Wednesday, February 09, 2011

La Fea Más Bella #205-206 2/9/11 Lety takes the reins like a pro.

Capitulo 205.
Read K-Fuego’s original recap, then come back here to discuss it.

1. Luigi rejects Lety’s authority. Lety says, “Then we’ll meet without him.” Marcia orders Lui to the meeting, and she keeps him in line while he’s there.

2. Fern keeps touching Lety’s arm, and Tom watches him. Lety presents the food campaign. Luigi says, “Mine, mine, mine!” Lety explains that food producers would want to piggyback on the campaign.

3. Tom quotes how much that sector spends on advertising, and Fern thanks Tom for his helpful input (2 points for Fern). Marcia objects that Conceptos can’t handle such a project. Fern says they haven’t before, but they can give it their all and accomplish it. Harsh-ia says Lety knows nothing of production. Fern says they’re here to support her. Luigi says Fern’s out of the picture and he doesn’t count. Lety says he does too.

4. Julieta visits because she’s lonesome at home. In Reception Aldo invites her for a walk. He charms and flatters MamaJ and compares her to his deceased mother.

5. Lety says the idea wasn’t hers. Luigi insults Tom, so Lety pats Tom’s hand, but Fern pushes Lety’s hand away from Tom. Then Lety says she’s working with her good friend Aldo, and Fern’s jealousy boils over into a loud “NO!” Marcia asks what Fern has against Aldo. He has no good answer.

6. Lety flatters Luigi, that if he has so much talent he can produce 10 commercials in a month. He’s cornered and appeals to his patron. Harsh-ia says Lety’s getting in over her head and they’re risking huge failure. Lety adds that the ads must feature the people who cook the food of Mexico, IOW not white. Luigi references Selma Hayek, but Lety says she’s busy on another project (Ugly Betty).

7. Lety argues the beauty of Mexico’s indígenos and mestizos. Fern needs no convincing. Luigi asks Lety if she thinks she’s beautiful, and Fernando snaps. Lety says she doesn’t need Fern to defend her because her proposal is solid. Lety asks whether Luigi is capable of making beauty with women who aren’t white models. She uses his pride to her advantage and he gives in. Fern is proud of how well she managed Luigi.

Capitulo 206.
Read Alma’s original recap, then come back here to discuss it.

1. Luigi agrees to the project, but to save face he demands that Jazmín be hired. Lety assigns Marcia to oversee startup on the commercials. Omar will contact other companies. Harsh-ia asks what Fern will do, since it’s her duty to keep him under house arrest. Lety says she, Fern, and Tom will work on the financials.

2. Lopez raises several matters. Tom will get the same salary as Olarte. Lety will buy her own car and cell. Marcia announces new secretary assignments: Sara to Fern and Omar. Lola to Tom. Irma and Marta stay put. Paula to Lety. Lety will find a new receptionist. Alicia to Marcia (just desserts!). They’ll all be docked one day of wages for being late, including Alicia.

3. Lety says, “Now it’s time to get started on the project.” Marcia says, “Only if we all agree.” Lety answers, “I’m sorry, you’re wrong. My approval is enough. Otherwise it would be senseless for me to be president.” Marcia’s left gaping.

4. Paula is extracting gossip from Julieta. MamaJ admits that she likes the idea of Aldo as a son-in-law.

5. Lety tells Fern to go work with Tom on the numbers. Tom addresses Fern as “Compañero Fernando,” which means they’re equals. Fern tells him, “That’s Don Fernando to you.” So Tom addresses him as “Don Compañero Don Fernando,” and he calls Omar “amigo de Don Compañero.”

6. Fern listens as Lety tells Aldo that the meeting was tough and she couldn’t have done it without him. She asks him to promise that he won’t leave her alone with all this.

7. Everyone gets to work, including Aldo who teaches Luigi that eating is a love ritual. Everyone except Fern and Omar who go spy on Aldo. Omar has to drag him away. Tom listens and is sure Aldo likes Alicia. As Alma said, “Fern is sure that Aldo is trying to conquer Lety. Omar points out that Fern is back with Marcia. Fern doesn’t see the connection.”

8. Lety tells the cuartel their new assignments. Marcia tells Ali. Her desk will be next to Marta’s.

9. Fernando tries to play down Aldo’s food project, even when Aldo reports that the association has committed $2M start-up costs.


Note the board room seating. When Fernando was disgraced he was moved to the foot of the table next to Luigi. Now that Lety is president he’s up at what’s normally the #2 position. Lety puts Tom next to her. That’s where Fern used to put Lety, a place of honor and the position of closest advisor. It also puts Tom as a defense between Lety and Fernando.

Watch Tom in the meeting. He gets defensive when Fern touches Lety’s arm, but he watches Lety for reaction like a well-trained guard dog. When Lety shows a tiny glimmer of liking Fernando’s pat, Tom is happy too. He relaxes and smiles when Fern pats her. Marcia? Not so much.

Remember my favorite theory? Patrons and clients? A patron’s primary function is to protect his client. A client’s primary function is to support his patron. Back in #140 after Lety found the letter, Luigi attacked Lety, Fernando jumped to her defense, and Lety told him she didn’t need him to protect her. IOW at that moment she rejected him as her patron because he had destroyed her with the letter instead of protecting her. What do you see in the meeting? Any indicators of patrons and clients?

Hi Paula, I'm only halfway through today's episode but I'll throw my two cents worth in about the patron client subject. In the meeting Fernando kept supporting Lety physically and verbally. She allowed him to pat her harm but kept telling him verbally that he didn't need to support her. However when he did verbally support her she didn't get mad about it and didn't actually seem to mind. At least that's how I viewed it. Fernando absolutely needs Lety's support right now. She doesn't absolutely need his but she's not completely rejecting it either.

Lety wants Luigi's support and she's not demanding it but she is coercing it.

At the beginning of this telenovela wasn't Conceptos Fernando's primary objective? Now it seems that saving Conceptos is Lety's primary objective. That's why she knows she needs to work with all the talent there instead of just giving them all the boot and letting the company fail. In order to be successful maybe they all need to support one another and stop the internal battling. Oh, and the office help needs to stop fooling around and be punctual.

I loved Luigi's snide comment about Tomas's hair.

Great recap and screen shots. It was a long meeting (OK I guess it's still not over) but the interactions and body language were interesting, especially Fernando of course.

OK, off to watch the second hour...

Today's pictures are particularly delightful. Thank you, Pata!

I didn't think it was fair to dock all the admin staff a day's pay. (It may not even be legal in the US.) I think it'd be punishment enough to dock the portion of the day that they actually missed. If you make them work the rest of the day for free, I don't think you can expect them to get much done.

You're on the right track, Sylvia. You're close. There's one correction, because I had the luxury of watching it carefully (w/ rewinds) and taking notes. She didn't ever refuse his support, neither verbally or otherwise. When she jumped on him, it wasn't for his support.

OK, thanks for that Paula, and it even more fully supports where I think their relationship is going.

Julie, in the U.S. it would be illegal to dock anybody a day's pay for showing up late. If they are salaried and they show up for work they get paid their regular salary. If they are hourly and they show up late they get paid for the hours they work. Of course this doesn't protect the late employee from getting a verbal or written warning or even a termination of employment (depending on circumstances), but docking pay as a punishment is illegal.

Best caps in a long time in my opinion. There finally were some laughs in there. And Fern doing his celos (jealous) side is unbelievably adorable! How Jaime comes up with so many different expressions is amazing.
Fern, Omar, and Tomas look like they can make a great goofy threesome. I hope to see more in the future.
I like how Tomas isn't "angry" with Fern anymore. Maybe he will work with Fern in getting Lety back?Remember Tomas' first impression of Aldon't was not a good one. He didn't know who he was at the time and he told Lety about "some guy the cuartel were fawning over didn't set well with him" (no me cae bien.) (Mas Espanol para me!)


P.S. to Julie, I had to giggle about your comment that docking the Cuartel's pay might incline them to not get much done. Like they get ANYTHING done except talk in the bathroom, go out to eat and stand around being gossips? I wonder if I can find a job like that? (Just kidding, I'd like to think I could be a bit more useful than that.)

You said--->OK, thanks for that Paula, and it even more fully supports where I think their relationship is going.

Can I ask you your opinion on where their relationship is going?


Paula I like your question for the day! I thought Fern was trying to re-assume the position of the patron though Lety did not need it. She did not reject it but she did not accept it either. Lety is definitely patron to a grateful cuartel and it looks like she is becoming one to Luigi. I hope Aldo does not become her patron though she seems to invite it.
Of course it was hilarious with all that reaching out to touch her. I thought Tomas dunking the cookie in Luigi's tea hilarious. And yes we got to see some good Fern and Omar slapstick and now it looks like Tomas would join in.
Paula hope you would reconsider on Omar as villain. Today you could see he is the friend Fern needs and he is always there for him. Remember that time in Germany if he were villain all he had to do was to tell Marcia look behind you and she would have busted Fern and Lety kissing. He is not the sharpest tool in the shed and the actor along side Camil completely disappears but he does try.
Seriously even Mama Juiletta falling for Aldo's charm!! where is papasito when you need him!!

Hi Diann, sure, sorry I wasn't very clear about that. I think (hope) that Lety and Fernando are reconnecting on a more equal footing. Unfortunately, knowing that this TN was extended, I don't hold much hope that they will actually get back together any time soon. However they never had much of a friendship prior to Fer falling in love with Lety. Fer wasn't honest about his intentions with her and she was completely smitten with him. It wasn't a very strong foundation for a lasting relationship.

I'm thinking that if they are in positions of mutual support then they will have the opportunity to build a stronger foundation for their relationship, wherever it is headed.

Do you think I'm way off base? I'm interested what your thoughts are on this.

When Tomas dunked his cookie in Luigi's tea Omar was visibly cracking up, Marcia was smiling and Fernando was doing that hand over his face thing that he does when he's trying not to laugh out loud. I wonder if the cookie dunk was written into the script or if it was impromptu?

Sylvia, didn't you think that before the false romance started they did develop a good foundation for supporting one another? they seemed to be watching each others back. Lety making sure Marcia didn't catch Fern with any of his indiscretions and Fern backing up Lety's business suggestions. they were good at foiling Alicia at a number of occasions. but this which would have been the beginning of beautiful relationship was thwarted with the false romance. funny they had trust and faith in one another but no romantic relation but once they became romantically linked the trust and faith went out the window. So maybe now they get back to that stage when they were each others mutual support

Key point: A patron protects his client. A client supports his patron.

Action: In the meeting, Marcia tries to shoot down Lety’s food campaign, but Fernando says he’s sure they can accomplish it.
Meaning: He supports Lety’s plan, even against Marcia. It means he is offering himself as Lety’s client. (Marcia doesn’t like that one bit.)

Action: Marcia says that Lety doesn’t have the chops to manage a project like that, but Fern says he’s there to support her.
Meaning: Again he supports her. Again his is offering himself as Lety’s client.

Action: Luigi attacks Fernando as the incompetent ex-president with no say on the board, and LETY DEFENDS HIM!!! She says Fern DOES count.
Meaning: By defending Fernando, she’s saying she accepts him as her client and she agrees to be his patron! This is HUGE!

Action: Fern’s on such a roll, he pushes his luck. Luigi calls Lety la fea más bella. Fernando goes ballistic and shouts him down.
Meaning: He is defending Lety, taking the role of HER patron.

Action: Lety shoots down Fernando, saying he doesn’t need to defend her.
Meaning: She’ll let him support her but not defend her He can be her client but not her patron.

Fernando knows she rejected his patronage; he looks like a boy who got an F in his math test. See the screenshot. (Does Marcia almost look sorry for him? Or did she mess up and make the wrong face?)

Action: Fern quickly recovers. He agrees with her idea and says nobody else is doing it.
Meaning: He goes back to supporting her as her client.

Action: She thanks him again,
Meaning: She’s confirming that she accepts him as her client.

These were some of the best episodes in a while. The Fernando / Omar pair made me think of Stan & Ollie. Their physical timing is incredible. I loved the interaction in the meeting. Each time Fernando reached out to touch Lety the looks on Marcia's face as well as Tomas' & Lety's were priceless.


LOL, Sylvia... you're right, they hardly even work now, so if they were to slack off for the rest of the day, how could you tell??

Yes, I think I could get more work done than that without even trying.

Hmmm...I have to cogitate on separating out the distinct definitions of protect and support. I'll keep these concepts in mind as the plot unfolds.

Jenn, I can't deny that Lety and Fern watched each others' backs and it was fun to watch them thwarting Alicia and Marcia and the others. They seemed like a strong team, could and should have been, but a lot of what they were doing was based on dishonesty. I'm hoping from now on they will at least be honest with each other.

I enjoyed the boardroom dynamics today, the silly sneaking around, everybody shuffling themselves trying to assert their positions. It was great writing and acting, emphasis on the acting. Lopez was even behaving somewhat normally today. I wonder what was up with that?

Just got home from work and am watching this now. These were good episodes and Lety shines.
The cookie scene is hysterical. The funniest part is that Tom just takes it out of his pocket like it is the most natural thing in the world to have a cookie in your pocket.

Paula, thanks for explaining the Lame pata yesterday. I always wondered what he meant by that.

Aldo is slick; very slick. He's conning everyone including Julieta. I guess he figures that if everyone likes him, Lety won't see him for who he really is. She's besotted with him now and wouldn't believe anything bad of him. Fernando cannot do his normal of trying to put the other person down to make himself look better. He needs to just work on himself and trust that Lety will see the truth of who is truly best for her in the long run. Love Jaime Camil's expressions. He really doesn't like Aldo and I think there will be fireworks between the two. They both want Lety and both will do what is necessary to win her. I expect they both will pull out all the stops and I expect a banging confrontation somewhere in the future.

I really enjoyed today's eps. The physical comedy with Fern, Omar and even Tomas sneaking around to hear Aldo's pop psychology was brilliant! I really loved those scenes a lot! :)

I like the train of thought from Silvia in regards to Lety and Fern perhaps starting out on more honest/equal footing with each other now. I agree their support of one another was always sort of based on the nefarious activities they were involved in (mainly because of some harebrained scheme devised by Fern/Omar). But it probably goes back to the patron/client theory that Paula H points out.

I really like the analysis you did on that Paula H. It makes sense to me - and I think it was important that Lety wouldn't allow him to take that role with her now. I think this is important to the tone for the way their relationship will play out - she needs to stand on her own two feet now as la presidencia de Conceptos.

Paula - does Lety's asking Aldo to stay there with her and help her count as her asking him to become her patron?

I find it very interesting that all of the women who run into Aldo LOVE him (even Julieta), but all of the men hate him with the exception of Luigi (and maybe even Omar - he seemed to be neutral, but because of his loyalty to Fern took the stance of hating him). I wonder what Erasmo's reaction will be - I notice that he doesn't dislike Fern (but he doesn't know the whole story either).

What is it about Aldo that he has this effect on all of the men and women for that matter? With the exception of all of you lovely ladies on this board, women LOVE Aldo...

I'm still not sure I see examples of Aldo "conning" anyone - please I need concrete examples... yes he told a lie yesterday. I'll give him that, but otherwise I don't think he's conned anyone yet!

I wonder what motivated Marcia (or Harsha) to get Luigi's butt into that meeting. Was it some sort of power struggle between her and Lety - a way for her to assert her authority? So far I'm rooting for Lety to pull all of this off - we'll have to see if the wheels come off. She sure has a lot of people hoping that it doesn't work out, but she seems to have surrounded herself with supporters as well (Aldo, Tomas, Fern and even Omar).

I missed the cookie scene - so sad about that, but I'll eventually re-watch these caps...

GP, Aldo mostly flirts with the girls and blows off the guys. He was flirting up a storm with Paula even though he saw it was making Saimon mad.

I don't think there's any patron/client thing between Lety and Aldo. Neither protects the other, and although Aldo supports Lety, it seems like more in friendship or lover than as a client.

You saw a lot of patron/client between Fern & Lety in the early days. Her first day of work, she came home head in the clouds and gushed to Tom that Fern had defended her even against his novia. When Lety defended the false balance against Ariel, she proved herself as very valuable client by supporting Fern. Remember she was afraid to go into the meeting and Fern promised no one would touch one hair of her, not even her moustache. Marcia often complained that Fern wouldn't let anyone do anything against Lety.

Why did Marcia order Luigi to the meeting? I honestly think it was in support of Lety, strangely. Marcia knows Lui will only obey Marcia, and she knows Conceptos needs him. Lety treated her squarely when they met. I think Marcia was willing to do that much for Lety. But maybe I'm wrong.

Could not believe that Julietta fell for Dr. Phil at first sight like every other idiot woman we've seen so far. I guess he must be wearing the male version of the perfume all novela heroines do that make every man in the area fall instantly in love. On the other hand if Aldo was Johnny Depp I might understand it. LOL.

Loved Fern touching Lety throughout the meeting with not a word or reaction of protest on her part. Totally loved the WTF moment when Omar and Fern were listening at the door while Aldo rambled on and on and on. Lord help us - first it was all about el mar and now it'a all about food.

Omar/Fern/Tommy Boy skulking around and not falling for Aldo's baloney but then again he isn't going to waste time on men when there are so many besotted woemn on the scene. Interesting that Marcia doesn't seem to be falling under his dubious spell so maybe she isn't as dumb as she sometimes acts.

@Marie - glad to have another defender of Aldo on here. I was feeling a little lonely.

@Paula H- I felt Aldo was merely responding politely and not really flirting with the girls who ALL threw themselves at him.

@Decie - maybe he is wearing some sort of special cologne - I've NEVER seen anything like the reactions to Aldo on this show. No one ever reacts to the other guys in the show like that...well not unless they are a skanky model (like Jazmin).

I'd still love to hear more concrete examples of how Aldo is 'conning' everyone...maybe it's something that happens later on in the storyline that we haven't seen yet (that you can't discuss yet)? If so I'm ok with not knowing for now.

Again - I like that Lety's friendship with Aldo gives her a bit of extra allure for Fern and even the others. Everyone notices the difference in her and it's all because of Aldo - so anything that helps her to become a more self confident Lety is ok in my book.

I am now officially hooked to this board and so grateful to everyone for the recaps and comments. I so look forward to coming here and reading everyone's comments! Sometimes it is the next day, as I work night shift and this page is blocked. :(
Ademas, I noticed when Aldo had that turtleneck, 2 days ago, it was patterned, and looked as if it were 'stained'--but really was not. I don't know, with the leather jacket, if he is wearing the same shirt. (??)
I loved Fernando's touching of Lety's arm, and Tomas' reaction, etc. Then there was Lopez and Omar' touching of arms--and even Luigi and Omar! Luigi really is a drama reina--and as for valerian--it is often used as a sleep aid instead of sleeping pills.
BUT--the best scene, IMHO was when Tomas dunked his cookie into Luigi's tea. I nearly fell off my chair, and it looked unscripted to me--as Lety's reaction was priceless.
I looked up Omar (Google Images) and in earlier photos his eyes are really intense.
It seems he was once a semi-professional boxer.
AND, he was once a member of the singing group "Garibaldi".
There is a great YouTube video called "Baila Omar baby" with clips of him singing/dancing!
And tons of pics of him

GP, let me put it this way. If I were to say, "We see stuff about Aldo in the future that I can't talk about," even that would be a sort of spoiler.

The following is NOT meant to be the solid proof you requested.
About who falls for Aldo: I think he does flirt with the cuartel, but it doesn't take much work on his part. Other than that, notice who he does and does not try to charm. He charmed Luigi and got the office. He charmed Julietta (you're a wonderful cook, your daughter is wonderful, you remind me of my deceased mother). He blew off Alicia (do you want to tell me about your ascension in the company?). And he was civil with Marcia, nothing more. Do you see any trend?

Yeah, Marie, I thought Aldo's turtleneck was just NASTY!

I almost forgot. EL BLOOPER GRANDE is Thursday. Fern and Omar stand just inside the door to Omar's office. I think Omar steals Fern's line, and they look at each other awkwardly. Then something happens and Jaime almost breaks his hand. Augie (Omar) is so thrown off that he points at the teleprompter and asks, "Where are we? (Donde lugar?)" Camil repeats the line that started the whole mess, but he says it flatly, and then they get back on track from there.

Can't wait!

Paula H - so far it seems he charms those who will help him to obtain his primary goals. He hasn't treated anyone, but Fern shabbily (which I can sort of understand). So far he's just like most human beings- not perfect, just going after what he wants...

It would be interesting to see Aldo meet Erasmo and what reactions Erasmo will have to him. I think that will be a true test of his character given the feelings of most here that he is indeed 'conning' the ladies of LFMB. I think Erasmo has pretty good instincts so far - he called BS on Alicia! LOL

Aldo's appeal - I notice that with most people (including Lety at first, until she started digging), he either discusses neutral topics (food, el mar, abstract vaguely new agey stuff) or else he puts the focus on the other person. Or, he talks about his work. But he rarely talks about anything personal about himself.

It's a good way of making a superficial relationship feel much "deeper" than it is. By being interested in others while keeping himself a blank, Aldo enables his acquantances to easily see him the way they want to, rather than how he is. That's why everyone loves him when they first meet him. All they know about him is that he makes them feel warm and fuzzy. But they don't really know anything about him.

Also: I can't say it's a con, especially since some people do it without even realizing it, but there's a particular communication strategy that's recommended for salesmen or anyone who needs to build rapport and trust quickly: you mirror the communication style of the person you're talking to. This is supposed to charm the heck out of people who feel that they're talking to someone who really "gets" them. That may explain why, whenever Luigi begins flirting with Aldo, Aldo seems to be flirting back. (I don't think he's actually crossed the line with Luigi, but I didn't watch yesterday's so maybe I'm wrong.) He's imitating Luigi's manner, somewhat. (Only somewhat. He's not being conceited or swishy, but slightly coquettish. It's as if he's showing Luigi a more muted and polite way of being Luigi.)

Julie - that's a great insight re: Aldo. I think that's why I am not so bothered by him personally - I deal with these types of people pretty often (and to a certain extent do it myself). He's using the Dale Carnegie "How to win friends and influence people" method. He's only allowed Lety in as far as I've seen, which is another reason I think he's responded so strongly to her.

Lety credits her success in the meeting to Aldo’s support. The fact is, how she managed the executives in the meeting is a natural extension of how she used to manage Luigi.

When Aldo speaks of an enchanting woman, Fern is certain he means Lety. This is a shift/step forward for Fernando. For a long time he’s considered her marvelous but now, … look at it this way. If you talk about the best looking man on earth, I KNOW you must mean Colunga. That’s the only one it could be. Likewise to Fernando, if someone talks about The Perfect Woman, Fern is positive you must mean Lety.

I have a confession to make. To me, Johnny Depp is TBLMOE. Colunga is just TBLMOT (T=Televisa). (Not even TBLMOU where U=Univision, because that would be Jorge Ramos.)

IMO, of course. :-)

Julie, you obviously have no taste. Punto.

Paula and Julie,
I will argue you both that The Best Looking Man on The Planet is


One more comment,

I spoke with one of my girlfriends who was born and raised in Mexico City. She confirms it is the height of rudeness, bad behavior to walk away from someone during a conversation without saying good-bye. It is also highly rude to come across someone and not to greet them (saludar). In Mexico the well mannered always greet you and always "take their leave".


Case in point, Diann: I took an Intercambios class. Spanish learners and English learners together. The teacher paired us up and directed the conversations. Great class because we were learning from each other and had maximum speaking time and maximum "teacher" attention. Anyway, back to the point.

If an immigrant student had to leave class early, rather than sneaking out quietly like an American, he would say goodbye to the teacher and say goodbye to the classm even if the teacher was in the middle of teaching something. In his culture it was MUCH more rude to exit without taking leave, than to interrupt the class to say goodbye.

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