Monday, January 24, 2011

La Fea Más Bella #181-182 1/24/11 Everybody sings the Marcia Chorus, but Fernando sings counterpoint.

Capitulo 181.
Read Chapel Hill Fiddler’s original recap, then come back here to discuss it.

1. Ariel says that a Japanese would’ve committed hari-kari for much less. Teresita tells Marcia maybe they shouldn’t have left Fern alone. Marcia bitterly says, “He’s alone because he wants to be.”

2. Omar repeats The Marcia Taunt and says Lety made him lose the presidency. (NO! Ariel would’ve exposed everything if Lety didn’t.) Fern stands by Lety – she would NOT take the company.

3. Lety tells Caro that she quiere Aldo. She scurries off and Caro asks what made the big change in her.

4. Tom reports to Lety that the board thinks she wants to keep the company, and she needs to return. She says she’s not ready to leave, and it won’t hurt for Fernando to suffer. Let him learn that if he hurts someone that much, he has to suffer the consequences.

5. MamaT wants to talk and Fern says they’ve already told him everything he’s done wrong. She says she’s not going to scold him and he shows a flicker of hope. She’s worried for him. He says he’s paying for his errors. He takes comfort for a moment, but then says he doesn’t want pity. It’s a process and he has to get through it alone. Ed told him you have to lose yourself to find yourself. Then he can be the hero she hoped for.

6. Teresita asks, “When will that be? When she appears? Even if she returned the company, then what? Would you resolve your life, going along with her?” She knows it’s love for Lety that torments him. MamaT says she probably hates him and wants to destroy him, and maybe she’s found someone new.

7. Caro tells Aldo that Lety thought Caro was setting them up. Aldo asks how Lety responded. She was simply uncomfortable, but now he’s on his own. Caro doesn’t want Aldo leading Lety on then breaking her heart again. Maybe he needs to back off.

8. Teresita is on Fern’s side, as long as he corrects his errors. She wants him to go back to Marcia. He puts his foot down. “I don’t love her and I’m not going to marry her!” MamaT asks whether he really loves Lety, but he won’t discuss it. MamaT sings The Marcia Taunt and The Marcia Pitch. Fernando says to himself, “No, Lety’s not like that, Mama.. MY Lety is not like that.”

9. Tom tells Sanchez to halt the embargo. Sanchez says it’s too late; he can’t reverse it. By tomorrow, the court will rule (darán) in favor of FI. Tom says the process must be stopped.

10. Teresita tells Omar he helped get Fernando into this mess, and he has to help get him out. T orders Omar to make Fernando forget about that woman.

Capitulo 182.
Read K-Fuego’s original recap, then come back here to discuss it.

1. Marcia tells Alicia that Fernando’s depressed because he loves Lety and he’s lost her. Ali’s sure it’s witchcraft. She should fight for a man like that. Marcia says she’s fought for years, and she’s tired.

2. Ali’s sure that against someone like Lety, Marcia can win hands down. (Tu servidor recapper wonders, then why does Fernando love Lety despite all Marcia’s efforts?).

3. Lety pushes Aldo to talk to his father. He admits that he’s afraid that his father will not accept him as he is. Aldo shows Lety his house.

4. Fern finds PG (Psychic Guy) and is very worried that Lety is okay. PG says she’s very happy, which bothers Fern because he’s miserable without her. PG says Fern has his process and she has hers.

5. Fern shows off her picture and PG remembers her. PG has to convince Fern that love is based on more than appearance. (What’s up with that?) PG senses that Fern is so angry at himself that he wants to destroy himself. PG advises him to go straight home, and in the morning take care of business.

6. Aldo remembers his advice to Lety: Choose fear and you suffer. Choose love and you find peace. He calls his father and arranges to meet him the next day.

7. Lety dreams that she throws her self portrait into the ocean to free herself, then pulls it out to rescue herself. In the morning she wakes up and realizes she has achieved/accomplished (lograr) her recovery.


What was the point of Fernando's visit to Psychic Guy's house? Just to tell Fern to not let physical appearance get in the way of love? Fernando overcame that obstacle ages ago! He was bragging to everyone (bartenders, taxista, etc.) how beautiful Lety is. His visit seemed pretty pointless.

I'm pretty confused about the tense of the judge's ruling. In one sentence, Sanchez the court WILL give it (darán), and in the very next sentence, Sanchez said Lety is already the owner of blah, blah, blah.

Aw, come here, Fernando. I'll give you a hug, and I won't tell you to go back to Marcia.

Caro is a saint, is she not? She hires Lety to help her out, and Lety whines a lot and needs more help than she gives. Caro tries to help Lety spruce up her image, since Lety is so insecure about her appearance, and Lety whines and cries even more. And Caro still has not completely snapped and thrown her overboard or something.

At last, Teresa showed some compassion and love for Fernando, although it's too little too late. Poor Fernando, he still can't confess to him mami that he's in love with a fea. As to Lety, it's wonderful seeing her get so free but I can't see her romantically involved with Aldo. He seems like he would make a great friend but there just doesn't seem to be the passionate nature in him like there is in Fernando. Lety needs that passionate nature. Fernando caused Lety to risk love and her reputation for that love. What will Aldo cause her to do? Grow up? Sure, but can he stir her heart like Fernando. I don't think so. The guy's cute but there's something about Fernando that trumps Aldo. The previews show Fernando arriving in Acapulco. He's in for the shock of his life when he see Lety with Aldo. What will happen; what will happen? Fernando will certainly try to win back Lety but she's not ready to return to him. There's more she has to do to become the woman she was created to be.

What great fun this show is; more so than any other TN.

I recommend that you stock up on Chunky Monkey for Tuesday and Wednesday. You're gonna' need it.

On the bright side, we're at the end of a chunk of filler episodes. It's lasted a little over a week, from Tom's first board meeting through today's shows. Twelve Mex shows correspond to four Colombian shows. Starting tomorrow, the Mex shows pretty closely track Colombia again. I think that accounts for all the pointless board meetings, and Irmita's long good-bye to her family.

Paula, as I understand it (and I am not a financial expert), the distinction is between owning a company in name, and actually taking possession. This might be similar to mortgage that goes bad, but the bank chooses not to begin the foreclosure process right away.

Apparently, in the kind of relationship that F-I has with Conceptos, it's very irregular not to begin the seizure in a timely manner. Lety held off the drunken abogados as long as she could, but since they don't understand that the lien was meant to protect Conceptos from being liquidated, they've been eager to begin the liquidation. (And let's not forget that these guys were recommended by Omar!)

Now that things haven't worked out as planned, and the 99% owner of Filmo-Imagen isn't around and F-I isn't making any money to pay off any new credit it secured for Conceptos, the seizure is underway.

I am sorry that the above is so long-winded and poorly organized, especially since I can't swear that it's completely accurate. But I think that's the gist of it.

I love how Fernando keeps his faith in Lety. Every time someone criticizes her he says "My Lety is not like that"
But I fear he may waffle if the embargo truly goes thru and Conceptos is foreclosed upon.


You're right, Güera. We knew that Fernando had to change, and he's starting to pass some important milestones. We saw some minor changes right after the meeting - he was humble with Humberto, he asked forgiveness, he ignored Omar's advice at least once anyway, he showed remorse for what he did to Marcia, and he recognized that he was the one who destroyed everything.

But now, he's starting to pass the earliest milestones. His Purgatory is doing what it’s supposed to do – purge his sins.
1. He was controlled by others. But now he has refused to cower to Marcia, and he told her that he loves Lety. In tomorrow's show he'll show another sign of refusing to let others control him.

2. He could not admit nor let anyone see that he loves Lety. But now:
171. He sharply tells Luigi to not disrespect Lety.
176. He slams Omar for gargolita comment.
179. He shows off her foto. He tells the bartenders, taxista, and callgirl he loves Lety.

3. He distrusted Lety. Remember, that's why he gave in to the false romance. But now, even with everyone singing the Marcia Taunt, he stubbornly holds onto his belief in Lety.

He may backslide a little, and temporarily, on one or more of these, but in the past, those character flaws held him firmly in their grip. He's purged three of his faults. He still has a long way to go, but he's on his way.

Be watching for milestones. I'd love to hear which ones you spot.

Paula H. in regards to your #2 statement that Fern has told people he loves Lety, yes he's done this, but not with the important people in his life (other than Marcia). He still hasn't admitted that he loves her to his mother (although she already knows). What's that about?

I'm glad to hear that some of this filler is almost over...I have enjoyed the scenes in Acapulco, but it is time to get down to the heart of the matter. Now that Lety thinks she has her recovery she needs to test it back in reality. I'm a little leery that a person can recover from such heartache in 3 days, but the one thing that comes to my mind is although she's only been in Acapulco for a short time - she's actually been grieving the loss and heartache from Fern for much longer (since she found the letter) so that's the only reason I can see her getting over things so quickly.

From the previews it looks as if there will be some unwelcome visitors (FERN) in Acapulco. I'm looking forward to that...

Thanks as always for the recaps and analysis. My dvd's arrived today - I can't wait to check them out when I return home next week!

Paula thanks again for a great post. Still enjoying watching these and enjoy reading all the comments.

Julia, welcome to "el club"!

PatA, thank you for the screenshot. We'd better savor it; it's not often HelmetHead shows Fern any motherly love. She saves all that for Marcia.

Yes, Barbara, MamaT showed compassion for Fernando. "As long as" he does what she expects him to, which is marry Marcia. Perfect example of conditional love. But at least she's not pummeling him like Humberto.

Julie, thank you for the financial explanation. Here's the explanation I tell myself: something really bad (for Conceptos) already happened. And something even worse will happen tomorrow if someone doesn't stop it. Basta!

Well, GP, Fern has told Omar that he loves Lety. And at least with MamaT, he didn't deny it like he used to. But why can't he spit it out? Remember that Fernando didn't fall in love overnight? It was poco a poco, little by little. And now that he has begun his transformation, that's not happening overnight either. Poco a poco, the way that people develop character in real life. And it won't be in a straight line, either. He'll have little spurts and also little setbacks. But even then, it will be 2 steps forward, one step back. NOT one step forward, two steps back. Just as it was wonderful to watch his love grow from appreciation to admiration to brotherly affection to love, it'll be wonderful to watch him grow up.

AARRGGHH!!! I REALLY REALLY wanted to see these scenes with Fernando confronting Marcia (part 2) and Teresita but my DVDR erased it before I got to watch it due to lack of space available. Is the Fer/Teresita 'my Lety is not like that' scene available in youtube?
ITA with all your comments and the fact that it is great to watch Fernando grow in love and now grow in maturity/responsibility for love.

Thanks for the financial explanation for the embargo of Conceptos. I couldn't quite understand the logistics of how, now, Lety OWNS Conceptos. Makes total sense now...

I think the PG scene was to reinforce to Fern's mind that he does really love Lety, and the PG guy warning Fern about "destruction" if he doesn't go right home and stay there for the next few days......(Paula, foreshadow?)


Martaivett - yes the clips are available online on youtube. Try this link or if necessary search under La Fea Mas Bella Capitulo 166 (they are labeled differently than what is listed here on Caray Caray), but I think the scenes you're looking for are in parts 2-4

Good luck.

@ Paula H - yes you're right it is indeed a gradual transformation for Fern. I'll be patient. LOL

Diann: shhhh! jiji!

Well one thing you can say for Fern at least he is making an effort to change but Lety is the same old whiner she always was. Why Caro or anyone else for that matter would try to help someone who prefers to wallow in misery is beyond me.

I didn't like Aldo the first time around and I still don't. He is such a preachy I know what is best for you guy -just another in Lety's never ending list of bad choices.

Thank you! I will give it a try as soon as I get home. have a firewall here in the office...

I agree that teh conditional love Teresita is showing Fernando is better than Humberto's constant put-downs but nowhere near what Julieta would show Lety (THAT is unconditional...)

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