Friday, October 22, 2010

El Clon Thursday October 21: Summary for Discussion

Capítulo 175: In Pursuit of Truthiness

Amalia excuses herself and edges away carefully leaving Luisa alone and hyperventilating. [I hope they have paper bags handy in the courthouse.]

The Naz barrels into Said’s house: ¡Vengo por las cosas de Jade! (I’m here for Jade’s things!) She is only looking out for her brother. She doesn’t want people to say he is the kind of man who gives things to his wife and then demands they be returned. When she paints Rania and Amina with the odalisca brush, the sisters protest. Mi amor, retorts the Naz:
Si no fueras una odalisca, mi hermano nunca se habría casado contigo.
(If you weren’t an odalisque, my brother would never have married you.)

And she orders them all – Rania, Amina and Said – to help pack Jade’s things and carry them downstairs.

Rania angers Said when she complains about the way the Naz talks to her. (Said: She talks to me like that too! She talks to everyone like that!). And Amina gives her sister a warning: You talk too much! Keep it up and he’ll send you back!

At the del Valle home, Lucía is interrogating Consuelo about her ‘Tía Hilda’. [Maybe she’s the one who should have gone to law school. She’s pretty good at this.] Lucía is going to file a criminal complaint: Tell them they’re going to jail. And unless you take me to them right now, you’ll be in jail with them.

In Mohamed’s house, Latifa and Zoreida ask Alí to come with them to pick up Jade’s belongings. but he is still fuming. Don’t mention her name in my presence, he says.

Lucía pulls up to the sKank residence with a reluctant Consuelo riding shotgun.

Down the street Gloria is dismayed to hear (via the Ramoncito Wire Services) that Alej has been visiting Natalia.

Alej gets back to the restaurant. Your mother’s looking for you, Ramón tells him, and Diana waited two hours for you, then finally left with Pablo.

In the land of the sKanks, the UbersKank has no fear. The UbersKank has no shame. Karla is nervous and even Consuelo hangs back, but Hilda marches up to Lucía and says, in her most elegant English: Hello lady!

She says that Lucía’s husband is unwilling to man up and take responsibility for his child. Lucía fires right back. Those sKanks will pay for their false accusations! But when Hilda pulls out a photo of Roberto clowning with a very pregnant Karla, Lucía is left slack-jawed; Hilda twists her mouth in a way that makes her look even more grotesque than usual.

Karla, come here, says the UbersKank. Leave Roberto Jr with Consuelo. Roberto Jr??? echoes Lucía miserably. And she listens with increasing despair to their story. When she hears that Karla met Roberto at the Beach Club, she protests: He only goes there with me!

The court proceedings continue. Leo describes the birthmark which his sons inherited from his late wife. And now Daniel has the very same mancha.

Leo never had a past encounter with Dora, he assures the judge. And while he is sorry to cause her distress, he has no intention of giving up his claim to Daniel’s paternity.

Roberto, allowing his attention to stray to his own contested paternity, passes a note to Enrique: ¿Y si me rehuso hacer el examen de ADN?
(And if I refuse to do the DNA test?)

And Enrique answers: It would be worse for you because the judge would interpret your refusal as an admission and would declare paternity without the exam results.

It’s Dora’s turn to testify.

Albieri is looking for Luisa. No, Cris hasn’t seen her.

That is because Luisa, chest still heaving with rage, is back at the clinic. Albieri is cheating on me with that reporter, she tells Anita and Julio. How could he? I devoted myself to him and he just discards me like trash! Now he’ll find out what it’s like not having me at his side!

Malicia, with supreme self-confidence, strides into Empresas Ferrer on her 6-inch tacones (the heels have grown with her arrogance) and demands an audience with Leo. She is convinced that Clara is lying when she tells her Leo is gone for the day. She wants to speak to Clara’s superior. Carolina wheels around to face her. She is of ‘higher rank’ and she confirms what Clara has said. Malicia leaves her card with Carolina with a message for Leo to call her.

Malicia drives right past Escobar on her home and their eyes meet. He smiles expectantly and starts to approach her. She smirks and keeps on going.

Clara calls Rogelio. She wants him to know that Malicia showed up at her office just to upset her. He explains that Malicia had a perfectly innocent reason for being there: she is planning a surprise celebration for Leo! (Does anyone else think Rogelio is too stupid to deserve Clara?)

That Leo is the next one on Malicia’s list is obvious to Clara and Caro. But this time she is taking on Cristina’s man. And, says Clara:
¿Sabes qué? Con Cristina no va a poder. ¡Cristina tiene que vengarme!
(You know what? She won’t get away with it with Cristina. Cristina has to get even with her for me!)

Lucía tries frantically to get past the guard at the entrance to the courtroom. She has to find Roberto! Lucas sees her and gently leads her away explaining that she will have to wait.

Inside the courtroom, Dora is telling her story: how she worked as a manicurist and how she told Luisa, one of her customers, about her desire to have a child; how Luisa convinced her to go to Albieri’s clinic.

At the clinic, Dra Silvia determined that it was Dora’s partner who was infertile. The plan was to do an artificial insemination using a donor who resembled her partner, Osvaldo.

And while Dora is testifying:
Estela and Jade are getting acquainted. They hear someone at the door. Estela peers out to see who it is and the Naz whooshes past her and into the room followed by Latifa and Zoraida. There are smiling introductions and updates on the home situation. She hears about Alí, Rania and Said but when Jade asks about Jadiya, the question goes unanswered.

Latifa wants to know how Jade met Doña Estela. She explains: This is the house of la sombra. On the night she left, she was walking down the street and Allah led her to an encounter with him:
La sombra hizo por mí lo que Lucas nunca hizo. Me trajo a su casa, me recibió aquí, y él hizo que hiciera la historia con Lucas pero con amor.
(The shadow did for me what Lucas never did. He brought me to his house, he received me here. He repeated my story with Lucas but with love.)

Back in the court building, Lucas and Daniel come face to face. Daniel pauses for the obligatory head-scratch and then asks Lucas why he abandoned Jade. You don’t abandon a woman you love!

You don’t have my problems, retorts Lucas. Besides, you’re the same as me – you’ll end up just like me!

And in the courtroom, Dora continues to tell her story:
Osvaldo had rejected the idea of artificial insemination forcing Dora to choose between a child and her partner. She chose the child but by using a donor resembling Osvaldo, she hoped he would warm to the idea eventually. Dra Silvia did all her treatment but the evening she was supposed to implant the fertilized eggs [yes, I know – it’s not artificial insemination. Let's all just tighten our beanies and keep going] Dra Silvia was called away unexpectedly. So the following morning, Dora returned to the clinic and Dr Albieri did the procedure.

At this point, Dora is overcome with emotion. She never thought, she says, that the happiest day of her life would be the beginning of her worst nightmare.

The judge calls for a 15 minute recess and Dora’s lawyer reassures her and helps her regain her composure.

As soon as Roberto steps outside the courtroom, Lucía swoops down on him and tells him about the photo. He is sure it is a fake. No, she wails, you look like a real couple in the picture – you’re touching her pregnant belly! And they say you spend every morning at the Beach Club and many nights too!

Roberto insists on his innocence. He is sure a DNA test will exonerate him and then they will sue the sKanks for psychological damages.

A distracted Albi wanders by still looking for Luisa. She’s not with me, says Cris.

Luisa the Huntress has tracked Amalia to a classy-looking restaurant where she likes to work. Luisa asks: How long have you and Albieri been in a relationship? Amalia tries to explain that there is no romance. She is Albieri’s biographer and they’ve been working together for a few months. To Luisa, that is as much a betrayal as an actual affair would be. She says to Amalia:
Nadie puede escribir una biografía de Albieri sin contar conmigo.
(No one can write Albieri’s biography without my help.)

When Albieri comes home during the court recess, Luisa is ready to pounce. Amalia confessed everything, she says. She know he gives Amalia little gifts -- perfume (this is a lucky guess on Luisa’s part) and books -- and all he gives Luisa are cheap pens and pencils. He sees her as a secretary. A very efficient secretary.

This is what happens, Albieri now realizes, when you allow the camel into the tent. He tells her:
Tú me ofuscas, tu me ahogas, me quitas mi espacio.
(You confuse my thoughts, you suffocate me, you take my space.)

He goes on: I need to talk to someone alone without another person correcting me and answering questions for me. I’m proud of what I’ve done and I want the satisfaction of talking about it.

So now I’m just someone who gets in the way, says Luisa bitterly.

The phone rangs. It’s Enrique telling them the proceedings are starting again. Let’s go, says Albieri. Now you need me -- to defend you, says the stony-faced Luisa. And she gets in her car and drives away leaving Albieri standing alone in the street.

Marina has been left in charge at Casa Ferrer since Marisa is meeting with her therapist and Lucas, Leo, Marisa and Cristina are all at court. The insufferable Paula shows up and Natalia invites her inside. There’s really nothing Marina or the security guard can do to stop here. Nobody wants to be responsible for provoking Natalia.

Did you bring what I asked for? asks Nati. Paula grabs a decanter of whiskey and taking swigs from the bottle, she follows Nati up to her room.

Marina is over her head. She calls Rosa for help. The situation is about to get worse, she says: Fernando is coming over too! Just at that moment, Andrea walks through the door and Marina passes her the phone. Rosa explains her concerns and tells her:
¡Esa casa está patas pa’ arriba!
(That house is upside down. Literally, paws up.)
Rosa is relieved when Andrea agrees to stay there until Marisa comes home.

Nati is telling Paula about Alej’s visit and how she told him the baby wasn’t his. He has a girlfriend, she says:
¡Que disfrute porque no va a ver a su hijo!
(Let him enjoy himself because he’s not going to see his child.)

When Andrea enters the room, Nati asks her nastily what she wants: Did my mother send you? Andrea says she and Alej were concerned about her. The pregnancy is no concern of Alejandro’s, she says. The baby isn’t his. I’ve been with a lot of men. Tell her, Paula. And Paula confirms: Con media ciudad. (with half the city). Nati turns to Paula and asks: Did you bring the good stuff? Paula pulls out a plastic envelope and Andrea leaves.

Andrea finds Alej at the gym. She sadly confirms what Natalia has already told him: the baby isn’t his. You need to get on with your life, she tells him. The Natalia we knew isn’t coming back.

Escobar is talking to Clara on the phone. She would like a copy of the document he had drawn up requesting that Malicia return his apartment to him. He doesn’t understand why she wants it, but agrees to bring it to the house that night.

Julio overhears Escobar’s end of the conversation and praises him for the absence of rancor. He suggests reconciliation may be in the air. Escobar likes that idea. He’ll take some flowers and wine to Clara’s tonight.

Clara isn’t really looking for a romantic gesture from Escobar. She wants to be able to show the apartment document to Rogelio, Zein and everyone else at Salamandra so they will finally see that Malicia is a money-grubbing tramp. And Carolina agrees: It’s time for everyone to know what a gem she is.

The friends agree that Malicia’s next target is Leo. And Cristina had better watch out – because she’s won over every man she has set her sights on.

Dora is still testifying:
Cuando Daniel nació yo me di cuenta que no parecía para nada a Osvaldo. Todo el mundo lo notó.
(When Daniel was born, I realized he didn’t look at all like Osvaldo. Everyone noticed it.)

As Daniel grew older, he looked less and less like his family. Dra Silvia had gone abroad and there was no one to explain what had happened. The jokes, the rude remarks of strangers took their toll. And Dr. Albieri wouldn’t stop bothering her, wouldn’t let her be simply be Daniel’s mother. So finally, to escape from all that, she took Daniel and she fled.

Outside the courtroom, Cristina asks Luisa what’s wrong. What’s wrong, she tells her, is that she is tired of Albieri’s treatment, tired of being stepped on, ignored and degraded.

Alej and Diana meet up at the beach. She knows he went to see Nati, she starts to say. But he interrupts her and tells her: I came here to begin something. I still love Nati but it’s over. And Diana answers that she will always be there for him. He gives her a cinematic kiss. And she gives it right back.

Credits roll.


Hola a todos. I just got back from my travels, which included two weeks in Morocco! Thanks to the wonderful recaps by NovelaMaven and Jean, I feel more or less up to speed.

While in Morocco, I kept looking for the characters I've come to know and love (or hate), but apparently all of them were in Miami. I saw Sidi Ali everywhere, but not quite as I had expected--see here .

Since I couldn't get a seat on Telenovela Airlines, I've returned tired and jet-lagged, so I won't write more now. Morocco was fantastic, but it feels good to be home.

Muchísimas gracias otra vez.

¡Hola Juanita!

¡Que gusto verte aquí de vuelta sana y salva! And wow, what fun to go to Morocco with all these images fresh in your brain. Too bad you couldn't book your flight on AeroNovela. Ah well, maybe next time.

We missed you around here! But now, do catch up on your rest and then maybe in the next few days you can tell us a bit more about your travels.

Just took a look at Sidi Ali -- hahaha!!! Thank, Juanita!

Welcome back, Juanita!! I loved the Sidi Ali bottle. I wonder if that's an inside joke for the production team.

Loved your recap, NovelaMaven- in particular:

'I hope they have paper bags handy in the courthouse' They would be handy for Lucía, too!

'In the land of the sKanks, the ubersKank has no fear'

I was kind of surprised that so little happened on last night's episode when there is so little time left.

I just realized that Leo filed a paternity suit and he didn't give a sample of his DNA? What is that all about?

The security guards at Casa Ferrer are pretty pathetic if they can't keep Paula out.

I don't understand why Albieri doesn't just tell Luisa it's over. He lies to her, tells her that she is suffocating him but I guess he still wants her to do his laundry and cook his food.

The Naz's visit to Said's house was amusing. Said has mellowed out some on criticism of the Naz by his wife. Way back when, neither he nor Mohamed would permit their wives to criticize the Naz at all.

While Roberto didn't impregnate Karla, he did frequent the beach club without his wife being there so he's in trouble either way. Lucía's histrionics are getting pretty old, though.

NovelaMaven another spectacular recap as always thank you so much.

Juanita welcome back you've been missed.

I was impressed with Lucia at first how she was dominating Consuelo and seem to be getting to what had really happened. When she saw those pictures boy did she deflate like a popped balloon. Then goes to her husband's place of work with her histrionics.

More and more Roberto is proving how bad a lawyer he is did he even pass the bar? How does he not know he has to submit a DNA sample to prove he's not the father of the skanks baby. For goodness sake he's working on case right now that is screaming about DNA samples.

The NAZ rocks i was LOL when she told Rania why Said married her.

Thanks, Jean!

I thought the security guard could easily have kept Paula out but it would have sent our Zombie Princess into one of her homicidal tizzies. Nati had sent for Paula, "her favorite dealer", and was waiting for her to bring "the good stuff". And we all know who would have been blamed if there had been an outburst. Natalia is a terrorist in her own house!

I was thinking about this relatively incident-free episode so close to the end. The way I say it, it does two things:

First, with Dora's testimony at its heart, it recaps one of the main narrative threads (important for viewers who arrived in the middle or who have forgotten the details)

Second, it sets up the resolution of several subplots, including, at last, taking down the ever more odious Malicia; and taking a close look at the sKank science project. Will it take a medal in the fair?

You're so right about Roberto being in trouble even if he hasn't fathered the sKankito. He's been caught in a ongoing lie, although he thinks it's a harmless one. Maybe it will lead to a more honest marriage. These two seem to love each other (even if they annoy the hell out of everyone else.)

Albieri is in trouble for roughly the same reason. It's very unlikely he and Amalia have exchanged more than a handshake. I don't see a happy ending for these thoroughly unpleasant people though.

Clara good get that paper not only show everyone what that rat skank did to the Chump but also warn Cris what she is trying to plan with Leo.Excellent point about Clara and Rogelio i said it myself she took him back to easily.

The Chump i'm just shaking my head words fail me on how clueless he is.

So either Nati is delusional wanting the baby she is carrying to be Alej. because i do remember both Lucas and Marisa saying she's pregnant again. Who was it that pointed out that Alej. and her did go up to their apartment one day to talk.

Anyway i'm glad Alej. is ready to move on, i like what Andrea said to him the Nati that they knew and loved is gone and doesn't look like she will ever come back at all.

Blu- Thanks for the nice words. I love your comments, always full of energy and humor.

And yes, Lucía did look deflated --you could just about hear the air escaping.

And I agree -- I'd like to see Alej find some happiness. The fate of Natalia's crack baby worries me though.

Wonderful recap NovelaMaven.

I hope Alej sticks to his guns. Nati gets vicious when she is on drugs or looking for another fix.

I wonder if she and her unborn baby will survive, especially the way she is carrying on. I don't see much hope for her.


NovelaMaven, thank for another great recap and Spanish Lesson.

The downward spiral of Nati makes me really sad, what a waste. I was suprised that Marisa sought help for herself, is it too late?

I am not sure that the Nati/Alej story is over. This is not the first time he has said that he is over Nati, time will tell.

I am so ready for Malicia's downfall. She is really evil. I wish they had given us the backstory on her character but I am afraid that we will never know.

When Lucia started deflating I thought for sure that she was going into convulsions. I was aghast when she showed up at the courthouse. This woman clearly has issues. I think that Andrea is a great level headed kid, and cannot believe that she has Roberto/Lucia for parents.

As usual the Naz was fun and very proud of herself. I almost felt sorry for Said, he will never have any peace. Why did the Naz give Estela the earrings?


Thanks, NovelaMaven. Great work, as usual. I especially liked "Ramoncito Wire Service". And he's so funny the way he always tells Gloria (who knows better) that he "accidentally" overheard some chisme when he's always open mouth eavesdropping.

I'm wondering if there will be any retribution for Rania. I doubt Said will send her back because of Munir, but it will annoy me if she gets her happy-ever-after, Jade-free marriage with Said. I like the idea that Said comes to realize that Jadiya and Rania won't be able co-exist and gives at least joint custody to Jade.

I really enjoyed Jade and Estela's interaction. It was nice to see a pleasant Jade explaining her veil - and to see Estela being won over by Jade's sweetness.

I thought Leo looked moved by Dora's testimony. Is there any chance he'd pull out of the legal case seeing how much harm has been done to her? It's possible Cris could convince him of this.

And, like the rest of you, I'm eagerly awaiting the Battle of the Titans when Malicia tries to go after Cris's man.

Juanita, how great to have you back! I also hope you might find the time to write a comment about why you chose to visit Morocco and about things that happened there. Did you go alone? If so, does it feel OK to be a woman on her own in Morocco?

Thanks again for the nice words, everyone!

Novelera, I also enjoyed seeing Jade and Estela together. I was struck not just by Jade's sweetness but also by Estela's openness and kindness. It was hard not to compare it with Leo's reaction to even the thought of Lucas bringing Jade into his home 20 years ago; or the reception that Alejandro got when he was introduced as Natalia's boyfriend.

Rosemary, the Naz -- never one to be accused of low self-esteem -- said to Estela:

"I see you're admiring my clothes and jewels."

And then, in a Naz-like gesture she takes off her earrings and presses them on Estela. Estela refuses them saying "What would a woman my age do with them?

The Naz will have none of it. She tells Estela that women of any age, even white-haired women, can still dress up and be beautiful, can still be ready to dance.

Gotta love the Naz, huh?

NM, thanks for the information about the earrings. I love the Naz and hope they find a husband for her in the next couple of episodes.


The snark is incredibly delicious today!

I'm still doubled over from "sKankito." :-D

Ratoncita must (be revealed, first, and) die. I can't wait for the Clash of the Titans...

What a good point, NovelaMaven, about the difference between how Jade was received by Daniel's family and how Leo treated Lucas and Marisa treated Alej-
Dora was not happy about Jade arriving but recognized how important it was to Daniel;
Estela didn't prejudge Jade and actually had a conversation with her and listened to what she said. Amazing!!

Hola y'all, I'm the newbie who will never catch up before it's all over. I know 90% of what is going to happen to the characters but I don't know 100% (I stopped watching the new shows and am up to #20 - yeah MID-MARCH - online).

I really think this is improving my Spanish. Speaking has never been my problem; comprehension is my weakness. Reading your summaries, being able to replay each scene till I comprehend more of the dialogue . . . I really think I'm improving. And this is all new to me so I'm not the least bit put off by the plot holes, anachronisms, character idiocy etc. It's really fun!

And once again, your recaps (and titles) are hilarious and so well-written! Asi aqui esta' mi pregunta: when El Clon is over, are you (Jean & Paula are the recappers, right?) going to do whatever follows it? Because I'd like to join in on your next one from Day One. Please put a post and let me know the next telenovela you plan to do.

Muchas gracias, Tracy

Hi TraceCadet,

Yes PaulaH and Jean recapped the early episodes. I signed on with episode 38 (in April). PaulaH opted out in June (I think) so from then on Jean and I shared recapping.

But please understand that the person who has contributed the most -- by far! -- to this blog is Jean.

If you want to follow PaulaH, you can find her right now working on a project with La Fea Más Bella. (Just look at the left side of the blog main page and scroll down.)

Jean hasn't said what she's doing next. I suspect she needs a bit of R & R from Clone Duty.

If you want to follow something from day 1, maybe you should check out Eva Luna which starts on Monday.


Ha ha, well remember, I'm only now reading the early posts! Gracias!

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