Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Llena de Amor #64 Tue 11/9/10 You can’t always get what you want…unless you’re Emanuel.

Marianela and Emanuel cool off from their hot night with a stroll through the woodsy park where they used to play as children. Emanuel promises Mari that he’ll always be there for her and says he wants to marry her someday. Mari starts to agree, then stops abruptly. Their family will never accept it, the problem being, of course, that it’s FAMILY, singular. “Just think what my name would be…Marianela Ruiz y de Teresa de Ruiz y de Teresa!” Emanuel laughs and says that’s sexy. He likes it. Kissy kissy. Mari thinks it’s time they head home, but Eman takes off running through the trees and says she’ll have to catch him first. She says they’ll get lost again. He says good, he wants to get lost and never go back.
Over at the hospital, Fedra is off on her usual tirade against Netty and rather emotionlessly asking Emiliano why he’s necking with this slut while their daughter is dying. Netty takes her leave, and Fedra wants to go give Kristel hell for daring to get pregnant. Emiliano stops her and says to leave her alone. It’s much worse than a simple miscarriage; they had to do a hysterectomy. Then he has to tell Fedra what that word means.
Netty goes to the hospital chapel for a chat with San Antonio. She’s upset that she gave up her career for so many years in exchange for an impossible love, and it seems she’ll end up with neither. I’m not sure ol’ Tony ever signed that contract. Anyway, Netty wants a little miracle of some kind. Her phone rings. It’s someone from the office of Ezekiel Zapata, a producer who wants Netty to be in his next telenovela. The auditions are tomorrow morning, early. Netty remembers to thank San Antonio profusely before she heads out to pick up the audition materials.
Brandon’s at the station, telling Comisario Tejeda that Oliver committed a little crime, sure, but so did Fedra and Bernardo. Tejeda agrees and tells him to extend a friendly invite to the gruesome twosome to come in for a chat. If they refuse, they’ll feel free to deal with them as criminals. Tejeda says he’ll take charge of Oliver’s issues himself, and he doesn’t appreciate Brandon’s advice on how to do his job. Maybe Tejeda has multiple personalities. One of them loves Brandon, and the other hates him.
Ilitia arrives as Tejeda leaves. Brandon makes a big show of being too busy to look at her. She asks him (quietly, and without any whining, hard to believe) if he won’t help her at all with her father’s situation, especially considering that the two of them… True to his word, this naco gentleman pretends not to know what she means, but he finally looks at her and says simply that the judge is going to give the order to move Lorenzo to prison any minute now.
Lorenzo and Mauricio are in the hoosegow, stewing in their own vileness. A guard comes and takes Lorenzo away. Low gloats that his wife and daughter must have gotten him the best lawyer, and he’ll be free and clear while Agent O rots away there forever. The orange one yells that he will regret this.
Fedra frets. Now that Kristel has had that histerie, hister…that thing so she can’t have children, no one will want to marry her! “How can you be thinking of marriage when she just nearly died?!” Emiliano snaps. Fedra whines that she’s always just thinking of her children, and a woman with no womb is not a woman. Ummm. Emiliano blinks but realizes there’s no point trying to reason with Fedra’s short-circuited brain. He asks her where she was all night while he was here. Fedra claims she went to rescue their kidnapped daughter Gretel from that monstrous degenerate poli. Emiliano angrily says Gretel wasn’t kidnapped; she was in love and happy for the first time ever. Fedra claims she found Gretel tied up naked in a filthy room full of rats, raped and completely crazy. “You’re lying!” Fedra calmly continues…that poli just took what he wanted and left Gretel to die. It’s a good thing her dear mama arrived in time. Emiliano says that can’t possibly be true but he’s crying at the thought. Fedra gives him the address of the manicomio and tells him to go check for himself how bad she is.
Gretel is restrained in bed, crying and remembering the few good days she had with Oliver, when he told her he would never leave her, and then when he was shot and she thought he was dying. She asks him to forgive her. Doctor Doom and the orderlies come in and haul her off to electroshock. She protests bootlessly.
Nereida’s back in the laundry room, which has been repaired since the fire. Axel asks her where she got the idea that he is gay. She says it’s what people said, and no, she does not care to ask his girlfriend for evidence to the contrary. Axel demands to know who exactly told her, and Nereida claims it was Marianela. Axel is furious at his beastly cousin and storms off to demand satisfaction. Nereida smirks.
Marianela and Emanuel are lounging around in the woods. Marianela wants to use Eman’s phone to call Netty, but he claims there’s no signal here and the battery is dead. She knows that’s a lie, and also that Netty and everyone is probably very worried about her. He admits he just doesn’t want their perfect day to end yet, then employs his smoooove moves of seduction to get her to agree.
Fedra calls Dr. Doom to alert him that Emiliano is on his way and must find Gretel in the worst state possible. Dr. Doom reminds her of the charge for this service. Fed says Spiderus is all over it.
Oliver is finally getting some medical treatment, also the old-fashioned way. He’s on the couch at the pensión with the ladies looking on, biting a pillow for the pain as Doctor Arnaldo digs the bullet out of his shoulder. Gladiola thinks he should be knocked out for this. Oliver says he needs to be alert and asks the doctor to hurry so he can go. Doc says where Oliver needs to go is to the hospital. Oliver screams and bites his bloody hand as the doctor continues butchering him. Doris helpfully tells him to be macho and quit screaming and crying.
Over at the station, Brandon tells Ilitia her father committed a very serious crime. She says that’s a lie. Her daddy is good, and also rich. He doesn’t need to traffic contraband. Brandon says maybe it’s just a hobby, then, but the fact is, he’s a criminal. Ilitia insists Brandon is making the whole thing up to blackmail her into his bed. He indignantly says his work is sacred, and he only ever takes women to bed because they want to go. Anyhoodle, he is too busy for this chatter. He’s got to head over to Misery Manor. What a coincidence; she’s going there, too.
Lorenzo asks his lawyer why his wife isn’t there. The lawyer knows nothing about his wife; he was hired by León Garduño. Apparently Garduño thinks he owes Lorenzo one. Lorenzo wonders why. He spoke to Baldomero and Basurto and they said it was a clean job and they had his son. The lawyer says it was a clean job, but unfortunately the baby died.
Elsewhere, the big boss is yelling at the two thugs, who are throwing the blame around. Fittingly, Baldomero is the bald one, and Basurto is the one who threw the baby out like basura. Garduño is furious at what this might mean to his hot hooch biz. He says it’s best to tell Lorenzo the kid is dead, but Baldy and Bas had better look under every rock and find him.
Barf. Axel and Lorena are in swimwear by the pool, and he’s giving her a massage to ease the stress of her useless existence. Then she decides he needs a massage, too, because he must be so tense over Kristel’s trauma. He says that’s not all; he’s also worried because Gretel has vanished. Lorena says Gretel’s fine; she just left with her boyfriend. Well, Axel is ALSO worried because Emanuel and Marianela seem to have vamoosed together. Lorena says yeah, and will there ever be fireworks when Ilitia finds out. What fun! But wait, there’s more…Axel is ALSO worried because everyone seems very surprised to hear that Lorena is his girlfriend. Why do they all say that Axel doesn’t like women?
Kristel has woken up and is crying and fussing, wondering where she is. Fedra coldly says she’s in the hospital, and it’s her own stupid fault. Fedra snarls that the good news is that she’s not pregnant anymore, but the bad news is that she’s no longer a woman and she will die an old maid, broken and empty. Bet you all didn’t know that a hysterectomy came with a free sex change and a severing of all the nerves and muscles that would allow you to sign a marriage license. Doctor Carlos will corroborate. Maybe Emiliano needs to explain that word to Fedra one more time. Kristel cries some more.
Oliver is patched up and wants to go arrest Spiderus, but Doctor Arnaldo tells him he has to rest. The ladies team up to force him to stay put. He cries that he wants to go find Gretel. The ladies tell him to wait for Netty. She can ask Emiliano where they’ve put Gretel. Netty arrives just then, but she’s accompanied by Tejeda. Tejeda tells Oliver he’s under arrest. This is absurd.
Emiliano tries to talk to Gretel. She’s in quite a state. Emiliano asks her who hurt her. She hugs him and rambles about someone who wants to hurt her and is a murderer. Naturally, Emil thinks she’s talking about Oliver. He says that bastard is going to pay. Gretel freaks out more and the doctor sedates her. Emiliano cries.
Oliver tells Tejeda he’s got to find Gretel before Fedra kills her. Tejeda is robotically obstinate because the writers couldn’t be bothered. He’s got to arrest Oliver; that’s the law! He gets out the handcuffs. Oliver says he’ll take responsibility for his actions, but no cuffs, please. He’s not some delinquent. Tejeda finally agrees. Off they go. All the ladies cry. Then Doris tells Netty that Mari has been gone since the pageant and they have no idea where she is. Doris offers to go look for her.
Fedra is still campaigning for that Mother of the Year award. Kristel insists that Mauricio loves her and will still want to marry her even if she can’t have children. Fedra says that’s nonsense. He’s a slimy ratbastard. What did he do when he found out Kristel was pregnant? Did he offer to marry her then? {Fedra utterly fails at logic.} Kristel cries that Malicio was just nervous. I’m almost feeling bad for Kristel. She’s obviously in a great deal of pain and misery, and her mother keeps heaping on the torment. Fedra mutters that the whole family is a bunch of disappointments. The only one who will never let her down is Emanuel. He knows what he wants, and he doesn’t stop until he gets it. {If only she knew…yeah, as many candles and kisses and deep meaningful looks of amooooooor as it takes, he will get what he wants.}
Emanuel and Marianela flirt and kiss some more amongst the trees. Mari jumps on his back and he nearly collapses. Har har. They go into the church and smooch at the altar. They throw flower petals all over themselves outside and kiss some more. Practicing the wedding, now that they’ve already started practicing for the honeymoon, I guess.
Lorena convinces Axel that everyone who says he’s gay (a word he can’t bring himself to pronounce) is just a lying gossip. Especially his nasty cousin Marianela. She’s just out to get the whole family.
Emanuel tells Mari they’re going to have the most beautiful wedding ever, and she will be the most beautiful bride in the whole world. Would she prefer the cathedral, or this little chapel? Hold yer horses, buckaroo, she says. They need to go home. He says they should go out to eat. She says they just had quesadillas. In that case, he counters, they should exercise. She thinks they’ve been stalling long enough. “Do you like horses? Have you ever ridden?” is his answer to that. Then he steamrolls her protests.
Netty tells Gladiola about the audition, but says she can’t focus on it what with everything else going on. Glad tells her this is the perfect distraction. She’s got to jumpstart her career, and besides, Mari is surely fine. Netty pulls out the script and sees that the scene is with a man. Who could possibly help her with this? “You called?” asks her lawyer, walking right in to the unsecured house.
Lowrenzo’s lawyer tells him to claim that Agent Orange deceived him, and he didn’t know the business he was investing in involved bootleg booze. Lowrenzo can only think of his baby. He tells the lawyer to tell Garduño he won’t be placated with free legal services. He wants the heads of the idiots who killed his child.
Netty and her lawyer (sorry, I cannot remember his name right now) rehearse the scene. She’s begging him to leave his wife. He says he can’t. She says get out of my house, then. Emiliano walks in just in time to hear the lawyer say he can’t leave Netty, and he especially can’t let her go back to THAT guy. “That guy is an imbecile! He means nothing to me! I only love you!” Netty says. “Netty! What is the meaning of this?” demands Emiliano.
Emanuel and Marianela ride horses. They carve their initials in a heart in a tree. Poor tree. They smooch some more. Yadda yadda yadda.
Tomorrow: Marianela and Emanuel go out for dinner and Luis Fonsi sings for them, while everyone gathers in Misery Manor and wonders where in tarnation they are. They finally show up and announce that they are in love. Many vapors are had.


So love starting my day with a good recap and funny coffee...funny recap and good coffee. Think I need a second cup.

This episode was a little less grim than some of the previous, despite all the sweetness and luurrvvvving with Eman and Mari. Worst was having to listen to Fedra yapping.The mute button is becoming my best friend when she goes off on her tangents. her short-ciruited brain is sometimes too hard to take. I feel bad for all those kids (Axel is on my last nerve, but I feel confident he'll snap out of it at some point.)

I'm actually enjoying the antics of Mari and Eman as a nice break, and mainly, and I admit this freely, watching Eman discovering he's really in love for the first time is just a joy to watch. He's goofy in love and it's sweet. Valentino is so good.

Very apt title, Julia...and of course I got a kick out of "bootlessly". Didn't take you long to use that newbie.

I must have been having a Miss Crankypants attack last night. I was appalled by the whole episode. Especially Fedra's lying about what happened to Gretel and the subsequent vicious setup for what Emiliano saw at the manicomio.
But Oliver's screaming while the ladies pounded on his shoulder and told him to man up, the continued portraying of Mari to Axel as a scheming witch. the stupid Netty rehearsal incident to put further doubt into Emiliano's mind, Kristel's physical suffering and Fedra's injurious taunts. Even Eman with his obtuse insistence on a prolonged playdate, regardless of whether other people were all just annoyed the crap out of me. And I kept thinking of Maggie who initially saw this as a lighthearted relief from the strains of Mi Pecado and ENDA. Not last night! Not hardly.

Trying to find the upside here. Well Fedra's pronunciation difficulties continue and are funny. Histeri....what? Okay, she's uncultured. But an excellent liar and shrewd beyond belief. Gee. Can't think of anything else. Don't even remember any vocabulary I noted down. Bah humbug!

Good morning Julia. Thanks for the superb recap. You most certainly have Emanuel's number. He's sweet but he also has a one-track mind.

I almost fell out of my chair when Emiliano had to explain the meaning of hysterectomy to Fedra. She's such a poser.

Hey, you said bootlessly!

"Tejeda is robotically obstinate because the writers couldn’t be bothered", I'll say. Come on people, a little imagination goes a long way. Poor Tejeda is a pancake the way the writers keep flipping him back and forth.

Luis Fonsi sings for Marianela? Gee, I wonder what song he'll sing? (heh, just kidding, and I love Luis Fonsi)

Speaking of Luis Fonsi, the Latin Grammys are Thursday night so there will probably be no telenovela recaps. I'll admit right now I love watching the Latin Grammys, it's an over-the-top spectacular guaranteed to have some of our favorite telenovela stars and musicians. In fact Lucero is one of the hosts so we'll get to see her at her most elegant.

Wow, I missed 'bootlessly' and had to go back and find it! Great recap. I agree with Judy that there's not much lightheartedness just now. Poor Gretel. Poor totally clueless Emiliano. Poor Oliver - I just love him!

Even Fedra's stupidity didn't make me smile. She is definitely a great actress to make us hate her so much. She must be loving the part - she gets to snarl, lie, bully, vamp, etc. What's not to like?

I'm ready to bop Axel on the head.

Thanks for the recap Julia. ITA w/you regard poor captain Tejeda being mindlessly written and loved Sylvia's pancake analogy.

Missed the episode but have to agree w/Judy assessment and hope crankypants aren't catching ;) The Gretel storyline is so reminiscent of MEPS and the poor daughter in the manicomio. I am so not a fan of placing helpless person (usually young woman) in a horrible mental facility.

The only potential upside about Axel being poisoned against Mari is that he'll confront her and she'll slap him back to his old self.

Julia, this is great. Very funny, and extra points for fearlessly using bootlessly seamlessly.

Fedra is so wonderful. Her rant at poor Cristal cracked me up. Her mothering skills are curious at best. She, herself, must have been abandoned at birth and suckled by spiders. Let's briefly review:

For his twelfth birthday she gifted her youngest with a harrowing trip to a whorehouse.

She has left her adopted daughter to the mercy of a demented quack who tinkers with electricity and megadoses of psych drugs.

She is comforting her favorite daughter, who has just suffered an abortion necessitating a life-saving but emotionally devastating hysterectomy, by informing her that she is no longer a woman.

Can't wait till she finds out that her oldest and favorite son has declared and consummated his love for his chunky cousin who is also her avowed worst enemy.

Good job, Fedra. Let's go pull the wings off a few flies.


Thanks for the recap Julia. The storm clouds are definitely brewing for our lovebirds. It was a great reprieve to see Eman and Mari so happy although it won't last long once they return to Misery Manor. Stepford Axel is beginning to get on my last nerve believing the lies against Mari. I hope soon he starts to remember and see Mari isn't the bad person everyone is making her out to be. The mute button definitely worked wonders for me when Fedra went on her tangent. Poor Gretel and Oliver. I hope someone can get her out of that place.

I was surprised but pleased (I'll take what I can get) that Fedra actually told Emiliano where Gretel is. I thought she would say Gretel got away and she didn't know where she is. Now that Gretel's location is known, I have more hope that someone will get her out of there before the last week of the show. It's going to be hard for her to convince people she's sane when she's being drugged to make her crazy, though. Do your thing, Nice Nurse!

Emanuel is sweet, but he can also be pretty thoughtless. Obviously people are going to be very worried about Mari, since she ran out of the club so upset and they haven't seen her since. He should have at least let her call Netty. They didn't have to go home, they could just say they're okay and staying out awhile longer. Honestly, I thought he was being way too controlling and all sort of abuse red flags were popping up, although I know he wasn't really trapping her and she could have gotten in a taxi and gone home if she wanted to. They just seem to have a huge power imbalance right now and I never like that in a relationship.

Julia, you’ve done it again. Just stellar, with tons of great lines. Your recaps really bounce. My faves: “stewing in their own vileness” and the bit about practicing for the wedding. Also, you are just amazing remembering all those names.

JudyB – Mi Pecado and ENDA were so relentlessly grim that I’m grateful for any crumb of humor. My joy in this one is Netty. And I just love the Fedra actress (I ought to look up her name) who plays her part with such gusto. Delicia is wonderfully funny too, though she didn’t show up last night.

I’m crazy about the actress playing Gretel (I ought to look up her name, too!) so even when she’s suffering so terribly, it’s a joy to watch her knock it out of the park.

The one who isn’t knocking it out of the park lately is our protagonista, who seems more like she’s in a business meeting than in a love affair. Maybe it’s that fat suit which must really restrict her movement.

I forgot to mention - great title!

Nice analysis of the power imbalance in the relationship Julia.

Carlos...I wish I could distance myself with humor like you can. I was literally writhing right along with Kristel when Fedra tore into her verbally. I'm top-heavy on empathy fer sure.

Maggie...atta girl. Thanks for pointing out the fun aspects of Delicia. Alas, as for Netty, I just find her annoying. Even Brandon's macho poses are beginning to seem wearying. Clearly need an anit-crankypants pill.

Must gear up and think positive for tonight's recap. Maybe Delicia will appear and crack wise.

Maggie, I agree that Marianela seems a bit flat, personality-wise. I think it's a combination of the fat suit and hair and glasses covering up the actress and restricting her movement, plus Mari just never learned to flirt. She's all serious business and negotiations regarding their little love affair.

Judy, I hope you get a funny show to recap tonight. I think this telenovela is much lighter than ENDA and Mi Pecado. The dark storms are interspersed with lots of funny bits. Fingers crossed for lots of Delicia and not too much Fedra.

Was anyone else utterly surprised by Fedra's opinions about femininity? I mean, she herself does not seem to have been terribly fulfilled by motherhood. I wonder where she got these ideas.

Julia, I'm surprised by ALL of Fedra's opinions! LOL

Fedra is a whack job, of the first-class. Emanuel is controlling Marianela's time but I think it's because he knows the fat hits the fan when they return to the house. He wants time with her and also I think he is trying to quickly solidify their relationship in order to bear the brunt of the onslaught that is coming. But he also has sex on the mind, that's for sure. The boy does know how to lust and Valentino Lanus does a great job of playing the boy into man role - depicting his silly side and his more mature, serious side. As for Mari, since she spent most of her life in a convent school, she doesn't know how to really relate to a man, let alone how to act in a love situation. So we need to cut her some slack. When the breakup comes, I'm sure she'll wise up big time.

Great recap. One of the things I love in Mexican novellas is the great tolling of the venganza bell. Do I actually feel one should miscarry and have a hysterectomy because one is a mean stupid little creep, of course not. But every time I see true cruelty and arrogance in a novella I shiver with anticipation knowing that there Karma is a *itch and man does she bite. Now about Fedra's comments to her daughter ( talk about chalking up even more negative brownie points). I wanted to leap into that room and tell Kristel,"Your attractive and rich and if you improve your personality, I'm sure some great divorced dad will be more than happy to make you his childless trophy wife." Well , something like that.M

I think Fedra's opinions are right in line with the thinking there. Marriage is about family and also, among the rich, about consolidating wealth. Kristel now represents a financial loss because she is less of a marriageable prospect. She won't be furthering anybody's lineage. Therefore reduced economic value. A minus...big Fedra's value system. That was also Axel's big minus in her view.

Well, it makes me sad that they discount the possibility of adoption. Do they really think the only acceptable children come from their own genetic cesspool? Never mind, I'm sure they do, or at least Fedra does.

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