Tuesday, January 25, 2011

La Verdad Oculta #90: A tale of two sleepers

At Elsa's, Ulises gushes over her jewelry merchandise while she explains that Dante's quite a character; and that he gave her a list of clients to contact. At Campo Real, Gabriela wows the council and shuts up Adolfo by flawlessly repeating from her earphone David's consolidation plans.

When she informs them they're instituting a quality control office to ensure good customer service, she responds pointedly to Adolfo that as a restaurant server, she well learned what good customer service is. Gabriela is a smash hit, and David's super proud she shut down Adolfo.

In closing, "Mario" addresses the Ávila contract, concluding they have only a short time on it left and that at its termination, they'll run an audit and liquidate whatever's necessary to settle their debt with him. Adolfo's simmering but subdued -- and frustrated as he exits ahead of everyone congratulating Gabriela.

At Elsa's, Zaida and Édgar walk in on Caramelo copying out her special letter onto the white board, where Zaida reads "…but the real culprits are Carlos Ávila…" and excitedly interrogates Caramelo loudly enough to alarm approaching Juan José, who objects to the shouting and bullying.

Typically Édgar overreacts, confronting Juan José angrily, earning him a door smashed in his face and subsequent dust up in the hallway. Chicles is digging it; Zaida not so much. And as she intervenes, Caramelo erases the white board. Elsa arrives in time to find Juan José dragging the kids off to her dismay.

In the aftermath, Elsa learns Zaida's the one recommended her to Dante and thanks her. Back at Juan José's, Caramelo gives the salsa-stained letter back to Chicles, it being tainted now by the ugly argument. She couldn't read what she was copying on the board anyway, she tells him.

At Zaida's, she rips Édgar a new one for fighting with the exact guy they are interested in. When she phones to report him to Adolfo, unwise Édgar tries to crush her out of it with a brutal embrace; but he's barking up the wrong virago. She slaps him a hard blow across the face and warns he's going to rue the day he was born.

Back at Juan José's macho Chicles will only clear the table if Juan José promises to help do the dishes; and while the boy disappears, when asked, Caramelo explains about the white board fuss and reminds Juan José she can't read yet. He charges her to always depend on him to stick up for her when someone gives her problems.

In Mario's office, "Mario" effusively congratulates Gabriela on her excellent performance and poignantly assures that her father would be proud of her and that he, "Mario," loves her, too. Zaida visits Alejandra at the studio and manages to do what Juan José insisted, despite Alejandra's yelling at her.

She explains he threatened to break off their business dealings without her apologizing personally, which mollifies Alejandra. What's more, Zaida divulges Juan José loves Alejandra and wants to get back with her. Zaida advises if Alejandra loves him, she should fight for him tooth and nail.

At the tunnel house, while David removes his disguise makeup, he and Abelardo marvel over Gabriela's commanding performance; and David reminds Abelardo he needs to marry her again, because her name was not legal the first time.

Alejandra picks up the phone to call Juan José at home, where he is so happy to hear from her that he makes a date to pick her up immediately; and she eagerly agrees. Back at Mario's living room, "Mario," David and Abelardo toast champagne to smiling Gabriela.

David toasts to the owner of his heart; to the family, including Abelardo; and finally to "Mario" as head of the family -- and privately, glancing heavenward, to the real Mario, his father, RIP. That evening at a romantic restaurant, Juan José and Alejandra make up over dinner; and Alejandra jumps for joy when Juan José gives her a diamond engagement ring.

He missed her terribly while they were apart and wants her to spend the rest of her life with him, if she has nothing better to do. He mentions that Zaida gave Caramelo a problem, which he liked not at all and at which Alejandra is mystified. Meanwhile back in their bedroom suite, David and Gabriela show that married love is no bore fest either.

In Susana's hospital ICU, her fingers move and eyelids flutter, prompting the nurse to shout and run for the doctor. At Juan José's in the bedroom, he and Alejandra make hot love again -- but this time with a huge white rock on her left ring finger.

Next morning, Gabriela regales Julieta and Santiago at their apartment over her triumph at the council meeting, and they are both tickled. Later Santiago visits Leonardo downstairs and reports how things went at Campo Real; that they foiled Adolfo. Before he came in, Leonardo phoned Ramón about a new jewel heist.

Across town, Zaida visits Elsa and learns she sold two jewelry pieces; and she overhears Elsa's ecstatic reaction on the phone to Dante's monstrous commission he's giving her. Elsa reports to him the buyer never asked for provenance, but she assumed it would be forthcoming. Zaida exits, oddly somewhat miffed.

Back at Leonardo's, he gets the idea to have "Mario" invent some pretext for Adolfo to meet at his office and brace him to reveal by hidden camera if Adolfo says anything about the cuff link or reacts somehow. In her condo in bed, sobbing Yolanda feels very bad and places a call to her doctor to come see her right away.

Asunción brings Caramelo home to Elsa's and refuses to stay or even cross the threshold, only repeating his request that the "señorita" ask about his adoption possibilities, which she promises to do the next day. He kisses Caramelo goodbye and exits with a long face.

Yolanda's doctor arrives, where she tearfully explains she's not exactly sure what happened; but after all the years of bottling up all the secrets, she just can't take it any more. He gives her an anti-depressant prescription with the insistence that she visit him first thing next day.

It's a very strong formula she should take one of, twice a day, he says; it might make her drowsy, but it's necessary under these circumstances. Back at Elsa's, Caramelo explains the strange fight in the apartment earlier that neither one can understand.

Yolanda's maid, Juanita, brings the doctor's prescription from the pharmacy to her in bed. Yolanda instructs the maid to let her sleep; and after the maid's exit, Yolanda locks the door. Dumping a handful of pills into her palm, she swallows them all with a glass of water.

Then Yolanda lies back on her pillow to await a deep sleep -- her best friends in attendance all around her; she holds one favorite to her face, pulled from the jewel box tumbled open on the bed.


Good evening. :-) Here are the You Tube links for Episode 90:

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Part 4

Part 5

Awesome recap, Jeri! Thanks for all of your assistance especially with the contract business. In this episode Gabi has many faces. Once again - 2 passionate parallel love scenes. The ending was very sad; I am hoping the maid or Carlos or both will intervene before it's too late.

Thank you, Jeri!

Wow, what an episode!

Ulises and the jewels, Ulises's and Elsa's friendship: precious.

Gaby lays down the law at the council (with the help of her proud husband). Go, Gaby, go! Her speech about having been a waitress was very impressive.

Eddie got a well deserved smash in his face. I guess Ulises would've loved it if the two brutes solved their differences in a swimming pool. :) And Ed tries to hit on the hag?

At JJ's:
- Kids, what about taking a bath?
- Nooooooooo!
- No? Ayyy! And washing your teeth?
- Nooooooooo!
- No? And what about a piece of cake? Noooooooo!
- Nooooooo... Siiiiiiiiii!!!
Gawd, I love these child actors.

Alejandra Barros's facial expressions when she called JJ: priceless.

The engagement scene was funny, gawky and lovely.
A: You hurt me yaddayaddayaddayadda...
JJ: Wait, how did you call that Zaida again?
A: Buscona. (Whore.)
JJ: In my village these kind of women are called another way.

JJ: Close your eyes, close your eyes! Try to act seriously, close your eyes! ... Okay, now you can open your eyes. Hey, open them, open them! And look at me, not at that giant ring! If one day you have no better things to do, you know, you get very bored... would you, err, marry me?
A: I'm sorry, no...
JJ: NO? Why?
A: No, I... I can't, I can't...
JJ: But... why, why, but, mi amor, why...
A: I can't way a day longer!

Two very hot love scenes. Me likey.

Hurray, Susana is getting better.

Leo looked extremely good in that shirt, didn't he.

Yolanda... :(((((((((

Here are the screencaps for the last I dunno, 10-12 episodes:

Thank you for the great recap Jeri and the links. Loved the title.

I am really loving the way that letter keeps appearing under everyone's noses and still no adult has read it. It is so brilliant how the letter is in the hands of two children who are 'playing' with it and teasing us with imminent discovery by an adult. Ususally in other novelas a secret letter is hidden in some box, under a bed, behind a wall, etc until it is discovered.

I hope someone gets to Yolanda in time because we still need to know what the big secret between her and Adolfo is.


For mai tai:
I wrote Arturo Carmona wasn't going to play an important character in Rafalea but I was wrong:

He's going to play a soccer player who gets injured and in the hospital meets the pretty Rafaela (Scarlet Ortiz). He falls in love with her and when he finds out she's pregnant with the protagonist's child he wants to marry her. This might be an important role.
Btw. The protagonist's name is Juan José (played by Jorge Poza). :)

Jeri, your words were as smooth and soft as the most sumptuous silk. Simply stellar.

"simmering but subdued", "David toasts to the owner of his heart", "Caramelo gives the salsa-stained letter back to Chicles, it being tainted now by the ugly argument" and "married love is no bore fest either".

I wasn't able to see this but feel I missed nothing due to your perfect phrasing and capturing of the gamut of emotions that ensued.

"Zaida exits, oddly somewhat miffed". I sense she may be jealous of Elsa, who is sweet, appealing and an immediate sales success. Not to mention a far better (and more appropriate) dresser ;)

Aribeth, I am looking forward to seeing your screencaps (which are always amazing). Loved your take on Ale and JJ's conversation.

Floridia and Margaret, I am also hoping Yolanda will be saved. C'mon Carlos. Hurry up.


I sense she may be jealous of Elsa, who is sweet, appealing and an immediate sales success.

That was a strange scene. I agree that Elsa >>>>>>>>>>>> Zaida, but don't forget she surely knows what kind of jewels Elsa sold and probably Dante is using Elsa the same way he used Zaida. I guess Zaida never got such a high salary from Dante and she is jealous indeed.

I've never watched a episode of a novela in which I had tears of joy, tears of pride, and then true tears of sadness within one hour. Seeing Gabi triumph at the meeting, then her wonderful celebratory evening with David, later  the charming and joyus reconcialiation of Ale and JJ, then poor Yolanda's terrible, terrible desperation, what an emotionally packed episode!

Would it be asking too much for Zaida to turn to the good side? That would be wonderful.   

Jeri thanks for both the recap and the links, I'm using both these days.  More later......

Good morning. :-) Nice to see people so early. I was thinking the same; Zaida was ok until she heard the windfall Elsa was getting.

We know Dante let Zaida take the fall for something and go to jail. Perhaps their relationship isn't what she would hope for.

Also, now that Susana is waking up, what is left for her to do? I was wondering if she and Yolanda would possibly wind up in the same hospital and run into each other.

That letter is driving me nuts; maybe we should start a blog pool and bet on who will be the reader to find it!

Diana, I'm really sorry you're missing the show time to time!

P.S. Margaret, the plotting of this show is just plain brilliant all round; I can't believe how they keep all these puzzle pieces straight and feeding into each other.

Just wondering how long has Susana been in a coma. Her french nails are still in perfect condition, lol.

In a plastic bag somewhere in the hospital are the rest of the diamonds and the photo, right. When Susana wakes up they will be back in he pocession, right.

How come the police haven't been around the hopsital to investigate Susana. She didn't have any ID on her did she, so the police should be investigating. Where is Leo, lol.


Jeri, I'm going with Elsa on finding the letter. Asuncion ( and by the way his passive-agression was in full display last night!) can't read and it would be to cosmic if JJ found it.

By the way, Yolanda's doctor was darlin'. He needs to stick around for Mina or Elsa.  

Sandy, I thought the doctor was kinda cute myself. I want Mina for him, lol.

Wonder if Zaida will try to steal the letter after what she saw on the erase board? Good thing that Caramelo gave it to Chicles.

I would really laugh if the letter was never found, but they did keep teasing us with imminent discovery, but instead ended up in the trash, eg, because Dora decided to give her statement to Leo.


OMG, yes! I luvved the doctor. What a voice.

Had to wonder about his wisdom of giving a severely depressed woman a whole bottle of strong meds, though.

He should have just given her the two she needed before her trip to his office the next morning.

Jeri- Perfect title and perfect recap. Thank you.

Sandy- I so agree about all the emotional highs and lows this packed episode provided. David is so proud of Gabi, and just totally gaga for her. I liked her standing up to Adolfo and speaking about her roots as a waitress.

Carlos just has to save Yolanda! I agree that her doc was cute, and the way they were speaking sounded like she has had depression issues in the past. He likely gave her the prescription because she has been on them before with no problem.

Aribeth- Thank you for writing out some of the dialogue to the funniest proposal I have ever seen in a novela. "Close your eyes!" "Open your eyes!" LOL! :) I'm still not sure if those two are at the right stage in their relationship for marriage, but they still have plenty of time to grow and get to know each other before they actually walk down the isle.

So, Sleeping Beauty is waking up. It will be interesting to see what happens when Susana gets thrown back into the mix.

Zaida now knows/suspects that Caramelo has the letter. What's she going to do next? That was a brilliant tease by the writers having Caramelo write that key phrase on the board and then erase it all before JJ and Elsa could see it. I loved her reminding JJ that she can't read, hence she doesn't know what she was writing. Duh! :)

I loved this episode, and I am trying not to give him a hard time, BUT once again JJ did not handle the parenting situation in the best way. He was great when he later sat down and asked Cara what happened, but what he should have done is form a united front in Elsa's apartment and have the two them ask Zaida what she was doing shaking Caramelo- as a united parental unit. Instead he flies off the handle and acts like it was Elsa shaking Cara, and takes off with the kids without giving Elsa an explanation of what happened. Come on JJ. I know you are capable of so much more. Cool down a little.

This is only a small thing to clarify, but Caramelo didn't give up the letter tainted because of the ugly argument.

First she is annoyed that the letter is REALLY stained by the chili Chicles spilled; but then Chicles started to taunted her about the contents saying that is was probably full of dirty words.

That did it for Caramelo, especially when she's trying so hard at school to learn better vocabulary and lose some of the street words she used with Limon.

I've forgotten whether Zaida knew anything about the letter Garnica had. Any number of people--JJ himself, Adolfo or Garnica could have told her the existence of the letter and its importance.

So, if she knew about it, then what Carmelo wrote had immediate significance and she will try to retrieve it. Otherwise, she would only have seen Carlos Avila's name as being recognizable, but then why the fuss.

Zaida was miffed because Elsa got a huge, but huge commission for selling a couple of pieces of jewelry. I think she's off to confront Dante about the discrepency in pay, or something like that.

If Zaida is going to come over to the good side, she's going to have to stop dressing like a golfa in those raggy skirts with bathing-suit tops.

Gabi and David are probably resuming marital relations only recently--since he was paralyzed from the waist down.

It was nice to see them playing around in earlier episodes and then snuggling in bed. I was beginning to wonder why we didn't get to see them lying down in bed together while he was paralyzed. Too much to hope for, I guess (love that Soto guy).

My vote for who reads the letter first is Chicles' mother. But if Chicles can't read, and she can, it's food for thought. She seems like a pretty astute lady and surely she knows her kid should be in school and reading by now.

Chicles has the letter in his hands now. Maybe she'll remember Limon was looking for it and read it for him? On the other hand he is quite ashamed of his illiteracy and might not ask. Instead, he'd give it back to Carmelo and there we are full circle--again.

Margaret has a point, though. They don't need the letter if Dora comes forward. It could be a red herring; or as Mar says, Zaida will try to steal it for whatever it's worth.

Zaida knows Garnica had a letter that he was using to blackmail Adolfo. It was Adolfo who first told her about the letter, then Garnica confirmed it to her. So that particular phrase saying the ones to blame were the Avila would definitely strike a cord with her when she heard the content came from a random letter.

Jeri, I agree with exactly what you said about the doctor giving only 2 pills; I didn't have time to write more last night; I consider his action malpractice. However, Sandy and Jeri,et al. yes I thought the doctor was handsome indeed and was thinking that if
Yolanda survives, he would be perfect for her as long as he is not plying her with pills, but I thought he did seem very kind and
compassionate, and she needs someone to give her the right kind of life from now on.

Re - Zaida; I thought her treatment of Caramelo was brutal,
and if JJ had investigated it,
this would certainly be grounds to
stop doing business with that buscona. Furthermore, I hope her
action indicates that she could not possibly be Caramelo's mother.
I agree that Elsa and JJ should have tried to figure this thing out. Zaida is definitely a weird
character - almost like a person with multiple personalities or
multiple cons perhaps.

I hanging on to all the multiple plots as best as a " grandmother" ( great excuse huh!) can, but what was the significance of Yolanda arranging that beautiful jewelry around herself as she gulped the pills?

Sorry for all typos, I'm watching the program, reading the recaps and posting on an iPhone!!!

Sandy- I think it came down to what her life has been about-- acquiring beautiful expensive objects, in illegal underhanded ways, at the price of her morals, her soul, etc. That's all the value of her life has been reduced to. Of course she is forgetting the best and most valuable/valued thing in her life-- Carlos.

I like the actress who plays Zaida, especially the strange accent/way of speaking and that wide smile. Though she really should wear bras because her chest is fugly. I highly doubt she'll become a good character, but she's interesting and entertaining, like single bad boy/girl in this show.

I agree, pumpkinhead overacted that situation so much. Again.

what was the significance of Yolanda arranging that beautiful jewelry around herself

My two cents: she sacrificed her youth, her morals, her chance for a good, normal life for money and for those beautiful jewels. Those are her best friends and worst enemies.

Loved the recap Jeri. That final scene of Yolanda lying back on the bed after swallowing a handful of pills waiting to fall into an everlasting sleep was sad. With her locking the door, by the time someone finds her, it may be too late.

Now that Leo has learned of another jewelry heist that all but confirms that the jewelry Elsa is hocking is hot indeed. Too bad.

I was glad that JJ walked in when Zaida manhandled Caramelo and opened up a can of whoop@ss on Édgar. Unfortunately, he didn't see what Caramelo wrote on the chalkboard and she and Chicles keep passing the letter around and not to the person who needs to see it; JJ.

So I wonder if JJ proposed to Alex as a way to gain custody of Caramelo?

Glad that Susana is finally beginning to awaken from her coma.

Thanks Jeri!

Any bets on whether Susana will suffer from amnesia?

I was mystified when JJ brought up Caramelo during his dinner with Ale. What was the point of that? Can anyone explain? It seemed to just make Ale angry again.

I think Zaida is about to confront one (or both) of the Dastardly Duo, Adolfo and/or Dante. I don't see her living much longer.

Thanks Vivi and Aribeth, both of your senarios are terribly sad.  I was hoping Yolanda was sending a clue of some type. . Oh dear, I guess after trying to be a beacon of sorts to Carlos, Gabi and others, she lapsed back into her earlier weakness, the over-evaluation of earthly things. I hate to take our little novela too seriously, but she dropped VERY realistically into the abyss of depression.  

Pirate Babe, on JJ, Ale and Caramelo, I don't think "pumpkinhead" thinks that far ahead!!!

"Adolfo's simmering but subdued -- and frustrated as he exits ahead of everyone congratulating Gabriela.". Simmering, sudued and frustrated, that really said it all Jeri, good work! Wow! 

xlnt, "...He mentions that Zaida gave Caramelo a problem, which he liked not at all and at which Alejandra is mystified..."

That's was made them kind of mad again.

Amnesia sounds plausible; I am kind of surprised Leonardo did not check hospitals. Is that too much to expect, though? People disappear all the time in big cities.


Any bets on whether Susana will suffer from amnesia?

I'm afraid you're right and we'll have to suffer from the good old amnesia storyline. :)

I was mystified when JJ brought up Caramelo during his dinner with Ale. What was the point of that? Can anyone explain? It seemed to just make Ale angry again.

This was maybe the second time when she showed some affection for Caramelo - she was angry because a hag like Zaida tried to hurt a precious little girl like Cara. I think maybe that was the point.

Sandy that is a good point about Yolanda; I guess we should remember that she really does love her life of luxury. Maybe she was raised desperately poor.

For all the world her adoration of her jewelry reminded me of Elizabeth Taylor's attachment to hers: Taylor feels like jewels are so special that she is only entrusted with them for a brief time and takes good care of them for the next person who will cherish them. In a way, jewels are timeless. They do endure for ages.

xlnt, oh, I see -- why did Juan José want to insert Zaida into the conversation. Yeah, Aribeth's guess sounds like a good one: they're going to build a sympathetic relationship between them for future use.

Between Alejandra and Caramelo...

Thanks for the great comments today and kind words. Newbie, thanks for the clarification. :-)

Wonderfully written recap and so helpful, as well. Thanks, Jeri, for the recap and links. Thanks, Aribeth, for the photos.

Yolanda musn't go yet as she hasn't revealed what the secret tie is between her and Adolfo. And since Adolfo never tells the truth, unless he is thinking or talking to himself as a plot device, we need to learn from her. Also she will not have a chance to tell Carlos that Marta was killed by his father, that Marta was his mother and that Gabi and Juli are his sibs. But I think she was never going to tell Carlos these things anyway since she feared for herself and Carlos. I guess he'll learn from the Fausto or David or Leo's investigation later on.

Oh, Edgar is a brute but I am somewhat fascinated by this handsome sociopathic man.

It would be amusing if Susana has amnesia and if released, she continues to wear the ugly black shoes not knowing the valuable diamonds are hidden inside. Hope she doesn't toss them as well if they're uncomfortable like Gabi/David did before.

The letter continues it's travels.


i can't remember if somebody else pointed this out, but mauricio reminds me so much of richard gere.

another great recap/episode. can we finally get gabi in on the faustio news? geez!

and as a bit of a repost, does anybody know where Raphaela was filmed, and if the setting will have a bit of a role like in Soy Tu Duena? i loved seeing the hacienda from Amor Real again! and the canyon stole the show in the later episodes with the bloodhounds and the mineshafts.

mai tai

"I like the actress who plays Zaida...Though she really should wear bras because her chest is fugly."

Aribeth, LOL! I was telling my hubby about her dresses being cut down to her navel. When he saw her he said that her boobs were hanging down like puppy dog ears. :DD

Jeri, great recap. Wow, “Then Yolanda lies back on her pillow to await a deep sleep -- her best friends in attendance all around her.” That is one powerful, moving sentence. Glad you explained what Edgar was up to in suddenly grabbing Zaida in an embrace. I know he's got some loose screws, but this didn't make sense to me till I read your account.

I'm a big fan of the JJ-Ale pairing already, but his proposal moved me to the point of "ga-ga" and cheers. It seemed so real, like I was easedropping on the couple at the next table. That mix of nervousness, sexual tension, and humor can't be beat.

Hope Zaida doesn't go out of her way to hurt Elsa. Dante's paying Elsa good money to work in a clean way (albeit the jewels or hot), while Zaida's a virtual slave doing any lowdown thing they ask her to do. My guess is Zaida's jealousy isn't just about the money.

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