Saturday, October 30, 2010
Hasta Que el Dinero nos Separe Gran Final II Friday 10/29/10 Our Chickens Come Home to Roost
Well, it looks like a lot of the loose ends are pretty well tied up, so lets enjoy this last look at the warm, wacky, wonderful world of Dinero and the characters we've enjoyed so much together over these past months.
What a blowout of a wedding. The reception is no less spectacular. Having been announced by his father, Rafa, decked out in his charro outfit takes the stage and seems rather tentative at first making a few awkward dance moves. He begins to sing Yo no Fui and immediately the audience is in his thrall. Leonor, looking ravishing with her hair up catches the spirit.

Finishing his number he joins Ale and the other newlyweds. He explains that his dad arranged for him to sing and brought his outfit and shows everyone the picture his dad had saved.
The MC asks the guests to stand and applaud as the couples take a turn on the dance floor stage beginning with Rosario and Quintana. They are followed by Julieta and Jaime, Susana and Nelson, Claudia and Urdiales, Milagros and Todoyo (Daniel), Carmela and Trapito, and finally Alejandra and Rafael. Needless to say all the brides are strikingly beautiful in their flowing white gowns. The men are handsome in their light gray tuxes. Rafa is dashingly decked out in his black charro getup and no doubt we'll be hearing another song or two from him very soon. Mientras tanto, he and Ale make a lovely couple as they gaze lovingly into each others eyes pausing to indulge in a chaste kiss drawing applause from the guests.
The master of ceremonies then announces the newly wed couple Ale and Rafa and Rafa emerges wearing his broad sombrero, descends the steps leading on to the runway and to the delight of the crowd joins a waiting Ale and begins to sing... what else?... Amarte Antigua.

Janet and Pancho, caught up in the moment cuddle and coo,

Her Royal Highness beams proudly and Marian, smashing as ever, looks on with adoring wistfulness, yet without a hint of jealousy. As we do, she knows that this is right.

.... Next!
We are treated to more Rafa as he sings the the show's title song, Hasta el Dinero nos Separe. I must say, this certainly makes the recapping easier. I used to pout and whine that I never seemed to get any of the musical numbers to lighten my recap load. Tonight I get them spades. Good thing... tomorrow is our 40th wedding anniversary and the lovely Linda insists that I spend it with her.
Marian is clearly Rafa's second biggest fan. Janet and Pancho sing along and steal a kiss. Ale wipes a tear.
The guests want cake, "¡Pastel! ¡Pastel! ¡Pastel!" The happy couples each take turns cutting into the huge seven tiered cake.

"¡Beso! ¡Beso! ¡Beso!" Rafa leads everyone in a cheer, "A la bim bom ba, los novios, los novios ¡Rah! ¡Rah! ¡Rah!" The General steals a kiss after a little salute to capitalism.
Wow, Rafa is gong to sing another song. This time he does a credible impression of Pedro Fernandez as he sings el Cantante Everyone is having a great time.
And now a special treat is announced. Oh my! A treat indeed! Claudia dressed(?), well, almost, in canary yellow .

Who knew? She sings. She dances. Wow! Excuse me for a few moments. I'm going to have to rewind and watch this again. (To see if I can figure out what song she is performing, of course)
Phew! That was breathtaking.
The brides line up along the runway and each tosses her bouquet into the crowd.

Gee! The fun just never ends. Now a Surprise Number is announced and I'm not lying (or is that laying, Dr. Judy?), it's Germán, Nelson, Trapito, and Jiménez, dressed iridescent blouses, gold (Germán), blue (Dandy), purple (Jimenéz), and red (Trapito). They are also wearing black bell-bottomed pants. Each sings as the crowd goes wild.

I think Susanita may have had a few drinks. As they take their bow, all but Trapito, tumble from the stage. Great fun.
More Rafa. Once again cleverly disguised as Pedro Fernandez and wrapped in a black capa. This time he sings el Aventurero. More great fun. Not a lot to recap so I'll just sit back, sip my margarita and enjoy. When he finishes, he's ambushed by Ale who gives him a let's get on with the dang honeymoon kiss. Unfortunately, his lips are sealed.
Tiempo despues:
Ale and Rafa have a contrite, very nervous and rather jumpy Chávez cornered in the conference room of Auto Siglo.

Just how is he going to repay what he he has robbed? "Robbed? No, I borrowed." Ale and Rafa want him to report to the hacienda , "mañana mismo," to begin working off his debt. Ale assures him that she will be keeping a close eye on him. Why am I thinking this is effectively returning him to his own private little briar patch? To bolster my suspicion, he asks that he be allowed to take with him his two most trusted assistants. Ale and Rafa agree and our beloved buzzard beats a hasty exit. "You won't be sorry... Con permiso." Ale, Rafa, and we have grave doubts that this is such a good idea.
Why am I not surprised to see our crafty cunning old coot join up with the same lovely lusty ladies whom we last saw disguised as harem girls escaping the hacienda in the company of Todoyo's rather suspicious looking Arab cousin, Ali Babuchas?

Grabbing each around the waist he exhorts, "Let's go live at the hacienda! We are going to have some unforgettable nights! "
Jiménez is finally engaged in his preferred profession that he was trained for.. He is seated at his drafting table looking natty and confident in his blazer and tie. He is on the phone with his now adoring wife telling her, "Don't worry Gordita, buy the walker for your dad and see if your mom can also useit." Honey drips from her words, "Gracias Gordito, adiós," as she is given thumbs ups from his beaming suegros. As he hangs up he is confronted by a gorgeous babe (his new assistant?) standing in wait. As is his custom, he fervidly fiddles with his tie, stammers his trademark, "¡Oh Dios mio!," and then approaches her and favors her with a fatherly kiss (OK, I may have misinterpreted that.

Did that sex therapist perhaps overachieve with our nervous little gnome?). ¡Oh Dios mio!
Huddled at the central table in the Oasis, our favorite watering hole are Quintana, Chávez, and Quintana's pal, Rendon with the emaciated enebriate hovering over Chávez' shoulder. Rendon is here to confess that he was the brains behind the headless apparition at the hacienda. He is an expert in special effects including holograms. They have a good laugh and it looks as though all is forgiven. As they toast, who should appear in all his spooky splendor? None other than the haunted hacienda's headless horseman in the not-flesh. Guess there are no travel restrictions on this particular phantom. They react appropriately.
Over at Groupo Celeste, M&M (no not the candy, I believe that either of these two would melt in the right hands), Marian and Muskrat (what a pair of legs) are conferring and consoling. Marian concedes that while she may have lost Rafa to Ale and Daniel (no great loss by my reckoning) to Milagros, she still is able to do lots of good, help lots of people... Monserat agrees and is so proud to have such a successful well-adjusted friend (heck, I'm almost buying into this claptrap). Saved by Chepa who has brought in the latest edition of Caras,

hot off the press. Marion is the cover-girl... ummm... better make that cover-person since she has been named Executive of the Year. That's wonderful, but I'll bet she'd trade that for Rafa in a Mexican moment.
Looks like Sandra has finally given Marino that one thing he has so desired but until now has managed to elude him. He enters her hospital room, no flowers, no candy, just a simple demand, "Where's my daughter?"

Turns out that Sandra has a little surprise for him, but he wants nothing of surprises, he just wants to see his daughter. Nopis... no daughter... sons! "¡Qué?" Sipis. "With yours , mine, and now ours, you have fifteen sons." Uh oh, triplet boys. Congratulations, Daddy!
Now this is gratifying. It appears that Chávez plan is not quite going as he had hoped. He's clad in a plaid shirt, blue jeans, coarse straw hat and rubber boots. He's milking a lovely Holstein beauty. His associates are similarly dressed but with much more appealing and revealing tailoring. They busy themselves mucking out the barn.

This is not quite what any of them had pictured. The ladies complain, the place reeks of cattle and is filled with flies, and worst of all, "We're not allowed to use the pool." The ranch foreman shows up and demands that they quit kvetching and get back to work. Chávez objects to the way he is addressed. "Not Chavez! That's Licenciado Vicente Chávez to you!" "You're peón Chávez to me!" The vice foreman brings his associate a cool beverage, calling Chávez and his comely assistants igualados (cheeky inferiors) and demanding more respect for the Patroncito.Heck, this isn't what these girls signed up for. They're outta here. "¡Adiós!" Chávea whines once more that he is el Licenciato Chávez. "And I'm el Licenciado Jesús Ibarbogoiitia!" He furtively asks for a whiskey and is told that he might get some pulque (a crude cheap fermented beverage made from the agave) but if he doesn't do his work he'll only get agua miel (unfermented sap of the agave). In frustration, he pulls his hat down with such force that his head bursts through the crown, "Next thing you know, he'll be wanting me to service the bull!" Yikes! I actually feel a little sorry for Chávez, however, not all that sorry. He always finds a way to game the system.
The more things change, the more they look the same. In the conference room of the Nuevo Auto Siglo, we see an all new crew, yet it all seems eerily familiar. The supervisor of sales, Alejandra Barros, demonstrates a management style very much like that of the old Alejandra. She introduces Licenciado Fernando Bernal (formerly Rumpole of the Bailey and more recently Padre Bosco of MEPS) who sounds a lot like Beltrán.

He wants them to surpass the sales of their competitor Clo Autos run by that fox of sales, Edgar Marino. Edgardo Regino (el Coyote, we once affectionately knew him as Odious Oscar of Gancho) promises to out-Marino Marino, Isidoro Hernández (el Nene) will try to fill Bebe's shoes, The verbose Hernán Linares (el Maestro) in a similar bow tie will assume the role of Ramírez very nicely, "Hellooo!" The pretentious Laura Hernández del Villor steps in as a new Rosaura, authoritative Manuela Olivares (la Sagenta ,... of Gancho ) signs on to fill the General's spot, sultry Lola Sansores (la Seductora) will try to measure up to Claudia, and Roxana Ferrón Gracía (looking very Susanaish) enters to give a message to Ale-lite that she has received letters for the owners... surprise, surprise... Alejandra del Castillo and Rafael Medina. The conversation and bickering is the same that we have heard countless times... very déjå vu.
The meeting ends with Linares requesting a singing of the anthem.

Afterwards, we are introduced to Johnny Alpino (el Catrin) I'll bet he can't roll his eyes like Nelson) and Casimiro Gutiérrez (Tio Meño of Tontas) to twitch and fret. "¡Oh Dios mio!" Cute... Next!
We were wondering what happened to Karen. Well, she's back in town and she and her friend are cruising along in her nifty white convertible. The friend is hungry as Karen remembers that Jeni asked her to pick up some meat. they pull into the only butcher shop in DF. The two enter Don Gastóns shop where we see that business is brisk as we see the entire de la Parra family busily serving the public. Pancho is rendered tongue-tied by Karen and her attractive friend as Karen requests baby back ribs and chorizos. There seems to be a bit of confusion as Felipe shouts for the Aguayón. This must not be a complimentary nickname (I'm not sure, but I think it means dishrag) as Vicki takes offense at her husband being referred to as Aguayón. She takes charge, barking orders and we see that there's another familiar face working there now. The Aguayón seems to almost be hiding his face behind the slab of meat he is toting but we quickly recognize that it is ... Marco! ... and as he sees the customer is Karen he redoubles his effort to disappear behind the meat thrown over his shoulder.

Oops, now Karen recognizes him as well,"¿Marco?" "Hola, Karen." Vicki has shifted her obsessive jealousy to Marco, whom she refers to as her Ratoncito (little mouse). Ah, Vicki ,Vicki, Vicki... don't ever change.Everyone laughs except Vicki and Marco.
Well now the expanded family has arrived at the family home. Jorge , accompanied by Rubi is delighted to be home.

Rosario and Quintana likewise seem to be happy and so are Ale and Rafa who share another chaste kiss (sorry , ladies). Azucena came early and spiffed the place up. Rafa has arraged a surprise. A huge banner welcomes them, "¡Bienvenidos a su Casa, Familia Alvavez del Castillo!" proclaims a huge banner surrounded by streamers and balloons . They stroll into the back garden as a mariachi band strikes up and they are greeted by a large crowd gathered to share in the festive homecoming. He tells Ale how glad he is that fate and the accident has brought them together. She agrees. They kiss. What can I say? They are going to have to enroll in a remedial kissing course.

He does... Dime mi Amor
"Dedicada a todos aquellos que creen en el amor antes que en el dinero."
(Dedicated to all those who believe in love before money.)
For Judy and anyone else who missed the finale. These are links to the Gran Final on Youtube. I hope they haven't been blocked yet. It covers the last half of Thursday's episode and the two hour episode on Friday:
1. 10:00
2. 10:00
3. 10:00
4. 10:00
5. 10:00
6. 10:00
7. 10:00
8. 10:00
9. 1000
10. 10:00
11. 9:21
Labels: dinero
Actually your intro reminded me of our wonderful recaper Amy. Amy, if you ever check this site, thank you so much of the recaps on this novela.
The end of Chavez' story was indeed very satisfying. I'm slightly unsatisfied with Carmela's ending (as I mentioned under Hombre's recap).
Also the ending fantasma's plot was weird. Didn't shrimp shoot at it in the past episodes and nothing happened to it? But oh well, I should not forget I'm in telenovela land.
Again, thank you all for making this show so enjoyable.
I have to agree with Hombre that was one of the best finals I've seen. All the brides were gorgeous, even Carmela and Like I said on Hombres page, I agree with Maria she shouldn't have gotten such a happy ending.
As far as everyone else, I was on the floor when Chavez was in is farmware milking the cows. Too funny.
And Marco, how appropriate was that. The love potion must have worked after all.
I am glad they didn't whip up some last minute guy for Marian. I liked how they ended it for her. Ever competent and kind and gracious.
All the songs were great and I loved the little song from the 4 car boys. It was fun to see trapito being the only one who didn't trip!
I didn't like Ramirez making out with his secretary in the end, but it was nice to see his wife be a respectful.
Thought the new siglo crew replacements was halarious. Especially the Dandy replacement, Lugi from LFMB.
I will certainly miss this show. It has been funny, sad, silly and very entertaining. No baby's switched, no one burns up, no toppling down stairs, and not one death!!
Also as with the first half I have to say I throughly enjoyed the finale to this show. Our less than perfect ending for our less than perfect characters was still ok for me. Agree Carmela shouldn't have been one of the brides but oh well that is ok too.
Loved all the songs and the fact that one one died in this and all was forgiven. Loved Marco working in the butcher shop and Chaves milking cows. Too funny for Marino that he has more sons. Not feeling sorry for him.
Again this was a great ending. One of the best ever. Thanks again for all the wonderful recaps.
Dona Felipa
As for the finale. Yes, Carmela is the only one who didn't seem to get her comeuppance. But I'm hoping that she gave the money back off-screen. Plus, Ale really cares about Trapito and I think inviting them to join in the wedding festivities would have been more about him. I loved Marco's and Chavez' endings. A mix of what they wanted (a wealthy wife for Marco; the hacienda for Chavez), and harsh reality.
The New Siglo folks were all well known telenovela stars, and it was a funny little surprise seeing them. They looked like they were having fun.
Maria- The fantasma that was shot at was a hologram. That's why the bullets did nothing. But we will get no explanation for the one that showed up at the bar. Bwahahaha!
I laughed, I cried, I rolled on the floor laughing (the 70's boy band number), and I cried some more, throughout the whole finale. I loved that they gave us all the songs again. The wedding was really one big music video of Dinero's greatest hits, but I didn't care. I ate it up! The Claudia number was a surprise that I’m sure the men liked. :) She certainly can move. (I liked that she had no shoes on.)
The kisses were not scorchers, but they did improve from what they had been in the last few months and seemed more heartfelt. I don’t think any tn finale has ever left me with such a warm and fuzzy feeling- especially the last 10 minutes. Rafa throwing that surprise welcome home party for Ale and her family. Them surrounded by their families and Jorge’s old friends. And that final song from Rafa, Dime Mi Amor, which I love. And then the instrumental version of Amarte a la Antigua ushering us out as Ale, Rafa and the guests beamed love and happiness. I was left with a huge smile on my face. Here is another link to that last 10 minutes in case Carlos’ link is taken down:
Happy Anniversary Carlos! May you be as happy as Ale and Rafa, and may your kisses be more passionate!
Vivi, once again you've said just about everything I was thinking, such as why it was nice that Trapito was included as a groom (even if Carmela may not have deserved it). I also enjoyed your description of how perfect the last few minutes were.
Malillany Marín (Claudia) was born in Cuba, only came to Mexico a few years ago. You could see her Cuban heritage in the style of her dance.
It's interesting that with Claudia's number and with the 4 guys in sparkling jumpsuits, the music was recorded. But Rafa sang his parts live. As a true professional, he was capable of overcoming the difficulties of microphones and monitoring that force so many to sing off key in similar situations, and his singing was top notch (and his dancing was great, too!)
As Vivi pointed out, those new salespeople were all famous telenovela stars. I especially enjoyed Ursula Prats (Jacqueline on Gancho) playing La Sargenta (a step down form La Generala), Manuel (Flaco) Ibañez (Meño on Tontas) playing the Jiménez role, and Fabiola Campomanes (Alicia on Tontas) playing the Claudia role.
I think that since Doña Arcadia was always talking about a new branch of Siglo, this was the new branch (run by Ale and Rafa), and the other salespeople are still at the original branch, still run by Doña Arcadia and Beltran. Or maybe they started a musical revue?
Wonderful recap! Thank you for all the recaps on this TN. You recappers are such good writers and have a terrific sense of humor.
I have a theory about the lifeless kisses from Rafa - I remember the last time he gave passionate kisses on the show he got a horrible cold sore. He's now practicing safe kissing.
Happy anniversary!
Mil in NC
And secondly thans so much for the recap.
I really enjoyed this finale. And as someone mentioned already I suspect that Ale's tears at the end were real.
I struck out on quite a few predictions with the finale. I guess it was only fitting for my luck to run out at this point...
I loved all the character endings except for Jimenez. I didn't really want him to fall into that sort of trap, but hey I guess its a little bit of fun after all his misfortune throughout.
As for the new Siglo crew if they perform as well (or poorly) as their predecessors then Siglo will probably stay on top for at least another year.
Signing off... Private 057
Loved the disco guy number, that was great! ITA about Carmela, but in a way I guess it's fitting, she won't be devouring any more men. And Marino, ai yai yai, that was funny, too. Marco and Chavez's endings were perfect. Now we know the purpose of Karen. I didn't like the scene with Jimenez, either, I think they went too far with that.
But overall, I'm with you all, what a warm, funny, sweet and unpredictable TN. Muchas Muchas Gracias to all the other recappers as well!
It couldn't have been a more perfect day. As soon as I posted my recap right after Hombre posted his for the first hour, we struck out for the big city, checking in to the Inn at the Ballpark across from Minute Maid Park. One of my patients is the head of security at the hotel and he surprised us by having some strawberries dipped in chocolate with whipped cream delivered to our room. We dined at Vic and Anthony's Steakhouse. I started off with a martini and the Lovely Linda had a glass of Pinót Grigio. We had a few blue point oysters as an appetizer. WE each had a perfectly cooked filet, steamed asparagus, mushrooms, house-made potato chips and onion strings, and creamed spinach. I drank a Shiner Bock and Linda stuck with her white wine. I don't know how the restaurant knew it was our anniversary but they treated us with a special vanilla bean creme brulee that was awesome. We ended up in the pleasant lobby bar where we watched the last half of the Baylor/Texas game (Baylor won! In Austin!). This morning we had a room service breakfast and returned home to Bonnie Belle and Jack who were anxiously awaiting our return.
Maria, wow! I remember Amy's recaps well. To be compared with her is quite an honor. I found the Chavez' ending extremely satisfying. I think that Private 057's prediction that Chavez will be managing the hacienda will ultimately be the case. That man is unsinkable and very endearing.
Pata, I didn't realize that was Luigi. I did find that scene to be very amusing. Interestingly, I think someone earlier in the show said that Chavez had the knack of milking a situation. How prophetic. I truly enjoyed being on your recapping team.
Melinama, this has been a fun ride and what an honor being on the same team with the founder of Caray Caray.
Lynda, I don't recall watching a TN where no one died and the worst that happened to the villains was working in a butcher shop and married to a genuine, albeit crazy, beauty.
Vivi Vivi Vivi, it's been so much fun being on the same team with you. You are right, I did develop a warm affection for this show though I think that you and Pata both had a very special feeling about it.
Mil, those kisses didn't bother me greatly though I was hoping to capture a photo of a passionate beso between our two main characters for you ladies. You'd have thought that they would have given us at least one steamy mouths open wet one. Turns out the best kiss of the evening was delivered by Jiménez... and it was a "you should be ashamed" kiss.
Private 057, it's really been a pleasure serving with you. Your predictions were fun and your recaps (thankfully) even better. Did you watch this show from the beginning? You seem to have a very good understanding of all the characters.
Kalum, thanks for joining us for this show and the recaps and for expressing your appreciation.
Ivy, it's been fun having you with us here. That disco guy number really was an entertaining surprise for me and Susanita's shouts at Nelson as he sang was very much like a non-drinker who has had a drink or two would do.
Thank you so much to all of the recappers - Judy, Melinama, Private057, Pata, Vivi, Carlos, Hombre, and all former recappers and subs. You are all very gifted writers and I've enjoyed every single recap. I got hooked on this show knowing only very basic Spanish words and this website became my lifeline to understanding what was going on and being said. All of the recaps are very much appreciated! :) It has been a lot of fun joining in the discussions here and I know quite a bit more Spanish now.
As for the finale itself, what an awesome ending for an awesome show! I loved the seven couple wedding, with all of the song and dance numbers. The little Rafita concert was great, as was the Siglo guys song and my husband sure enjoyed Claudia's. We were cracking up every time Todo Yo Daniel was on screen with his ridiculous movements and facial expressions.
I love that Marco became Vicky's ratoncito. Hilarious! I also love that Sandra had triplet boys and Marino didn't get his girl. And Chavez working at the hacienda was great.
I think my favorite part of the finale was the last 10 minutes. The surprise welcome home party was so sweet and heartwarming, and I love the song Dime Mi Amor.
I'm going to miss this show. It's been a fun ride filled with a lot of laughter!
I'm glad you had a wonderful anniversary. The day sounds fantastic as did your food!
Hombre I posted other comments on your thread but thank you for making the observation about Rafa's singing. I know in the past TNs have had singers but more than a few have been off key. Rafa was in tune throughout and I was quite impressed. He's a fantastic singer!
Wow, no deaths or baby swaps.
Thanks to Judy, Melinama, Private057, Pata, and Vivi for your dedication and entertaining recaps also.
Though most of us are "mature," Happy Halloween.
Karen, I'm happy that you joined us for this nifty show. No deaths or baby swaps and though I joined in later, I don't recall any comas or bouts of amnesia either.
Hombre, thanks for the information about Malillany Marin.
A couple of things:
I came in on this just as Karen was leaving. Should I have recognized the woman with her and should I have known who Jeni is?
All the brides were lovely, but I thought that Susana may have been the most beautiful.
Didn't we see a transformation in Julieta during the last episodes?
Yes, Julieta just started looking more and more beautiful and grown up during the last few weeks, even after her makeover with Ovi- an unexplained transformation. Especially if you compare what she looked like in that scene with Jaime in his office, with her school girlish look in the first few episodes. And yes, Susana looked glowingly beautiful in her wedding gown and hippie head band. I'm glad I get to continue to see this actress in Verdad.
I don't remember the friend that was with Karen. She might have appeared earlier. Karen had a large circle of family and friends who were linked to the Alvarez del Castillo family. I really think the actress having a child threw that whole story line off, but glad they were able to bring her back for that last scene to add to Marco's misery.
I also agree about Pedro’s voice and his ability to sing so well, and on key, during his live singing performances. Can I also say that although he’s not conventionally handsome, he really fills out those charro/mariachi outfits really well. Especially the bum. :)
Hombre- I forgot to mention how much I liked that picture of Vicky with her devil on her shoulder that you posted with your finale recap. It captured her perfectly!
Anyway, I just managed to catch up for the gran finale! How lovely that everyone ends up so happy. Even the "villains" aren't punished cruelly like in so many other shows. Que bien!
Maria, thanks so much for remembering me! My recapping days feel like forever ago but I loved doing it. If only I had time to devote to another show!
Barbara, I hope You enjoyed the Gran Final.
By the way, I looked at the final scene of the original, Hasta Que La Plata Nos Separe (Colombia) since it was right next to the final Dinero videos on YouTube. His car was bright yellow, looked like a British cab (with the high roof), and was called El Tigre (the tiger). I like Pantera better. The protagonist replaces it or gets it repaired for the Rafa character in the final scene and they bid their family and friends farewell, who are all together at a bbq or some such gathering, and drive off into the sunset in it. The Ale character is also pregnant in that final scene. I'm sure having a well known singer in the Mexican version changed things up quite a bit, and I'm glad they concentrated on Rafa's/Pedro's singing talents in that final scene. It was more emotional than the original final scene, although both were sweet.
In somewhat sequential order, some notable points of interest to me,
--After Ale and Rafa hear Marco's and Vicky's explanations of "why we did it", it seemed as if they couldn't leave fast enough to get away from them (who can blame them, but Ale and Rafa were funny as they crowded each other to leave).
--"Mouse-ke-tears" Hombre, that was a good one.
--Jaime bumping into the desk corner in a very inconvenient spot made me laugh more that that old "joke" almost never does.
--That priest was obnoxious. He's going to cancel a wedding with 7 couples because all 7 brides are late? Really? Maybe a little concern might be in order. And since this was an evening wedding, I'm sure he didn't have another commitment afterwards. And though this was a telenovela convenience, the priest hurrying through the wedding like that was unconscionable.
--I thought all the brides' dresses were beautiful; I thought some of the hairstyles left something to be desired. And BTW, I have thought almost all of Ale's dresses this past week or so have been even more beautiful or hotter than usual.
--Thanks Hombre for the info on the arras coins, that was interesting.
--Ale's little speech at the beginning of the reception was touching. The little number with our 4 guys in glam shirts was quite diverting. Rafa/Pedro's songs were all great. It was amusing to see him pretend like he had just finally learned some dance steps and was trying hard to remember them.
--Though the song was beautiful, I was incredibly annoyed that when Rafa sang Amarte a la Antigua, he never sang it to Ale. Throughout the whole song, he either looked down or out at the audience. This love song, "their" love song, should have been sung TO Ale on their wedding day. This goes along with Rafa's "lips are sealed" policy in the second half of this show. [Mil, I not so much into the herpes theory of fear of kissin'; I'm more into the theory of the real life family problems that might have been caused by this show. The problem could have been with Pedro's wife or possibly with his daughters. Of course this is all speculation. But Pedro does know how to kiss better than we've seen recently--I went back on YouTube to check. Though no one could live up to a FC standard, Pedro did passably well on the beach scene and the one (count it--one, lousy one) all-the-way love scene].
--So Marian was left single. I felt bad for her, but really it's OK because there was no one worthy of her. Heck, I may not be good enough for her-- but if I was single, I'd marry her and I'm not even gay.
--Jimenez and his little ending. Thumbs down. Though I might trust him as an architect, I can't see him running a company. And the scene with his "assistant" just showed us that though the problems are different, he never resolved his family issues, he just found a way to "stick it" to his wife whether she knew it or not.
--Whoever read Sandra's ultrasound has some 'splaining to do. A girl really is a boy, definitely possible. But one is now three? OK, whatever.
--I agree with Dona Felipe and the others who felt that Ale's/Itati's tears in the last scene were genuine. And, then when Rafa wiped them away from her face-- I felt this was the first time he let his reserve down with her since the first half of the show. I was drawn in by the moment.
So, though the glow is beginning to dim a little as time passes, this was a WONDERFUL finale and telenovela. I think a good time was had by all.
Thanks again to Hombre for sharing the finale, thanks to all the recappers, and thanks to all who joined us enjoying the show an commenting here. It's been a lot of fun.
It is always heartwaeming to hear you mention the lovely Linda. Congratulations on your anniversary!
There were "consequences" but no dreadful jail/death by starvation etc. punishments like we've seen in the dramas. And although I'm a strong proponent of marital fidelity, even Jimenez' steamy flirtation with his secretary was the consequence of years of mistreatment and contempt by his wife and her parents. I don't like his reaction, but I can understand it. Chavez having to work like a farmhand and Marco having to slog huge sides of beef around (and be viewed by an ex-girlfriend) are fitting consequences as well. Not gruesome. But satisfying.
Absolutely loved loved loved all the dancing. Thought the guys were fabulous in their number. Loathed Ramirez' pontifications but thought his dancing and singing were quite passable. And it cracked me up that Todo Yo Daniel even slid in sideways to cut the cake. Granted his pairing with Milagros was hasty, but they're both beautiful and a matching set, that's for sure.
Also liked that they didn't glom someone on to Marian. Instead, she recovered her confidence, her self-esteem (her magazine cover and award!) and could blithely state that with the love in her heart, she was sure she'd meet the right man someday. Hear hear! Good thoughts.
I'm sure all the new folks were at the new branch of Auto Siglo that had Ale and Rafa as owners. The old place probably had the old crew, minus Marino and of course Claudia who probably chose not to work after marriage. Start making pretty babies, Claudia!
Dr. Carlos, you are a mega-doll to write this up on your OWN wedding anniversary weekend. And it's not like you aren't busy during the week (and sometimes the weekend) with all your patients.
We have all been blessed by you, Hombre, Pata, Vivi, Private 057, Melinama....and Maria and Barbara who jumped in and subbed for us in times of need. Believe me, subbing is harder than regular recapping. When you're a regular, you get into a rhythm and it eventually becomes less arduous. As a sub, it's just HARD HARD HARD.
This has been a wonderful community. Not huge (unless there are a gazillion lurkers out there) but warm and supportive. It's been a privilege and a fun time hanging out with you. Gracias a todos y a todas. And good to hear from you Jarocha! We've missed you.
There were "consequences" but no dreadful jail/death by starvation etc. punishments like we've seen in the dramas. And although I'm a strong proponent of marital fidelity, even Jimenez' steamy flirtation with his secretary was the consequence of years of mistreatment and contempt by his wife and her parents. I don't like his reaction, but I can understand it. Chavez having to work like a farmhand and Marco having to slog huge sides of beef around (and be viewed by an ex-girlfriend) are fitting consequences as well. Not gruesome. But satisfying.
Absolutely loved loved loved all the dancing. Thought the guys were fabulous in their number. Loathed Ramirez' pontifications but thought his dancing and singing were quite passable. And it cracked me up that Todo Yo Daniel even slid in sideways to cut the cake. Granted his pairing with Milagros was hasty, but they're both beautiful and a matching set, that's for sure.
Also liked that they didn't glom someone on to Marian. Instead, she recovered her confidence, her self-esteem (her magazine cover and award!) and could blithely state that with the love in her heart, she was sure she'd meet the right man someday. Hear hear! Good thoughts.
I'm sure all the new folks were at the new branch of Auto Siglo that had Ale and Rafa as owners. The old place probably had the old crew, minus Marino and of course Claudia who probably chose not to work after marriage. Start making pretty babies, Claudia!
Dr. Carlos, you are a mega-doll to write this up on your OWN wedding anniversary weekend. And it's not like you aren't busy during the week (and sometimes the weekend) with all your patients.
We have all been blessed by you, Hombre, Pata, Vivi, Private 057, Melinama....and Maria and Barbara who jumped in and subbed for us in times of need. Believe me, subbing is harder than regular recapping. When you're a regular, you get into a rhythm and it eventually becomes less arduous. As a sub, it's just HARD HARD HARD.
This has been a wonderful community. Not huge (unless there are a gazillion lurkers out there) but warm and supportive. It's been a privilege and a fun time hanging out with you. Gracias a todos y a todas. And good to hear from you Jarocha! We've missed you.
And another PS. Carlos, our son managed to record most of this for me, but without your last link, I wouldn't have seen the final 9 minutes of the finale and they were indeed quite touching. I loved the lyrics to Dime mi Amor. And the very real tears of Ale. I'm sure Itati Cantoral, and all the other actors, were exhausted and those were probably tears of relief. I understand that the work hours on telenovelas are really brutal. But she comes across as a very spiritual, loving and forgiving woman in interviews and I'm sure those were also tears of affection for all those involved in the show.
As I said earlier, the grand finale was so magical, it gives the show a special luster in retrospect. I've always found finales a letdown. This was an unexpected bonus. Gracias Dinero folks! and our two fine finale recappers Hombre and Carlos.
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