Wednesday, December 22, 2010
Eva Luna #33 Tue 12/21/10 Danny's not buying the B.S., but Eva is a soft touch.
Today was an especially whacked day for me, so this recap will be abbreviated or in reality, more of a summary, much of it based on memory. I'm adding a lot of screenshots because I feel bad about the delay of the video clips. Many screenshots include the English CC, which sometimes is unintentionally hilarious. (I've got a few of the Daniel-Eva screenshots out of order a bit—but they help illustrate what's going on so I'm leaving them as-is.)
I may try to flesh out some of the scenes later on, but at least I'm getting something up in case real life gets in the way. Also I'm working on adding some clips (including a very revealing scene with Marcela and the corrupt doctor) which will be up in the wee hours or tomorrow morning. The video encoding process is taking longer this time because . . . (oh, you really do not want to know! LOL).
STANDARD DISCLAIMERS: As always, additions, corrections, elaborations are very welcome. Please note that all video clips are streaming Flash (the same as on YouTube) and are hosted on my own bare-bones site. Right click on any video links to open the link in a new window.
Now onto the episode summary . . .
Marcela tries to put in the screws and play the guilt trip with Danny, but he's not buying this. I guess after years of being in a stupefied daze and stuck with the Bruja Icky, he's had enough. After finally being reminded of what "happy" feels like, thanks to Eva, he's not eager to give it up and reattach himself to the Bruja. He steadfastly refuses to relent. He won't agree to say the engagement is on again. He insists that this suicide attempt is not his doing, he didn't make that choice, and he had no idea that Victoria had that in her mind. (Viewerville knows how true this is, since it wasn't even Icky's idea to take the pills in the first place.) Marcela is very adamant, but Dano juts out his jaw and is totally not going for it.
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Danny's not going for the guilt trip. (Click on image to see HD version.) |
Eva, on the other hand, is the weak link here. She is a total wimp and is dissolving in guilt. She whines about it's all her fault, she and Danny should call it off, blah blah blah. We expected this. How tediously predictable.
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Eva is overcome with guilt, guilt, guilt. Click on image to see HD version. |
Daniel of course isn't buying this B.S. from Eva either. He's NOT going back to Ictoria. It's NOT Eva's fault. He CANNOT marry a woman he doesn't love. Blah blah blah some more.
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Daniel and Eva comfort each other, after learning of the bruja's attempted "suicide." Click on image to see HD version. |
Marcela has a private chat with Ictoria and tells her to amp up the crazy suicide-guilt-trip with Danny. Ictoria takes this advice to heart and tells Daniel later that if she doesn't marry him, "next time, I'll shoot myself with a gun!" Oh yeah, this crazy talk is just the kind of thing to get a guy running back in your loving arms, Ictoria. He looks horrified. (I would think that any sensible man—and for this moment Daniel is seemingly in possession of some sense—would be even more determined to extract himself from a bruja who has explicitly said that she knows where a pistol is and knows how to use it! What father would want a woman like this around his young daughter?)
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Daniel looks suitably horrified as Icky spews crazy talk. Click on image to see HD version. |
Daniel says he won't be blackmailed. Ictoria starts slathering on all sorts of nonsense about how her "love" for him is so great and she won't let him go. He looks at her as if she is nuts. Which of course she is.
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Ictoria threatens to use a gun next time. Click on image to see HD version. |
Leo of course is playing the grieved, outraged brother. He also tries to put in the guilt trip on Daniel (Daniel still not buying).
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Leo gives the fisheye to both Danny and Eva and tries to make them feel guilty for Icky's alleged suicide attempt. Click on image to see HD version. |
Then Leo dances around both Ictoria and Marcela, hinting that he "suspects" he knows who the other woman is. Both Marcela and Ictoria snap this up and are all over him, demanding to know who this woman is. He hems and haws and delays actually telling them.
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Leo visits Ictoria and hints around about "la otra" (other woman). Click on image to see HD version. |
Don Julio, who I am loving more and more with each episode, has a lovely conversation with Ictoria and asks her why she would do this, and gives her all sorts of loving, sensible, fatherly advice. He also starts thinking to himself that something is not right here and he's going to find out what's behind all this B.S.
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Don Julio gives sensible fatherly advice to Icky. Click on image to see HD version. |
Marcela has a very revealing conversation with the jolly doctor who is her cohort in crime. She casually tells him of all the stuff that's going on. She drugged Ictoria and convinced her that she tried to commit suicide. This was done to guilt Daniel into marrying her. Why? Well, Daniel owns a whole lot of the stock in the agency. Marcela wants Icky to be the heir. Wait a minute, Daniel has a daughter who is the heir. We'll talk about that later, Marcela says. (Oh noooooo!) What if Danny refuses to marry Ictoria, even after all this industrial strength guilt-trip therapy? Well, Marcela sneers, I know there's an "otra" and I'll just KILL her! (Oh nooooo! Oh wait, we totally knew that Marcela was capable of this.)
Video clip of Marcela telling all to her equally evil doctor.
Meanwhile, our other characters are having their drama as well. Don Ricardo goes to a lawyer to see about getting custody of Adrian, only to be told that since Tomas is his father, that's that. No, it doesn't matter that Tomas is a deadbeat criminal who abandoned Adrian. Poor Don Ricardo is pretty broken up about this as he relates it to Doña Justa. She is appropriately outraged that the system is as it is. They both discuss this for a while.
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Don Ricardo is frustrated that he can't do more to help Adrian. Click on image to see HD version. |
Alicia is insisting that Tony do right by poor Carlos who is still rotting in jail. No expressions of affection from her until Tony does the right thing. Tony visits Carlos in jail and spins some B.S. tale. (I need to go back and watch this again to get all the details, but it has something to do with Tony and Alicia going off to New York together, since Tony has work there.) Carlos is reluctant to believe that Alicia would take off with Tony like that. Tony is smug and smirking and talks a lot about "mi novia" and really rubs it in that she's his girl and not Carlos's.
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Carlos rots in jail, while looking curiously attractive wearing a sleeveless jumper thing. (Okay, maybe it's just me who finds that attractive. Moving on. . . ) Click on image to see HD version. |
But of course, Tony being the slimebag that he is, tells Alicia a completely different story about what went down when he visited Carlos in jail. He assures her that Carlos is getting out of jail Real Soon Now, but Alicia, in a rare moment where her sparse brain cells kicked in, refuses any affection until she SEES Carlos free and walking down the street.
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Daniel is going to change his clothes before visiting Eva at the pension. He has a chat with a concerned Francisco about what's going on. Click on image to see HD version. |
Leo visits Danny's house and tries to pry out of Francisco the location of Danny, but Francisco isn't telling.
Back with our main couple, Eva and Daniel, we end the episode with Eva insisting to Daniel that they must break up because Daniel is emotionally and morally "obligated" to Ictoria. Oh please, spare me this nonsense.
Here are multiple screenshots showing guilt and distress between our main couple.
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Eva is telling Daniel to go back to Ictoria. Daniel is not finding this acceptable. Click on image to see HD version. |
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Daniel tries to reason with a distraught Eva. Click on image to see HD version. |
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Eva's final words. He's GOT to go back. Yeah, Daniel looks elated. Click on image to see HD version. |
Link to video clip of avances.
Stay tuned as I hope to have at least one video clip, as well as the avances, up later on tonight or maybe tomorrow morning. UPDATE: Links to streaming clips are up!
Thanks, Elvira.
Labels: eva
Now we know Marcy's motive for the marriage. (Thanks for recap I would have missed this otherwise)
Too bad Icky's one brain cell can't grasp that what Marcy did to her was dangerous.
I still think somehow Claudia will be key in some of this coming out. When she finds out Leo wants to dump her for Eva. Another woman scorned
I would think by now DJ would have realized that his "medicine" that Marcy was feeding to him was intentionally deadly.
And why is NOONE thinking of Laurita through all this? So far, I'm loving Daniel sticking to his guns, but I think Eva will walk away from him. He may not marry Icky, but she'll think she won.
Who is this Doctor and where is the local LA chapter of the medical association? Marci must be paying this guy really well that she can just tell him all her plans and he doesn't flinch? I would have liked to see some conflicted looks - especially when she hints at possibly doing away with a child.
Those blasted lollipops - I could't even buy some to put in my nephews stockings- i'm so sick of looking at Tony with those. Good for our resident airhead for putting off the goods though until Carlos is free. One brain cell is working.
Marcella is just plain evil. I was cringing at her little conversation with Dr. Rivera.
If Victoria hadn't already shown her evil side with the acid in the face incident I might even feel a little sorry for her. I really like the little talk Julio had with her. He is one of my favorite characters.
The Tony/Carlos/Alicia stuff is just not interesting to me. Although I am impressed that Alicia is standing her ground with Tony.
Thanks again Elvira for the great recap. Your picture quality is always so good. I know how much work it is to add them. So thanks for that extra work.
Thanks for the great recap and pics. Again I missed last nites Eva Luna so your recap is muchly appreicated. Now on to Dano and Eva, I'm ITA with everyone who said Daniel would be a fool if he went back with Icky, knowing she's "off her rocker".Good heavens what in the world is Eva thinking to tell Daniel to go back with Icky b/c he has a commintment to her, What the heck? and Marcella is just MALA, MALA, MALA. I hope Daniel finds out that she's threating his child's life.(All hell going to break lose). I wonder what secert Marcella has about Daniel's daughter, b/c in my IMO if something was to happen to Daniel, Laurita would be his heir and she would get everything that was his. Don Julio knows Marcella is deadly he's trying to prevent Icky from following in her foot steps. Leo had better watch out b/c Claudia is still trying to get pregnant from him, and knows his secert. Anyone else notice how Claw "in her two second of fame clips" have started to wear more flowie tops. Michele in PA
At least in StUd there were some other plotlines, but so far in EVA they are very slow moving, such as the one with Adrian, or the mystery with Eva and Alicia´s mother and father, and of course, the fact that Leonardo ran over Eva´s father. When is THAT one going to heat up? And Eva is too quick on the trigger with her anger and narrow minded points of view. But, needless to say, I love watching these things and know, after now being a veteran of my first TN, STuD, that all the villians will eventually get their just desserts. And that doctor...OY! So thank you, recappers, for your wonderful dedicated work, which, like so many others. I actually enjoy reading them more than watching the episodes. They definitley quell my frustrations with the characters and plot.
So, I DO fine this TN a little annoying. I LOVED STud...I know I am using past tense, since it still has two more episodes...the last one being a nice, juicy 2 hour finale, but I am trying to develop some coping skills when I can´t watch Fernando Colunga anymore, at least for a while. WOW! Talk about a STUD!
Does anyone know when he´ll be on again? Is a DVD of STuD available yet..or ever?
Sounds like this one is getting pretty Byzantine...but then we knew it would.
Right now I'm processing some video clips and will put them up when they're all ready. I guess that my recapping duties for Eva Luna have "arrived," because I made a special encoding "preset" in my video software, entitled "Univision" (named as such because of the © Univision watermark I add to each clip). So now in the future I can just drag and drop Eva Luna clips using this software preset and everything is set up automatically! LOL.
I was so disgusted with Eva making the decision that she did, but expected it. I think it's been forecast that she was worried about Icky, would feel guilty for "ruining" her life, and I think Eva is so full of doom and gloom in a way, and has an abundance of guilt about whenever anything nice happens to her, that when she does have a little happiness, she's afraid of it. That's been her M.O. all along. (I kind of have the same problem at times . . . LOL.)
The difference in this case is, it is in NO ONE's (except Marcela's) best interest for Danny to return to Icky! I would think that Danny would have adamantly told Eva this, that no matter what, he cannot be having a suicidal, pistol-packing nutcase as the stepmother for his child. Even if Eva was in full guilt-I'm-not-allowed-to-be-happy mode, you'd think she'd understand the logic of this, and stick by Danny.
I agree with you, anonagainhere, that this show has some draggy elements, but I think it's going to pick up. I'm with you, in that I recently started getting hooked on telenovelas (Soy tu Duena being another I started watching recently) and I find that each TN has ups and downs and I may lose interest sort of for a while, but then something grabs me and gets me caught up again. When I first started recapping Eva Luna I actually regretted committing to it, sight unseen, because I wasn't too crazy about it, but I soon got hooked! You just can't always predict how it's going to grab you. So I'm going to stick with it because I'm really enjoying it.
I also agree, Danny is being stupid, the same way that Jose Miguel sometimes has been. I'll add to that list Emiliano and Emanuel from Llena de Amor. I think it's telenovela law that the galáns are stupid. LOL!
I'm glad Don Julio is getting more energy and putting things together. And he should know by now Marcy was poisoning him.
Eva is an idiot. Stupid, stupid, stupid. Maybe Dano shouldn't get together with her after all, if she can't look out for his interests any better than that. Of course, no way should he marry Ictoria, either. How about Jackie? She's lovely and sensible.
It also clarified that Marc killed Dan's parents, she admitted it to the MD
In California there is a mandatory 72 hour hold on a suicide attempt. Why was let out so soon?
Now she's threatening to off herself again! All Dan has to do is call the police and away goes Vick.
But this is TN land....
You got the gist of everything and I'm thinking Dan should tell Icky as well as Marcy (and D. Julio) that Icky doesn't need a husband, she needs a psychiatrist. ITA, what man wants to marry a nutcase like she's pretending to be?
Eva's got to be nuts too, ITA, to tell some guy he's got to go back to a woman with an unstable mental condition. I thought she had more common sense than that, despite her feeling guilty. That doesn't compute for me.
Did I hear Marcy admit in a moment of anger to Dr. Rivera that she burned Dano's parents alive?????
I will admit also that I thought this TN was a bit iffy and dorky, but I love Daniel's character and the villanas are soooooo deliciously malicious that I am totally hooked.
WTH--Eva pulled a Valentina? Sweeny's observation of the "I don't deserve to be happy" syndrome is spot on. Is it now going to be a staple of TNs?
Why isn't Eva thinking about Dan and Laurita during the "I don't want to be the cause of anyone else's pain" speech.
Leo hasn't made his move yet, I guess we'll have to expect that very soon. In the credits, he approaches her at the pension and she still has on the same pj and robe as she did with Dan.
As for DonJ--hurray for him. This isn't a spoiler, but in one of the commercials for EL later yesterday evening, I saw him listening at the door while Marci is telling V-icky about overdosing her on purpose. Go Team Eva.
His fatherly consejos to V-icky were so sincere. I hope she listens to him and confides in him. She's up there for redemption if she does.
Did anyone notice how much better Icky looks without the heavy eye make-up? I did have to snark about how after her drama at home, her eye liner and shadow were just as fresh as it had been in the morning.
Dan, don't let her go.
Another WTH--The doctor knows all about Marci? He's certainly not a love-interest. She had to get DonJ's "medicine" from somewhere. I assumed she was buying rat poison over the counter and putting it in the little brown bottles.
Really, I wanted Marci to be Mala Mala all by her lonesome.
I want to see Carlos out of jail, but not because I want to see Alicia and Tony do their cositas in front of us. I like Carlos' looks. And he did stand up to Tony's confrontation and Tony's goons working him over.
Una Norteamericana
He should have said to Renata, "What the heck can I do about it? I'm not a doctor and I'm not walking around with sedatives. Get a doctor for her." Click. End of phone conversation. What does he think he can accomplish by heading over to the house?
I think the doc maninly served the purpose of us finally hearing from Marcy the things that we have assumed. She's after Dan's money and company shares and therefor bumped off his parents (and likely his wife) to get closer to them. And now is trying to marry her daughter to him, to eventually make her a widow. Then the only two obstacles to Marcy getting her hands on the money and shares will be Laurita and Vicky herself. Both of them would sooner or later end up on the kill list. The woman is relentless and ruthless.
She also answered a question I asked a while back. Did she pretend to be pregnant when she stole Justa's baby, or did she and Julio "adopt" Vicky. Now we know it was adption, but Julio doesn't know Vicky really is his blood daughter. I loved his conversation with her. If she hadn't done the acid on the face thing to that model, I would feel bad for her and hope for her redemption. But such an evil act earns no sympathy. Now I feel bad for Julio when he finds out how evil his daughter has become. And Justa when she finally finds her child and learns she's a crazy witch.
What does Marcella mean when she's talking to the doctor that she'll look for the another one. And that she's sure there is another one? And then kill her. (I'm sure the last part of that monologue was about Vicky) But could there be another child of Don Julio's out there? this is getting confusing.
Also I believe the reason why she Marcella wears that glove is b/c she said, she'd "Burn Daniel Alive like she Burn his parents". so maybe, just maybe, she burn her hand and arm in her fit of rage on doing Daniel's parents in.JIMO And where the Heck are the police we've only seen on dectective come to question her and that was in the being of chapter 1. What? doesn't this TN have any cops they can borrow some from LLena they have plenty that don't do anything. Michele in PA
Wow, what a great choice Dano has: he can go back to Vicious Nutcase (remember Sabrina's face) or leave her for Guilt-Ridden Nutcase (who claims to love him but is pushing him and his daughter back to V.N.).
I thought that Alicia had bad judgment, but apparently it runs in the family. I think I agree with Julia that perhaps Dano and Eva shouldn't get together again if she can't look after his interests any better than that.
I think I already knew that Marcela had done in Dano's parents and first wife, but I was nonetheless taken aback when she calmly informed the doctor that Daniel's daughter would not last long as an obstacle. What kind of telenovela punishment would be adequate for such a person?
anonagainhere, don't despair. I doubt that STuD is available yet on DVD, but there are lots of other novelas featuring Fernando Colunga (who many of us refer to as TBLMOE [the best looking man on earth]. You might look for DVDs of Pasión, La Usurpadora, Amor Real, Mañana es Para Siempre (though I thought he was miscast in that one), or Alborada (my favorite), for example. Enjoy!
I think Dano should send Eva and his dtr to a safehouse for time being and hire a BIG security staff for himself. Sell his shares in the company for whatever little he can get (since he will be long gone ) and hire a private investigator to delve into Marcy misdeeds.
But of course this won't happen. Only common sense which doesn's belong in TN land.
When will Ren blab to JO (and Icky) that Icky is her niece, the dtr of her sister, and JO?
However, I forgot to say that Marcela might decide to set up Eva by somehow killing off Julio and blaming it on Eva. Anyone else think of that? I think Marcela and Rosendo should get together!
Leonardo is dispicable. His voice totally annoys me.
Can´t wait till Francisco and Marisol simultaneously admit their big lies to each other.
And WT@#$% with Tony flirting with Jackie if he supposedly is loco for Alicia? Wow, he is a real crud! He and Ivana should get together!
I only have sympathy for the good guys - Daniel, Laurita, Jackie, Icky Vicky´s bio mom, Adrian, Ricardo and Don Julio and Max! Everyone else is too flat a character, including Eva.
But, I love to watch it and love to cringe at some of those characters and get angry and frustrated and roll my eyes at the others. Isn't that what the TN writers want us to do?
And poor Carlos! I really thought he was a good guy, but made a really dumb move trying to erase Alicia´s enrollment.
And can´t wait till Leonardo finds out the Alicia is Eva´s sister! I hope that happens soon!
It's still fun to vicarioulsy enjoy all that opulence and clothing of the models. But when will it be revealed what Icky Vicky did to Sabrina? THAT was really horrible and she must not get away with it! Then when Daniel finds out, he can dump her BIG TIME! I love Daniel's comment about horrible the person must be who would do such a thing to someone.
Don Julio is so great when he cringes over the fact that someone like Marcela raised his daughter. Nature or nurture?
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