Monday, October 11, 2010
El Clon, Mon., October 11 - Summary for Discussion

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Lucas story is of a man who struggled to maintain his own identity in the midst of a domineering father and his more favored twin son (Diego). On one fateful day, he would meet Jade, a woman who would forever become his life long project to achieve his own sense of accomplishment and self-worth. But because of the untimely death of his twin brother, he would set aside his dreams of love in order to fulfill his own insecure battle to gain his father's respect. His moment of indecision caused Jade to grow doubtful about his love for her, a doubt that would forever cripple a struggle that would span 20 years to be together. At the moment when a more mature Lucas is ready to take the leap to fight for the woman he loves, his ambitions are once again challenged when he learns of his daughter's serious drug addiction. Faced with having to set aside Jade yet again to be by his daughter's side, Lucas find himself having to decide accepting the loss of Jade and live a life of perpetual self-sacrifice or fight for her and ultimately keep the promise he made to her 20 years earlier, a promise to never forget and abandon her.
In the midst of these two extraordinary stories is the story of Daniel, a clone of Lucas. Born with the physical likeness of Lucas, he also inherited Lucas love for Jade and throughout his life she would appear to him as a mysterious veiled woman who haunts his dreams. He ultimately finds Jade in the midst of what appears to be Jade and Lucas definitive separation. Unaware that Jade was in love with the man he was cloned from, he comes to believe that he found the woman he was destined to meet and love but instead would inadvertently become the one who would serve to remind Jade and Lucas of what was and what perhaps is still worth fighting for.
Ramoncito instead of being the town crier is the town main gossiper, makes one think why even use the local rag when Ramoncito will do.
Does anyone think Clara asking for that apartment that was supposed to be Fernando will spur the number one Chump on to take action against Malicia?
Pablo has he finally fallen off the Chump list? But did he have to use poor sweet Andrea who has a major crush on him. Looks like papa Roberto wasn't happy with the kiss either.
Three cheers for mother Gloria this woman takes no prisoners nor does she hold back on the truth. Also for Cristina trying to give comfort to the odious Marisa.
Operation liberate Mohamed from his second foolish spur of the moment marriage is a riot. Even Tio Ali has join in the scheming.
Really when i saw tthe three drugged up zombies appear at the reception i thought they would be packing. All three look like even after a good delousing they would still need high maintenance care to look half way decent.
Ojo Por Ojo will eventually be showing at the 7pm hour when it didn't say but the Caso Cerrado show is only temporary.
Now what will repalce El Clon the new novela that they have been advertising Aurora with Sara Maldonado fromTormenta El Paraiso,Eugenio Sillier from MP and Jorge Luis Pila from Donde Estas Elisa. This novela is describes as a romance/mystery type where the heroine has been frozen for over 20 years. he was going to marry the father of her boyfriend she is dating now 20 years ago.
I said this once before that it seems Telemundo was producing a lot of drug related novelas a lot in their line up, Now it seems that they are producing a lot of mystery romance type of novelas from Donde Esta Elisa?,El Fantasma de Elena, Algiuen Te Mira.
Juanita i don't know if you're still traveling La Reina Del Sur i hope that's the right title? Which i know you said you were looking forward to has been pushed back for now.
I cannot believe that Said is still having hissy fits about Jade and Lucas - my goodness, he has had Lucas' wife more than once, has a second wife etc. His double standard makes me crazy.
Is Ali coming back into the light? It will be interesting to see what he told Latifa.
I loved the pink flamingo ice sculpture at the wedding, I guess Marisa has a sense of humor after all. Cris' dress was sure different for a wedding, but she and Leo both liked it, so that is all that matters. Do you suppose she gave him matching red underwear?
And yes, Leo HAS always liked Cris in red. He's right -- she has filled the house with light.
I especially loved your line:
Alí is dispensing wisdom to Mohamed when all Mohamed wants is help.
So true!
Telemundo has named this episode "Máscaras Caídas": and yes, the masks have started to fall. Getting everyone together for a party or wedding and then observing their reactions to one another as they remove their masks may be a cliché, but it works. I liked the party scenes a lot.
It sure does look like Pablo has taken himself off the Chump list, but hey, he was never in love with Malicia in the first place. And he and Andrea have been attracted to one another all along...
"Really when i saw the three drugged up zombies appear at the reception i thought they would be packing."
Yes! You know I think there is an unspoken rule in this show: No gun violence. There have been many scenes, especially around the drug house, where in real-world Miami someone would probably have pulled a gun, yet Alej and Clara get out unharmed (well, physically) and Lucas escapes bruised, but alive.
(In my opinion, the most shockingly violent scene so far was when Natalia hit her mother in the head with the heavy 'objeto contundente'.)
So last night we enjoyed, for the most part, "The Lady in Red". Tonight it looks like we're gonna suffer through "The Revenge of the Teenage Zombies". Sigh. I wish someone would just call the police and get them all locked up. Let them detox in jail and then go through a court-ordered and lengthy rehab!
I think I have an idea about what Alí whispered to Latifa, but I'll callarme. And, anyway, my brilliant insights are wrong about 50% of the time anyway!
Leo, Leo siempre tan inoportuno! He had to show up just when it looked like Daniel and Lucas might just bond a bit.
By the way, I think Lucas' attitude toward Daniel is a weak point in the novela. Lucas has been a kindly person most of the time. I don't understand why they don't show him realizing that Daniel didn't asked to be cloned and that none of what's happened is his fault.
Padre Andrés may have given us some foreshadowing of Albieri's downfall - that Luisa could turn on him in a jealous snit.
Rosemary, it doesn't surprise me that Said can't get over Jade's infidelity. That's kind of the way the male animal is designed. I've read that there could be a biological imperative involved in males wanting to control female's activities. They really want to pass on their own genes. I think we have to acknowledge that female infidelity is always considered more scandalous than male.
Oh boy, did I ever love watching Malicia's face fall as Pablo planted several great kisses on Andrea. I hope kissing her will kindle something and that he's not just using her to spite Malicia.
A comment last week got me wondering why Karla does seem to be constantly balking. Hmmm... The baby looked brunet, more like Daniel than like Roberto.
Is it just me, or is Jade really, really good at seduction? Last night's dance was the sexiest yet. That should've gotten Said hook, line, and sinker.
The lady in red looked so good. :-) And I think I'll actually miss Gossip Girl after the gran final. Gotta find out what Latifa's going to ask--or I'll just die.
Keep up the trabajo maravilloso~*
I've never seen you looking so lovely as you did tonight,
I've never seen you shine so bright,
I've never seen so many men ask you if you wanted to dance,
They're looking for a little romance, given half a chance,
And I have never seen that dress you're wearing,
Or the highlights in your hair that catch your eyes,
I have been blind,
The lady in red is dancing with me, cheek to cheek,
There's nobody here, it's just you and me,
It's where I want to be,
But I hardly know this beauty by my side,
I'll never forget the way you look tonight;
I've never seen you looking so gorgeous as you did tonight,
I've never seen you shine so bright, you were amazing,
I've never seen so many people want to be there by your side,
And when you turned to me and smiled, it took my breath away,
And I have never had such a feeling,
Such a feeling of complete and utter love, as I do tonight,
The lady in red is dancing with me, cheek to cheek,
There's nobody here, it's just you and me,
It's where I want to be,
But I hardly know this beauty by my side,
I'll never forget the way you look tonight
I never will forget the way you look tonight...
The lady in red, the lady in red,
The lady in red, my lady in red.
Like many others, undoubtedly, I couldn't help but think of the song when I saw her. Great minds, people...
Based on Vicki's reaction to the photo in the magazine, I was expecting Cris' wedding dress to be more bizarre and there to be more upstairs/downstairs encounters between Leo's rich friends and Cris' poor ones. But Cris knows her man and at least until the Zombies arrived, everything was going smoothly.
I also hope that Pablo and Andrea get together. I know that Andrea had a big crush on Pablo but I never thought that he was interested in her as more than than a friend.
It is unreasonable of Lucas to resent Daniel so much and to make comparisons between the way Leo treated him and the way Leo treats Daniel. But Lucas is an embittered, miserable guy who has lost his true love and is living a nightmare with his daughter. He can be forgiven for reacting to Daniel the way he does.
Cristina in red. Yes, indeed, she sure brightens up a place. She's a kind person, too. I'd have thrown Malicia out of the house.
Hope Andrea and Pablo do get together. Roberto may not like it, but he soon has bigger problems to worry about. How long will it take to clean up the mess his flirting started? Hope it's the downfall of Karla and her mother without too much damage to others.
Beautiful pictures, great recap. Thank you.
Novelera, I'm wondering if you are thinking what I am thinking. I think he might say Mohamed is impotent.
I'm super busy lately, so I can't comment every day, unfortunately. But I can't help but stop by now and then, since the recaps and the comments add so much to the show.
"Amina should have said that she was about to throw up." Good strategy, Jean. I was surprised how lame Amina's plan was, when usually she's full of ideas to help Rania.
Why were Rogelio and Malicia at the apartment? Were both invited by Cristina? Why was Andrés there?
Alí's "help" is pretty awkward lately. He won't just explain to Mohamed what to do, and waited long to explain it to Latifa. And it doesn't seem like it helps them not to know---wouldn't it be better if they could naturally act like everything is OK, rather than trying to hide their feelings?
Is there any relevance between Samira not wearing a veil and Mohamed getting out of the marriage? Or did Alí just manipulate Mohamed into being lenient with Samira? I agree he should be lenient with her, but this may just be another case of Alí screwing with somebody under the guise of the wise elder.
Rosemary: Said's double standard is annoying, but so is Jade's. Lucas never gave up on her until she married Said, then after the long break he never gave up on her at all. Jade keeps running after Said and Zein, but thinks Lucas is the one who gave up on the relationship. I hate her almost as much as King Leo.
Cris's dress (or at least the feathers) struck me as less classy than she has been lately. Oh well.
Nati has become smug over the last few episodes, and I can't tell why. I understood her moods before the months of drug episodes, including justifiable anger at Marisa and anguish over her family situation, and I understood that she would be high or paranoid or depressed during the drug days, but where did this smugness come from? I don't understand it.
Novelera: I would also like to see more of Lucas seeing Daniel as a person, someone mostly blameless in this story. But I think it's important that Lucas constantly sees in him the ways his life has gone wrong. Growing up he was always treated like the pet dog rather than an autonomous person, things never worked out with Jade, and his family life with Marisa and Natalia is a complete mess. Any hint that Daniel has it differently (and the evidence gets much stronger than hints) is understandably a blow to Lucas, because it demonstrates just how little people think of him. If not for Jade, something to hope for, he would probably be suicidal. This intense feeling can easily overwhelm his normally kind nature. That's not to say it's reasonable; I'm not even sure what it would take for an emotional reaction to be reasonable. But it's understandable and it doesn't count against him in my book.
I too hope Pablo isn't just using Andréa. I'm not convinced he's good enough for her. He had better save a puppy from drowning.
The slight change in Albieri surprised me, but it makes sense. He's never been admired (by an eligible woman) for what he cares most about in himself, his ability to make a clone. Luisa admired him as a doctor and scientist, but as far as he's concerned, all she's doing now is interfering with his fantasy of becoming famous for his work.
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