Monday, October 25, 2010

Dinero Monday 10/25/2010 The Gang's All Here....Whoops! And Then They're Not

Yes, the whole gang has converged on ValleSol , a spiffy resort for the annual automobile convention. The Auto Siglo sales force, Doña Arcadia and her pups( complete with their robes, their sun tan lotion and their car sick pills) and the long-suffering Chatooo arrive first. Rosaura, for once, trills that there's nothing like this in Miami. Thanks be to God.

There's the usual bickering and sniping amongst the sales folk. Marino is being castigated for his feud with Sandra. Bebe reminds him that he'll never get to see his daughter if he doesn't apologize and make up with Sandra. Marino reminds Bebe that he NEVER apologizes to any woman. And no advice from you have neither wife nor child, he adds. No, snivels his buddy, but I had a wonderful woman, right in front of me, and I realized it too late.

We tear ourselves away from this sad scene to contemplate another. Jaime's still hunkered down at the table with Leonor, talking about his childhood, his dreams, and his hopes for starting work soon. There's a knock at the door. At first I thought it was VickyVickyVicky but the knock was too civilized. Instead it was a messenger with a mysterious envelope. Inside are the pictures of Leonor and her kids, taken without them realizing it. Ohoooooo. Scary. But Jaime advises her not to tell Rafa or he won't go to the convention. This seems like strange advice to me. But whatever. If it works for the plot and getting us to the gran final Friday, I'm all for it.

Julieta arrives and asks the classic telenovela question: ¿Qué haces aqui? If you don't know what that means, it's back to Spanish 101 for you. Julieta starts hyperventilating, throws Jaime out (Leonor winks reassuringly at him) and then our little chippie starts complaining about the stress of having two suitors vying for her hand. Leonor settles it by noting that Julieta is way too young to get married. That being said, Julieta finally notices Jaime's fine graduation certificate on the table and realizes her former novio is now a bona fide lawyer. Will this change things? Sure hope so. Cesar is just a wet behind the ears office Romeo in comparison.

While the Auto Sigloites are gushing about the beautiful ValleSol, a hungover Marco and Chavez also arrive. Chavez gets stuck with the bill for the taxi (nothing new there) and they sneak into their quarters before anyone can realize they're on campus. This is a stealth operation, after all.

Stealth II, Miss Vicky, arrives shortly after, vowing with clenched, perfect teeth that RAFA IS HERS! AND NO WAY IS HE GETTING AWAY FROM HER!!!! Got that, amigos? What's Private 057's bet on this one?

Stealth III arrives, with a little too much eye makeup. It's none other than Miss Milagros. She's still trying to decide if Ramirez is her future or the convent. Lordy, that's a tough choice. Think I might opt for the convent, in spite of his surprisingly robust physique. But what do I know? A lifetime of those pompous lectures though could make you homicidal.

Now our two lovebirds make an entrance in the Pantera. They're running late because Rafa was stopping every whip stitch to check the oil, the tires, go pipi and grab some tacos. Ale is in a skin-tight hot pink strapless dress so he may have grabbed something else besides. Just sayin'. Although given those sterile kisses, maybe not.

A big Auto Siglo fuss at the registration desk. Rooms must be shared. Shock, Awe and Horror. Marino immediately requests Claudia for a roommate. Pepeto puts in his bid for Rosaura. And Doña Arcadia puts an end to all that nonsense. Boys with boys; girls with girls. And the Presidential Suite for me and another suite for my pups. I guess if Chato's lucky, he'll find a couch somewhere.

Next to arrive are Stealth IV, Daniel and Marian, also in a strapless dress and looking quite fetching. Both of them are actually. They make a nice couple. Or would if he weren't such a doofus.

But wait! Here's a new visitor. We see her sandal feet and some exotic long garb. Yikes. It's the lioness MGM style of the auto industry. The feared and revered Rebecca Madariaga. Hard to take her seriously, since this actress plays the hopeless naca in those cheesy Hora Pico comedies but whatever. Let's go with it. This could be fun. She's carrying a lion cub as her accessory and is taunting the venerable Queen with an astounding lack of respect. Marino starts to suck up to her and Doña Arcadia fells him with one well-timed blow. Bien hecho Doña!

A short gloomy return to the apartment where Rosario is in the doldrums. Jorge reminds her that Quintana must be genuinely repentant if he confessed his previous bad intentions. And she still loves him, right? Yesssss...snivel snivel. Plus the usual telenovela cant: One can't forget a great love overnight. I had so many dreams, so many illusions. Yada yada. We know this will work out. Back to ValleSol where the action is.

Rafa and Ale have finally walked in and Doña Arcadia has that gleeful I-know-what-you've-been-up-to-look. And tells 'em that have to share a room. WHAT!!!??? Just kidding. A room for each. And get changed and come on down. The party is starting and we're going to have a couple of drinks.

Licenciado Gomez of Clos Autos now shows up. He's quite genial given how sharply he and Rafa parted. He's introduced to Ale, compliments her beauty as he razzes her about causing him to lose his best salesman. But nevertheless, he's going to give them a run for their money for the trophy for Best Agency. Let the games begin!

And the games are afoot between Doña Arcadia and the fearsome Rebecca. The lioness refers contemptuously to the crazy goings-on she heard about at Auto Siglo. Crazy? Well, yes, we've been making money like crazy, if that's what you mean, snaps back the Queen. I like these two together. Nice of the writer to throw in this extra little tussle during the last week.

Back in the room, which Ale and Rafa do seem to be sharing: he's getting the heebie-jeebies though he doesn't know why. Ale tries to calm him down and snuggles up to kiss his cheek while he clamps his lips together. I'll cut him some slack this time because he's nervous, but he only has a few more days to show me he's galan-worthy. They saunter forth to the lobby and check each other out. They're definitely hawt!

Three raggedy men come shambling up the path now. Clearly not guests. But they're looking for Rafael Medina. And they've found him. Good thing because he has to marry this guy's daughter. WHAT!? Well, is this the Medina who gave a lecture on Love in Monterrey? Er, yes. It was all a mistake, but yes, I did. Well, you got my daughter pregnant and now you have to do right by her! And they drag him off, throw him in a red van and vamoose.

We see a pair of hands hidden behind some bushes. Part of the Marian plot, no doubt.

And now Ale, staggering down the steps in impossibly high heels shouts at a taxi to follow the red truck. Whoops. And take her with him please. Off they go.

Back to our clot of Auto Siglo salespeople who are traveling in a big amoeba-like mass. They've finally noticed that Ale and Rafa aren't with them and Claudia assumes the worst (or best, depending on your point of view). Susana tries to get Ale on her cellphone but it's turned off. No room in that tight Ale dress for a cellphone anyway. Doña Arcadia orders everyone to search the grounds.

Back to our odd couple. Chavez wants to bunk with Marco because the rooms are so expensive. And the bed's big enough, surely. No way. You're on the couch, snaps our licenciado. Next horrific discovery. The whiskey is in those little bottles meant for dwarves! How can one get a buzz on with that!?

Exactly what Marian's thinking. Daniel's only plan seems to be to go out and mingle and see what their tormentors, Ale and Rafa, are up to. Marian's thought bubbling that she has a much better plan, but mum's the word.

And now the answer to our machete question. An angry brother is holding it to Rafa's throat while Papa beckons daughter Coralina, a toothsome lass, in to verify if this is the culprit who got her pregnant. We see Ale staring worriedly in the window at this frightening scene. Is this the guy? asks Papa again.

Wanna know the answer? Tune in tomorrow because that's where our episode ends tonight.

Bebé is bleating that they should be worried about the whereabouts of Rafa and Ale. Indeed they should!
And Marian's mysterious partner in crime is asking if it was part of the plan to kidnap Medina. WHAT? shrieks Marian.


No soy tu gato = I'm not your servant. (Chavez to Marco)
que la cancion! = same old story, (Chavez getting stiffed for the taxi fare and tip)
sigilo = stealth (Marco says they have to sneak into their rooms with "el mayor sigilo")
degüello = slaughter. (Jimenez worries that if he loses his job his wife will "deguella" him)
brincos dieran = you wish! Doña Arcadia teasing Rafa and Ale when she told them they had to share a room
no te andes creyendo la muy muy = don't go around thinking you're a big shot, hot stuff....Dona Arcadia and Rebecca insulting each other
mojado de gaznete = a little something to wet the whistle (Chavez looking for a drink)
enano = dwarf (Chavez, horrified to find only those little airline type bottles of booze in the room)
ñaña = heebie-jeebies, creepy {feeling} Rafa trying to explain why he feels strange

Dicho of the Day

El león cree que todos son de su condición = The lion thinks everyone is like him( but used to mean Not everybody thinks and acts the way you do.)

Not particularly relevant here but used a lot in telenovelas and since we've got a new character, the lioness Rebecca, just thought I'd throw this in.


Judy, Bravo on your excellant retelling of your last Dinero recap.This was a fun episode. It was as much fun to read.

I am still with you on those sterile Rafa kisses. He has four days left to get it right. Lets hope he does.

I liked your "stealth" entrances as well of all our uninvited guests. This should be interesting.

And Chavez and Marco. A hoot to the end. I cracked up when Chavez made the the remark about being Marco's cat and them meowed when he was left to deal with the luggage.

I loved your "que haces aqui" quip.
"It's back to Spanish 101 if you don't know."

Rebecca and that little lion cub was priceless. The whole time she was talking the cub was chewing and licking her fingers.

And of course we have to have more intrique with Rafa getting hoisted away. Ale was a hoot going after the taxi and it started to take off without her.

I have so enjoyed these Monday night recaps of yours and will certainly miss them as well as missing this fun sweet show. Thank you so much!!!

Hi Judy,

Wow they are bringing back everyone who ever made an appearance on the show plus a few new ones. How did they ever find room at the convention hotel for all these extra stealth (Love your use of that device) guests?

Not much action tonight -- except for the strange out of the blue kidnapping -- but lots of scenery and anticipation. It looks like the next few days will be a wild ride.


Hi Pata. Glad you've joined me in the Beso Watch. Time's running out for our clueless kisser.

Don't know why "gato" (cat) is also used as slang for servant but it's interesting. And usually we see the feminine version, "gata" referring to maids. That's what makes learning different languages so fascinating.

Yes, I'll miss the Dinero gang and the fun we've had together. Pata, I sure hope you won't go back to being a lurker. We want to keep hearing from you on CarayCaray even if you're not recapping.

Hi Güera. The scenery WAS fabulous. I just sat back and enjoyed it was fun to keep hearing the tireless Rosaura saying, "There's nothing like this in Miami!"

Thank you for this wonderful recap, Judy.

I really enjoyed this one. I was surprised at who kidnapped Rafa. When I predicted that he would get kidnapped I assumed that it would be Marco doing the kidnapping. Does that still count as an accurate prediction?

Another thing that has my attention is the trip to Cuernavaca that Ale and Rafa have to make after the convention. It is coming full circle. And since I like things to come full circle completely I am going to predict that Ale and Rafa are going to have an accident on the same road as in the beginning.

I'm also reinforcing the idea that our strange man is Rafa's dad.

So tonight is my last recap? How sad... well it was a blast! now I have to decide what other TN I'm going to watch.
Signing off... Private 057

I know Pata was disappointed that we didn't get more comments on this novela but I didn't care, I was happy on this wonderful team and am not going to watch anything for a while now. Private 057, you are doing tonight, right?

Sure Private...we'll count that as an accurate prediction and I like your full circle idea as well. Another accident. Only this time Ale will have to rescue Rafa, how about that? would have been nice to have had more comments. Recappers crave a lively discussion each day, but we did have a small but loyal group here, much cherished and whose will be greatly missed when this wraps up.

Judy, Thanks for your accomplished and diverting recap. It was a lot of fun to read. It makes me sad to know this will be your last Dinero summary. I will miss them and I will miss your very educational vocabulary lists. They are the best!

I was suprised that with so little time left that so little was done in this show. I guess we got the "big" advancement last week with Chavez inexplicably spilling the beans. Now let's spend the rest of the time clearing up loose ends (especially Vicky and Marian) and having Ale and Rafa recapture some of the early beachtime magic.

Hope they include a little Trapito and Carmela magic as well!

Judy- I will so miss your recaps. The fantastic vocabulary, the sayings, the attention to detail, the humor. You are a master recapper and I have learned much from you. I hope you will be recapping another tn soon.

You actually made this episode more funny than it was. Although there were some great moments, this was clearly a set-up episode. I have to say I am not surprised by Rafa being kidnapped by large knife wielding father and two sons in order to force him to marry their daughter/sister. I just would have thought that family would be the de la Parras! Who knew that Love Lecture would come back to haunt Rafa.

Loved the Lioness and her rivalry with the Queen.

I've given up on Pedro's kisses. He did better in the beginning of the show, so I'm going to chalk it up to his being extra concerned (after the show became super popular) about tabloid gossip, protecting his marriage and wanting to make it clear to all that nada, pero nada was going on behind the scenes. We can tell Pedro! :)

This last week looks like it's going to be a wild, crazy ride to the finish. Bring it on!

Now that we see the mystery man hiding out in bushes, I don't think he's Rafa's dad anymore. Unless mystery man at his desk and mystery man in the bushes are different people. Plus the sending of the photos to Leonor made no sense to me. I am throwing my hands up in the air now and saying I have no idea what Marian is up to. I also don't think he's trying to find Frank as scoping out Rafa and his family isn't exactly the best way to find Frank. He'd be following Marco for that. Hmmm...

Judy, your last Dinero recap was on point perfect. Your dedication, your insight and your humor throughout these many months was and is greatly appreciated. Your vocabulary list was (once again) stellar (as was the dicho). thank you for bringing these characters to life so vividly.

A few of my favorites were "Ale is in a skin-tight hot pink strapless dress so he may have grabbed something else besides" and "Back to our clot of Auto Siglo a big amoeba-like mass".

Jaime looked (strangely) appealing last night but I was sad he urged Leonor not to tell Rafa about the pictures.

I agree with all the comments that Ale and Rafa's kisses do not appear to be "passion infused" but hope things get a little hotter before the end.


Good morning Judy and thanks for the excellent recap! I haven't had a chance to watch this episode yet but it sounds like a lot of fun from your recap. I'm looking forward to watching it after work today. Wish I could comment more now but off to work I go.


I was tired & on the way to bed when I commented earlier and was remiss in not commenting on your stellar recapping.

It has been a joy to share this charming telenovela with you and the other recappers. Thanks so much for the consistent wit and the very helpful vocab. I agree with the comment that you really made this setup episode much funnier than it actually was.

I have loved this show and will miss it. I'm trying to keep up with it and also with Fea. So I probably will not take on another evening novela. I guess our little community will go off in different directions after this week. I'll really miss the hearing from you Judy. But maybe we'll hook up again over another show down the road.


Thanks one more time Judy. It's sad that this is our last week . I'll certainly miss, for art least a little while, being on the same recapping team with you. You are such a talented writer and student of the human condition. Have I ever mentioned what a wonderful person you are?

At first I was confused by someone at the love conference claiming to be pregnant by our Rafa. Then I suddenly remembered that the reason he ended up addressing that conference was because he is Rafael Medina. The scheduled keynote speaker was also Rafael Medina, hence... This should be cleared up pretty quickly... unless that lovely lass decides that she likes the cut of this Rafael Medina's jib even better.

Loved that Chávez found the dwarf-sized liquor bottles insufficient. Wait'll he finds out how much each costs. He and Marco may be the best match of all our couples.

I wasn't paying close attention, but wasn't Marino admiring a copy of the ultrasound photo of his hija?

Loved the kitten. I was surprised that the royal hounds weren't more interested.

Loved the resort. May have to make a trip to check it out.

You know, considering it was such a hit, I'm surprised this show didn't attract more interest here.


Sorry I haven't commented for a long time. I'll try to make up for it this last week of Dinero.

JudyB, your recaps have been soooo funny. The vocabulary has been very much appreciated as well.

It helps to have a different perspective on this show. I was annoyed by the lady with the lion cub, but looking back it was pretty funny. It looked like the cub was scratching the heck out of her back most of the time.

Regarding Rafa's brotherly kisses....maybe it has to do with Ale still being married. Any sex means a legally adulterous relationship. So, they've reverted to the sexless kind of kisses that older people in TNs have (this always annoys me, being an older person myself).

Mil in NC

How nice to come back from work and find these lovely comments. And Mil in NC good to hear from you again. We've been missing you and also Kat from Alabama. But it's good to know you're alright at least.

It's possible that this show was very popular in the States as well, just not with the type of people who check in to CarayCaray. A mystery.

I want to thank you all for your kind and encouraging words and your appreciation of the vocabulary. That's the most fun for me, finding the little nuggets and the saucy sayings that pepper these comedy numbers.

I'll be helping out on Llena after this, since Cathy only recaps every other Wednesday. Hope to see some of you there. It's a strange mix of dastardly drama and goofy comedy, but most of all, the 7 pm time suits me better.

Güera..I'm also trying to watch Fea. Hard to fit in work, household duties and all these telenovelas!

Judy, I'm so glad that you'll be recapping LldA. Now that Dinero is wrapping up, it'll be my favorite show. It really stretches credulity, but it is a fun show (though not quite as light-hearted as Dinero) with some pretty serious (if bumbling) villains. I know that you didn't care for it at first, but I think it's a perfect match for your style. I hope the other Dinero fans here will give it a shot.


Hey Carlos, I wouldn't miss an opportunity to share quality "virutal family room time" with you and Emilia. The fact that my two Gancho buddies are watching,and my other Gancho buddy Sylvia is recapping Thursdays finally won me over. I went into some serious couch rage last night though when I found out Tia Carlota had stolen Paula's baby. But other than that I think I'll be all right. Blood pressure cuff anyone?

Finally a bit of time to note specific comments:

Barbara...I too am hoping for some of that old Beach Time romance but I'm not holding my breath. I think Rafa's lips have been wired shut permanently. Whadda waste. I'm willing to settle for some boisterous Trapito/Carmela passion and maybe some righteous coupling with Milagros and Ramirez (ewwww, then again, maybe not).

Vivi...Glad you're confused about the Mystery Man and Marian's plan as well. If you can't figure it out, nobody can. Given the surprise kidnapping, who knows what these writers have come up with?

Diana....hang in there. We COULD get some better kisses. But since Private 057 hasn't predicted that...probably not.

Carlos...yesss..there was that other Rafael Medina. We didn't get a look at him. But our sullied maiden was eyeballing Rafa like she considered him an improvement. Uh oh.

And yes, I think Marino was flashing the in utero pics. One of those moments when I was scribbling notes more than I was watching, so I'll trust your physician instincts.'ll like this when you get a chance to see it. VillaSol is flat out gorgeous! And I thought the Lion Lady number was a hoot. This actress is very funny in Hora Pico and la Familia Peluche. Gross....but funny.

Judy, reading the comments I've just realized this is the last of your wonderful recaps on this telenovela. Thank you so much for every single one of them. I love your humor and writing style.

One thing those telenovelas always manage is to make the hotels, resorts and even towns so interesting that you always want to go visit those places. HQDNS is only my second novela and I already have Real del Monte, Valle de Bravo, Valle del Sol, Pachuka, and Rivera Maya on my list. Happily I've already been to Puerto Vallarta. If I only had the money and time...

Rosaura's comment that they don't have hotels like that in Miami was the funniest.

Judy, thanks for another wonderful recap. I liked the Stealth theme, the vocab (I didn't even HEAR half of those phrases, give me another year and maybe my ears will get used to them), and of course, your breezy style, always making us feel as if we and you are winking at the characters, delighted by all the tidbits of fun.

The only thing I can think of as to the Mystery Man is that by sending photos, he's showing how good an investigator he is, and they could hire him to find Frank (or Rafa's Dad). Not dramatic enough, I'm bound to be wrong. Can't wait to find out the truth.

That's so funny that Milagros has to choose between Ramirez and the convent. I guess once you've met Ramirez, there ARE no other men!

Hi Maria and Hombre...good to hear from you. Yes, this is my Swan Song from Dinero but hopefully I'll see some of you over on the Llena de Amor line.

Maria....I'd love to visit all those places shown, plus I'm still yearning for the Acapulco I saw in Fea Mas Bella's first run-through. Not in this lifetime, though.

Hombre...originally I thought this was a private investigator. Now I wonder if Marian is going to pull a Vicky and threaten Rafa if he doesn't come to her. But that would be completely out of character so nah.....the writers have me baffled. Not the first time.

Math problem:

I've just looked on Esmas, and it says yesterday we saw the episode #224.

Wikipedia says there are 231 episodes in all. That means that 7 more episodes need to be allocated by Friday. My schedule says 2 hours on Friday and one for the rest of the week. That only takes care of 5 episodes.

Am I wrong with the math or do we have more "double days"?

Maria, I'm pretty sure everything from now on until the last episode was originally a 1/2 hour episode, so they do two each night for our 1 hour.

That means:
Tuesday: 225 and 226
Wednesday: 227 and 228
Thursday: 229 and 230
Friday: 231, the 2 hour Gran Final.

Thanks for clearing that up Hombre. Carlos does indeed have the Grand Finale and it should be a blockbuster. Hope we see a boatload of weddings and "happily ever afters". It's been a long wait.

Judy, actually Hombre and I will be doing a tag-team finale. He'll be doing the first hour and I'll do the second hour. Should be fun.


Judy, I am feeling overwhelmed by schedules barging in but I could not let your Dinero Swan Song go unheralded or unappreciated. You have become a superb recapper full of deeply observant, humor ridden commentary and narrative. The vocabulary list is something I have read every week whether I had time to read the recaps that week or not. We can always use refresher courses. I know it cost you more time and effort but it is so wonderful that you do it.
I am coming down to the last 2 or 3 weeks of watching the current set of TN's so glad that Dinero will end this week so I can watch it. In Mexico, I will lose the others so maybe I will try to find them on Youtube or follow the postings that Jeri and some others have given us.

This has been such a fun TN amidst some real tear-jerkers and violence mongering ones (which I am just as addicted to, unfortunately). Thanks for all your devoted efforts. I look forward to this last week of recaps ending with a grand finale by the incomparable duo of Doc Carlos y Señor Mike. Adios, amigita mia, Hasta Llena de Amor...

Judy, you are too funny. Yesterday it was the windowpane comment, today it was "I think Rafa's lips have been wired shut permanently. Whadda waste.", previous descriptions of sterile kisses, etc. Rafa just has to loosen up! Right? He will, won't he?

Hi Judy - I know I'm late to this, especially by eastern time, but I also want to thank you for your wonderful, humorous, clever recaps. You are such a great recap writer! I have been so busy, hard to comment lately, but I do generally get to reading them. You made last night's episode much more entertaining than I thought it was watching it. It seemed like filler to me, or I guess set-up.

Loved the "stealth" comments, and I too am annoyed by Pedro's sterile kisses, geesh! Milagros' choice between Ramirez and a convent, good grief. I thought she started getting other ideas when all the guys were giving her so much attention at the hacienda party.

Looking forward to the last few nights, this has been a really fun and sweet TN. I'm watching Verdad Oculta as it isn't on late in my area, but otherwise I'm not sure I'm going to start any more right now.

Thanks again and thanks to all other recappers, too! I always greatly appreciate even if I don't comment -


Hi again Barbara...glad to find another beso obsessive in the crowd. I'm not feeling all that optimistic about Rafa's lip paralysis, but I'll be watching closely...and I know you will too.

Cheryl and Ivy...thanks for those kind words. This is like a grand farewell party, hearing all these gracious things.

Cheryl, those "violence-mongering" telenovelas are, alas, just as addictive. I didn't see last night STuD episode but I understand Rosendo brought menacing to a whole new level.

And Ivy, how lucky for you that Verdad Oculta is on at a decent hour. I know our dear Vivi is recapping that on Fridays, so she, especially will be glad when Dinero wraps up and she can scale back to just one recap a week.

Thanks to you all for appreciating the vocabulary. I wouldn't do it if I didn't like doing it, so no need to thank me. But I appreciate it just the same.

Thank you for clearing up the schedule. I was already worried that maybe some episodes will be withheld from us here in America as a revenge for immigration laws in Arizona.

Thank you Judy B. for doing all these recaps for this show. I am not sure you will see this because I was so late watching today and have just got to read your wonderful recap but wanted you to know how much you are appreciated.

Also I am with you on Rafa's kissing ability.

I vote down with sterile kisses too by the way. I think a squeaky clean image is motivating our singer/actor to be less than amorous even though the script calls for it. Bah, humbug, let's see some real HEAT !!

Hi, I'm still checking in. Glad you enjoyed the recap, Lynda. And Maria, no, I don't think there's any revenge about the Arizona laws! Interesting idea though. Cheryl, yes, I almost feel like writing Pedro Fernandez a letter complaining! But I won't.

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