Friday, January 28, 2011

Llena de Amor #117 (Mex. 122) Thu 1/27/11 The Untouchables

Tonight is an evening of wanting what we can’t have, getting what we’re not supposed to, creating boundaries, reaching beyond them, finding love that has been lost and losing love we thought we had. But hope, like love, springs eternal.

Last night we left Emanuel looking dumb…founded at Bernardo’s suggestion that Vicky could be Mari.

Later, and under the perpetually full DF moon, Ilitia is becoming irate at being stood up yet again by her M.I.A. marido. She’s all dressed up with someplace to go and a taxi will do just fine. Brandon arrives ostensibly to question Emanuel but in reality to ogle the model’s assets swathed in blue satin. She reminds him there is nothing between them, nada poli. He reminds her that when he beat up Malicio he was her hero. She tells him that very morning she and Eman made hot love like never before, it was the best (lo máximo), byeee. Brandon’s bravado wilts.

Let’s go to the event. It looks like a rather staid and stodgy affair so far but I’m confident something will happen to liven things up soon.

First we have Loser-ena stalking Axel and dissing Dee. Doesn’t work.

Next up is Muñeca gushing about the success of the event and how it will help her kids. Lowrenzo Crankypants doesn’t get why she cares about all those snot-nosed brats (mocosos) which sends her off in a huff. I’m not sure why she was even talking to him so bad on her.

Emiliano is deep in thought and tells Lowman he’s worried about Kristel marrying that dope Fonseca.

Fedra strumpets, I mean struts up to the stage and suddenly I remember a phrase I learned in high school French. Il y a du monde au balcon = there are a lot of people in the balcony = she’s got a rack and a half. I wonder if there is a similar phrase in Spanish. Anyone? But I digress. Fedra’s chest approaches the stage with Fedra a foot or so behind. She starts to announce Kristel’s impending marriage and stops silent when a beauty enters the room. Fedra sneers, Malicio leers, and Axel is amazed and smitten when he recognizes Delicia.

Ilitia is still throwing daggers at Brandon’s heart, telling him she knows he likes her but she could never go for a guy like him; she and Eman are an item, “Sorreee.” Brandon pulls himself together and counters she’s wrong, his ideal woman is sweet, tender, and trembles in his embrace. “You’re talking about Victoria, right?” she snaps. Exactly, he retorts, eliciting an Ilitia snarl as he departs.

Andres and Doris (looking pretty hot herself) are pleased at Dee’s transformation. Dee hands Andres an envelope of some sort and he says he knows what he’s supposed to do. Something about pulling off Vicky’s joke against Kristel. Hmmm…I wonder if there is a DVD of Kristel and Malicio in there?

Emiliano, standing off to the side, suddenly recognizes Deer and Lowman marvels at her, inciting yet another scowl and scolding from Muñeca. Why does she even bother? Lady you kicked him out, stop following him around.

Loserena’s not happy to see Dee but her male companion sure enjoys the view.

Fedra and Kristel, sporting big hair, plot to give Dee the bum’s rush.

Over at the hospital Netty is relieved to hear that net head Vicky is doing better and will be released soon.

Back at the party Fedra approaches Dee like a predator approaching a kitten. She smiles and comments nastily that one can’t make a silk purse out of a sow’s ear. How dare Dee show herself at this event? She pushes by Axel and tries to strong arm Dee out the door but is stopped by Emiliano who admonishes his wife, Dee is Axel’s guest so cut the crap and behave. Fedra hisses they’ll all be sorry. I’m pretty sure Emiliano already is.

We’re at the pension with Gladi and Consuelo. Are we going to have more Tacos al Pastor? Special biscuits? Perfect coffee? Nope, no product placement this time, just some gossip about Oliver and Gman then griping about Consuelo and Brandon. Gladi thinks the whole household is going crazy (todo esta de cabeza). Consuelo gossips hopefully that when Netty gets back maybe she will kick Gman and his sister out. Gladi says if flirting is what gets one kicked out of the house then Consuelo will be the first at the door. She’d look a whole lot better if she’d keep her mouth shut (calladita te ves mas bonita).

At the party Muñeca unveils a cofre of hope, where Jacqui and the other models deposit copious wads of money while Muñeca thanks everyone for helping to build a clinic so poor children can get medical care. She introduces a special musical guest…Axel!

Fedra squirms and gripes until Emiliano tells her to control herself or go home. She angrily flicks her wayward curls. Axel dedicates his song to a special woman and Dee looks around jealously. Very cute. He dedicates the song to Delicia, strums a few chords, the guitar is thankfully mostly in tune, and demonstrates to us the benefits of practice. He still needs to go to the academy but he’s vastly improved. Anyway, it doesn’t matter what we think, Dee is enrapt and a tear falls down her lovely face. Oh to be young and in love. Lorena’s crying too, but she ain’t happy. Will she finally admit defeat?

Oliver and Gman are sitting on a loveseat holding hands and kvetching over whether or not Fedra and Bernardo were responsible for Vicky’s accident. Oli assures Gman that Vicky will be OK, she’s strong. These two are making up for lost time and Oli thinks that Gman is adorable with his little moustache and all, he loves it! Big time smooching ensues until Netty arrives home and is grossed out, ewwwwww! She falls on the bench in an overly dramatic homophobic faint.

Vicky is awakened by a dark visitor. It’s the real El Lirio de Plata and he wants to know who she really is. He knows she’s lying and he wants to know why. He knows she’s Marianela Ruiz y de Teresa. Cara impactada de MariVicky.

Oli and Gman tend to a supine Netty. Gman is sure they’ve killed her for good. She wakes and Oli wants to explain but Netty won’t shut up as usual. In an unexpected twist she insists she’ll have no immorality in her house; in this country same sexes can get married and get married they will!

Vicky tells El Lirio that her entry wasn’t on the airline register because she came into Mexico by way of Argentina. Mari is in hiding to protect herself from Fedra and Eman. She asks him why he was horrible to her the other day and El Lirio laughs that was an imposter trying to soil his name. He caresses her face and says he’s never met a woman quite like her before.

Axel concludes his wailings of teen angst and stumbles toward his smitten kitten. I find their public kiss adorable but Kristel is on a tear and cannot contain her disgust. She staggers toward Loserena and begs her to help out.

Netty’s already got the wedding planned. Manolo will wear white, Oli will wear black, the most adorable novio y novio ever. Gman’s on board with the charade but Oli can’t stand keeping a secret from her. Tell her Gman. “Don’t you know me?” asks Gman as she removes her moustache and wig.

Axel and Dee have relocated to a quieter spot but their romantic revery is interrupted, first by an incredulous Ilitia, and then by his shrewish sister who announces that this low life is none other than their servant! Lorena jumps into the fray and things get out of hand. Poor Dee is horrified to be on the receiving end of such vile vituperation.

Netty picks herself up from the floor again while Gretel and Oliver bring her up to speed. Netty, champion of the saucer-eyed stare, beats her previous world record.

Back at the event Malicio holds Axel while Kristel and Loserena publicly humiliate Delicia. They try to rip her dress but she breaks free, runs away and loses a dainty heel in the process. Axel punches Malicio and runs after his Cenicienta (remember our vocabulary?)

Netty is about as mad as she’s ever been when she hears of Fedra’s perversity in locking up Gretel for two years. Netty wants to go after Fedra right now but they convince her to wait because they are on the verge of revealing all her crimes. (I’m not holding my breath.) Gretel says her dad is an idiot for not marrying Netty. Big group hug.

MV and El Lirio are still comparing the real El Lirio to the fake when suddenly there is a loud knock on her door. It’s Brandon, not happy to be locked out of the room. He knocks and yells while El Lirio kisses MV’s hand, says he’ll see her again soon and escapes out the window that is supposedly too high. Luckily El Lirio is a world class athlete. Brandon busts into the room and suspiciously looks around wondering if MV was alone.

Back at the party Fedra and Bernardo are having a villanous confab about Eman. He thinks the worst of Fedra thanks to Tio Brutus Maximus and Marianela. Bernardo says he suspects but he knows nothing, she has to keep up her façade in front of him because if he learns what they did… Then Bernardo gets all maudlin and, while Fedra plays her violin in the background, he recalls being a child and dreaming of being a man of the sea. He starts to caress her face and, “Don’t touch me!” she snarls.

Lowrenzo sees it all and berates Bernardo for having the gall to touch his boss-lady. He shouldn’t forget he works for the R y de Ts and should keep his hands off his woman, and don’t “tutear” him! (Has Lowrenzo forgotten that Bernardo can kick his puny butt?) Lowman persists in annoying Bernardo and tells him to watch out. “Not if I see you first,” Bernardo hisses, mimicking Lowman.

Brandon is sure that Vicky’s accident was no accident. Somebody is trying to kill her, most likely Fedra. Vicky says Fedra is going to pay for what she did to Mari, she’ll put her plan into action and now more than ever she needs Brandon’s help. They shake on it.

The event seems to be winding down with Muñeca standing by her big box of money thanking all the donors. Lowrenzo goes on stage to gush about his wonderful wife and all the work she does for the children. He tears up over his admirable wife, hugs her, cries over all the work she does for the angels in the street and deposits a huge, huge donation. Meanwhile Fedra sits in the audience laughing at his antics.

Lowman and Malicio snicker at his performance and whisper that their plan is coming along perfectly.

Ilitia snubs her father even though he swears he wants to win her mother back. She says mom is much better off without him. He cries alligator tears and she agrees to talk to him. Ugh.

Nereida is complaining to Paula about Dee going to the party when suddenly a distraught Axel rushes in. No, they haven’t seen Dee since she left for the party.

Cut to a sad scene of our tragic princess sobbing by the side of the road. No pumpkin carriage for her tonight, the public bus will have to suffice.

Doris arrives at the hospital and reports that Dee looked fabulous. Apparently she is oblivious of the class struggle that happened outside the charity event. She reports that Andres is locked and loaded to carry out MV’s plot against Kristel. MV tells her pal that Fedra and others suspect Mari and Vicky are the same person. Doris rubs her hands together and says this is her specialty, she can make Marianela reappear. But isn’t she supposed to be married to some Spanish hunk? Where are they going to find him? (At least I think that's what she said.)

Mañana: Sex, lies and videotape

Calladita te ves mas bonita = Silence is golden, (lit. you look better silent)
corriente = common
Estar de cabeza – to be crazy, out of order, abnormal
Lo máximo= the best
mocoso = snot-nosed brat (from mucous)
Sacar a las patadas = to kick out, to give the bum’s rush
Te vas a arrepentir = you’re going to be sorry

Dicho of the day – a repeat but worth repeating:
Aunque la mona se vista de seda, mona se queda = You can’t make a silk purse out of a sow’s ear. (Lit. although the monkey is dressed in silk she’s still a monkey)


Sylvia, perhaps all of the characterss in last night's episode did not achieve their desires, but you certainly fulfilled our thirst for an amazing, hilarious and poignant recap. Kudos - this was wonderful. Your vocabulary sparkled.

"cofre of hope", "Brandon's bravado wilts", "Fedra strumpets", "big hair", "vile vituperation" and "smitten kitten" were only a few of my favorites.

I was wondeing if poor Netty was going to make it through after the shocking revelations of Gretel's identity and her imprisonment. Her anger can only fuel the fire to bring about Fedra's demise (which can't happen quickly enough for me).

Kristel looked beautiful. How can such hate lurk beneath such a beautiful exterior facade? The attack on lovely Dee was unconsionable. Also, I have a question. When the attack began, Ilitia was standing behind Axel and Dee. Then, after the fray she was standing up on the stairs next to Kristel and Lorena. Did she participate? Ack.

Thanks again Sylvia. Stay warm and safe everyone.


Diana, I couldn't figure out Ilitia's role either. At first she looked horrified but then she was up there with the fruitloop fresas. Maybe we will find out tonight. She seems to be involved in her own internal class struggle.

Most likely Kristel was at her very worst so that when MarVicky wreaks her revenge tonight we will feel justice has been served. I felt terribly sorry for Delicia and Axel. Poor kids.

Good morning Diana and Sylvia. I had to leave the room during the Delicia attack so I can't help out on the Ilitia mystery. Even though I know "it's just a story" and they're just acting, I've seen too much bullying and taunting in real life to be able to watch a scene like that.

However, otherwise I thorougly enjoyed the show and think your recap is just awesome Syl...beginning with the first sentence which pulled all the disparate elements of the episode into one theme. Nicely done.

Like Diana, I loved "Brandon's bravado wilts"...a sentence with several possible meanings...And "net head Vicky" (definitely not a good look for her) And your description of Fedra moving in on Delicia "like a predator approaching a kitten" was so good it gave me goose bumps.

However, the winner is: {Netty} champion of the saucer-eyed stare beats her previous world record". Can't top that one.

The Cinderella theme was a little heavy-handed with the lost shoe but whatever. They're having fun with all these allusions I guess. Mainly I wondered how Delicia was going to hop a ride on the pumpkin carriage bus without any money.

I too came to the conclusion that an ugly scene like that had to be engineered so that we wouldn't feel bad about Kristel's public humiliation coming up tonight.

And maybe Ilitia didn't participate but was simply paralyzed between her previous attitude and witnessing how cruel her group's snobbism really is. Hoping this is the Tipping Point that will set her on her way to changing.

Because I wasn't having to madly scribble notes as a recapper, I DID positively relish all the furious faces Ilitia was making while Brandon was extolling his "ideal woman's" virtues. She is just having a ball with this role. In top form.

As were you Sylvia. Thanks.

Thanks for the feedback Sylvia and Judy. I'm clinging to the hope Ilitia was merely an unwitting UNparticipant. She's come too far to start backtracking now.


I almost felt like Netty at times with wide-eyed stares, watching the episode. But as always, along with the incredulous and maddening, there was fun too and you did a fantastic job getting it all down again.

I loved your recap of Fedra hitting the stage. Man she strutted and posed for all she was worth. But I'm not so sure she's smart in pushing Bernie away constantly. May come back to haunt her.

I can't even relate how ticked off that whole humiliating of Dee made me. One thing to verbally go at her, but attacking her and trying to rip off her dress, that's technically a misdemeanor. Where's Brandon or security when you need them. You would think with all those bucks in the box,there would be some nice guys in Blue standing by.

One of my fav scenes last night, Netty's reaction, theatrics, seeing Gman and Oliver. As she plays her character,she is one actress who does not leave her work on the set. Soooo funny and Laura Flores just has a ball with this portrayal. Glad she knows the truth, but gees, how many more before this isn't really a "secret" anymore.

I too loved Brandon and Ilitia (sort of didn't like the dress - great color, didn't seem to fit right). Wonder if she was blowing smoke about the wild night of passion with Eman?

So someone find our sweet Cinderella, keep the wicked "step sisters" away from her, and make her smile again. I want our Dee happy and snooping again!

Exactly Daisynjay!...that dress did not fit right. Too big in the bodice. Not flattering. She needs a softer clingier fabric. Someone needs to use us as consultants, don't you think?

I'm sure Ilitia has got to be in some sort of identity crisis right now. Maybe she wanted to stick up for Axel and Dee but wow, Kristel and Lorena were like a couple of rabid jackals. I'm not sure I would have had the strength to take them on. Agreed, her dress wasn't the most flattering; color looked nice though.

It must be easy to get around Mexico via cab and bus. People never seem to have money but it doesn't appear to be a problem.

Hello guys

This episode wasn't as thrilling as I wanted it to be. Dee left crying, MV's plan to get revenge on Kristal is tommorow, and Dumb Emanuel actually had to dress to add two and two.

I get that Eman would not want to associate Vicky to Mari, but once someone points out that they are the same person, his lame cells-I mean brain cells should have went in flash back mode to confirm this.

I have a guess of who the hot spanish hunk will be. Remember Jorje? There has to have been a reason for the directors to waste their money, right?

long time fan,
newbie blogger,

Maria de NY

Excellent Sylvia. Lots of funny lines and quips. My favorite expressed the same thought I had at the time:

"Lady you kicked him out, stop following him around."

I thought that Dee looked spectacular... good job Doris... but I prefer our original fresh-faced Delicia.

I wonder why Axel didn't escort her to the ball and do a better job of protecting her from his mom and sister?

Welcome Maria. I'm glad you joined in on the commenting.

I have to agree that Ilitia's dress just wasn't flattering. She did cast a critical eye on Dee when she arrived, but I don't think she took part in the attack.


Hi Maria and welcome!! I pretty much agree with you on all counts. Thank you for checking in and please comment some more. We love the input.

Thanks for your recap Sylvia. I was disappointed in last night's episode b/c of that horrid attack on Dee. Since Kristel was the ring leader, I will have no sympathy for her when MV pulls her practical jokes. Her actions remind me how vicious she and Ilitia are to anyone they deem beneath them. Though Ilitia may be further along on her path to redemption, Kristel does not seem to have grown in the least as demonstrated by her clinging to Mau and humiliating Dee. Those two are so unlike our fresca from Gancho, the loveable Jimena.

Welcome Maria.

Great recap. Great title. Kind of painful episode.

Oh, our poor, sweet Cenicienta. And these are the people who consider themselves high class? At first I was excited to see Alfredo again (I'm shallow and the actor's guapo) but he hasn't improved at all. And with all Fedra's snotty behavior, isn't it about time someone announced very publicly that she was and is a hooker?

Ilitia looked lovely and I don't think she took part in the attack...she just stood idly by. Her dress did desperately need some alterations, though. It looked on the verge of a malfunction.

There were some fun moments, though. I loved Gladiola zinging Consuelo. Also El Lirio...always a treat and I enjoyed his high-style exit out the 8th floor window. Now how did he do that? Fedra's expressions during Lowrenzo's maudlin speech were priceless. We never get a really dull episode.

Welcome Maria! This is a warm, welcoming group. Glad you are here.


Judy, with the week I've had at work, being a costume consultant sounds wonderful right now. I think we could do a FAB job ( and maybe we can add hair consultants to that job description?)

Love the "lame cells...I mean brain cells" quip Maria. Welcome. Hope to hear more from you.

Hair. Yes! Definitely add that to our job description Daisynjay.

Loved the recap Sylvia. After how horrible Kristel treated Delicia, I don't feel bad at all for what Mari has in store for her. Kristel is just like her mother. I don't know if she is redeemable.

Like Cinderella, Delicia lost her slippers while her prince desperately seeks her to give the shoe back to her.

Loved MariVictoria and El Lirio. They have such awesome chemistry and the attraction between them is growing more and more.

Glad the Netty now knows that Manalo is Gretel. I wonder will she figure it out that Victoria is Mari.

Julia mentioned a day or so ago that plump Mari may make a reappearance which is what Doris specializes in. Who will play Mari's pretend husband. Certainly not Brandon since he already pretended to be her boyfriend.

Looking forward to the antics tonight.

Sylvia, this was wonderful! So many good lines have already been cited. You did a great job with an episode that was disturbing in many places. The attack on Delicia was hard to watch. I guess the class system is strictly enforced, with violence if need be, and anybody seen stepping out of their “place” will be pounded back into it.

Along those lines, I really enjoyed the scene where Lorenzo told Bernardo not to tutear him and then Bernardo kept sarcastically stressing his Usteds and then called Lor Don Lorenzo. I think the actor playing Bernardo is fabulous, and his look is great, with those hooded eyes, pasty complexion and red lips.

Was anybody else surprised when Brandon told Ilitia that his type of girl is sweet and tender and Ilitia guessed Vicky? Those weren’t the adjectives I’d use to describe her.

I was also surprised, astonished in fact, that the Lirio could get to Vicky’s room through brightly-lit, heavily populated hospital halls. I was also surprised that a hospital room has a lock, but maybe they do. I never looked.

And Delicia getting on the bus without paying! I was afraid the bus driver would turn her away and she’d be left on the street in her gown.

Welcome, Maria de NY! It’s wonderful to have you join us.

Sylvia- Wonderful as usual. Your descriptions of each character, especially the ladies, was spot on.

Dee looked lovely. She looks beautiful dressed up or dressed down with no make up. This is not the first time that Ilitia has stood by, but not actively participated in a physical atatck by the fresas. Remember the practice session for the beauty contest where Kristel (once again the ring leader), Lorena and the other girls atatcked Mari and left her unconcious in the dance studio? Ilitia pulled back while the others attacked, and then hesitated before fleeing. Everyone immediately fled and did not give a darn that Mari might be really hurt. There has always been a hint of decency in her, but she refuses to let her better angel take over.

Gosh, you guys are so nice and welcoming.

I'll try to commenet every now and then.

Can't wait for tonight's episode. I think in the previews Fedra slaps Kristal. She deserves it after what she did the Dee

Maria de NY

Maria, I'm jealous because I won't get to watch until Sunday. Gah!!!

I'm already watching the show and agree about the fit of Ilitia's dress. But I have always admired that Altair has remained her natural, small, self on top-- unlike so many of our novela actresses.

Sylvia, I know this is so late, just got home from work a bit ago.
I wanted to thankyou for such a fun recap. I really am enjoying this novela.

This episode was really great, I was laughing out loud through most of it. The Delicia attack scene was horrible, but it's really turning out to be a great Cenicienta story, I just hope they get their happy ending sooner rather than later.

Sylvia, this was a great recap. You're such a great writer, I love it!

Hi everyone and thank you for all your nice comments. This is a fun show to recap and I'm glad we recappers and commenters are having a good time.

Vivi, isn't it refreshing that Ilitia has all her original assets? It makes her look well-proportioned and younger.

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