Tuesday, December 28, 2010
La Fea Más Bella #145-146 12/28/10 Fernando's love is all heart and no legs.
Read Amanda’s original recap, then come back here to discuss it.

1. Paula wants to go barhopping with Lety. She imagines the guys she can pick up with a car like that, despite the fact that they both have novios.
2. Alicia tries to justify her date with Tomás to Marcia, and Marcia says she’s just doing it to solve her money problems. Ali claims it’s to put Lety in her place, but Marcia still disapproves. Tom begs Lety to use the car tonight.
3. Fernando tells Lety that they’re going out and they’re going to talk, and if she’s not willing to talk, they’re already finished. See the transcript. He orders her to ride with him, not take separate cars.
4. Fern tells Marcia that Ariel needn’t worry; Filmo Imagen is a legal company. He avoids her kiss, and she says, “You don’t have much time to deshacerte (disconnect yourself) from her, or from me.”
5. Lety listens while Omar spouts his usual trash, telling Fern to take Lety to bed so she’ll cooperate, but go somewhere obscure for the sake of his image.
6. So Lety asks Fern to take her to Meson where all his friends like to go. He tries to dissuade her, but she doesn’t like those dives where he always takes her. He’s probably ashamed to be seen with her at Meson. “Oh, well,” she says, “we can go out next week.” Fernando yields.
7. They arrive at Meson, and Fernando is terribly rude to her.
8. Fernando tells PG he’s trying to bring back the Lety he remembers, and as for the one right now, he doesn’t like her a bit. PG asks if he wants the old Lety back for his company or himself, and Fern says for both.
9. Tom arrives at Alicia’s apartment and destinks himself. Lety calls Tom and begs him to come get her. She insisted on Meson to make Fernando suffer, but he’s treating her horribly.
Capitulo 146.
Read k-Fuego’s original recap, then come back here to discuss it.
1. PG tells Fernando that he’ll learn a great lesson in life, and he’ll put things into their right places. He says, “You have everything backwards. Your business and love. Separate them and choose.” He says that if Fern puts the company first, he is lost.
2. Tom reminds Lety why she went out tonight, to make Fernando suffer. Tom picks up Alicia. He drools and she is at her most seductive. He acts stunningly naco with her at Le Noir.

4. Fern accuses Lety of rejecting him, but he pulls his hands away and puts them out of her reach. He says she once said she loved him; does she not like him anymore? She starts crying and says she loves him, but he refuses to believe her. She tries to kiss him and he pushes her away. She says it would damage his image to be seen kissing Lety la fea. He disputes that so she challenges him to prove it by kissing her.
5. Fernando says he’s shown her clearly how much he loves her. He says the problem is Tomás Mora. She says, “Do you really believe I feel more for Tomás than for you? Help me show you that’s not true. Kiss me.” He almost does, but Marcia calls.
6. Lety says to herself, “He always lies. Always.” Fern sees his call log and realizes Lety called Tom. See the rest on Kris’s recap. You don’t want to miss a single word.
Spanish Lesson
Note that Kris included nearly verbatim transcriptions of many parts of the episode in her recap; you can use those for a Spanish lesson as well.
Fernando orders Lety to go out with him.
F: Cancel the date with your friends Leticia, please.
L: Excuse me?
F: Cancel it. We’re going out
L: I already told you I’m going out with my friends. Besides, I brought my car. I don’t need you to take me home.
F: (Thru clenched teeth.) I know you don’t need me for anything. But it turns out, Lety, that we need to talk. And we’re not taking the road to your house. Let’s go somewhere, please.
L: Don Fernando, I already told you that..
F NADA, Leticia. Respect me! Stop this game. Look. If you don’t want anything to do with me, fine. But tell me to my face. Your priority has to be us. Not Tomás Mora and not your friends.
L: It’ll make a mess with Marcia.
F: That’s my problem, not yours. It’s all arranged. We have a night for us. I won’t accept any excuses. (He tries his usual Marcia bluff.) Of course, if you refuse to talk, I’ll think that we’re already finished. One washes one’s hands of it and goes his separate way. And if someone wants something sometime, they’ll just have to do without. (He starts to leave. She calls him back. He thinks he’s won, so he puts on a bored face, to make her beg him back.)
L: Don Fernando? What has you worried? That I’ll keep your company or spend your money?
F: I won’t answer anything here, Leticia. Let’s go somewhere else to talk.
L: No, no, it’s better I return your company and tell TOMÁS to prepare the accounts to turn it over to you.
F: And you’ll also need to discuss with TOMÁS what happens between us? (Lety shrugs.) Fine. Call him. I get it. I imagine that you have already told him about your relationship with me. Since you’ve already broken ALL your promises!
L: (Cynical laugh.) *I* broke my promises?? Yes, of course. Surely it’s that I’m deceiving you, Don Fernando.
F: Then, what am I supposed to think? With all that you’re doing to me? What? Let’s go.
Labels: fea-2010
* The elevator always arrives instantly for Fernando, as president. This time Lety pushes the elevator button, and she and Fern both snap their fingers to open the door. It's clearly a power struggle. The door closes for Lety when she snaps her fingers.
* Fernando’s a fool to try to throw money at her. She never cared about his money, didn’t he notice? And now she’s richer than him!
* Fern says, “I suppose Tom won’t pick you up tonight, to leave the night for us.” It’s a clear sexual reference, but when Lety responds in kind, toasting “our love,” caressing his hand, and gazing at him with desire, he pulls way back. Baby, I want to show you my love, but I don’t want to be seen with you.
* As he puts on the big push, "Qué pasa entre nos dos?", she caresses his hand, he pulls it away, and accuses HER of rejecting HIM! He finally tucks his hands out of reach. It certainly detracts from his veracity!
* He even ignores the prime directive! She starts crying and he keeps confronting, unmoved, caring only for his own agenda. You’re forging a lot of anvils there, Fernie-boy!
* (L: I still love you. F: I don’t believe you.) He is finally getting thru to her, for the first time since the letter, and he ruins it. He doesn’t believe in her love for him, the most sacred thing in her life.
* He swears he loves her very much, but he barely even told her he loved her until she started rejecting him.
* Once again, Marcia comes between them. He almost kisses her inside, he almost wins points, but Marcia’s call interrupts. He can’t win Lety until he dumps Marcia for good.
In Cuernrvaca she makes the choice not to sleep with him until he breaks it off with Marcia, here she forces the issue to be taken out in public, demands that he kiss her so everyone can see. Considering that always claims to be so concerned with Marcia's feelings that demand, in front of people Marcia would know seem the height of hypocrisy. She can't have it both ways.
The finally scene was actually a bit painful because she is so upset when essentially she asked for it with her behavior and Fern is so upset because no matter what he can't seem to get through to her. And the shadow of the snorting Tommy Boy continues to come between them.
Tommy Boy and Alicia was actually less cringe inducing than i thought it might be. She is his equal when it comes to wolfing down food so God knows what the final bill will be.
My impression of the restaurant scene? Fernando says he’s shown Lety clearly how much he loves her. But here is how he “demonstrated his love” tonight.
1. Lety holds his elbow, and he yanks it away twice.
2. Fernando’s friends greet them and he doesn’t intro Lety. He even says he came alone.
3. Even when the friend asks who she is, he says she’s his assistant as if it’s something low and dirty, and he still doesn’t intro her.
4. Another friend intro’s his date and Fern still doesn’t intro Lety.
5. He doesn’t help her with the chair so the waiter does.
6. He orders Lety not to answer the hottie who calls to him from across the restaurant.
7. They sit at a table on the periphery, and even though Lety asks to move to Fern’s usual table (in the middle), Fernando loudly refuses.
8. Lety asks to borrow his cell. Fern lies and says he doesn’t have it.
9. He accuses Lety of rejecting him but pulls his hands away from her caress and tucks them out of her reach.
10. She says she loves him, but he refuses to believe her. Ouch! That’s gonna’ leave a mark.
11. She starts crying and he ignores her tears and keeps attacking her.
12. She tries to kiss him and he pushes her away, even though three different floozies kissed him.
13. She begs him to kiss her so she can show her love for him, not Tomás, and she’s clearly suffering, but he takes Marcia’s call instead, to avoid her kiss, and he’s relieved that the call interrupted him.
That's a whole lot of anvils. And perhaps a case could be made for why he didn't kiss her (although he let the floozies kiss him). But when he didn't introduce her, didn't seat her, lied about his phone, etc. ... It sounds so moving when he says, "I'd give my whole life to kiss you." But if he couldn't treat her with basic decent manners 10 minutes earlier, his pretty words just don't ring true.
I say, yes Fernando loves her, but it's a selfish, self centered love. Like a 2-year-old loves his mommy.
There are a lot of scenes in LFMB that haven't lost their power for me, despite having seen them many times in the last few years.
Lety has fallen pretty far in losing her scruples and moral code and it wasn't such a long fall for Fer. However, I think he suffers more for love than she does, but I won't say anything more for now.
Tomorrow I may be more sympathetic to Lety. I hate to admit that Fer's beautiful face sways me.
Lety overheard Fern's dialogue with Maaarcia in Fern's office....she was happy that Maaarcia believes he still has the "otra" in his heart. Why can't she see he is cold and distant to Maarcia, totally opposite of what he is to her. (He is not suppose to be an actor, so how can she believe it is all an act?)
I have even noticed his mannerisms to Maaarcia are what they were to Lety in the beginning, forcing the kiss on the cheek, making faces behind her back, shooing her away, etc. Totally opposite of how he treats Lety now.
Like deciegirl says, SHE is acting totally opposite to before,from "we need to keep this secret" to "kiss me now". Of course Fern is confused. What the hell happened to make her act this way... All he wants is the truth. She is being way too spiteful to not tell him what she found. He keeps asking her to TELL HIM THE TRUTH.
Loved the last scene though.....Aaah, finally a kiss.
About the elevator scene, where it opens at the snap of Fern's fingers?
Look close, they break character once inside the elevator, and she playfully taps her shoulder to him and they giggle.
Very cute.
Mistake #1: She overheard the conversation between Fer and Omar and like most eavesdropping she heard things totally out of context.
Mistake #2: She put Fer (and herself) in an impossible situation. This sort of thing almost never works out for either party. It's a lose lose situation.
What other mistakes did she make? I'm not sure but those two were her biggest. Still, I totally got why she made those decisions.
It's interesting how we seem to cut Fernando slack for being a chronic liar but we are not so forgiving of Lety. He has never been totally honest with her and now that she is withholding things from him their relationship is suddenly unstable. I'm asking myself what this says about them, was she supporting their entire relationship with her ingenuity? He begs her to be honest but I would like to see him be totally honest with her as well.
Fernando's treatment of Lety at Le Noir what horrible and petulant from the beginning so there was almost no hope of diffusing her anger. I think Anya's statement summed up the situation perfectly: "The inability of them to connect honestly is painful." Boy howdy was it ever. For the first time they are disconnected and I'm not sure that final kiss is going to fix things. But it can't hurt!
Great recap and comments everyone. What a sad and thoughtful episode.
But hey, Tomas had his dream come true tonight! I hope he's not allergic to seafood because he sure had his cheeks full with shellfish.
When he suspected she'd found the letter, all he cared about was how it would affect him, not how it would affect her. When he considers whether to break his engagement, his only criteria is his future, while Lety's pain has no influence on his decision, only on his regret after making the decision.
But the term "selfish love" seems like an impossibility, so I feel like I have to prove that it IS possible. A 2yo's love for mommy really is love, but it really is selfish. There is my proof. You're right, Fernando's passionate romantic love is totally different from a child's famialial love. The only similarity is that they are both selfish.
Thank you for pointing that out about the elevator. Cute! From what I've seen, Angelica will laugh at the drop of a hat (I think that's a gift). Jaime must have had to keep his normal payaso tendencies on a VERY short leash when they were working or Angelica would've had the giggles in every scene!
Sylvia, you pondered whether Lety was supporting their entire relationship. Before she found the letter, in many ways, YES! She was totally oriented toward him, and so was he. She would vow her unending love and he would just drink it in. At this point he has plenty of love in his heart, he really does. But he needs to put some legs on it.
It's not wrong to be guided by experience, of course, but it is a bad idea to assume that past experience gives you a complete picture.
But Fern has to do the same amount of suffering in a much shorter time, so if you look at it in terms of the amount of pain per day over the next few weeks it surely looks worse.
Yes, Lety owns the company. But as far as she knows, there is nothing she can do that won't result in her losing the one thing she cares about - Fernando.
If she goes along with the charade, she'll be dumped after the Big Meeting. (And the Big Meeting is really only staving off the inevitable, because Conceptos still owes money.) And if she doesn't go along with it, either passively by refusing, or actively by blowing the whistle, Fernando will lose his career and as far as Lety knows, he'll dump her then too.
But Fernando has the power to end all of this now for both of them... by telling the truth. About everything. (And accepting the consequences, and doing whatever he can for all the people who will probably lose their jobs as a result.)
I'm not suggesting that it would be easy. There would be a huge price to pay - that's what happens when you mess with people's lives. But the decision to do the right thing shouldn't be too hard if he really cares more about Lety than Conceptos.
Maybe these are the very thoughts that are running through his mind at the end of #146. (I can't remember how #147 starts, believe it or not....)
"The right thing shouldn't be too hard if he really cares more about Lety than Conceptos." Which is exactly the problem. He doesn't. If he loved Lety more than Conceptos, he wouldn't have thrown her under the bus after Cuernavaca, by deciding not to end the engagement. It was that one decision that summoned his doom - two scenes later, Jorge Flores told her she would find a letter.
He seems so profoundly in love with her right now. But before she started rejecting him, he didn't even recognize that he loves her. It's only her rejection that makes him aware that he loves her, that only started five days ago, and his love is still pretty lame.
Don't forget, it was in the afterglow of Cuernavaca, before Lety turned against him, that he decided to not break the engagement. We can't blame that on Lety's rejection.
And not very far into the rejection, he figured out that it was because he didn't cancel the engagement. He had the solution right in front of him, to get his Lety back, and still he chose Conceptos over Lety.
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