Wednesday, January 12, 2011

La Verdad Oculta EP81 01/12/2011 – Filthy little hobbits! They stole our life!

* Yesterday: Roberto told Adolfo he knew something very important about Mario Genovés. Today: Adolfo gives him 24 hours to prove he’s not fooling him again then he leaves saying his usual “if you fail you’ll face horrifying consequences” speech. In Juan José’s house the orphaned boyz have another pity party. While Asunción is hopelessly depressed because of losing his little girl, JJ tries to encourage him by saying the adoption isn’t done yet and they have to keep fighting for Caramelo.

*At AFI Ramón gives some photos to Leonardo who gets very angry when he sees Juan José on one of them. He does everything to protect that guy but he risks everything! He’s going to talk with him. In the architect studio Medina asks Zaida if she knows anything about Garnica. No, unfortunately she has no idea about his whereabouts. Anyway, she came to talk with him because she has a large amount of money that she’d like to invest. *Viewerville: open a brothel*

* FaustiMario and Abelardo arrive at the Genovés villa and have a lovely bromance scene in which Fausto promises to Bud Spencer that they’ll celebrate when the farce ends. Outside Abe orders Édgar not to disturb Mario who is going to disappear again, I mean, who retired to his bedroom. That’s what Eddie boy was waiting for: in the dining room he hits on Ramona, the homely but nice maid and asks her for a date. She likes the idea but before leaving she has to make an apple juice for Mario. Édgar gets rid of the woman for five minutes and makes the juice by himself. It seems to be delicious, except that few drops of poison he dripped into the jug. Bastrad. The maid brings the jug and a glass into the study and Fausto is about to drink it, when … Commercial break!

* We’re back. Fortunately Fausto, who’d like to leave the house as soon as possible, changed his mind and asks Ramona to put it on his bedside table. Half an hour later a bearless Fausto leaves the tunnel house, and Roberto, who has been spying on the door for a while, sneaks into the headquarters with a flashlight and a digital camera. Poor boy’s throat must be very soar because he keeps coughing while he takes photos of every single detail of the make-up room. In Mario’s bedroom he feels so terrible that he decides to drink the savory juice and says it saved his life. *Viewervile: LOL* However, while he’s leaving through the tunnel he gets dizzier and dizzier, he twitches and burps… but somehow makes it to his car. Outside a police car shows up and the policemen witness his last painful minutes. Roberto gets into the car and runs through the camera he accidentally dropped a few seconds ago, but he doesn’t get far – in front of JJ’s house he pulls a Linda Blair and dies a disgusting death.

*Before leaving with Ramona, content Édgar calls Adolfo to tell him the mission is accomplished. Pretty soon the whole neighbourhood is filled with cops, including Ramón (who sleeps in almost nothing) and Leonardo (who unfortunately sleeps in pyjamas). Yep, Roberto is dead. Totally. At the tunnel house they discover the signs of invading and the policemen tell them what they saw. Leo calls Abelardo.

*In his sick-room David, Gaby and Dora are very happy that he may leave the hospital soon. Abelardo shows up in the room and after getting rid of the ladies he tells Blondie the breaking news. And no, they have no freaking idea about how he died. David asks him to call Juan José. In the meantime Édgar tries to get into the study but it’s closed, and when he knocks on the door of Mario’s bedroom nobody answers. Strange. Back to the hospital: another member of the Stupendous Six, aka Fausto enters the sick-room and learns what happened to Roberto. Geez, hopefully it wasn’t Juan José who killed him! While the men are discussing the case upset Gabriela comes back and performs a small tantrum: Something’s wrong here! She knows they are all lying to her like they lied about Marta and the false wedding, too! She’s fed up with this situation and it’s very good that David returns home because they have much to talk about! She, David, Abelardo, Mario and Fausto – they’re going to have a long conversation in the same room!

*Asunción visits his Caramelo in Elsa’s cute flat where the little girl proudly shows him her new exercise books, tells him that her new name is María del Carmen Rivera and she’s completely content with her new life. Limón can’t hide his sorrow which makes both Elsa and Caramelo uncomfortable.

*Early in the morning a furious Bertha shows up at Carlos’s flat complaining about being forced to get up at 7 o’clock *que horror!* and she had to testify (falsely) for Adolfo. She’s very afraid and upset at her own stupidity, but Carlos tells her a good lawyer could prove her testimony was forced by Adolfo. At AFI Leo and Ramón learn that Rob was venenated by a glass of poisonous juice that he drank either in the tunnel house or in the Genovés villa. Leo changes the topic and orders Ramón to interrogate Marcos about the relationship between JJ and Garnica.

*David is at home. Again. While the ladies are putting him into bed Ramona pours the old juice out and washes the jug. Abelardo notices Édgar’s anxiety and scorns him for not doing his job properly, ie. letting Adolfo into the house.

*At JJ’s pumpkinhead is trying to get familiar with the strange and shiny world of computers and internet (“Please download the information from the internet… WTF?), when the depressed Asunción arrives at home and complaints about Caramelo’s new life. She’s so young, they’re going to lose him!

*In his bedroom David assures Gaby, who’s still confused and angry, that she’s the most important for him. Really? Then why isn’t he honest with her? Does he think she’s so stupid she wouldn’t understand the truth? It’s about their fathers and Adolfo, isn’t it. Sometimes she thinks Mario killed Marta… Talk, please! But poor David can’t say anything without Fausto’s approval, which makes Gaby more mad at him.

* Leonardo visits JJ to reproach him for beating up Roberto. JJ should remember that he has criminal record! Yeah, yeah, he knows it! He visited Roberto because he wanted to help David and he’d be glad to see him in jail. Or dead, says Leonardo. Good idea! Look, commandante, he isn’t a murderer type but he would happily kill that jerk. Oh, really? That’s interesting because Roberto was found dead… next to JJ’s house.



Hello. :-) Here are the You Tube links for Episode 81:

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Part 4

Part 5

Thank you for the links Jeri.

Great episode.

Oh no, Roberto kicked the bucket. I thought for sure he was going to croak on 'Mario's' bed, then I thought, oh no, he is going to croak in the tunnel, but no, he made it outside and managed to drive away and croak in his car. Even though he was a slime-ball I am going to miss him in this show.

I think Abelardo is becoming suspicious of Edgar.


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Wow, so much snow still here that hasn't melted quickly as it usually does. To those who are getting snow in the Northeast, buena suerte!

Margaret, unfortunately Roberto croaked near JJ's house and now, due to the surveillance, Leo knows JJ went there and on David's bidding, woops!

As soon as Roberto exited his car and approached the tunnel house, I knew what was coming...and I giggled. So evil of me, I know. It was just such an ironic and appropriate way for Roberto to go. We knew something had to prevent him from telling Adolfo about fake Mario.

Edgar is going to be so confused, just like Roberto was when "Mario" turn up alive. :)

Sandy--JJ went to Roberto's apartment to harras and threaten him. But he did croak "near" JJ's house. So he's under official suspicion, but I don't think our Leo believes he did the deed. More investigation to follow, I'm sure.

I thought Abelardo & Co. had fixed the problem with the porthole where Susana, Marcos and Roberto came and went at will. I guess they only hired the guards and didn't install an alarm.

Roberto, RIP-Not. Now, who's next.

Edgar has to go somewhere else.

Favourite moment so far: Abelardo shows up at the hospital and tries to get rid of Dora and Gaby by saying he'd like to discuss the business with David. Gaby gets uneasy and asks him: "Why, did I... ehm, do something... ehm, wrong?"

*sigh* Although I don't feel sorry for him because he deserved a death like that, I'll miss this psychopath muchísimo, he's the most entertaining character of the show.

Vivi, I laughed out loud when Roberto was rummaging around taking pictures in the makeup studio -- and he coughed!

Nothing like a little apple juice to soothe a rough throat, eh?

Nothing like a little apple juice to soothe a rough throat, eh?

And he said it had saved his life! :) Que ironia.

Aribeth- I know! That was a funny scene. Poor Gabi. Abelardo should have come up with another excuse for needing to talk to David alone, since Gabi IS running the business now. I was LOL when she told a scared looking Fausto, Abelardo and David that she wanted to talk to ALL of them, including Mario, when they get home. It reminded me of when she told them off after finding the video. :) She's going to burst if they don't tell her the truth soon.

I'm positive that someone who REALLY knows children is involved with the writing and execution of this novela. The little gift that Limon brought to Caramelo is just what children love, a FLASHLIGHT, in fact, every flashlight battery in my house is currently dead, I have two nietos, ages 4 and 6. My heart just breaks for Limon. I was a little surprised and yet proud of JJ as he soothed his buddy, he was CALM and well reasoned using the word “temporary.” He walked over to Limon’s chair, kneeled down and ever stroked his cheek. While we know Cara is in a good place, nonetheless, Dora’s refusal to help with her exonerating knowledge has taken a darker edge.

Too bad Edgar chose to go to the dark side, he’s handsome and playful. He would have been good for Mina, she needs a novio.

Newbie, I meant to say that JJ went to Roberto’s to threaten him and then Roberto died near JJ’s house! My post was confusing! I had a sinking feeling when David sent JJ on a mission the other day, JJ can be a loose cannon. After all, he really roughed Roberto up, even delivering a kick! As we all know from US crime dramas, the police look at people with priors first, JJ is a walking police target. I wonder if Leo is obliged to take JJ in for questioning even though he might feel that he had nothing to do with the crime?

Jeri, I’m completely impressed with the FRESHLY made apple juice, wow! It looked yummy.

Poor David, he’s the point guy for Gabi’s questions and feels her frustrations, but he knows he can’t reveal the truth without Fausto’s approval, he is in a tough situation. Gabi is a great heroine, no passive hands wringing for her.

I feel sorry for Limon too, but he needs to pull it together or he's going to affect Cara's happiness. He's also being really awkward will Elsa, for no reason. Calling her Miss Elsa, instead of just Elsa or Elsita like he used to. Refusing her offer of refreshments or to even sit down! I really do understand his pain, but why does he have to make Elsa feel bad for something that is not her fault? And Cara is/will pick up on this.


Loved the photos; equally evil, I too laughed at Roberto's demise complete with frothy foam,and
savoring the drink, "Gracias a Dios - this is a lifesaver!"
Now, we'll see how he is tied to the 2 murders. With regard to the maid, Dora did not see his face, and it seems it would be only Carlos' word. With regard to Mario, I'm wondering where the truck is now and how good a piece
of evidence would the damage on
the truck be since it cannot be
matched up to the incinerated
passenger vehicle. The intrigue goes on. It will be interesting also to seen the interaction among JJ, Zaida, and Ale when Z. makes her play.

Vivi, last night, it was as if JJ and Limon had reversed roles. Limon was stiff and slightly sarcastic with Elsa, and then in turn, JJ was reasonable and positive when discussing the situation! Cara has picked up on the problems between the adults and yes, fanning the flames of discord will seriously affect her happiness. It must be so very hard to take the high road when you are in that type of custody situation. I think I might be walking along in the ditch if I found myself there!!! Yes, Elsa doesn't deserve the treatment she's getting from the guys, she is only trying to help.

Floridia, I meant to say that I enjoyed your well reasoned post last night or the expectations of Limon's possible efforts on literacy!

Neglected to say that I too will
miss the slimy and villainous
Roberto; CONGRATULATIONS to Fabián
Robles for portraying this fascinating personification of a
good for nothing creep.

Wow what an episode. Like Vivi, once Roberto starting going toward the tunnel, I snickered. It could have happened to a nicer guy (ha). And the kicker was his statement Floridia mentioned (the drink as lifesaver). It's too bad he croaked near JJ's but hopefully Leo can help him out.

I know David's in a bind and his even saying I can't tell you what I know without your father's permission is against TN rules but I wish he would. After his mistakes in the past with Gabi and we know he wants to tell her, I feel for him.

Thanks Jeri for your recap yesterday! Classes have started and I could read until after 9 pm last night.

Thanks, Sandy

I can see that you are a very proud
and loving grandmother.

I'm just glad he's dead now so that neither Juan José or David will have to kill him.

Ironic Adolfo's own henchman did it while Roberto was gathering information to give Adolfo that could be a gigantic advantage for him against David.

Might even call it "friendly fire."

Did Roberto really refer to the juice as a lifesaver. Hahaha, so funny. Only Roberto could have given us an 'entertaining' death. Must have been all that dust that has accumulated that made him cough,because no-one is allowed inside the bedroom or tunnel house to give a good clean.


It's hilarious; a cough is never just a cough in novelas.

If someone inadvertently coughs, they cut. So when there's a cough or a throat clearing or a sneeze or whatever, it means something.

Roberto coughed and cleared his throat several times for the benefit of those who weren't paying attention that he was going to need a little something for his throat.

Roberto was a conniving psycho but I will certainly miss Fabian's entertaining performance. It seems poison is a feature of almost every novela but in LVO the writers were very clever. Roberto had a little cough as he left his car and it became worse. He found such relief drinking the poisoned fresh apple juice and I loved his comments. As mentioned, Adolfo's assassin killed off his other assassin and at the worst time. Edgar may be in a little hot water when Adolfo hears about this. And I love how the villains' plans still are going awry.

By the way, I thought someone might discover Susana was in the hospital, maybe even placing David in ICU with her, although David's always been in a private room. But now he's home again.


Count me in as a bad person because I giggled over Roberto's demise too. When he got to the tunnel house I knew what was coming, but I still had to say not again! when he pulled the louvers off the window. Would someone just nail some chicken wire over that window already.

I thought there was supposed to be a squad of security guards watching the tunnel house as well.

I noticed Roberto wiped the pitcher of fingerprints, but not the glass which he also touched. I'll bet the maid didn't wash the glass because it was unused. And his camera may still have pictures on it if the card wasn't damaged. It could tell the whole tale and keep JJ out of jail.

Fausto better come clean to Gabi soon. She looked like she was going to explode.

"As mentioned, Adolfo's assassin killed off his other assassin and at the worst time.

Yep, one bumbling henchman killed off the other bumbling henchman. Wouldn't it be funny if when Adolfo hears about this he sighs, "oh, just shoot me" and this time Edgar gets it right?

The darn louvered of the writers few beyond belief plot devices. But compared to the other novela (a comedy and rightly so) where people don wigs and become unrecognizable, this isn't so bad.


Yes, I'l forgive the window thing as it has led to some great plot developments, including this one. :) I'll just assume that since David's attack, the other guards have been added to the team watching the main house.

"Would someone just nail some chicken wire over that window already."

You are so funny, hahaha.


It’s so funny, almost every novela poisoner uses the same small brown bottle with an eye dropper. It looked like Edgar had the same bottle that Bernarda used in Triunfo the other day. I think the mega-foaming of the mouth was an interesting touch, very dramatic!

Xint, “oh, just shoot me” too funny!

I love seeing Adolfo fail too. He goes from cool, collected, conceited king of the hill, to disheveled, discombobulated emperor with no clothes, so well and so quickly. Can't wait to see his reaction when he finds out: 1) Mario is not dead; 2) Roberto is dead; 3) It was the poison meant for Mario that killed Roberto somehow, meaning one of his henchmen killed another one. Hah!

That window is becoming a joke. I think that maybe Santiago/Fausto should also use the window to enter and leave the tunnel house instead of using the door. There is absolutely no point in having a door at all.


There was no security when Roberto went in; but the cops followed him on the way out, so Leonardo knows he was there. And finds the crushed camera, too.

"I think that maybe Santiago/Fausto should also use the window to enter and leave the tunnel house instead of using the door.

LOL!! :D))

Would someone just nail some chicken wire over that window already.

The recap is ready, thanks for your patience.

So Roberto bit the dust. I had to chuckle when he drank the apple juice to help him with his cough. I knew he was doomed after that. I hope JJ doesn't get arrested again for Roberto's death. When Edgar stirred the apple juice with his finger, that was gross.

David better tell Gabi everything. She's tired of being given the runaround understandably.

I thought the window would've been repaired after Fausto noticed it some time ago. Even Alex mentioned about repairing it but never got around to it.

Thanks a million for the links Jeri.Thanks Aribeth in advance for your recap.Quite an episode and
Ah what a satisfying end for Roberto.I am so happy he died outside Mario's house.In my opinion he didn't suffer enough. Sorry I'll go confess my morbid thoughts at mass. I still don't get why L1mon has to be shut out of Caramelo's life. Granted he isn't educated but doesn't love count for anything? Didn't he find her as a baby abandoned? He never abused her or put her life in danger. Elsa has issues.She should be a little sensitive.She wasn't friendly towards Limon when he came to visit. That child is his whole world.She is letting her anger at JJ cloud her judgment.


Hanna- Did you really think that Elsa treated Limon badly during his visit and is shutting him out? It looked to me that she was trying to be really sensitive to his feelings and give him plenty of alone time with Cara.

I guess I'm the most adamant Anti-Elsa member of the LVO Club but think this time she did nothing wrong. :) She always treated Asunción with respect and I liked it when she told Asunción that the adoption was temporary. Even if it will be permanent that was an important sentence. Also liked that she didn't agree with Mau when he said her she shouldn't encourage the visits.

Yup, Edgar and the cook were both pretty gross, Pirate Babe. She didn't wash her hands after polishing silver and didn't wash the apples. And Edgar, who the heck knows where his hands were before he cut up the apples, juiced them and then stuck his finger in to stir. However, I think I want a juicer...the poisoned juice looked pretty tasty.


Thanks, Aribeth,

Really appreciate your hard work on this. I know you've been busy.
I loved the "bromance" interlude;
it appeared very realistic, and
Abelardo was very insistent that
he celebrate with a Lemonade
when the time comes. Good for him!

GinCA, years ago I had a juicer. The juice is great, but there are mountains of pulp to throw away.

I decided it was better just to eat the fruit whole. Juice companies probably have a vendor they can sell the pulp to and make it less wasteful.

And there are some good fresh apple juice companies that sell in stores.

Aribeth, "Ramón (who sleeps in almost nothing) and Leonardo (who unfortunately sleeps in pyjamas)." lol!

I too will miss evil Roberto. But glad JJ got a chance to kick his a$$ before his demise.

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