Tuesday, December 21, 2010

La Fea Más Bella #137-138 12/21/10 Ruled by the bridle or ruled by the bit.

Capitulo 137.
Read k-Fuego’s original recap, then come back here to discuss it.

There is an old proverb, “He who will not be ruled by the bridle will be ruled by the bit.” A bridle tells a horse what to do, and a good horse will obey it. But a rebellious horse can ignore the bridle, in which case you use a bit, a piece of metal in the horse’s mouth. If he ignores the commands of the bit, it hurts his tender mouth until he obeys.

1. Yuri says Fernando sure will be surprised when he discovers his true feelings because he’s in love up to here. Fern sees Ali, and he couldn’t care less about the dancers, he just wants to find Lety.

2. Alicia orders Lety to find Fernando, and she insults Lety like street punks would, but then she spots Anais and switches to high class mode. Anaís avoids her like a bad stench. Anaís tells Lety to change her inside first, and the outside will follow. She had no fashion sense but she found a fairy godmother. Lety says, “They turned off my light,” but Anaís tells her to change and let her inner light shine.

3. Lola sees Efren, but she’s too jealous to talk to him. Remember Paula was jealous tonight too. I guess it’s a jealous night. Saimon that this serenade will make Paula his forever, but she’s not home.

4. Yuri starts the show. They sing Te quiero así whose basic theme is, “I love you so much, more and more.” Alicia tells Fernando that she found Lety, but Lety said he could cool his heels. Yuri and Mijares sing Y llegaste tú. The key lyrics are, “I didn’t know a world like this existed, nor that I could be so happy. You arrived, turned on the light. I floated through life without opening myself, you arrived and everything changed.”

5. Lety tells Fernando she’s leaving; Tom came to pick her up. He’s not happy. Suddenly his world is not a stable place anymore. He says, “I don’t know what your game is, but we had a date, and you’re going to keep your commitment!” She says she forgot her commitment with Tom. He orders her to stay with him and manhandles her.

6. Fern asks Lety what’s wrong, and again she answers, “What could be wrong?” He says he’s behaved well all night. HA! He asks which is more important to her, being with him or being with Tom. He claims that it’s always most important to him to be with her. (He will pay dearly for the untruth of that claim.) The dancers come in, Lety ducks out, and Fernando follows but he allows the dancers to delay him first (evidence against his claim a second ago), and by the time he leaves it’s too late.

Capitulo 138.
Read Julie’s original recap, then come back here to discuss it.

1. None of the dancers are fooled by Tom’s “Call my chauffer” schtick, but Alicia buys it, and she introduces herself to him. She flirts seductively and he flirts breathlessly.

2. Alicia introduces Fernando and Tomás and they glare at each other (if they were dogs they’d snarl right now) and give intimidation handshakes. Tom finds Lety and they leave. Fernando follows but too late. Yuri says, “I told you so.” He looks like he’s going to cry. This might be the first time we see this expression; it won’t be the last.

3. Paula is mad and doesn’t believe Saimon’s serenade story until she sees the roses he threw in the gutter.

4. Lety scolds Tom for flirting with Alicia, and Tom debriefs Lety on his confrontation with Fernando. Tom asks what’s next, and Lety says that very soon, she’ll throw it in his face, what a liar he is about the romance. She doesn’t know what she’ll do about the embargo; she knows revenge is wrong. What she’d love to do is just run away, but she can’t because her name is wrapped up in it.

5. Tom thinks that she’s going to keep letting them make a fool of her. To the contrary, she’s going to test to what extremes Fernando will go to save his company and keep her at his side, in love with him. Marcia calls Fern, and when he has to tell her he loves her, it tastes like acid in his mouth.

6. In the morning Alicia cries to her papi about losing the true love of her life, the Mercedes. She spends her little remaining money on bonbons when what she needs is a case of ramen.

7. Fernando tries to talk to Lety and gets worse than nowhere. “Didn’t it bother you to stand ME up? Am *I* not important to you?” (After all, I’m important to me!) She answers, mysteriously, “Love makes me forget things.” And now that Marcia’s back, she says they’ll have to wait another week. After all, those were Fernando’s rules.

8. Fernando begs Lety for the truth, what’s bothering her? She asks, “Are you going to break your engagement like you promised?” He tries to weasel, “I wish I could but I can’t.” He concludes that that’s what has Lety upset and acting strangely.

9. Lety asks Fernando to sign another promissory note. He’s reluctant to become even more indebted to FI. She says, “If you don’t trust me..” He immediately denies that and signs it. “No, I trust you completely. Don’t ever again think I distrust you.” PIGDOG!!!

10. Lety asks what happened to today’s card, and he’s stuck. Fernando tells Omar the horrors of last night. Omar says, “It sounds like you’re jealous. Don’t tell me you’ve fallen in love with her?” Lety hears it and hangs onto a last ray of hope. “God, if he says yes, my life will return to me.” We all hope he’ll say yes and dodge the 2-ton anvil over his head. But he thinks to himself, “It’s an honest love and doesn’t deserve Omar’s burlas.” So since it’s such an “honest” love, he says, “Of course not. I’m furious at her. And not because of Tomás.” PIGDOG!!!


Cuernavaca was Fernando’s chance with the bridle. Everything was perfect, he realized what a difference Lety made in his life, he had promised Lety to cancel the engagement, and Marcia halfway expected him to. Yet at home he decided to break his promise. Now it’s time for the bit.

When Tom leaves, did you notice Fernando’s eyes vibrate? Back in 2007, someone said it looked like nystagmus, an eye vibration disorder. But by definition, nystagmus is involuntary, and it seems like Camil can use it on demand when he wants to portray extreme stress. I’ve never seen him do it when Fernando is NOT under tremendous stress. I found on the net that some people can voluntarily put their eyes into a vibrating spasm. Considering Camil’s phenomenal body control, my guess is that it’s the voluntary type, not nystagmus. I’ll bet he can wiggle his ears too!!!

Lety’s office in the morning. The corresponding scene from BLF is one of the best scenes in the series. BLF does that particular scene much better than LFMB. Armando comes in furious, but he forces himself to halt his anger and be his most beseeching. Important – he controls his anger, his first step toward transformation, and it’s in response to Betty’s first attack. Then she starts batting him around with just one finger, and he’s flapping in the wind. The LFMB scene has none of this intensity. In LFMB, the main theme is, “Why did you stand me up? Don’t you care what happens to me?” In BLF the main theme is, “Who is this woman? What’s happening to the ground under my feet? I’m falling and everything I try to grab evaporates between my fingers.”

I did catch the almost crying look and oh yes that one will be repeated (often if I remember).

In any event the look Fern had on his face when Yuri and were singing was priceless. I would have forgiven him anything but murder at that point and might even have rethought murder.

He really is a mess and we have given him too much credit for knowing his own feelings because he keeps denying them when he is called on them and acting the fool. I know that some men are thick but is pushing it.

Thinking about it - Omar and Fern's idiotic plan to seduce Lety was made with neither one of them thinking someone could get hurt by it. Yes Fern did raise the issue but went along with it anyway coward that he is. And to be perfectly honest about it Lety was a willing participant. It wasn't as if Fern had to force her.

On the other hand Lety and Tomas are deliberately planning to hurt people. I suspect that for them the revenge has gone past just Omar and Fern and, is consciously or unconsciously, striking back at everyone who has hurt or mocked them in their lives. Also telling is Lety once again wanting to cut and run.

Paula, I too have noticed the nystagmus, and I believe it is involuntary. It happens when he doesn't have his contacts in. People with nystagmus have nearsightedness and it happens because their eyes are trying to focus. You can see his contacts lens if you look closely, when there (were) up close scenes with Lety he had contacts in.
Okay, on another note. It anyone follows Jaime on Twitter, beware, LFMB is a week ahead of us somewhere in some spanish speaking country because some followers are tweeting about the event they just saw. And I know you guys can read spanish, verdad? :)
Paula, is the "big" meeting coming soon? Because I have a feeling thats when all fuego breaks loose. Watching Lety like this and Fern not knowing what is going on is too much to watch... I need him to face his deception. Plus I really want Marcia to know the truth. She didn't even go straight to Fern on her return to the office. No, she had to speak with Ali first. Yuck, do not like Maaaarcia.

I think it would almost be a spoiler to say exactly when the Big Meeting will be. They used some stall/delay tactics to keep us guessing for a while, similar to how they handled the runup to Lety finding the letter.

Thanx for the info, Diann? So do you think he can provoke the nystagmus by taking out his contacts and trying to focus? Like, a voluntary involuntary reaction? Regarding the Twitter, I Follow Jaime, so I only see what he sends or retweets, not what others send him. Also if I go to his Twitter page, I see the same. I check my Twitter from the net, not any mobile device.

Agreed, Diann, this section is tough going, but so intense! Watching Lety try various strategies, watching Fernando dig himself deeper and deeper in the hole. Pay close attention to Fernando (I'll twist your arm) - you will start to see small changes in him. In BLF Armando was more anger driven, and in today's cap he took his first BIG, BIG step - he controlled his anger. Notice that today Fernando wrote his own card for Lety, while yesterday he was incapable, even though he tried. The transformation has already begun.

Speaking of changes, Cap 138 is all about transitions.
A. Alicia meets Tomás.
B. Tomás meets Fernando.
C. Lety directly disobeys Fernando and puts Tom above Fern by leaving with him.
D. Fernando suffers because for the first time in his life, he feels like he’s losing the woman he loves.
E. Debriefing Tom, you see Lety’s mean streak surface.
F. Lety has dropped many of the signs of adoring Fernando.
G. Marcia returns.
H. Fernando denies to Omar that he loves Lety, and Lety abandons hope.

Another important shift is coming tomorrow. Remember when I talked about patrons and clients? A patron's primary job is to protect his client. A client's primary job is to support his patron. Keep that in mind tomorrow.

Fernando thinks he’s gotten to the bottom of Lety’s distance – that he’s not canceling the engagement. So what does he do about it? Nada! Fernando, Fernando. You won’t take the hard medicine and break up with Marcia for Lety’s sake because you think the results would be too painful to bear. Little do you know, those consequences would be like a paper cut compared to the amputation without anesthetic awaiting you, down the path you’ve chosen.

Thanks Paula. Your screenshot was cool. Thanks for all the info about the songs. I think the one song she sang was sung on Gunchos or more was lip synked upon a time. Can't remember the name of the character but it was pretty funny. And I think it was to Yuri's recording. Judy would remember the name.

I always thought Fernandos bouncing eyes were quite intriguing. I always wondered if it was nystagmus. It is really hard to bounce ones eyes like that.

Thanks K-Fuego for the orignal recap.

I meant to say it is really hard to bounce ones eyes on purpose like that.

I mentioned that today's show was all about transitions. It's also all about Fernando's loss of control over Lety.

A. Yesterday Fern felt like Lety was distant and he couldn’t figure out why.
B. Then she left the event with Tom even though he ORDERED her to stay.
C. This morning in her office, she talks about love making her forget things, and she does not explain.
D. He appeals to her compassion and she’s unmoved.
E. Then to further the role reversal, she dictates that they can’t go out for another week.
F. Carolina interrupts their conversation so he can’t even finish what he wanted to say.
G. She brings him another promissory note, indebting him further to her, and he has to sign it or admit he distrusts her.
H. And by the way, today’s card is late.

It’s as if, three days ago, Fernando held all the trump cards, but last night somebody changed trump from hearts to clubs.

A few people mentioned that a mean streak is surfacing in Lety. I think it's that her bitterness and desire for revenge are poisoning her once pure heart.

Thanks Paula,
I did notice all those transitions that happened on today's cap.
The misunderstandings remind me of Gone With the Wind. Scarlett and Rhett were constantly at "cross-purposes" to quote Rhett.
I read Twitter on my mobile and you can access all of the @jaimecamil. Some are pretty intersting, most of them are the same "Te amo mi amor de mi vida" stuff.
Well, I guess I just have to stay seat -belted and be patient through this agonizing (for Lety) period.

One of my cousins can make her eyes vibrate voluntarily. It looks really freaky.

I'm really not liking either Fernando or Lety right now. They're both behaving so abysmally. Still hate the cuartel, too. I think my favorite character is Luigi. He's catty, but at least he's honest.

You still have to feel for Lety, her heart is getting stabbed left and right. One thing after another is happening...The cards; the gifts; Omar has known about everything the two of them have done; the insult about the apartment; stab after stab after stab.
And, sorry, but (and I know I'm a schmuk) but can't come to hate Fern. There is that inner good that he has buried and he doesn't understand what the heck is happening to him. Its love, Fern.

Plus Jaime Camil is just so damn adorable,
Can't hate him.

And that right there exemplefies the genius of Gaitán and the talent of Camil. Together they have created a character that we can't agree on because he's so multifaceted, well developed, and portrayed with so much nuance. Some of us are furious at him, some of us adore him in spite of ourselves, and some of us are furious and adore him at the same time.

A case of ramen...LOL.


Another two examples of Lety and Alicia as the ying and the yang.
1. Alicia buys bonbons for herself. Lety throws away the bonbons Fern gives her.
2. Lety's first "date" w/ Tomas is at tje same event where Ali meets Tom.

Bridles and bits... at first I thought you were referring to the way Fernando and Omar were manipulating Lety, but on second reading, perhaps you mean the pressure on Fernando?

I'm glad I FF'd really fast through last night's instead of deleting it as I did Monday's episode, because I had forgotten just how fine Tomas could look with a decent suit and properly combed hair.

In defense of Lety:

This is just the latest and greatest in a series of horrible betrayals in her life. She was already quite damaged before she ever set foot in Conceptos; and once you've had a taste of elation, it's that much harder to go back to the misery you had once resigned yourself to.

Furthermore, this is the first and only time she's ever had any power over someone who has hurt her. Will she be able to limit her vengeance to this one incident, or will Fernando have to bear her wrath for every betrayal she's ever experienced?

Let me be clear: I'm not defending the revenge itself. I'm just defending Lety's right to temporary insanity. :-)

Julie, for an explanation of "Ruled by the bridle or ruled by the bit," look at the paragraph in blue at the beginning of the recap, and then the first paragraph of my first post in the comments.

Julie I forgot to thank you as well for the orignal recap.

I'm sympathetic to Lety's situation, I just don't like watching her scenes. Her whiny pouty bit is grating on my nerves, and she was acting like that even before she found the letter. She was a total downer on the trips to Germany and Cuernavaca.

I have the opposite opinion of Fernando...he's fun to watch, but harder for my to sympathize with. The constant terrible decisions are so frustrating.

Luigi, on the other hand, I just find very funny.

I meant "harder for me..."

Some days it's harder for me to type correctly.

Paula, I read both of those and was not (still am not) sure which one of them is supposed to be the horse.

"Fernando's chance with the bridle" could mean he's the one wearing it and if Lety's not happy with him, he'll get the bit.

But it could also mean that he's the one in charge of the bridle. After all, the original plan was to manipulate Lety, not the other way around.

The way I see it, there was manipulation on both sides in Cuernavaca. Sure, neither was really bullying the other or being intentionally dishonest, but each of them wanted something and was aiming for a certain outcome.

And they still are. Fernando may seem to be the one with less power, since Lety owns the company. But he has something she wants, too. The only difference now is that Lety has the upper hand because she knows about his hidden motivation, and he no longer knows what's motivating her.

In any case, as long as they're treating each other like horses, their future doesn't look good.

Julie, sorry I was so unclear. What I meant is that Life or The Universe or God is trying to steer Fernando, to make him grow up and become a decent human. Life gave him the perfect woman and he fell in love with her. Life, the bridle, is showing him a higher path. Instead, he wouldn't let go of his selfish lying dirtbag ways. He would not heed the bridle. Now Life will teach him by the bit. Life will castigar him until he surrenders his selfishness and puts first things first.

Fernando could have learned to love the easy way, but now he has to learn the hard way, the bit.

Oh! Gotcha! I thought you meant Lety was leading Fernando, or vice versa.

And before the bridle ever showed up, Humberto actually gave Fern instructions. He sat Fern down the very first week and warned him against dishonesty and so forth.

So. First, explicit instructions. Then the bridle. Then the bit... what's next? Locusts?

Absolutely brilliant title! Great recap Paula and original recaps Kris and Julie. Fernando really does seem like the archetypal hero in that his own weaknesses make his journey much harder than it needs to be. I suppose one could say the same thing about Lety but to me her behavior is not quite as predictable as Fernando's is. At least not yet. Personally, I don't have a problem with her acting vengeful. She has been the butt of nasty behavior all her life and how much is one expected to take? She's only human.

I noticed that Lety was mimicking Fernando word for word when she was eavesdropping on him. She really knows him well! There is a lot of rude mimicry that goes on in this TN and but usually the mimic is aping a style rather than word for word. And usually Lety is the one being mimicked, not the other way around.

Thanks everyone for the discussion on Fernando's twitchy eyes. When I saw it I was amazed and wondered if it was deliberate or not.

Sorry for the late comment, I'm just now catching up on last week's episodes and they are good!

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