Wednesday, December 01, 2010
Llena de Amor #78 (Mex. 83) Wed 12/1/10 Cruel And Unusual Punishment

Okay. I am totally freaked out. Those creepy writers have kept Gretel in the wine cellar for two the same pair of jeans and t-shirt! We still have no info on the bathroom arrangements (a pail?). And clearly there are no shower facilities. Not a toothbrush or hairbrush in sight. Just one stringy blanket and some food scattered here and there. Give. Me. A. Break. Hell's Bell's, give Gretel a break. It's absurd. But alright, let's get on to the rest of the new stuff that happened last night.
You remember the business from before, right? Emanuel doing his Garbo I vant to be alone schtick. Mari vowing to live and not be vanquished. And then the little Matilde pregnant pastiche from Amor Real, where she passes through each column and is more and more pregnant...only this time it's Manny, passing through trees, getting out of his wheelchair, then walking and finally running well enough to compete again.
Also, Mari jumps into the pool a fattie (how'd you like to be the person chosen to play that part?) and as she swims across, becomes leaner and more sculpted until voilà. Disney music plays and she emerges from the pool svelte and gorgeous in a bikini. Still don't like her hair though.
So, onto the new stuff: She and Tia Carlota are discussing the changes. Two years ago she couldn't swim across the pool. Now she's a champ. Well, she did it for her parents. Just them? queries Carlota. Are you sure it isn't for Emanuel as well? Heated denials. Yeah, right.
Back in Mexico, Eman's winning a race. He's an International Champion and Fedra's thrilled. That's my boy! Illitia likewise. That's my fiancé! Big smooch. And......
Big creep. Lorenzo, I mean. He's doing his usual number off in the woods, taking leering photos of a new young model and promising her a spot in the next tanning lotion commercial. Good to know he hasn't changed at all during the last two years. Consistency is his greatest quality.
Nearby, Fedra's dousing her champion son with champagne, Kristel is giving Ilitia all the credit for the triumph (behind every great man is a woman) and Axel is pooh-poohing the whole thing. Manny did it for himself, he his own strength. The girls pretty much ignore him and Ilitia trots up to present the trophy. And now comes that special moment. Emanual dedicates it to......drumroll...... his cousin Marianela. Way to go fella. Ilitia looks pissed.
Eman's still the subject of conversation twixt Carlota and Mari. Tia reminds her he called every day for so long. And she also remembers Mari looking at the phone pensively. How could she forget him? Well, he hasn't tried for a month now, notes Marianela.... and besides, he tried to poison me! How do do expect me to have any feelings for him at all!? Satisfied that she's over him, Carlota crows, Then now I know you're ready to return to Mexico and claim what's yours!
No way, vows Mari. Undeterred, Carlota muses that one day, like it or not, she'll have to go back. Anyone want to take bets on how soon it will be?
Back at the race, Axel continues to rain on Ilitia and Kristel's parade, pointing out that if Marianela comes back, "Adios boda" (good-bye wedding). We can but hope.
Well, Emanuel's race (which looked pretty dinky) must in fact be Big News in Mexico because the closing ceremony, if you will, is on TV and who should see it but Gladiola, presently engaged in giving Netty a pedicure. Umbrage and outrage at the dedication to cousin Mari. What a cynical guy! How dare he!? And it's all his fault that Netty is so unhappy and missing her little niece. And what about Gladiola, missing her little daughter Doris, adrift in that Land of Perdition, the US!!
Well, of course Doris is having her own triumph, winning first place in some Make-up Competition and dedicating the prize to her family whom she misses terribly.
So, a tidy little wrap-up here before the ads. Mari has triumphed over fatness; Eman over paralysis; Doris over second-rate make-up skills. Time for everybody to get back to Mexico and start mixin' it up!
Brief recess while I confer with the guys replacing our furnaces (we have two). Yes, it's 20 degrees outside, the door's been opening and closing all day, both furnaces off but now I learn I might have a little heat while I watch the show. Right now it's brrrrrrrrrrr. But...I missed something while we were talking. The police are closing in on somebody. Will figure it out later. Because now we switch to the orphanage where Muñeca is clutching a valise of cash. Some Robin Hood criminal type, sought after by the police, has just funded the orphanage with some needed cash. This guy can't be all bad, muses our Doll. Just then-- uproar. It's the baby of the orphanage who just fell from a tree, the little rascal. Yes, it must be Begoña's baby all grown up. Doesn't sound good for Begoña. But maybe she's better off dead than stuck in a wine cellar in the same pair of jeans and t-shirt for two years. Just sayin'.
Okay. Back to the police. They storm a place and come up empty. Then a man enters. You're el Lirio de Plata, they yell. No, I'm not. Hmmm.. did I talk THAT LONG to the furnace men? I have no idea what's going on here. And neither does the guy they take into custody.
Zoom zoom. Back in Spain. In a restaurant. With Tia Carlota and Mari. Now forgive me, but I still think Mari's hair looks awful. Kind of limp and uninteresting. And Ilitia's hair is wretched. Those stupid bangs and shaggy lengths! Jeez. Is she trying to look like the old Mari, only thinner? Her asymetrical cut was so flattering and fashion forward. Wha' happened!? On the other hand, I DO like Muñeca's ironed-flat hair. And the point is, I guess, the Passage of Time. With women, coiffures change. Except with Fedra. Same serpentine ringlets.
Well, the Passage of Time has not dimmed Carlota's quest to repair the hideous damage she's done to Gretel, Paula and Max. She's got the detective still looking for Gretel and won't die before she's righted the wrong. And BAM! God strikes her dead.
Well, okay...not dead. But He gives he a helluva blow and next thing we know she's in bed in blue jammies exhorting Mari to make the trip for the publicity junket anyway. Don't worry about her health. She has someone to take care of her.
Chamber of Horrors time. Gretel. Yes, the Passage of Time has made a rip in her t-shirt sleeve. Otherwise, it's the same outfit. And same hair of course. And same litany. I'm Gretel. I have three siblings..... Enter Fedra dearest with a plate of food and a tad of repugnance. As Gretel scurries like a wild animal off with her chow, Fedra notes that Bernardo really needs to clean up in here more often. Really. This doesn't. bear. thinking. about. Shoot the writers someone please! Gretel has turned into a crazed animal. But frankly how could she be anything but? Carlota's going to be roasting somewhere big-time for her part in this.
We find ourselves with the police chief now. He's bound and determined to make this poor boob they've collared confess to stealing from the rich and giving to the poor. The fella looks confused. And unlikely to be the culprit. So let's get back Fedra and her little family gathering. She's toasting Emanual's dual triumph in sports and relationships. He's about to be married to Ilitia whose patience and tender care helped him regain use of his legs. Jacqui, who's become the girlfriend of Eman's best bud, slithers over and gives him a kiss. Ilitia gives her the evil eye. But then toasts to Love as an Epidemic. Their romance is catching. Here here! Emanual starts musing about Mari again and Ilitia breaks in with "Ya es 'too much'!" You should have dedicated the prize to me. Yep. Our Ilitia is pissed. And totally reverted to bitchaholic. We know this doesn't bode well for the Boda. Let's think about that while we're subjected to more ads.
Nope. Not boding well at all. Seems it's the next day but Manny stood Ilitia up last night. Here she was with champagne and everything and he's a no show. Well, he's tired. And please, no questions. Don't try and control me. But you should be thinking about me all the time, she protests. Dark days ahead. No doubt about it.
Back to Carlota and her blue jammies. Mari's getting ready to leave for her publicity trip. How nifty is it that she's in the same business as Emanual, no? But what should arrive but Another Letter from HIM. Almodena (lady who's caring for Carlota) thinks she should read it...and answer it, goldurnit! After all the letters he's written, it's the least she could do. Mari begs to differ. And leaves.
But what's this? A stretch limosine. White. Another wedding? Nope. Exit the barrio lawyer. Followed by Netty who has evidently reclaimed her telenovela stardom. A small clot of fans shrieks and cheers and waves papers to be autographed. Netty obliges.
Back to the police. And confusion as far as I'm concerned. Chief is cogitating. This Lirio de Plata must be an orphan. We need to check out the orphanages to find a record of him. He's very intelligent, subtle, shrewd. He always picks parties of rich folks to make his strike. Hmmmm. Just then the door opens and Oliver, looking like he spent the last two years in the wine cellar with Gretel, pokes his ghastly head in. And gets rousted. Is this how you respond to a rise in rank!? You're not worthy of the uniform! Go home! Take a bath! Clean up! Oliver's sulking. Leave me alone. I'm stressed. Police chief leaves but Brandon's not having it. He grabs Oliver in a big ol' man hug and cradles his head while Oliver bleats about "this pain in my heart and soul". Dude, you have it so much easier than poor Gretel. So man up and find the girl already!
Emanual's back at work, grousing at people on the set about a wrinkled piece of fabric. In other words, He's Not Happy. And Dad knows it. Emiliano takes him aside and begs him not to marry Ilitia. He knows Son will be miserable if he marries the wrong woman. Ah, but Emanual has no choice. Ilitia stood beside him during all his recuperation. Pushing his wheelchair. Encouraging him. And where was Marianela? Couldn't even answer one letter! Ever! Manny stalks off. Emiliano looks perturbed. End of scene.
Red Alert. Tia Carlota, still in the same blue jammies, has taken a turn for the worse. Almodena decides to call her family in Mexico. Mientras tanto, Mari's at the airport with a weedy looking guy named Jorge. Guess he must be Manny's competition. He's got that fruity Spanish accent and is all flirty, calling her "hermosa", removing her glasses and hinting she could be model material herself if she wanted to be. Yuck. Well, for sure he wants her to work in his publicity agency. In the creative section. 'Cause she's so creative. Experience not necessary. Just love your work (and me, subtext). She says "yes". To the work, anyway. Not liking where this is going.
Bernardo and Fedra. Also not liking where things are going. Seems they've heard about this Lirio de Plata guy too. Hell, it must be Chema. Come back from..... wherever. It's no coincidence. And could be dangerous for Fedra. She could be recognized. Aha! Chickens coming home to roost. About time. Just then the phone rings. It's Almodena. Bernardo answers, passes the phone to Fedra, who plays like she's worried about "her aunt" and vows to arrive on the very next plane to see how she is. Grinning idiotically, she reassures Bernardo that she's going to get her hands on every last centavo of Carlota's money and that's that. Bernardo fusses that it's too close to the wedding to be gallivanting off to Spain but Fedra's cool with that. She'll zip in and zip out (and no doubt dispatch Carlota to the next world) and make it to the church on time. No problem.
Big problem with Mari though. Skivvy little Jorge hands her a Mexican newspaper. You guessed it. Emanual and Ilitia's marriage is front page news. Our plucky little Mari sheds some tears behind those humongous , unflattering glasses. Jorge doubts that she's over her grand amor. She swears she is. Just...well, the picture shook her up a little (me movió el tapete) They agree memories must be buried and their flight is announced.
Ah memories. Seems Nereida has parlayed her memories of the Kristel-Mauricio tryst videotape into an elevation of rank. She's now Head Housekeeper, with a swank outfit, and frequent dustups with Kristel. The latest scandal is someone has burned one of Kristel's frocks and she wants someone to pay for it. Nereida declines, and also makes a malicious remark about Mauricio's frequent trips out of town. Trouble in Paradise? It will be interesting to see what he's been up to in the last two years. But first, more ads.
Now we're in the final countdown of the episode. Here's how it wraps up. Netty has a Secret Admirer who keeps sending her flowers. Shall we guess it's Emiliano?
And Fedra's off to Spain. But telling Emiliano she's off to Switzerland. To check on Gretel. Who's finally allowed to see people. But noooo, not you Emiliano. You stay here and tend to the wedding while I fly off to see how her treatment's going. Bye! Emiliano looks perturbed. Again.
Jacqui and Eman's skanky buddy are filming a commercial about a product that gives you kisses without bad breath. Insensitive doofus buddy envies Manny's coming nuptials and canoodling with that luscious body named Ilitia. Manny sighs and notes that his buddy still doesn't realize it takes more than a body to make a man happy. Fine, says doofus, but let's relax and toss back a few brewskis and talk about it.
Nereida's flown into the kitchen ready to raise Hell and fire Delicia over the scorched dress. Paula and Delicia make fun of her and her pretentions. And Axel forbids her from firing anybody. Good stuff.
Bad stuff at Ilitia's. She's being a Bridezilla about the colors the wedding planner picked out for the tables. She wanted beige and burgundy, this idiot brought her vanilla and old rose. Out! Bye! Come back with better stuff. Chauffeur and maid watch this with squinchy disapproving faces. Bridezilla doesn't notice. She wants them to fetch her stylist and the poor wretch designing her wedding cake. But wait! She's smiling. A huge bouquet has arrived. Joy. It must be from Emanuel. She opens the note.
And a sinister note it is indeed. "I'm nearby. And I have a very special wedding present for you. Mauricio Fonseca."
Ooooh. Creepy. Muñeca, who is hovering by her daughter's side, looks perturbed. So does Ilitia.
A lot of Perturbing tonight folks. And that's it.
Fedra wants the wedding to be the social event of the year.
Eman's buddy is worried that he has one foot in church while his mind's still on another woman.
Eman says he needs to have Marianela look him right in the eye and tell him she doesn't love him before he'll believe it.
ama de llaves = housekeeper (a rank above mere maid. and one Nereida holds now)
me movió el tapete = shook me up. (sometimes has a romantic meaning, but not here)
estirar la pata = kick the bucket, die. (what Tia Carlota's about to do)
todo se va a arreglar = everything's going to be alright (Brandon's reassurance to a distraught Oliver)
Dicho of the Day
Aunque la mona se vista de seda, mona se queda. Lit. a monkey dressed in silk is still a monkey. Fig. You can't make a silk purse out of a sow's ear.
Delicia and Paula, making fun of Nereida in her fancy outfit and presumptuous ways.
Labels: llena
I am so glad you brought up the bathroom sitch... I was thinking the same thing! Poor Gretel.
The flirty Spanish guy was making me nuts cause I couldn't figure out who it was... Figured out finally he was the gypsy dude from Salvaje. Boy did he look different.
I am glad that they made Mari's weight loss realistic (in time frame anyway)Nice PSA.
I really like some of the characters in the Novella and that is why I am sticking with it. But the storyline keeps going from bad to worse! Here to hoping they iron out some of the weird wrinkles and make it a tad more believable... For a Novella anyway!
Manny in his race reminded me of the first episode with almost everyone doing the same thing they had done before.
Though it was nice to see good things happening to people (Netty a star and Doris winning an award), the creepy stuff seems to overwhelm me. Axel did make the Adios boda comment and stopped Nereida from firing Delicia so there may be some hope for him. I think my hope for more change is the problem. We have many episodes to go before this is over and my mind was thinking it was near the end or better stuff for the good guys, sigh., he actually made me tear up. He looked so utterly destroyed. Could he be the one stealing from the rich and giving to the poor? I saw the whole show but was also utterly confused by the Lirio de Plata thing. I can't remember whether Oliver knows anything about the Lirio...I guess maybe not. It would be interesting if Chema appeared.
I hate Mari's hair, too. Those ringlets have got to go. And why doesn't she have contacts or better glasses?
Not sure about this Jorge. He's kind of cute, but too oily. They should have hired Luis Hacha if they needed a handsome Spanish guy. I miss him!
Whiskey Tango Foxtrot. That's all I have to say about poor Gretel being in the wine cellar for two years. *shakes head*
The show has taken a "turn" (with new opening titles and everything) and I'm not sure I'm going to like all of it, but I'm in it for the long haul. Bring on tomorrow!
I'm also confused by the Lirio de Plata reference. At first I thought maybe Garduno was giving the money because he's sweet on Muneca, but he has nothing to do with El Lirio de Plata, right? Has the captain come back from the dead? If so why donate to Muneca's cause? Is it Luis Felipe? I'm so confused.
Doesn't it seem like time stood still for everyone except Mari (who lost weight) and Eman (who learned to walk again)? OMG Gretel 2 years in the cellar. Really? Gah.
Judy, I agree that this is one of your best recaps ever. It's great fun when you chew it up the way you do.
It's just all too unrealistic and/or horrible to contemplate.
So yes....let's just do a Julia and imagine there's some lovely wine cellar bathroom off camera somewhere. But different clothes than what she went in with? It beggars description...either for cruelty or for sloppy writing.
Karen. Lordy, I hate stolen baby storylines as much as rape of innocents as well. Wish they weren't a staple of these telenovelas. A lot of suffering gets thrown around before the requisite Happy Ending.
Julia....That's a very interesting theory about Oliver being the Lirio de Plata. We don't have an explanation for where he's been recently. But would he have learned about Lirio de Plata from Gretel at some point? I'M CONFUSED.
I'm impressed with all the links and photos you're posting in your Eva Luna recaps. You're clearly a computer whiz. Color me Envious along with Confused.
Sylvia...I had the same thought at first as you. It was lovestruck Garduño sending the money to Muñeca. Now...I have no idea.
Pata...There's somebody over on the STuD line with the moniker "I can't believe I watched the whole thing". That goes for you too kiddo. Thanks for joining us in the total confusion. Maybe we'll have more figured out next week.
I just had to edit my favorite lines as I had 3 full paragraphs! They are: "Mari vowing to live and not be vanquished", "...the little Matilde pregnant pastiche from Amor Real" and finally, sadly, " Gretel scurries like a wild animal off with her chow".
The vocabulary and dicho were rich desserts that topped off this delicious concoction perfectly.
So many wonderful comments! Anon, thank you for pointing out Branko from CS! I knew he was familiar but couldn't place him. I'd never have guessed!
Julia, we must have been on the same wavelenth as I've been missing Luis Hacha too and keep hoping he will appear in something soon.
So many rejuvenations and interesting developments. I've been harping on Carlota for the past few days and couldn't agree with you more Karen that "Tia Carlota can't roast enough for me". Amen.
Thanks again Judy. What a wonderful recap. Hope your furnaces are now installed and you are enjoying some toasty heat!
I thought Delicia and Paula were hilarious when they were giving miss high and mighty Nereida a hard time.
I think that Doris will be the one to do the Mari makeover! It looks as if they will both arrive in Mexico about the same time.
I was glad to see that Nettie has gone on with her life and left that baggage (Emil) in her rear view mirror. On the subject of Emil, how can he not demand to see his daughter. I hope there are anvils for this guy. Also,I am surprised Max hasn't done more in the way of looking for the poor thing.
Poor Oliver and Gretel, I hope that the writers move on this storyline - it is just too hard to watch.
So who is the Robin Hood in Fedra's life? This could be interesting especially if her past is coming back to haunt her! Does she really think that Tia will sign everything over to her or will she just forge more documents?
Well anyway now I can't quit this show. I just have to hang around to see what deliciously hideous end they have in mind for Fedra and Bernardo.
Thanks again for the enjoyable read and chuckles. I loved your jab at Lowrenzo's continued skeeviness: "Good to know he hasn't changed at all during the last two years. Consistency is his greatest quality."
Merciful heavens, my mind keeps going back to Gretel's situation and it's unconsciousable that the writers would present it that way.
Also agree with the criticism of Emiliano. He is so totally whipped and clueless....Netty deserves better and certainly Gretel does.
Diana..when you think about it, Lili's situation was a dream compared to Gretel's. Nice comfortable bed. Regular meals. A friend to play chess with. Occasional visits from her sister.
Gretel. Hard stone floor. No clothing change in 2 years. No mattress. No pillow. No bathroom. No visits except to drop off food. Un-Be-Lievable. Bad situation and bad writing.
And brrrrr...the heat's somewhat better ,Diana, but they're still working on it.
Jackie...the adult men in this one are horrid.
Max. Leaves his pregnant Paula in the lurch. wussy. Or substitute a "p" for the "w".
Lorenzo...scum of the earth. Actually kills off his lovers and takes the children (or tries to). Sure hope the younger generation turns out better!
Rosemary...I think we all agree. The Oliver/Gretel storyline is unbearable and needs to change pronto, "lo antes posible"...
Poor, lazy writing on the part of the writers there. This just makes this guy look like the biggest jerk of all time. He and Max are just the same. And now Eman us following in their footsteps. Looks like a RdT man to me. Good for Netty for moving on from Emil. Paula needs to do the same with Max (especially when she finds out he has now known for 2 years that missing Gretel is their child and didn't tell her). Ugh!
I hope we start getting some clues about who the new Lirio de Plata is. At different times during the episode I thought it was Garduno, Mauricio, Emanuel or Oliver. Meaning, I had no idea who it was. Lol! :)
Can we please find out what's been going on between Delicia and Axel. Have they just been flirting for two years? Actually, I wouldn't mind that since all the other relationships in this novela jumped into the sack way too soon.
I'm loving this show. Having said that, let me hasten to say that I simply can't bring myself to take any of it seriously so please forgive my flippancy over it's many atrocities. I think it was poor Dumas' unintended demise that repositioned me. I think that the writers are having sport with us so I say bring it on.
Gretel's situation is so impossibly ridiculous that I simply can't take it seriously anymore. I say, get her a corkscrew, some appropriate wineglasses, a subscription to Wine Enthusiast, and maybe a nice selection of cheeses. Oh yeah, maybe a little more attention to hygienic considerations.
Axel's new 'do... hate it.
Odd that they didn't know who little Cristian is (or did they), and yet his name is... Cristian.
I wonder if Axel has settled in with the indolent Ruiz y de Teresa lifestyle? 2 yrs. should be enough time to relearn the guitar. Oh... that's right... his is busted. Oh well...
Now if I could relax and take Carlos' attitude, maybe I could break this cussing habit. He's right to remind us that this whole wacky tale is so over-the-top and outlandish, one shouldn't take a single moment seriously.
And thanks for bringing up Axel's new hairstyle, Carlos. Looks like he stuck his finger in an electrical outlet and zzzzzzzzap!
I once cut through a power cord while trimming bushes and got quite a charge, but even then my hair didn't look like that bad. Most unbecoming.
And seeing Oliver still so destroyed - okay that's love. He didn't run off to the next available girl (cough cough Eman), or at least yet he didn't.
Why do galans in these TN's always think they have to marry the alternate girl? I get his whole frustration over Mari not answering the letters, but it doesn't logically follow he has to MARRY someone else.
I love the characters in this TN, and am holding out that the plots get a little better, along with hair and wardrobe.
Julia/Diana - Can either of you tell me (or show me) who is Luis Hacha?
I also hate Axel's new do. I hope Julia an Vivi are right and he and Delicia have just been flirting.
daisynjay - ITA regarding the galan marrying someone else. Why is staying single (at least until you've emotionally healed) never an option?
Karen, I don't know who Luis Hacha is but after the earlier comment I googled the name. Whoever he is he is certainly babealicious.
I guess since Fedra is a snake that is why she kept her Medusa hairstyle. Gretel needs to be freed and now. That whole bit it too disturbing.
Wonder who El Lirio de Plata is?
Totally charming fresh-faced lovable guy. Looked younger than his 35 years ago. Would have been great as "Jorge" in Llena. But then we would all have been rooting for Marianela to dump Emanual. So no go. But just so you understand, EVERYBODY watching ENDA wanted Luis to live and the doofus playing head galan to drop out of the picture. He was just that engaging.
Daisynjay...Are you going to be watching the Cavaliers -Miami Heat game tonight? I guess it's Lebron's first trip back...and a lot of the fans are still VERY ANGRY. If this were a telenovela, he'd be kinapped and tortured for sure.'s always dangerous to venture into male/female psychological territory. By why be cautious? Generally, men's way of healing seems to be to move on quickly to a new relationship.
Just in my own social circle, I've known men who started dating withing 6 weeks of their wife's death from cancer; and were remarried within 6 months. I'm not dissing these men. I'm just saying that there are profound differences in the way men and women deal with grief. It seems callous and uncaring to us women. Granted. But if you ask another man, he seems to find it makes sense. What can I say? Mother Nature seems to have guarenteed we'll have trouble understanding each other.
Pirate Babe...thanks for the Medusa reference. I was trying to think of the apt comparison while describing Fedra's hair but the synapses weren't firing last night. Gracias amiga. Yes, I'm sure some classically minded writer came up with that idea for her hair style. Now if they could just come up with a more reasonable form of sequestration for Gretel. Or just get the poor girl OUT!
I'm definitely getting out of downtown early tonight to avoid traffic and media since my office is only a couple blocks from the arena.
And thanks Judy. I had not considered the gender differences in "emotional healing."
OK, my take on the whole two-year thing... Mari and Eman spent those years doing what we just watched. Everyone else was in suspended animation. Works for me and smells better for Gretel!
Pirate Babe....soooo....we have two from Cleveland. You and Daisynjay. Seems like the sports radio people are egging on the fight. And anything CAN happen, unfortunately. Let's just hope for the best.
Karen, I'll admit...I struggle with those differences. Most women do. I've had several friends in co-ed Grief Support groups and one of 'em said "If that Ralph say one more time how he's cleaned out her closet and is 'moving on', I'm gonna kill 'im!"
Not quite the emotional support bonding the facilitator hoped for, but again...the guys had no problem with it. Only the gals.
Has Emiliano learned absolutely nothing? He knows Fedra has a history of abusing Gretel, so why would he leave Gretel's care up to her? If he had any brains at all, which he doesn't, he would insist on getting more information. Surely there is some way he could blackmail Fedra into not keeping all these secrets about Gretel's whereabouts, but he continues to fall for her matador-cape tricks.
Disturbing that one of our favorite actors is playing such an idiot role in this one. I've seen him play an out and out skanky villan (Guapos) and prefer that to this wishy-washy-if-I-only-had-a-brain character. Ugh. Or as Diana would say, blech!
Nice call on the give girl time to mature development, Julia. I didn't marry until I was almost thirty, and frankly, I would have found staying at home nursing babies and cleaning up messes really depressing if I hadn't had some wonderful in my 20's memories to look back on. And to know that I hadn't missed anything (not much of anything, that's for sure) before deciding to settle down and raise children.
Now granted, different strokes for different folks. I'm sure there are many women out there who married young, had children young and then found rewarding careers and travel opportunities later. But for me that worked. And for Marianela, it gives her a little more stature before taking the leap.
Doesn’t bode well for the Boda – good one!
The whole Gretel thing was so horrifying, it blotted out practically everything that happened last night, so I’m glad to re-read in your recap.
Wouldn’t Gretel have sores on her from sitting so long? Wouldn’t she have gotten a toothache by now? Who cuts her hair? And yes, I agree, why not just drink up all the wine?
They know the little boy is called Cristian because it was written on the medal around his neck. I think Carlos was asking about that..
I guess the award Doris got must’ve been some Hispanic achievement award, because the ceremony was in Spanish!
Bernardo mentioned earlier that the captain was the one man Fedra truly loved. If so, you’d think she’d mix being interested in with being scared about his possible reappearance.
Yeah, you think Fedra would be charmed at the love of her life reappearing BUT since he could bring down all her plans to be rich and classy by revealing her past....well, Dinero wins out over Old Love any day.. with Fedra anyhow.
The downside of taping is that when I pause the tape, whatever’s playing at the time comes on and sometimes I get sucked into watching that. Upside: I can back up when I didn’t understand something. It’s a miracle my tape machine hasn’t put up its little electrodes and died from all the stopping and backing up I’ve done.
"They know the little boy is called Cristian because it was written on the medal around his neck."
Thanks, I had thought that might be it. Strange though that no one has put two and two together. I guess the naco ladies don't have contact with the orphans. I guess that Begoña's gone and forgotten. You'd think that Jackie might be curious as to what happened to her BFF. Also I thought that Baldy & Basura were closing in on Cristian.
Looks like little Cristian has inherited some of his daddy's finer traits. Won't be long before he's pulling the wings off flies and playing with matches.
Maggie, I also wondered who might be cutting Gretel's hair. It looks about the same to me. You would also think that since she's been there for 2 yrs. that they would have provided her with some furniture and a few other amenities.
Sylvia, I rewound that preview a couple of times and it looked like Oliver was kissing on Doris.
Vivi, seriously, you considered Orangeboy as Lirio de Plata? I'm liking either Manny or Axel for that. Garduño should be in jail or he would be my choice. I think that Oliver's too wrapped up in self-pity. Bernardo? Nah. Maybe Fidel? How about Gretel having found a way out the cellar and doing a little moonlighting?
The only answer....and also the only answer to Carlos' questions is Emilia's "suspended animation".
Emanuel and Marianela went through their transformations and everybody else was in some kind of Sleeping Beauty holding pattern. And NOW we begin where we left off....
Maggie...years of scribbling notes, interviewing people for the newspaper and doing "dictées" in French class helped. But what I really hoped to do was type notes as I watch, since I type really fast. But one night the computer wiped out my notes and I had to write the recap from memory.(again,refused to re-watch, goldurnit!) And that was that. I went back to old-fashioned scribbling.
“Those creepy writers have kept Gretel in the wine cellar for two years....” etc. ROTFL! What a great description of Gretel’s torture, for which the writers deserve an anvil, or better yet, shooting as you point out.
“Consistency is his greatest quality.” LOL! I had a smidgen of hope for Low, but he’s true to form.
Hooray for Emanuel dedicating his trophy to Mari. Good job, lad!
“Carlota muses that one day, like it or not, she'll have to go back. Anyone want to take bets on how soon it will be?” Judging from this week’s magical time warp, should be any minute now.
Doncha just love how the make-up competition award ceremony is conducted all in Spanish?
“So, a tidy little wrap-up here before the ads. Mari has triumphed over fatness; Eman over paralysis; Doris over second-rate make-up skills.” LOL!
“Except with Fedra. Same serpentine ringlets.” LOL- reminds me of Medusa. In fact, maybe that’s the effect they wanted….
And who knows about “Lirio de Plata and would want to do good stuff at the same time?” Maximo, Benigno, Emanuel, Marianela, Netty? For sure Emanuel and Mari, but I also think I remember Max talking about it. Of course, I could be hallucinating like Gretel. ¡Pobrecita! And we don’t know who else knew about the Lirio de Plata from 25 years ago or so when Fedra was in Veracruz—was Garduño around as a Mafiosi at the time?
Carlos, Oliver and Doris? I imagine it will be a momentary slip which Gretel, fresh out of the cellar, will see. Oh the pain of these tragic plot devices. There are so many unanswered questions and loose plot threads in this crazy show I can only laugh. I'm dying to know what new tortures they inflict on us tonight. Only three more hours for me...
Sylvia, be patient, Amiguita. ;-)
Jeanne (watching now, home late from work, thank heaven for DVRs)
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