Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Llena de Amor #92 (Mex. 97) Tue 12/21/10 Oliver spends the entire episode naked. Other stuff happens, too.

Eugenio drops by Netty’s pensión late in the evening with some bad news. He beats around the bush for awhile, stalling the inevitable, asking her for some coffee, or maybe a cookie or concha. “Concha es la que está hacienda usted!” she says. {She could maybe mean he’s trying to hide in his shell like a turtle, or that he’s being obnoxious. These slangy nuances are over my head.} Finally he gets it out: Tomorrow, the bank is going to auction (subastar) the mortgage on the pensión. Netty is aghast that she may lose her home.
Fedra and her loyal henchman are back at the house, wondering why, out of all the tequila joints in all the cities in all the world, that nasty poli happened to be in La Mala Noche. They don’t know, but they do agree that it was good to run into Oliver, because now they know that Gretel isn’t with him. So where the demonio is she? Spidey teases that maybe she never even left the house, and she’s been here around them all this time. But that gives him an idea. What is the only place they have no access to? Fedra knows immediately. The basement. That old coot must be hiding Gretel! Nereida brings Fedra an envelope which was delivered from the bank. She reads the contents and loudly chortles and gloats. Ha ha ha! She’s going to throw out all those stupid pensión people! Can’t wait to see the tragic look on the actress’s face! Emiliano happens to be on the stairs to hear this.
Netty’s frantic. She’s got to find the money by tomorrow, some way, any way! Eugenio suggests that she contact Marianela for a loan. Apparently not that way! Netty says she’ll go live under a bridge before she’ll ask her niece for a single peso.
MariVicky and Brandon come home, MariV still gasping asthmatically. Netty comments that this is just like what happens to Marianela! Brandon mentions that they saw Emanuel at the restaurant. Netty mentions that those Ruiz y de Teresa bunch are like weeds; they just turn up everywhere. No one mentions the possibility of inhaled drugs to open up airways.
Speaking of those RydT weeds, one is upstairs in Oliver’s bed. Oliver is nekkidly asleep, and Gretel (no signs of Manolo now) is nekkidly draped over him, murmuring to his unconscious face that she doesn’t know how long she can stand to hide who she is and not be with him openly, but she can’t tell him, because Fedra will kill him if she knows Gretel and Mari are here. Brandon comes down the hall hollering for Oliver, and Gretel scuttles into her own bed and hides under the blanket just in time. Brandon fans the air and comments on the guarapeco (liquor smell). He is disgusted that Oliver’s drinking again, and dragging Manolo down with him! “You’d better stay away from my sister, you lousy drunk!” he says. Oliver sleeps through all this.
Emanuel and Ilitia arrive at home, arguing about Victoria. Ilitia can’t stand her and wonders why she interrupted their wedding so dramatically. Emanuel isn’t sure, but she’s probably just there to annoy them, at Marianela’s request. “She hates me. I have no idea why, but she hates me.” Ilitia doesn’t care for his wondering about other women, and he assures her that he married her because he wants to be with her and make her happy. She turns sweet and gooey at that, and says she wants to make him happy, too, even if she’s been acting totally weird. “Oh, no, normal, totally normal,” Emanuel gallantly though unconvincingly assures her. They agree it’s time to get started on the honeymoon. Smoocheroochy in the driveway, for all of a few seconds until Ilitia imagines it’s Malicio there and tells him to get away from her. Emanuel is mightily confused. When she won’t even tell him what’s going on, he gets frustrated and stomps inside. Fedra swoops in to nosily ask Ilitia why she and Eman aren’t sleeping together.
MariVicky staggers around her room and finally gets out her inhaler and uses it. She pep-talks herself, saying she’s not weak Marianela who’s in love with Eman, she’s Victoria, and she’s here for revenge. “You are going down, Emanuel Ruiz y de Teresa. You and your demon mother, I swear!”
Demon mom is busy telling Ilitia she’s an inadequate woman who doesn’t know how to get her husband to fall in love with her. Her job is to please her husband twenty-four hours per day; doesn’t she know? Ilitia is hurt and offended. She says Fedra has no idea what stress she’s suffering. Fedra callously tells her to work off her stress in bed. “Who taught you how to be a woman? Your pathetic mother, who has never been able to thrill Lorenzo?” Ilitia says to leave her mother out of this. Fedra orders her to consummate her marriage, or her life will be hellish. Ilitia’s looking at her like it already is. “Stop crying and do your job! I delivered you to my son on a silver platter, and I can take him away from you the same way!” Fedra hisses. I’m not sure what she means by that, but if it’s on a silver platter, it must be classy.
After the break, the viper still vipereth. “I set you up with my son so you’d make him happy and he’d forget about la gorda. If you’re not going to do your job, let me know and I’ll replace you!” Ilitia sobs that Fedra has no idea what’s going on. Fedra has never cared about that before, and she doesn’t care now. There are hundreds of dames who’d be happy to fill the position, so Ilitia had better pull herself together. Got it?!
The next morning, Emiliano breakfasts in the garden and opens the newspaper. Front-page story about Fedra again. The headline on this one says she’s mixed up with white-collar delinquents. He reads “I know dark secrets about La Reina Fedra Curiel, which will be revealed gradually in this column.” “La Reina? Why La Reina? Queen of what?” Emiliano wonders.
MariVicky arrives at her office to find Agent Orange sitting in her chair. He invites her to breakfast. When she declines, he orders her to have dinner with him. She says she doesn’t want to mix work with her personal life, and she’ll only meet with clients in the office. He says he’s making the rules here. She says he isn’t her boss. Malicio claims Emiliano said she has to do what Mau wants, and his project is very important to Muñeca, the other shareholder, so therefore she must succumb to his sleazy seduction. MV gives him her best cold-dead-eyed stare and he orders her to be at his house later.
GretelMan is up and back in disguise, tidying up the room. Oliver wakes up with a heck of a hangover and moans that he’s never going to drink again. Then he remembers that he had a really awesome dream and smiles. He starts to get out of bed, GretelMan gasps, and Ollie suddenly realizes he is naked. “What happened?! WHAT HAPPENED?!! Who was here?!”
Kristel is at the office, not giving up on her top model future, and smooching on Malicio and wondering why he’s in a suit and at an office. He tells her he’s working on a new campaign. Kristel wants to be the model. MV strolls up and tells her this one is for street children, but when they do an ad about street women, they’ll be sure to call her. Kristel gets all “Do you know who I am? I could snap my fingers and have you thrown out of here in a second!” MV blandly tells her that her novio wouldn’t like that, because she’s working exclusively on his project. She gives Mau the proposal. Kristel is not having it; she’s getting rid of this dame right now! She yodels for Emanuel, Daddy, and Lowrenzo, and they all slide out of their offices and stare at her.
Oliver is still freaking out. GretelMan swears s/he just brought him home and dropped him in bed, that’s all. “Then who undressed me? WHO?!”

Emanuel complains to Emiliano about Malicio’s vile existence. He doesn’t want them working on that lacra’s project. Emil agrees that he’s a skunk, but the project is important to Muñeca and they’re going to give Agent Ogre a chance. Eman asks him if he read the paper. That Lirio de Plata is saying that the mafia meets at their house! They must be talking about Mauriciodious. Emil says Kristel picked him, so they’ll have to put up with him. They have no proof that he’s mixed up in anything dirty. MV walks in and says even if they have to deal with Mr. Fonskanka, the benefit will help lots of needy children so it’s worth it. Eman says there are lots of ways to raise money, and he’d rather not be used for money laundering. MV says they may as well take that money to use for good, the way el Lirio de Plata does. She says she’s going to eat at Malicio’s house today, so they can discuss it. “No. NO. NO!!!” says Emanuel.
Malicio is in Lowrenzo’s office on the phone, asking for two more weeks and offering his help with anything. Lowrenzo listens intently as Mau casually mentions that he heard they were looking for a kid, and he can help with that. He’ll contact Maldonado. He hangs up and reports to Low that they have no clues about the kid’s whereabouts. Low makes Mau promise to give him any news he hears. Muñeca comes in and talks about a meeting she’s planning to go to, but Mau insists that she go to the orphanage and get the kids ready for the camera crews to film them tomorrow.
Emiliano agrees with Eman, that in absolutely no way should MV go alone to Malicio’s house. They each offer to go with her. MV says Eman can’t go, because Ilitia will get all jealous again. Emil wonders about that, and MV says if Ilitia’s always jealous, there must be a reason. She leaves and Eman admits to Emil that things aren’t going well with Ilitia. Speak of the celosa, and she appears. Emil flees his own office to leave them alone to talk.
Back at the Meany Manor, Paula sympathizes with Delicia. Nereida insists it was all Delicia’s fault, because that dreamboat Spiderus only has eyes for Nereida herself. Delicia just looks disgusted. Axel comes into the kitchen and throws his laundry at Delicia and tells her to wash it immediately, and she’d better be careful because those clothes are expensive and it will come out of her salary if they’re ruined. Delicia is even more sad.
Ilitia tearfully apologizes to Emanuel for the distance between them. He says the lack of physical intimacy isn’t the problem, it’s that she won’t tell him what’s wrong so he doesn’t know how to help. She cries that he can’t help her. She wanted everything to be so fabulous, and nothing has gone as planned. Things will never be the same as before. He’s still confused, but laughs that as soon as the post-nuptial stress passes, everything will be fine. She tells him it’s actually much more serious than that. On her way to the wedding, she was abused. Cara impactada de Emanuel.
Oliver’s still naked, and wondering why Manolo won’t look him in the eyes. GretelMan insists that Oliver took off his clothes and threw them all over by himself, then fell asleep and seemed to be dreaming of a woman, even saying her name, Gretel. Oliver wants more information. GretelMan claims to have fallen asleep. “Look me in the eyes and swear you didn’t take advantage of me! Tell me, are you gay?” GretelMan slowly turns around and says, “Well, yes… I am gay.” “No! And I’m standing here showing you all the goods!” Oliver shrieks, wrapping his comforter tightly around himself.
Paula tells Axel not to be rude. Axel continues to be rude. “What is your problem?” Paula asks Axel. Nereida snipes at her for daring to question one of the patrons and threatens to throw her out in the street. “If anyone’s getting thrown out in the street, it’s you, Nereida! You hear?!” Axel grouches.
Emanuel apologizes for being so impatient and insensitive with Ilitia. He thinks she should report the pig to the police, but she doesn’t want to be humiliated even more. He asks her to tell him who did this to her, so he can break the jerk’s face.
Brandon is at work, obsessing over catching El Lirio de Plata. Comisario Tejeda assures him that all criminals make a mistake sooner or later. Tejeda thinks the culprit either is or was a police officer, because he’s impeccable. Brandon swears he won’t rest until the scoundrel is locked in a cell.
Oliver congratulates himself on having divined that Manolo is gay. He could tell, the way he’s always checking him out! Of course, he is super guapo, so how could Manolo not? GretelMan asks if maybe the reverse isn’t true…maybe Oliver likes Manolo? Oliver swears he’s into the ladies. GretelMan suggests a pact. They’ll each just stick with what appeals to them. “Fine, as soon as you convince me that what whets your appetite is not this hot bod!” Oliver says, gesturing to his fine self and sending Gretel into a bit of a tizzy. “You see?! You see how you look at me?!” “Well, how about you stop making me look at you?” Oliver makes Manolo turn around so he can sneak off to get dressed, un-leered-at.
Emanuel will not calm down, despite Ilitia’s pleas, and swears he is going to kill that rat. Ilitia begs him not to ruin his life over some trashy guy. “He ruined your life, so I am going to make him pay,” Eman growls. ”Who was it?” Ilitia claims she doesn’t know; it was some guy who attacked her in the car and had a mask. Emanuel says then he will help her in any way possible. He thinks she should get professional counseling. Ilitia refuses and makes him promise not to tell anyone.
Malicio is once again spiffing up the blechelor pad and telling himself that no woman says no to Mau Fonseca. MariVicky strusts in in her marshmallow minidress and wonders what is all this. “Welcome to my palace,” Mau smarms.
Muñeca holds little Cristián and tells the rest of the orphanage kids that tomorrow, some people with cameras are going to come and film them for a fundraising campaign, so they need to fix themselves up nice and wash their faces. Brandon walks up and asks her if she’s received more donations from El Lirio de Plata. She lies and says she hasn’t. He asks about the new campaign and she tells him it’s for a children’s hospital, funded mostly by herself, Emiliano, and Mauricio. “Fonseca? You really like taking money from the mafia, huh?”
MariVicky is mad that Mau is trying to turn their work meeting into a personal party. He insistently oozes his oily substitute for charm all over her and tries to serve her champagne. She reluctantly takes the glass and starts, “Look, Mr. Fonseca,” but he object to that and wants her to call him Mauricio, or, even better, an intimate nickname like Super Mau. She smirks. He wants to hear about her, but she says there’s nothing to tell. SuperMauron smarms that by the second glass of champagne, she’ll be telling him all her secrets. So she throws the first glass in his face.
Brandon hassles Muñeca about her shady sources of funding and tells her if she receives more money from El Lirio, she’d better report it. Muñeca says she isn’t at all sure that Mau is a delinquent, but anyway, this benefit event is a legitimate way to raise money.
Netty emphatically declares she is going to put up a fight against the bank. Consuelo jumps on her bandwagon, but Gladiola rains on the parade a bit, saying going to the bank without money is like going to war without a gun. Netty says she’s going to use her best weapon, her talent. She will play the role of a desperate, sickly woman, all alone, and maybe that will buy her more time to come up with the money. Gladiola encourages her to really sell it, so maybe they’ll also forgive the interest. Netty and Consuelo make it as far as the door, where they’re met by Fedra and Spiderus. Fedra tells her the bank guy is a friend of hers, so, long story short, get your things and your dwarves out of here. “You can’t do this!” says Netty.
Malicio turns vicious and grabs MariVicky. She struggles to get away but that just excites him even more. He throws her onto the couch and she misses a prime opportunity for a castration via stiletto heel. Horror ensues.
Mañana: Kristel throws a fit because all the guys are fighting over Victoria. Iltia flounces out of the house with a suitcase. Eman’s secretary figures out that he’s interested in Vicky, and says Ilitia will have a cow.
Concha es la que esta hacienda usted -- You’re hiding in your shell? Update: Jarocha says "conchudo" means moochy. "You're being a mooch."
Subastar – to auction
Guarapeco – boozy stench
Charola de plata – silver tray
Lacra – (noun) blight, degenerate
Fusil -- rifle


I'm going to be away next week and won't have Looneyvision access. Does anyone want to recap on Tuesday?

Ha, pretty funny that MariVicki was having an asthma attack and Brandon had to take her all the way home from the restaurant for her inhaler. She didn't have it in her purse?

"The viper still vipereth", where do you come up with this stuff? It's awesome. I also like your sweetly sarcastic statement of Fedra's silver platter. Yes she is just SO classsy. Actually, in her scene with Ilitia she made my blood run cold. I'm sure by now Ilitia must be wondering what she's gotten herself into.

Mr. Fonskanka! Another good one! Blechelor pad, Julia you're killing me here. You are really on a roll tonight.

Gretelman looked like she was on the verge of cracking up when Oliver shrieked and covered himself with his comforter. I would love to see the outtakes from their scenes, especially when he imitates her fake Spanish accent.

I'm glad Ilitia finally told Eman what happened to her, but I wish she would have told him WHO so Eman could just kill Count Fonskankula and put him out of our misery.

Speaking of which, I can't believe Orangey thinks he's sexy with his bruised up technicolor face, and oh yeah he is a scum bucket. Super Mau? Puhleeze. comment.

Thanks Julia. Loved the recap, it was Super Wow (heh, couldn't resist)with so many funny lines I couldn't possibly call all of them out. You have a gift for renaming, that's for sure.

Count Fonskankula! Hahaha! It's high time this rapey snake is defanged, so to speak, and I hope Mari or some rescuer takes care of the matter pronto.

I can't find outtakes of this show on YouTube. Bummer. They have them for other telenovelas and some are so hilarious. There have got to be some great ones happening here; I wish someone would post them.

When Emiliano overheard Fedra talking about Netty's house I thought he was going to do something to stop her. Maybe he'll buy the house back from Fedra using an intermediary so she doesn't know it's him?

Really not liking Axel's personality change. His actions make no sense at all. Maybe we'll find out he has a brain tumor.

Hah. Great way to piggyback on Maggie's Monday title. Wonder if I can stretch it out for mine tonight.

Also loved your shoutout to that classic war film..."of all the gin (er, tequila) joints in the world..." Clever, my lass.

As was Nettie's storm "some way, any way!......not that way" And as my buddy Sylvia noted "Fonskanka" and "blechelor pad". All keepers.

Also thought "marshmallow minidress" was a great way to describe MV's rather weird dress, set off by some truly ugly shoes. Blech...and belch...on that whole scene.

Axel's numerito was truly sickening. Ugh. Maybe the writers are mad at the actor. They've certainly given him a nasty turn of character.

I rather enjoyed Fedra's Total Woman lecture just because it was so raw and vulgar and sooooo Fedra. Love it when she plays it straight and let's the teenage hooker spirit take over from the fakey classy matron character. Cards on the table, woman!

Can't help you with that "concha" quip. One of its meanings is extremely vulgar but that couldn't have been her intent or it would have been bleeped. Maybe she was just saying he was being extremely stupid and annoying as you assumed. Of course, his schtick always seems to be to mooch food and drink when he's at the boardinghouse. I pretty much find him annoying all the time. Emiliano's been a stoop but he's the best thing she's got going. The lawyer and the doctor...neither one of them is going to light any romantic fires.

Forgot to say...Nice screen shot. That was a very funny moment. And of course the picture complemented your title. Way to go amiga.

As Judy noted, great title a la Maggie. Also, loved the quip from Casablanca (that was it, right?), one of my favorite all time movies.

Julia, I like your optimistic point of view. Yes, maybe Axel has a brain tumor. If so I would definitely forgive him. If not...furry head on a pike.

I didn't get the concha thing either. I just thought she meant one of those gigantic pink pan dulces that are so yummy. But that's me, always thinking about food.

I want Emiliano to buy Netty's house or float her a loan or something, mainly to piss of Fedra. Judy, when you said you admired Fedra's Total Woman lecture I had to check to make sure it wasn't Carlos talking. I thought she was simply horrible. However, admittedly, she is the best (or worst depending upon how you look at it) horrible person ever.

This was definitely a "don't be drinking and watching" episode, and your great recap was right there too. I agree with Sylvia, "the viper still vipereth" is worth an extra goodie in your stocking.

SuperMau - lord can I tell you I was absolutely incredulous when Moroncio said that. I thought my lousy language skills had fooled me, but no. I loved the smirk on Vicky's face after that too. Of course, she'll somehow get out of his slimy clutches. (I kept thinking why don't you just hit him where it hurts with those god-awful heels?)

Judy, you're so right. That whole Fedra spiel, so awful, but so true to form. It's all about how to use your sex, thats her world and she's sticking to it...poor Ilitia. But it prompted her to finally tell Eman, sort of. still covering for the scumbag though.

I predict Emi will pull a fast one on Fedra and buy the pension himself. Netty's white night. I would imagine he has a little clout with the bank himself as a businessman.

I hate a sad Delicia - someone fix this fast.

Julia, a superb recap for a superb episode. I loved every second of each.
Oliver gave us one of the best (certainly funniest) nude scenes ever and your description captured it perfectly. I'm OK with Gretel continuing her masquerade if we can have more of that.

Axel, can you become any more obnoxious? Maybe a discreet Born to Screwup tattoo across your chest? I'm afraid I'm going to have to echo Fedra's sentiment, "You're a big disappointment."

Speaking of Fedra, doesn't every groom's mom give that little pep talk to her daughter-in-law? I fail to see the problem.


Carlos Lol! Like Fedra, you are true to form. :)

Julia: Thank you for letting me re-live my hearty chuckles from the episode. The scenes with Oliver and GretelMan were a riot, and I love that you gave us the playful dialogue and even a photo from it in your sparkling recap. So, are we to assume Oliver's soldier stood at attention and marched? Even while so drunk? Impressive.

So glad Ilitia told Eman what's wrong. Just wish she had told him who the slime was. But at least we're making progress. It's really unusual to feel sympathy for the villainess (Ilitia's really a villainess-lite) who is trying to steal the heroine's man, but I do. And it's even more unusual to see such a real caring/loving relationship between the villainess and the galan. Even in Gancho, although we loved Connie with Beto, she and Mau had no real tender feelings between them. But there is a real affection, and dare I say love (although not THE ONE TRUE LOVE), between Eman and Ilitia. It’s refreshing, but it makes things more complicated.

Vivi.....Good points about the Ilitia/Emanuel relationship. Yes, he has a brotherly tenderness for her that has supplanted the earlier sex/romance relationship they had. Nice variation on the old telenovela pattern.

And Sylvia...I'd love to be mistaken for slyboots Carlos! And you're too young to remember the Total Woman era, but one suggestion was to greet your husband at the door wrapped in Saran Wrap and wearing nothing but sexy boots. I'll say no more (except that it works...)

In the tender scenes between Eman and Ilitia - it's all Eman to me - although I really enjoy the Ilitia actress too. Valentino Lánus just projects such tenderness and charisma! As goofy as he plays the Eman character, I think I'm falling in love! If he said to me "dime, dime!" in that deep voice like that I'd be telling him everything he ever wanted to know and then some!


Julia thanks for your recap. Marshmallow minidress did capture Mari's crazy outfit.

I'm vacillating between Sylvia's no comment on Axel and Julia: he has a brain tumor and Judy's: perhaps the writers hate him (or enjoy him playing unsympathetic characters though I didn't watch Mi Pecado). I'm with daisynjay - I don't want to see a sad Dee anymore!!!

Happy Ilitia told Eman her problem. Sad she won't get counseling or let him tell the police. Mau needs to be neutered muy pronto.

Julia, stellar title! What a great observation—I never noticed that Ollie didn’t dress through the entire epi. Thanks for the terrific recap, and for spoiling us with your super dry humor! Thanks especially for the translation of “subastar” as I forgot to look it up when I got off the treadmill. That was a pretty key piece of info there.

“they do agree that it was good to run into Oliver, because now they know that Gretel isn’t with him.” Doris really needs an additional make-up award, doesn’t she? Everyone is totally befuddled by both MarVick and Gretelman. (Thanks for the latter—I think it was you who coined that latter one, wasn’t it, Julia?)

“No one mentions the possibility of inhaled drugs to open up airways.” ROTFL!!! From the perspective of someone who uses Albuterol prn, that struck me, too. Why the heck isn’t she carrying it in her purse and running off to the restroom to take a drag? Sheesh. When you need it, you NEED it and pronto. Talk about your big clues to who she is, too….. I watched a student have an asthma attack that was serious, and actually called the paramedics not long ago. It was frightening. This scene was amusing to us, but it’s not amusing in real life.

Way cool to embed that photo of our horrified Ollie and busted Gretelman under the recap section for it! A picture is worth…plenty of giggles!

“Mauriciodious” ROTFL!

The Ollie-Gretelman scenes in this episode were a hoot. She’d better tell him soon, before Ollie is a complete goner. He’s getting neurotic….

“the blechelor pad” ROTFL!!!!

“SuperMauron smarms that by the second glass of champagne, she’ll be telling him all her secrets. So she throws the first glass in his face.” LOL! Well, he did tell her she could baptize him with any nickname she liked…. (“Super Mau” indeed, LOL!)

Loved reading everyone’s comments! Axel is Just Tiresome and finally Ilitia is telling what she needs to tell.


And Julia, so sorry I can't volunteer for Tuesday due to having my mother visit (we don't see her often, maybe a couple of times a year, since it's too far away). But, I could post a header for discussion if you like--let me know! And if you need a feed for episodes, email me at schoolmarm1973@gmail


Hmmm. Just thinking. As much as we hate these rape scenes, maybe the writers are going to use it as a PSA on the necessity to get counseling and compassionate therapy after an attack. If the story line goes that way, then I'm for it. Hope that's the plan.

The message needs to be the attacker should be ashamed, not the victim. And that professional help is needed for the victim to heal. And of course that one needs to visit a hospital immediately to get swabbed or evidence.

Julia, I will be around next week and can probably do a quickie if nothing else.

Sylvia, Eugenio meant a pink pan dulce when he said "concha," but Netty seemed to play on that word to mean something else. I did consider the vulgar meaning, but Netty isn't that vulgar so I don't think that's what she meant.

I'm not planning to haul my computer along on my trip so I don't think I can recap even with a link to a posted version, so if Sylvia can do a quickie or someone just posts a discussion place that would be great.

Fedra really is just the most caring mother, isn't she? Always going out of her way to procure intercourse for her sons. I'd love for someone to snatch Netty's house away from her greedy claws.

Judy, the Saran trick may work great on husbands, but it sure scares the mailman!!

Hahaha! And were you also wielding your frying pan at the time Emilia? Maybe that's what scared him off, not the cling wrap.

Julia this recap was wonderful. I haven't been watching this show much but my sister loves it so I catch up on it from time to time. Our family just got back yesterday from a loong drive and we hadn't been able to eat since the morning and yet she prefered to stay and watch this novela and Cuando Me Enamoro instead of going out to eat with us when we finally got back home.

The GretelManolo and Oliver scenes always cracked me up. I like the chemistry between the actors.

I always liked the scenes with Ilitia and Emanuel. I like the energy between the actors and I would like to see them paired up in another novela in the future.

It appears this novela has been extended so maybe you'll start seeing some stretching of the plot in future episodes.

About "concha", the word doesn't have the vulgar connotation in México. That's more of a South American thing. We have another word for that. I didn't see the episode but by Julia's recap I think Netty meant concha as in "conchudo".

Conchudo has a different meaning depending on the country in Latin America, in México is like the word mooch I think. Someone who is always looking to to get everything free and handed to them, like in this case Eugenio asked for coffee and a concha without Netty having offered anything to him yet.


Jarocha, so good to see you with us again! "Mooch" would be perfect. Eugenio is definitely a mooch. Not always so smooth, either.


Julia, your comments are as sharp and savory as your recap: "Fedra really is just the most caring mother, isn't she? Always going out of her way to procure intercourse for her sons." :)

I just love Oliver and Gretel/Manolo - in any combination therein. Oliver's grimaces and facial contortions had me laughing out loud.

Carlos, I'm finally off the Axel bandwagon. That condescending smirk when he threw the laundry at De was it. Basta!

Thank you Julia. Also, everyone's comments were especially good today - I enjoyed each and every one.

Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays and a joyous New Year to all.


Jarocha, I am so glad you dropped by! And once again you have enlightened us. Conchudo is good vocabulary to know. I'm really enjoying this novela. It's super entertaining, so I can understand why your sister would rather watch it than eat.

So many of these actors have great chemistry together, they can be mixed and matched in all kinds of different scenes and it's very fun.

Julia, you were in full, riotous bloom last night! This has to be one of your best. The viper still vipereth, Mr. Fonskanka, Meany Manor and a gazillion more!

Audrey – good to have you comment! And Jarocha, your insights help us so much. Please check by time to time!

The comments today are terrific, too. A couple of thoughts: Why is it bad that Brandon is obsessing over the Lirio? Isn’t that a sign of a good investigator? I thought the commissioner’s suggestion to just wait until Lirio goofs up was kinda lame.

Mauricio has already tried to rape Mari once. Of course we are all astonished that she would go to his home, but what I found even more amazing is that she would show up in a minidress and do-me shoes. She should have worn armor and carried a dagger.

I too was puzzled that Emil didn’t do anything after hearing Fedra say she was going to take Netty’s house.

Last night I again had the feeling the Laura Flores (Netty) goes home every night saying “this is the best job ever!” She really gets to camp it up.

I'm hoping Marianela has a secret weapon or plan. Maybe Brandon waiting outside the door. Maybe a rat trap to snap onto Mau's privates. Something. It's hard to believe she'd be stupid enough to go to his house alone and defenseless.

Jarocha, thanks for joining in today's discussion. I've missed your comments and insights.

Audrey, so good to have you join us. Please know that my tongue drifts into my cheek from time to time.


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