Tuesday, October 26, 2010

La Verdad Oculta #030: Through Dora's Eyes

In a luxury hotel suite, "Aunt" Elsa agrees with Caramelo that the suite is nicer than her apartment; but she still doesn't want to move in there with them. Before Caramelo retires, she pokes fun at Asunción's hair comb-over when he appears newly showered and in a satin robe.

At Mario's, he frets again over Santiago reneging on the deal; but tells Abelardo he trusts Alejandra completely with the secrets of the tunnel house. Abelardo wonders if she could think of some solution.

Back at the hotel, Asunción is impressed with room service; but not nearly as impressed as Elsa is with Juan José's gorgeous transformation. When she opens the door to him, she can't even pronounce his whole name at once. Juan José guffaws gleefully, lampooning the dog carcass Asunción is apparently wearing on his head.

In their apartment hallway, Gabriela is just raking Julieta over the coals for being late for work because of Roberto, when she has to use her own keys to open the door, because Julieta can't find hers. As the door swings open, they are both horrified at the devastation of their apartment turned upside down.

Juan José leaves Asunción to his room service, preferring to invite Elsa to dinner at a nice restaurant. At the Sagitario, they argue over whether Elsa should accept part of the treasure from Juan José. He wants to get her brother a lawyer; an apartment and car for her; whatever she wants.

But she doesn't think it's right; the treasure belongs to him and has nothing to do with her, she insists. When Elsa worries about what people will think, Juan José laughs at her, pointing out she's always the first to claim she doesn't care what people think!

He feels he owes it all to her; and she's less than happy to hear again he thinks they're like brother and sister. She refuses anything. And Elsa is positively upset to learn he's contracted Alejandra to remodel the house -- with an eye to making her family suffer; Juan José points out he has much more money than they now.

Julieta alerts Leonardo to their apartment break-in; and when he runs immediately to check it out, he finds no forced entry. They see that everything's torn up, but nothing's missing. Leonardo suspects rather that someone came looking for something, and the girls can't imagine what that would be.

When Leonardo suggests the intruder came in with a key, Julieta frantically searches her purse and determines her set is missing. Leonardo sends Ramón to fetch a fingerprint kit. At Adolfo's condo, he's furious to hear Roberto didn't find the diamonds and threatens Roberto with his life if he betrays him.

Roberto hastily explains he searched the tiny place with gloves and found nothing, leaving no fingerprints. When he holds Julieta's keys up and grins -- bragging he didn't have to break in -- a horrified Adolfo orders him sharply to get the hell rid of them. Adolfo is still perplexed and frustrated Roberto found nothing.

Next morning at the breakfast table, in a spotless apartment, Julieta's just wondering if some nut job broke in when Leonardo enters to have the locks changed and inform them of a 24-hour watch outside. Also, they only found fingerprints for the girls and their father. Gabriela thinks to apologize for being rude yesterday.

Alejandra and Mina tour Juan José's house and level with him that it's going to be so costly he should just build a new one. But he's dead set on living in this house; and they head into the kitchen, where Mina wonders if they found water in the old well.

Juan José moves to Alejandra's side, fixes her in the eyes and smiles just for her, saying he found -- a treasure. He teases that he doesn't want to get scolded again, so they'll stop digging now. Alejandra's just exiting the kitchen -- chuckling and protesting that she didn't scold him -- when negotiating the step, her old accident injury makes her stumble.

She explains about the accident, unwittingly plunging Juan José into momentary despair over Piedád's death -- and connecting Alejandra's taxi to it and the bus crash. When she innocently asks if she said something wrong, Juan José shrugs it off in denial; but Alejandra wonders.

At Roberto's apartment, he snickers and hands Carlos a draft beer from the tap, explaining his car, apartment and everything came from a good job he just started at a company. Noting the trefoil ring on the hand around Carlos's mug handle, Roberto claims he'll have some news about the girls and the weekend trip tomorrow.

But he really likes the ring, Roberto says. Carlos reminds him the only identical one was somehow lost by Adolfo 20 years ago. After Carlos exits, Roberto removes the recently stolen trefoil ring from its hiding place and examines it.

At the tunnel house, Alejandra and Mina shock Abelardo by discussing their remodeling work -- for the house he utterly failed to buy; then they shock Mario by revealing the original owner was Juan José Victoria.

After the men exit into the tunnel, the women resume discussing the "Ocampo" remodel -- and Ocampo. With a knowing grin and both eyebrows raised, Alejandra tantalizes Mina, hinting she should have seen Juan José with his shirt off!

At the park, David meets a waiting Gabriela for a stolen moment before he flies to Cancún on business again. They are both happy and loving; and David's sincere need and ardor prompt Gabriela to divulge that the only way she'll be able to stay in town -- is if they were married. With a last, long kiss, David appears to be considering it.

Exiting the tunnel into Mario's office, both men regret that all Alejandra's wonderful work will be for naught if Santiago won't do his job. Mario surprises Abelardo explaining who Juan José Victoria is; that he's not sure he was guilty -- and that he's out of prison, where Roberto found him in the neighborhood, perhaps on a mission of vengeance. Abelardo's going to check on the original owner at the penitentiary.

In the hallway, Abelardo encounters Dora, whom he asks whether she worked at the Mirador Hotel when the maid was murdered. She reluctantly admits she did. Dora astounds Abelardo by confessing that she knows the man they convicted was not the one who did it!

Discussing the $5 million peso remodel they're looking at, Alejandra and Mina also discuss Juan José. When Alejandra judges him definitely attractive -- but lacking a bit of class, Mina enthusiastically rejoins that to her he's not lacking anything!

At that moment, the object of desire enters and wants to take Alejandra to coffee to talk over the remodel details. On exiting, Juan José and Alejandra awkwardly encounter Elsa entering; she's there to see Mina on clothing business, but isn't very pleased to hear Mina gush at how their new client is so fond of her friend.

David bids goodbye to Mario, who's abed, and chuckles at Mario's gossipy interest in Gabriela; but Mario is interested for David's sake, he says. As David exits, Abelardo enters and surprises Mario with news that Gregorio was murdered in prison and bequeathed the house to his cell mate, Juan José Victoria! And when Abelardo also explains Dora's admission, Mario wants to speak with her immediately.

A little later, Dora enters and Mario and she relive the details of the events surrounding the death of the maid -- her friend, Isabel. In fact, Dora claims after six years as a maid at the hotel, she asked to work in the house there due to associated painful memories. She knew Isabel about six months and they were good friends.

Mario retells and flashes back to the occasion he saw Juan José and Isabel with their heads together, whispering and giggling in the hallway. Dora becomes anxious and emotional, wondering what could be done for him after eleven years; but Mario encourages her to think positively.

Dora painfully explains her experience of the event to Mario, following the details of Carlos's nightmare -- except that Dora trailed her friend's screams and attackers down the hallway and watched one of the boys (we recognize Roberto) actually pick Isabel up and throw her over the railing! The only face she recognized was that of Adolfo's son: Carlos Ávila!


You Tube links for #30:

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Part 4

Part 5

Rut Roh!

Thank you so much, Jeri, for the superb recap and links, which I had a chance to see before the midnight show. It really helped my comprehension.

I love this novela. There is not a wasted scene or a bit of filler material. It is taut and just rolls on to the next great scene and at the end, we're always left with some kind of cliffhanger or moment of impactada.

Roberto is even worse than I imagined. I thought the hotel worker had somehow lost her balance and fell over the railing. Even though the rail was fairly high, I never thought Roberto had thrown her over....chilling.


Thank you Jeri! And though I didn't get to comment over the weekend I want to thank Vivi for her recap of Friday's show. It was wonderful!

ITA with Gin, this show is terrific. The characters and their story lines all intertwine so well. It moves right along and there's never a scene that's unnecessary.

I must say that I preferred JJ unshaven and without all the hair gel. To me he's much sexier a little scruffy and with less clothes. ;)

Something is just not wired right in Roberto's head. He's a sicko. Looking back I think he would have drowned the girl in the pool if her friend hadn't been around. I'm surprised Carlos still hangs around with him.

There must be a reason Dora didn't come forward with her information on JJ's innocence. Most probably fear for her own safety.

Jeri- Thanks so much for this very revealing recap. I was right! Yay! Dora worked at the hotel. I never thought she actually witnessed the murder though. Yikes! It seems that she didn't recognize Roberto's face since he was on the other side of Carlos? Is that right? I have to say my first reaction was being mad at Dora for allowing an innocent man to go to jail. She's way more to blame than Mario is. Mario just honestly said what he saw- JJ talking to the girl earlier in the evening. Dora DIDN'T tell what she saw- the actual murderers. I do understand the fear thing and that she's of low social standing, but still. I actually don't understand why JJ is so ticked at Mario and going after him first. Mario did not lie. But clearly Adolfo did since he told the police he saw JJ do it.

Loved Limon in his gentlemanly pjs. And his wig is quite funny but fetching.

JJ is being an idiot about Elsa. He knows how she feels about him. She told him many times when he was in prison, and he knows she repsonded to that kiss he gave her. Now he makes it clear he has an interest in Ale (he says it's revenge, but she knows better) and keeps throwing this brother/sister thing in her face. I admire her not wanting any of JJ's money. But maybe she can let JJ invest in a business she starts- start her own clothing biz so that she doesn't have to buy her inventory from Salomon anymore.

But there is no denying the attraction between JJ and Ale. Even though he's very rough around the edges, and despite her snobbery, he intrigues her. Love Mina. That girl knows a good man. Too bad there aren't any options for her right now as it's looking like Medina has a thing for Elsa.

Gotta say, I agree about there being no filler. There was especially a lot of stuff in this episode. You snooze, you lose!

Vivi, I just wrote what Dora said, and she said she only recognized one of the boys: Carlos.

I was a little surprised, because of that scene the other day we talked about when Dora looked horrified at encountering Roberto in the house.

Maybe it was just that it jogged something awful in her subconscious.

P.S. GinCA, as far as I can tell, you're correct: they did not show Roberto flipping the girl over the railing until Dora's revelation (hence my title).

Until now, we only have Carlos's nightmare, and he apparently did not see it that way.

They shot that scene two ways, as they sometimes do...

Thank you, Jeri!

Here are the new screencaps:

OMGWTF, Roberto actually did kill the maid! It wasn't an accident. What a surprise.

Roberto had another awesome Lord of the Rings/My precioussssss moment:
Maybe he should play Gollum in the opcoming The Hobbit movie. :)

Now JJ knows Ale was there when Piedad died. Another great scene.

I love this novela. There is not a wasted scene or a bit of filler material.

Agree! I love that there haven't been any filler scenes yet. On the other hand, sometimes it'd be easier to write in the summary that "Elsa and Asunción talk about lemons for ten minutes. FF-->>". :)

Jeri, perfect title. Your summary was a mirror image of the episode -fascinating, revealing and riveting. Excellent summary, replete with wonderful imagery and humor including: "Juan José guffaws gleefully, lampooning the dog carcass Asunción is apparently wearing on his head" and "David's sincere need and ardor prompt Gabriela to divulge that the only way she'll be able to stay in town..." :)

2 unexpected, dramatic revelations. Roberto intentionally throwing the maid over the railing and Juan already connecting Ale to his mother's accident.

GinCA, I totally agree. This is moving very well and the fact that secrets are already bubbling to the surface seems to be in sharp contrast to most telenova's glacial pace.

xint, there must be a reason that Dora didn't come forward. She's a good person. She must have been fearful as you noted and/or threatened.

Vivi, I have high hopes for Mina who is genuine, unaffected and has a great heart.

Aribeth, I love your suggestion that Roberto play Gollum! Loved your shot. Similar eyes and head motions so it's not too much of a stretch ;) OT, so glad they are finally doing the Hobbit. Long overdue.

Juan seems to be so happy to be free (and wealthy!), I can't see him actually trying to carry out a a vengence scheme. He hasn't exhibited any real anger, just sadness over his mother's death.

I cannot wait to see what happens next.

Thanks again Jeri!


"so glad they are finally doing the Hobbit. Long overdue."

So am I, so am I. I was literally screaming when I read that after so many years, the quit of Guillermo Del Toro, and many other problems the movie will be shot soon, and Martin Freeman got Bilbo's role! I like that guy. And Richard Armitage will play Thorin. Have you seen Gaskell's North and South? Hawt.


Juan seems to be so happy to be free (and wealthy!), I can't see him actually trying to carry out a a vengence scheme. He hasn't exhibited any real anger, just sadness over his mother's death.
Oh yeah. He seems to be a level-headed man. Well, in comparison to telenovela standards. I loved how quick his vengeance plan shattered when he realized the niece of Mario Genovés=that hot woman from the secret passage.

Okay, back to summary writing.

Adolfo ordered Roberto to get rid of Juli's keys. I'm a little bit afraid that somehow he is going to dump those keys on David, Gabi will find them and think David was the one who trashed the apartment.

Thanks Jeri for the great recap and links.

So now we have another version of what happened on the night when the girl died. In Carlo's and Roberto's version it was an accident, but when Dora tells her version Roberto looked and acted like a psychotic killer.

If Leo said the only fingerprints in the apartment were the girls' and their father's, wouldn't Santiago/Fausto's fingerprints be in the police system as wanted for murder?

I am really enjoying this playful side of JJ, but I agree as someone has already mentioned, he should get rid of the hair gel and leave his hair natural, much nicer.

I was laughing when JJ was ribbing Asuncion about the dead dog on his head. That was so funny.


Not if Santiago were never arrested for Marta's murder. He may have been "under suspicion" and just bounced instead of going through the process.

Margaret, Leonardo said he took the father's prints off a game piece. Chess or backgammon; can't remember the game.

Anyway, he said that in the episode; I figured I would just mention it in comments, if anyone asked -- which they did. :-)

Here's what I kind of figured as a scenario for the set of keys: inexperienced Roberto would dispose of the keys in the dumpster behind Adolfo's condo.

Leonardo would have his men search Adolfo's trash for the some kind of evidence they might turn up. And then the keys would appear.

Leonardo already suspects the shoes are tied up in the case; he mentioned that again to Ramón in his downtown office.

P.S. Leonardo played chess or backgammon with Santiago one night. He knew the father's prints would be on the game piece. That was the point.

There would be no need for him to check for criminal prints for the father.

Thanks Jeri and Anon for your help with my fingerprint question, it makes sense.

Marco still hasn't tried to contact his sister to tell her he is on the run and Elsa still has no clue that Marco escaped from prison.


Thanks Jeri. Wow. So Dora saw Roberto (as well as Carlos as an acomplice) intentionally throw the maid over the railing. He's sick. I agree with you Aribeth that Roberto was channeling Gollum while admiring the ring.

"so glad they are finally doing the Hobbit. Long overdue."

So am I, so am I. I was literally screaming when I read that after so many years, the quit of Guillermo Del Toro, and many other problems the movie will be shot soon". I'm also glad Peter Jackson is back at the helm as the director. He did an awesome job with the other movies.

Back on topic. Loved how JJ realized that Alex was there when his mother died. I too love how the stories are moving along at at fast pace and so far no filler scenes. I wonder what will Mario do with the information he has learned and remember Roberto was ordered to kill him by Adolfo. I hope he tells someone especially since he is becoming weaker because of his illness.

Thanks Jeri. Late reading this but still wanted to thank you.

Thanks for the recap Jeri.

I think don't think the writers showeds that angle before for a reason. Carlos seems to be full of guilt for what happened, I wonder if he realized that Roberto intentionally killed the worker or if he thought it was an accident.


Jarocha, I want to like Carlos, so I'm thinking he views it as an accident.

That was his nightmare, and that's how he and Roberto describe it. Roberto probably lied to him; a soothing, grateful lie.

Right now, Medina is my guy: knockout looks, smart, wise. Wow.

Thanks to everyone for the very kind words, and thanks for reading. :-)

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