Thursday, December 02, 2010
Eva Luna #20 Wed 12/1/10 Tortured faces.
Daniel has answered the door to find Eva standing on the other side. Looks are exchanged and Eva begs her leave as Daniel reaches out to stop her.

He tells her not to leave. She thinks this over for a second and tells him “Your right I don’t have to leave. You don’t live here.” She tells him to find Marcella for her. Daniel confides that he didn’t think she would return. He says he needs to talk with her. Something has happened and he needs to explain it to her.
Well that explanation will have to wait as we hear Marcella’s voice in the background greeting a surprised Eva. She smugly says “I see you decided to return.”

We drop in on another tortured face as Alicia is finding out there is going to be a legal investigation against her. A women in a black suit and some serious looking hair is telling her that what she and her accomplice did was a crime. Alicia doesn’t have a clue (so what else is new) as to what she is talking about. She is informed the police will be involved and until everything is cleared up she is suspended.
Ricardo is also trying to get to the bottom of things as he asks Adrian to tell him the truth. He wants to know if his father was involved in his kidnapping. Adrian denies this and tells him it was other guys that tied him up and gagged him. He pours it on pretty thick and Ricardo goes to him telling him to calm down. He knows it is hurting him to think about this.
Adrian swears he is telling the truth and Ricardo tells him he believes him. He just wants to make sure that not one of these man laid a hand on him. Adrian reassures him that no one touched him. He continues to tell him “It was me that bit one of the men’s hands.” Ricardo smiles at this confession with pride and tells him how brave he is. As Ricardo goes to leave Adrian tells him that Justa told him about the great sacrifice he made for him. Ricardo seems confused and Adrian clarifies “The sacrifice you made that set me free. What was it you did?” He tells him it was nothing important, and that he would gladly give his life to have him return safe and sound. He tells him he loves him as if he was his own grandson.
Eva is telling Marcella that she only returned because of Julio. She couldn’t sleep soundly thinking he wasn’t taking his medicine because she wasn’t there. Marcella more or less tells her the only reason she has allowed her to return is because Julio ordered her to do so.
Our party of three has turned into a party of five as Vicky and Leo have now gathered to greet the returning Eva. Vicky snidely says “I can’t believe this. You come and go as you wish thinking we are some sort of public benefactors.” Leo tells her to stop. Awkward moments ensue and Victoria leads Daniel off by the nose to continue their celebrating.
Alicia is fleeing her accusers and runs right into Carlos. She tells him she is in some serious trouble. Carlos guesses that it has to do with the way she was reaccepted at school. Alicia seems surprised that Carlos knows this. Carlos tells her it is obvious and wants to know if Tony explained how he got her back into school. Alicia continues her whining telling him they are going to investigate her and she will get kicked out and probably go to jail. She regrets ever registering in school and all she wants to do now is disappear for ever. Carlos tells her that he might be able to help her. He knows a little bit about computers and maybe he can erase the fact that she was ever registered. Her tortured face turns to gratitude as she asks if he would really do that for her. He tells her he would do that and much more for her.
Marcella is now laying out the new house rules for Eva. She demands she follows them to the letter. Talk only when talked to. How she will come and go. It is yes sir or yes ma’am. She can only talk to her, Renata or Julio. She is not there to socialize or look for a boyfriend. She continues. “You don‘t exist Eva. In this house you don‘t exist for anything more than to take care of my husband. Is that clear?” Eva gritting her teeth and swallowing her pride says “Yes ma‘am.” Them Marcella tells her to get out of her sight “Go take care of Julio. He is waiting for you.”
Renata is back to dropping plates in Julio‘s room. He wants to know what‘s going on and why she is so nervous. While Renata is picking up the pieces and apologizing profusely Julio looks away and smiles as he sees Eva peeking around the corner. He tells her she doesn‘t have to worry about him anymore. Renata is taken back by this and wonders what he is talking about. He cheerfully points to a smiling Eva and says “Eva has returned.” We get a much better Renata tortured look later on.

Daniel and Leo and are back discussing Eva‘s return. More of the same. Leo taunts Daniel. Daniel is officially engaged and Leo is free as a bird to go after Eva. More tortured looks from Daniel.
Alicia has entered Tony’s room and pours a bucket of water on a sleeping Tony. She starts slapping at him and calls him an idiot. He stops her and asks if she is crazy. She tells him he is the crazy one and she will never forgive him. (Alicia’s timeframe of never will last approximately 5 minutes.) We get tears from Tony, (or maybe it's just the water from the bucket Alicia poured over him)professions of love and other garbage and the 5 minutes are up as Alicia forgives him once more and we have a passionate kiss. (Now I have the tortured look on my face.)
More celebrating with the newly engaged couple. Marcella assures Victoria

that now that Eva is back Julio will start taking his medicine again. Victoria is pleased believing now that her father will get stronger once again. They decide to go see Julio and tell him the good news. AS they are about to enter his room, who should be leaving but Eva. She informs them that Julio just took his medicine and is now asleep. Vicky smiling freakishly says “ Oh well never mind, tomorrow we will tell him the news together.” (How’s this for a freakish smile and a tortured look both aimed at Eva.)
I am not certain where we are now but I think it just might be the stripper club where Marisol works. What better place to be looking for an appropriate outfit to dazzle Francisco and appear like a decent women as she is sorting through the wardrobe. Her wise friend informs her that her reality is that she is not a millionaire. Sooner or later her galan will find out the truth. Marisol tells her she knows this but hopes by the time he finds out he will be in love with her and will forgive her. Her wise friend tells her she is playing with fire and she is going to get burned.
I have to give Renata the prize tonight for most tortured faces as she wears quite a few of them as she is telling Marcella about her day at the market.

She begins by saying many years ago she committed a very grave mistake and now destiny has caught up with her to punish her. She tells her she saw someone that she thought was dead. Marcella asks her “Who?” She says “It was my sister Justa.” It is Marcella’s turn to throw a tortured look as Renata continues her sentience “Victoria’s mother.”
Our dramatic music has ended curtly as we go to Vicky and Dan. She is asking him how he feels knowing after tomorrow nights announcement about their engagement that he will no longer be the most famous bachelor in Los Angeles. Daniel sighs and simply says “I feel that it is about time.” Vicky chides him telling him he sounds like he is facing the gallows (Horca). Daniel half teasingly says “more or less”. Vicky dismisses this as a bad joke and says after tomorrow he will no longer be on the market and he can’t imagine how happy that makes her. He gives her a smile and we get a seal the deal with a kiss moment as who should walk in but Eva. Daniel takes a moment to look up and sees Eva’s tortured but angry face.

Vicky realizing something is not right asks Daniel what is wrong. She turns to see what he was looking at but Eva is long gone. He tells her nothing is wrong. She says “then lets get back to the subject that is most important.” and goes in for a kiss
We see Eva standing alone and Leo has appeared out of nowhere scaring her as he says “How is the most beautiful woman on the planet doing?” He realizes she has been crying and asks her what is wrong. She lies and tells him she has no reason to be sad. On the contrary she is happy that she has her job back. She then tells him she has to leave because his mother has forbidden her to think or talk. Leo tells her that is ridiculous. Eva replies, well ask her about it and leaves.
Marcella now more than a little nervous tells Renata that she could not have seen Justa. It had to be a ghost. Renata assures her it was not a ghost. She clearly saw her. Marcella wants to know how this could be possible. Renata reminds her that her body was never found. Renata is now panicked as she grabs Marcella and says “you assured me that she had died in the earthquake (terremoto). Marcella says it was Dr. Rivera who had assured her she was dead. Now she accuse Renata of not trusting her word.
Renata with hands to face tells her “Now you know why I was so nervous.” Marcella wonders why if she is alive she hasn’t looked for them in over 20 years? Renata tells her she doesn’t know and hadn’t really even thought about that. Marcella wants to know if Justa saw her. Renata tells her no. Marcella thinks there is something strange about all of this. How about this as a great tortured look from Renata as she confesses she feels very guilty stealing Justa’s baby and giving her to Marcella. She continues on saying everyone will find out. Vicky will find out that she was adopted. Marcella has had enough of Renata’s guilty rant as she slaps her silly telling her “You be careful what you say because this secret will never be known. You and I will never allow it!!” She tells her it is to late to be repented. Then she screams at her to get a grip and control herself.

Now Marcella tells her she worries that she can’t trust her anymore. She has turned weak. Renata assures her that she can be trusted. Marcella is glad to hear that. Then she tells her that her sister probably has no interest in the fact that she knows she is alive. Furthermore, she tells her that Justa just may be the one hiding from Renata. She gets her a glass of water and says we will deal with this later. Even if Justa should show up at the house there is no reason that Vicky should find out that she is her daughter. After all she is registered as Marcella’s daughter. She is an Arismendi. Then she warns Renata to keep her mouth shut.
She tells her to get back to work. Tomorrow they will have a grand celebration. The engagement party for Daniel and Vicky will be a great success. She tells her it was a good thing that she ran into Justa and they are aware that she is alive. A well advised war doesn’t kill soldiers. (Guerra avisada no mata soldados.)
Daniel (who is not driving the red mustang but the orange one) happens

to drive past Eva. They have a few words. More angst. She tells him for the millionth time to forget her. (Rerun) He tells her he never thought she would return. He tells her he is confused and stupid. (tells us something new). He proves how stupid he really is as he asks Eva if she returned for Leo. If she is interested in him. She tells him to think what he wants to. If that’s what he thinks it doesn’t matter to her and she tells him to leave her alone as she walks away leaving our handsome but stupid galan with a tortured look.
We have an annoying scene where Vicky has awoken Claudia to tell her the good news about her engagement to Daniel. Enough said.
Fran and Marisol appear much happier than are previous pair as they are getting ready to have lunch or brunch or what ever. Fran is dressed in a sharp brown suit jacket and Marisol has managed to look quite sophisticated. The game is on.
Quick scene at the office where Daniel’s secretary has gotten wind of his engagement party. She is wondering if he has told Laurita yet. He tells her he hasn’t. He doesn’t know what he is going to say to her. After all they don’t really get along very well.
Back to Fran and Ollie (I mean Marisol) where I think he has just complimented her on her big teeth. More wine is being served and talk about where this relationship is going and if it should go further. Maybe they should get to know each other more intimately. Marisol is all smiles about this. She tells him she would love to see his house.

Fran quickly tells her no and Marisol just as quickly apologizes and gets up to leave. Fran stops her and we have some more awkward moments as they both continue to apologize and Fran reluctantly invites her to the house he does not own. She sits back down and the game is back on.
Bruno is also trying to take his relationship with Marcella to the next level as we suffer through a scene with the two of them at the office talking about the launch of their new business. She hands him an envelope full of money. And tells him than it is loyalty and not jealousy that she admires in a man. He is all smiles and tells her if it wasn’t for the big celebration she was having tonight he would invite her to celebrate this moment with him. He tells her he knows exactly where he would like to take her. Marcella is curious as she asks him where they might be. He takes her black gloved hand and drops a set of keys into it telling her it is the key to his new apartment. When she wants he will give her the directions. She sits down and simply tells him they should get back to work and takes a deep breath.
Daniel is finally telling Laurita about his engagement to Vicky. She is not taking it well. He tells her she has to accept this. She tells him he can’t marry Vicky because he is in love with Eva. (That apple fell about a hundred miles from that tree. ) He continues to try and convince her to accept this and he tells her he wants her to come to the engagement party. Laurita isn’t buying this and refuses to go.

Eva is telling Marcella that she is worried that Julio‘s medicine isn‘t working. Marcella quickly changes the subject and asks Eva for a favor. She wants her to stay longer tonight and help out with the big celebration. She will pay her extra. She tells her not to ask anyone about the celebration because it is a big surprise.
Fran has finished his meal with Marisol and returned to Dan’s house. He quickly takes off his jacket but is caught by Jacky. She chews him out for borrowing Dan’s clothes. They are interrupted by Daniel who happened to be looking for said jacket. Fran lies and tells him it was in the car or something like that. Daniel tells him he didn’t leave it in the car. Jacky covers for Fran and tells him she found it in the car and was just about to send it off to the cleaners. (I know that’s not exactly how that went down but close enough) . Dan seems to be slightly aware that these two are up to something but maybe not. After all I don’t think he is that bright as he says “what ever. Just take it to the cleaners.” Fran is just relieved that “they didn’t” get caught as he pats Jacky on the shoulder with brotherly gratitude and goes off to take the jacket to the cleaners. Jacky is left behind with the memory of Fran’s touch on her shoulder.
The editing at the end got the best of me and we have a series of short uninteresting scenes. One is of Alicia and Tony and his new luxurious car. They seem to be parked outside the big mansion. We have another scene with Bruno lurking outside the mansion and is ushered inside as an invited guest. He manages to congratulate the happy couple. Leo and Claudia are there as well and talking about Yo Yo. Or something like that.
Anyway Marcella has managed to have an unsuspecting Eva front and center serving champagne to all the invited guests. Marcella is apologizing for Julio’s absence as he is not well. She is happy to announce that Vicky and Daniel will be getting married. We are left with another freakish smile from Vicky and a tortured look from Daniel as Eva looks on in disbelief.

Labels: eva
"serious looking hair"
"timeframe of never--five minutes"
"now there's a tortured look on my face.."
And thanks for that dicho "Guerra avisada no mata soldados". It's a new one for me.
Glad to know there's a Stolen Baby in this one. Just wouldn't be a telenovela worthy of the name without that little gem.
Glad you took the time to watch our little train wreck Llena. The plot line is truly bizarre right now.
what a strange nite, I knew stupido Daniel was not going to tell Eva about the marriage to Icky Vicky, and Leo the cold blooded lizard and his freezer tart Mama, are just bad there is no redeeming those two people. Wondering when Eva is going to figure out that the medicine is killing Don Julio. Alicia (empty space I not going to waste time with). It was nice to finally find out that Justa & Julio are vicky's parents. But I bet there's a twist somewhere with this. wondering how Eva fits in now and what the secret is that her father wanted to tell her. (interesting) Don Julio looked so happy to see Eva I wish the writers had done more with those scenes, and how Daniel left Laurita after her outburst about him marrying Vicky. Fran and Marisole LOL. (sorry about spelling errors) Michele in PA Thanks for the great recap Pata
Oh my, Daniel looks good but he is such an idiot. I am seriously losing patience with his wishy-washyness. I hope that he'll grow a pair before he officially announces the engagement, but part of me doesn't hold out much hope that this will happen. Wouldn't it be nice if it did.
Alicia is beyond stupid. I'm losing patience with her too—actually, she's irritating me far more than Daniel is. Here she is facing some criminal investigation and she "forgives" the guy who is the cause of it all? What is she using for brain cells?
I'm in this telenovela for the long haul, but was feeling so annoyed with Daniel last night that I thought it would serve him right if Eva gave Leo a big kiss, just to spite him. The guy is an idiot!
Little Laurita is far smarter. I guess the brains passed through Daniel and all landed on her!
Thanks again for the great recap. Bring on tonight's episode. Can Daniel or Alicia get even stupider? I'm all curiosity! LOL.
Thanks too with your help with the Spanish. I didn't know the word "horca" and didn't hear it clearly enough to look it up. And even though I replayed the part with "Guerra avisada no mata soldados" several times, I never did figure out how it started until I read your recap. Muchas gracias.
So now we know that Vicky is Justa's daughter. Yikes, I hope that doesn't mean Marcella turns out to be Eva's mamá. ¡No puede ser!
Speaking of "no puede ser," I think I've got BINGO! I printed out two cards, #2 and #13, and Daniel's engagement gave me Bingo on both, I think.
Sweeney32, I may have a little more patience with Daniel than you do (though if he doesn't grow a pair very quickly, my patience will evaporate, even if I do find him very attractive). However, ITA about Alicia. I lost all patience with her weeks ago. I loved Pata's remark that Alicia's timeframe of never lasts about 5 minutes. And also Pata's observation about Laurita: "That apple fell about a hundred miles from that tree," which fits so well with what you were saying. And ITA about that, too.
No kiddin, Pata!! I am there too!!
great recap btw, thanks for all the pictures! tortured faces indeed!!
and the bunny is out of the hat. Vicky is officially the daughter of Justa and Julio (unless of course there was some weirdo baby switching with Eva along the way LOL). Seems Marcela was there when Justa supposedly died, but Renata was the one there when the baby was born (she stole it).
So after this episode, Renata's life expectancy has diminished markedly, don't you think? She is a HUGE threat to Murderin' Marcela.
And Alicia's admirer, the hapless Carlos, is probably going to end up being blamed for everything when he (inevitably) gets caught diddling with Alicia's computerized student records.
It looks like Leo is about to introduce Tony into the big house as his... um... personal assistant? Our little Bimbutt is just foolish enough to be taken with him. But hey, at least he's age-appropriate.
I do hope Eva realizes the medicine is harming Don Julio and withholds it from him before it kills him. There are so few benign characters in this novela that I'd hate to lose one relatively early on.
Alicia is the consumate airhead: an 11+ on a 10-scale. Now Carlos, I agree, is about to go belly up because of her, too. More torture! Of course, he's another wimp who left his brain at the train station when he got on for the ride to Hormone Haven.
Leo is such a slime-bucket he gives me nasty goosebumps whenever he sneaks up on Eva. It'll get worse if it turns out he's her half-brother that papa never told her about. I do like the idea of torturing Daniel with her kissing Leo, but if he's really her half-brother telenovela rules wouldn't allow it.
As dumb as this show is, it has gotten my attention now. I've turned into an airhead, too, I guess.
I agree with Sweeney, Daniel is such a sweetie, but horribly naive. bothers me a bit that he would go thru with something when he knows his daughter so vehemently opposes it. She's not spoiled or a difficult child, so her upset should be a huge red flag for him.
Why everytime Marci and Bruno are in a scene together to I suddenly feel icky and need a shower. I had to do my upmost to shut out any image of those two doing the horizontal in said apt. the horror!
Alicia needs to just go away. I can't even phanthom her behavior...
It really bothers me that Daniel doesn't at least ask Laurita to explain why she doesn't like V.Icky. He knows that Laurita is smart and articulate and is not a hateful, selfish child. So maybe she has some real reasons? Duh, Danny, ask her.
daisynjay/Julia - I'm track with both of you regarding Laurita. She's a good kid and has valid reasons for not liking her new stepmom.
At least Dan is consistently stupid in multiple areas (not being able to recognize Marcy's whole icky family, except Don Julio, for the horrible people that they are).
When this show started I told myself I would just watch on Wed. and do just a barebones recap and hope someone would step forward and take over recapping. But somewhere along the way I started enjoying this more and more. I may be in for the long haul as well. I do like stupid Dan and Eva is just so pretty. I can see why everyone is taken with her. Both kids are cute and fun to watch.
Could do without Leo, Claudia, Bruno and Tony for sure.
I really enjoyed that little Adrian and Ricardo scene. That grey cap he wears with the white zig zag stiping is so adorable on him.
Marisol and Fran were fun last night too, although I feel like Jacky would be a better match for him. There little scene in the kitchen was cute. I wonder how he got that Jacket to fit so nicely?
And Julio's smile when he saw Eva was priceless. I hope she figures out the medicine thing. This Dr. Rivera that Marcella referred to, is he the same one in cahoots with her on the medicine?
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