Tuesday, December 07, 2010

Llena de Amor #81 (Mex. 86) Mon 12/6/10 Look out, here she comes! And she’s one lean, mean protagonista machine

Friday: Garduño is threatening that something bad’s gonna happen at Ilitia’s wedding if Lorenzo doesn’t come visit him in prison. Mauricio thoughtbubbles evilly that he has his own little gift all ready for Ilitia. Brandon is chapped that Eman, after what he did to Mari, is now looking all smiley in the announcement in the paper. We know Marianela’s winging it in from Spain. The stage is set!


And here we go, but first this… Turns out Brandon has gotten Consuelo a job as his secretary, and she’s grateful, so grateful in fact that she tries to plant a real-for-real kiss on him. He jumps out of the way, startled by this turn of events.

Emil is visiting Max in his man-cave and Max is letting him know in no uncertain terms that this wedding while the family is in mourning is disgraceful. Emil defends the decision without much conviction, then asks him what to do about Eman who is going to be miserable in this marriage and won’t listen to him. Most people go for wisdom to a sage living up on a high mountain peak, but here they keep their sage in a basement.

Here comes Eman downstairs in his wedding suit (not to be confused with his birthday suit) and one of those few-days’ growth beards all ready to rasp all the skin off his bride’s cheeks during the wedding kiss. Fedra gushes over him, and Nereida brings in a gift that turns out to be a box of chocolates. Marianela! he guesses happily.

Sure enough, Marianela is just leaving the Mexico City air terminal, with so many guys wolf-whistling her and trying to hit on her that it’s like an obstacle course to get to the taxi, which is the only car as far as the eye can see. She tells the taxi driver to take her to the church.

The note on the chocolates is a wish for a wonderful day. Nereida wonders if they were meant for Eman. Fedra rants a bit about Marianela butting in.

Now we find out that Max hasn’t let Eman visit him for two years because back then he asked Eman why Mari was so furious with him and Eman said he had no idea. I don’t receive liars! says Max. Emil defends him, saying that Eman was devastated by her leaving, while she meantime had no problem forgetting him, and she’s now in Paris with her new husband. Max is both impacatado and puzzled.

The family is gathering in the foyer, Kristel in a pink swing coat that reminds us that maybe the 50s weren’t so hot fashion-wise, whereas Fedra is in what looks like a sundress with tiny spaghetti straps and plenty of air and sunlight for her bazoomies which apparently are prone to claustrophobia. Emil’s surprised about the chocolates, as is everyone.

In the taxi, Mari stares at the announcement photo and gloats that it’s the perfect time for her to see Eman and Fedra, because she’s going to destroy them. She rips the newspaper to shreds. Take that! Do not mess with a woman with jet lag.

Outside in the garden we see Flora the maid, Ilitia in her bridal gown and veil, her papa who says he’s awfully sorry but has to quick do some work thing, and her mama who says she just has to run quick over the orphanage to get Manzanita. Uh oh, this will mean that our bride will be All Alone for a little bit. We instinctively duck for the flying words we know are coming, but Ilitia is gracious and says she’ll see them there.

I don’t know how Garduño stays alive in prison with those little wimpy arms. He needs to pump some serious iron if he’s going to be a proper jailbird. Anyway, right now he’s in the pleasant air conditioning of Brandon’s office, saying they’ve been doing this for two years. Brandon knows Mauricio is managing his outside affairs, and he wants Maurcio handed up on a platter. No problem says Garduño. He’s for sale, but in exchange I want you police to stay out of my business. Sorry, smiles Brandon, I hate corruption.

Consuelo comes in and Garduño eyes her and says boy, he sure could use a little Consuelo (comfort, consolation, get it?). Brandon springs out his chair and grabs Garduño by the lapels and barks at him to respect women. Garduño doesn’t resist even though Brandon’s smaller and a lot lighter, because he’s got those pasty stick arms that would look just right on a newt. Two cops take him away and Consuelo’s heart flutters at Brandon’s chivalry.

Ilitia is riding alone in the flower-bedecked limo when she realizes this isn’t the way to the church. She starts hollering at the driver, who we can’t see, but he ignores her. She tries the locked door and even flays him with her bridal bouquet, but no luck. Finally we see him and whew, it’s not Mauricio, but he just tells her not to distract him or somebody could get hurt. She sits back, worried.

Muñeca is picking up Manzanita who wants Christian to come too. He’s in jeans, but Muñeca says sure.

Low and Garduño at the prison. Low is furious that he’s sent for precisely on the day of his daughter’s wedding – he’s sick of Garduño’s threats, and Garduño says he’s sick of being in prison due to him. Low says he did what he had to do to protect his family. Garduño says he could have him offed at any time, but he wants him to live in hell the rest of his life, same as Garduño is doing.

Garduño brings up Christian and Low curses him and his goons for messing up and killing the boy. What if I lied? says Garduño. Your son isn’t dead. When my guys offed that lady you wanted them to, they got arrested for that bootleg liquor caper of yours. They had to leave the child abandoned in the street. I just now told my guys to look for him again. If you find him first, I’ll leave you alone. But if we find him first, he dies.

Two goons pull protesting Ilitia out of the limo. Welcome to paradise! Smiles Mauricio.

Outside the church, there’s a large crowd of guests, none of whom seem interested in talking to their hosts. Eman, Emil and family are waiting. Eman’s eyes scan the crowd -is he looking for his bride? Is he looking for Marianela?

We see Marienela! She’s in the taxi across the street, looking at him as he’s turned away. He feels eyeballs on his back, and turns to look directly her way.

Time for an ad. And another one! Yes, actually I could really go for a Big Mac.

Eman takes a few steps towards the taxi, which zooms off. He’s puzzled. Now everyone starts wondering where Ilitia is.

Maricio takes Ilitia from the thugs and drags her through a huge, luxurious house and into the bedroom where he forces her onto the bed. On your wedding night, I want you to think of my little gift, he says, holding her down and admiring her body. Brrrr what a horrible scene. I’ll spare you the details.

Gladiola and Netty bring Doris up to speed on the latest: Netty is big telenovela star with a fan club and all, Consuelo is working for Brandon. But the bad news is poor Oliver who goes out pub crawling every night with low lifes. They figure he has a death wish.

Netty’s just glad Mari isn’t there to see the day Eman marries Ilitia.

Fedra makes some snide remarks about Muñeca and her orphans. Manzanita runs up and hugs Eman. Kristel reaches out and coo-coos Cristian, who is on Muñeca’s hip, but Fedra pulls her back, telling her not to get all mushy about kids because she can’t have any.

Manzanita runs off and plays a little rough and tumble with Eman, so Muñeca quick hands Cristian to Low while she goes to get her. Look at the medallion, Low! He does, and sees the name on it and melts.

Apparently Netty goes everywhere in a stretch limo. One picks her up at her house and after she’s gone, Gladiola promises Doris she’s going to make her a fabulous welcome-home dinner. Off Gladiola heads down the street, and a voice calls to Doris. Doris turns and can’t believe her eyes. It’s Mari! They hug. Flaca Doris stands back and admires the flacaness of Marianela.

People are starting to get nervous about Ilitia’s not having arrived yet. Low wants to hold Cristian some more and Muñeca thinks he’s nuts, and she thinks they should contact the police. Low tries her cell, but she’s not answering. Fedra upbraids him for not riding in the limo with his daughter like a daddy’s supposed to do.

Ilitia seems to be naked under the sheets, and her face is turned into the bed. She’s sobbing and Maruricio is dressed and ready to go. He kisses her hand and tells her he hopes she enjoyed her present. He slimes out.

Muñeca is afraid Ilitia’s been kidnapped, but Low assures her Garduño said he wouldn’t do anything. Muñeca figures out that that’s where he was just now, talking to Garduño. She’s sure something’s happened to Ilitia because of his shady dealings.

Mari tells Doris she wants her to give her a complete one-hour makeover. She’s headin’ for the weddin’.

Brandon comes home and realizes nobody’s home. Cool! He gets the bathroom all to himself! Consuelo comes home too and sees his stuff on the couch. She calls up to him and offers him a hot meal. He appears on the upper landing shirtless and says no thanks. He heads for the shower. She just can’t believe she’s alone in the house with him, then quickly tells herself not to think those thoughts.

But she does! She thinks about how all squeaky clean he’s going to be when he gets out of the shower and she slips her matronly coat off her shoulders to reveal a somewhat matronly dress. Then she slips out of everything else and sneaks into the bathroom then into the roomy shower with him. He’s astonished.

Apparently Doris is making up Mari at the place where she does the dead bodies. Mari says it’s appropriate because the old Mari is dead.

Brandon seems as scared as a little girl, but Consuelo keeps hugging him and saying how she’s felt … things… since she started working with him. He looks around, panicked, but finally gives in to her kisses.

Bernardo is taking food down to Gretel and grumbling to himself that everybody else got to go to the wedding and he’s stuck here taking care of the crazy lady. Gretel is sitting with her hands tied behind her back. Bernardo tells her in a conversational tone that he’s sick of being her waiter and her nurse, and he starts to untie her. He tells her they’re going to put her back in the nuthouse where she’ll spend the rest of her days which he hopes aren’t many because he can’t stand her.

He leaves her her food and heads out, grumbling, when she cold-cocks him with I guess a wine bottle. He’s on the floor holding his head and she’s out the door!

Gladiola has come home and knocks on the bathroom door thinking it’s Doris inside. Consuelo answers that it’s her and she doesn’t know where Doris is, and no, she hasn’t seen Brandon either. They neck some more. Outside, Gladiola says she’s told him a million times not to leave his gun on the couch.

Doris is done and Mari sits with her back to us, her hair tied up to fit under the wig. Doris assures her that not even Netty would recognize her. She holds up a mirror for Mari to look in, but we don’t get to see, rats! Doris tells her she needs to lose the glasses. Mari says she got some contacts and they’re in her luggage. They’re uncomfortable, but she could put them in.

More shower silliness. Gladiola says she’s going to go make a nice hot meal.

Ilitia is an hour late, but here comes her limo. She gets out, fixed up but looking shocked, with tears standing in her eyes. She tries to smile for the cameras and asks her daddy not to pepper her with questions right now, the limo driver got lost.

Max, who’s not at the wedding either, is wondering if it’s true that Gretel is coming back to Mexico. He has to look her in the eyes, and see if she truly is his daughter. Just then the door opens and in comes Gretel, wild-eyed and hair standing on end, begging him not to let them lock her up again.

The commissioner is telling Oliver off big time. Out drunk all night again? This is the last time, next time he’s fired. Doris, who had come to see Oliver, hears through the partially-opened door. The commissioner, in one of the more surprising exit lines I’ve heard in a novela, announces he’s going to the bathroom. Doris comes in and tells Oliver he deserved it. Oliver moans about what he feels inside. Doris invites him to her welcome-home party and tenderly tells him she wants him to be like before.

Low is bringing his daughter down the aisle and brava to Altair for a lovely bit of acting as she shows Ilitia shell-shocked and fighting back tears but also trying to smile like the happy bride. When she arrives at the altar, Eman realizes something is wrong. She says she’s beautiful and he’s handsome, so let’s get married.

Max wants to know when Gretel got back from Switzerland. She tells him how Fedra has had her locked up in the wine cellar all this time.

The priest has gotten to the speak now or forever hold your peace part when for some reason both Eman and Ilitia sense that somebody is walking up the aisle. They turn away from the priest to see who it might be. They can’t tell. And there, in her Scarlett O’Hara-red, tight-fitting cocktail dress is Mari with a happenin’ ‘do and a s***load of attitude, strutting up the aisle with blood in her eye.

Avances: About 5 seconds more of Mari’s entrance. She grabs a pew.


Kris – you did a fabulous job with Friday’s recap, but I read it too late to comment. I too am amazed that you could pick up the story threads so well on first viewing. Your recap was a total hoot. Well done!

Good morning nightowl. Hope you'll get a little sleep before heading off to work .

This recap was just fabulous. Here's some reasons why:

The family is gathering in the foyer, Kristel in a pink swing coat that reminds us that maybe the 50s weren’t so hot fashion-wise, whereas Fedra is in what looks like a sundress with tiny spaghetti straps and plenty of air and sunlight for her bazoomies which apparently are prone to claustrophobia.

Perfect description. Nothing to add. Oh my.

Then there was:

Take that. Do not mess with a woman with jet lag.

...pasty stick arms that would look just right on a newt.

Flaca Doris admires the flacaness of Marianela.

Now at my age, I consider "voy al baño" a perfectly normal exit line. But still, very funny observation.

Glad you didn't dwell on the violation scene. As awful as Ilitia has been, I didn't want to see that happen to her. And ditto for the "shower silliness" scene.

Excellent recap of a very disturbing episode. The only thing I enjoyed, really, was that the little actor playing Christian was in NO MOOD to cooperate. Most of the time he either turned away or grizzled and whined. Atta boy kid. No male of any age wants to attend a wedding. Bring on the sports!


Ok, couldn't hide my excitement that she finally listened to us in viewerville and made use of those wine bottles.

Thanks Maggie for getting everything down on this really eventful episode. I have to say it was dangerous to me and my furniture last night, but most of it, I really enjoyed.

That whole shower scene had me choking on my coffee it was so stupid and funny. You know, Brandon never fights for long when someone comes on to him, but there was something so wrong about Consuelo in that shower. Had to clean up spilled coffee all over the coffee table (appropriate.)

Then I slammed my hand on the desk (after moving there from the couch and table) with the whole Agent O/Ilitia scene. Seriously, why do TN writers feel like there just has to be a rape scene in every TN.
Ilitia may not be the most lovable of characters up to last night, but she didn't deserve that. And of course, she won't tell...and lord help us this sets up a pregnancy scenario.

And back to Gretel! She showed up in Max's room and I jumped up yelling Yes! (we've been burned with her escapes before) and hit my knee on the desk.

Looking so forward to tonight. Mari certainly does look like she has "blood in her eye". I will be wearing protective wear.

Hooray Gretel is Free!!!!!

Maggie I swear this was one of your best. Your description of the wedding fashion attire is hilarious. Judy and Daisy already mentioned my favorite bits and thank you for minimiizng Ilitia's horrible scene with Agent O. He really is toxic and I hate hate HATE him!! I'm glad you did a shout out to Altair's acting, she practically had me crying for her. Such a poignant scene and man is she ever having a crappy wedding day.

I couldn't believe Gretel finally made it out of the cellar! I whooped aloud when she dashed out. I noticed her clothes are in shreds, poor thing.

Consuelo and Brandon? Where in the heck did that come from? That's just weird.

Daisy you make me laugh. Don't forget to wear padding tonight.

Maggie, thanks so much for the fantastic recap. I'm really looking forward to tonight's episode because honestly I'm not sure which way it's going to go.

Is this episode up somewhere? I'd like to see it if possible.

Thanks Maggie. Very well done and very funny even though there was not much humor in this episode. This show has had some pretty grim stuff for a comedy.

Once more Fedra's bubis were threatening to make a break for it. Your description was excellent. They need room to roam.

It's time for Orangeboy to die and I hope it's Ilitia or Brandon who does it. I'm afraid that poor Cristal will be collateral damage.

Yay for Gretel. Took her only 2 yrs. to figure out a use for the wine bottles. Clearly she is gifted.

Anon, you asked and here it is. Thanks to BarbaraM.

Brandon's brother Beto had a shower scene in Gancho. He seemed a little more into it.

Gretel's free... now let's get Axel to a barber.


Disarm the rapist!!! I hope somebody does it soon. Agent O's appropriate demise can't come soon enough for me.

I know I don't talk much here, but I just had to express my utter disgust at Agent O. I mean, come on! Roberto P...douchebag rapist in Nina Amada Mia *Victim Ludwika Paleta*, and douchebag rapist here too! Somebody tell me he's done some better roles!

Good to hear from you Fabulosa Princesa of Arizona. We love it when someone new speaks up. And with passion!

This actor is always picked to play slimeballs. I wonder if he'd like to play a nice guy for once...or if he's just happy the roles and the paychecks keep coming in.

Fabulous Princess of Arizona, I think he is sort of a designated slimeball rapist in these TNs. In MEPS he more or less tried to rape Aurora (currently Marianela) but failed to ignite. He also tried to molest Mari earlier in this show. I'm hoping for something very painful and very bad for him.


Love the recap. the description of Fedra's "bazoomies" had me laughing out loud. Thank God she had the decency to hide them behind the shawl in church, the priest would have forgotten his lines without it. Though that ain't going to help her get to heaven, that ship passed long time ago.

Could not watch the scenes with O & Ilitia, the writers of this show need to give a week salary to a local rape crisis center as forgiveness. Just saying. I so want to see O go to jail& become the #1 houseboy, hint hint, wink wink.

Anyone else see Eman clutch his chest after Marinella drove off-it was like he was soothing his breaking heart.

Thank God Gretel can finally change clothes, no young woman likes wearing the same thing twice in one week let alone 2 Years!!

Carlos, I'm glad it wasn't just me who noticed that Eman put his hand over his chest when he was "feeling" Mari look at him.

This was a GREAT recap! Very laugh out loud at times. Wow, brilliant.

I too was so disturbed by the rape scene. I guess I thought that Ilitia would somehow get out of it. It was so disturbing to see that it wasn't the case. Yes, her acting was wonderful when she got out of the car, with that sad/dead look in her eyes.

The whole Brandon/Consuelo thing was weird too. Came out of left field! And kind of dragged on with its silliness.

I suspect that Doris and Oliver are going to start something, just as Gretel finally gets free? Isn't that always the way with lousy timing. I don't begrudge poor Oliver moving on after two years, but of course this is going to cause anguish for poor Gretel.

I too wish for a painful demise for Agent O.

I'm dying with curiosity to see tonight's episode, to see where it all leads with Mari and her super-short red clingy dress and her bad attitude!

Maureen, you gave me a good morning chuckle with your Gretel comment. So needed it - really frustrating day at work so far.

As far as Agent O - jail alone is too good for him. This is where I put aside my humanity and wish nothing but the worse way to die for him. (how about boiled in a vat of hot tanning lotion?) See how smug he is as it happens.

Daisynjay, I love you and I don't even know you!! Visualizing you flailing about, what a hoot! And you comment about a vat of hot tanning lotion, you go, girl! I had thought perhaps Agent O. could be gelded?? (Having recently read about how it was done in the 'old west'.)

What a great recap, Maggie, of a tough show to watch. I too noticed Eman touch his heart - very sweet.

And Altair's acting should win her an award. Perfect!

Looking forward to tonight. Be careful Daisy!!

I didn't notice that Low read the medallion on little Cristian, so I wondered why he was so interested. Perfect little kid, all squirmy and indignant. He appeared to be a handful for the actors.

Fabulous recap Maggie. Mari is back and she ain't taking no mess.
I'm glad that Gretel finally got out of that wine cellar. I hope Max can protect her from Spiderus.

I have no words for the rape scene. Just ugh.

I loved how Mari crashed the wedding and strutted down the aisle with that fierce look in her eyes. You go girl.

Maggie, your title was stellar as was your recap. So many of your excellent lines have already been quoted but "Most people go for wisdom to a sage living up on a high mountain peak, but here they keep their sage in a basement" was especially great.

I completely agree that Mauricio deserves a painful end and pronto. Altair was amazing in her performance and I also teared up when she emerged from the limo, tears glistening, lips quivering. Ack.

As happy as I was that Gretel got out, I'm concerned that she may not be safe yet. Can Fedra's monstrous act be revealed with so many episodes yet to go?

Sylvia, I agree that Consuelo and Brandon came out of left field. There's been nothing to indicate Consuelo's interest. I'd rather see more of Axel and Delicia and what has (or hasn't) been going on there.


Thanks for the recap Maggie. Enjoyed your title; now I hope to see Mari make some heads roll!!

I am speechless at yet another unnecessary rape scene. And on her wedding day. Yes kudos to Altair's acting. I'm with those of you thinking horrible things for Agent O. And Ilitia is going to keep quiet b/c.....

Thankfully Gretel is free!!

Maggie, it's a good thing I read this at home this morning before I came to work. That way I could indulge in the hearty out-loud laughs it deserved.

What say we have Agent Orange gelded and then bronzed? And by bronzed I mean dipped in molten bronze. Then we could go all firing squad on the bronze statue.

Unbelievable, two sexual assaults in one episode. One just doesn't bear talking about, but Altair's acting was brilliant. She looked perfectly shaken and pallid when she got out of the car at the church. I hope she tells someone what happened. Surely she won't want to miss the opportunity to take Malicio down.

At least the other assault was played for comedy and Brandon was not absolutely opposed, though he was certainly startled. I sure didn't see that one coming. They live in the same house, she works for him, and now she steps into the shower? This is made of awkward.

Yay, Gretel's free!!! I hope she runs far and fast.

Oh. Wanted to add I also noticed Eman touch his chest like he felt Mari's presence. That was a nice touch.

Julia wrote: At least the other assault was played for comedy and Brandon was not absolutely opposed, though he was certainly startled.

Yes, Brandon's assault was pretty light-hearted compared to the grim and deeply disturbing assault of poor Ilitita, but it was startling indeed! What possessed Consuela (spelling?) to do that? Bizarre. Completely unexpected.

Maggie- I didn't think that anything could make me feel good about last night's show, but your recap did. So funny and brilliantly snarky. Thank you for saying as little as possible about the rape of Ilitia. I cannot believe the writers thought that neccessry, in a comedy, on at 7 pm. Why? It was scary enough that he kept menacing her. He didn't need to be successful. Ugh!

Yay, Gretel is free! Max needs to do something, for once.

We had a very brief moment of Delicia/Axel. They eyed each other as she passed him to take the chocolates upstairs.

So Mari does look different, but unrecognizable? I will use my novela beanie to to believe that.

And I agree that Altair's acting in the wedding scene was top notch.

Heee bazoomies, heee heee jet lag, great lines. Gosh, I'm fully welcomed back now with a rape scene. Sheesh, and I had hope for these shows. Oh well...

Thanks for the fun recap.

Gretel escaped!! Well that wasn't too long from my perspective :)

I was wondering if she was real, but I guess she is but I sense the oh she's so looney she doesn't really know what happened to her scenario...two years in a wine cellar? Tsk tsk..the girl knows not of what she speaks. :)

Yes, nice acting up the aisle...

Thank you all!

Fabulous Princesa of Arizona – it’s wonderful to have you chime in.

Julia, I’m glad you brought up the assault on Brandon thing. I found it disturbing last night that when a man gets his hands on a woman, it’s assault, but when a woman gets her hands all over an unwilling man, ambushing him the shower, no less, it’s apparently him getting lucky. No fair to the guys.

Maggie, I guess the difference is that Brandon could have fought Consuelo off if he had decided to, whereas Ilitia clearly was powerless against odious Malicio. But it was still assault. What in tarnation is wrong with her? She had already kissed him earlier and he kiboshed that; what made her think he would be amenable to shower intrusion? It's just so weird.

Carlos, I agree Beto had a way better shower scene. Did you see that he Raul Araiza won a TV y Novelas premio for that role? It was well deserved. Those awards frequently seem to go to a questionable choice, but not that one.

Ilitia is suffering enough and showing potential for redemption, so I really want her to become one of the good people by the end. But if she and Emanuel go through with a church wedding, won't she have to die to free him to marry Marianela in the church? I'm hoping this unholy union will be thwarted by Mari's arrival (even if they somehow don't recognize her even though her face looks exactly the same). If it isn't, is it possible the writers would break with telenovela tradition and just let them get a civilized divorce or possibly even an annulment?

Aw shucks, Emilia, thanks. Sending the lurvvvvv right back atcha.

Yes, we can get quite inventive thinking of way to do away with Agent O. Julia, love your molten bronze...sort of makes me think of the flash freeze Hans Solo got in Star Wars.

I too remember that little clutch to the heart by Eman. Like he wasn't sure he saw Mari, but his heart was telling him something. fleeting sweet moment.

Can a marriage in the Catholic Church be annulled if it was consummated before the wedding (in this case apparently many times) but not after?


Yes, the hand to heart moment was very touching. I wonder how long he will having to go thinking Mari dumped him for no reason before it's revealed that: 1)She thought he did the wild thing with Ilitia; and 2)She thinks he tried to poison her? Poor boy's heart is broken.

I also thought it was goofy and sweet how Eman and Axel were horsing around and playing with Manzanita- like big kids. And Manzanita said she'd marry Eman if Ilitia didn't show.

I have no idea about all the rules, but maybe the fact that Emanuel's engagement to Mari was broken because of Ilitia's deceit could be grounds for an annulment? What's it called when people get married but one is lying to the other in some significant way? Fraud of some sort? Maybe that is grounds for annulment in the Catholic church.

Interesting discussion today. Only reason I can think of for th shower scene was the writers thought they needed a comic interlude after that horrible rape sequence. But as Diane pointed out, we all would have much preferred seeing some innocent flirting twixt Delicia and Axel. I just feel embarrased for the character of Consuela. Wouldn't have liked being the actress having to play that one either!

Maggie, great recap, thanks.

Great comments today, thanks to all.

I for one thought the shower scene was really funny. Brandon didn't know where to look. When he was looking up, what was he looking for, help from above? When he look down, was he looking at himself or Consuelo? Funny stuff!


Castrating a pig is done with rubber bands. I suggest the same for Maurcio and then let me have a hatchet and do some whacking. Did we really need the rape scene to know that Mauricio is a slimeball? I think not. But, you know Ilitia will not be able to have sex with Emanuel if they do get married. Maybe that opens the door for Marianela.

I, too, saw the hand on the heart bit by Emanuel but no one seemed to have noticed one other thing. When everyone was standing around waiting the hour for Ilitia to arrive and then she did, Emanuel had a very disappointed look on his face. I suspect he was hoping that she wouldn't show up and he would not have to follow through on the marriage. But, she has, he will, and they'll be miserable because Marianela is definitely not out of his heart.

I agree that it is beanie time because Marianela looks like Marianela except thinner and with a different hairdo. How can anyone not recognize her, especially Emanuel who knows her in a way no one else does!

Oh my Barbara, you are a wealth of knowledge! Rubber bands, eh? OK, that will do for Agent O for starters but then the whacking and everything else that people mentioned for afters.

I remember Eman's disappointed face when Ilitia showed up. She was probably so in shock she didn't even notice it. I swear, only in that self-absorbed family could there be such a reluctant groom and traumatized bride with nobody the wiser.

Raul Araiza won the premio! That's awesome, he so deserves it.

Maggie, thanks for the great recap! Sorry to be late posting. Love those snarky lines and I needed the laughs today—too many to quote ‘em all!

“Turns out Brandon has gotten Consuelo a job as his secretary, and she’s grateful, so grateful in fact that she tries to plant a real-for-real kiss on him. He jumps out of the way, startled by this turn of events.” Weren’t we all? That’s an unexpected distraction in this plot.

“Most people go for wisdom to a sage living up on a high mountain peak, but here they keep their sage in a basement.” LOL!

So question: why are there wolf-whistles when Mari still wears those goofy glasses and hair-do?

“Kristel in a pink swing coat that reminds us that maybe the 50s weren’t so hot fashion-wise” ROTFL!

The Mauricio scene was A.W.F.U.L. and thanks for not detailing it.

Great, fun comments everyone!


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