Tuesday, October 05, 2010

Dinero 10/5: a lot of blackmail, and Marco wears a bear suit like Marlene Dietrich's

  • Rafa paces and rants at the jail. He punched Marco instead of giving in to his blackmail (i.e., Marco dropping the charges against Rafa's ma in exchange for Rafa's leaving Ale forever).

    Julieta says Rafa must do as Marco says, nothing is as important as their mother's release.

  • Ale seethes as the unctuous Daniel, calling her chiquilla (kid), proposes: he'll buy back her hacienda and return it to her in exchange for - her undying devotion.

    When she rejects that proposal, he seems to settle for: time enough to show her what a grand heart he has.

    She tells him he's vulgar and starts to leave, reminding him that Rafa is the love of her life! Daniel: "I have lots of money and I have the whole world, but nobody to share it with ... at least, nobody like you..."

  • Marino is ecstatic that some guy with a coat of arms in his office promises to buy all of Auto Siglo's flotilla of trucks.

    Beltran and Dona Arcadio are equally ebullient at the news and warm to Marino's proposed coup.

    Marino then lords it over the other employees, gets Ramirez to sew the sleeve of his jacket back on, and happily practices his future threats - he'll be punishing them for their disrespect - he'll be docking his subordinates three days of pay if they rebel ...

  • Zetina shows up and the happy comrades persuade him that Rafa is not going to hire him again. All that money wasted on his incompetent spying! They tell Zetina (Samudia, Segovia, Sisichina) to give up, maybe try selling shoes from a catalog (since cars and photography are not his forte). He says they'll never see him again.

  • At the prison, Julieta yells and barks at Rafa: "Yield to Marco's demands and give up Ale forever or I won't ever speak to you again."

  • Ale droops home. She's horrified by her dad's depression - he won't eat, he just sits and plays with his fingers and thinks about his future funeral and cremation. Rosario says he'll die if this continues.

    Ale remembers Daniel's offer. Oh no! The only way she can think of to save her daddy's life is to give in to the chantaje (blackmail) of the perfidious millionaire! Because it may be that only recuperation of the hacienda will life Jorge's spirits...

  • Rafa goes home alone and bam, there's Vicki Vicki Vicki at the door!

    He tells her all. She remembers Marco making a pass at her at the psychologist's office. "I know him a bit, I've seen him around, I could talk to him!"

    Her deal: she convinces Marco to let Rafa's mom out in exchange for - Rafa's undying devotion.

    Rafa is horrified but agrees, while apologizing to Santa Claus fot the terrible lie - "it's an emergency!" To stall, he insists that VVV keep their newly-revived relationship secret - or it will get wrecked like last time...

  • Ale cries in bed, wondering who Rafa might be with, that he isn't answering his phone - and wondering if she will always be so jealous of him.

  • Daniel calls: "I'm sweet, simple, and stubborn. Have you thought about my proposition?" "Yes, and I accept."

    "An excellent decision, you won't regret it." "I'm regretting it already." "I'm not a monster! Let's meet tomorrow early and hammer out the details."

    She agrees - and wonders how Rafa will take it when she says she has to break off their relationship.

  • Chavez and Marco have a victory celebration at the bar. Over a few bottles of whiskey, they decide to have a huge party, which Marco will enjoy all the more because he is back in the full flush of potency! They'll throw it at his apartment - "Ale will be crawling back soon enough, but meanwhile we have the place to ourselves."

  • So, when Rafa dials Marco's number, there's no answer because the rumba line chez Marco is too loud - the boys are wearing pieces of a bear suit and the girls are in garters.

  • Since they couldn't get through to Marco, Vicki and Rafa agree to meet early in the morning, deal with Marco, and spring Eleanor.

  • Susana performs a gratuitous product placement of some hair stuff.

  • Marino gloats, gloats, gloats about his huge truck sale and impending rise to power. The general says there's nothing worse than a prole who forgets his origins. "Remember, there's many a slip twixt the cup and the lip," Jimenez adds.

  • Doña Arcadio tsk-tsks over her spy camera as she watches the salesforce gossip and wonders why her top execs are absent.

  • Rafa and Ale (each uneasy and annoyed that the other's phone has been turned off) arrive late. Ale, crying, tells Susana she just spent the worst night of her life.

    When she explains the deal Daniel has convinced her into, Susana asks, "Are you ditching Rafa?" "I have no choice, I have to save my father's life."

Tomorrow: everything is worse, but la pajarita does talk with Marco.


Melinama, thanks for another superb recap. Your writing is precise perfection. 

What can I say?  In response to the actions of both Ale and Rafa, I can only go with the flow.  To take Judy's good advice, we shall not wallow. 

BUT, have to say, I actually felt a little sorry for Vicky tonight. 

And Jorge, don't they have Prozac or Cymbalta in Mexico?  The writers got Marco and Vicky to psychologists, why can't they do Jorge a favor and send him too.  

Barbara, the same thought occurred to me as well. And write a prescription for worry wort Tia Rosario and stressed out Ale as well.

Thanks, Melianama, for your speedy and complete recap.


"Precise perfection". That is a good way to describe Melinama's recap. She is the master.

Lord! I'm glad I didn't watch this last night (although I will try and watch the recording today). I had some reading to do for a meeting and figured more Dinero mayhem was the last thing I need to derail that. No time to wallow last night!

And, at the risk of seeming hard-hearted, I often want to yell at Rosario and Jorge to just get a grip! Yes, it's sad you lost the house and hacienda. If I were you, I'd be grieving too. But there's a difference between legitimate sadness over a loss and long-term "needs to be medicated" depression. And there are people living in cardboard boxes without electricity, water or food. What gives you the right to wallow in the Slough of Despond to that extent? Go serve meals in a homeless shelter and stop feeling sorry for yourself.

I echo Barbara's feelings, superb recap!
I on Monday I could almost see Ale accepting Daniel's proposal and last night it was like a slow motion train wreck with both Ale and Rafa.
I thought Rafa would cave in to Marco's demands but instead he caved in to Vicky's.
With all the events of last night I can confidently predict one thing: Leonor is getting out of jail today.
I can't believe Marino sold the trucks. Now he's simply unbearable. Hopefully something has to go wrong with that truck deal.
Signing off... Private 057

Thanks so much Melinama for the just the facts recap. This was a dismal episode. The writers seem determined to trample on our two protagonists and bring them as low as possible before their happy ever after. All the villains are having victories. Even Marino actually made the huge sale and for the first time his dream of supplanting Ale and Rafa looks like it will come true. Ale and Rafa have all this pressure being put on them, even from their family members.

Barbara, I felt a little bad for Vicky too, but that evaporated as soon as I saw the previews where she is gleefully agreeing to work hand in hand with Marco to keep Ale and Rafa apart. She knows what this is about, and she knows what Rafa has to give up in exchange for Leonor's freedom. She's not as dumb as she pretends to be.

Thanks folks. I actually feel a little guilty that I don't do a bigger recap - I love when Judy for instance includes all the vocab - but this is what, at this stage in my life, I can manage in the time allotted! It was a harsh episode. But we're in ultimos capitulos, usually they torture us until the last half-hour of the entire series...

Thanks for the great recap Melinama! That was a really tough episode to watch. I was expecting Rafa to cave to either Marco or Vicky, but never thought Ale would accept Daniel's proposition. Brutal. I'm going to skip the next couple of episodes and watch the Twins playoff games instead. Maybe this'll be easier to watch if I sit down with a few recorded episodes at a time! Melinama, I hope they don't torture us until the last episode. I like the lovey-dovey happiness!

Melinama, Just right. Like Eagle Brand Milk... condensed, sweet, and full of nutritional value. Gail Borden would have approved.

What in the world gives Rafa the idea that Vicki can convince Marco to allow the release of Rafa's mom? I would ask what gives Vicki that idea, but then of course... she's Vicki.

I cannot believe that Marino's deal is actually going to be successful. There's a lot that's very fishy about this client.

Private 057, I'm holding you to your prediction that Leonor gets sprung tonight. I can't stand the idea of that sweet gentle lady locked up.

It might be fun (though perhaps painful) watching Daniel try to court Ale. He has the patience of a horny rabbit.

I think the remedy for the languishing Jorge is... RUBI! Let's bring her back... Now!


Ah Carlos,two devious minds with but a single thought. I too, when watching Jorge molder away the past few days, thought...the heck with the hacienda, bring back Rubi! He'll perk right up. Alas, I fear Ale would rather jettison Rafa and give herself over to the odious Daniel, rather than bring back Rubi. And ditto for Rosario.

Carlos, you had me laughing out loud at "He has the patience of a horny rabbit." That fits him very well!

Melinama, your recaps are just perfect, no need to change the length.

Vivi said exactly what I was thinking about how the writers are making every possible thing go wrong, bringing our characters as far down as possible, before we can finally have our happy ending.

Zetina said we've seen the last of him. I don't believe that. I think somehow Zetina (and Rubi) will come back just at the right time. I hope.

Judy, you have to watch the episode just to see Marco cavorting with the girls in his apartment, wearing a bear head costume!

Hi Melinama, Sorry this is so late. Thanks for the recap. Last night's goings on were pretty dreadful. I just want Lenora out of Jail.
Tracy I wish I could skip tonight as well to watch the Twins play the Yankees. Tonights recap might be kind of sparse as I may have to give in and peak at the game now and again.

That's definitely acceptable Pata! It looks like it'll be a really sad episode tonight. Good time to watch baseball playoffs!

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