Wednesday, February 02, 2011

Eva Luna #62 Tue 2/1/11 An episode full of tears and idiots.

Eva Luna, Feb 1, 2011—Episode 62. An episode full of tears and idiots.

Idiot Man doesn't anticipate that the bruja that he's chosen for a bride will not be a good stepmother for his little Laurita. (Click on image to see much larger version.)

We rewind with Don Julio talking with his lawyer, who confirms that criminal charges against Eva have been dropped and Marcela's bank accounts have been "thawed" (unfrozen).

Marisol shows up at Daniel's mansion and wants to see Francisco. Jacky greets her and stalls on explaining where Francisco is. Marisol says she has nothing else to do so she'll wait at the house.

Meanwhile the idiot Daniel and Icky are at the wedding reception. Daniel is thinking of Laurita and Icky spews some garbage about how they'll all get along and Laurita will come to accept her. I'm nauseated.

Marcela and Leo are at the wedding reception and are happy. (Nobody cares!) Anyway, Marcela is telling Leo that she arranged for a discreet wedding so that Eva wouldn't get wind of it and kick them all out of the house. Leo tells Marcela how he's almost scammed stupid Alicia into thinking he loves her, and that once he's got Alicia, he'll find Eva. They're both crowing over their supposed triumphs.

Tony is alone with Alicia at the pension and he looks like he has bad intentions. Alicia is terrified.

We cut to Marisol and Jacky talking. Marisol is very transparently asking about the rooms in the house, sounding like the gold digger that she is. Jacky is increasingly uncomfortable and finally says that she must tell Marisol something important.

Back to a terrified Alicia and a creepy Tony. It boils down to him warning her that Leo is not sincere (totally the truth) and then professing his love for her, which she doesn't believe, but then he seems so earnest that she is wavering.

Jacky is almost going to tell Marisol the truth when Francisco interrupts! DRAT! More nauseating scenes between them. WhatEVER.

Tony is now crying about everything and asking forgiveness and Alicia seems moved. But she says she won't be his girlfriend. Tony again warns her against Leo as he leaves with tears streaming down his face.

Nonsense between Marisol and Francisco talking about travel agencies and wedding arrangements. So totally don't care.

Marisol wants to know what Jacky was going to tell her. Jacky stammers and says it was nothing. Francisco assures Marisol that it was nothing, that Jacky is always making up stuff.

Nauseating triumph between Bimbutt and Leo the Slime at the wedding reception.

Marisol has to leave, she left the taxi guy out there and it's going to cost! As Marisol and Franciso rush out, Jacky says to herself that Francisco is going to have a lot of problems when his lies are uncovered.

A quick scene with Eva thought-bubbling how she wants Daniel to suffer for all he's done and she can't love, never will love.

Happy filler scene between Don Ricardo and a happy Justa as he flirts with her as she cuts vegetables in the kitchen.

Don Julio tells Eva the good news—criminal charges have been dropped. Julio explains that Marcela dropped the charges, not Daniel. Eva thanks Don Julio for all he's done.

At Don Julio's hideaway, we see that Tia Tilda is having trouble with the TV remote and he sits next to her and helps her out. (Does anyone suspect what I'm suspecting will be in the future for these two?) Julio asks Tilda what's up with Eva crying. He asks Tilda to find out.

The World's Most Idiotic Man (Danny) is talking to his Bruja Bimbutt "wife" at home. He's engrossed in his laptop. She reminds him that they've got to leave soon. She thoughtbubbles that she doesn't know why he's so preoccupied with that brat, his daughter, but no worries, she'll get the girl out soon.

Tilda's pressing Eva for info on the crying. She says it's because she found out that The World's Most Idiotic Man married the Bimbutt. Eva then says adamantly that she hates Daniel! HATES him. Protesting too much, obviously.

Laurita is trotted in by Jacky to see the "happy couple." She hugs her dad but seems quite reluctant to deal with the Bimbutt Bruja. Said Bimbutt makes some totally bogus speech about how they'll be friends, get along, blah blah blah. Laurita is too smart for this. She turns to leave and apparently she used a bad word and Idiot Man scolds her and tells her that's not the way. She retorts, "What is the way? To marry someone you don't love?" Speak it, Laurita.

Some filler scene with Justa cooking from a recipe.

Laurita tells it all. Idiot Man married Bruja because he was angry with Eva. Idiot Man gets mad but Laurita makes a hasty exit. Bruja feigns understanding. She assures Idiot Man that the girl is going through a phase and will eventually accept it.

Daniel (Idiot Man) scolds his daughter for being truthful. (Click on image to see much larger version.)

Cute filler scene between Don Ricardo and Justa regarding the "question" (aka proposal) he asked her. She says don't rush her and gives him the eye and flirts with him. He seems happy.

Idiot Man and Bimbut Bruja are sent off by Evil Marcela and Evil son and they get in the car to go on honeymoon. Idiot Man looks anything but happy, but I don't feel sympathy for Idiot Man because he's an idiot and totally deserves all this misery.

Eva is telling Tia Tilda that she's off to the pharmacy (hopefully to get a pregnancy test!) and is able to tell Tilda that the charges have been dropped but not by Daniel aka Idiot Man.

Idiot Man and Bruja Bride are in the limo and stopped somewhere where of COURSE Eva happens to walk by. Bruja sees Eva and makes a big show of kissing Idiot Man so Eva can see. Eva hides behind something and looks shocked and then resolved. Idiot Man has no idea what just went down.

Eva looks distressed after witnessing the Bimbutt Bruja kissing her Idiot Man groom in the car.  (Click on image to see much larger version.)

Adrian meets up with Laurita and they share their news. His useless dad and her Idiot Dad and all the combined idiocy of their parents.

Eva apparently hightailed it back home to tell Tia Tilda how she saw Idiot Man and Bruja kissing in the car. Eva is crying.

Laurita and Adrian again. Adrian is talking about how he's wanting to study but what can he do.

Eva sniffing and vowing to Tia Tilda that she'll get revenge on Daniel. She talks about the love that will not die. Whatever. More resolved looks from Eva.

Bimbutt Bruja and Idiot Man at Fake Florida L.A.X. She wants to shop on the boat? Whatever. Don't care.

Bruja on the phone with Leo telling him how she saw Eva. He's going to see about finding her and is all perked up that an Eva Spotting has occurred in Fake Florida-based L.A.

Don Julio has a chat with Eva and warns her that she must not let Evil Marcela know where she is, because even though the charges are dropped, Marcela wants to protect her interests and Eva is at risk. Eva then says the she saw Bruja Bimbutt Icky on the street.

At Fake Florida-based L.A.X., the flight was delayed and it looks like Idiot Man is freely drinking of the liquor as Bruja looks content.

That drink won't help you forget that you married a crazy freak, Idiot Man. (Click on image to see much larger version.)

Don Julio warns Eva that he shouldn't talk to Alicia because she's probably being watched and the evil ones could locate Eva that way.

An elated Don Ricardo looks delighted at the colorful dinner table that Justa has set. Flirty happiness. He presses her for an answer and she says that a lot of garbage has gone down in her life and she won't make hasty decisions right now.

Eva thoughtbubbling about how she is separated from Daniel, or whatever. Missed the plot here. It's more of the same, I think.

A resigned-looking Daniel goes to boat with Bruja Bride.

A cool scene where Eva is studying English with a distinguished-looking black man.

We cut back and forth between English studying and Idiot Man on the cruise ship. Idiot Man manages to call little Laurita and chat with her and looks genuinely happy for the first time this episode.

More cruise ship location scenes with Idiot Man and Bruja. Interspersed with scenes of Eva getting etiquette lessons. No elbows on table, please. We are to assume that this montage of scenes shows a passage of time. A few weeks, maybe? I can't imagine that they'd be on the cruise for too long, but who knows.

Etiquette for Eva (Click on image to see much larger version)

Idiot Man drinking alcohol on cruise ship. Eva learning the computer. Idiot Man looking unhappy and resigned on cruise ship. Computer lessons for Eva. Computer lessons in English. Bruja and Idiot Man dancing. Idiot Man looking unhappy. Lots of unhappy Idiot Man. Brief happy moment for Idiot Man as they win money on a slot machine, but back again to Unhappy Idiot Man. You deserve to be unhappy, Idiot Man.

You brought this upon yourself, Idiot Man. (Click on image to see larger version)

Now we stop and have a nice scene of Eva being congratulated by Don Julio about who much she's learned. She reads and writes better. She reads and writes better in English. She has learned some of the social niceties. Don Julio looks younger himself.

Her new class starts with some tutor lady who I suspect does not speak Spanish as her first language.

Suddenly we are with Marisol and Giorgio walking in a mall and talking. Something about money for the wedding preparations. Giorgio, being sensible and not an Idiot Man, says this doesn't sound right. Marisol looks at him like he's an idiot. No dear, look in the mirror if you want to see an idiot.

Eva at home being studious and suddenly she has a dizzy spell. We all know what this means. She didn't get that pregnancy test at the pharmacy. Tia Tilda is there to help her gracefully pass out on a couch and then to fuss over her.

End of episode!

Video clips hopefully coming in the morning or afternoon!


Elvira, Great pictures!! I am on my way to work. Will read and comment more when I get home. Just wanted to say thanks you!!


Out of the frying pan and into the fire is no way to run your life, Daniel. The first time you see Icky mistreating Laurita we'll all be saying "I told you so."

She damned well better not hurt Chico.

It's about time this series recognized that it's set in the US. To barely English spoken at all just feels completely wrong even if half the Hispanic population of LA is Spanish-dominant.

Eva is going to enjoy making Marzilla squirm.

Elvira, thank you for the early recap. I somehow sense that, like me, your gag reflex was working overtime during the Dan/Icky scenes.
Amazing that Icky saw Eva. I think the writers have never been to LA and have no idea how sprawling and big it is.
Urban: Is chico the soft floppy little dog Laurita carries around? Didn't Eva give that dog to her? Oh oh.


Thank you for the great recap, As you know this TN and its charters are working on my last nerve, with the stupid things they do. People don't really act like this I hope. The only person with any common sense are the little kids.

Man when all this blows up a lot of people are going to eat crow (Daniel,Eva,and Renata). I did love the scenes with Don Ricado, Don Julio, Justa and tia Tilda.

Daniel did look somewhat happy in some of the scenes on his honeymoon.
Michele in PA

Poor Alicia. It just confused her two gray cells so much to have Tony being almost sincere. She clearly didn't recognize the typical pattern of the abuser, to abuse and then be conciliatory.
I will be glad to see Eva get some retribution, but I can't figure out how being pregnant will not detract from her empowerment.

Elvira- Thank you so much. I was chuckling at your name for Dan and I loved the pics.

Dan looked great in his smim suit! That was the only good part of the cruise scenes.

I thought they were only on honeymoon for a week? Isn't that what was said last episode? Because of this, I've decided that realistic time does not exist in this novela and therefor there is enough time for Eva to become an ad wiz, take over the business, and get her revenge, before anyone even notices she's pregnant (if she can learn Enlgish, etiquette, and business management in one week, anything is possible). So my concerns about how she could possibly have time to accomplish everything before the baby is born are now moot. :)

Elvira: Gracias por todo...especially the fotos!!! I could not watch the Tony/Brainless Alicia (did I say how Brainless Alicia really is?!) scenes, so thank you so much for the details!

Laurita and Don heroes!!!

Dano does not have my sympathies, but he is going to be eating crow from all sides because of his reckless choices.

Cruella and her evil spawn will want to harm and kill Dano when he finally decides to return to Eva.

Eva...well, I'm sure she will have a thing or two to tell him.

As I watched this capitulo last night, I honestly do not see how Bimbutt can have any redemption.

She maimed another person. She tried to kill Dano. A person like this deserves redemption?!

Methinks not.


Saw the screen caps with english subtitles. How were you able to do that? On Tv or somewhere else. As someone with limited, very limited spanish these would be fabulous for me.

Elvira: Great recap! Thanks! Loved that last all-knowing paragraph! LOL! She must have been too rattled seeing Bimbutt and Idiot Man smooching to remember to get that test! Loved the etiquette and other tutoring scenes. Sounds like Blanca Soto knows English. Her accent sounds as American and Tony's.

Maureen: I will let Elvira tell you how she gets those screen clips, but captions while watching live (or recorded) is easy to explain.

If you have Closed Captioning on your t.v., for English captions just set it to CC3, or for Spanish captions, CC1. Not all areas get CC3, yet, though.

If you really want to speed up your Spanish listening comprehension, then work with the CC1.

Did I not see Claudia return in the promos in a slap fest with Icky? Should be interesting

I had really hoped Tony would pull out that picture of Leo and Eva during his "apolgy" to Alicia but no luck.


Maureen: Agree with Jar that if you really want to increase your vocab, then set your captions to Spanish.

I am hearing words so much better, but it helps to see the written Spanish word as it is spoken. I quickly jot them down into my vocab notebook and look them up later or ask my fellow bloggers to help.

On another note, yet another question. Where in the heck is Carlos?! Is he going to be left to rot in jail because of that lying, manipulative Tony Thug?


I think the 'disrespectful' remark Laurita did to Vicky was to ask her dad 'are you done already? goodbye!' which I find disrespectful but not disrespectful enough for what VEEKEE deserves.
I know most of you could care less but the happenings between Marisol and Fran last night are pushing to the resolution of this mess (FINALLY!!) since first he tells her flat out that they won't be buying a house (she had come ready to go to 4 new appointments she had arranged and he said flat out no) and gave her the excuse that he had loaned 75 Million to a friend who was having tax evasion issues with the government LOL!!, and later when she met with Giorgio she told him that Fran was making all the arrangements for the wedding because she was 'busy' and Giorgio said that does not make sense at all since the bride is usually the one that takes care of all the arrangements and makes the decisions... so he is scaring her away real good...

Idiot dad... TOTALLY AGREE, ELVIRA!! thanks for the great entertaining recap of a forgettable and deleteable episode.

I don't know about you guys but I think Tony truly believes he is in love with Alicia... IMO he is just obsessed with her especially now that she has turned her eyes to Leo and Tony knows how Leo is... he truly wants to take her out of Leo's grip but I am not sure he knows what he feels for her himself.

Bruja and Idiot Man dancing. Idiot Man looking unhappy. Lots of unhappy Idiot Man. Brief happy moment for Idiot Man as they win money on a slot machine, but back again to Unhappy Idiot Man. You deserve to be unhappy, Idiot Man.
LOL!!! way to describe the silliness, Elvira!!! ITA!!

I have to tell you - this is a pretty depressing novela!!! I hate seeing poor Laurita go through all this. She KNOWS what a mean person Icky is - she's been threatened by her in the past. What a horrible thing for a child, who has no control over her life and can't protect herself, to get a wicked stepmother.

So - is it going to take the whole novela for Daniel to find out that he was wrong about Eva and that it was Leo and Tony who made up all these stories and Leo staged the pictures? When he finds out that Eva was innocent of all charges - wow he will find himself in hell for sure. Of course there was also being stood up at alter by Eva - but she'll charge him for killing her father sooner or later, then he'll know why she wouldn't marry him.

In the meantime - Laurita suffers her life being made hell? I don't think I can watch this. (I usually just have it on because it comes on after Llena de Amor and I don't care for the Aurora novela.)


P.S. Spanish in captions - yes! That is the way to go for really improving your Spanish comprehension. It has really helped my husband. And me - when I don't understand what someone just said or there is an unknown word.

I agree that there is potential for Tia Tilde and Don Julio to have a great interaction... she is totally sensible in her opinions and does not jump to conclusions (she told Eva that from what Eva had told her of how she and Dano interacted before she left, it sounds like Dano might be innocent and she should not jump to conclusions before they talk it over)... but somehow I also want Don Julio to run into Justa at least for a while... Maybe in the end Dona Justa and Veekee will end in the misery manor house. I still say it will take a life/death situation for VEEKEE to see things from a different light. I see possible redemption for her, but that chance is slimming.

PREVIEWS ARE VERY ENCOURAGING!! And that might speed up Julio's plans.

Yeah the - a week honeymoon and simultaneously Eva gets a several month crash course in EVERYTHING. Pretty funny!


Elvira - I loved all the Idiot Man stuff! I won't even use his real name anymore. That's all he is to me, pathetic Idiot Man.


Got a lunch date downtown and gotta run.

Elvira--your new monikers are just perfect. Loved the recap.

Vicky's going away dress reminded me of the old Gateway boxes with black and white cow spots on them. Hmmmm.

Emarie and Vivi--I was also thinking of the timing of the pregnancy. If Eva is just a month or two into her pregnancy, she won't have much time to establish her credentials as a business woman before she starts showing, let alone have the baby.

I wonder how conflicted Eva will feel, knowing it's Dano's baby and trying to convince herself that she hates the man, but also admitting she loves the man she made the baby with.

Martaivett--I heard a different version of the Giorgio/Mar conversation. It didn't make sense to me because I thought Giorgio was telling Mar that Fran should be paying for all the arrangements for the wedding and giving her lots of money to buy wedding stuff. I'll have to rewatch that portion.

Perhaps Jacky should be warning Francisco instead, about Marisol checking out her future digs, counting bedrooms, etc. that perhaps she's not who she says she is. Marisol was certainly impertinent asking how Fran treated her and was she paid well.

Cruise time--Dano certainly did look fine in his bathing suit. And for once I had to admit that Vicky looked nice in her long dresses and less make-up--the cruise scenes were completely unnecessary, other than to show that poor Dano was not having a good time.

I can't wait to see Vick's sweet self with Dano at the wedding and on the honeymoon turn into a shrew when she gets home.

She will do her catterwalling behind Dano's back and he will remain clueless. I wonder if he will believe Jacky and Laurita if they start to tell on her. Of course, they may be gone from the house in a flash.

While Justa was the love of DonJ's life and vice versa, I really liked the interaction between him and Tia Tilde. Maybe Justa will choose Ricardo and Tia will stay with Don J the rest of his days.

DonJ is carrying the whole show on his very capable shoulders right now.

BRING ON CLAUDIA. I've been waiting for her.
Una Nte

Totally agree that DOn Julio is carrying the show on his shoulders.
And I thought it wasn't until Marisol said she did not have money to pay for the wedding that Giorgio suggested Fran should be the one paying, but I might be wrong.
Absolutely! Bring on Claudia and also the other model!! Idiot dad will have a lot to be sorry about.

I am already trying to guess what letter no. 3 says... my money is on Julio ordering Marce to leave both the house and the company since now Eva owns the majority of the ad company and the house. Not sure if Julio would be planning on Dano to stay, maybe yes so he can help Eva ... little does Julio know that those two together would not be the kind of environment he wished for Eva.

I wonder if DJ's letter will tell him to prevent Daniel from marrying Icky and because it's too late for that she'll have to arrange a way for them to divorce? Just a thought. Whatever it is as long as he threatens freezing those bank accounts as punishment for noncompliance, it will get done.

I think VEEKEE herself is in Marcela's list of 'targetted people to take out of her way' since she has voiced her plan for VEEKEE to marry Dano so she will eventually take out Laurita, Dano and get the money for herself. For this she would have to get rid of both VEEKEE and Leonardo before they have other heirs... so she has no limits to her evil.

EMarie: Yes, Chico is that cute little dog and Icky was present when Eva gave him to Laurita on her birthday. She made more than one nasty comment about him, too.

I can easily see her firing Francisco and Jacky or trying to. Chico will need their protection from her.

Nobody said how long the cruise was going to be and I don't recall hearing where it was going. A crossing takes almost a week and an around-the-world is almost two months, but I don't see Dan allowing himself to be away that long.

Icky is definitely on Marcie's hit list, which I think would be a first if she succeeded. This makes me wonder about Leo, since he seems to have wasted more of the family fortune.

Finally, I have the feeling that it will be a year before they see Eva or Julio again.

Elvira, you had me laughing with the title and keeping on giving it to the idiots. One of my favorite lines: "I don't feel sympathy for Idiot Man because he's an idiot and totally deserves all this misery."

ITA that Don J is carrying the show. His scenes are the best!

So you think Eva will have the baby and be raising it herself? Idiot Man will have no idea he has a child by Eva. Interesting......


Thank you Elvira, for your great recap...and to everyone´s great comments.

I think Laurita asked ¨ARE YOU FINISHED?¨ (and was there a ¨Yet¨?) to Icky Vicky. I said out loud ¨WOAH¨, cause that was really rude, but great, and typical of the younger generation. But I´m glad Daniel didn´t accept it.

I loved the scene with DonJulio and Matilda. I felt alot of chemistry between them.

Hate the scenes with Francisco and Marisol...SOOO boring. I saw Francisco (don´t know his real life name) on a late night telenovela. He had facial Leo and Alonso (from STUD), and he actually looked pretty cute!

As for letter #3, I thought maybe it told her to go turn herself in because the police know of the poison found in DN"s blood because he told them it was her and has his doctor as a witness. And if she doesn't turn herself in she'll be captured anyway. But, probably not.

I think both Daniel AND Eva are idiots...everyone is...Notice that not only did she not mention who it was who convinced her that Daniel was the driver of the car that killed her father, I don't remember ANYONE even asking who told her that.

I guess if Eva IS pregnant, it will be an out for Daniel...maybe. But I also agree that the disfigured model will come forth, as will Claudia, I hope...and I also thought that Tony was going to rape and strangle Alicia and everyone else would read about it in the paper the next day. He certainly cooled off quickly...and notice how much he cries. WHAT A WIMP under all the fake tough guy act and evilness.

Can't wait for tonight!



IMHO Eva won't have her baby until close to the end of this TN when they get married. I believe the writers will do there crazy time thing, where nothing makes sense. Also as for Laurita rude comment to Vicky, That's a typical 13 year old's comment or they use WHATEVER on an adult. I too I'm glad that Daniel corrected her. But he made a mistake with his girl. Why in the world would he have Jacky drag that girl to where he a Vicky were to say goodbye, knowing how she feels about Vicky. He should have gone to her on neutral ground to defuse her resentment of the marriage, and said goodbye without Vicky being there. Michele in Pa

Did anyone else see that when Daniel was correcting Laurita, Victoria gave a little smirk on one side of her face. I want to smack her.
Michele in Pa

I agree with Audrey in the suggestion Daniel should have said goodbye to laurita on neutral ground. But regarding VeeKee, what I feel is like lifting her to one of those 'over the road' Chick Fil-A signs with her rear end sticking out and saying something nasty about her derriere... she certainly is dressed for it...

yes Harry geithner is in La verdad oculta late nights, that one is about to end... you wouldd NEVER recognize him in Cafe con Aroma de mujer (much younger, curly black hair... )

Back to Eva and her problems.

Even if the honeymoon lasts a couple of months, keeping Eva and Daniel apart during the later months of her pregnancy will be difficult. Getting them back together before the end of the TN is another story.

But maybe like Sortie, they can have their church wedding after the baby is born.

Jarocha, we need your view. Is there a strong stigma agaist it being done that way in today's climate in Mexico? (I know, this is still supposed to be L.A.)

Julio is grooming Eva for a very prominent, public position. Being in the same business, even if not the same company, the two ex-lovers will almost have to run into each other.

What could happen the first time Dano sees her baby bump? He might think it's Leo's--after all Leo snarked that he had her first when he showed Dan the pictures (even if the time frame don't fit).

I think Dan deep down knows he was her first--unless he continues to be Idiot Man.

However, that doesn't negate the fact that Leo might claim the baby--in the interests of recovering some of his father's fortune, no?

In this situation, Marcela might be all for it, whereas Claudia's baby was a real impediment to her plans (and Julio was still a living corpse).

Martaivett--That was it. About the Giorgio/Marisol conversation.

IMO Don Julio has something else in store for Marcie. Mucho mas. Turning her in for poisoning him is his trump card. He got this delightfully conspiratorial look on his face when he mentioned the third letter to his attorney. The attorney thinks it's pretty strong stuff.

Michele--I saw Vicky's smirk. That tells us she's going to start her moves against Laurita the moment the boat docks.

Last thing--I wonder if Laurita or Adrian will be the ones to find Eva. After all, it was so easy for Vicky to catch a glimpse of her on the street.
Una Nte.

Thanks Elvira for your recap and the unmistakable label of Idiot Man. As we see the Luna de Miel scenes with no one having fun but Icky, I have to wonder if they ever did the deed. Can't imagine anyone dumb enough or self-loathing enough to sleep with that ugly, miserable piece of cr___.

One of the reasons I watch TN's is to keep up with and improve my Spanish. If I set the closed caption to C3, I would get the dialog in English, but then I wouldn't have to come to this wonderful blog for clarification. That would be a drag.

i doubt VeeKee would be so happy if they had not done the DEED, whether he was thinking about her or Eva is another story lol

Elvira, just got home from work and finished reading your extremely entertaining recap and all the great comments. So we all agree Dan really is "An idiot man!!" It was cool seeing Claudia in the previews.

And thanks again Marta for doing tonights recap.

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