Thursday, December 02, 2010
La Verdad Oculta #056: Sisters, sisters, there were never such devoted sisters

Leonardo points a finger at shocked Santiago, confirming he knows he is Santiago Guzmán. Leonardo found out just recently, researching old newspaper stories about the murder of Márta Saldívar de Guzmán, he says. And what's left for Santiago to do but invite the policeman inside.
Leonardo wants to know everything surrounding the murder, so Santiago begins by denying he killed his wife, although he feels somehow responsible for her death. They both worked in a show troop run by Adolfo -- Santiago as an actor, and Márta as an actress and dancer. Yolanda was also a dancer and friends with Márta.
One evening Santiago and Márta argued in her dressing room; he accused her of seeing Mario Genovés, which she denied, and she threw him out. Santiago admits he was always jealous; but after all this time, he realizes one can't blame someone for being so beautiful.
That night he waited at home for hours without her returning; so he went to the dressing room, and horrified, found Márta dead on the floor. About then Adolfo arrived and finding him over the body, accused the inconsolably sobbing Santiago of the murder.
Santiago didn't turn himself in out of fear they'd never find the true killer -- and what would happen to his two baby girls if he wound up in prison! Who would take care of them? Instead he decided to escape with them; all these years he's been hiding out, working night jobs.
Mario had nothing to do with his wife, Santiago claims, despite Leonardo's news that Gabriela overheard Adolfo threaten Mario with telling David the so-called truth about Márta. When asked about the (tunnel) house, Santiago admits it's owned by Mario -- and that Santiago doesn't really work, but is supported by Mario.
Santiago claims he simply kills time there, reading all day; and that when Leonardo saw him at the hotel, he was going to pick up money from Mario. He denies there's any other exit from the (tunnel) house and insists Ramón must have gotten momentarily distracted as he departed.
Mario has no idea Santiago was the primary suspect in his wife's death, Santiago tells Leonardo. Yolanda just knew the girls from the club -- and through them -- met himself again, he says; and Adolfo doesn't know or else he would have divulged Santiago's whereabouts to the police immediately.
Santiago frets that if people knew, he'd have to be detained, wouldn't he? Santiago breaks down and begs Leonardo to please believe he is innocent. He is innocent, he swears on his daughters; Leonardo must believe him! Leonardo fixes him with a penetrating look.
At a restaurant, once again Gabriela and David are happy to be together; and when she reminds him they would do better in a place of their own, he agrees. Plus, they need to get back to their honeymoon! She asks for an advance on that and gets a kiss. David blames himself for falling prey to appearances.
Back at Santiago's, Leonardo admits he wants to believe in him. He's going to investigate the case, but unfortunately the trail is cold with no apparent killer. Plus, Leonardo feels Santiago's not coming clean with him, which Santiago denies. Who else could have killed her, Leonardo wonders.
There's always a motive; who would have one? Santiago is ready to follow his friend Leonardo to the station -- until he's horrified to learn it may take one to two months to clear him and be free! Immediately Santiago drums up a delaying tactic, claiming to need to meet with his daughters first before he goes.
Upon Leonardo's exit, he's surprised to find Adolfo and Yolanda approaching; and when they claim they're there to get Julieta to come back to work, Leonardo sends them away saying Julieta's not at home. At their exit, Leonardo re-enters with the news Adolfo nearly saw Santiago, which frightens Santiago with the specter of Gabriela and Julieta being told he killed their mother. Leonardo urges Santiago to come clean to the girls.
At Leonardo's second exit, Santiago phones Abelardo urgently to meet him at the tunnel house. Downstairs in the parking lot, Adolfo's spooked that Leonardo is close friends with the girls' father and still needs to know who told Mario. He heads straight for the Genovés's, while upstairs Santiago totes a suitcase out the door.
At the mansion, Susana lets Adolfo cool his heels, waiting for absent Mario. Yolanda managed to get a taxi home and phones Santiago to no avail. Close on Adolfo's arrival at the mansion is Leonardo, and he leaves a card and exits. When Susana learns from Adolfo that Leonardo is a cop, Adolfo notes she's startled.
Across the way at the tunnel house, Santiago catches Abelardo up on what's happened and explains he plans for Santiago to disappear now for a while and become Mario full time, relieving Abelardo. Santiago phones Julieta at the mansion and disappoints her with news her dad will be on a long business trip. When Adolfo wants to break in on Julieta's phone call, Santiago hangs up on Adolfo before he can speak, confounding Adolfo.
Later outside Adolfo's condo office, Yolanda overhears Adolfo berating Roberto about his incompetence, when Roberto claims he's waiting for the bruises and lumps to go away -- and he's still dead sure and horrified he killed Mario. Mario's new spunk worries Adolfo, and he wants him dead! After they exit, Adolfo mentions Santiago's business trip out of town to Yolanda.
At Leonardo's apartment, Leonardo confides to Ramón he believes Santiago is innocent and points out the coincidence that Adolfo was just a show producer until Márta's death -- and then he suddenly became partners with Mario's hotel empire. Leonardo maintains that Mario knew this Márta -- and Ramón maintains that Santiago never left the (tunnel) house while he was on stake out.
Julieta speaks on the phone with Gabriela with David in their honeymoon suite at the hotel about Santiago's business trip. After she hangs up, the newlyweds agree they need time alone to spend on themselves. "Mario" arrives at the Genovés's, and Bertha is surprised to find him reading a newspaper in the living room, which hasn't happened in a while.
"Mario" grills Bertha about her relationship with Adolfo, an outsider who has no business demanding trust funds for the nieces. She quickly denies instigating this and ingratiatingly claims to be very happy and grateful Mario took them in. "Mario" forbids her seeing Adolfo any more and dismisses her and her shopping bags to her room, upon his receiving a phone call from Adolfo.
When Adolfo tries to threaten "Mario," he simply threatens back that he'll bring Adolfo up on charges of theft of their business funds and hangs up, leaving Adolfo nonplussed. Susana passes Leonardo's business card to "Mario" and gives him a pensive, thoughtful look at his retreating back.
Leonardo and Ramón are unable to raise Santiago at his apartment door. Back at Mario's office, Santiago explains to Abelardo how complicated it would be for him to go through with clearing his name at the moment. He could get detained with his theatrical makeup and be stuck, for example. And he can't come clean, because then the whole Mario-disguise plan would unravel.
Abelardo agrees they can't really do anything; but he's very happy to see Santiago fight to complete Mario's plan so diligently and is very grateful. When Santiago asks why Abelardo himself has been so loyal, Abelardo reveals that once he was a complete outcast, having lost everything -- his family, his job -- to alcoholism.
Mario took him in, gave him a job and befriended him when no one believed in him, and Abelardo pulled through. The two men exiting into the hallway, Julieta happens by and explains happily that Gabriela and David are reconciled and enjoying a hotel stay, pleasing "Mario" and Abelardo.
In Mario's bed chamber, they agree things are straightening out -- except Santiago insists they should keep an eye on Bertha's friendship with Adolfo. And when Santiago wonders if Adolfo is really involved in jewel smuggling, Abelardo divulges that nothing about Adolfo would surprise him.
Susana enters to announce Yolanda's appearance, and both Santiago and Abelardo note how Susana strangely hawks Santiago with narrowed eyes before exiting. "Mario" meets Yolanda alone in the office, where she surprises him urgently warning that someone is trying to kill him. He guesses it's Adolfo, and she confirms it's for the business contract -- but also for the jewel affair.
She shocks him with news that Adolfo used his daughters to smuggle gemstones just like Adolfo did so many years ago with also-innocent Márta -- except in a flashback, we see the jewels were sewn into a costume the dancer wore on a South American tour. Márta unfortunately figured it out and became angry that Adolfo set her up to possibly take the fall.
Adolfo encountered Márta and Yolanda arguing about it in the dressing room; and after Yolanda exited, he returned to strangle Márta with the same costume! During the struggle, Márta pulled off the infamous cuff link. "Mario" is furious Yolanda knew the truth and blamed him; but Yolanda objects that at first she truly thought Mario was the murderer, with she and Adolfo encountering him standing over the body.
After a moment where Adolfo strenuously protested that Mario did it, though, Yolanda soon realized bitterly that Adolfo had the motive and murdered Márta. How could he do that to an innocent person! she sobbed. They both exited after Mario ran, only to watch Santiago entering the dressing room then and crying out over his dead wife.
"Mario" becomes distraught to hear that it was Yolanda's idea to put Adolfo up to blaming Santiago instead of Mario. And the astonishing reason was -- that Yolanda had been in love with Mario and wanted to protect him! Although she bitterly remembers that Mario only had eyes for Márta -- and that Márta was not a good woman.
Márta knew Yolanda was in love with Mario; and she got involved with Mario just because Yolanda wanted him -- and for his money! Márta never loved Mario, Yolanda insists. She'd already had Carlos -- Carlos Ávila! Carlos: the son of Adolfo -- and Márta Saldívar!

Labels: verdad
Here are the You Tube links for Episode 56:
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
And the words to the Sisters song from White Christmas continue:
never had to chaperone no sir, i'm there to keep my eye on her.
Caring, sharing, every little thing that we are wearing;
when a certain gentleman arrived from Rome,
she wore the dress and i stayed home;
all kinds of weather, we stick together, the same in teh rain or sun,
two different faces but in tight places, we think and we act as one.
Those who've seen us, know that not a thing can come between us;
many men have tried to split us up but no one can.
Lord help the mister, who comes between me and my sister;
and Lord help the sister, who comes between me and my man.
Or was she fooling around with Mario and then decided to marry Santiago to give baby Gabi a name?
I am assuming the affair producing Carlos was before she married Santiago.
How did Adolfo get his hands on Carlos? And is this why he hates Carlos...because Carlos is the son of the woman he murdered, Carlos is a ho, Carlos is the child of a lower class woman or all of the above?
my prediction was partly true but
way off the mark. I had thought that David would bring Gaby to dinner and stay at a hotel for a
romantic evening, but I thought that he was going to take her to the Genoves suite on the 14th Floor, and in so doing come across
traces of the makeup.
Awesome recap! The plot thickens.
Anon- Yes, we have already been told that Marta was Mario's lover when he was married. She got pregnant with Gabi, and since Mario wasn't going to leave his wife at that moment, she decided to marry Santiago while pregnant- he took on Gabi as his own child. Then came Juli two years later. But now we know that she was Adolfo's lover and baby-mama before she was Mario's lover and baby-mama and Santiago's wife and baby-mama. She got around!
More tomorrow. I was up late working on a report and couldn't resist reading the great recap and commenting. Thanks again Jeri!
I found it interesting that although Marta might have been a gold-digging loose woman, she did not condone illegal dealings like smuggling the gems. So she did have some redeeming qualities/morals.
Jeri, what a thrilling recap. Thank you so much.
Thanks for the recap, Jeri. I love the photo of Carlos.
Confirmation that Carlos is the child of Marta and Marta.
I'm definitely not the father of Carlos. :)
I have always wondered about Yolanda's connection to Carlos. I figured that Carlos either had to be her child or Marta's which is why she stayed so close to him. What I never thought about was that Yolanda would ever be in love with someone. Now we have to find out who David's father is.
Gin, Mario gave the cufflink to Santiago when they were first forming their plan. I think Mario told Santiago that he took it from Marta's hand after he found her body.
When did Santiago find out about the diamonds? I was under the impression that nobody but Yolanda and Adolfo (and Susana and Marcos who found them) knew that the diamonds were hidden in the shoes. Did Leo tell Santiago about the smuggling operation?
I guess Adolfo still thinks the girls stole and sold the diamonds and now the whole Guillén family is spending HIS money on luxuries, whores and cocaine.
Ok, now we just need to find out who David's father is.
We also found out Abelardo's story. Now we know why he was so loyal to Mario and still is.
Great episode.
Just wanted to say, Aribeth thank you so much for your recap of yesterday. I really wanted to know what was being said between 'Mario' and Adolfo but couldn't understand. I could see that 'Mario' was really getting the upper hand with his comments but didn't know what was being said.
I'm in complete agreement with all of the comments that this show, the actors and writing are simply top notch. Carlos and Gabi as sibs - totally unexpected but a delicious plot twist.
Marta was certainly an opportunist whose questionable moral ethics did not extend to breaking the law. An interesting parallel is how her murder and that of the poor hotel maid affected and ruined the lives of so many. Complicated entanglements yet to be sorted out.
The hour flew by! It wasn't unitl I turned off the TV that I realized I hadn't seen Juan. I never thought I'd say this but I didn't miss him. The story and drama is so intriguing, I didn't mind romance taking a back seat last night.
Thanks again Jeri.
Some of us have been so wishing for a novela filled with GOOD people struggling in a difficult world which is more like the real world of our daily lifes, we have our wish in this little gem of a novela.
The Carlos/ Marta reveal is so exciting and that makes Yolanda even a more sympathetic character, she loves her "muneca" because he is the son of her friend. In the murder of the hotel maid wasn't Carlos trying to help her in the end? I hope I really saw that in the last moments.
Thanks Jeri and Aribeth!
Xtln- Yes, Mario gave Fautiago the cufflink when they first formed their alliance. And Leo told him his suspicions about the jewel smuggling when he asked him to get the pictures. Remember Faustiago then went straight to Yolanda to ask about it and she denied it. But he's obviously figured out that was a lie.
I agree with everyone that I didn't even miss any of the romances last night because so much was being revealed and it was moving so fast. It was nice to see Gabi and David taking some time to just be newlyweds away from everyone. She looked very cute in his shirt.
Marta- LOL! Yes, I am sure you are not Carlos' father.
Galilea (Gabi) looks like she's having fun when she's playing those scenes as "Marta" with the costumes, makeup, attitude, and the lavish stage show dancing to Miami Sound Machine surrounded by men. :)
Anonymous 01:21:00 AM, I too wonder how baby Carlos came to Adolfo; looking forward to seeing more about that. I can just picture that Yolanda had a lot to do with it, though.
Sandy, I always found Yolanda sympathetic, too. Can you picture her giving baby Carlos a 2 o'clock feeding?
Floridia, no need to apologize! Where would we be without our fun speculations, eh? Keep up the good work. ;-)
Ok, about Márta: as was reported in the recap, the reason she gave that she was angry at Adolfo over the smuggling, was that she objected to Adolfo setting her up as the fall guy.
She didn't object about the illegality of it. I agree with Yolanda that Márta was a bad woman.
I still maintain Adolfo is Dora's long-lost, abandoning lover -- and the father of David. :-) And that David and Carlos are brothers.
Margaret, it was interesting to hear Abelardo's story. On most shows that would have been enough revelation for one episode; but in this one it kind of got outshone by the bigger bomb blasts.
So they will have to uncover Adolfo as the murderer first. I'm seeing Santiago spending time behind bars before things straighten out.
Aside from Adolfo and Roberto, none of the main characters in this are all bad or all good. Yolanda has great qualities, especially the way she's cared for Carlos. But she has no problem at all smuggling illegal goods with Adolfo, lying, and setting up Santiago for Marta's murder (to save Mario).
Faustiago: Loving, caring father, devoted husband/jealous husband and ill tempered
Mario: Loving father and uncle, great employer/cheated on wife, cowardly
We could do that for all of our characters. Good and bad, but not over the top in either direction. Even evil Adolfo is very human and often misteps. But he really doesn't understand other people or care about them. I am still amazed he has no curiosity whatsoever that Gabi looks just like the woman he murdered, who was his former lover, and mother of his child. It's all about Adolfo in Adolfo's world.
Good people spawn mega criminals as kids sometimes without rhyme or reason in real life, which is just as confusing (or more so) than how bad people can have good kids.
As to why good men got interested in Márta, well, I've said before that to me it's clearly just a plumbing issue. We all love people who turn us on. Nature has us by the short ones there.
He usually only gives out information on a need-to-know basis.
Love the way SantiMario is treating the villains! Dismissing Brunhilda like that, and totally standing up to and confounding Adolfo. I'm worried about what Susana is going to do with all the little snippets of information she is gathering. It is funny that the diamonds are right under Adolfo's nose and he doesn't know it.
True, true, Leo is going to be pissed when he finds out Santiago skipped out. I'm sure he will figure it out, though, if he thinks about him being an actor.
Thanks again for the recap!
I think Yolanda basically is a good person... but... she has been quite willing to go along with Adolfo's plans up till now. I think seeing Gabi, who is the image of Marta, really shook Yolanda's world.
I'm in agreement with the rest of you; compared to this storyline the JJ/Alexandra/Elsa storyline has kind of lost its fizz. But I'm sure the writers have something up their sleeves for them as well.
-Although Santiago would eventually be cleared by telling the whole truth, he would still likely have to spend time in jail until his innocence is proven (those two months Leo mentioned). But the worst is that he would have to tell his daughters the whole truth.
-What Dora did is a crime by not coming forward as a witness to the murder of the maid. Plus she just seems really scared by it all. She is also freaked out about David learning the truth. (Niether Abelardo nor Faustiago will force her to tell the truth until she's ready.)
-Yolanda has committed a LOT of crimes working for Adolfo. Plus she covered up a mruder and framed another man. That's jail time, and we all saw how freaked out she is about prison.
-Abelardo can't reveal any of the truths he know without Fausto's and Dora's permission, which niether of them is giving.
I really do wish that Faustiago had told Leo the whole truth though. I think Leo would have handled it all well, and been more helpful than hurtful. It's when people hide things from him that he starts to poke around and ask too many questions. He'll just keep poking around until he finds the truth anyway. :)
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