Thursday, February 24, 2011

La Verdad Oculta #112: So much clearer from the bottom of a bottle

Adolfo's goon drags Bertha from her hotel-room party before anything happens. In their bedroom suite, David soberly assures Gabriela that tomorrow a lot of things are going to get cleared up. In the penthouse, drunken Adolfo's just scolding drunken Bertha, when he suddenly can't resist her plea that she feels so terribly lonely.

When she cries on his shoulder, he's forced to point out that Bertha misses Carlos -- which she tearfully admits. She misses Carlos's loving care; which Adolfo, gently patting Bertha's face, sadly acknowledges is something he himself can't provide, especially lately.

At Bertha's question, Adolfo reveals he has loved someone in his life; bitterly he tells her even though he seems like a monster, he can care. He thinks she wouldn't understand, but Bertha begs him to explain. Choked up Adolfo explains with difficulty that he wound up like this because of a very hard life.

Bertha rubs his shoulder and murmurs softly in sympathy, as Adolfo wipes away tears, remembering since he was a child he lived in a cruel, perverted atmosphere. He turned into something awful, and it just did not have to be that way, Adolfo grits out.

Encouraging him to continue, Bertha caresses the back of his head to calm him down. Adolfo regrets things like that ever happen to anybody, to turn them into something like him. When Bertha asks if Yolanda has anything to do with it, he explains she is just another victim, like he. And to ask whether Yolanda was his lover is a ridiculous question.

Adolfo reaches for another glass of wine; and Bertha wraps a friendly arm around him and pulls him back into her embrace, where he touches her face and then gruffly insists his abuse led him to fight everyone who was out to harm him, to beat them and be in control of his life himself. Do what he himself wants!

Whether someone believes it or not, he doesn't like being that way; he just has to do it. And Yolanda stayed with him because she's good -- which tipsy Bertha acknowledges -- and because her spirit wasn't broken by the same abuse.

Repeating Yolanda's name, sobbing, Adolfo declares she is the woman he loves most in life! Bertha sympathizes and rubs his back reassuringly when Adolfo continues more brightly that Yolanda loves him back, too! Even though he doesn't deserve it. She loves him -- and just for that he's going to leave her all his money!

Bertha laughs and responds, hey, wait a minute! She thought he was supposed to leave all his money to her! Both laughing they fall back on the sofa, with Adolfo admitting, well, yes. He is going to leave Bertha a whole lot of money, so she can do or have anything she wants.

They have a good drunken chuckle, their heads together, Bertha's arm around his shoulder companionably. Next morning, Adolfo's ready for business, drinking hair of the dog, when he comes downstairs to take a call from Édgar, who feigns loyalty and promises he has proof of who stowed a corpse in Adolfo's back seat.

Édgar claims he only broke into Garnica's email account to spy on Dante, who ordered "Silverio" killed -- who was in fact, Carmelo. Édgar can offer Adolfo some other goodies, if he agrees to meet him at the warehouse. Back at Mario's, Gabriela has her fateful meeting with both Santiago and "Mario."

She unwittingly provides the catalyst for Santiago's courage to rise by shouting a fevered testimony to the power of Santiago's fatherhood, that Mario will never take that place! Immediately, Santiago stands and begins to remove his disguise to amazed Gabriela.

Gabriela takes the news very well, with Santiago the more tortured, as he explains the entire story finally to her. However, the notable thing Gabriela takes away from the revelation is a renewed insecurity that Mario forced David to marry her -- and that she's not sure David really loves her and wanted to.

Back at the penthouse, Adolfo receives Édgar's second DVD, showing Dante's town car entering and exiting the Sagittarius parking deck. Over at Dora's hotel room, something has moved her to finally talk and tell her story; and Jorge convinces her to go to David's and speak to him first.

Outside Mario's office, Gabriela braces David with her doubts; and though he tries to convince Gabriela he sincerely loves her, she exits with her doubts intact, with David left to worry he's lost his wife now that she knows the full truth. At some penal institution, the big gates open and a pair of legs shuffle through.

Panning up, it turns out to be the real commander Hernández, heading across town to his first stop at a tavern. Coincidentally, Édgar and Valentín patronize the same establishment and recognize him immediately. When Édgar braces Hernández at the bar about how he got out so soon after the fight with Juan José, of course the real Hernández has no clue.

Back at David's he fills Abelardo in that Gabriela knows everything, but now doesn't trust him again; and he could lose her. At the bar, Hernández explains that due to a prison attack, he has had problems with his memory. He doesn't know who Adolfo or Dante are, but is definitely interested when Édgar mentions Leonardo.

Hernández is surprised to hear he worked with Adolfo from the penthouse and crossed paths with Leonardo. At David's, he and Abelardo grill Santiago over what he could have told Gabriela to make her doubt David; and Santiago strenuously denies he told her anything but the truth. He didn't badmouth Mario, but didn't sugarcoat it either.

When Gabriela appears at Julieta's with yet another revelation, Julieta can hardly believe there's something more. She's shocked when Gabriela explains what she just learned from Santiago. At the bar, after learning Édgar and Valentín's respective stories, Hernández decides he'll hang with them and do some crimes together.

He may have forgotten Adolfo, Dante and Genovés; however, Hernández menacingly vows, he'll never forget Leonardo! Back at Julieta's, she can't convince proud Gabriela to just tell David she loves him; but does get her to agree to dwell less on the past and go on about her life with him, loving him as before.

At David's, he's ecstatic to see Dora and happy she wants to come forward finally; but informs her things have changed in regard to Carlos, and her testimony would implicate him -- so she shouldn't give it now. He also fills Dora and Jorge in that Gabriela knows everything.

On a busy street, Édgar reports phone confirmation to Valentín and Hernández of the warehouse meeting with Adolfo that night. At Alejandra's architectural studio, Mina gushes her total infatuation with that sweet hunk Carlos; but reports they haven't done the deed yet.

Meanwhile, down in the apartment parking lot at Leonardo's, Hernández is keeping photographic tabs on the policeman's comings and goings. At an elegant restaurant, Carlos and Mina share dinner, and Mina looks even more fabulous than usual. They converse companionably.

Carlos is enjoying his new job out from under Adolfo's thumb and wonders at all the years of abuse he endured just to have work and things. When he points out he's just doing what he can to help Juan José & Co. -- and Mina offers in turn to help Carlos in any way she can -- Carlos wistfully ponders why she couldn't have come along before.

She's so pretty and classy and kind, he observes. When she asks if that's different from Bertha, Carlos looks off into the distance and says he can't deny that he still thinks about Bertha; but when he does, he feels a deep hurt. Bertha is a good person at heart, Carlos says; but ambition has caused her to lose everything.

Carlos admits he still loves Bertha -- and that he felt something very strong for her. But he's not going to see her. Then he quickly assures Mina with a smile he's there with her now. He wants to be with her and she with him, as they kiss. Later in a darkened bedroom, shadowy figures of themselves make love while the sexy theme song plays.

At Juan José's, he and Alejandra cuddle in the sack and murmur about Dora's happy return, but realize she can't spill her story now. Next morning, Juan José runs out after telling Lucha he's meeting with Leonardo. Presently, slightly ahead of Juan José, smarmy Hernández hulks around Leonardo's apartment door, fingering his revolver.

When whistling Juan José approaches and greets him familiarly -- wondering why he's in his killer disguise -- Hernández is confounded and taken by surprise.


Good evening. :-) Here are the You Tube links for Episode 112:

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Part 4

Part 5

Aribeth, I posted a comment on your wonderful summary of yesterday.

Jeri, brillant title and of course the picture compliments it perfectly.

Your carefully chosen verbiage skillfully relayed so many vital points that are truly the heart of this story: "...unwittingly provides the catalyst for Santiago's courage to rise by shouting a fevered testimony to the power of Santiago's fatherhood" and "..the notable thing Gabriela takes away from the revelation is a renewed insecurity" are but a few exammples. Touchingly stated as always Jeri.

We shouldn't have been surprised when Hernández reappeared, spitting and spewing. He is somewhat terrifying to me (is he REALLY Gabe Soto??). This was one character I would never have missed seeing again. I fear Leo is directly in harm's way.

I appreciate your translating Adolfo's sad rant Jeri, especially, "Adolfo continues more brightly that Yolanda loves him back, too! Even though he doesn't deserve it. She loves him". His declaration of love wasn't surprising but his assertion that Yolanda loves him was very disconcerting. After giving it some thought, I believe a part of Yolanda may indeed love him. What does everyone else think?

Poor Gabi. Heartbroken although at least she now knows the truth. Poor Juli. Endless revelations. I wouldn't blame her if she stopped answering the door. It's been nothing but bad news lately!

I am thinking that as Carlos and Mina got intimate, it may be that they'll end up together. But, as you said Jeri, I'm following the breadcrumbs so nothing would surprise me at this point. :)

Thanks again Jeri!


Jeri- Thank you for the wonderful recap, the details in the Adolfo conversation with Bertha, and the great pic. Bertha and Adolfo had a great drunken moment. She was very lucky that she came home to a drunk, pensive Adolfo, instead of an angry violent one. That could have gone very badly.

Diana- I've always assumed that Yolanda loves Adolfo, likely more so than he loves her because she's capable of unselfish love. While Adolfo's love always puts him in the center and above the other person when push comes to shove. I thought some more about what binds them after his drunk talk with Bertha. I think they are either siblings who are children of a prostitute, or were both children of different prostitutes but grew up together on the same streets/in the same brothel. Or, they are children of an incestuous, abusive relationship. Some sort of background that they were raised in that was poor, brutal, abusive, and depraved. Prostitution and incest come to mind. Perhaps the breaking point came when a young Yolanda was nearly forced into that life (sexually), and like Marcos/Elsa, Adolfo killed to get her out of there. But he got away with it and then built a life and empire on crime, with her at his side. I could see how that could build loyalty on her part, even if she wasn't in agreement with all the things he did.

Yay! Mina ended her dry spell. :) But Carlos still has Bertha in his heart. Other than Leo, no one else has been able to stop being hung up on the first person they fell hard for (Elsa, I'm looking at you), so I don't hold out much hope.

So now that Gabi knows that it was her father pleading Mario's and David's case all these months, she doesn't trust the story of events that David told her about how he came to marry her in the church-- the story that was backed up by FaustiMario. Now she's back to thinking Mario forced him to do it, just like he force her dad to play him. I like that Juli called her out for being prideful, because she knows full well that David loves her and she loves him. She is just letter her pride get in the way because he may not have come to this marriage willingly. I think this is also her problem with all the secrecy stuff. She can't stand these secrets being held from her because it bruises her ego and makes her think others don't trust her judgement/intelligence, instead of just accepting that it might be for her own well being, and she doesn't need to know everything. I say this, knowing full well that I would be ticked if those near and dear to me were keeping major secrets from me. But I will admit that ego would have something to do with my anger. :)

Thanks Vivi. I hope the history of Adolfo and Yolanda's relationship is revealed before the end. We need to know where they came from to understand where they are now.


Does any one else think that when Adolfo slipped up and said he had left EVERYTHING to Yolanda, he was telling the truth and he has been lying to Bertha about leaving her everything? We never did see him change his will to leave Bertha everything... That would be pretty sweet. :)

Good morning. :-) What I took away from that scene was that, in fact, Bertha wasn't too upset to hear Adolfo say he was leaving his money to Yolanda.

They were having a great time together; Bertha has always liked Adolfo, and he her.

I think they have always had a familial relationship; as though he would be her father-in-law.

I think Bertha trusts that Adolfo will not leave her high and dry if he has anything to say about it -- which he may not, though.

The business with Gabriela and her renewed mistrust was bogus, IMO. They needed to have something happen after the big reveal and hit on that.

There was nothing else; it was all kind of anticlimactic. It's not going to last long.

Just seems like Gabi still has a lesson to learn if she keeps going back to these feelings of insecurity. David, for example, has never reverted back to his jealous/mistrustfulness. But Gabi does revert back to her insecurities.

I think a week ago Betha would have minded if she found out Adolfo lied to her about leaving her everything. But now that she just wants out, the money thing isn't as important. But I don't think that would have always been the case at all.

Aribeth, you recap of yesterday was teaming with laughs. “Endless Nightmare On Braless Street ” and “Viewerville: Don’t worry, Ale, we don’t understand it either. Nor do the writers” were two of the best....thanks

Diana, on Hernandez, “He is somewhat terrifying to me.” The good news is that we aren’t going to suffer from some strange guilt because he is a criminal and we think he is cute like Edgar and want him to escape! Hernandez, exit stage right immediately! What it is with the deviated septum thing? He’s kinda funny really!

Vivi, I agree with you on Yolanda and Adolfo. Obviously there was some horrible abuse that has bound them together. Because he laughed when Bertha asked if they had been lovers, I imagine that they are related is some close way. Could they have been raised in an abusive orphanage? That would certainly tie in with the Caramelo story line. On leaving EVERYTHING to Yolanda, that might satisfy viewerville by giving the comeuppance that we seem to want for Bertha. I’m still praying for Mina to win Carlos’ heart.

I hate to say this, but I’m a little disappointed in Gabi. There have been TWO weddings, and David waited for his noche de bodas until after the second. He has been the STRONGEST husband ever, trying to keep a steady path between the desires of Gabi’s father and the rest of the novela characters. Suck it up Gabi, you are starting a whiny pattern in your marriage that you need to STOP. David could not have done more for you in a mess that was created when he was only a child. He has had to take some hard surprises too. You ARE letting your “ego” get the best of you!!!

Great recap Jeri, more on that later.

What I think is that she beginning to realize she loves Carlos more than the money and doesn't care as much now. She didn't seem afraid of Adolfo last night; she was very sympathetic.

Jeri, for her sake, I hope Bertha loves money less and Carlos more, but she has added another label to her character for me....".cualquiera", only saved by Adolfo's goon!

Sandy, you might notice they had nothing happen to her; and on the negligence count, the score was evened up some later on in the show.

We expected Carlos would fool around with Mina some, despite still being in love with Bertha. A point could be made it is pretty soon on his part.

Thank you Jeri! You wrote a wonderful recap about an outstanding episode. That conversation between Bertha and Adolfo was chilling, marvelous, saddening and very interesting.

And Gaby know the truth at last! I agree that her ego is too big and strong, and by the way, she used to have her own secrets, too. :) But she'll surely realize soon how much David loves her.

Great analysis of Yolanda and Adolfo!

Other than Leo, no one else has been able to stop being hung up on the first person they fell hard for

Aside from the fact that Leo is the most mature, wisest character of the show, he has been in love before. He lost a wife, the mother of his child, therefore I think this and his maturity helped him much to get over Gaby. The others are teenagers emotionally.

I don't agree with having one night stands with strangers - not because of morality, but because it's dangerous, one might get pregnant, sick, raped, robbed or murdered. But sex can be used as painkiller, and Bertha was definitely in pain. (Thanks to her own greed, of course.)

Aribeth, it was a fantastic episode. I thoroughly enjoyed it.

OK, now I'm going to pull the age card, I don't believe in one night stands because of MORALITY and safety. Who wants to have a mother with a reputation like Marta? I'm assuming that many women think of children at some time in their lives, and might come to regret this type of decision. Carlos knows Mina, he wasn't carousing in a bar and going home with a stranger for a drunken one night stand.

Oh well, there have been more realistic situations in LVO for discussion than any other novela that I have ever watched. It has been a great ride, I'm going to miss it!

Sandy, let's just check the actual score card. For whatever reason, there was no one-night stand. Bertha did not have sex; but Carlos did.

And before someone gets excited, I enjoyed Carlos and Mina getting together. I am just standing back and looking at what actually happened.

Jeri, Bertha showed us what she is capable of, being picked up in a bar by guys who were giving her drinks and dumping theirs, going to their hotel room, drinking more and who knows what else if the goon hadn't intervened. It is interesting that Adolfo wanted to protect her and kept saying that she was his wife! I guess she accomplished something, she embarrassed Adolfo, and lived to tell about it.

Jeri, we all bring a certain judgment to the table and if you can't see the difference between what Carlos and Bertha did, then I won't be able to convince you! (Do I hear the clank, clank of a tiny little chain?)

Sandy, hold on there. Who said I can't see the difference? What I'm saying is the actual score card is what's likely to count in the story.

They in fact kept Bertha from doing anything; I can assure you, that does count in telenovelas. Deus ex machina is alive and approved in telenovelas.

To recall my point from the other day, what the audience knows is the only important thing. And the audience knows she didn't have sex.

Jeri, "Sandy, you might notice they had nothing happen to her; and on the negligence count, the score was evened up some later on in the show." What did you mean by the "negligence count"?

Sandy, her negligence that she got drunk and wound up in a risky situation.

Jeri, "Sandy, you might notice they had nothing happen to her; and on the negligence count, the score was evened up some later on in the show.

We expected Carlos would fool around with Mina some, despite still being in love with Bertha. A point could be made it is pretty soon on his part."

I read that to mean the BOTH Bertha and Carlos were equally negligent that night, and I don't in any way agree! So there!!!! Ha

Jeri: Great recap! I especially enjoyed the part with Bertha and Adolfo's conversation. They were both great there.

I think the reason the writers are making Gabi act like she did here was to have some drama before the finale.

I'm so out of the loop, I never actually thought Bertha and her friend were planning on sleeping with those guys. To me, they just seemed to go there to drink and have fun. If sex was part of it, then that would have been something they would have had to agree later and again, that never happened for Bertha, she told the guy: "¡Esperate!" when he tried to kiss her. It's stupid behaviour, the kind that gets girls abused all too often but it happens. I'm guessing Adolfo knows this and that's why he just doesn't care that much.


Jeri, "Sandy, you might notice they had nothing happen to her; and on the negligence count, the score was evened up some later on in the show.

We expected Carlos would fool around with Mina some, despite still being in love with Bertha. A point could be made it is pretty soon on his part."

I read that to mean the BOTH Bertha and Carlos were equally negligent that night, and I don't in any way agree! So there!!!! Ha

Jarocha, it's a great episode. :-) And an important one for Adolfo. Regarding Gabriela, exactly; that's what I thought, too. And I also heard Bertha tell the guy to back off.

Sandy, there seems to be a little "shoot the messenger" going on here. What I do is report where I think things are going, not what I want to happen.

Telenovelas are a formulaic form and have characteristics like anything else; if someone doesn't like the characteristics, it's pretty futile. They might as well shake their fist at the sky.

One characteristic largely followed is during a breakup, the male is allowed to fool around; but usually the female does not -- either by choice or circumstances dictated by the plot.

Sometimes if the female does fool around, it signals they are over as a couple. Not always though; especially nowadays.

Despite the fact LVO is well written and paced, it still has nearly all the features of a classic telenovela.

Who wants to have a mother with a reputation like Marta?

I think Marta bad reputation is based on the fact that she was a golddigger and a liar. She was in love with Adolfo's money, then with Mario's money, then she used Fausto's love but wanted to leave him for Mario's money, again. And she fancied unprotected sex, therefore she gave birth to two children before finding a man who would help her raise them.

- If she hadn't been a golddigger,
- if she hadn't secuded Mario to annoy Yolanda,
- if she would've confessed to Fausto she already had a son,
- if she had given Carlos to a loving family (though fortunately Yolanda became a great mom),
- if she had treated Fausto with more respect,
then I think her reputation would've been all right. Then she would've been a young woman who fell in love with two rich men, she got pregnant, she wasn't ready to raise a child, so she gave him to a nice family. A few years later she got pregnant accidentally again, but that time she wanted to keep the baby, she married to a good man and they lived happily. Fausto would've understood her motivations because he loved her so much.

Jeri, I have no gun and I’m not shooting at anyone. You have said several times that you are “following the crumbs” of the story-line, I understand that. We intersperse our thoughts on the actions of a character with what we think the writers might mean every day. I’m just saying that I don’t think Bertha’s and Carlos’ actions are equal in real life.

Even though I have been a participant in the Bertha conversation here, it has been the least enjoyable story line for me. I think I see the handwriting on the wall, the same old, same old, bad/stupid/neglectful/selfish girl at the last minute is saved and lives happily ever after, like Raquel in Sorti.

It is very hard to express yourself fully while writing, we might sound harsh at times. I try to make my opinions sound light, because in reality, with all that is going on in the world, this novela means little to me. If I sounded that I was directing a criticism at you, I didn’t mean to. I dislike using the LOLs, etc. maybe I should start! Still friends???

Sandy, of course! I am most concerned at your distress over the situation.

One of the reasons I spend so much time on difficult story lines is to try to keep people from being upset when things happen; to show where it's going and prevent heart attacks.

;-) LOL (LOL)

I', more worried about Mina and Carlo's future due to the fact that the music for their encounter sounded more like a porny instrumental than a tender and sweet ballad. Too bad Mina couldn't hear the soundtrack as she was otherwise occupied.

You know, I wouldn't mind having a mother with Marta's reputation as long as she was a good and loving mom and none of her encounters interfered with the quality of her life and our family. Which didn't happen for Marta because the men she got involved with were dangerous. If she had kept Carlos and stayed away from Adolfo and raised her children safely with Santiago then the kids would have had nothing to complain because they would have grown up in a loving, healthy and safe environment. I find her greed and stupidity far bigger offences than her lust.


Sorry, I meant to say "I'm more concerned..." in that first paragraph.

Aribeth: I agree completely with you regarding Marta.


Jeri, I hope I've planned my life well enough to not become too distressed about the actions of characters in a novela and the comments made by smart and fun people about that novela! I thought you were distressed at my comments! LOL

the music for their encounter sounded more like a porny instrumental than a tender and sweet ballad

There are two "sex melodies" in this show and they have been used for Gaby/Dave, JJ/Ale, Carlos/Bertha, Carlos/Mina and Eddie/Zaida, so there's no difference between couples who are in love and couples who are just horny. Actually, the same music was used at Gaby's and David's wedding night and when Alejandra and JJ tried out the jacuzzi. :)

However, I think Mina and Carlos are doomed. They're lovely together, but Carlos loves Bertha.

All the couples get the sex melody; only the ones in love get the love melody, too. And Carlos and Bertha had the love melody.

Sandy, I am glad to hear it. ;-)

Jeri, which one is the love melody? There are so many beautiful melodies used for the most moving moments between parents and children, lovers, friends, that I can't recall one specific love song. I know Gaby and David, Ale and JJ got the main theme sometimes, is that one you are talking about?

Aribeth, they had the sexy theme early on and then the last time Carlos and Bertha made love they had the same theme as the other couples in love.

I'm very curious and I'm looking for that scene but I can't find it. Do you remember the episode number? It must've been either your or Vivi's episode because I recapped only one sex scene with Bertha and Carlos and it happened in episode 86.

On Marta, her actions have caused Gabi worry and doubt herself, unlike Piedad who is revered as a saint. I’d rather look like Marta and be revered like Piedad! Gabi will be a wonderful mom, Fausto gets a lot of credit for that.

I’m ready for a better signal from Mau and Elsa. It doesn’t need to be something that requires “the music,” it can just just a move or two that shows that she is over JJ, if she can ever be.

Loved the recap Jeri. He's back. The real Hernández that is. When the camera panned up to his chipmunk cheeks and Joker smile, I LOLed. No surprise that he would hook with Edgar and Valentin in no time with revenge on his mind against Leo.

Now that Gabi knows the whole story, she's doubting David's love for her again. I hope she takes Juli's advice to heart.

The whole drunken confession scene with Adolfo and Bertha was really good. A good actor can play a despicable character yet give such nuances in their performance that you can't help but feel for them. Julio Alemán is a pro and really good at his craft.

I really hope soon we will find out what the horrible secret is that both Adolfo and Yolanda share. It must be something really bad yet they both still care deeply for each other and we know Yolanda won't rat him out in spite of the kidnapping of her and the children.

Carlos and Mina have now done the deed. So I wonder will they end up together in the end.

Aribeth, I can look a little later; if there is more than one, what I can say is I noted it was not one of the sexy themes...

Hola, Todas,

I am checking in to let you know that I am very excited about watching these final days; however
I am quite in arrears as to viewing. I rushed to the bottom of this episode without reading the recap or the comments because I am still watching Tuesday´s episode.
I will be able to catch up on the weekend and make some comments, but
as of now, they will not be relevant.

Jeri, thank you so much for the links. The other computer that I was on crashed, so I finally found one on which I can view the links you supplied.

There is not much time because I am in school 8 hours and then I need to be on time for all of the meals. I have noticed all of the comments and cannot wait to read all of them.

Jeri, I remember you mentioned once that Bertha and Carlos had a more intimate scene than usual, but I can't find it and it makes my big "I can find anything on the internet, I just need time" ego troubled. :) It must've happened between episode 86 and 101.

Hola, Floridia! :)

Great to hear from you Floridia! I hope you're having a wonderful time.

Be sure to catch the beginnings of episodes, because important things are being resolved after the cliffhangers.

Aribeth, I've got stuff on the stove, but I will try to find that at some point...

Floridia, glad you are "here" with us.

Only some of the many loose ends have been tied up. Still, even at this late date, new plotlines are occurring, i.e. the emergence of the "real" Hernandez (blech).

More trouble brewing, more pot stirring still to come.

Sandy, "it can just just a move or two that shows that she is over JJ, if she can ever be". I'm wondering also if that's possible at this point. Guess we'll have to wait and see.


Thank you so much Jeri! This was wonderful.

Re Bertha's "rescue". I think everyone is forgetting the scene early on (Episode 21, part 3 at about 5 minutes in) where Bertha was *all over* a guy she had literally just met in a club. On his lap sucking face. Mina saw her from the stairway and told her friend, "That's Alejandra's sister". I was always struck by that scene and I figured there was a reason for it. I'm wondering if Mina will remember that to Carlos.

I'm also wondering if Marta isn't getting somewhat of a "bad rap" with regard to her reputation. Remember Yolanda told Carlos something about Marta suffering from "depression", maybe she was mentally unstable. I have often wondered if Marta didn't come from the same background as Yolanda. Maybe they are related?

xlnt, I don't know where the concept of a rescue is coming from, unless it's the phone call Bertha made; but what I've said is just that I think Bertha and Carlos are supposed to get back together.

Regarding Bertha's past, let me direct attention to this picture of Carlos, LOL.

Jeri--You keep us laughing and crying all the time. Thank you.

Unfortunately, the relationship between Yolanda and Adolfo was revealed on one of the YouTube links earlier and there for everyone who reads Spanish to see.

Unfortunately, the same was answered right here on CarayCaray as a "maybe" or "I think" speculation right after the YouTube posting when it hadn't really been so important to speculate at that point.

Fortunately, it doesn't change the trajectory of the story for the main characters.

Fortunately, I'm still looking forward to:

What Adolfo, Bertha and Carlos' fates will be;

What will happen to Dante, Edgar, Valentin and Zaida;

Whether Mau and Elsa will tie the knot;

Whether Limon will learn to read and qualify to adopt Caramelo; will Chicles learn manners;

Whether the Genoves family deception will outlast the contract;

Whether Faidela will get his man--and his woman. It would be lovely to have another wedding. It would be great if Fausto could attend at least one of his daughters' weddings;

When David and Gabi will get the name thing straightened out and they are together again to welcome their new baby; whether it is a boy or a girl;

And, I think Ale and JJ need to wait awhile before starting a family, but they could be practicing a lot at the end of the TN. They could also start a literacy foundation to help other barrio kids.

I agree with you, Jeri, that Mina is a minor character compared to Bertha so, unfortunately, I see Bertha with Carlos in the end. But Bertha must change because she is in camp with the enemy now. Maybe she will redeem herself by ratting on Adolfo but at this point, she and Adolfo seem like soulmates.

Julio Aleman's performance as a drunken wounded soul was quite touching as I had empathy for him for the cruel upbringing he endured. As mentioned, shades of Marcos and Elsa with two paths taken, good and bad. Though Yolanda was an accomplice in some of Adolfo's crimes, she wasn't totally corrupted.

Will Hernandez, despite suffering memory loss from the kick to his head, have enough brain cells to figure out that someone is masquerading as a fake Hernandez. That would be a stretch even without memory loss. Will J J spill the beans about the fake shootout and fake Hernandez? What will happen to J J? Leo's probably home since Hernandez has him under observation. Hope he is taken out so we don't have to see ant more spitting sessions. Ugh! Can't wait to see tonight's episode.

Jeri, your recaps are so helpful besides being so entertaining. Since there are no wasted scenes in this novela, I appreciate your help to understand the fast moving plot. Thanks as always.


Newbie, when speculating that Adolfo and Yolanda were sibs I never saw any evidence on a You Tube link, thank goodness. Since Adolfo loves Yolanda but not in a romantic way (Adolfo's facial reaction looked like a romantic connection would be absurd or distasteful) it seemed that they might be related. Perhaps be sibs like Marcos and Elsa. Anyway, I don't know if this speculation is right or wrong. But you tell us it may be. Since LVO is about secrets, it's natural to try to figure what they may be. Speculation isn't spoiling but I apologize if spoiled it for you. But I really do not know what is going to happen.


Thank you Jeri.

The real Hernandez looks more scary and more disgusting than ever. I didn't want to see that character again.

Adolfo and Bertha really do get on. He married her because he likes her company. She just gets scared when he shows his unpredictable evil side, otherwise she likes being with him. Adolfo showed a lonely, vunerable side to his character that was really sad. Wonder if Adolfo was telling the truth about leaving everything to Yolanda.


Regarding the spoiler, I think the less said about it the better. How about it.

Aribeth, I can't find it, so I must be wrong. All I can find is the love scene in #86 when they played the erotic theme they used with Juan José and Alejandra. I must be hallucinating.

They had a really heartwarming scene the night of the kidnapping when Bertha showed up at Carlos's in her night dress. I was enjoying hunting for all their scenes, LOL.

The real Hernandez is fatter and crazier looking than David's version. He looks like someone who was kicked in the head. :)

Margaret- I think the moment when Adolfo said he's left everything to Yolanda was genuine. It just slipped out, so there was no reason for him to lie in that moment. I feel much better about this than everything going to Bertha. Even if/when she is redeemed, I still don't want her to end up with some great fortune. It's fine if Adolfo leaves her a little something. But Yolanda has been with him through thick, thin, blood, sweat and tears, it seems. It's only fair.

I love spoiler freee speculation! It's always fun when you're guesses are right or close, or when the writers come up with something totally unexpected that you could have never guessed.

This listing of nevelas shows Teresa starting on March 16th:

Eva Luna was really short.

Jeri, when I said "rescue" I meant Adolfo's goon taking her away from the hotel party with the 2 guys and her friend Jimena. That's really why I put "rescue" in quotes because Bertha really didn't need rescuing. I'm sure she would have left on her own... in the morning. ;)

There have been a couple of scenes in this TN that have really stuck out and continue to puzzle me. I can't help but think they were put in for a reason.

The first is the scene with Bertha in the bar that I posted about above. Why did they have Mina see her and not say, Gabi and Juli? Then there's the scene where JJ's mother was killed. Alejandra saw Piedad's body at the scene. Later at JJ's house she realized it was his mother, yet she's never said anything about it. Why have the bus crash with Ale's taxi and not just some random car? And why have Ale see the body and then remember the scene only to have it go nowhere? Just seems odd to me.

I'm also puzzled by Dora's "change of heart" that seemingly has come out of nowhere. It's like she just woke up, had a V-8, and decided Adolfo was no longer a murdering psycho so why not testify? Everybody has been trying to convince her to testify for months, she's even run away to avoid it twice. And now it's no big deal?? Does. Not. Compute.

No, don't worry--nobody on CarayCaray really spoiled it. I like speculation, too. I engage in it regularly--so let's keep on keeping on.
Newbie-OK now

xlnt, oh, I see. Actually I am not remembering that bar scene you're thinking about...

But I do remember the bus crash should have led to something and didn't -- and it was really weird Dora decided suddenly last night to blab. I should have mentioned that; I thought about it at the time. Good catch.

And "...had a V-8..." LOL

Thanks to everybody for all the great comments today! Thanks so much for reading and commenting.

"I'm sure she would have left on her own... in the morning. ;)"

I do agree that the goon taking her to Adolfo wasn't a rescue scene but I don't think Bertha was thinking about sleeping with that guy. She stopped him from even kissing her so I doubt anything further would have happened, at least where her is concerned. If that guy continued to be rejected and reacted badly to it, then Bertha would indeed need to have been rescued.

I don't think her kissing a guy at a party several episodes ago clarifies the fact that she would have slept with this one, when she clearly made a motion to stop him from becoming physical.


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