Wednesday, December 29, 2010
Llena de Amor #97 (Mex. 102) Wed 12/29/10 A Rough Night Was Spent By All...But There's Hope!
In the waning moments last night, Vicky revealed her true identity to Delicia and the happy Walt Disney music started up. But poor Delicia is still marched off to a cell while Mari blithely waltzes out, promising to do something about it.
Not so blithe is Lorenzo. He shocked and furious to find out his princess has been raped and cycles violently between self-recrimination (I should never have gone to that appointment. I should have been with you in the limo) and homicidal rage (Who is he? I'm going to kill him!) He rages, he shakes Ilitia, then calms down (at Muñeca's behest) and gently hugs her but then cycles back to rage. While Muñeca argues for gentleness and love, Lorenzo wants only vengeance and justice. No one really asks what Ilitia wants. But she knows what she DOESN'T want. She doesn't want the press to know, or to have her body examined or any of the procedures that go with reporting the crime. The man who raped her is dangerous....highly dangerous...and she doesn't want anything done about it.

We segue from Lorenzo hugging Ilitia to Brandon comfort hugging Vicky who has had all she can take with the R de T family. Brandon agrees they're pretty toxic but he's surprised she's so bent on vengeance. And for Marianela's sake. The Mari he knew wasn't that sort at all. Well, that Mari is 'dead". She no longer exists because the R de T destroyed her says Vicky, giving that dead-eyed fish look to Brandon.
A lot more life at the boarding house where Netty is rehearsing another overwrought scene with the chronically ravenous lawyer. She's working up to a real lather over a "monstruo infecto" (wretched monster) when wretched monster Emanuel arrives and we hear those classic words "¿Qué haces aqui?" He wants to talk about Marianela. Netty wants to ream him out for breaking her niece's heart. Netty wins.
But not Fedra. Kristel has her over the proverbial barrel with her secret knowledge. When Mother dearest tries to talk her out of her relationship with Mauricio, Kristel not only demurs, she insists that Mami arrange for a super big "top level" (Kristel says this in English) wedding. Fedra blusters that she can't blackmail her forever and Kristel agrees. Just until my super fab wedding. Then you're off the hook. Are you even sure that Mauricio WANTS to marry you? You're an incomplete woman after all. And these guys don't like to marry anyway. Would be a sorry sight you left at the altar, no? Even that jibe doesn't faze Kristel. She's a simple animal, like her ma, and once she has an idea in her head, she pursues it relentlessly.
Emanuel's pretty relentless himself. In spite of Netty's threats to throw bleach on the floor to clean up from his pestilence, he's still blathering emotionally about his love for Marianela. He'll defend it to the whole world! Enter a cynical Vicky and hostile Brandon. Mari's sick of your lies, man! And if you love her so much, why'd you marry Ilitia? Brandon and Eman charge each other. The ladies separate them. Eman storms off.
Storming at Muñeca's house also. It's Lorenzo. The kids are there (Manzanita and Christian) and for once the little escuincle seems quite subdued. I think Lorenzo's rage really has him intimidated. Low is yelling, wants the kids out of the house, wants to see his daughter, then turns around and yells at the kids to EAT! It's quite a scene. Manzanita is looking daggers at him and Christian looks appropriately scared. Low or the director must have put a good fright into the little guy because he's playing his part like a champ.

Back at Morbid Manor they're having another dysfunctional family conference. Fedra's dismissing Ilitia's divorce threats as just a newlywed spat. Kristel sure hopes so 'cause if not she'll be all upset and start carbohydrate-loading. Axel arrives with Bernardo and Nereida in tow and wants Pop to get his lawyer and spring Delicia out of jail. Bernardo's changed his story and now it's" all an accident." He'll get himself right down to the station and take care of things.
Fedra, meanwhile, is horrified at the interest Axel is taking in this little servant strumpet and Kristel is chortling that bro' must have a crush on the little wench (chirussa).
Said strumpet has already spent a nightmarish night in jail, poor thing ,but she's pretty sure Emanuel will help her. Vicky, who's toted a sandwich in for the prisoner, assures her Eman's untrustworthy and Brandon agrees. Our little Delicia, clearly the smartest person in this trio,refuses to be convinced, even after hearing the story of the poisoned chocolates. Emanual suffered so much after you disappeared Marianela, she points out. He was inconsolable. And he always defended you from his mother and Bernardo. They're the evil ones. Vicky looks like she's thinking this one over. Is the light beginning to dawn in this dim brain?

And how about Ilitia? Any light dawning there? She's tucked in bed, Muñeca at her side, declaring that she wants to go to sleep and never wake up. My life was perfect. What did I do wrong? (Well, we could weigh in with quite a few things here. Ilitia is still miles away from redemption if she hasn't looked at her own failings and misdeeds.) Anyway, this woeful meditation is interrupted by a repentant Emanuel who has come to apologize but not explain. Because he doesn't really understand his own behavior. But he knows it was wrong so he's asking forgiveness and another chance. He needs the marriage to work. He needs HER. Really, says Ilitia, brightening. I need you too Baby. You're the only reason I have to live. And voilà, just like that, the marriage is back on. Good times.
Not so good at the warehouse. Mauricio and Dandy are strutting in, gloating over Mau being sprung in record time when voilà voilà voilà! they see that the shelves are bare. Someone has cleaned out the warehouse of every last stick of merchandise. Merchandise he had to sell in order to pay back Garduño. One thing remains on the shelves. Uh-huh. You guessed it. A lirio de plata. Zounds. Mauricio's been skunked twice now. But the third time, Nevah! He'll make sure he recoups his money at the publicity bash Lorenzo and Emiliano are putting on for him. A quick call to Garduño nets him a few more weeks reprieve and he hastily exhorts the crime boss to remember Mau's his right hand man and totally loyal. Riiiiiight. (The hapless Comissario also arrived during this scene, search warrant in hand. But nothing to search for. Another zero for the police.)
Well enough of this nonsense. Let's hunker down with Oliver and Gretelman. Our favorite odd couple. He's trying to wake up Gman who's nursing a heavy hangover.

Better not get too close. A swift kick to the bed covers will suffice. Gretel, whose wig is finally askew, shudders when she hears about the scene she caused declaring her love for Oliver to one and all. She starts packing her bags, certain that she's exposed Oliver to danger through her indiscretions. He's not having it. He's her pal. Her friend. Noooo...don't cry. Well, okay, cry. I'll lend you my shoulder. Yikes. JUST my shoulder, okay pal? Gretel gloms in, plastering her passionate little self to Oliver's chest and he alternately twitches nervously and relaxes tenderly, not sure at all of what to make of his little pollito.
And Brandon's not quite sure what to make of Bernardo. He's sure not buying this cock and bull story of an accident and a little cut that Bernie's now rolling out. He knows Delicia STABBED him and he's pretty sure it was in self-defense. Bernardo bristles, sniffs that the situation doesn't require him to put up with give him the paper to sign and let Delicia out of jail.
Our little gal, still imprisoned, is having a chat with the Virgencita right now when Axel arrives with a sandwich and a promise of help. She's not having any. She's already had a sandwich and needs no assistance from him, thank you very much! ( Glad to see she's not going to let him off the hook so easily, even if she did spend a bad night in jail. Tough cookie our Delicia!)
Back to our pseudo-toughies, Mauricio and Lorenzo. The latter has come to claim the whereabouts of his son. Mau has a good time letting him know the kid was right under his nose all the time. Yep, it's that pesky little Christian from the orphanage Muñeca runs. He sussed it out when he was there to see about filming for the publicity bash, and here's the chain with the medal to prove it. Lorenzo gloats that his stupid wife will never know the kid is his little bastard. And our two fine men share a toast to Low finding his blow by and being able to introduce him into his home with no one the wiser. What a lucky guy!
So how about our other lucky guy, Emanuel? He's mending marital fences at warp speed, encouraging Ilitia to take up her modeling career again as a way of dealing with post-traumatic depression. She's on board. Now all he has to do is let that little españoalita know that the whole seduction smoosh was a mistake, an error. He's happily married and in love with his wife, so just run along you little hussy you! He doesn't perform quite as planned but does manage to mumble out an apology. And remind Vicky that they have to work together so he'd like to be friends--holding out his hand to shake.
She brushes it away. You can keep your friendship (and "shove it" implied). And Ilitia, your husband doesn't interest me at all. You can stay happily married till Death do you part!
Ilitia looks miffed. And somewhat let down. So does Emanuel. Seriously. And there we end.
André tells Vicky that Emanuel is still in love with Marianela. Vicky looks thoughtful.
But then she sees him kissing Ilitia. (jealous? we'll see)
1. Veme bien = Look at me, really! (Vicky to Delicia, trying to get her to recognize Marianela)
2. estás en los huesos = You're skin and bones! (Delicia to VickyMari)
3. mi promesa sigue en pie = my promise still stands (Vicky to Delicia)
4. desfachatez = audiacity, nerve (Netty accusing Emanuel)
5. quedar a vestir santos = remain an old maid (what Netty says Mari didn't do)
6. "Calladita te ves más bonita" = Emiliano telling Nereida to hush during family conference
7. gruñidero de tripas = growling of the stomach, growling of the guts (Delicia talking about being hungry when Vicky brought her a sandwich)
8. de la patada = awful, horrible (Delicia describing her night in jail)
9. zarrapastruti = Fedra's colorful version of "zarrapastrosa"... scruffy person
10. recoger tus chivas = packing up, gathering up your 'stuff' (Oliver telling Gretelman she doesn't have to pack and leave)
11. me zampé una torta de jamón = I stuffed down a ham sandwich (Delicia telling Axel why she doesn't want his food)
12. un as bajo la manga = an ace up your sleeve (Dandy thinking Mauricio was pretty slick....until they saw the cleaned out shelves)
Dicho of the Day
Cada oveja con su pareja = There's someone for everyone. And we know Brandon will end up with Ilitia and Emanuel will end up with Marianela. But how loooong will it take our two couples to figure this out?
Labels: llena
I have a houseful of young people, but somehow did manage to watch the show (not necessaruly HEAR the show), so your insightful recap is much appreciated.
I thought the sudden reconciliation of Eman and Ilitia was pretty effortless after such an explosion, but maybe Ilitia was overwhelmed by papi's reaction. (Have to say, Low is one protective papi. I actually was moved by his reaction, though it would have been better to do AWAY from Ilitia.)
Did we see the slightest hint of a dim lightbulb going on over Mari as she talked to Delicia? Glad our little heroine is now in on the secret of who Vicky really is...maybe she'll be the one to get to the bottom of things. (Like finding the poison, etc.)
I so want Gretel to let Oliver know who she is. she could still be Manolo to everyone else, just let him in on it...please.
Delicia was my hero this episode. She's the only one so far that has asked the right questions and come to the right conclusions. When she adds 2 + 2, she does not get 5. Also loved how she continued to rebuff Axel, even after her rough night in the big house. He needs to really pay for how he treated her.
My week of mostly sloth continues (we close down from Christmas through after New Year's) and today I saw a bit of the original version of this novela, Mi Bella Gorda. I had to stop watching after a few minutes because it was too much of a spoiler, but I have to point out that those folks are even more dumb not to recognize their Marianela (Valentina) in thin form. At least ours had huge glasses and bangs covering part of her face when she was portly, and now she sports a wig. Their Gorda did not have bangs, had smaller round glasses, and in thin form just wears her hair down. LOL!
Though Low should have waited until Ilitia was not in the room to react, at least he is still protective of his daughter (nevermind he continuous using of women). I think part of Ilitia's rape trauma is wrapped up in her redemption and knowing what is important. She seems to fear publicity/people being aware of her situation more than her desire to be whole/heal or potential fear of Mau.
Dee is the best! ITA w/Carlos' post from yesterday and hope Mexican audiences love her as much as we do. If we could team her up with the detective Leo from La Verdad Oculta, this TN would be over.
And speaking of LVO, if any of you have time or DVR space you really should catch this TN on a midnight. It is one of the best I've seen and our friend Vivi recaps on Fridays. I started a couple of weeks ago and have been going through the recaps and episodes. Aribeth, another recapper, gave me a quick and dirty update on Dec. 18, ep. 68. I can't say enough about the TN and must add our friend Cheryl from New Mexico feels its comparable to her favorites like Alborada and I would agree.
I liked Alexis Ayala in the scene when he discovered Ilitia had been raped. He does torment well. I would love to see the rapey snake at the receiving end of that rage.
Oliver and Gman, lordy they just get cuter and cuter. Did someone suggest that Gman should reveal herself to Oliver but they should keep hiding from others? Whoever said that should get a gold star, it's a brilliant idea.
Huge thanks to the commenters from yesterday who clarified translations and sayings (smoking a wicker basket, I love it).
Karen, I have heard a number of people claim that LVO was one of the best TNs they have ever seen.
Oh Noes for Carlos. Sorry your team lost amigo.
Judy, thank you for the wonderful and speedy recap. You are amazing.
Karen, good point that the rape and its consequences are going to be the tipping point for Ilitia's redemption. It hasn't started yet....but some day.
Sylvia...we are so set to have a racy conversation. Next time you say something goofy I'm going to accuse you of smoking "una silla de mimbre". Great fun!
Oh, I just re-read last night's comments and realized it was daisynjay who suggested Gman should "come out of the closet" to Oliver. Do it do it Gman!!!
Wasn't Lowman awful the way he snickered at his "stupid" wife? Grrrrr. He has consistently tried to cut her out of his affections for his kids. Pretty much any time he comforts or dotes on Ilitia it's all about him. His body language reveals a lot, he is always trying to place himself between Muneca and Ilitia and I'm sure he will do the same with Christian.
That recap of yours was great and I always enjoy your dichos and vocab. And now with your pictures, it just makes for a perfect read. Thanks so much
I haven't seen the show yet, though with your recap, Judy, I can vividly picture it. Very nicely done as always, and the photos are great.
Vivi... a week of sloth... excellent, although, I've pretty well managed to develop sloth into a viable lifestyle.
Sylvia, nice call on Lorenzo's body language. He is very possessive of Ilitia and never misses a chance to remind Muñeca that "she's never been a 'real' parent" so she doesn't know how it feels. He is consistent in that he shows profound contempt for all women, other than his own offspring.
Carlos, I kept looking for you when they were panning the Baylor crowd at the game. Were you anywhere near the fella with the big sombrero? I found him rather fetching. Of course football's a painful subject around here with our own player scandals. Not looking forward to our bowl game at all.
Pata, bless you for trying to get into this a little bit. I doubt if I will have time to read your recap until this evening. My daughter's about to arrive from Charlotte to attend the funeral of a friend's parent. So it will be a busy day. But did you have another two-hour marathon? Your recap looked very long.
Cheers everybody. Wish you could have had some of my cake. They had the baker make it flesh-colored with a navel in the middle because I'm always telling them to "pull their navels into their spine". He was pretty horrified at the frosting instructions.
BTW loved your spot description of Low: he shows profound contempt for all women, other than his own offspring.
Thanks for all the birthday wishes. So far the seventies are very good. And the 60's were also.
Happy to be still be shaking and baking.
I really got a laugh out of the Lirio taking all that merchandise. And here I thought he was a guy with just a black pillow case and a cool outfit. Now we know he must have a fleet of trucks at his disposal too, probably all painted black.
Happy birthday! I wish my teeth were the only thing that suffered from my inhalation of sweets. I just gotta go on a diet after the holidays – same thing I tell myself every year, seems like.
Last night I met some out-of-town family at Olvera Street, which is a block of Mexican booths, shops and restaurants off the original 1800s plaza of L.A. (You will recall that this area belonged to Mexico before we swiped it in the mid-1800s.) I was talking to a shopkeeper whose English was about like my Spanish, which meant that she spoke to me in Spanish and I spoke to her in English and we understood each other quite well. Still, I’m ashamed that my speaking is so raggedy and useless..
Maggie...I totally relate to your frustration with speaking. It is SO HARD to "generate" sentences, other than catch phrases like "no kidding" "I'm so sorry" and "tell me more". BUT even understanding somebody's Spanish is a great feat...something we all have worked hard on to achieve. Celebrate that and give yourself grace. In another few years you'll be able to say more and more.
As for the diet. It is well known that people in good health, happily married and in good relationships have a tendency to gain weight. Yes, there are a few highly disciplined folks who hold the line. But it's rare. The ones I know who are truly thin usually have digestive problems or are being very careful because they've been diagnosed with pre-diabetes. Enjoy your good health and your happy love, amiga.
we took the four leggeds to the vet. Bonnie Belle's been limping... fortunately just a sprain from jumping off the bed. We've had a step made for her but she's too stubborn to use it. Jack uses it as an alternate napping spot. He just needed his every three mo. Depo Medrol injection for his asthma. Otherwise both are fine.
I'm about to watch last night's episode.
Once again, felicidades y que goces tu cumpleaños.
Emilia and Pasofino. Good to hear from you. Glad you enjoyed the vocab, Pasofino. That's my favorite part.
It was a lovely birthday, full of surprises and wonderful loving cards. Other than the sadness of the funeral my Charlotte daughter came up to attend. But then that's life. Some arriving, some hanging on like me(for the moment) others passing on. Wish we could all stay here forever, in brilliant health and plenty for everyone, but it doesn't work that way.
Anyway, cheers to one and all. It was a very happy birthday.
this blog is awesome, i wish you were watching LLDA from mexico on tvolucion, the other day i went on the site and noticed they are passed capitulo 200...
But its banned in the US... UGH!! and now when i go on it only shows up to 174th (like dailymotion)
I think right now univision should be around the early 100s. Check out dailymotion for 174th. the chick posts them every day at about midnight.
I can say, enmanuel still doesnt know that victoria is mari (even though the world is sick of telling him) , and she doesnt know he is the lirio de plata... ugh, they are so slow
Just a reminder since you are able to peek ahead, please please please don't post spoilers here, OK? Thank you for that.
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