Wednesday, October 27, 2010

La Verdad Oculta EP31 10/26/2010 - By the sea... bring along your chopper


* In an expensive restaurant Alejandra and a blushing and very flustered Juan José talk about the reconstruction of his house. Money doesn't matter to him, he trusts her, do as she wishes. The perfect client. Then they don't have anything else to negotiate about, says Ale. What? No! No, he'd like to keep in touch with her every single day... well, to... to talk about the works, of course.

* It's late night. In the AFI office Leonardo and Ramón talk about what happened in the Guilléns' flat. Leo tells Ramón he's sure the intruder wasn't an average burglar, he was looking for something. Maybe Adolfo Ávila, the Shoe Collector sent him there. (Wait. Are we sure we are following a telenovela and not CSI:Mexican Suburbs? He's too bright.)

* Abelardo visits Elsa looking for JJ. He needs to find him soon, his boss would like to buy his house. You're late, man. She informs him about that JJ doesn't want to sell it anymore, on the contrary, he's going to renovate the villa. Anyway, Abe gives her his address card.

* In the taxi JJ continues acting like a shy teenage boy on his first date, which amuses Ale much. She asks him about his business. After a few uncomfortable seconds JJ notices a furniture store and without thinking says "muebleria (furniture)". That's great, says Ale, then we could use your goods! No, no, no, JJ doesn't want it for some lame reason he quickly invents, but fortunately he doesn't have time to explain it because the taxi turns left and he falls on Alejandra's shoulder.

In front of the office they say goodbye. JJ repeats he trusts her taste, and Alejandra asks him about why he chose her. She doesn't believe he found her accidentally, someone must've recommended her. JJ says it was Medina. Mauricio Medina? That's great! Yes, indeed. He holds her hand and says thank you. Thanks. Thank you very much. Thank you. You. You... thanks... much. Thanks.

* Julieta and Gabriela have a quarrel. Juli says there's nothing wrong with going out at weekend, and she's going to meet Roberto, period. Gabriela prohibits it and threatens her with telling everything Daddy, but her little sister doesn't care about it anymore.

* JJ visits Elsa to excuse himself for his behaviour. But the girl's in a furious mood and while she's packing her suitcase vehemently she says he can do with his life what he wants to do, she doesn't care about it at all. And now she has to leave for work. For work? Come on, he could buy anything that's inside that suitcase! Beep, wrong answer, Elsa scolds the big guy. JJ has changed quickly, now he thinks he can buy anything and anyone - but he's wrong! She gives him Abelardo's address card and leaves.

* While Julieta's waiting in his car Roberto tells a very frustrated Carlos on phone that Gaby decided to stay at home. However, whatever he expected from this weekend it shatters when his little girlfriend tells him she wants to be at home by evening. Naturally she won't spend the night alone with him!

* Daddy calls Gabriela and tells her he hasn't find a job yet and he'll return home soon. Yes, by the evening. Oops. She calls the Genovés villa and asks Bertha about David's arrival from his business trip. Tomorrow. Then she calls Carlos and begs him to give her Roberto's phone number. She has to find her sister because their father will be at home soon. Carlos says with a content look on his face that Rob and Juli are on the beach and they won't be able to call them... but he'd gladly give her a lift. Yolanda accidentally eavesdrops on his conversation but can't stop him from leaving.

* Alejandra and Mina talk about their newest client. Ale doesn't understand JJ's behaviour, he has the hands of a workman, he has a millions of pesos but doesn't own a car... Strange. Medina shows up and Ale thanks him for recommending her to Senor Ocampo. Senor who? The man who bought Juan José Victoria's house! What?! Juan José sold the house? Medina says he he doesn't know this mysterious Ocampo. The girls start to worry about JJ. He's strange, he lied to Alejandra... what if he doesn't have money at all and won't be able to pay them? Alejandra states she'll ask him to give them fifty percent in advance.

* And unhappy and desperate Mario takes a walk in his headquarters and he arrives back to his bedroom just when Bertha starts to knock on the door impatiently. He lets her in and Bertha expresses her concern for him. They talk about the future of the girls and David who may get married one day. She takes offense and thinks he wants to tell him that after the marriage of Blondie they'll have to leave the villa. No! He loves them very much and they're welcome in his house, but advises her to look for a good job. Alejandra has a profession and owns an office, maybe she should follow her example. Naturally Bertha doesn't like this idea at all.

* In the luxury hotel Caramelo warns her new doll: "You have to take bath every day or we won't by you new dresses!" Asunción arrives home with a huge amount of delicious tacos. They are talking about their future when Medina knocks on the door. The architect hardly recognizes the dirty old beggar from the infamous house and looks for Juan José. He learns from Asunción that JJ didn't sell the house which makes him completely confused now but his brain cells work well enough to ask for Elsa's address. At last JJ arrives home and the architect tells him that everything is fine with the gold bars and they worth 600 million pesos. *Viewerville: Okay, we want to marry JJ. Now.* Then he asks him about why he didn't sell it to him? Why, because he wants to live in that villa. But he was told he had sold it to a man called Ocampo. A wide smile flits across JJ's face and he admits he uses his second name because he doesn't want people to know he used to be a jailbird. And why did he hire Alejandra? Because she's an architect, says JJ innocently. But Medina knows about Mario Genovés and he's sure he wants to use Alejandra to take revenge on her uncle. But she's a good girl and he won't let him do that! JJ says all he knows is that Mario and his associate sent him into prison for a crime he hadn't commit. Now he has money and he will find that guy who killed that girl! He has right for that! Maybe, says Medina, but he's going to tell everything Alejandra.

* Bertha tells Ale about Uncle Mario's awful idea. He can't fool her, she knows he wants to get rid of them! She mentions the marriage of David which makes Ale very curious. If David wants to get married with someone else then its Bertha's fault, she scared him away. She should be wiser. Bertha complaints that David only cares about that damned waitress who even had the nerve to call him on phone! She'll talk with Carlos and Ale should talk with Roberto, too, and they'll ask them to help them. Okay, says Ale, she'll do it for her.

* Julieta breaks up with Roberto who says with the obligatory candy in his mouth that he likes to date with women, not with silly little girls, and it seems he wasted his time on her. *Viewerville: Lucky girl.* She returns home crying, just when the phone calls. Fausto says he'll keep looking for a job and won't return for a while.

* Roberto shows up in the Ávila condo and finds Yolanda who doesn't understand why he is there and not in the weekend house by the sea with Carlos and Gabriela. * In the meantime the youngsters arrive at the the beautiful seaside house that I've seen in every Larrosa telenovela. They find Félix, but que sorpresa, there's no Roberto or Julieta. Carlos, who obviously has a plan, tries to convince Gaby to stay for a while who's very uncomfortable with the situation.

* Bertha tells David what Gaby asked about his arrival, and Roberto shows up just in time to tell him his girlfriend is with Carlos.



Thank you, Aribeth. Love the Roberto with sucker; our own anti-Kojak.

You Tube links for Ep. 31:

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Part 4

Part 5

Thanks for posting, Jeri.

More screencaps here:

"...(Wait. Are we sure we are following a telenovela and not CSI:Mexican Suburbs? He's too bright.)..."

I've been thinking both Leonardo and Mauricio Medina are too smart for telenovelas. I'm loving that! LOL

Thank you Aribeth and Jeri.

I think that the scene in the taxi between Ali and Juan Jose was so cute. JJ had such great expressions with his face. These two are really cute together.

So glad that Julieta got rid of Idiot. Now who is going to save Gabi? And here we go again. David will just assume Gabi is with Carlos because she wants to be. Why can't these novela people get some brains and communicate with each other. Oh yeah then we wouldn't have a show.

I will say that the kids in these shows are just too adorable. Loved how little Carmelo was telling her doll she had to bathe everyday to get more new dresses.

I know that Bertha (I keep thinking of her as Estrella from Guancho)will eventually find out about the tunnel but it still makes me nervous every time she comes close. You just know that will be all kinds of trouble. But Elsa's brother and girlfriend (forgot names) could just be the ones to discover it.

Jeri, thanks for posting the links!

Aribeth: I'm still chuckling at the title. This was wonderful - witty and overflowing with rich humor. The pictures? Sensational. I'm not sure how you captured the quick, sly looks between Juan and Ale but it was perfect.

"*Viewerville: Okay, we want to marry JJ. Now.* Yes!!! Of course, we wanted to marry him when he was a convict without possibility of parole!:)

Carlos' lying to Gabi and luring her to the house (however beautiful) is contemptible. Gabi is sick with worry and has no idea Julieta has come to her senses and dumped the chump. We breathed a sigh of relief as you so noted: "*Viewerville: Lucky girl".

Juan's boyish, endearing playfulness with Ale was a delight. One of the things I like the most about EY is that his smile and emotions always seem so genuine, so real. Be still my heart!

Jeri, I'm pretty much convinced Medina is just about perfect. Intelligent, insightful, kind, caring, generous, concerned and gorgeous to boot.

Lynda, although David seems like the logical choice to resuce Gabi, Yolanda seems alarmed enough that she might spring into action as well. She loves Carlos but isn't blind.

Thanks again Aribeth.


our own anti-Kojak

Thank you, ladies. :) Diana, I tell you my secret: I use a frame capture software. I create 6000-9000 screencaps and all I have to do is to choose the best ones. It takes fifteen-twenty minutes.

Thank you Aribeth! I was thinking what a contrast there is between Elsa and Bertha who are about the same ages. Elsa works hard and won't take anything from JJ, while Bertha sits on her butt and is horrified to even think about getting a job.

Does JJ even have a clue why Elsa is angry at him?

I was glad Mario made it back to his house before Nosy Nelly broke down his bedroom door. Mario really needs to put a lock on his office as well. Bertha goes in there far too often. Mario should put her in charge of some kind of social/charity event where her bossy snootiness would be useful. Bertha would be a natural as one of those commentators who critique red carpet fashions.

I don't understand why Ale keeps agreeing to help Bertha with David. It's very clear he's not interested and that he has someone else in mind.

Thank you Aribeth for the recap.

Thanks you Jeri for the links.

JJ cracks me up. The taxi scene was so cute, the way he was slyly looking at Ale then looking away when she looked at him. I was laughing at his antics.

What is Carlos hoping to do with Gabi at the beach house. Is he going to force himself on her, or does he just want David to find them together. I kind of liked Carlos before this, now he is just a spoiled brat who wants to get his own way no matter what. Pretty selfish and immature as well.

So glad that Juli is finally rid of Roberto. She finally saw his true colours.

Finally Mario told Bertha to get a job. Maybe that will stop her from snooping around and being a busybody.

I hope JJ has a plan with what to do with his money. The exitement hasn't worn off yet with his treasure find. He is really putting his foot in it with Elsa.


I meant to add above in my comments that I think JJ is not exactly treating Medina very well considering he is the one that took care of getting the treasure converted into money in the bank for JJ. I am not sure that JJ (adorable as he is) is capable of taking care of that much money at this time without some direction. Medina seems very smart and honest. JJ should try to be a little nicer to Medina after all he has done for him.

This TN just keeps on rockin' with new situations. Jeri, Aribeth and now Vivi ust keep us rockin'

I'm disappointed they didn't follow up immediately with Dora and the dropped tray. We got teased twice. Doesn't matter that we got the whole story "from a different angle" later on.

Does anyone else suspect that JJ can't read? He fiddled with those papers, but didn't seem as though he was concentrating much--of course that could have been Ale's proximity. Then there was the restaurant bill, then there was the taxi.

It was cute to see JJ trying to signal the taxi driver to swerve the other way so Ale would land on his shoulder. We didn't see if he did, but I suspect that the big tip meant he was pleased with the extra effort.

I nearly had heart failure when Mario was trying to make it back into his room and close the tunnel door before Bertha broke the door down--and for what--se ofrece algo, tea, milk? The man was in his bedroom, for heaven's sake, he might have been napping....

About Roberto getting rid of the keys. Even if he plants them on David, David was out of town when it happened. Still he might be accused of asking someone else to do it--but for what earthly reason?

I'm pretty sure I heard right that Julieta is told be her dad on the phone what he told Gabi, that he is going to be home that night around midnight. We see Juli telling him that she's pretty sure Gabi is in the bedroom and we see her go off to check.

Poor Gabi, poor David misunderstandings abound, but Roberto "kidnapping" her is pretty low.

Lic. Medina had his feelings hurt when JJ told him he chose Ale because she was, well, an architect. After all there's good money in that rehab job. I think JJ realized too late that he was having that conversation with a licensed architecht who up to now has been pretty good to him.

It finally dawned on me why the opening credits are full of diamonds--tonta. They will continue to be central to the story. I hope Leo stays on the trail of the shoes.

Does anyone else suspect that JJ can't read?
He was reading the Count of Monte Cristo in his cell all the time. ;)

Then there was the restaurant bill
I guess he had a smaller heart attack when he realized how much he had to paid the food in that restaurant. :) He's not used to being shamelessly rich yet.

Good point Lynda and Anon about JJ not treating Medina fairly.

Medina is an architect and he also helped him with banking the gold, and yet JJ chooses Ale as his architect.

JJ is acting real dopey and dumb (a real Jethro Bodine) in all his 'dealings' since he found the loot. Even Elsa is not happy with him.


Thanks, Airbeth. How soon we forget other details when we're moving along at such a fast clip.

From one of my recaps:

Check out Juan José's skinny ankles while he reads "The Count of Monte Cristo":

Skinny Ankles Monte Cristo

Aribeth and Jeri, thank you so much for providing the links and recaps for La Verdad. I am finally caught up thanks to the two of you.

Bertha is a real pain. Why in the world does Tio put up with her.

Why was Carmelo left alone in the hotel room while Asuncion when out for tacos? I don't like that one bit.

I love Medina!


Been gone all day and couldn't comment. But I wanted to send a big thank you to Aribeth!

I loved the snarky recap, Aribeth, and Jeri, thanks for the links. Again, I read and saw both before the midnight show and it does improve my comprehension a lot. Thanks again.

One point that I missed. What mode did Carlos use to take Gabi to the beyond beautiful beach house...a chopper (helicopter) or what I thought was avioneta (small aircraft maybe helicopter) or camioneta (a truck.) I should have used CCs but my husband (like a normal person) was asleep in the room with the tv with CCs. And did Carlos tell Patchy to disconnect something on ot so he can take advantage of Gabi that night. You're definitely a bad, bad, boy, Carlos.

Yes, Medina is winning me over...look out J J.


GinCA, they took the avioneta (small aircraft); I figured, knowing Adolfo, he probably has a private jet.

Carlos piloted it himself; I was kind of impressed.

And Carlos told Félix to fix it so it wouldn't fly temporarily.

Thanks, Jeri, for the details. Looking forward to your recap.


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