Wednesday, December 22, 2010
La Verdad Oculta EP70 12/21/2010 – Susana pulls a Gaviota

* Yesterday’s cruel cliffhanger: David died. Today, two seconds after the cliffhanger: David lives, the defibrillation saved him! The doctor takes a deep breath, wipes his forehead and outside tells the anxious family the good news. However, Blondie is still in a fragile state of health. FaustiMario tries to comfort Gaby but she’s inconsolable.
* It’s family time in Leonardo’s flat, however, Lionheart Who’s Just Been Shot can’t stay at home to enjoy Paulita’s and Julieta’s company because he has many things to do in his office.
* Juan José is waiting for the call from the blackmailer. He doesn’t dare alert the police: right now that letter is the most valuable thing on Earth.
* Adolfo is on the edge of nervous breakdown when Ramón shows up in the condo looking for Carlos. He needs to ask him a few questions, does Adolfo know where he is now? No, he has no idea, but he’s very curious about the connection between the police and his son. What are those questions Ramón wishes to ask? No, no, if Adolfo’s interested he should Faidella about them. After Ramón leaves the condo Dolphie calls Yolanda and orders her to ask Carlos about this mess.

* Susana manages to get in touch with Marcos and tells him what happened lately. Although she really wants to help him to get out of the prison, Marcos knows there’s no hope for him, so he sadly breaks up with her. She’d better leave Mexico City. Susana objects, she loves him and she’ll wait for him! No, don’t do that. After Marcos hangs up the phone heartbroken Susana starts to cry.

* Garnica calls JJ to tell him in exchange of the letter he wants 10 million pesos. When JJ starts to get inquisitive about that mysterious letter and the blackmailer’s trustworthiness, Garnica spills some beans: there were more culprits, and one of the is called… Ávila. Okay, Juan José is all ears now. Garnica tells him his conditions: first, no police. Second, put the cash in a trash bag. Third, next morning leave the house and while he’s away Garnica will call JJ’s contact (in this case: Asunción) and he’ll tell him the location and the details of the transaction. All JJ has to do is to call Asunción and then bring the money to a specific place. If everything goes well, he’ll receive the letter next evening.
* Carlos visits Yolanda who asks him why the police looks for him in Sagitario and in Adolfo’s flat. He doesn’t know. Yolanda is flustered and worried, too many awful things happened lately… And Carlos is sure that his dad sent the goons to kill David.
* Ramón gives Leonardo the list of the actors who was working in Adolfo’s theater when Marta was murdered. Comandante Faidella is in a hurry, Julieta and Paulita are waiting for him at home. Ramón smiles and implies there’s something between Leo and “the other sister”… Oh, if Leo’s eyes could kill, Ramón would be burning on a stake.

* JJ calls Alejandra and they plan to have dinner together.
* Garnica is at Ávilas, and he politely tries to convince Adolfo why he wants to become his associate: he has been working for him for ages, he has earned him mucho dinero, and so on. NO WAY! In Adolfo’s eyes Garnica is just an employee, and he doesn’t intend to either make him his business partner or give him more money. Anyway, he doesn’t believe Garnica has anything he could use against him. If that letter exists, then tell him who wrote it. No, Garnica can’t tell him anything. Then get out of his house! Fine, Garnica leaves but while he’s putting on his Horatio sunglasses, he says they’re not done yet. I’ll be back. *Viewerville: badass*

* Bertha tells her sister she’s leaving the house, she’ll live in Adolfo’s house. Alejandra’s head almost explodes.
* Yolanda arrives at Dolphie’s home and immediately start to drink her favourite green goo. The two nervous wrecks talk about Carlos and how are things going… How, how? Badly! What about Carlos, asks Adolfo. The boy has no idea what the policemen want from him. Does Adolfo believe the Genovéses may be able to prove he killed Marta? Has he forgotten something? Adolfo stutters he might have. But don’t worry, he’ll fix the problem.
* At the hospital Abelardo sends tired Gaby home, he’ll guard David. Juan José and Alejandra take the tired woman home.
* Adolfo shows his blonde handmaiden her new home. Btw, did her uncle tell her something about their last conversation? No, nothing. While they are upstairs Leonardo shows up and asks the maid about Félix. Sorry, she doesn’t know about him, he disappeared. Leo sits down in the living room and notices a woman’s handbag on the couch. Adolfo tries to kick him out, he says he has enough problems now, but Leo tells him he has to identify the cadaver of Félix Méndez. Of whom? The guy who tried to kill him. Adolfo repeats he doesn’t know that man. And what about the cuff-links? Or a special trefoil shaped ring? Adolfo says he has no idea what Leo is talking about. Really? What a coincidence, his son has a trefoil ring. Nevertheless, if Adolfo remembers anything about those things or Félix, please call him.
* Dora shows up in the hospital. She wakes up Adolfo and asks about David. Please, help her, she needs to see her son!
* Bertha, who was eavesdropping the whole conversation with Faidella, now assures Adolfo she wants to help him and he can tell her everything he wants. Now who’s the prey and who’s the hunter?
* While having dinner Alejandra and JJ are talking about the blackmail. She says he should tell everything to Leonardo but she can’t convince pumpkinhead. She’s afraid something may happen to him, what if the blackmailers are the same guys who attempted to kill him before? He doesn’t know but please calm down. Oh, come on, how could she not be worried about him! Why, asks JJ. Because I love you. JJ melts. I love you, too, muchísimo. Kiss.
* Dora has five minutes to visit David. When she sees her wounded child she breaks into tears.

* In the morning JJ is ready to leave and Asunción can’t dissuade him from going through with this madness.

* Fausto, Gaby and Alejandra arrive at the hospital and they meet Dora who apparently has returned from the other end of the solar system. She warmly greets and hugs the señorita and the señora but when Alejandra mentions JJ’s problem she becomes Snow Queen and swears she won’t say anything. Anything! *Viewerville: Oh, someone slap her. Please?*
* JJ calls Asunción from a phone booth. Any news? Nothing yet, JuanJo.
* Alejandra tries everything to convince Dora, but she’s afraid to death. She can’t risk David’s life, those people are capable of doing anything!
* Garnica calls Asunción and tries to tell him the location of the transaction, but anxious Limón quickly gets on his nerves. Since he can’t write, Caramelo draws a simple map.

* Juan José drives to the location, and while Garnica is spying on him from a distant spot he’s hiding the money. Viewerville don’t like Garnica’s content smile.

* When he arrives at home he scolds Asunción for getting the little girl involved in their business, but when he sees Caramelo’s map he breaks into a smile and says the kid is smarter than Limón. Both of them are nervous, however, they can’t do anything but hope and wait.
* After admiring his 10 million pesos, our newest Iago calls Juan José – this time as Garnica, the lawyer. He’d like to visit him to sign the contract. However, JJ wants to see the project first. *Viewerville: Wow, he developed new brain cells.* Then he calls Medina and they agree to check the project.
* Susana calls Adolfo but it’s Bertha who answers the phone. Who’s looking for Darth Ávila? I’m Susana. Bertha’s eyes almost pop out of her head: SUSANA? Oops. Sue nervously hangs up, then she tries to reach Adolfo on his cell phone. They agree to meet in a crowded place later. Then she rushes to the kitchen, hides the diamonds in the margarine (nice) and puts on The Shoes.

* JJ invites Alejandra for a trip to the beach. Next Saturday? She’d love it! No, she doesn’t mind if he has to work, she’ll be waiting for him on the beach wearing nothing but a SMALL bikini. Great. But there’s something important he must know: Dora’s returned. QUE? Oops, I’ve just given 10 millions to the blackmailer. Anyway. Where the hell is she now? In the hospital.
* Adolfo and his goon discuss the details of his next transaction which contains a pair of shoes, the photo, 2,5 million pesos and a girl called Susana.
* JJ storms into the hospital and greets Dora. It’s great that she returned, let’s visit Faidella right now. No, Sir, I don’t go anywhere. My son has been shot, and look what happened to Don Mario. JJ can’t believe his ears and begs her. Sorry, but she can’t talk, she can’t let something bad happen again. Please, understand her. *Viewerville: headdesk*

* The stage is set: it’s a sunny day, Adolfo is waiting for Susana in a café, his goon is bringing the money in a bag, El Marrano (or what’s his name now) is following Susana in a car, and Susana is summoning up the courage to meet Darth Dracula. But she never reaches the café, and Adolfo, who doesn't care about the screaming and shouting, doesn't understand where that silly woman is.

Merry Christmas to the Insomniacs Club!

Labels: verdad
Here are the You Tube links for Episode 70:
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
It's simply too hard to decide at this point what's better - the show or the recaps...
What an absolutely amazing title! I laughed out loud in amusement and appreciation.
We knew it was coming, didn't we? Still, seeing Susana splayed on the pavement was quite sad. Had she only aligned herself with the "good" side of the house, I've no doubt she would be with us still and in a much happier place. As Fausto has a strong inclination to right injustice, I had thought early on he might take on Marcos' case and fight for leniancy due to the circumstances (trying to save Elsa).
I had to grimace that Adolfo couldn't be bothered to see what the commotion was all about. Heaven forbid his coffee be disturbed!
I have so many questions. Will the diamonds encased in margarine be found or will they once again be discarded in the trash??
I can't wait to read your recap Aribeth. I am out until Tuesday and while I can read the recaps from home, can't comment until I'm back at work.
I wish all of you a wonderful holiday, a very Merry Christmas and all the best in the coming year.
Thank you to Jeri, Aribeth and Vivi for your hard and amazing work and to all the commenters for your always interesting comments.
Don't honestly know if Susana is dead. They never showed one way or the other so far. When they don't, usually they are alive.
Her phone call with Marcos was touching. Whatever else they are, they are devoted to one another.
Yes, her conversation with Marcos was touching, especially as it might have been the last. They truly did care for each other. He seemed quietly resigned, defeated and hopeless. He has made mistakes but the botom line was he doesn't deserve to be in jail. I'm holding out a sliver of hope that he will eventually be free.
Aribeth: I'm looking forward to the recap, but there's no rush as we have almost a week till the next episode and recap. Plenty of time to comment as things pop into our minds over the holidays. :)
Am I mistaken, or did Susana leave some of the diamonds in the shoes, and just put a few in the butter to keep for herself? I thought I still saw some sparkling in the shoe.
That was a touching conversation she and Marcos had. I've always thought they really cared for each other. Even when Susana held back a few of the diamonds for herself way back when, it was sort of like she was taking out an insurance policy, in case Marcos' schemes and plans backfired. Remember, she was really wary of the whole truck idea. So although she's an opportunist (and puts her survival above all else), she does care for Marcos.
In the hospital it looked like Gabi was really keeping on top of the nurses- looking at David’s chart and making sure they had given him the proper doses on time. Guess she didn’t want another incident like the flatline incident to happen again. She was also listening pretty hard as JJ, Dora, Abelardo, etc. were speaking. They were getting careless about what they were saying in front of her and I think she picked up some new clues. I think she was just too busy and concerned with David, and that stopped her from asking questions. But it looks like seeds were planted.
So based on the accident, it looks like the goal was to kill Susana not recover the shoes.
Oh and aside from the Fausto/Mario switch, what was being said in front of Gabi that should have been avoided? Thanks in advance.
- JJ is innocent and blames Adolfo for wrongfully accusing him to the police (JJ told her)
- Adolfo is a smuggler who used her to try to smugle via the shoes (Leo told her)
- Adolfo is threatening Mario with the murder of Marta Sandivar and holds a death clause contract over him that will expire shortly, but Mario didn't kill Marta. (David told her.)
What Gabi doesn't know:
- Dora saw who killed the girl, and Carlos was one of them; that she fled the city because she's scared of Adolfo; and that she refuses to testify to the cops.
- Dora is David's mother.
- JJ, Ale, Aberlardo, Mario/Fausto, David, and Leo are all working together to unmask Adolfo and keep the extended/collective family and Mario's fortune safe.
- Fausto is really Mario.
- Fausto is a fugitive on the run, with a fake name, who was married to Marta.
-Marta is her mother.
- Yolanda and her father know each other from way back (as well as Mari and Adolfo).
- Carlos is her brother.
The first few things on her Does Not Know list were things she could have picked up on from the conversations in the hospital and the way everyone was acting. It was all very suspicious if you look at it from her point of view. Why all the fuss over Dora? Where was she? Why is Leo talking to her? Why is JJ having such an intense conversation with her? How do they even know each other?
I'm so sorry, I have to admit I'm guilty, the temptation was too strong. *geek alert* I have spent the last days with finishing an enchanting role playing game.* The galaxy is saved (again), I kicked many alien and human butts, but there's no recap yet. Tomorrow.
(*This how my average day looks like when I have a new Bioware game + an upgraded computer + enough free time: wake up, bath, breakfast, game, lunch, play, dinner, play, a few hours of sleeping, wake up... play... sleep... wake up... play, read the gamer forums, look for fanarts, comics, parodies... sleep. Yeah. Guess where my name came from. :))
It's probably good that greedy old Adolfo couldn't be bothered looking up from his paper or he'd be out on the street trying to take the shoes right off Susana's feet. Now that a crowd has gathered he can't do it.
I'm looking forward to Aribeth's recap!
I was hoping that Dora would go to the police and that way JJ would not have to pay the money, but it looks like she is not going to help.
What about Adolfo touching Bertha's thighs, and she didn't seem to mind at all.
About the title "Susana pulls a Gaviota". Who is Gaviota? Is she a character fron amother novela?
-Mario was her biological father and he's now dead.
Thanks Jeri, Aribeth, and Vivi for your recaps. I am so enjoying watching/reading past and present episodes. So glad I went with my hunch to join this once the semester was done.
Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays everyone!!
What about Carlos. He has two sisters that he doesn't know of. How will he react when he finds out.
Margaret, Gaviota was the lead in Destilando Amor also starring EY. Gaviota (A. Rivera) was hit by a car (I believe in England), and Rodrigo (EY) was nearby but somehow, never saw the accident. Gaviota did recover after much therapy but it of course signaled more non and mis-communication between the characters.
Yes, that's Julio Alemán (Adolfo) in the beginning of the video.
Never saw Destilando Amor, but I did see Cuando Seas Mia, which I believe was the same story and came first. The female protag was Paloma.
(Interesting facts: the protagonists of Cuando seas mía are Silvia Navarro and Sergio Basañez, who played together in three Azteca novelas. Sergio, who played Guy's character in the CSM, had been Guy's rival in the famous 1998 version of La mentira. And who's the protagonist of the new La mentira remake called Cuando me enamoro? Silvia Navarro. :))
Destilando was extremely popular both in Mexico and US. The cast, the locations and its MUSIC are marvelous, but there's one problem with this show: it's freaking long and slow. Btw, it was made by the producer of Mañana es para siempre and Soy tu dueña.
Adolfo cracks me up. He might be intelligent and capable enough to handle all his illegal business but he lacks self awareness and common sense sometimes. I like that he is not perfect like most villains.
It's funny that you are mentioning Destilando and Cuando Seas Mia. TvAzteca started showing CSM on the afternoons this week and it's strange to see Silvia Navarro on at the same time on both networks.
Safer bets (those with success outside the country):
Voces Inocentes
Y tu mamá también
Amores Perros
Arráncame la vida
El crimen del padre amaro
Romance (and drama):
Solo dios sabe
Rudo y Cursi
Solo co tu pareja
Ladies's Night
Matando Cabos
Sultanes del Sur
Sexo, Pudor y Lagrimas (I didn't find the trailer so I put the music video, heh).
El Infierno (Good way to understand the situation now in México with the cartels and all).
Tv Series:
Produced by Argos and financed by HBO Latino. I love this show, season 1 was good but season 2 was awesome.
Los Minondo Produced by Once TV. For those who like historic dramas.
Terminales Unfortunately produced by Televisa so it doesn't have an ending. But I liked it.
Las Aparicio Produced by Aros an Antena 3. I didn't watch much but it has a huge following, it's crazy.
Take your pick :).
One thing that was strange in last night's episode is how Dora echoed Yolanda's great apprehension about the past, both get a frantic tone in their voices when confronted about the early years. Dora, even though she has the protection of the Genoves, fearfully refuses to help JJ. Yolanda, who goes head to toe with Afolfo all the time strongly suggests that what happened years ago was terrible. Now I'm REALLY curious!
Kudos to Marcos for being mature for Susana and poor Susana is back to being by herself and fending for herself. Hiding the diamonds in the margarine or "I Can't Believe It's not Butter" tub was brilliant but, yes as mentioned, I hope no one throws it out in the trash.
Anyway, I also laughed at the scene where it was a necessity to use a six year old girl to write down directions with her crayons to make an impromptu map. And she did it so well. I love that scene.
Dora like everyone else is in this novela is flawed, as mentioned before. She didn't have the strength to face the responsibility of doing the right thing and made poor J J suffer 11 years in prison. But at least it worked out that David had the best of everything and she luckily was able to give him love and share his life. She needs to finally let go of all her fears and confess to the police before Adolfo somehow learns she was an eyewitness and takes out another contract. But then, J J is just as bad as Dora in not giving the police a chance to do it's job and has freely given away 10 million de pesos. Go figure.
Vivi, I think Gabi will be a bit miffed when she finds out she was left out of the loop of so much info, especially that her Dad was playing Mario all this time.
I'm looking forward to the recap, Aribeth and take your time since there's no need to rush.
Like someone said "I don't know what I like more,the recaps or the show" Thanks to the fantastic three,who have really honored us with their talent.A very merry Christmas.
I hope Susana makes it. I can't stand that she didn't align herself with Gabi after Gabi took pity on and hired her, but I do like that Susana took control of her situation and cut out Roberto. Unfortunately, this might've been the wrong move for her.
I don't remember how much money JJ has, but it hurt hurt hurt to see him give up 10 million. Yikes!
Could it be that Adolfo actually did something good way back in time, by rescuing Yolanda from her involvement in some Big Bad Thing? If so, it's probably the only good thing he's done in his life.
Dora's fear makes me buy into the Adolfo-is-David's-father theory. Why else would she still be so cowed after all these years?
GinCA- There was no show last night. None till Monday night. Plenty of time to drop in, comment, speculate, and chat until then. :)
From episode 29 (written by Vivi):
At JJ’s, Elsa is helping the boys count the gold bars, as they check that no more remain in the well. They have 400 bars of gold! They quickly make the calculations and figure out that they have approximately 300,032 million pesos worth of gold!
Since then he bought a hotel but he must have enough cash. However, 10 million is too much even for a millionaire.
Alejandra tried to dissuade Juan José from remodeling the house, saying it was so dilapidated it would practically have to be rebuilt.
Still that $10 million letter ransom was just thrown away. Nobody hands over the cash without getting the goods at the same time.
The way I figure it, using a divider of 10 rather than the current 12.35, our JJ is worth $30 BILLION dollars. Wow ! He's up there with Carlos Slim.
Standard gold bars contain 400 troy ounces .
So each bar was worth $240,000. Four hundred bars are worth $96 million USD.
(Net worth of Carlos Slim in 2010: $60 billion USD.)
By the way:
MERRY CHRISTMAS! I wish you all happiness and fun and I hope you get to spend the night with the people you love most :D.
And after taxes he was left with $327.58! ;D
A little something for your holiday enjoyment:
Merry Christmas Everyone!
And Merry Christmas to you, too. I hope everyone's having a good one. Our nephew is visiting us here in Chicago, which we love. We're running him around to all the sights till our tongues hang out!
Yesterday we went to the Museum of Science and Industry, where anuually have a gorgeous international Christmas tree display in the main hall, among their other fabulous exhibits. Very Christmassy!
And it's snowing again; supposed to snow all Christmas Eve and Christmas Day. :-) Good time for a hot, spicy drink.
I forgot to send you the last sentence: "But she never reaches the café, and Adolfo, who doesn't care about the screaming and shouting, doesn't understand where that silly woman is."
Jarocha, thousand thanks for the list of movies! And you added the trailers, too... You're great. I heard about Y tu mamá también (hmmm, Bernal and Luna... yummi) and Amores perros (directed by A. González Iñárritu).
Mexican movies are very different from Telenovelas so they might not appeal in the same way
I guess they are tough and show the real face of life and Mexico instead of the fairytale versions. :)
Xlnt, thank you for the music!
Jeri, that tree is beautiful indeed.
Susana singing What Child Is This:
Susana should've taken Marcos advice and got out of dodge while the getting was good. Now she may be dead or seriously injured.
I'm thinking JJ should let Leo know about the blackmail scheme and letter. Leo could get Dora to talk.
Merry Christmas my fellow insomniacs.
"I guess they are tough and show the real face of life and Mexico instead of the fairytale versions. :) "
Yes, that could be. JJ should be happy he got to the nice prison in Verdad where the gards were all nice instead of something like Capadocia :).
I also like Susana's voice, thanks for the clip I hadn't heard that song. Yes, she is in Sexo, Pudor y Lagrimas, along with Jorge Salinas. I think the rest of the main actors are less known for TV projects and more for movies, especially Cecilia Suárez.
Jeri, $96 million dollars, I was using Lemon's 300,000 million pesos for my calculations! I should have known better!
Xint, "And after taxes he was left with $327.58! " Too funny!
great summary. I always look forward to them....and of course thanks to all those who comment as well. You are all so well informed about past and present novelas;
I'm impressed. Those of you who
watched Sortilegio will remember that Gabriel Soto's character, the architect,was almost paralyzed, had an extended stay in the hospital and extensive physical therapy before he could walk again. He may need to do the same now. I'm rooting for a full recovery. So much going on in telenovela land and in the real world - always hectic one way or another. Feliz Navidad a todos.
Aribeth, GinCA, Jeri, Sandy, XInt, thanks for the rundown of where JJ's money is. Hope he slows down his burn rate.
Jarocha, I'm adding your titles to my DVD list. I've already seen Amores Perros and was so surprised to see one of my TN favorites, Jorge Salinas, in the third story.
I am anxious for Monday's episode. Does anyone know why this TN was relegated to this time? CS supposedly had poor ratings and that was the justification for the move. And the racy scenes in this one would be edited down so that couldn't be an excuse. If it's Univision's goal to increase its audience it needs to do so with quality TNs and this one beats all the ones currently on during prime time.
Brilliant hiding place for the diamonds, but did Susana put all the diamonds in the margarine.
Marcos seemed so resigned to the fact that he will be in prison for a very long time. That was a very sad conversation with Susana. Will he try to escape again, will he even find out about Susana's accident.
Looks like Leo doesn't allow his 'subordinates' to question him about his love life. Ramon got the 'death stare' from Leo, lol.
What is Bertha's game, is she also seeing a way to make lot's of money by being 'friends' with Adolfo. Not too long ago she was crying and hysterical because she was afraid of him.
The original story as you said was Cafe con aroma de mujer. Have not seen it as yet, but would like to. I just love Colombian novelas.
So there is another remake of La Mentira with Sylvia Navarro. But they had a remake only recently,El Juramento? Why do another remake so soon after the last one? Interesting.
I’ve got the whole week off and am enjoying all the novellas I’ve never seen or heard of that are on during the daytime. It’s always fun to see these familiar faces playing different roles or with different looks.
Totally OT: I've seen two Christmas movies, True Grit and The Black Swan, has anyone else seen them or any other offerings? I want to see The Fighter next, I have a feeling it might be the best of the holiday bunch...hope so anyway. Personally, I give a thumbs down to The Black Swan and a ho hum to True Grit, (just like the original!)
Can't wait until tonight's episode, or in my case, the recording I'll watch in the morning!
I'm on track with my episode recaps just fine this week after all, as my husband took the nephew off to Green Bay to see the Packers play, and so I had some free time.
As always, good episodes on LVO!
Sandy, we went to see "Tron: Legacy" in IMAX 3-D, and it was great to look at. Pretty good movie, too.
Tangled was cute. :)
Black Swan: although it's overrated and has many flaws, I liked it. (And Vinz Cassell is still very hot.)
He had some awful characteres back then in Esmeralda, La Usurpadora and Amor Real. No wonder my crush on him vanished during those years.
His Usurpadora character was the dumbest of all, that's official. :)
My problem with Colunga isn't the characters he plays, or his acting skills but the telenovelas he participates in. Although I really like Esmeralda, La usurpadora and Alborada, I found them and his other shows
a) stupid (Maria la del Barrio)
b) boring (STUD, MEPS)
c) asexual (Esmeralda, La usurpadora)
d) boring AND asexual (Abrazame muy fuerte - thanks, Mejía)
e) high quality, hot but too pretentious (Amor real, Alborada, Pasión)
So that's how my teenage crush on him has vanished. BUT. There may be hope for me: two weeks ago I saw a fanvideo of Nunca te olvidaré, and it was lovely (and he was sooo young and handsome). Maybe I should give a try to that show.
I just checked Univision's homepage and it seems we'll have two episodes this week:
I checked DirecTV, and they are still showing LVO Mon thru Thu, with a New Year's show on Friday, though.
So we might want to keep an eye on it just in case.
I saw Tron this weekend as well. I enjoyed it. It didn't blow me away like Avitar did, but it is really visiually interesting and a good story.
Is the Christmas photo you posted at the end from the Internet? I paint those ceramic Santas that are in the bottom left and have a bunch
Yes, I googled "Christmas" and found the picture here:
I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas and is thawing out from the cold and snow. Massachusetts came to a virtual standstill yesterday many areas got almost 2 feet of snow!
What a wonderful way to start the day. You were in fine form Aribeth - I loved your pictures and the recap was sensational. So many wonderful lines but my favorites were: "I’ll be back" (great pic of "Arnie"), "*Viewerville: badass*", "blonde handmaiden", " her favourite green goo", "Darth Ávila" and of course "The Shoes" (now surely more famous than even Dorothy's ruby red shoes from Oz :))
Susana and Marcos' conversation was sad indeed. Have we seen the last of Marcos? I hope not.
"Susana is summoning up the courage to meet Darth Dracula. But she never reaches the café". Even sadder was the fact Adolfo couldn't be bothered to see who the tragic accident victim was.
Juan does need a collective slap. Pay once and you'll pay again. Ack...
Thanks Aribeth! This was simply great.
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