Monday, October 25, 2010

La Fea Más Bella #59B-60 10/25/10 Fernando tries to run from his fate. He should’ve studied Greek drama.

Capitulo 59-B

This is the second part of Missing Recap 41 at this link.

1. Omar says Fernando has to start tonight. Fernando says he needs time to adjust to the idea. It’s like getting a tooth pulled without anesthesia, every day for a year. Omar says that he’ll get numb to it. After a few kisses he won’t feel a thing. And after awhile he’ll like it.

2. (This scene is missing from the complete DVD set.) Erasmo says Conceptos is no place for his niña (little girl) and she must resign tomorrow. Julieta reminds him that without her income they can’t make car payments, and he’d lose his FI accounting job too. Tom listens through his imaginary door.

3. Juana feels a strong essence around Lety. She’s sure that Lety’s situation is changing, and there is intense love. Marta tells the cuartel she’s stopped eating, but when they’re gone, she binges.

Capitulo 60

Read Kim's original recap, the section called “Missing Recap 42: Prelude to a kiss.” Then come back here to discuss it.

1. Fernando drinks heavily at lunch and protests his mission. He continues grabbing excuses. Omar tells him he just needs more “embellezadors” – whiskey to make a woman more beautiful. They role play for practice. Omar reminds him of what’s at stake. Fern agrees to one tiny kiss, nothing more. Ever!

2. Paula says Saimon is a great guy, but she won’t be his novia because he’s poor. She ditches Saimon and accepts a date with another rico.

3. Juana reads Lety’s shells. The man she loves wants to go out with her. She’ll get a lot of money. The relationship she’s desired will happen. A great dream will become a reality.

4. (This part is missing from the complete DVD set.) In response to Juana’s predictions, Lety has an extended fantasy in which Fernando proposes. Marcia, Alicia and Luigi are supportive (this must be a fantasy!), and the cuartel ladies are all bridesmaids. Parts of the fantasy seem like ballet, parts like opera, and parts like tango, even with Argentinian accents. Is there some classic genre of melodramatic tango movie?
5. Fernando worries about employee reaction because they won’t make payroll tomorrow. Marta tells Fernando Juana’s prediction. He finally accepts his mission and asks Omar what he has to do.

6. Lety has a meeting with the lawyer and Tomás. Fern says cancel it. Instead she sends Tom alone. She doesn’t want to bring Fernando more whiskey. He says that she disobeyed him regarding the meeting and the whiskey. That means Tom has more influence over her. He tells Omar to tell his Mommy to come and get him; he doesn’t want to play anymore.

7. At the antro, Omar ditches and tells Lety she needs to stay with Fern because he’s depressed. Fernando proposes a toast. Lety asks, “Por Conceptos? He answers, “Por los dos.” At first glance, he’s toasting ‘the two of us.’ But he does not say ‘nos dos.’ So it can also mean ‘both,’ i.e. both to Conceptos and to nos dos, the two of us.


Many times in Greek drama, the hero hears a prediction of his fate, and he takes extreme measures to avoid it. But the measures he takes actually SUMMON the fate instead of preventing it (e.g. he is told that his son will take his kingdom, so he tries to kill all his sons, but one escapes and determines to avenge his brothers' deaths). Fernando is so scared about Juana's predictions, that he descides he has to take drastic measures to make sure they don't come true.

Did you notice that Lety looked uncommonly fea in the meeting, as Fernando was scoping her out? As fea as she was in her first week at Conceptos. She’s looked progressively better since then. Why so fea today? Someone suggested that it represents how Fernando sees her. As he’s gotten to know her, he’s forgotten her appearance. But now, if he has to kiss her, all he can see is that she’s fea.

In Lety's dream in #58, where she's married to Fernando, she said, "Remember our first kiss?" He says, "Yes, when Ricardo Montaner was singing 'Besame la Boca.'"

Love the reference to Greek drama Paula. This novela is rich on so many levels, not just the fact that we're all in love with the hero and heroine, entranced by the comedy and riveted by the suspense.

Won't get to watch this until later but looking forward to noticing if Lety is looking worse than usual.

I added a new Paragraph 2 in Cap 59-B, and I replaced Paragraph 4 in Cap 60. We're now back on track with episode stopping points. I suspect that they hacked that half hour out of Thursday's show to make room for all the extra flashbacks and Lety's extended fantasy. This may even be the first time those scenes have been broadcast in the US. Tomorrow starts Cap 61, the Marta and tu servidor said you don't want to miss.

Judy, the spot where Lety was particularly fea was in Friday's cap. Sorry 'bout that. I was late posting the heads-up.

In Fea, Gaitán incorporates what I call crab canons. Two themes that are parallel and opposite, like music that doubles back on itself. Fernando’s toast is a crab canon.
Lety says, Por Conceptos? Fernando says, Por los dos.
Lety believes, it’s por nos dos (because Fern said so). Fernando believes, it’s por Conceptos.
And the reality? It’s por nos dos, for their two lives.

Tomas at the Bella Life event was a bit of a crab cannon too.
Lety is mad because, she believes, if Fernando thinks Tomas is her novio, she won’t have any chance for romance with him. In reality, it is because Fernando thinks Tomas is her novio, that she has a chance at romance.
Fernando thinks he has to romance Lety to avoid Juana’s prophesy, “He’ll change your life and you’ll change his.” In trying to avoid the prophesy, he causes it to come true.
Lastly, Fernando believes he has to make Lety fall in love with him or he will lose Conceptos. In reality.. oopsie! Can’t say that. Rin-chin-chin!

Paula thank you, and Marta thanks for the lesson yesterday. Lety's fantasy was quite funny. These two hours are long but it sure is moving our story along alot faster.
This whole week should be fun.

I did notice Lety seemed to look more fea. I think it is to the actors credit that she can change her appearance just by facial expressions and how she carry's herself, her posture.

I love Lety's fantasies and today's was absolutely superb. Not only was it hilarious but it allowed Camil plenty of room to do his thing. In fact everybody seemed to have a great time. I cracked up when Fernando was pretending to row and Lety did the sound effects, "splash, splash". Also very funny was when Alicia announced the bridesmaids using her own mean-girl nicknames for them. But since it was Lety's fantasy I wondered is that how Lety thinks of her pals or just how she imagines Alicia thinks of them?

Paula, I have always thought these shows remind me of the Greek classics so I very much like your analysis of the classic hero hearing the prediction of his fate. It's so true and your examples are spot on. You explained it very well.

Paula Maria is a dope.

Superb recap of a great episode. Thanks Paula!!

Can somebody cover for me while I'm on vacation?

You would not need to write up the cap's like I do. Just, each day post the link to the original recap. I would have each day's post & link prepared for you, so you would just need to copy and paste it into blogger, so people have a place to comment.

I'll be visiting my parents, Nov 4-17. My internet access will be VERY limited, and no Spanish TV. Que lastima!!!


Remember, don't miss Tuesday's cap. As you saw in the preview, it's the first kiss.

Sylvia, I've also heard that Fea has a lot in common with Jane Eyre. Though not as dark.

Paula, I will be happy to post for you while you are gone. Thank you for doing the prep, I'm sure I would not be able to do it otherwise. We must keep the Fea Fire burning while you are gone.

Jane Eyre? Hmmm...I'll have to think about that one, not sure I agree right off the bat. You're right, it's very dark and I think there may be too many dissimilarities.

Fantastic! Thank you, Sylvia! I've sent you an e-mail.

Regarding Jane Eyre, we can revisit the topic in a few hundred episodes when we have hindsight to draw from.

Marcia asks when BL will pay for the first commercial, and Fernando has no idea. It demonstrates that he has left the finances entirely to Lety; he doesn’t even oversee anything.

Alicia always calls Lety a tlacoyo bigatón. At lunch, I think Lety and Lola are eating tlacoyos or something close to it.

Fernando thinks he’s involved in this plot so he can control Lety, just like he controls Marcia and almost everything in his life. Little does he know…

Jane Eyre--I don't get it really. I'd apply the Jane Eyre comparison to Cuidado con el Angel.

I've never been able to come up with an apt comparison for this show, but it will be fun to think about.

I'm still getting confused with dream sequences. What was going on where Fernando and Lety were in the club with that guy who got the girl pregnant in Guapos?

Thanks for any help!


All I can think of to compare this story to is "The Ugly Duckling." Not a strong comparison.

I guess there is a slight resemblance to Jane Eyre, but I remember Jane as a very humorless character. Also, we're lacking a crazy ex-wife hidden away in the attic. Though I suppose Marcia acts like a madwoman sometimes.

Marcia certainly does have that crazed, unblinking eye look. (Thanks to Ferro for that description.) Jane had an unhappy childhood whereas Lety's family life is warm and loving. Fernando as Rochester? Nah, not yet anyway. But as Paula points out, it's early in the show yet so we can recompare later on.

re: Jane Eyre. The similarities I see have not happened yet in Fea.

re: Fern and Lety in the club. I call that the "dance floor fantasy." Lety went on a blind date with the worm-headed guy who totally ignored her. So she imagined that Fernando was there and asked her to dance.

It's interesting that when Lety remembers the good times with Fernando, she remembers both real and fantasy moments as if they're equal.

That was a GREAT fantasy! The horse riding on the kitchen counter! The bridesmaid outfits! Omar arriving too late with a blender! Too funny.

My other favorite part was Fernando getting drunk and fighting over the whiskey with Lety and doing stuff like dabbing his neck with the bottle stopper like it was cologne.

The "added" fantasy stuff was definitely better than the stuff that was cut out of Friday's episodes! I hope there are more of these little trade-offs.

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