Wednesday, January 26, 2011
Llena de Amor #116 (Mex. 121) Wed 1/26/11 Love Is A Many Splintered Thing
Meanwhile, back at the hospital, that whack on the head has done good things for Vicky. She's in a coma (no talking, no bitching) and when she finally comes to she's making nice, murmuring to Emanuel that she loves him. He's still too thick to realize she's Marianela (will their kids be riding the little bus later in life?), but he's thinking. Slow, turgid brain cell activity but something's going on. Marianela even has an aha moment towards the end of the episode when Delicia convinces her that Emanuel did NOT know the chocolates were poisoned. It was all a Bernardo/Fedra plot. And best of all, Oliver and Gretel have resolved all their misunderstandings in the most delightful way possible, tucked up in bed and making Love not War. Adorable.

As were Axel and Delicia, planning to go to the ball (er, Charity Benefit) if they can ward off ugly stepsister Nereida and equally ugly stepmother Fedra. The only other hookup of note was Lorenzo and Mauricio. Lo has wangled his one percent of the booty up to fifty per cent and Mau has retaliated by convincing Lo to dress up as el Lirio de Plata for the Benefit Bash. This should be good. And by golly, ain't Love grand? Well, not to Bernardo, who's still chafing at Fedra's lack of interest in him. But he'll get revenge by one day killing Lorenzo for her. We'll certainly be cheering him on for that.
So much for the broad brush strokes of the developments. Details to follow. Netty is chattering away a mile a minute to bedridden Vicky even though Doris tells her folks in a coma can't hear. (Actually, as I understand it, they can.) But whatever. Netty keeps talking.
So does Axel. He's presented Delicia with a beautiful scripted invitation to the Charity Benefit made out especially to her. She's thrilled but intimidated by the notation "formal". Does she have to fill out forms like you do at the police station? He explains the clothing required and she worries that her "puras garras" (everyday tasteless duds) won't do at all. Alas, after he leaves, Nereida swoops in, snatches the invite away, tells Fedra about it and our witch rips it away and vows to throw it in the garbage. You're no Cenicienta (Cinderella) sneers Nereida and you're not going anywhere.
Next, Fedra gets a call from a gleeful Lorenzo, reporting that Vicky is on her way to the cemetery. Great news.
But not accurate news. Vicky is very much alive, though presently in the requisite telenovela coma, and the loved ones are in the lobby bickering about whose fault it is. Brandon accuses Emanuel of being to blame since he was out of town on his delayed honeymoon when he should have been overseeing the event preparations. Alibi? Ilitia steps up and announces that he never left her side the whole time. Sure, snaps Brandon, but he could have ordered the hit from a distance. Emiliano rumbles and dissents that it was just an accident. In a much higher pitch Netty announces that it was an assault! No doubt about it.
Let's leave this happy scene and go back to the mansion. Delicia is scurrying around Fedra's room trying to find the purloined invitation when she hears Bernardo and Fedra coming. Quick she scoots behind a curtain. My favorite scene coming up. Fedra imperiously pats her shoulders and lapdog Bernardo dutifully starts massaging.

Meanwhile they talk about Vicky's true identity and reminisce about their previous attempts to deep six Marianela with poisoned chocolates. By the time Emiliano telephones from the hospital, Bernardo is hammer-tonging Fedra's shoulders which makes her Qqqquuuueeeelllllassstimmmaa addddiiiiiioooooss sound hysterical. I love these little comic touches.
Back to the hospital. Emanuel is now hovering over Vicky.

In spite of the fact that she's suffered a concussion, he sees fit to slap her face and exhort her to "React. Breathe. React. Breathe." Please kids, don't try this at home. Anyway, she comes to briefly and murmurs Emanuel," Te amo, te amo mi amor." He's like duh whah? Well, what do you expect from someone who slaps a concussion victim?
Fedra, meanwhile, is struggling valiantly with vowels. She can't quite get out "beneficiencia" and she has all my sympathy. I have trouble with those long words too...but not in my native language, thank goodness. Bernardo finishes the word for her (as Delicia did earlier) and she fills him in on the latest outrage. Axel wants to invite Delicia to that bene...whatever!
And Emanuel's still struggling with reality. Oh my, she's saying things like Marianela said when we made love for the first time, he ponders. What could this mean? She must be delirious. Please, Vicky, get better so you can tell me why you're saying these things. Man, he's dumb! I mean, really...even Fedra has already figured out that Vicky and Marianela are one and the same, minus about 100 kilos. And she's had fewer clues by far than Eman. He's not going to be on a quiz show anytime soon, that's for sure.
Shall we switch to another dopey (albeit adorable) lover? Oh yes, Oliver and Gretel are making up for lost time.

Looks like they're about to start on Round Two or perhaps Round Three, Four or Five (they're young, after all) but Gretel thinks it would add a little spice if she put on the wig and mustache. And indeed it does.

Gladiola barges in with cleaning supplies, utters a righteous oath (Sovereign Immaculate Heart of Jesus!) and then scolds them about their behavior. And for heavens' sakes lock the door next time! Oliver wants to tell her the truth so she won't think he's gay. Gretel thinks that would be dangerous. It escalates into a deeper discussion downstairs when Gladiola, while trying to be tolerant, thinks the Comisario will be scandalized. Oliver is a good cop and doesn't want his career to go down the drain. So how about if he and Manolo make it a "formal arrangement" and Glad can be the "madrina" (attendant for the wedding). Impactada looks all around.
Delicia has escaped from behind the curtain and is now foraging in Nereida's room looking for the missing invitation. Instead she finds the DVD of Mauricio and Kristel working on their Kama Sutra skills. Nereida arrives. Delicia ducks in a closet. Nereida hides some more filched silverware under her mattress and dreams of the day when she'll have a little well-appointed bungalow of her own, no doubt.
More bickering in the hospital lobby. Fedra has now arrived which sets Netty off on a new rampage. Ilitia interrupts to ask where Emanuel is. Fedra is on the trail, finding him in Vicky's room about to kiss her and has a conniption fit. Why is he hovering over that "trepadora"?!!! (social climber and also a word used in every telenovela I've ever watched. Must be a lot of social climbing going on in Mexico these days). How could he possibly care about that wretched woman who is doing everything she can to harm their family and turn Emanuel against his very own mother!
SHE HAS A CONCUSSION. SHE NEEDS REST AND QUIET, yell Brandon and Netty, barging in the room. Oh my. More dubious bedside behavior.
Fedra and Emanuel take their quarrel out in the hallway where she berates him for seeming to be emotionally involved with that trepadora. And what about his marriage!? Thankfully, Lorenzo arrives at this moment and Eman hands his mother off to skanky father-in-law. She now berates Low for Marianela's survival but they both furtively agree they'll need to proceed to the next fatal step slowly, to avert suspicion. Guess Vicky has a few more days left to live.
Downstairs at the mansion, Benigno fills the General in on the accident, acting out the whole disaster just in case his head officer doesn't understand the words. Keep me informed, announces the old guy solemnly.
More chatter in the hospital. Honestly, staff would never allow all those folks around the bedside at once but let's not quibble. Delicia has arrived and is telling Doris and Netty that she's learned Fedra and Bernardo did all the poisoning. Emanuel had no idea he was giving Mari toxic treats. Why Emanuel wouldn't kill a mosquito, even if it bit him! Vicky conveniently comes to, wants to know how Delicia is so sure and looks wanly thoughtful at this new bit of info.
Now we're at Muñeca's house where Emiliano is cuddling a smiling, cheerful Christian (do they have this kid on quaaludes?) and rumbling his deep, toe-tickling laugh. However his news is serious. Vicky's health is fragile at the moment. But he's also worried about Muñeca's divorce plans. Is this really what she wants? Indeed it is. Aside from the kids out of wedlock and selling her shares out from under her, she's just sick and tired of Lorenzo and no longer wants him around. And isn't that how he's feeling about Fedra, hmmmm? Sure is. He's madly in love with Netty. Like he's never been in love before. (Rather ungallant, given as how he was once engaged to Muñeca. But whatever.) Axel arrives (Excuse me, the door was open) and Emiliano broaches the real reason for his visit. He wants to know if Axel can play at the Benefit Ball. Guitar strumming and singing ensue. Mercifully brief. In spite of the fact that the last chords were wrenchingly off-key, Muñeca beams, applauds his great talent and says Sure, bring it on. Axel wants to dedicate his special song to a special someone. Which Emiliano assumes is Manolo. More desperate sure-I'm-broad-minded-it's-fine from Muñeca. But Axel protests. Nooooo, my special someone is a beautiful, tender, fun-loving woman who has made me see life from a different perspective. She's my reason for living. But you won't find out who she is until the ball. Do I know her? rumbles Emiliano. Yes, you do. But it's a secret. Umhum.
His intended, Delicia, is now chatting with Vicky about the need to gather more info at the mansion and then for dessert, De suggests they view the video of Mau and Kristel cuchiplaneando. Evidently Kristel has inherited Fedra's flexibility because De is fascinated and Vicky repulsed by the athletic goings on. Vicky suggests they turn it off. So use your imagination folks. I'll have to assume there were no rose petals or candles.
Well, Mau is pretty flexible himself, allowing Lorenzo to negotiate up from one percent of the recent Lirio theft to fifty percent after Lo threatens to reveal the scam to Garduño. And he also wants 50 per cent of the takings at the Charity Ball. Fine, but only if Lorenzo plays the part of Lirio. Well, it just had to be after Lo does a credible imitation of Dandy's hapless attempt. Yes indeed, Lorenzo has the build, the height, the panache to carry this off. Oh yeah.
Well, now that Delicia and Vicky have stopped watching skanky videos (do the nurses never check on coma patients?) they work out that Vicky will lend her one of her snazzola gowns to wear and Doris will fix her up completely for the big night out. This we gotta see. Dee fills her in as well about the hurry up wedding plans and Vicky, looking playful, admits that she has a "broma pesada" (practical joke) planned for the boda. Ugh. Still a long way from redemption. That crack on the head hasn't straightened her out yet.
Interesting scene now. Low lighting. Shadowy figure. Bernardo. Looking presidential and menacing. Ruminating on how Lorenzo has stolen Fedra's attention and passion. Feelings Bernardo could never awaken in her. But one day she'll want Bernardo to do away with Lo. And he will. With Great Pleasure.
Emanuel's arrival disrupts this lovely pipe dream. He think Bernardo might have been behind the attempt on Vicky's life. Bernardo begs to differ. And even suggests that he can earn Emanuel's renewed trust by scoping out the real culprit. Furthermore, he gently nudges Emanuel's brain cells to consider the fact that Vicky is really Marianela minus some tonnage. After all, his informant at the airport tells him Marianela is in Mexico but there's never been a sign of Vicky de la Garza's arrival ever.
Impossible. NO PUEDE SER. Yes, with those fateful words, Emanuel confirms for us that he's just another pretty face. No interference from brain activity whatsoever. And there we end.
At the Charity Event, Emiliano tells Lorenzo that Mauricio and Kristel are going to announce their imminent wedding. In the background, we see Delicia looking gorgeous.

me voy en blanco = I came up empty (Ilitia lamenting that nothing happened on her truncated honeymoon
mendiga...condenada...Nereida...that darned, or that damned Nereida
ilesa = unharmed, uninjured (Fedra and Bernardo discussing their failed attempts on Mari)
fijate = just imagine...guess what? Delicia telling Vicky about the rush rush wedding
pácatelas = crash! (Benigno describing Vicky's "accident" to the General
cuchiplanchando - doing it, getting busy (Delicia talking about the video)
estabamos en lo cierto = we're on the right track, we're right on target (Bernardo to Fedra)
la chancluda = the scruffy, sloppy person (Fedra's dismissive word for Delicia)
sanguijuela = leech, bloodsucker (Fedra's new insult for Vicky/Marianela)
trepadora = social climber (her other insult)
Dicho of the Day
No tener dos dedos de frente
lit. to have a forehead that measures less than two fingers from eyebrows to hairline
fig. To be very stupid
(Apply this to whomever you wish in this telenovela. Emanuel perhaps? Vicky tambien?)
Labels: llena
Once again Oliver and Gman were delightful. I don't know if Gladiola will ever recover from her discovery of the lovebirds especially after they asked her to be the madrina. How they can keep from LOL at some of this stuff?
Emil and Muneca were having a great time with the two little ones. It is too bad they are both tone deaf where Axel is concerned.
@Rosemary...yes, this WAS a fun episode. Fedra and Lorenzo were both quite funny again. And it was a relief to see Oliver and Gretel loving it up, even if Gladiola was scandalized. Looks like we're still going to have lots of fun with the Manolo schtick even if Oliver's in the know.
Odd how in these telenovelas, with their great theme songs and such, that we still have these painful off-key musical interludes. Oh well....
Speaking of Eman, I guess it will take a moment for him to comprehend that Vicky and Mari are the same person. I mean they have the same face, the same hair, the came voice and yet he can't recognize her.
The whole Oliver/Gretel/Manalo scene was a riot when Gladiola walked in on them. Misunderstandings galore.
Delicia looks really pretty in the previews.
Yes poor Eman is not the brightest; I'm pretending to chalk it up to shock and denial. Perhaps his awareness of Vicky's hatred and how does not at all correspond to his gordita is what makes him not want to make the connection.
I know Fedra is known for her mispronunciations so did anyone else hear her call Dee "Delicious"? That was hilarious.
I wonder if 2 de Platas at the benefit?
I loved Oliver and Gretelman's scenes. Thankfully they are reunited and it looks like Gman will continue the charade in order to protect Oliver. Good, because I like Manolo.
I think Christian is finally getting used to the actors. He sure had an affinity for Cesar Evora, didn't he?
Honestly, they are tone deaf in these shows. Axel strums a few off-key chords and suddenly he's the main attraction? Heck, now that I know it's that easy I should really take up an instrument.
Karen, good for you for noticing Fedra's unique pronunciation for Delicia's name. And 2 Platas at the benefit, what a briliiant idea, one good and one bad and they can duke it out.
Thank you Judy for the superb recap tonight! I enjoyed the episode immensely and it sounds like you did too. Wasn't it fun how Delicia kept hopping around hiding behind curtains and eavesdropping? If I were Vicky I'd give her a bonus for superior performance. That little chickadee really came through with the information.
I think this episode is going to stay on the DVR for awhile. Between Oliver and GretelMan's shenanigans and Delicia's detective work, there's a lot I want to watch again. So many great comic bits, too, like Fedra's voice when Bernardo was pounding on her back, the way Eman handed Fedra off to Low and fled, etc. And I'm glad we got to see the venom-sucking scene again and get a better recap of it; the scheduling issues Tuesday messed up my recording and I missed part. Very hilarious mockery of STuD.
Now that I've had time to watch my recording, I can comment. First off, thank you! This was wonderful as usual, but I could tell you enjoyed this episode by how much of your wicked humor came out.
Yes, Eman's brain is very slowly churning. And even VicMar is on the road to common sense with Dee's revelations. That girl does indeed deserve a prize. She found out more in one afternoon, than Eman did in two years of sucking up to Fedra. Yes, Fedra always calls Dee Delicious, but last night she added the bonus by saying her last name in English too: Delicious Flowers (Delicia Flores). :)
Fedra and Bernardo in the massage scene were hilarious. So interesting that those two are divorced with child in real life. Must be a treat for their son to watch their antics together in this novela.
I'm really looking forward to the benefit ball, Dee's transformation (thanks for the preview pic), and whatever craziness will happen, because we know there will be much.
Think we all enjoyed the antics last night since we got to see some of our favorite couplings - and that goes for Fedra and Bernie. Something is always thrown in that just cracks me up.
All our young couple were sweet and funny. I muted when Axel sang so he cat didn't cringe, otherwise good stuff. I caught that preview of Delicia at the benefit - you go girl!
So our two main squeezes are starting to turn the lightbulbs slightly brighter. Though I am amazed at the glorious work the doctors must have done thar M/V was so coherent and lively after busting her head open (I mean...honestly the blood on the floor was a mega pool), it was enjoyable to see her speaking without the snarling. Need Delicia around her more.
My jealousy moment last night - I soooooo wish I could be little Christian and get that kind of hug from Cesar. Oh yeah...warms my soul on this cold morning.
Gretel and Oliver + Gladiola were such a hoot. I truly laughed out loud. That and the repeat of the venom sucking scene were pretty racy stuff and yet both seemed to be innocent (if smirky) fun.
I wonder if Axel will end up blowing us away with his talent when he performs at the gala? It almost seems as though he is making a conscious effort to be bad.
Once again I wasn't ready for the episode nor your recap to end.
"Sucking critter venom", "that whack on the head has done good things for Vicky" and "Fedra imperiously pats her shoulders and lapdog Bernardo dutifully starts massaging" were my favoties. Loved the embedded and vocabulary list and dicho. Your snapshot of Dee? Marvelous.
Sylvia, "I think Christian... had an affinity for Cesar Evora, didn't he?" Yeup! Absolutely. Hmmm, come to think of it, I do too.
Karen, enjoyed your astute point that Eman may simply not be able to make the Vicky/Mari connection due to the polar opposite personalities, demeanors and actions.
Like Julia, I want more "Oliver and GretelMan's shenanigans and Delicia's detective work".
Thoroughly enjoying this. Thanks again Judy.
Emanuel was always attracted to Marianela's personality. He thought she was pretty, too, but her physical appearance wasn't really what he saw. So it does make sense that he wouldn't recognize his sweet and innocent Mari in frosty, snarling Victoria. Their similarities are in things he never paid much attention to.
@Pirate Babe...Delicia is pretty even in her Ivory Soap/braided hair maid persona. Dolled up...she is stunning. I was able to pull that screen shot off the previews on Would not have been able to get such a good shot had I been working from the TV screen. you're a closet singer, are you? I'm completely without shame now, I sing along to many of my class routines and usually am still warbling while I clean up the room. Nobody's asking me to perform at a charity function though.
@Karen...glad you like the picture of Dee as well. Sounds like most people did. She is lovely dolled up or plain and simple. A real Cinderella for sure.
@Sylvia...reading your joy at Oliver and Gretel reunited, I realize I should have titled this "Reunited and It Feels So Good". And Maureen could sing it!
@Miss're wanting slow drawn out torture for our baddies! Can't believe it. And nice sensitive analysis of why Emanuel can't recognize Marianela. You were much kinder than I was. Karen also had a similar analysis for his blindness. Well thought out, both of you.
@Daisynjay...Ah yes, a hug from Cesar Evora. Me, I'd settle for just having him talk to me for a couple of hours. (All right, whispering and rumbling right in my's that?) He could have the face of a gargoyle, but with that voice, he'd still be handsome. Lord have mercy! you, I'm really enjoying the gay?straight? humor in this one. Particularly as everyone gamely tries to project tolerant and understanding front, while also being a bit shocked and uncomfortable underneath. Rather true to life as older people today must work through old old patterns of belief.
@Diana...I love it that you can not only enjoy the show and the recaps, but you also find the gems in everybody's comments. We all need a friend like you, amiguita.
@Pata...great way to describe Fedra''s "vibrating" voice. I wasn't sure quite how I was going to portray it, but glad Carlos liked my rendition. Very funny scene. However, I could have just said "vibrating" like you and made it much simpler!
Don't ever stop, Maureen. If everybody sang, we probably wouldn't need Zoloft (well, maybe for the folks who have to listen to us.)
Whatever. I just want to see more sweet lovin' with Oliver and Gretel, Delicia and Axel and some juicy playful tension between Brandon and Ilitia.
I don't know - at the end it looked like Emanuel's brain was trying to grapple with the idea that Vicki was Marianela minus a few pounds - and I don't think he dismissed the idea. I guess we'll find out tonight whether he has or not. I guess it is still early in the show to for him to realize it.
The comments are delightful, too.
I wonder why nobody tuned Axel’s guitar. It was wince-making to hear that waaaa-waaa that comes from an instrument out of tune.
We have consistency but not quality. And I don't know why. Especially given the wonderful musical heritage of these Latino countries.
Oh well. Buff bodies, high drama, terrific humor...guess we can't have everything.
Camaleones keeps tossing in these musical moments...PeeWee plays one of the characters on the show, and every few weeks there will be a random break in the action for one of his songs, like it's suddenly a musical or something, which is silly. Anyway, the sound is fine and they're in tune, but the music-video way they stage them is totally discordant (yeah, this kid who's getting bullied at school anyway is not suddenly going to start swanning about the school courtyard and leaping up on the edge of the fountain wailing love songs) and they're so cheesy I just really can't watch. When the whole group performs in the closing credits, it's even worse, their moves are so dorky and they think they're so cool.
Kind of a distraction in an otherwise excellent show.
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