "Jorge" in the first one. Loved the second one. Quite the "Old Smoothie" in his tap routine. Impressive. And Ramirez quite handsome in his priestly role. Makes me wonder once again where this romance with Milagros is going. Will we see her in a bikini at the French farce hacienda party? We can but hope.

Hi Hombre, Tracie, Güera and Anonymous. I'll have to check out those sites.

Yep, no Dinero tonight. As much as I carp about not enough action, I'll miss it. And good point about Daniel, Tracie. The more we watch his goofy routine, the funnier it is. Ditto for Chavez, who's a scoundrel but who's a hoot, especially when he's dealing with some well-filled bikinis. I like your idea of Grouch Marx or a French farce, Güera.

Hombre, Marian always makes perfect sense to me. She makes a good counselor for Rafa, even though she'd like to be more.

Now, to take a look at those videos. Thanks Anon.

Now I see my "lost" note got tacked on at the end. The strange vagaries of the internet.

Thank you Judy B and all the other recappers so much. I spent the weekend getting caught up on this by reading all the recaps. Great job everyone and so much appreciated.

I feel really sorry for Marian. She is the smartest of the bunch and I really don't want to see her with Daniel. I just don't see how the writers can make him good enough for her with so short of time left.

Can't wait for the hacienda party.

Thanks, Judy, for your always fun and funny recaps. I wasn't able to catch Dinero last night so I doubly appreciated your recap.

I hope Trapito's charms are noticed by Carmela since he is such an enthusiastic suitor. As mentioned before, the actor playing Trapito is giving a polar opposite performance in La Verdad Oculta as a deranged murderer ready to make a jail break. He's an excellent actor.


Thanks, Anon for the fun links to Jorge in other roles.

For Gancho al Corazon fans, I received my dvd from Amazon, and it looks great! It's 4 dvd's (13 hours), and does have English subtitles, which you can turn off if you like.

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