Friday, November 05, 2010

La Fea Más Bella #77-78 11/5/10 There's a new kid in town.

Capitulo 77.Read Julie’s original recap which covers Cap’s 75 to 79. Then come back here to discuss it.

Paula asked me to post this link. It has translations of dialogs from these episodes. Paula warns, they are only rough drafts because she wrote them as a language study exercise. She never intended to post them publicly.

Capitulo 78.Read Julie’s original recap which covers Cap’s 75 to 79. Then come back here to discuss it.

I'll try to post some additional highlights later tonight when I get off work. In the meantime enjoy the episodes and Paula's translation from the original airing. I haven't seen the episodes yet but it sounds like we might have another example of the parallel universe that this telenovela loves to portray. Maybe Omar is like the little devil on Fernando's left shoulder and his old friend Ed is the little angel on his right shoulder? Should be interesting.


Thank you, Sylvia, for covering for me. I head out this morning. A few notes. I rewatched part of 77 yesterday.

Wed’s cap indicated that Marcia is the amante. (Omar: An amante is to have passionate sex with.
Fern: That’s what I have Marcia for.) Today Fernando confirms it. He tells Marcia, “I left Lety at her house. And after that I was with my amante.” If Marcia is the amante, he’s telling the truth.

Notice when Fernando and Marcia are awakened by Ed’s call after sex. Fernando is facing away – actually he’s on his stomach, and there is a large pillow as a barrier between them. So much for afterglow!

Pay attention to the mirror and the room divider in the scene in Marcia’s apartment, while Ed is forcing Fernando to look at himself. The scene uses those two objects distinctly.

I know that what I’m going to say is not actually the case. It doesn’t stand under scrutiny. BUT it’s an interesting tool for understanding Fernando better. Imagine that Ed is not some guy Fern, Marcia and Omar knew since 1st grade. Rather that he is Fernando’s higher self. The man inside who is struggling to get out. The voice inside, who is making Fernando feel worse and worse about what he’s doing to Lety. Evidence?
* He comes out of nowhere. We never hear about him before Cap 77. He’s here for 5 episodes, and then we never hear anything about him again.
* He tells Fernando, “I will be your shadow.”
* He immediately knows everything Fernando is thinking and feeling.
* He sees what a treasure Lety is.
* He voices the things Fernando’s conscience has been trying to tell him, that Fernando has tried to silence.
* He voices Fernando’s hope that maybe, possibly, there can be something better.
* Marcia and Omar can’t stand him. They both knew Fern in childhood, when he was presumably more pure, more like Ed. They both helped turn Fern into the lower self we see now, and they both want him to stay that way. They both see frightening bits of Fern’s higher nature, his Ed part, emerging, and they both want to send the Ed part far away so they can have their lower Fernando back. Notice, the biggest issue with both Marcia and Omar is that they don’t want Fernando to be influenced by Ed.

As I said, the idea doesn’t stand up to scrutiny. But as you listen to Ed, put it through that filter, and see how different things look!

very interesting, paula!
oan, I added my first recap in the eva blog page. under wed nites ep thread.

Hi Paula. Hope you have a wonderful time. And I will try looking at Ed through your suggested "higher self" filter. Interesting.

ROFLOL Paula! I have to remember your translation for this one...
metiche == (butt-in-ski)

Hmm, Paula... Eduardo almost sounds like a sort of... angel.

Thanks Sylvia for posting this. Paula great analysis about Ed. He really does seem to be Fernandos Conscience.

I couldn't think to add anything to what Julie already recapped so I'll just comment.

Pata, not just Fern's conscience but also someone who is able to quite clearly see who people really are. Fernando's judgement is very often clouded, whereas Ed susses things out with a confident clarity. Fernando seems flustered when Ed is around, even though he's very happy to see him.

Interesting the different ways that Ed approached the office ladies. He started out by calling Paula Maria "usted" but he used "tu" with Alicia. He made it pretty clear he has no respect for the egotistic model-types.

My favorite little scene was where Lety gave Luigi a peck on the cheek. It shows she's gaining confidence.

Marcia tells Luigi that she can't stand that woman (Lety). Her instinct are good because Lety is a real threat to her.

When the Fea's rubbed their elbows they were signifying that Fer was a cheapskate for suggesting they should all chip in to buy a cake for Lety. When he saw them rubbing their elbows he caved and said he would spring for it.

Fernando seemed relieved to hear that Lety's "novio" hadn't gotten a gift for her. I wonder why?

I just read these comments. I don't think that Eduardo is literally Fern's higher self. As Paula says, it doesn't stand up because Eduardo is a real friend from chldhood. I think Eduardo recognizes Fernando's potential to be a better person (and always has) and wants to help him. Given all the "trappings" of his character (he is an artist, a rich kid who doesn't care about material things, a man who knows how to love, a man who sees the inside of people quickly, and a "traveler"), I think symbolically he is a spiritual guide for Fernando.

Also I don't think Omar and Marcia helped turn Fern into the lower self he is now. To show why that is especially not so re Marcia would involve some spoilers. I think that Fern is always motivated to act the way he does has more to do with his parents and his rivalry with Ariel. But there is no doubt that Omar and Marcia represent all the bad values of their class and are certainly an influence on him.

Paula, I like your comment about the mirror. I remember in film class that mirrors either reveal a character's inner soul or show them trapped. I think in Fernando's case it is both because he is trapped in being someone he is not entirely comfortable being. But also notice he never directly looked at his reflection in the mirror and had his back to it most of time which I think means he does not want to see his true self revealed. maybe he is not ready. and I do agree with NJ Sue that Ed is a guide or a guru. We make friends with people we like and have something in common with. Fernando definitely likes Ed and admires him on a certain level. Unlike Omar Ed touches the better Fernando and encourages it. I am impressed with the levels of complexity in Fernando's character he can be goofy one minute and serious the next. he goes from being a spoiled rich kid to a caring mature man. Maybe it is also the way Camil plays him but he seems to be doing a lot more transformation than the Letty character.

I thought the interaction between Eddie and his school chums was interesting. It is obvious that miss Priss Marcia can't stand him. I suspect that is because when he is around Fern reverts to the goofy guy which she she dislikes. Omar seemed annoyed but I suspect that is more because he might interfere with the seduce Letty plan than that he doesn't like him. After all Eddie apparently called Omar first.

I loved Eddie's reactions to Paula Maria and Alicia but more so the fact that he immediately saw Letty's worth. I also noticed that Fern seemed annoyed when Eddie was praising her. One more sign that he is becoming increasingly possessive of her even though he still hasn't come to realize it.

Fernando is marrying Marcia for two reasons: to get her vote for the presidency, and because everyone expects him to. Oh, and also because he feels like he has to marry somebody, and as such, it might as well be Marcia. But really that goes back to Reason 2. Ed doesn't do what people expect him to. He doesn't live according to the demands of his class. If Fernando starts listening to him, he'll no longer marry Marcia to please his parents and those of his social class. Remember, Teresita is Mar's biggest ally. Fernando lies to Marcia all the time. But if he started telling her the truth, the first truth would be that he doesn't love her and doesn't want to marry her.

I LOVE Ed. I'm disappointed at the suggestion that he doesn't stick around long. But I'll take what I can get.

My other favorite bit was Omar and Fernando dancing to the drumming and singing. That was right up there with the conga line, in my opinion. I love it when they let loose like that...clearly what Fernando wants to do, and Marcia wants to stop him from doing. Does she have any sense of fun outside of bed?

Sure Marcia has a sense of fun outside of bed - she enjoys making fun of Lety!

Otherwise, no.

Sylvia, I think the reason Fernando seemed relieved that Tomas didn't get Lety a gift yet was because it meant that he didn't have to worry about his own (still unpurchased) gift falling short!

Maybe he's also still worried that Tomas really is her novio, too.

As for Eduardo I have to say that this is my favorite role I've seen this actor in - he was a regular in Destilando Amor and MEPS, but every time saw him in those, I'd think, "eh, he's no Eduardo!"

Julie I remember him in Destilano with that horrible accent. He is a pretty talented guy if not one of the classic handsome guys.

Not sure if it was in this ep or the one before... but Fernando made fun of Omar calling him 'Don Omar' who is a famous reggaeton star... and even began singing one of Don Omar's hits with higher pitch for comic relief.. he even could not finish the line because he cracked up laughing himself.

Hidden spoiler: regarding Marcia not wanting Fernando to stop lying. Fea veterans, do you remember what happened between Fernando and Marcia, when Fernando finally swore off lying?

About the gift, I’m with Julie. If Lety had said that her novio had gotten her a gift, that would tell Fern that Tom is the novio. So instead he’s relieved.
Marta, I knew about Don Omar, but not enough to know that Fern sang a Don Omar song as a joke. Thanks for the background.

Regarding the birthday kisses, notice that Lety willingly kisses Luigi, but she is disgusted by Omar’s kiss. Even though Lui’s insults are all out in the open, while Omar’s insults are always hidden from Lety.

Marcia projects herself onto Ed – she says he criticizes everything and is against everything.

Whatever Ed is – Fern’s higher self calling him, or his spirit guide, or his actual childhood friend – clearly Fernando is in a huge conflict with himself right now, He knows he is taking a giant leap in the deception, betrayal, and hurt he will do to Lety. Some part of it is screaming, “NO! YOU CAN’T DO THIS TO HER!” Ed brings Fernando’s internal conflict out into daylight.

Ed’s sketches of the cuartel are wonderful. But his sketch of Fern, you only see it for a moment. It’s all wrong! Not only are the tie, shirt, jacket, and hair different, but he has a mustache!

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