Thursday, November 25, 2010

Llena de Amor #74 (Mex. 79) Wed 11/24/10 The malas mar Eman's merry plans to marry Mari

Ahoy all, I am subbing for Judy tonight who is busily making pies for her Thanksgiving dinner. Tomorrow night our show is pre-empted and Carlos will pick it back up on Friday.

Capitulo 74

Last night we left off with poor Gretel hearing her uncle’s voice in her head, “Juana Felipa Perez, Juana Felipa Perez”. Chilling words indeed.

Poor silly Gretel blabs her knowledge to Mama Fedra Juana and is rewarded with a “What did you say stupid?” and knock-out slap across the face. Fedra keeps yelling at Gretel but the omnipresent Bernardo points out that the little crazy one has fainted. (Hardly fainted, but OK.) Spidey tells Fedra he knows what she’s thinking but remember that Gretel is her daughter. Fedra says that amongst animals sometimes a mother has to sacrifice a cub for the sake of the litter. Yikes!!

Over at the happy house without locks Brandon regales the ladies with his tale of the prison takeover and how Oliver almost got killed. Doris agrees with Maggie, Oliver put himself in harm’s way because of his despair.

They are interrupted by the bustling arrival of the lovebirds, M&Em. Netty’s happy, Brandon not so much. Eman tells him to get used to it, from now on he and Mari are inseparable, but they don’t want to share the big news until Oliver gets home. OK if you all insist, we’re going to get married! QUE???

Kristel calls Ilitia to tell her the horrible news about Eman’s marriage. The nasty fresas start hatching their nefarious plot to divide the love birds.

Brandon’s been busy huffing and puffing his chest. He reminds Mari she vowed in front of the world she was done with Eman forever. Aw shucks, it was just a simple misunderstanding, kissy kissy face face.

Oliver has Mauricio over at the police station cutting a deal. Mauricio agrees to give up Garduno if Oliver gets him out of jail. Oli tells Mau he’s in luck because they are going to catch that scourge Garduno this very night. Now sign on the dotted line. (Is that how it works? I never knew.)

Let’s join the lackluster celebration over at Netty’s. The disconsolate damas are ready to toast with beer but Brandon leaves the room in a snit. Eman seems not to notice the mood, but he announces no beer for him, he’s got to drive his moto back home for dinner. Netty tells Mari she’s crazy. Brandon breezes through on his way to work and pontificates that he hopes he’s wrong but he fears Eman will be Mari’s own misfortune.

The terrible twosome of Ilitia and Kristel are “in shock” (yes, they even say it in English) over the engagement of M&Em. What’s worse, Kristel reveals that Fedra actually toasted with Champagne. Aha! Ilitia reveals Eman’s plot to marry Mari. Kristel is impressed until Ilitia announces she thinks Eman really DOES love Mari. Kristel whips out a big piece of paper and shares her idea for messing with the engagement. Her plan will split them up (let’s say it together) “Por Ever, byeeee.”

PSA alert!! Eman runs into Benigno and recruits him to help Eman in his research regarding the causes of obesity. Poor Benigno gets to be the guinea pig as we blast through numerous scenes of pamphlets, scales, food pyramids, consultations, the treadmill, and tasteless low-fat lunches.

Speaking of hunger (we were, weren’t we?) Delicia is tidying up with her shapely derierre in the air when who should come into the room but the smitten horndog Axel. Delicia scolds him for his rotten choice in novias and tells him she hopes he gets his memory back soon. He starts kissing her hand and tries to elicit her illicit assistance when who should sneak into the room but mama bear. Whoops! Delicia skedaddles and Fedra’s happy to see her son acting like a real man but doesn’t exactly agree with his taste for the lower classes.

Alone, Axel is about to bite into a big red juicy apple when suddenly he starts to hear himself as a child begging his mother, “No no no no, I don’t want to go to this place!!”

Back at work Eman runs into Lowrenzo who is publicly sliming all over the latest hottie provided by Garduno. Low starts to half-heartedly pipe up about Ilitia but since he’s busy they’ll talk later. Then surprise, Ilitia is in Eman’s office with a couple of drinks to celebrate his engagement with La Gorda. This is turning into quite a day for Emanuel.

Garduno gets out of jail and is met by his lawyer and Baldy. Baldy reassures him that Lowrenzo is getting help in forgetting his son thanks to the lusty charms of the lovely Zulema. “Zulema?” says Garduno, but she’s his most special filly that he raised since she was a girl. He hopes Lowrenzo treats her well. Do I hear an “uh oh”?

Our two favorite polis are hunkered down in a van nearby spying on Garduno’s release. It looks like Mauricio has also been released from jail much to Garduno’s surprise. Mau says thanks but my family got me out. However now he has to start from zero so he’s ready to do some sort of shady deal with Garduno ASAP. Garduno gives him an address and tells him to be there tonight. With cash.

Back at work Eman is highly suspicious of Ilitia who seems to be sincere in her congratulations. She loves him but wishes him to be happy. Sure she does. She has a surprise for him and he’s all Uh Oh, now what? Horns blow and confetti falls as all his work pals jump out with a “Surprise!”

Kristel seems to be feeling better. She’s perked herself up with a venemous visit to her cousin. She wants to return Mari’s diary and to share that same big piece of paper that she showed Ilitia earlier. Mari is shocked to discover that it’s an invitation to the marriage of…Emanuel and Ilitia? Cara impactada de Marianela.

Emiliano tells Fedra he’s going to visit Gretel at the clinic. Think fast Fedra. Uh, she had to remove Gretel because that desgraciado was stalking her. She had to ship Gretel far away to that place where they put cheese on top of their enchiladas. And, uh, she forgot to tell Emiliano because it happened so fast, but it’s a great place and soon Gretel’s nightmare will be over. Emiliano tells her his nightmare won’t be over until he’s done with her lies. Then he leaves? What about getting more info on Gretel? Sheesh, these people.

Mari tears up The Invitation and calls it a bad joke but Kristel says no, it’s the real deal, really, check out the date. Two months after you get married he’ll ask for a divorce, get his legacy, then marry Ilitia. “It’s a lie, Emanuel loves me!” shouts Mari. This is echoed by my honey who happens to be passing through the room, “es una mentira, Emanuel me quiere! Mentira mentira mentira.” No comments from the wise ass peanut gallery please.

Kristel assures Mari that Emanuel is only marrying her for the money. She makes a funny, he’s hit the jackpot, El Premio Gordo, literally the fat prize. Mari ain’t laughing.

Back at work everybody is wearing shiny pointy hats and boozing it up. Some chick even starts swinging her hips while trying to maintain her balance on the squishy set bed. Ilitia continues to convince our dopey galan that she’s really truly accepted his engagement. The group toasts to Eman and Marianela and they encourage him to chug his big snifter of booze, “otro, otro, otro”. He downs shots, he wears pointy hats on his head, time passes, he staggers, he dances on the squishy bed, Iitia smirks, and night falls.

Mauricio is in a warehouse or possibly the disco. Brandon and Oliver, in full SWAT gear lurk around the corner. Garduno arrives with his cronies Baldy and Basura, whips out his gun and demands to see the cash.

Delicia brings Alex’s guitar to his room just has he emerges from the bathroom wearing only a towel which is wrapped precariously at best. Oh, he’s also wearing flip-flops. I know you won’t believe me when I tell you he drops his towel. Ay dios mio! She tries to dash but he rewraps and asks her to stay. Does he know how to play the guitar? She says his mom made him stop because music isn’t manly. He wants to know more. Delicia, never at a loss for words, tells him 1. he never had a girlfriend, 2. he never brought girls to the house, and… Axel knows, he’s heard he doesn’t like women but “that can’t be true because I like you and you’re a woman, right?” He gives a most charming smile and asks Delicia if she will help him get his memory back.

The shady business deal is going down with threats of death in case of double cross and our polis getting ants in their pants outside the room. Garduno tells Orangey welcome to the big leagues and here is all your pirated merchandise. The polis backups have arrived and they come crashing into the warehouse.

Eman is draped in streamers and drunk as a skunk. Luckily Ilitia is there to hold up his staggering bad self and put him to bed in the set bed. NOT! She saunters over and slips her dress down over her shoulders, promising him this last time will be the best time he’s ever had. OMG he mutters.

Garduno tells the police that he and Mr. Fonseca have made a completely legal transaction. Oliver starts ripping the boxes apart and finds only packing foam. He points his gun at Mauricio and calls him a wretch. This, to me, seems terribly stupid.

Zulema is doing her naughty thing to Lowrenzo but alas, they are interrupted by Fedra. Oh hell yeah, this ought to be good. Fedra reacts, um, negatively.

Yo soy sexy plays, Emanuel is passed out, and a naked Ilitia waits for her audience. Kristel pushes an incredulous Mari onto the set as Ilitia pledges her undying love for Eman. Mari can’t believe he would be with Ilitia on the same day that he made love to her! Oh believe it, sez Ilitia. Somehow Mari does not seem to notice that Eman is not conscious. Hello! The fresas enact some bogus scene and Mari falls for it. Ilitia explains that she and Eman have been making love since the afternoon which explains why he’s so (she lifts the blanket for peek) TIRED. Score one for the nasty girls as Mari runs screaming into the night vowing she’ll be nobody’s joke.

“Lorenzo, who’s that woman?” asks the lovely but cursed Zulema. Fedra rips off her dress revealing her savage corset. She grabs Zulema and drags her out of the room by her hair. Oh looky, Lowrenzo is tied to the bed and can’t help. Dang this is priceless.

Oliver blabs to all and sundry that Mauricio betrayed them. The Polis are pissed but powerless. Garduno whispers that Orangey has proven he can be trusted. I hope it’s worth it because he gets marched back to jail.

Out in the hallway Fedra has trashed Zulema and announces to the neighbors that she’s a complete prostitute. “No, not me, her!” snarls the vixen in the leopard corset, leather pants and black boots as she hitches up her tatas.

Fedra storms back into Low’s bedroom vowing he’ll regret this. She spies HER whip in a box that’s half-opened. The nerve! She removes it and cracks it viciously. Lowrenzo begs for his sorry ass but this only angers our dominatrix further. She takes out her leather toys one by one looking for her precious. Where is it? Ah…she picks it up off the floor. It’s her favorite switchblade, remember?

Feliz Dia de Accion de Gracias everyone!

On Friday: Mari hates Emanuel and she’s off to Spain.

Lorenzo’s Dicho:
Quien mala cama hace, en ella se yace = You made your bed, now lie in it.

A veces entre los animales la madre tiene sacrificar a un cachorro para salvar al resto de la camada. = Amongst the animals, sometimes a mother has to sacrifice a cub to save the rest of the litter.

Lacra = scourge

Tu propia desgracia = your own misfortune

El premio gordo = the jackpot


Hi everyone, unfortunately Chris cannot continue to recap Friday nights. Sad for us but he's a busy guys with a lot going on. Our dear Carlos is recapping alternate Fridays and we are looking for another recaper to share Fridays with him. This is a great opportunity for anyone who has ever considered giving recapping a shot. We encourage you to try it even if you do it just once as a guest. Be careful though, you might get hooked.

Oops, sorry about the typos, it's past my bedtime.

Sylvia, this was so, so funny, starting with the great title. I find your descriptions delightful, especially in the saucy scenes.

"Speaking of hunger (we were, weren't we?)"... that was a rather clunky PSA, was it not? What was the take-home message? Don't eat a sandwich as big as a bowling ball for lunch?

I loved how that snake Fedra slithered out of the kitchen, Axel bit into the fruit, and then the fog lifted a bit and he started to remember. Very Garden of Eden.

Actually, I loved all Delicia's and Axel's scenes. They are so cute.

Why would Mari believe that stupid wedding invitation? If I print up an invitation announcing my marriage to Eduardo, mi amor (from CCEA), will that make it true? Wait, let me make a note of that; maybe I'll have to try it. And how could she not notice he was unconscious, not just sleeping? Argh.

Jeanne, in response to your comments on Tuesday's recap...

In Tontas, it was skydiving, and he proposed in the air (and somehow didn't drop the ring). This was actual skyWRITING. Like, he went up in this tiny plane and drew a heart and wrote those words in smoke. Yes, our hero is just that awesome.

If Gretel is Max's daughter and Kristel is in fact Emiliano's daughter (which is questionable), then they are first cousins once removed, right?

I'm guessing Netty will order Emiliano to leave her house seven more times before she gives up.

I can do some Friday recaps, but I'd love it if other people volunteered, too! Please, even if you want to just do one, let us know! It's fun.

Speaking of food...wasn't there a candy bar named Malamar? My mind went there immediately after reading your title. Malomar maybe? Let's just say I'm food obsessed, what with making pies and other totally fattening food. It's going to be Salads-R-Us from Thanksgiving to Christmas I fear.

Lots of cute quips in this one. I love it that you said Brandon "pontificates". Pretty much everything he says comes out that way.

And Axel tries "to elicit her illicit assistance". Liking it, Sylvia.

The Fedra scenes were very funny but I kept thinking, This is on at 7 pm!!!! Are the kids watching!? It's a whole lot kinkier than Wheel of Fortune, believe me.

Love that Lorenzo dicho. Perfect. My mother used to use the English version of that one a lot, along with "Serves you right!"

And thanks for including Fedra's wolf/cub quote. I was watching intermittently last night and tried to write it down but got lost by the time she arrived at "litter".

Anyway...Happy Thanksgiving to One and All. Cherylnewmexico is spending 3 months in Oaxaca so we probably won't hear from her...but do hope that someone will step up and try recapping to help out Carlos.

Kristel and Ilitia are as bad as Fedra. They don't care who they hurt as long as they get what they want. But, Emanuel is stupid, just downright stupid. He had to have known something was going on when Ilitia showed up in his office. His plans to thwart his mother and Ilitia are now going to full backfire and hurt not only himself but also Marianela. She, too, is stupid not to have seen that Emanuel was not responding to Ilitia at all. But then again, she is rather naive in the things of love so I guess we could cut her some slack. She's not confident in Emanuel's love so it was actually easy for her to believe about the wedding invitation. We know there had to be a separation between the two, but this method was just too cruel. I'm sure Ilitia will be redeemed by the end of the show, but until she comes totally clean on her part in making Marianela and Emanuel truly miserable, she's still a witch in the first degree just like Kristel and Fedra. Marianela deserves better than what she has received so far.

Wonderful Sylvia! Thanks so much.

Well, we knew something had to happen to drive Mari to Spain and it would involve Ilitia. We got Kristel thrown in for good measure. The bitch sisters back in force. As frustrated as I was that Eman got himself so blotto and Mari didn't notice he was totally lifeless when she walked in, I just shrugged it off, kept thinking, it's for the sake of the plot, it's for the sake of the plot.So the transformation of Mari now begins.

But where will that leave Eman...this part I'm not so loving since I'm betting it's right back to Ilitia. Ick.

Fedra and Low - these two are so skanky and hysterical.The way she kept pulling out those whips...oh my.

More more more Axel and Delicia!!

My favorite scene was when Fedra was in the hallway making a scene with Zulema and she had to point out to the saucer-eyed spectators that the prostitute was Zulema, not her own bad self. Garduno is NOT going to be happy when he hears his prize filly has been trashed by the woman whose son he is supposed to kill. Maybe he'll put a contract out on Fedra as a two for one!

Eman is such a dope. It's hard to imagine that he's not Emiliano's son. I would say the acorn doesn't fall far from the tree so in his case I guess it's nurture over nature.

Sylvia, excellent. This is so funny. Last night I alternated cringes with out loud laughter.

I was incredibly annoyed with Manny. I suppose that he was just being his dopey affable self by consenting to the party but it seemed totally out of character for him to drink himself into oblivion like that. ¿Por Qué? However the not quite rehabilitated Ilitia was hysterically funny. She plays the scheming little vixen so well that I almost hate to see her become one of the good guys.

I'm finding myself standing here alone in my current disgust for Axel. Maybe I'm reacting like an over-protective papá toward Delicia, but I find his sudden interest in Delicia creepy. I'm interpreting his "most charming smile" to be a lascivious leer. I thought that he needed a spanking for dropping his towel... and I don't mean THAT kind of spanking from Delicia. A little more of his former shyness, modesty, and even uncertainty would go along way to winning me back over. I know, I'm a crotchety old scold.

Once again I was transfixed by Fedra. Her explaining to the neighbors what a slut Zulema is, dressed as she was, was hilarious. Now the hapless Lorenzo is handcuffed to the bed with a miffed Fedra looming over him wielding a switchblade... how great is it that I get to pick up on that thread Friday? Now that's the sort of thing I signed up for.

I was glad to see Cristal feeling better but her ordeal certainly didn't improve her character. What with Orangeboy's recent career moves, I foresee an unhappy ending for those two.

Sylvia, thanks for the PSA for the quest to find someone to share Fri. nights with me. You are certainly right that it is a lot of fun.

Happy Thanksgiving everyone.


Carlos, you certainly have a point about Axel. In fact when he first started macking on Delicia I had mixed feelings about "the son of the manor" making a move on the sweet little hired help. I decided Delicia can hold her own. Axel has been a broken boy and I'm up for whatever it takes to put him back together. So I am rooting for these two to hook up and for him to find real true love. We saw hints of it before he lost his memory. I'm hoping that when he gets his brains back he'll end up somewhere between the angsty teen and the leering horndog.

Yep, it looks you're going to have a heck of an episode on Friday.

Sylvia, what a great recap, thanks for giving your time and talent on this Thanksgiving Day. I appreciate you and all of the recappers so much.

I wish I knew enough Spanish to recap but alas, I am afraid I would have to make up most of it since my Spanish is very minimal. Maybe in another 10 years or so!

Dr. Carlos, we are so lucky that you will be able to critique Fedra's surgical technique.

The fog is finally beginning to lift for Alex, it is about time. I sure hope Fedra's doesn't find out.

How may days has Gretel been locked up in the wine cellar with no food, water or bathroom?

Finally, Mari gets on a jet plane. Hopefully we will see her transformation by Tia occur while in Spain. I can see some great scenes if only the writers would listen to me. I hope Tia teaches Mari to be just as ruthless as she is.

Happy Turkey Day to all,


Carlos...relieved to know you have reservations about Axel's leering at Delicia's backside etc. On the one hand, he's being a typical hormone-charged young man. On the other hand, Delicia seems so young. And vulnerable in that she's hired help. But as Sylvia pointed out, she's also feisty and seems to be able to hold her own. Of course, if this follows the course of the other couples in this novela, they'll wind up in bed in 2 seconds flat. Not something I like to see, as the mother of two daughters, but alas, that's how romance seems to go these warp speed. Whatever happened to just dating?

I'm currently finding Axel a bit on the gross side, but I'm confident that he'll get his memory back and find a personality balance and turn out quite decent. As long as he doesn't try to force himself on her, I think Delicia's fine. She is no pushover and I think she rather enjoys these little spectacles that spice up her otherwise dull life.

I was surprised Emanuel drank enough to pass out, too. It doesn't seem like him at all. I wonder if Ilitia spiked some of his drinks with something to make that happen.

Happy Thanksgiving everyone and thanks for the recap Sylvia. So the mean girls found a way to break Mari and Eman up permanently it seems since she's about to hightail it to Spain. I suppose this is when Mari's transformation really happens.

I'm glad Axel is starting to remember and that he asked Delicia to help him recover his memory. He seems truly smitten with her. I'm really ready for Gretel to somehow be rescued from the wine cellar prison. Who can help her though?

I guess Fedra going to make Low beg her for forgivenes with her favorite switchblade.

Happy News...Kris (of Gancho, Tontas, Querida Enemiga, Juan Querendon etc.) will come back to alternate Fridays with Carlos. We are thrilled!

Judy, great news both for me and everyone here at LldA. Kris' recaps are aces. I just hope no more youknowwhats are killed.

Bartender! Drinks are on me.


Happy Thanksgiving all!!
Sylvia, thanks for the recap. Loved it from the title to the end.

My beanie adjustment moment came when Mari didn't notice that Eman was unconscious. Wouldn't it occur to her that he might, maybe, perhaps be a touch embarrassed to be caught with Ilitia - by his brand new fiancee?? Why didn't she yank the covers off, whomp up on Ilitia and box Emanuel's ears (or other appendages!)?? Oh yeah, then she couldn't run off to Spain.

I'm also creeped out by Axel right now. Hope he gets his memory back soon. I love him with Delicia but she deserves the 'real' Axel, whoever that is.

SO looking forward to Fedra / Low scenes. Fedra is evil, but the actress is playing the part to the hilt.

Thanks for the recap Sylvia. Your title was very good too.

Happy Thanksgiving all.

Anyone know the name of the song that played while Emmanuel's bachelor party? The song said something like
"si pienses que no puedo vivir sin ti y que voy a aguantar si pienses que yo quiero seguir asi". If anyone could please tell me the name of the song?

Sylvia, it's been far too long since I've read your recaps. I savored every tasty morsel of your Thanksgiving fest just now, and it was right up there with the party at my stepdaughters' house.....AWESOME and chock full of chuckles! I may just have to watch this week's epis because the recaps were so good! Thanks, Amiguita!

"She grabs Zulema and drags her out of the room by her hair. Oh looky, Lowrenzo is tied to the bed and can’t help. Dang this is priceless." ROTFL!!!! My other half heard me stifle a really huge belly laugh and remarked, "good one, huh?" Poor thing, he has NO idea.....


Make that Thanksgiving feast....


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